HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 68RESOLUTION NO. 68 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS OF MAJOR IMPORTANCE The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: Pursuant to the provisions of the. Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the annexed budget from MC 5 entitled "Project Statement No 5" dated July 3Oth, 1937, is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 2: The Mayor shall sign this Resolution, and the City Clerk shall certify to the passing and adoption thereof. I, D.T. HAYDEN, City Clerk of the City of Tustin do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting thereof held August 16, 1937. Ci t~'-Ol ~k-of t'h'e~ 'C'~tY ~ of Tus~ in The foregoing Resolution is hereby approved this l~th day of A.~~:s~;..,i, 1937. · M~or o~ %h e O~y Of- TU'S t i n .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF. RE80LUTIOT ~To. 6g • RE90LIITI0lT OF ~E CITY COUgCIL OF TSE OI TY OF TUSTIB APPROVI~tG AAD •DOPTIBG • BUDGET PURSUANT TO THE PROYI8I088 OF ~ B~TB AAD HIGHI~AYB OODE OF ~E BTATE OF CALIFORBIA, AND DESIGBATIBG CERTAIS STRI~STB OF YLTOR IMPORTANCE. ~e City Council of the Oity of Tutstin does hereby resolve as follower BECTIOlf 1: Pursnaut to the provisions of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Oaliforaia, the annezed budget from I~3 5 entitled "Pro~eo t Statement 80. 5M, dated July 30th, 1937 ie hereby approved and adopted. SECTI08 2: The Mayor shall sign this Resolution, aad the City Cleric shall oertify to the passing and adoption thereof. Passed, adopted and approved this ~~~~ day of 1937• I (8EAL Atte et: ~ y ~ i ty lerlc. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting thereof held (~;~__, 1937• .r. ~~r.,.a~cr ity Olerlc f the ity of Tustin. ~ Forth MC-5 uTaa a-aT sw. ear. asses 3TAT[ MINTING Oii1EE Project Statement No.. _ 5____..___ ___.__. DATE ----July--30~-----------------------------1937-- DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Sacramento, California ~TO BE TRANSMITTED THROUGH DISTRICT ENGINEER S. V. Cortelyou Address__ 808__ State__Bldg._t__Los__ ~n~eles~___Calif . The City of______Tustin,__California a municipality, pursuant to Sections 194 and 19 S of the Streets and Highways Code, providing for the allocation and expenditure from the State Highway Fund of an amount equal to the net proceeds of one-quarter cent per gallon tax on motor vehicle fuel upon STREETS OF MAJOR IMPORTANCE within municipalities, other than State highways, does hereby submit this project statement as its budget proposals for the estimated expenditure recommended to be made during the ensuing fiscal year under said provisions. 1. Does the city wish to authorize accumulation of funds accruing for expenditure at a later date?--------------~°---------------------------------- 2. Program of Improvement. (Describe proposed improvement brie9y, mtthod of program development, and explain propoud method of financing improvement.) (Insert additional shau u Waded.) --------------1~-- ~--R-~4-Bo ~~~__itS?__$r~SJ~e--1---~U~#'a~s-_~[~,txi__MC-4_,---~~'--8 awl}-- --f~il~.__1~~.Sl~h_12s t~resxl__4»h__1111@s_r--s.--p-or~iDxi--saf--~ain_ ~ t-,s,s_ot-•----- ----------_-I~rQV~m~nl~__~Q__h~___psi.si__f~r__fr_Qm_fvnd.s_.ayailable .for___---- . _S_trash.s--~.f--DRa.~or_--ImgIIrtAance-.-------- FORM MC-5 Anaa a-s/ aM. [fT, aAaa STATE /aI MTINa O//ICE Strsets of Maior Ixsportatres A. Description of Street or Road Proposed for Improvement. (Ux xpadce ihaec for each project.) Local Name of Road or Street- Main Street __--___-_-~___-_-__-__________ Beginning and End of Proposed Wor)~_from_~oint 1'~! Ez~~_4~_S~a.3Af_o~a_____ Street_to a point 20t West of Pacific Street-____-__-__ __- Length in miles-Gross-___-_~ •_12 mile s -_-_------_----Net__- 0.~__~1~.,_____ Present width of right of way between property lines_____80_feet Present width between curb lines_ 56 feet + _ ---____ (If no curb, state widcL between gotten or rhoulder line) Present surfacing: Width_Roek and oil strip_~dirt shoulders-_-__ Condition- Needs repairing - Present improvements• Curbs- Portion O.A, some broken - some not_ in• Gutters Dirt -- Sidewal)is Mostly O.K. - Electroliers- None -_ _ - Public utility occupancy_____ Polg__~ine s ~ bras -Water rote line., gaa, water, xwu, etc. Traffic restrictions: Parking-Parallel- __Diagonal__-__ Speed limit--_ 25 _---_--- --- Railroad crossings None --_ (If Rn7read Cammiaion eroaing namber ie g-~en, dexription of grade xpuaciomu not neeeaar~) Major drainage structures-_ N~1@___ ---- -- _----_-_ Obstructions and points of congestion-_I~I~______---- _---_-___-_____ P - FORM MC-5 Strettt of Mayor l~nportaxee aasu a-ae aw. ear. teos ' ~ CALIFORNIA STATE PRINTING OFiItE B. Proposed Work on Above Street or Road: SURVEYS AND PLANS Length and Limits____0~12__mile___-_-between__!'A!!__and_Pacif ie__Streets___________ Specific Proposal____Gradin~_and Surfaein~____________________ ---------------------------- -- (For right of way or construction) Estimated Cost---____--_250.00 ----____-- -- _ _-- -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Work to be done bY-------City__---------------------------------------------------------------------_- (cicy or stare) RIGHT OF WAY Width to be acquired------------------------------------------------------Limits----------------------------- Preliminary estimate of cost: Land acquisition Removal of improvements Other expense . TOTAL To be acquired by__-------------------------------------------------------------~ (City or Scace) CONSTRUCTION General description of proposed construction.___Street__to_be__graded__to__4"________ __below_finish__~rade -Surfaced_with_ 2!!__of-Uuralithic____________________ Length and limits_-0~]~2-.._~,.lei--h~~~¢~~Qn__"_A_"__..s~~~~af~__~#~'~e~~--------------- Proposed grading, width-------__5fi_f~as~-_______-_-------_--------------------------- Proposed paving, width----------~5__~~ c~--------------------------------------------------------- Proposed type of paving---____-- ~ra.~ i thi -_______________________ _ Proposed bridges---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- (Strueturea over 20 feet in span) Estimated construction cost------~16.1Q..04---------------..------------------------------------------------------------ Engineering and inspection cost_~25Q.Ct4___~incly.s~fls1-uridcr__fiLir_Y_4y~__~3~__Plans Work to be done under supervision of_..__i'tit,.g______________________________________________________.__. (Ciq or state) • ~ FORM MC-5 ~ ~ Streets of Major Importance ' a~l07 B-!6 6M. EST. 992 + / ~ ~ C~LIfORNI~ 57117E -RINTINO OFFICE 3. MAINTENANCE _ P,~ain Street Length and limits__0.12__Mile from r'Ar' St. to Pacific _ ____ ______________ _ __ St. Character of maintenance..- General ------------------------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Sufficient to maintain Estimated cost-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Work to be done bY------------- -- C ~---------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------- (City or State) MAINTENANCE Street------------------------------------ ----- Length and limits-------------------------------------------------------------------- - Character of maintenance- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimated cost--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Work to be done bY------------- ----------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -------- (City or State) MAINTENANCE Street------------------------------------ ----- Length and limits---------------------------------------------------------------------- Character of maintenance-------- ------------------- --------- ----------------------------- -------------------------------------- Estimated cost------------------ -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Work to be done bY------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------- (city or state) MAINTENANCE Street----------------------------------------- Length and limits..--------------------------------------------------------------------- Character of maintenance -------- ------ - - - ---- ------- -------- ----- ---------- ---------- -------------------- Estimated cost-------------------- -------- -- ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Work to be done bY------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Cicy or State) MAINTENANCE Street----------------------------------------- Length and limits---------------------------------------------------------------------- Character of maintenance --------- ----------------- --------- ------------------------------------ Estimated cost-------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Work to be done bY------------ -------- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------- -------------- -- (City or State) ' FORM MGS ' . L' !3707 7-36 3Y ast. 1350 CAGIIOaaIA ATAi[ MIaT1a0 Or-IGL 4. Amount of funds available for: Streets of Md~or I7rs~ortatrce SURVEYS AND PLANS RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCB CONSTRUCTION %4 cent for city streets -50.00 __ -______________ ______-_________ -~1610,~80_ City funds ------------------ -------- ------------ County contribution --------------------- -------------- -------------------- -------------------- 250 X00 __ _______ .~7.~.4~49 _ ToTtu, - (If city dais to provide fund: for Maintemnce from iq own funds. amount svailabk for such purpose should be listed a "City funds.") S. Additional Remarks---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official tide proper authority Signature authorized officials Approval recommended: Dtstrkt EsaiNSn