HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 60RESOLUTION NO. 60 A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT TO ABATE THE PUBLIC NUISANCE HERETOFORE DECLARED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO EXIST IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, TO-WIT: WEEDS WHICH BEAR SEEDS OF A WINGY OR DOWNY NATURE AND ATTAIN SUCH A LARGE GROWTH AS TO BECOME A FIRE MENACE WHEN DRY AND WHICH ARE NOXIOUS AND DANGEROUS, GROWING UPON CERTAIN STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, BY HAVING THE WEEDS REFERRED TO REMOVED. The City Council of the City of Tustin resolves as follows: SECTIONI. Pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled, "An Act Author- izing Municipalities to Declare Noxious or Dangerous %~eeds Grow- ing upon the Streets or Sidewalks or Private Property within Municipalities to be a Public Nuisance, Creatin~ a Lien upon the Property fronting upon such Streets or Sidewalds or upon which such Nuisance l~xists for the ca>st of Abating the ~ame,'~ approved ~. May 26, 1915, and amendments thereto, the City Council of the ~ity of ~ustin having acquired jursidtction so to do, hereby orders the Street ~uperintendent of aaid City to abate the public nuisance heretofore declared to exist in said City of Tustin, t o-wi t: "~'eeds which bear seeds of a wingy-or downy nature and attain such a large growth as to become a fire menace when dry and which are noxious and dangerous, growing upon the streets or ~idewalks in front of or upon private property described as follows, to-Wit: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES AND STREETS HAVING OBNOXIOUS WEEDS ON THEM. LOT ................. ~ .BLOCK ................................ TRA. CT ........... Lot 5 Block C Tract No. 338 North C Street tot 6 Block C Tract No. 338 North C Street Lot 9 Block C Tract No. 338 North C Street ~". Lot 11 Block u Tract No. 338 North C Street Eot 7 Block B Tract No. 338 North C Street Lot 9 Block B Tract No. 338 North C Street Lot ~ Block A Tract No. 338 North B Street Lot 5 Block A Tract No. 338 North B Street Lot I Block A Tract No 338 Fir st Street Lot 3 Tract No. 3/-1-7 California or North A Street East 59.~ ft. of Lot 1 Tho Tract No. 3~7 First Street East 60.~y ft. of the South 150 ft, of Lot l0 Thomas Yorba Tract First Street Lot 10 Tract No. 33~ Myrtle Street Lot 15 Block Part of Uity of Tustin D Street West 50 ft. Lots ll and 12 Block A Tract No. 3 Third Street West 60 ft. of the East 1~5 ft. of the South 137.5 ft. of Block B North 162½ ft. Sf East 1/2 of Block B Tract No. 3 Tract No. 3 Main Street Third and Pros- pect Streets. SECTION 2. ~ny property owner shall have the right to have~..any of said weeds removed at his dwn expense, providing the same is done prior to the arrival of the Street Superintendent or his representatives to do the same. SECTION 3. The Street Superintendent shall keep an account of the cost of abating said nuisance in front of or on each separate lot or parcel of land where the work is done by him or his deputies,and shall render and itemized report, in writing to the City Council of the City of Tustin showing the cost of removing such weeds on each separate lot, or in front thereof, or both provided, that before said report is submitted to said City Council, a copy of the same shall be posted for at least three days l~rior thereto, on or near the Chamber Door of said ~ity Council, together with a notice of the time when said report shall be submitted to the City Council for confirmation. At the time fixed for receiving and considering said report, the City Council shall hear the same, together with any objections which may be raused by any of the property owners liable to be assessed for the work of abating said nuisance and thereupon make such modifications in the report as they deem necessary, after which said report shall be confirmed. 'Z'he amounts of the cost for abating such nuisance in':'front of or upon the va~'ious parcels of land mentioned in said report shall constitute special assess- merits against the respective parcel~ of land, and, as this made and confirmed shall constitute a [-ien on said property for the amount of such assessments, respectively, and ther~f~ter said amounts shall be collected at the same time and in the same' manner as ordinary municipal taxes are collected and shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedure under fore- closure and sale in c~se of d~in~uency a~ provided for oral- inary municipal taxes, I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the City Uouncil of the City of ~£~ustin, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 18th day of May, 1936, by the following vote, to-wi t: AYES: COUNCILNEN:~oMa.n., ..P...ieoer, and.... .._ ~Sc~wendem,an ....... . ..... NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ........ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Kiser (Seal) ff"the'-~itY-Of' ?usti'~ - APPROVED ~ay~8, 1936 ' Mayor of the Oi~y of" iustin~ 1 2 3 4' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNtY-AT-LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF. RESOLUTION N0. 60 A RESOLUTI08 ORDERING THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT TO ABATE 18E POBLIO NUISANCE HERETOFORE DECLARED BY THE CITY COiJNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO EXIST IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, TO-WIT: WEEDS WHICH BEAR SEEDB OF A WINGY OR DOWNY NATURE AND ATTAIN SUCH A LARGE GROWTH A$ TO BECOME A FIRE MENACE WHEN DRY AND WHICH ARE NOXIOUS AND DANGEROUS, GROWING UPON CERTAIN STREETS, $IDEAlALBS AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN T$E CITY OF TUSTIN, BY HAVING THE WEEDS REFERRED TO REIdOVED. The City Council of the City of Tustin resolves as follows: SECTION I. Pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled, "An Act Author- izing Municipalities to Declare Noxious or Dangerous S~'eeds Gxowing upon the Streets or Sidewalks or Private Property within Municipalities to be a Public Nuisance, Creating a Lien upon the Property fronting upon such Streets or Sidewalks or upon which such Nuisance Exists for the cost of Abating the Same", approved May 26, 1915, and amendments thereto, the City Council of the City of Tustin having acquired ~urisdic tion so to do, hereby orders the Street Superintendent of said City to abate the public nuisance heretofore declared to exist in said City of Tustin, to-wit: Weeds which bear seeds of a wingy or downy nature and attain such a large growth as to become afire menace when dry and which are noxious and dangerous, growing upon the streets or sidewalks in front of or upon private property described as follows, to-wit: -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C___~8 L~----9 10 11 ~_.12 ~~13 14 15 16 17 18 20 L~-- 21 22 23 24 25 X26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES AND STREETS HAVING OBNO%IOUS WEED$ ON THEM. LOT Lot 5 V Lot 6 / Lot 9 Lot 11 ~ Lot 7 Lot 9 Lo t ~ t~ Lot 5 ~ Lot 1 ~ Lot 3 East 59.4 ft. ofLotl East ~ 47 t. of the South 150 ft. of Lot 10 o t 10 (/ Lot 15 ~~ 'Nest 50 ft. Lots 11 and L 12 West 60 ft. of the East 145 ft. of ~ the South 137.5 ft of North 162 ft of BLOCK 'Block C Block C Block C Block C Block B Block B Block A Block A Block A Block 41 lock A Block B TRAC T ~ . Tract No . 33S Tract No. 33S Tract No. 33S Tract No. 33~ Tract No. 33~ Tract No . 33~ ', Tract No. 33~ Tract No. 33~ Tract No. 33~ Tract No . 347 STREET . North C Street North C Street North C Street North C Street North C Street North C Street North B Street Nor th B Street First Street California or North A Street East 1/2 of Block Tract i~To . 347 Thomas Yorba Tract Tract No. 334 Part of Tustin City Tract No. 3 Tract No . 3 Txac t No. 3 First Street First Street Myrtle Street D Street Third Street Main Street Third and Pro spec t Streets. MORRIS CAIN ATTORN[Y•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I MORRIS CAIN ATTORN[Y•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF. SEC TION 2. Any property owner shall have the right to have any of said weeds removed at his own expense, providing the same is done prior to the arrival of the Street Superintendent or his representatives to do the same. $EC TION 3. The Street Superintendent shall keep an account of the cost of abating said nuisance in front of or on each separate lot or parcel of land where the work is done by him or his deputies, and shall render an itemized report, in writing to the City Council of the City of Tustin showing the cost of removing such weeds on each separate lot, or in front thereof, or both provided, that before said report is submitted to said City Council, a copy of the same shall be posted for at least three days prior thereto, on or near the Chamber Door of said City Council, together with a notice of the time when said report shall be submitted to the City Council for confirmation. At the time fixed for receiving and considering said report, the City Council shall hear the same, together with any objections which may be raised by any of the property owners liable to be assessed for the work of abating said nuisance and thereupon make such modifications in the report as they deem necessary, after which said report shall be confirmed. The amounts of the cost for abating such nuisance in front of or upon the various parcels of land mentioned in said report shall constitute special assessments against the respective parcels of land, and, as this made and confirmed ehall constitute a lien on said property for the amount of such assessments, respec tively, and thereof ter said amounts shall be collected at the same time and in the .~ 1 same manner as ordinary municipal taxes are collected and shall 2 be subject to the same penalties and the same procedure under 3 foreclosure and sale in case of delinquency as provided for 4 ordinary municipal taxes. 5 6 I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was 7 adopted by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular 8 meeting thereof held on the 1Sth day of May, 1936, by the 9 following vote, to-wit: 10 11 C AYES il ~• ounc men: , 12 13 ~ti 14 NOES, Councilmen: ~~Y~-- 15 ` ABSENT, Councilmen: 16 17 18 (SEAL ) ATTEST: ~ ~. 19 1 k o the ity o Tustin. 20 21 22 APPROVED May 1S, 1936. 23 24 25 Mayor o the Ci of Tustin. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN AT70RN[Y•AT-lAW SANTA ANA. CALIF. -~