HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 51RESOLUTION NO. 51 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING, THAT THE EXPENSES INCURRED BY CITY OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, WHEN ATTENDING TO BUSINESS MATTERS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AND WHEN ATTENDING MEETINGS RELATIVE TO MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AS REPRESENT- ATIVES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, REQUIRING TRAVEL OR ATTENDANCE AT OTHER PLACES THAN WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, BE PAID FOR OUT OF THE GENERAL FUNDS OF SAID CITY OF TUSTIN. WHEREAS, in the interests of the City of Tustin, and in order that the City Officials of the City of Tustin may be better advised as to ~nrrent legislation and matters relative to municipal affairs, it is nec- essary ~nd advisable that at times City O£ficials of the City of Tustin attend to mat.ters of business for the City of Tustin requiring them to travel to other cities, and advisable that they attend meetings held in various cities at which meetings matters of munic- ipal government are generally and privarily discussed; ~nd whereas said meetings are attended solely in the interest of better government in the City of Tusiin; and whereas attendance upon such business and st such meet- ings require expenditures for travel and incidentals customary thereto, which expenditures are incurred in interests of said City of Tustin, and should be borne and paid for by sA~.d City of Tustin: NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED: That the expenses of City Officials of the City of Tustin, in attending to business matters of the City of Tustin, necessitating travel and incidental expense on the part of such City Officials, and in attending meet- ings relative to municipal affairs as representatives of the City of Tustin, which attendance requires travel or the incurring of incidental expenses, or both, be borne and paid for by the said City of Tustin, out of the General Fund of said City, add the City Clerk of the City of the City of Tustin~.shall draw warrants against the General Fund of said City in payment for such expenses when and as the same are incurred. This Resolution sh~ll take effect Passed, approved ~nd adopted this 4th day of March, 1935. immediately. [~th day of ATTEST: (SEAL) --C-it y Ulerk 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Al 22 23 24 $5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY-AT•LAW BANTA ANA. CALIR. RESOLUTION N0. ~_ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING, AUTriORIZING AND DIRECTING, THAT THE EXPENSES INCURRED BY CITY OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, -4'HEN A~i~TENDING TO BUSINESS ~.ATTERS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND Y~iEN ATTENDING MEETINGS RELATIVE TO ~UNICI~'AL AFFAIRS AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, REQURING TRAVEL OR ATTENDANCE AT OTHER PLACES THAN tyITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN BE PAID FOR OUT OF THE GENERAL FUNDS OF SAID CITY OF TUSTIN. ----ooo___~O° -- 1~- ~1FiEREAB, iii the interests of the City of Tustin, and in order that the City Officials of the City of Tustin ma.y be better advised e.s to current legislation and matters relative to municipal a.ff~,ire, it is necessary and advisable that a.t times City Officials of the City of Tustin attend to matters of business for the 8ity of Tustin requiring them to trave 1 to other cities, and advisable that they attend meetings held in various cities as which meetings matters of municipal government are generally and primarily discussed; and ~~hereas said meetings are ~~ttended solely in the interest of better government in the (City of Tustin; and «herea.s attendance upon such business and lat such meetings require expenditures for travel end incidentals (customary thereto, v~;hich expenditures are incurred in the lllOoraStB of said City of Tustin, a.nd should Le borne and paid for by said City of Tustin: NOa THEREFORE: B$ i'P ETSOLVED: That the expenses of City Officials of the City of Tustin,( in attending to business matters of the 9ity of Tustin, necessi- ta.ting travel and incidental expense on tre part of such City Officials, and in attending meetings relative to rnunicinal affairs a.s representatives of the City of Tustin, v~hich attendance) requires travel or the incurring of incidental expenses, or both, be borne a.nd paid for by the said City of Tustin, out of the neral Fund of said City, and the City Clerk of the City of -1- 1 2 3 4 s 6 s s l0 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 g5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNlT-AT•LAW BANTA ANA. CALIR. the City of Tustin shall draw warrants zgainst the General Fund of said City in payment for such expenses when and a.s the same are incurred. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Passed, anvroved a.nd adopted this day of 1935• ATTEST; Mayor of the City of Tustin. (SEA i y er STTTE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF ORANGES )~ SS. CITY OF TUSTIN. I, J. R. Harbour, City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, Ca.lifornia., hereby certify lk that the foregoing resolution tiva,s regularly introduced and regularly passed by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City, held on the !~ da.y of 1935, by the following vote, to-v~it: AYyS: NOES: Councilmen: ABESENT: Councilmen: ~'~--- Dated this ~ da.y of 1935• AT'~EST: (SEAL ) City Clerk of Tustin, California.. ~~~