HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 49RESOLUTION NO . 49 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN DETERMINING AND DECLARING THAT CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN ARE IN NEED OF REPAIRS, AND REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO ADVANCE TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, OUT OF GAS- OLINE TAX MONEY RECEIVED BY THE COUNTY OF ORANGE FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING SUCH REPAIRS, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAKING OF SAID REPAIRS ON CONDITION THAT FUNDS THEREFOR ARE RECEIVED FROM AND THROUGH THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, ,it has been made to appear to the City Council of the City of Tustin that the following desig- hated streets in the City of Tustin are in need of repairs, costing approximately the amount indicated after each of the Streets hereinafter named, to-wit: Pasadena Street $20.00; Myrtle Street $~0.'00; Pacific Street $~0.00; A.Stre,.~t $$0.00;' B Street $~0..00; C Street $~0.00; Second Street $60.00; Third Street $~0.00; Sixth Street $~0.00; Prospect ~venue $25.00; Main Street $22.22; total estimated repairs necessary $~07.22; AND '~5{EREA8, the County of Orange has received from the State of California certain moneys from gas, oline tax, which is available for allotment to the City of Tustin for the purpose of repairing and recon- ditioning said street, such allotment .to be made by the Board of Supervisors of Orange County; BE IT RESOLVED: That request be made to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, State of California, that said Board of Supervisors make to the City of Tustin an allotment of funds from the gasoline tax money received by the County of Orange for the current year, for the purpose of making such repairs and doing such recon- ditioning on the street;s in the City of Tustin, here- inbefore named, as may be deemed advisable by the City Council of the City of Tustin and the Street Superin- tendent of said City; BE I:T FURTHER RESOLVED: That in the event said request for allotment of funds for repairing and reconditioning said streets named is granted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, the Street Superintendent Of the C,ity'of~.:.Tustin be, and he is hereby authorized to proceed to make repairs and to do reconditioning work on the following named streets in the City of Tustin, and for such purpose to expend on the work on each of said streets approximately and nearly as can be done, the amount indicated aft'er each of the following streets named, to-wit: Pasadens Street $20.00; Myrtle Street $$0.00; Pacific Street $$0.00; A Street ~$0.00; B Street $14.0.00; C Street ~1-1.0.00; Second Street $I~0.00; Third Street $40.00; Sixth Street SgO.O0; Prospect Avenue $~5..00; Main Street $22.22. The City Clerk .shall cerfify to the adoption of this Resolution and from thenceforth the same shall. be in full force and effect. I hereby cerfify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and passed by the City Council of the City of Tustin, Californ~.~:.,., at a. regular meeting of sa~.d City Council held on the 18th day of June, 1934. (SEAL) -C'lerk--0f the 'City of Tut~tin, California. Approved June 18. 193~.. MaYor 0£ -the- Cit~'of'~ Tustin, California. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 ' 13 14 15 is 17 18 is 20 21 2z 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY-AT•LAW SANTA ANA, CALIF. xZeot~~rox ~o. 4g ABSOLII~IaY Qr ~ QIS? OOU~Q~L or ~ OZx7 Or '~~!!~ ~ t~1D LJRI~ 3~Jls 0~1i~ ~." Ilt ~ d~'Y'Y Ar~ '~~~ ~ Bogs ar ~Z .4r ~ o~ o~ra~ ~o ,~r~ra~ro ~ aster ©r ~r~tt~t oayr a~ cr~~ r ~vst :~ ~r_~ or 01~L~E ~ ~''t1T.t Or !~ rDItB~ l~ ~ ~ OF , Maxi 4th ~ ',~? N~8 ~ d~ '~~~lI4lD r!!~t ~ ~ '!~ Bad Or SORB tir 4~t ~', !f ICLIr0itltYt. ~, i t ba+r been ~ to a~peas to the Q i ty aouno it opt the Qity o! tnstt~t that the tollowtng dseigaated streets in ,the tlity of 2t~stia sae in need of repairs, ~aosting ~pproaimately the amovmt indi.eated after each o! the st~resb hereinafter named, to-wits Fa,Ra~lena 8#seet ~EO.t)0; Yale 8lrteet ~O.o4; Paaifto ~tre•t ~4o.ou; ~, Street o.oo; B street X40.00; v 8t=eet #40.00; ~rmd motet ~4. tl0= ~ltf~[d stseet #~. 00; ~l3t'~ 4ireet ~f.00; Prespeet ~irentu ~0~; Yain stseet att. fit; 1sta1 estimated sepaisa nesessarar $407. tit; Alm wit, the CenatT o! tlsange has reeeiTed from the State of Qaliforsia ee~rtaxa moneys irem garo3las tar, which is mailable tos alloie-enlc to the Oity o! 'h~stin Sor the p~pose o! rep-alrisg cad ~tevonditioning said street, snQh allotment to be marde br the Board o! 8upezvisors o! Orange Qounty; BB 1 ~' RBiiQLY~Ai tat segaest be ^dlie to the. Board A! r/isord O! th0 ~Qounty o! Orange, ~tste of Oalilo=aia, that said Board o! 8nper- visoss malts to the Qi#~r o! ?ariiin an alloirment o! ids !'roc the gasoline tan ~aey reaeited by the Oounty o! Orange for the current year, !or the purpose o! malting atioh repairs and dAing such reconditioning on the streets in the Oity o! Tt~istin, .lw 1 2 3 4 5 s 7 s 9~ to , 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNRY-AT-LAW BANTA ANA. CALIF. hsreinbstore Waned, as may be deemed ad~riubie by the Oity Ootimoil of the Oifiy of 'htrtin and the 81p~est ~esintendent of said Oity; B& I4 PUR?H~ RH80L9ED: Shat in the eTent raid rsgneet for alleiment of fundr for repairing and rseonditiening raid rtseeta named it granted by the Board of B~errieosr of the Qom~ty of Osaage, the Street Superintendent of the Oity of Tartin be, and he le hereby author- ised to prooeed to mate repais~s and to de rea~onditioning work on the following nened stseete in the Oity of Tusitia, and for a~u~ch purpose to exPtnd on the work on each of seid •tsestr epproz- i irately and neaaly e,r san be done, the ~uut in~d~isated after i I sash of the tollowieg slgr~eetr named, tai-Rwits~ Pa~a~saa Sitseet X20.00; l~rtis 8t:tset X4.00; paoitie . Bt;set X0.00; d Street $~i4.40; B 81~eet . ~40.4t> i 0 gtreet X40.40 i eeeond Bisset X60.00 i i ?bird ®tleet X0.40 i 81ad~- Bfiree t ~0. tf0 i Pzaapttt dienue X25 • ~ i fain 8t~reet ~z.22. S'ae Oity Ole]tY shall ofrtity ~ i~o fibs aaoptios of thi• Resolnti©a and from t]~sneetorl~ the same rhall be in tall foroe and etteet. T hereby oe~etify that the foregoing Rerolation was duly and regala=`1y iztrodaeed and paned by the Oity Oounail of the Oity ©t S'wttin, Oalifosnia, at a tegezla= ~aeatieg of raid Oity Oounoil held on the kith day of Juae, 193. (sue,) err~es: 0 s , Oalitosnis. ~rowsd Jame ig, 193. r e s n, Oalifornf.a. ~~ MORR13 C ATTORN6Y•AT SANTA ANA, ~ .. . ---- ,ti _. _ .. _ - - - ~~ l _ _ - ~ ~ _ - - _ - 1 . ~-_-Y _. O . .. _ _ . _..... _ .. _ -. I I