HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 46RESOLUTION NO. 46 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN INSTRUCTING, DIRECTING AND REQUIR- ING THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO SIGN AND IMPRESS WITH THE SEAL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CERTAIN ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS AND MINUTES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN WHICH WERE NOT SIGNED OR SEALED BY HIS PREDECESSOR IN OFFICE. · The Oity Council-of the ~ity' 'of Tusttn do. resolve as follows: WHEREAB, Philip C. Brooks, former City Ol,:~rk of the City of Tusttn, during the time that he held office of City Clerk 'of ~he 01ty of Tustin, failed and nsgleeted to sign or seal certain 0rdin~nees, Resolutions and ~inutes of the City of Tusttn, more particularly Ordinance Numbers ~9, ~E, 5~, ~B and ~6; and Resolution Numbere 56, 37, ~8, 39 and 40; and the Ntnutee of the official meetings of the City Council of the City of · Tustin from Beptember 19, 193E, to 0etcher £, 19;53, incluetve, , and WHER'F~A~, it is the desire of the Oi~y Council of the t2ti:y of Tustin that, for the. purpoee of verification and authen-- '%'[~ation, such Ordinances, Re.solutions and Minutes be signed and imp'tossed with the seal of the City of ~ustin; and :~V~REAS, 'the City Council of the City of Tustin have duly examined such Ordinances, Resolutions and Minutes and found and determined that such Ordinances, and Hesolut ions, were in fact passed by the city Council of the City of Tustin at the time recited therein, and that the same are correo~ in form and substance, and that the minutes of the meetings of the City 0ouncil of the City of Tustln between the said dates of September , 19, 1932, and October 2, 1933, inclusive, are a true and correct record of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of -1- Tust in between said dat es; NOW, TttE~0~.,:i.'~BE IT RESOLVED, for the purpose of verification and authentication of said records, as aforesaid, the Oity Council of the O. ity of Tustin hereby instructs, directs and requires J. R. Harbour, the present City Clerk of the City of Tustin, to sign the name of Philip O. Brooks to 'Resolution Num, bors 36, ~?, 38, 39, and 40; and Ordinance Numners 29, 32, 33, 35 and 36, and to the Minutes of the minutes of the official meet- 'ings of the City Council of the City of '.~'ustin between the dates of September 19, 1932, and October 2, 1933, inclusive,~ by his own name as successor in' office, and to impress the Seal of the City of Tustin upon all and each of said records; and likewise to sign. and seal any additional records of the proceedings of the City Council of the City of Tusttn which shall appear to have been left unsigned by Philip o. Brooks', as City Olsrk ~uring his tern of office. BE IT ~URTHER RESOLVED, that the requirements of thee Resolution are for the purpose of verification and authentication of said records 0nl~, and that the signing thereof by the present City Clerk is not intended to, and shall ,not place upon the pre- sent Oity Clerk any obligation or liability other than the act of signing and sealing of said records as is hereby required. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolut£on was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting of said City 0ouncil held on the 19th day of ~ebru. ary, 19J4, by the following vote, to-wit; AYES: Oounc i lmen,~_.~~~., __ ~ _ _ ... : .....~ ,_ ...._::.~ ._: ~ - - .~ ,~ ~,~.,~ ..... : -~:-m~ ~--~:--_- - n -- - NO~: Oounc ilmen, _ . __ =....Npne _.. _~_ .__. ...... _.~::_~ ........... . .... · .... -.-- Absent; Councilmen'.' _ ,,~, .-_ ~ ATT.~T: Approved: February 19, 1934. Mayor Of-the~ City c~f 'Tusttn. -2- 1' 2 I 3 I 4 5 ~I I 6 7 8 9~ 10 ~ 11 12 13 ~ 14 15' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 RESOLUTION P.O. A RESOLUTION Or^ THE, CITY COU\TCIL OF THE CHIT" OF TTJSTIN INSTRUCTIIv,;, DI~FCTIIvG A'"D REQUIR- ING TH~~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF T'JSTIN TO SIuN A^,D I'_;"PRESS '~I CH THE SEAL OF TuE CITY OF T'JSTIIv', CERTAIN ORDINaTtCES, RESOLUTIONS AND I~4INTJ'_ES OF TH~ CITY OF TUSTIN ~'~~-'ICF 'SERE ATOT SINNED OR SyALED BY '-CIS PREDECESSOR IN~ OFFICE. The City Council of the City of Tustin do resolve as follows; ~~Ha,REAS, Phili?~ C. Brooks, former City Clark of the City of Tustin, during the time Chet r:e held t':,e office of City Clerk of the City of Tustin, failed e~ld neglected to sign or seal certain Ordinances, Resolutions and Minutes of the City of Tustin, more nartic~.ilarly Ordinance ?~?umbers 2°, 32, 33, 35 and 36' anC: R'SOllltiOn rjU.7;~,arg ~~ 7i7 ~~ ~ir-,I ~.nG ~:rl; ?1":C' t~l,C' 'ri^,lt°: ~> > of the ofriciel meetings of the City Council of the City of ~ Tustin from SeotPm~er 19, 1932, to Octoper ?, 193, inclusive, r. d '~titEREAS, it is City of Tustin that, for t tication, such Ordinances, impressed ~~rith the S?al of the desire o, trip city ~.;ouncil ~z ~[ie he nurno~e of verific?tion ~.nd authen- Resolutions ,Ind ':'inutes be si~~ned ~,nd the City of Tustin; and 24 ~li 'Y~~I-?EREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin hove ', 25'~~, duly examined such Ordinences, Resolutions and ?~inutes and found ~ ~i 26 ~'~i end determined that SUCH: Ordinances, Inc? Resolutions, ~~ere in ': ~i 27 ~~~ fect passed by the City Council of ti:e City of Tustin at the ~, 28 ~i ~ ~~ time TeCited. t_iPTein, .Cl th?t th? c~;t,a are COrreCt in form !,I 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY-AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF. and. substance, an~~'_ that t e minutes ~f t:^.e meetin~~~s of the City Co~~ncil of the City of T~~stin between: the s?id dstes of Se~;te.^!ber 19, 1932, and October 2, 1933, i_r.clu:;ive, are a true and correct reccrd of tiie nroceedin~~s of +~-e City Cou~:cil of thA city of - ~- 1 Tustin between said dates; 2 i~TO•,y, THEREFCnE, BD IT RESOLVED, for the purpose of 3 verification and sut^_entica.tion of slid records, as aforesaid, 4 ~' the City Council of the City of Tustin hereby instructs, directs 5'~,~ ^nd requires J. R. Ha-rbour, the preeent City Clerk of t:~e City of ~'~ 6 ', 'l~lstin, to sign the name of Philip C. Brooks to Resolution i~um- I' V 7 ~~ bens ~~, ~7, ~~, ~9 end 40; ~ nC Ordinance 1?umbers 29, ?2, Z~, 35 8 ~~,! and 75, a~:d to the "•"inutes of thA minutee of tl:e of~'icial meet- ~~ 9~,~ings of the City Council or the City of Tustin retw~an the dates 10 '~~; of Senterrber 19, 19 ~2, and Octorer ?, 133, inclusive, by his os~n ~ 11 name ss successor in o-f~ficP, and t~~ impress t'~_e Seal of t?:e City I 1211 of Tustin upon all snd each ~f seid records; and likewise t~~ sign ~~ i 13 it and seal any additionel records of t'~A proceedinr~s of the City ;! 14 '~ Council o` the City of Tustin F~hich s~!all appear to have beer. iI 15 left unsigned by Philip C. Broo'.ts, as City Clerk duri-n~~ his t=erm 16 i~ of office. 17 ~~~I! FEE I T FUi-~ I'H:~R RESOLVED, thn t the reouirements of this ~I 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~'~ 24 I 25 1 26 ~' Re sol~~tion are for the purpose cf verification and. sut}:~,~tication of saz~? records only, and that the signing t;:ereaf by the present City Clerk i^ not intended to, 2nd shill not place upon the pres- ent Ci t,r Clerk any obligation or liability oti: ~r t7.an tr_e act of si~nin~~~ ar,d sealing of said records as is hereby recuired. I hereby certify that t}:e foreg•oir_g• Resolution was regularly introduced ar.d ado-~teci by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meetir<g of said Ci;;y Cour_cii helc, on ti:e 27 i ~; 19th day of Fer;ruary, 1934, by the following vote, to-.pit: 28 II i~ AY~S:Councilmen, ~, d~ ~~ 30 i Iv'C~~S:Councilmen, _-~--~ _-___--- ---.___-- AF SENT: Cour.cilrr:en, w~--~, -- -_- 31 ~ ___. _ 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF. ATTEST: ~, February 19, i93~+. Ci,~ Cler'~ of the City of ""us*in. ~ / "ayor of the C' ty ~ ~~' Tustin. -2-