HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 44RESOLUTION NO. 44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING A FRANCHISE BOND FILED BY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY LTD., A CORPORATION. The City Council. of the City of Tustin does hereby re- solve as follows: WHEREAS, on the 15th day of January, 1934, prusuant to law, there was struck off, sold and awarded by said City Council to Southern California Edison Company Ltd., a corporation, a franchise of the right, for a period of fifty [50) years, to construct, oper- ate, alter, maintain and use an electrical distribution and trans- mission system consisting of poles, tpwers, cross-arms, Conduits, cables, wires and 'other appliances, for the purpose of conducting, transmitting and distributing electricity and electrical energy for light, heat and power purposes, and for any and all other purposes for which electricity can be used, on, along, upon, in, under and across the streets, alleys, public highways and public places with- in the City of Tustin, State of California, together with the right to construct, maintain, operate, alter and use a system of poles, towers, wires, cables, cross-arms, conductors, guy wires, insula- tors, and any and all other necessary or convenient appliances or attachments; and WHEREAS, said southern California Edison company Ltd, has heretofore, pursuant to law and the requirements of the City Coun- cil of the City of Tustin, filed a franchise bond running in favor of the said City of Tustin in the amount of One Thousand Dollars $1,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Oouncil of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: That said franchise bond, wherein Southern California Edison Company Ltd,. is named as Principal, and the Pacific Indem- nity Company, a corporation organized and existing under laws of the Stare of California, duly qualified and authorized to do a surety business in the State of California, is named as Surety, be and the same is hereby approved. I, J. R. Harbour, City Clerk of the City of Tustln, do hereby certify that the foregoing 'Resolution was intruduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 5th day of February, 1934, and was adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT- C 0 UN O I L~{~ N ONE ATTEST The Foregoing Resolution is hereby approved this 5th day of February, 1934, ' Mayor of-the ~'it~' of-"~'i[S'ti'n: .... a s 0~ 8 O .Z01~ - s aaosdd~ ~ a •~~6t `dam ~o asp I~~ p q sad el uol~ntoseg ~rlo~asoa Ads 'ul~sny o ~ e sa ~ : s S~S~ ~~'1'II O1~III0 0 ~ ~T,i~I~SS~ K~MII ~IIIO 0 : S~Ou u~Ila~noo ~s~~ Sule~ottoa a~~. ~q pa~dop8 s~ pus `i~~6t `~ ~o ag a ao pta~ `al~~ ao ~ pa~~~ CIO a~~ So tlauno0 a~'F~ a~~. ~o ~~aem sutn~es 8 ~'s peanpos~ul sse~ uol~ntosag ~alo8aso~ a~~. ~~~ ~fal~saa dgasa~ op `al~s~ ~o d4ID a~~ ~o Rsata ~~IO `8IIOg2~lH '~i 'P `I aq `d~esnS eu 'paaosddB ~gase~ $I Ames et~~ pu8 pam8tr sl `Bluso~lT80 ~o e~'s~S a~~, al esaulsnq a~ASns a op o~ pAZlsor{~ns pu'e pal~ItBnb ~ n `8 aso t p '~ SIt80 ~o A~'s~S eLt~ ~o BmBt 8TH} sepan 8al~slYA pub pAZla89s0 u0l}'ASOdsoa B `l~LiledQ[0~ 8~1a -mapuI alllaud A~~ p~ `tsdlaulsa s8 pam~eII sl •p~,Z dusd~ao0 aoslp~ alvso~It80 usAq~noS ulaxa~e~ `puoq eel~ou~sa plus ~B~S s~-ottol s~ eatoses ~gesa~ seop ul~sns ~o ~~1~ a~~ ao Zlauno0 a~I~ a~~ `~i03~I~ `~10u ssBttoQ paBSno~y Aap ~o ~unom8 a~~ ul al~s~ ao ~ •(00'000`t~) soau~ ul S~alauns puoq esl~aass~ ~ path `ul~s~ To CIO plus e~~ ~o -ano0 8~I0 et~~ ~o s~uamaslnbas a~~ pa8 xa o ~IO~ A~~ ~o tla sub •p~Z dusdmo~ uoelp~ Blusoalt8~ use t ~ ~u~~~~ASO~o~esa~{ ~~noS plBs so saaa8 dd~ p~ .s~.IIamgos~.~.8 It ~ualaaauoa so ~SsBSeaaAa sa~~,o tta pine Bn~ pua `QSO~ -8tnsul `sasla~ A~i~ `sso~onpaoa `smi~-esoso `setg8o ~.`easla~ `esa~o~ `eatod ~o ma~.s~s ~ asn ptre se~t8 `A~BSedo `al~a~up~em '~.ans~saoa off. 3~als a~~ ~~1~ sat~~e8o~ `~alaso~It80 So a~B~S `~~$~ ~.o ~~la A~~ ul -~~.Ix saa~td altgnd pug sdaed~g8pu oltgnd `sdatts `s~.Aas~s at{~ ssosa~ puB sApan `al `uodn `8aotu `IIO `peen Aq uaa ~~lals~aate ~al~m soa sasodsnd sa~~o tt8 pay Pfau sod pau `eesodsnd se~eod ptre ~~aat~ `~~i9Ft soa ~~saua tsols~aate pea a~lals~aAta 9ul~ngls~elp pine SaT~,~TmsuBS~ `8al~onpuoa ao aeodsnd et~~ sod sAauBltddB sa~~o pub sasle~ `satq~a `s~.lnpaoo `sms~a-esoso `esae~o~ `eatod ~0 8ul~eleIIOa me~s~s IIole -sl~suas~ pub aol~.ngls~.slp als~aate nia esn paB ul~~.alsm `sa~.tB `a~~a -sado `~an~~.suoo o~ `ss~e~S (05) ~~~1~ ~o polled 8 sod `~.~8ts v~~ Io aslyoues~ ~ `uol~8sodsoo 8 ` •p~Z d~radmoa aoelp~ Bluso~'~t~a use~~noS o~ tlaanop ~~la pl8s ~q peps~~ ptro ptos `~~o ~an~~s s~- Asa~~ `~Bt o~ ~.a'et~ssnd `I,g6t `~s8nu~a~ ~o ~8p ~~5t et~~ uo `~~ :enottoa s~ solos -az ~fgA.za~ seop al~s~ ~o ~~IO a~~ ~o tlouno0 ~~TO Ads 'DiOIS~I0d80a ~ `'QSZ Al1I~c~0 ~iOSIQ~ VI~iO~IIZVO u~i~IS110S xg Q~'II3 Q~IOS ~SIHODT~~I T ~$IbOgdclq `uISS11S 30 ~I D ~ 3p ZI spa ~I ~ ~ ,30 uoISIIZOSTH Y •-~' ~~' •ou xolsnzos~ Z£ T£ 0£ sz sz ~z 8Z 5z ~z £z ZZ Tz oz st 8t LT 9t 5t fiT £T zt IT Ot 6 8 L 9 9 b Z T