HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 43RESOLUTION NO. 43 A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, BY WHICH THERE IS STRUCK OFF, SOLD AND AWARDED BY SAID CITY COUNCIL TO THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY LTD. A CORPORATION, A FRANCHISE FOR A PERIOD OF FIFTY (50) YEARS, TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, ALTER, MAIN- TAIN AND USE AN ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM CONSISTING OF POLES, TOWERS, CROSS-ARMS, CONDUITS, CABLES, WIRES AND OTHER APPLIANCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING, TRANSMITTING AND DISTRIBUTING ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRICAL ENERGY FOR LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER PURPOSES, AND FOR ANY AND ALL OTHR PURPOSES FOR WHICH ELECTRICITY CAN BE USED, ON, ALONG, UPON, IN UNDER AND ACROSS THE STREETS, ALLEYS, PUBLIC HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, ALTER AND USE A SYSTEM OF POLES, TOWERS, WIRES, CABLES, CROSS-ARMS, CONDUCTORS, GUY WIRES, INSULATORS, AND ANY AND ALL OTHER NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPLIANCES OR ATTACHMENTS. ., The City Council of the City of TuS'tin does here'b~ re- .solve as follows: ~,~HE.~EA.' ~, on, the 20th day of November, 1933, sOUthern California Edison Company Ltd., a corporation organized and exist- ing under the laws of the State of Cali~0rnia, filed with the City Council of the City of Tustin, State of California, an application in writing, requesting said City Council to advertise for'..sale and sell the franchise therein set forth; and ., ~ ~¥tL~~$, said 0it2 Council, by resolution duly passed and adopted at a meeting .of. said City Coulcil hel~ on the 20t'.h day of November, 19~J,. resolved to offer for sale to the highest bidder,. a Zranchise i"or a period of fifty (50) years upon the .terms, con- ditions and restrictions .imposed and required by law and by said resolut'lion so passed as aforesaid; and 'WHEHEABI, said .Oity .Council further resolved that sealed. bids for .'Sai'd franchise be received by said City Oouncil up to the · hour of eight o'clock P, M, on the 15th day of January, 19~4, and ~t. hat .said bids be opened at said last mentioned time and date, and that 'sai'~franchi'ee ./bo 'ghoreupon stimck off. sold and awarded go the person, firm o...r....: 'corporation making the highest cash bid there- for, in .the manner provided by,law; .and at a meeting of: sa.cid City 0ouncil held. on t~'e '2.0th day Of November, 19JJ, Said Cit~y ouncil did p.rescrtbe~'and fix the sum ~f One Thousand Dollars I$1,~00.00) to 'be the penal sum or amount of the bond required by law to be filed"by the suocessful bidder.,for said franchise; and wH~HEAS, said ~it~f 0ounoil did.~:~ by the aforesaid reso.l.g- rich, authorize the .0ity Clerk of said City of Tustin, for and behalf of said City Council, to.?:..~dvertise in the manner and for the pe'~o'ds required by law, statements of all aforesaid facts and mat- ters, together with statements of all other facts and matter~s in ~.c'onneo~ion wit..~--~he .granting of said franchise as required by law to be ,advertis.e~ and published; and ~HEiiEA~, .it app. earz to the C'tty Council by AffidaVit of ~ublicatlon on file, that in pureuan0e' of said order of said City .. 0ouncil said City Clerk did, as required by law, cause to b.e advcr- gised and published statements of. all other facts and matters in connection ,with the-granting of said. franchise, said advertisement and publlcal;'£on being ma.de for and ~uring the time and in all re- spects in the manner requ~tred by law;. and .. iYHER..EAS, the o~lY. bid made by..any person, firm or corpor- ation Was made by said ~louthern"OalSfornia. Edison t20mpany l~d., the sealed ~~ of said Soughern California Edison Company Ltd., being One Hundred Dollar~ {$100.00), and ~aid bid comply, lng tn every re- spect and particular with the laws of the .State of 0altfornia, and a certified check, for said total sum of' One Hundred Dollars {~100.00), payable to the Treasu.rer of the' City. of Tustin, accompanying said' sealed bid. NOW, Tii%±~i~'0id~, ~he City Council of the City of .Tustin does here~y resolve as follows: .. That the right, privilege ~ and franchise for a period of' ifity IS0) years, to construct, operate, alter, maintain and us'e ~$x electric dist.ribution and transmission system consisting of poles, towers, cross-arms, conduits, cables., wires' and'other appliances for the purpose of conducting, transmitting and.distributing alec- tricity and 'electrical energy for. light',~ heat and power purposes, and.~or, a~ and all .other purposes for which 'electricity can b'e ~~~c°~gnwaysgl°ng" upon, in, under and across the streets, alleys. and public places within the City of Tustin, State of C'alifornia, together with the right to c. onst~c$~ maintain, operate, alter and mss a system of poles, towers, wires, cables, cross-a~s, conductors, guy wires, insulators, .and any and all other necessary or convenient appliances or attac~ent~,, is hereby.duly st~ck:.o~f, sold and awarded bu the Oity Council o~ ~ne ~Ctty of Tustin: ~o the Southern califo~la Edison 0ompa~ ~td,, a corpora-_. rich, its successors or assi~s, as the highest bidder.therefor, for the s~ o~ One H~dred Dollars ~$100.00) lawful money of the united. States. ' AYE~: I., J. R, ltarhour, Oily Olerk of the City of Tustin, d° hereby ce'rttfy that the foregoing 'Re.z~solution was intruduced ..at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 15th day of January, 1934, and was adopted by the following vote': · ., .. NO~-: Connc~lmen -_ ..... .~ . _ . ~ ~ ......... : ~-.~; .... . .... _. ~.~ ITY~.erk-'of thb Oi-tg' O-f TuStin THE Poregoing Resolution is hereby approved this , ]¢'~, . day of January, lO~. . 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION No. 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF TUSTIN, BY WHICH THERE IS STRUCK OFF, SOLD AND AWARDED BY SAID CITY COUNCIL TO THE SOUTHERN CALIFOF~IA EDI30N COMPANY LTD., A CORPORATION, A FRANCHISE FQR A PERIOD OF FIFTY (50) YEARS, TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, AI~.'ER, MAIN- TAIN AND USE AN ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTI01~ AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM CORSISTING OF POI~3, TOWERS, CROSS-ARMS, CONDUITS, CABLES, WIRES AND OTHER APPLIANCES F08 THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING, TRAHSMITTIRG AND DISTRIBUTING EIECTRICITY AND ELECTRICAL ENERGY FOR LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER PURPOSES, AND FOR A1tY AND ALL OTHER PURPOSES FOR WHICH ELECTRIC ITY CAN BE USED, ON, ALONG, UPON, IN, UNDER AND ACROSS THE STREETS, ALIJSYS, PUBLIC HIGHiKAYS AND PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TOGETHER G~ITH THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, ALTER AND USE A SYSTEM OF POLES, TOWERS, WIRES, CABLES, CROSS-ARMS, CONDUCTORS, GUY WIRES, INSULATORS, AND ANY AHD ALL OTHER NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT APPLIANCES OR ATTACHMENTS. The City Council of the City 03 Tustin does hereby re- 80148 a8 fO110ws: iIrF~REAS, on the 20th day of November, 1933, Southern California Edison Company Ltd., a oorporation organized and eaist- ing under the lsa-s of the State of California, filed with the City Council of the City of Tustin, State of California, an application in writing, regwesting said City Counoil to advertise for sale and sell the franchise therein set forth; and YIIHBRF~9lS, said City Council, by resolution duly passed and adopted at a meeting of said City Council held on the 20th day of November, 1933, resolved to offer for sale to the highest bidder, a franchise for a period of fifty (50) years upon the terms, oon- ditiona and restrictions imposed and required by law and by said resolution so passed as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, said City Council further resolved that sealed bids for said franohise be received by said City Council up to the hour of eight o'clock P. M., on the 15th day oY January, 1934, and that said bide be opened at said last mentioned time and date, and that said franchise be thereupon strnok off, sold and awarded to the person, firm or oorporation making the highest cash bid there- for, in the manner provided by law; and at a meeting of said City Council held on the 20th day of November, 1933, said City Council did prescribe and fin the awn of One Thousand Dollars 01,000.00) to be the penal sum or amount of the bond required by law to be filed by the suooessful bidder for said franohise; and WHEREAS, said City Council did, by the aforesaid resolu- tion, authorize the City Clerk of said City of Tustin, for and on behalf of said City Council, to advertise in the manner and for the period required by law, statements of all aforesaid feats and mat- ters, together with statements of all other feats and matte ra in oonneotion with the granting of said franchise ~s required by law to be advertised and published; and WHTREAS, it appears to the City Council by Affidavit of Publication on file, that in pursuanoe of said order of said City I~ -_- 1 2 3 4 s 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 Council said City C lerk did, as required by law, cause to be adver- tised and published statements of all other facts and matters in connection with the granting of said franohiae, said advertisement and publication being made for and during the time and in all re- spects in the manner required by law; and WHEREAS, the only bid made by air person, firm or corpor- ation was made by said Southern California Edison Company Ltd., the sealed bid of said Southern California Edison Company Ltd. being One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), and said bid complying in every re- apect and particular with the laws of the State of California, and a certified check for said total sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00 payable to the Treasurer of the City of Tustin, accompanying said sealed bfd. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: That the right, privilege and franohiae for a period of fifty (50) years, to construct, operate, alter, maintain and use an electric distribution and transmission system consisting of poles, towers, Dross-arms, conduits, cables, wires and other appliances for the purpose of conducting, transmitting and distributing elec- tricity and electrical energy for light, heat and power purposes, and for any and all other purposes for which electricity Dan be used, on, along, upon, in, under and across the streets, alleys, public highways and public places within the City of Tustin, State of California, together with the right to construct, maintain, operate, alter and use~a system of poles, towers, wires, cables, Dross-arms, conductors, guy wires, iasulators, and any and all other necessary or convenient appliances or attachments, is hereby duly struck off, sold and awarded by the City Council of the City of Tustin to the Southern California Edison Company Ltd., a corpora- tion, its successors or assigns, as the highest bidder therefor, for the sum of One Hundred Dollars (100.00) lawful money of the United States. I, J. R. HARBOUR, City Clerk hereby certify that the foregoing 8eao: regular meeting of the City Council of the 15th day of January, 1934, and was vote: AYES : C OUNC II~dEN ~ ~ of the City of Tustin, do Lution was introduced at a the C ity of Tustin, held on adopted by the following ~nni rr~~. ~ ~. NOES : COUNCILMEN ABSENT: COUNCIL~N ATTEST: ~rtiy alarg o~ ~tne City o~ Tustin. The foregoing 8esolution is hereby approved this day of January, 1934. y o e y s -2-