HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 42 RES0LUTION NO. 42 A RES0LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN,, AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE TO SELL A FRAN- CHISE FOR A PERIOD OF FIFTY (50) YEARS TO ERECT, LAY, CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN POLES, TOWERS, CROSS-ARMS, CONDUITS, CABLES, WIRES AND OTHER APPLIANCES, ON, ALONG, UPON, IN, UNDER AND ACROSS ALL THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, STREETS, ALLEYS AND PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AND TO USE AND OPERATE SUCH POLES, TOWERS, CROSS-ARMS, CONDUITS, CABLES, WIRES AND OTHER APPLIANCES FOR THE TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTING ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRICAL ENERGY FOR LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER PURPOSES AND FOR ANY AND ALL OTHER PURPOSES FOR WHICH ELECTRICITY CAN BE USED. The City Council of the City of Tustin does resolve as follows: WHEREAS, Southern California Edison Company Ltd, has made application to the City Oouncil of the City of Tustin, for a franchise for a period of fifty (50) Years, to erect, lay, construct and maintain poles, towers, cross-arms, conduits, cables, wires and other appliances, on, along, upon, in, under and across all the public highways, streets., alleys and public places within the City Sf Tustin, and to use and operate such poles, towers, cross-arms, conduits, cables, wires and other appliances for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy for light, heat and power purposes, and for any and all other purposes for which electricity can be used; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council of the City of Tustin that a franchise for said purpose be advertised to be sold, and that the same be sold to the highest bidder according to law. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RES0LVED, that the City Council of the City of Tustin offer for sale to the highest bidder, a franchise described as follows: A franchise for the right for the period of fifty (50) years, to erect, lay, construct and maintain poles, towers, cross- arms, conduits, cables, wires and other appliances, on, along, upon, in under and across all public highways, streets, alleys and public places in the City of Tustin, and to use and operate such poles, towers, cross-arms, conduits, cables, wires and her appliances for the transmission and distribution of electric- al energy for light, heat and power purposes, and for any and all other purposes for which electricity can be used. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the City of Tustin be and he is hereby aughorized and directed to advertize by publishing the following Notice of Sale of Franchise in the Tustin News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and pub- lished in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, once a week for four (A) successive weeks, or as often during said period as said paper is published, beginning, with the issue of the 1st day of December, 1933, and by post in the same on the City Bulletin Boards of the City of Tustin, located at the Tustin City Hall, City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, -1- continuously, for four (4) successive weeks, beginning with the lst day of December, 1933. On motion of Councilman Kiser, seconded by Council- man Logan, the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: CoUncilmen Mayor · .. .. Absent: Approved this 20th day ,of November, 1933. : ~'May'o-~' b~' ~.h:e'~':::O-l~:':'O-t' .-~'nSt~'ih; ........ , I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Council of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting of said City Council on the 20th day of November, 1933, by vote as above indicated. Attest this 30th day of November, 1933. . 1 2 3 4 6 e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 a2 23 24 28 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 R~soLUTION No. ~ _____. A RS 30LUTI ON OF THE CITY C OU1~C IL OF THE CITY OF TUSTI A, AUTI~RIZING TIC PUBLICATION OF NOTICE TO SSSLL A FRAR- CHI3E FOR A PEBIOD fF FIFTY (b0 )YSARS, TO ERECT, LAY, COl~STRtTCT AND MAINTAIN POLISS, TONBRS, CROSS-ARKS, C OND UITS , CABLB3 , W IRB S AND 0 THER APPLIANCES , ON , ALONG , UPON, IN, UNDER AMID ACROSS ALL T~ PUBLIC HIGHWAYS ~ 3 TRI~BT S , ALLEYS AND PUBLIC PLACES 9VI 7S I8 THE CITY tF TUS T IN , AND TO USE AND OPERATE 3UC A P OLIN 3 , TOW BRS , CRt133-AXIS, COaDUITS, CABLL3,WTRE3 AND OT~R APPLIANCES FOR THE TRANSMISSION A~ DISTRIBUTING BLECTRICITY AlID ELECTRICAL ENERGY FOR LIGHT , BEAT AND PON SR PURPOSE S , AND FOR ANY AND ALL OTSBR PURPOSES FOR WHICH FEE C TRI C i TY CAN BE USED. The City Council of the City of Tustin does resolve as follows: WHBALAS, Sonthem California Edison Company Ltd. , has made application tc the City Council of the City of Tustin, for a frsnchise for a period of fifty (50) years, to erect, ley, construo and maintain poles, towers, cross-arms, conduits, cables, wires affi other appliances, on, along, upon, in, under and aoross all the publio highways, streets, alleys and publio plaoes within the City of Tustin, setd to nee ant' operate such poles, towers, oro ss-arms , o ondui ts, o abler, wires and other appliances for the transmission and distribution of eleotrioal energy for Sight, heat and power purposes, and for any and all other purposes for which electricity can be used; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council of the City of Tustin that a franchise for said purpose be advertised to be sold, and that the same be sold to the highest bidder according to law. NOW, T~REFORE BE IT RBSOLPED, that the City Council oA' the City of Tustin offer for sale to the highest bidder, a franchise described as follows: A franchise fbr the right for the period of fifty (50) years, to erect, lay, construct and maintain poles, taxers, cross- arms, conduits, cables, wires and other appliances, on, along, neon, in under and aoross all the publio highways, streets, alleys and publio plaoes in the City o! 11rlstin, and to use sad operate suoh poles, towers, cross-arms, conduits,=cables, wires and other appliances for the transmission and distribution of eleotrio- al energy for light, heat and power purposes, and for any and all other purposes for which electricity oan be weed. BE IT FiRTSER RESOL1rED, that the Clerk of the City of Tustin be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise by publishing the folloping Notice of Sale of Franchise in the Tustin News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and pub- lished in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California once a week for four (4) suoces$ive weeks, or as often during said period as said paper is pub li shed, b egtnning with the issue of the ' ~' day of member, 1933, and by posting the same on the L'~y-B'ulletin Boards of tbs City of Twetin, located at the Tustin City Hall, City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, -1- 1 a 3 4 8 e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ooatinuously for four (4) suaaessive weeks, beginning with the h ~ day of ~gbemb er, 1933. On motion of Couno i loran ~ , s eo onded by C ouno i 1- man c~,.~, , the forego ng resolution was adopted by t o ow ng vo s : dyes: Councilmen ~r --t l.~~ ~D. G~,.v~~w~-' Mayor Noes : - Abssnt : ,c*P~~c~. approved this 20th day of November, 1933• ~ Mayor o the Oity o etia. I hereby vertify the foregoing Resolution was dulq and ~ regularly passed by the Qity Oouaeil of the City of Tuetia, at a regular Heating of said City Counoil held on the 20th day of 8ovembar, 1933, by vote as above indioated. Ottest this 20th day of November, ~3;,~ A - 2- val~zorai~.