HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 41RESOLUTION NO. 41 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE RESULT OF THE SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN ON THE 26TH DAY OF JULY, 1933, ON THE PROPOSI- TION WHETHER SAID CITY OF TUSTIN SHALL DISIN- CORPORATE, AND DECLARING THE PETITION FOR DISINCORPORATION, UPON WHICH SAID SPECIAL ELEC- TION WAS CALLED, DENIED. :~HEREAS, a special election was held and conducted in the City of Tustin on Wednesday, the 26th day of July, 1933, on the proposition, whether said City of Tustin, a municipal corporation shall disincorporate, AND '~?HEREAS, it appears that said special election was called as a result of a petition for disincorporation filed with the City Council on June Bth, 19JJ, duly certified by the City Clerk of the City of Tustln and had been properly signed by more than one-half of the qualified electors thereof, as shown by the vote cast at the last municipal election held therein, AND WHEHEA$, it appeard that notice of said election was duly and legally given, that voting precincts were properly established, that election officers were properly and duly appointed and elctlon supplies furnished, and that in all re- spects said election was held and conducted, and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof made and declared, in time, form, and manner as required by the gen- 'eral laws of the State of California governing elections in Cities of the Sixth Class, and as well as the general laws of the State of California governing elections upon the porposition of' disincorP~oratlon of municipal corporations, AND ~HEREAS, the City'Council of the said City of Tustin met at the Council Chamber of the City Oouncil on Monday, the 31st day of July. 1933, at the hour of .7.30 o'clock P. M., to canvass the returns of said election, as a ~eult of which the ., City Council finds that the whole number of votes cast in the City, the proposition voted upon, the number' of votes given at each precinct for and against such proposition, and the number of votes given in the City for and against such proposition voted upon, to be ~s hereinafter stated, NOW, THEREFORE: B~ IT !~ESOLVED as follows: That said Special Municipal Election was held and con- ducted in the City of Tustin on Wednesday, the 26th day of July, 1933, in time, form,, and manner as required by law; That there was one voting precinct established for the purpose of holding said special election, Consl?ting of a con- solidation of the regular election precincts established in said City for holding General, State, and County elections, as fol- lows,' "Consolidated. . Voting. Precinct A", comprising State and County Precincts numbers, Tustin City Number l, and Tustin City Number 2. That the whole number of votes cast in said special elect ion was -, ,~. - _ - _ _ ~_ _ That there was one proposition voted upon at said special municipal electi'on, to-wit; the proposition, whether said City of Tusttn, a munictlaal corporatton, shall disin¢orporate, at which special election the qualified voters of the .Oity of Tustin were invited to vote upon said proposition as indicate~ upon the ballot used thereat, either "~or Disincorporation", or . "Against Disincorporat ion" ', those in favor of disincorporation' to place upon their ballot a cross after the words "For Dis- incorporation", and those not favoring disincorporation tG nlaceo~ a cross upon their ballot after the word,s "Against Disincorporation" .. That the number of votes voted at said "Ooncolidated -1- Voting Precinct E", for and against said proposition were as follows: ~or DiSincorporat ion Against Dis incorpo rat i on Void Ballots Total Votes in said "Consolidated Voting Precinct A" That the rot'al number of votes given and' voted in said Otty for and against said proposition were as follows, to-wit; ~or Disincorporat ion A~ainst Di'sincorporation .... · Void Ballots That by virtue of, and by reason of the fact that the votes in f~vor of,, or for dieincorporation, were le~ than.the ~ two-thirds majority required ~y law, and the fact that .the votes against said proposition, or to-wit; against' disincorporation were in number greater than the number Of the vote8 cast tn favor of said proposition, the Oity Council finds, and declares that, as a result of said Special Election sa~id prop6sition to dis- incorporate the Oity of ~ustin has 'been defeated by the vote of the qualified electors o£ the City of Tustin, as aforesaid; and as a result of the outcome of'said ~pecial Election' upon said proposition to distncorporate the City of Tustin, the City Oouncil h~reby declsros the petition for d. tsincorporation pro- sente, d to, and filed with the ~ity Oouncil on 'the.~th day of June, 1933, denied, , This Resolution to take effect immediately. -3- I Hereby certify the foregoing Resolution duly and regularly passed by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, at a meeting thereof hald on July 31st., 1933, at the City Hall in said City of Tustin, as required by the general laws of ~he State of California, said meeting being hald for the purpose of canvassing th$ vote .of the Special Election held in said City on the 26th day of July, 1933, sa~d July 31st, being the Moz~day next succeeding the date of said Special Election, and said Resolution being passed by the following vote, to-wit: AYE~ · Oouncilmen, , ~oe8 ' Absent: (SEAL) Councilmen ..... . ........ ~_ . .None .... _ Councilmen. =.:~ .............. ,.._..None ... ATTEST:.: ....... . ~. ~ . , A~PROVED this 31st .day of july, 193S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORN6Y•AT-LA W lANTA ANA, CALIF RESOLUTION A0. '~~1 _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OOUPCIL OF THE CITY OF TUS?I1~ CALIFORNIA, D~7CLARIAG TFiE REBtTLT OP' BPECIA~. ELRCTION HELD IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN ON THE 26th DAY OF JULY 1933 ~~ THE PROpoel- TIOA WH]CTHER RAID CITY 5F TUB~'IN SHALL DI9IA- OOAPORATE, AND DECLARING THE PETI?ION FOR DISINCORPORATION,UPON MICA SAID 8P~lIAL '~LEC- T70N WA8 CALL'~£D, DEAI~;D. WfIEREAB, a speoial eleotion was held and oonduoted in the City of Tustin on Wednesday, the 26th day of July, 1933. oa the proposition, whether said City of Tustin, a munioipal oorporation shall disinoorporate, AND ~AEREAS, it appears that said speoial eleotion was oalled as a result of a petition for disinoorporation filed with the City Counoil on June 5th, 1933, duly certified by the City Clerk of the City of Tustin had been properly signed by more than one-half of the qualified eleotors thereof, as shown by t'1ss vote asst at the last munic~inal eleotion held therein, AND~FiEA.EAB, it appears that notioe of said eleotion was duly a.nd legally given, that voting preoinots were properly I established, that eleotion officers were properly 2nd duly appointed and eleotion supplies furnished, and that in a.ll re- speots said eleotion was held and oonduoted, Pnd the votes oast thereat reoeived and canvassed, and the returns thereof made f+..nd deolared, in time, form, and manner as required by the gen- eral laws of the State of California governing eleotione in Cities of the 81zth Class, and as well as the general laws of the State of California governing eleotione upon the proposition of disinoorporation of munioipal oornorations, A24D u~HEREAS, the City Counoil of said Ci tq of Tustin met at the Counoil Chamber of the City Counoil on Monday, the 31st day of July, 1933, at the hour of 7630 O'olook P. M., to oanvaas the returns of said eleotion, as a result of whioh the i 1 City Oounoil !lads that the whole number o! votes oast in the 2 City, the proposition voted upoa, the number of votes given at 3 eaoh Areoinot !or and against eaoh proposition, and the number 4 o! votes given in the City for a.nd against eaoh proposition S voted upon, to be as hereinafter stated, NO;., TH~:R~FORE; e B~ IT RE8OLV~ as followas 7 That said Qpeaial ;dunioipal Election was held and ooa- 8 the 26th dap o! Julq, ducted in the City of Tustin on ~-edneeday, 9 1933, in time, loan, and manner as required by law; l0 That there was one voting preoinot established for the it purpose o! holding said speoial eleotion, consisting o! a con- 12 solidation of the regular eleotion precincts established in said 13 City for holding ~3eneral, State, and County elections, as Yol- 14 !owes "Consolidated Voting preoinot A", comprising State and 15 County preoinot$ numbers, Tustin City Number 1, and Tustin City 18 Aumber 2. 17 That the whole number of votes oast in said speoial 18 eleotion was • 19 That there was one proposition voted upon at said speoial 20 municipal eleotion, to-wit; the proposition, whether said City 21 o! Tustin, a municipal corporation, shall dieincorporate, at 22 which speoial eleotion the qualilled voters of the City o! 23 Tustin were invited to vote upon said proposition ae indicated 24 upon the ballot used thereat, either "For Disinoorporation", or 25 "Aga.inst Disincorporation"; those in !aunt o! disincornoration 28 to place upon their ballot a cross after the words "For Dis- 27 incorporation", and thoao not lavoring disincorporation to plane 28 a cross upon their ballot after the ~-ords "Against Disincorpora- 29 tion". 30 31 That thQ (umber of votes voted at said "Consolidated 32 MORRIS CAIN AT70RNtY•AT-LAW •/1NTA ANA. CALIF . ~'2~ 1 2 3 4 S e 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 i 1S ~ 16 ! 17 ~ 18 19 20 21 22 2S 24 ZS 28 27 28 29 ' 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORN[Y-AT•LAW fANTA ANA, CALIF. Qoting Preoinot A", for and againf3t said proposition were as follows: For Disinoorporation Against Disinoorporation Void Ballots . Total votes oast in said "Consolidated Voting Preoinot A" That the total number of votes given and voted in said City for and against said proposition Were as follow, to-wits For Disinoorporation Against Disinoorporation Void Ballots That by virtue of, and by reason of the feat that the votes in favor of, or for diaineorporation, were less than the two-thirds majority required by law, and the faot that the votes against said proposition, or to-wit; against disinoorporation ~~were in number greater than the number of votes oast in favor of said proposition, tr.e City Council finds and deolaree that, as a result oY said Speeia.l Election said proposition to dis- ,incorporate the City of Tustin has been defeated by the vote of ~' the qualified electors of the City of Tustin, e.s aforesa.id; Ind as a result of the outcome of said Special Election upon said proposition to disinoorporate the City of Tustin, the City Council hereby declares the petition for dis3lncnrnoration pre- sented to, and filed with the City Council on the 5th day of June, 1933, denied. This Re$olution to take effect immediately. -~ 1 2 3 4 S e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 '~ 21' 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORN[Y•AT-LA W •ANTA ANA. CALIF I hereby oertify the foregoing Resolution duly and regularly passed by the ~'ity Council of the City of Tustin, Cali.*ornia, at a meeting thereof held on July 31st, 1933, at the City Rall in ,said City of Tustin, as required by the general laws of the State of California, said meeting being held for the purpose of oanvassing the vote of the 3peoial Eleotion held in Said City on the 26th day of July, 1933, said July 31st, 1933, being the Monday next suooaading the date of said 3peoial Tleation, and said Resolution being passed bq the following vote, to-wits AYES: Counoilmen~ - -~1-~~- NO^a8a Counoilmen, ______„,_ Aone AB8ENTt Counoilmen, _- ATTESTS ,) ~, ~ / ~cEAL~ q, er o e y o s n. ti~~~'~ ~~~~ APPROVED this 31st day of July, 1933• Mayor of t e Ci y o Test n. ~~