HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 38RESOLUTION NO. 38 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CALIFORNIA, ENDORSING THE PROGRAM AND ACTION OF THE GAS TAX COMMITTEE OF THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA MUNICI- PALITIES TOWARD OBTAINING LEGISLATION TO OBTAIN A SHARE OF THE GAS TAX FUNDS FOR THE CITIES OF CALIFORNIA.. SUBJECT: Gas Tax Distribution and Secondary State Highway Additions ORIGIN: GAs Tax Committee, supported b2 City Managers, Mayors and Oouneilmen, and Planners ACT ION: Adopt ion recommended WttE~S it is evident that municiPalities within the State of California have not received a fair proportion of the motor gax funds with which to construct and maintain streets and highways re- gulfed by increasing automobile traffic, and ?.Nhereas a more equitable distribution of said funds is necessary and desirable, 'BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the City of Tustin $o on reoord ae favoring the following: 1. A program for a continuous state highway system thrO'Ugh- out Oalifornia, including the construction, maintenance, re'eon- struction and widening of the necessary sections within municipal- ities; and spec.~fically the addition of 6,624 miles of highways to · the state highway system as proposed by the Automobile Club of Southern California and the California ~tate Automobile Association which addition will .relieve the .respective Boards of .~upervisors of the State of a large portion of the burden now borne by them out of their portion of gas tax funds; .this program to be carried out with the present revenues .accruing to the State Highway Department. The apportionment to each county as heretofore of one- third of the total proceeds of the existing three cent motor fuel tax; however, the amount accruing directly from the tax on the sale 0 of ga~olin~ shall be apportioned ~ongot the oitie~ of ~aid oounty and the unincorporated area of said county on the basis of regis,- trat£on of motor veh~les,0f said apportionment, three-fourths shall go into a fund .o.f t.he, cities.; .... the. remaining, one-fourth re- suiting from city regristration, together.w, ith all revenue resulting from rural registration .,~$~.d...a~.'l,'.l. receipts for license Plates, etc., shall be paid into the count~ t. reasury. The same restri'c, tions on expenditures shall .be made for the cities as now exists for' the' counties, with the further provision that all such' funds shall be expende'd only according to a fin~ncial., plan. in each Case which shall be based upon a competent physical plan, including a classification ... of exis~£ng traffic routes and proposed alterations ~herein and extentions ~hereto. 3'. Nothing in the resolution shall be constructed to limit the ,existing authority '.of counties to meet needs w'~thin incorporated cities. 4, That the Legislatiw.e Oommittee be instructed to prepare .. . . the necessary, legislation looking to. this end and that said Oommittee have authority ~o amend, "alter o.r 'revise this plan as seems es~en- t iai to assure an equitable allocation of gas tax monies to the cities, and BE IT FURT~R REBOLVED that the Board of Directors .of ~" .. , . · the League of California Municipalities shall create a large state- wide commit, gee, represent£ng the municipalities of all soctions of the ~tate fOr the purpose of assisting the· Legislative Committee, both.'befo.re and during the next, session of the legislature, in accomplishing the purpose of this resolution, .. THIS RESOLUTION shall t'ake effect 'from and after its passage and, approval. SEAL APPROVED ~his 5th day of December, 1932. J(~ I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution w8a duly and regularly passed by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, at a regular meeting of said City A Counoil held on the 5th day of Deoember, 1932. ~'~ ~~ IIY~: Councilmen: Logan. ~ahweademan. giaer Pieper. .~ 80b'~: Councilmen: Bone •beent : Councilmen: Bone ATTl~3T: ~~. ~ , y er o e n, a orn a. e ''err ~``°'"' ~' ~4 - A t • RESOLUTION NO._ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORA'IA, E'.DORSING THE PROCTRAM A'"D ACTI^N OF THE GAS TAX CO%~?~'ITTEE OF THE LEAGUE OF CALIFOR"TIA ML]NICI- PALI TIES T0~'~ARD OBTAINING LEGISLATION TO OBTAIN A SF?ARE OF THE GAS TAX FUPIDS Fr1R THE CITIES OF CALIF'^RNIA. SUBJECT: Gas ,Tax Distribution and Secondary State ;i~;h;aay ~idditior_s ORIGIN: Gas Ta:~ Conr*±; ttee , supported by Citg ::ane~ers, mayors end Council. er_, and Plazu~.ers ACTION: Adoption reaori~.enued . ~'~iD;R~.1`~S it is evidant that riunicipalities tirithin the State of California Dave r..ot received a fair proportion of the motor tax funds S~ith rrh=ch to ccnstruct and :::aintain streets and •high.•~ags re- quired by incrcaszng automaL.le traffic, and ';.=t;R'y13 a more equitable distribution of said funds is necessary nz uesirable, BE IT ii~F~E~'v`~ R~S:~I:~r'~~~u "'LiAT the City of Tustin go on record as favoring the .°ollo~.-ing: l . A pro~;rair_ °cr a ca:: ~i.nuous state high4ray s;; steri through- out California, including '•_-he ~~~nstruction, r.~ainter_ance ~ recon- struction and ~riden;ng of t e nPcess~~r;r s~cti^.ns zr~.t~,-_:: municipal- ities; and speci~'ically t_~e ac:c_it.~n of G,6::.'4 '"i1.Je9 of 11~ghcras to the state highway systeM as prcposed by t~ze yutomcbile Club of Southern California and the Cal:ifcrr:ia State i.uto::icbile Association, which addition will relieve t_ze ~^espoctive Bo~.r _Is of Supai~vSsors of the State of a large portion of tree burden nor borne by them out of their portion of gas tax funds; this program ~o be carried out ;7ith the present revenues accruing to the State H' gl::~a; I;e;~art~:ient . 2, The apportiontient to each county as heretofore of one- third of the total proceeds of the existing three cent motor fuel tax; hoy~ever, the amour; accruing directly from the tax bn the sale of gasoline s:~all be apportioned amongst the cities of said county and the unincorporated area of said count~* on the basis of reels- tration of motor vehicles o Of said apportioiment, tlme'e-fourths r ~ R ~~ ~ ,~ shall go into a fund of the cities; the remaining one-fourth re-• salting from city ragistration, together with all revenue resulting fro3n rural registration and all receipts for license plates, etco, shall be paid into the co-anty treasury, The samR restrictions on expenditure. sr.~~.1±. re r::ade for the cities as now exists for the counties with '::ha fu,-~ther prevision that all such funds shall be eacpended only a^cordi:~g ~.o a finan^•ial. plan in each case which shall be based upcr~ ~ compet~°._:, ph;; sica' pyar., including a classification of existing t»~ff 3.c .:- _ a~.:e~ ar 3 ~roj• . s ^d P lter. atians therein and extensions the^eto, 3o Noth;.ng ;n :r~ ,-PL-^~ti:tior ~3hP~.l be construed to limit the existing auth:,r.-~y c~_~ cou-~~,iaa .~ r..c:,L :_eeda within incorporated cities . 4o Trot ~..e Legislative Corrn7ittee be in~truct~d to prepare ~. the necessary 1aglalation 'looking to this end and that said Co~maittee have author3 ty- :.~~ F.~:end, alter or revise t:zis plan as seems essen- tial to assure an equitable alloca~ion of gas tax monies to the cities an3 BE rl FTJRm~R RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the League of. Ja'.ifo~^nia Aiunicipa.i.ties sr~a?.'. create a large state- wide corrnnittee; representing the municipalities of all sections of the State for ~~nF: pi~:rpose of assisting the Legislative Committee, both before ar_a during the next session ~f the Legislature, in accomplishing tno purpose of this resolu~:.i~.n„ THIS RE80LUTION shall take effect from and after its passage and approval. APPROVED this 5th day of December, 1932. (SEAL) ?~ayor of~ the City Tustin. ,w""• -- ~ I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 5th day of Dece!nber, 1932. AYES': Councilmen: Lo Ran, 8chwendeman, giser, Pieper. NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ATTEST: ~ n, ~~ City Clerk of Tustin, California.. ~~~