HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 33RESOLUTION NO. 33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN DETERMINING AND DECLARING THAT WEEDS WHICH BEAR SEEDS OF A WINGY OR DOWNY NATURE AND ATTAIN SUCH A LARGE GROWTH A TO BECOME A FIRE MENACE, WHEN DRY, AND WHICH ARE NOXIOUS AND DANGEROUS ARE GROWING UPON CERTAIN STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN CERTAIN STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF TUSTIN AND ARE A PUBLIC NUISANCE; DIRECTING THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT TO POST NOTICES TO DESTROY SAID WEEDS AS REQUIRED BY LAW; FIXING THE TIME FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS AND PROTESTS, AND DIRECTING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF IN ACORDANCE WITH AN ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENTITLED "AN ACT AUTHORIZING MUNICIPALITIES TO DECLARE NOXIOUS OR DANGEROUS WEEDS GROWING UPON THE STREETS OR SIDEWALKS OR UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN MUNICIPALITIES TO BE PUBLIC NUISANCE, A LIEN UPON THE PROPERTY FRONTING UPON SUCH STREES OR SIDEWALKS, OR UPON WHICH SUCH NUISANCE EXISTS FOR THE COST OF ABATING THE SAME, APPROVED MAY 16, 1915:, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO: The .Cit~ Counoll of the City of 'Tuetln' do r.eeolve as follows: Section 1~ Pursuan~ to the provt~lo!ns of an act of the Le~$~lature of the State of California, entitled "An Act' Author- izl~ Nun!ol~alttie.e to ~aolare NoXious or Da~Eer°us ~eeds Grow- ,. i~ upon the Streets 'or Sidewalks, or upon Private kroPert~ ~ithin ..... M~ioipallttes to' be a ~ubllo Nuisanoe$ Creating a Lien upon the ~ropert~ Pron,.ins upon such. streets .or 3idewalk~ 'or upon whl~h such Nuisance ~tst.a for the .Cost of Abatl~ the 3~e, Approved . :.¢M'a~' 26, 191$~', and. ~en~ente thereto, the Cit~ Oouncil 'of the · O:ity of Tuetln thereby dete~i~e.e and declares that weeds which bear seeds of ~ win~ or dow~ nature, or attain such large a gro~h as. to become a fire monaco when d~ and which are noxious and da~eroue, are 'Erowlng upon certain effects, sidewalks and private prOperty In said City, a~d that the property fronting such a~reeSe or. sidewalks, or upon which such nuisance exists are particularly de~cribed as follows, to-wit: ....,  . . . .., ·. LOT LOt. 1 Bl.o:e.k A .Lot 3' Lot 4 ~,look .A BiO.0k A LOt 17 l~'l°ok A · Tract No, ~96 , . Tract No.,.. 396 Tract No. 396 Trac.t.No, 3~6 First St rest ret Street .. .. First Street First Street Yorb~. 8t rest ., ~ot B~oak ,.,: T tact. 8tre.et Let ~.. _.,-- ~&ol; :]5Io:, 547 Lot 4 B~ook A Lot 7 2~ook Ac Lot 4 B~ook B.,. Lot 9" B~ook C e Lot 11 Block O · , . Lot ? .Block 14 Lot 7 Lot LOt 11 LOt- ~e. st' 60 feet o.~'" East 145 feet of the, ~.outh !37,~ ~eet of , feet Of Block 14 ,. . . 0 Block B' Bl.ook B' ~art ~art ~a~t ~art ~a.rt ,.,; Tract 'No. 3.38' . : .. Tract .No, 5.38 Tract N°. 5~8 TraCt NO', 5~58 Tract No. '.5~8 Traet 11o..,.. 3~8' ' T. raet -No o 35.8 o Tract' N~. ,. Tract No. 358 Tract. No. 55.8 of TUt'tin City of" Tustin C.i't~ of Tustin · . of T. ustin City · . of Tust. tn of. Tustln City .T. raot No. 3 Tract No, ~' .F$.f$:t. Street .~-21i~o mia or North A. ~tree~ ...... ~" .. · PirSt' St reef North B, Street North B. Street North B, Street ... : Fi'ret St feet North ~. Street Nerth O. Street North C, Street North .~'~ ~treet · North ¢,8t feet Third & C 8tre'et'~ 0., Street. . ¢'.' Street · . C~..5t.reet Mai~".$t feet Main St re.et 9 Street .and Third Bt re e.t and Prospect .. Street LOt :LO. I,,oi; :L1 Lot 12 ~est · 50 feet of 'the South one-half East 55 feet of ~est 511 feet · Block A. Block A. Block A Block A Block A l~.look A Blook A T~aot No, 5 Tract .. ..,. .. ~raot' No. 3 Tract No, 5 Tract No. 3 Tract No. ~ ,. · . city of Tusti.n ... Oit'~ of Tu.stin D,, Street.' D. Street and thi'rd Street Second ..Street ~rospeot Street .. ~. rospect. Street .. ?r..osp.eo+~ .Street Prospect St ree,~: Prospect.. St re. et and' '*~hi'rd Str. Third S~.'reet. and' ?acifio Street' : East '~o~;4?"f,~'et 0~' ~he' South :"150 feet of Lot 10 Yorba StreetTr~ot. First Street Section 2, The Street Superintendent of the C[t~ of , . Tustin is hereb~ ~nstruoted to prepare and post not,cee to des, tro~ sa~d weeds as required b~ law, Said not,cee shall be so Posted at least f~ve .{5) da~s prior to the time for. hearin~ objections and Pro.tests b~ the C~ty Council of said O~t~, and shall be conspiouousl~ posted in front .pr the po~ert~ on which or in front of which such nuisance exista, and not more than one hundred '~100) feed in distance apa~, and not less than three [S~ in all, Section 3, Said City CounCil will hear and consider all objections or protests, if arav, to the proposed removal of weeda at its meeting on Monday, the 16th day of Ma2, 1932, at the hour of 8 o' Clock ~, M. I ..hereb~ certify that th .... foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and ad~pted by the O. it~ Ooun..cil of the of Tustin at a regular meeting of said Cit2 Council held on the 2nd day of May, 1932, by the f~!lowing vote, to-wit: AYES: Noes: .. ABSOEN~: Trustees: Trustees: Trustees: ATTEST Approved: May 2nd, 1932, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SANTA ANA, CALIF. RESOLUTI02v' ATO. 3~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUidCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTiN DETERMINING Ar1D DECLARirr t THAT ~GEEDS tiYHiCH BEAR SEEDS OF A WINGY OR DO'I~NY NATURE AND ATTAIN SUCH A LARGE GRO'' TH AS TO BEGONE A FIRE 1,-'ENACE +fiK~N DRY, AND '~`r'HiCH ARE NOXIOUS Ar~D DA~'GEROUS, ARE GROWING UPON CERTAIN STREETS, SIDEWALKS Ai3D PRIVATE PROPERTY IN CERTAIN STREETS, SIDE4~ALKS AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IiJ SAID CITY OF TUSTIN AND ARE A PUBLIC NUISA•'CE; DIRECTING THE STREET SUPERINTENDEI~:T TO POST P~OTICES TO DESTROY SAID brEEDS AS REQUIRED BY LAW; FIXING THE TI~/E FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS ArTD PROTESTS, A'~TD DIRECTING THE ABATE.'r'ENT THEREOF IN ACCORDA?CE k ITH AN ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE, OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENTITLED "AN ACT A'f?THORIZING I~ITNICIPALITIES TO DECLARE NOXIOUS OR DANGEROUS WEEDS GRO'~~rIrIG UPON THE STREETS OR SIDEti~ALKS OR UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY GGITHIN MUNICIPALITIES TO BE PUBLIC NUISA.•iCE, A LIEN UPON THE PROPERTY FRCNTIrTG UPON SUCH STREETS OR SIDE~I~ALKS, OR UPON WHICH SUCH NUISA.:CE EXISTS FCR THE COST OF ABATING THE SAME, APPROVED ;r"AY 26, 1915", A'_~'D A:FEiD.:'Er?TS THEF~ETO: The City Council of the City of Tustin d.o resolve as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "An Act Author- izing :cunicinalities to Declare Noxious or Dangerous 'C'Ceeds Grow- ing upon the Streets or Si:'.ewalks,or upon Private Property ti^:ithin Nunicivalities to ?~e a. Put;lic Nuisance; Creating a Lien upon the Property Fronting upon such Streets or Sidewalks or upon which such Nuisance Exists for the Cost of Abating the Same, Approved ?.'ay 25, 1915", end amendments thereto, tree City Council of the City of Tustin hereby determines a.nc~ declares that weeds which tear seeds of a wingy or do~ti~ny nature, or attain such a large growth as to become a. fire menace 1v'r;en dry and which are noxious a.nd dangerous, are ~ro~tiing upon certain streets, sidewalks and private nronerty in said City, ar_c3 that the nronerty fronting s~zch streets cr sidewalks, or upon which such nuisance exists are particularly descrired as follo~~~~s, to-unit: -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~I 29 30 31 32 DESCRIPTION CF PROPEPTIFS A ); STREETS HAVIA'G OB.`OXIOUS '~'~EEDS Ci? T'r_E~~ . LOT Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 17 Lot 10 Lot ~ Lot 1 Lot 4 Lot 24 Lot 7 Lot 4 Lot 13 Lot ~ Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 7 Lot ~ Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 6 '.pes t o0 feet of East 145 fee t of the Sou th 137.5 fee t of Nor th 10'21__ fee t of BLOCK Block A Block A Block A Block A Block A Block E Block A Block A Block B Block A Block B Block B Block Block C Blocl: C Blocl: C Flock 14 plock 14 Block 14 Block 17 Blocl; 17 Block 17 B1ocY. B Block B TRAC T Tract T'o. ?9~ Tract I'o. ?.~6 Tract .?o. ~:; Tract r?o. ?95 Tract i?o• ?%~ Tract .'o. '`?~~ -- Tract l~?o. 347 Tract r?o. 33S Tra.c t i'o. ~3S Tract No . ~~S Tract l~?o. S Tract ~;o. ~?~ Tract No. ~>S Tract n?o. ~~~ Tract .~?o . 73S ~' Tract I~?o . ? , s~ Tract ?~o. ~~~ Part of Tustin City Part of T`astin City Part of Tustin City Part of Tu stin Ci ty Part of T~a ~tin City Part of Tu stin City Tract r?o. 3 Tract r'o. 3 STR~'ET First Street First Street First Street First Street Yorba. Street First Street California or North A. Stre°t First Street A1ort:~ B. Street North B. Street rroTth B. Street First Street Idor.th ~. Strut ?ortn C. Street RTorth C. Street r?girth r. Street North C. Street '_~nircz & C. Streets C Street C Stree t C Strut C Street I~:a.in Street ~:ain Street D Street ~r_d Third Street and Prospect Street MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DESCRIPTIOI~T OF PR~JP4RTIES A5?D STRF~TS fIAVI'G OP\OXIOUR TS~EDS ON THEN: LOT I BLOCK I TRACT I STREET Lot ~ Plock A Tract I~?o. ? D Street Lot ~ Block A Tract I?o. 3 D Street anti Third Street Lot 7 Block A Tract ?o. 3 Second Street and Prospect Street Lot ~ Block A Tract I~?o. ~ Prospect Street Lot 10 Block A Tract ?o. 3 Prospect Street Lot 11 Block A Tract i~?o. 3 Pros;~ect Street Lot 12 Block A Tract ito. 3 Prospect Street end T:~ird Street ''pest ~O feet of the South one-half Block D City of Tustin Third Street and Pacific Street East 55 feet of '~tiest 311 feet Block D City of Tustin Second Street and Third Street East 106.47 tee of the South 15 Thomas Yorba Traot First Street feet of Lot 10 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNCY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA, CALIF. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9~~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA, CALIF. Section 2. The Stre Tustin is hereby instructed tc troy said weeks as reruired c} posted at least five (51 days obj ecti ons ar.d protests by th; shall be conspicuously Hosted or in front of which such nuil one hundred (100) feet in dis three (3) in a.ll. Section 3. Said Ci all objections or protests, i~ weeds at its meeting on Monda the hour of ~ o'clock P. t,~. I hereby certify th regularly introduced and a.dop of Tustin at a regular meetin 2nd day of N!ay, 1932, by the AYES: TRTJSTEES: NOES: TRUSTE~~S: ABSENT: TRUST1i:~r,S: A7 (SEAL) AI et Su~erintender.t of the City of prepare and Host notices to des- lave. Said notices shall be so prior to tl:e time fir hea.rinb City Council of said City, and in front of the property on which 3a.nce exists, and not more than ta.nce apart, but not less than ty Council will hear and consider a.ny, to the proposed removal of ,~, the 16th day of :La.y, 1932, a t ~t the foregoing Resolution was ted by the City Council of the City ? of said City Council held on the following vote, to-wit: Lo~a.n, Scrwendemz?n and Pieper NONE 'TEST: ., Cler:~ of the City of Tustin. i PROVED: rt'ay 2nd, 1932. La.yor of the Cit of Tustin.