HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 26RESOLUTION NO. 26 A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT IT IS FOR THE BEST INTERESTS OF SAID CITY THAT IN CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPING FIRE HALL FOR SAID CITY, THAT SAID CITY DO SAID WORK DIRECTLY AND NOT BY CONTRACT, AND DIRECTLY PURCHASE THE MATERIALS, HIRE THE NECESSARY LABOR, AND DO ALL THE OTHER THINGS NECESSARY FOR THE DOING OF SAID WORK, INCLUDING THE EMPLOYMENT OF A SUPERINTENDENT TO SUPERVISE SAID WORK. ?;HE-REAS, the said City of ".'ustin heretofore voted a bonded indebtedness for the construction and equipment of a fire hall, and whereas the money is now available from said bond issue for said use, and whereas the said City has acquired property upon which to construct said ~ire Hall;~ AND ~HEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of ~rustees and City Council of the City of Tustin, have found and determined that it will be for the best interests of said City, that in construction and equiping said fire hall, the said City do said work directly and not by contract, and directly purchase the necessary material, hire the necessary labor, and do all other things necessary for the doing of said work, including the employment of a superintendent to supervise said work; NO~'~ THER'EP. ORE, be it resolved, by the City Council and Board of Trustees of the City of Tustin, that in constructing and equiping said fire hall, the said City shall do said work directly, and directly purchase the necessary materials, and hire the necessary labor, and do all other things necessary for the doing and completion of said work and improvement, including the employment of a superintendent to supervise, manage and direct said work and improvement, and that the said City, through its said Council, shgll at once hire and employ a suitable superintendent to supervise and direct said work and improvement, upon such terms, conditions or salary or compensation, as shall to the said Council be deemed fair and' Just, and for the best interests of the said City, and shall proceed to construct and equip said fire hall, and to have same constructed and equipped at once, and shall comple'te and cause same to be completed as soon as is reasonably possible. This 'Resolution shall take effect from and after its passage and approval. hereby certify the foregoing ~.~esolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Council of ~he City of Tustin, California, at a regular' meeting of said City Council held on the 1st day of December, 1930, by the following vote- AYES; Councilman ~ogan, Huntley, i{iser and Schwendeman. Councilman- None. AB$~'-'~=. Councilmen. None. ATTEST: C~y Cl~rk' Of-Tus in~ ai-ifornia. Approved this 15th day of December, 1930. Mayor and President bf-~'he Board of Trustees of '2~stin, C~lifornia. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i 18 ~, 19 ~~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ~i 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORN[Y•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. RESOLUTION N0.~__ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUidCILtii~D BOARD OF TRUSTE%S OF THE; CITY OF TUSTITd, CALIFORNIA, FINDII~~G aldD DETER~INIIdG `T'HAT IT IS FOR THE BEST IvTER~STS OF StiID CITY, THAT IId COid$TRL'CTING AND E~UIPING FIRE HALL FOR S~~ID CITY, THAT SAID CITY DC S:iID ~'iORK DIRECTLY A1~D i~OT BY CC~~TRACT, AND DIRECTLY PURCHASE THE :::aTERIALS, HIRE THL riECESSARY LABOR, ~idD DO ALL THE OTN~R THINGS idECi:SSARY FOR T:~E DOING OF SAID 4ORK, I~;CLUDII3G THE ..,.,. 4"PLOYsEIdT OF A SUPERI;TENDEiIT 'TO SUPERVISE SaID '„ORK. '7HEREAS, tre said City of Tustin heretofore voted a bo nded indebtedness for the construction and equipment of afire hall, and whereas the money is nor available from said bond issue for said use, and whereas the said City has acquired property upon ~-:hich to construct said Fire Hall; A:dD ~"u'HEREA3, after full consideration, the Board of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin, have found and determined that it will be for the best interests of said City, that in construction and equipmin; said fire hall, the said city do said work directly and not by contract, and directly purchase the necessary material, hire the necessary labor, and do all other things necessary for the doing of said work, including the employment of as superintendent to supervise said work; IdOSti THEREFORE, be it resolved, by the City Council and Board of Trustees of the City of Tustin, that in Constructing and equiping said fire hall, the said City shall do said work directly, and directly purchase the necessary thateria.ls, and hire the nedessa.ry labor, and do all other thinks necessary for the doing and completion of said r:ork amd improvement, including the employment of a superintendent -~o supervise, manage and direct said tirork and improve:~:ent , and that the said City, through its said 0ouncil, shall at once hire and employ a suitable -1- 1 2~ I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORN~Y•AT•LAW BANTA ANA. CAL. superintendent to supervise and direct said v~-ork and improvement, upon such terms, conditions or salary or compensation, as shall to the said Council be deemed fair and just, and for the best interests of the said City, and shall proceed to construct and eau~p said fire hall, and to have same cons~ructed and equi,~pea at once, and shall complete and cause same to ire completed a.s soon as is reasonably possible. This Resolution shall take effect ~?ro:~~ and after its passa~:e a.nd ap ~rova,l. I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution wa.s duly and regularly passed ~by the City council of the City of Tustin, California, a.t a re~ul;.r meetin~~ of said City Council. held on the lst day of December, 1930, by the follov~inv vote. AYLS; Councilmen LACES: Councilmen: None. ABSEi~T: Councilmen: xTTEST: (Seal ) ' v" y Clerk of Tustin, California. approved this t v~~da.y of December, 1930. 1 ~:ayor and Presid t of the Board of Trustees of Tustin,California~ 2-