HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 21RESOLUTON NO. 21 A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT THE BID OF THE SEAGRAVE CORPORATON, FOR THE FURNISHING TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN OF FIRE TRUCK AND AC- CESSORIES IS THE LOWEST AND BEST BID SUBMITTED FOR THE FURNISHING OF SAID EQUIPMENT, ACCEPTING SAID BID, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, AND THE CITY CLERK, TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY PAPERS AND CONTRACTS FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAID EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SAID BID. WItEREAS, under an~ pursuant to directions of the Oity Council of the Oity of Tustin, o~lifornia, the City Clerk of the City of '~'ustin, advertised and published ~otice ~nviting Bids for the furnishing to the said City of :~ustin of fire ~ruck and Accessories, o in response to which a number o~ bids were received, and WHEREAS, after thorough investigation and study of the bids received it appears to the Oity Council and Board of ~'rustees of the ~ity of Tustin that the bid of The Seqgrave Corporation to furnish said Fire Truck and ~ccessories to the City of Tustin at a price of $~7~0,00 is the lowest and best bid, and that said bid should be accepted: NO'~V ~zHER'?~0RE, ~ ~'~ ?'~ '~ be it resolved that in the opinion of the City Council and ~oard of ~z'rustees of the City of Tustin, the ~id of The Seagrave Oorporation for the furnishing to the City o~ Tustin of Fire Truck and ~ccessories in accordance with said bid, is the lowest and best bid received for the furnishing of said equipment, and that the said bid be and the same is hereby accepted, and th~' Mayor and ~resident oi~ the Ooard of ~'rustees, and the City Ole~k, are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the necessary contracts and papers with the said 'Z'he Seagrave Oorporation, for ~he purchase of said equipment and accessories, and to execute said contracts in behdla of the said City, the purchase price' and conditions to be in accordance with the terms of said bid, the purchase p'~'ice being $~7~0~00 The City Clerk is further authorized and directed to £orthwith'return to the parties offering same all cashiers checks or certified checks received with bids for furnishing of said 5~ equipment and .accessories, .and. who. se.. bids were not successful, and to return to t:he said T'he 3eag~.-ave..Corpo.ration, any check submitted with its bid, immediately after due execution and delivery of contract in accordance with ~he z~otice Inviting Bids ~nd with the bid of the said, The Seagraveuorporation. This: Resolution shall take effect from and aft~r its passage and approv~'~l. The ~orgoing resolution w~s passed and adopted by.a vote of four members of the City Council of the said City of ~ustin, State of California, this 21st day of ~uly, l~,~0. TUst £n-'-- clerk ........... Presented to and approved by me this 21st day of July., 1930. Mayor Trustees of the ~ity of Tustin, Calif. CLERK' S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the for going resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the u ity Council of the oity of Tustin, California, duly called and held at 8 o'clock P, ~. on the 21st day of ~'uly, 1930, adopted and passed by a ye.re of four members of the said City ~ouncil, as follows: AYES: Councilmen: ttuntley, 5chwendeman, ~ogan, and Kiser. NOES- Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Counc i linen' z~one Dated this 21st day of ~uly, 1930 ~i'City Clerk of Tustin, California RE80LUTION N0. ~ 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8' 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 I zo 21 zz 23 24 26 26 27 z8 29 30 31 3z MORRIS CAIN ATiORNCY•AT.4AW SANTA ANA. CAL. s****~~**~*• A RE80LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUBTIN, CALIFORbiIA, DETERMINING THAT THE BID OF THE BEAaRAVE CORPORATION, FOR THE FURNISHING TO THE CITY OF TUBTIN OF FIRE TRUCE AND ACC- E830RIE8 IS THE LOWEST AND BEST BID SUBMITTED FOR THE FURNISHING OF SAID EQUIPMENT, ACCEPTING SAID BID, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT ING THE MAYOR AND PREBIBENT OF THE BOARD OF TRU8TEE8, AND THE CITY CLERK, TO EXECUTE THE NECE8SARY PAPERS AND CONTRACTS FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAID ZQIIIPIL&iTT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SAID BID. s**~****~~*** WHEREAS, under and pursuant to directions of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, the City Olerk of the Oity of Tustin, advertised and published Notice Inviting Bids for the furnishing to the said City of Tustin of fire Truck and Accessories, in response to which a number of bids were received, and WHEREAS, after thorough investigation and Study of the bids reoeived it appears to the Oity Council and Board of Trustees of the City of Tustin that the bid of The Beagrave Corporation to furnish said Fire Truck and Accessories to the City of Tustin at a price of $5750.00 is the lowest and best bid, and that said bid should be accepted: NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that in the opinion of the City Council and Board of Trustees of the City of Tustin, the bid of The Seagrave Corporation for the furnishing to the Oity of Tustin of Fire Truck and Accessories in aooordanca ~-ith said bid, is the lowest and best bid received for the furnishing of sa d equipment, and that the said bid be and the same is hereby accept d, Gad the Mayor and President of the Board of Trustees, and the Cit Olerk, are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the neces cry contracts and papers with the said The Sea,grave Corporation, for the purchase of said equipment and accessories, and to a=eoute -1- 1 z 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 l0 11 lz 13 14 16 is 17 ~, 18 I,I 19' 20 ~ 21 22 z3 24 '~ 2b zs 27 za zs 30 31 3z MORRIS CAIN ATTORN6Y•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. said contracts in betialf of the said Oity, the purchase prioe and conditions to be in accordance with the terms of said bid, the purchase price being $5750.00. The Oity Olerk is further authorized and directed to forthwith return to the parties offering same all cashiers checks] or certified checks received with bids for furnishing of said I~ equipment and accessories, and whose bide were not suocessful, and to return to the said The Beagrave Oorporation, any oheok submitted with its bid, immediately after due execution and delivery of contract in acoordance with the Notice Inviting Hids and with the bid of the said, The 8eagrave Oorporation. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its passage and epyrovsl. The forgoing resolution was passed and adopted by a vote of four members of the Oity Oouncil of the said Oity of Tustin, State of Oalifornia, this ~~ day of July, 1930. (B~AL) V C Oity Clerk. Presented to and e~roved by me this day of July,l9; Mayor and President of the Board of Trustees of the Oity of Tustin, State of Qalifornia. - 2- i 2 3I 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 lz 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 zl zz 23 24 25 26 27 zs zs 30 31 3z OLERg~B CERTIFIOATE. ************ I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and read at a regular meetiag of the Oity Oouncil of the Oity of Tustin, Oalifornia, duly called and held at ~ o~clock P. M. on the _a~_~ day of July, 1930, adopted and passed by a vote of four members of the said Oity Oouncil, as follows: Ayes: Oouncilmen; Huntley, 8chwendemaa~ Logan and 8iser. Noes: Oouncilmen: None. 4bsent:0ouncilmen: None. Dated this ~ day of July, 1930. (s~aL) -3- . ~ ~ Oity Olerk of Tustin, Oalifornia. MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CAL.