HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 18RESOLUTON NO. 18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND PURCHASE BY THE CITY OF TUSTIN OF FIRE HOSE ARE TOO HIGH, AND DECLARING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL BIDS BE REJECTED, REJECTING ALL BIDS THEREFOR, AND DECLARING AND DETERMINING THAT IN THE OPINION OF THE SAID COUNCIL AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE SAID FIRE HOSE MAY BE PURCHASED AT A LOWER PRICE IN THE OPEN MARKET, AND THAT SAID CITY COUNCIL AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES SHALL PROCEED TO PURCHASE SAID MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES IN THE OPEN MARKET AT THE LOWEST AND BEST PRICE OBTAINABLE, TAKING INTO CONSIDERATON THE QUALITY OF SAID MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TO BE PURCHASED. BEST PRICE 0Bf'AINABLE, TAKING I£~TO C0i4SIDEHATION "£HE QUALIT~ 0F SAID ~LATERIALS ~'~iJD SUPPLIES TO BE PURCHASEDL. WHEREAS, pursuant to the instructions of and directions of the ~ity 0ouncil of the City of Tustin, the Oity Clerk of said 'City did heretofore advertise for bids for the furnishing 'to the said City of Tustin of certain materials and supplies, to wit, ~'ire Hose, and Whereas a number of bids were received by the said City ~ouncil for the furnishing of said materials and supplies, in response to said advert iseme~-',t, and :~hereas after thorough investigation the said ~ity ~ouncil are of the opinion that each and all of said bids are too high and should be rejected, and that the .said i~aterials and Supplies can be purchased at a lower price in the open market- N0?! T~',''~'H~R~'~'~0RE, be it resolved by the City ~ouncil and ~card of Trustees of the ~ity of Tustin, ~alifornia, that each and all of the bids received by the said ~ity ~ouncil for the, furnishing of said City of certain materials and supplies, to-wit, fire hose submitted in response to ~otice inviting ~ids for such i~atez'ials and Supplies, published by the City ~lerk of the ~ity of Tustin, under the direction of said ~ity Oouncil, were and are too high, and should be rejected, and 'that the said City Council and soard of 'zrustees oi' the city off Tustin, do~s hereby reject each and all of said bi ds; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, declared, and determined that in the opinion of the said ~ity ~ouncil and ~oard of ~rustees the said materials and supplies can be furnished and purchased in the open market at a price materially lower than the lowest of the bids submitted as aforesaid, ~and that the salad ~ity ~ouncil and Board of "zrustees of the Uity of ~ustin shall fo:"thwith proceed to purchase said materials and supplies in the open market a~ the lowest ~nd best price obtainable, t~king into consideration the quality of said materi~ls ~nd supplies to be purchased. ~his resolution shall take effect from and after its passage and approval. The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted b~.' a vote of four members, to-wit, four fifths of the members of said ~ity Council, of the ~ity of ~'ustin, ~alifornia, this 8th day of July, 1930. Ma~or- and~--~re-sid-en~ 0-~~ the~-O'0~d of Truetees of the '-'ity of Tustin, calif. ATTEST: ~ity-'~erk- 6 f the- city- Of ~u~t in. Presented to and approved by me this 8th day of ~uly, 1930. -N~a-y~O-r-- and~zre--~i'~e~t~~e ooard-of Trustees of the City of 'i'ustin, ~alif. ~LERK' S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introdued and re~d at a regular meeting of the ~ity Council of the City of Tustin, California, duly called and held at 8 o'clock P.M., in the 8th day of July, 1930, and t .ha- t said resolution was ~hereafter on s~id 8th day of ~uly, 1~30, adopted and passed · ' by a vote of four members of the said ~tty Oouncil, as follows. Ayes- Councilmen' Huntley, ~chwendemann, ~ogan, Kiser. Noes: 0ouncilmen' l~one. Absent' Oouncilment · l~one. Dated this 8th day of ~uly, 1930. ~ty ~lerk of the ~ity of 'z'usttn, Calif. ( , 1 I I ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. ~,_ z •N~~OOOOOo 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 4 OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING AND DETERMINING 6 THAT ALL BIDE RECEI4ED FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND 6 PURCHASE BY THE CITY OF TUSTIN OF FIRE HOSE 7 ARE T00 SIGH, AIJD DECLARING AND DETERMINING ZSAT iELi'HEDB BE 8 REJECTED, REJECTIBG ALL BIDS THEREFOR, AND DECLARING AND 9 DETERMINING THAT IN THE~~OPINION OF THE BAID COUNCIL AND BOARD 10 OF TRUSTEES THE SAID DIRE ROBE 11 MAY BE PURCHASED AT A LO1fER PRICE IN THE OPEN MARSET, AND THAT 12 SAID CITY COUNCIL AND BOARD CF TRUSTEES SHALL PROCEED TO PURCHAS; 13 SAID MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES IN THE OPEN MARgET AT THE LO'dGE$T AND 14 BEST PRICE OBTAINABLE, TAKING INTO CONSIDERATIOPI THE QUALITY OF 16 BAID MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES TO BE PURCHASED. 16 0000000000000 17 I WHEREAS, pursuant to the iris tractions of and directions 18 of the City Council of the City of Tustin, the City Clerk of 19 said City did heretofore advertise for bids for the furnishing z0 to the said City of Tustin of certain materials and supplies, 21 to wit, Fire Hose , 2z and Whereas a number of bids were received by the said City 23 Counsel for the furnishing of said materials and supplies, in z4 response to said advertisement, and Whereas after a thorough z6 investigation the said City Council are of the opinion. that each 26 and ®,11 of said bids are too high and should be re)ected, and z7 that the said Materials and Supplies can be purchased at a lower 28 price in the open market; z9 NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council and Board 30 of Trustees of the City of Tustin, California, ~t4t~acEusads~i~J~ 31 of the bids reoeived by the said City Council for the furnishing 32 to said City of certain materials and supplies, to-wit,fire hose MORRIS CAIN ATTORNBY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. -1- 1 '~ submitted in respon®e to l~otice Inviting Bids for such Materials z ~ and Supplies, published by the City Clerk of the City of Tustin, 3 ! under the direction of said City Council, were and are too high, 4 I and should be rejeoted, and that the eaid City Council and Board f i 6 ~ of Trustees of the City of Tustin, does hereby reject each and 6 I all of said bide; and ~~ 7I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, declared and determined that in the 8 opinion of the said City Council and Board of Tausises the 9 said materials and supplies can be furnished and purchased eft the 10 open market at a price materially lower than the lowest of the 11 bids submitted as aforesaid, and that the eaid City Council. and 12 Board of Trustees of the City of Tustin shall forthwith proceed 7 13 to purchase said materials and supplies in the open market at 14 the lowest and best price obtainable, taking into cona<ideration ;~ 16 j' the quality of said materials and supplies to be purchased. 16 !~ This resolution shall take effect from and after its ~ 17 ~ passage and approval. 18 for i r I t n w s 19 The ego ng eso u io as pas ed and adopted by a vote z0 of four members, to-wit, four fifths of the members of said City zl ~ Council, of the City of Tustin, California, this nth day of zz i July, 1930. z3 z4 , Mayor and President the oard of Trustees of the City of Tustin,Calif. z6 ATTEST,_ ~ zs y e o z7 Presented to and approved by me this ffith day of July, 1930. 28 29 30 Mayor an es en the Board o Trustees of the City of Tustin, Calif. 31 3z -2- MORRIS CAIN ATiORN6Y•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. i 1 ; I~ 2 {I 3 ~~ 4 ri iI 5 I' 8 7 ;! i 8 ~i 9 10 it 12 ~ 13 14 lb 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~ 2z 23 24 25 zs z7 za 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNlY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. CLERICS CERTIFICATE. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was intruduoed and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, duly called and held at g 6~clook P. M., in the gth day of July, 1930, and that said resolution was thereafter on said Sth day of July, 1930, adopted and passed by a vote of four members of tha said City Council, as follows: Ayes: Oouncilmen: Huntley, Schwendemann, Logan, Riser. Noes: Councilmen: None. Absent:Councilmen: None. Dated this nth day of July, 1930. ..(SEAL) Oily Clerk of the City of Tustin, California. -3-