HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 16RESOLUTION NO. 16 A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, DETERMINING AND DECLARING THAT WEEDS WHICH BEAR SEEDS OF A WINGY OR DOWNY NATURE AND ATTAIN SUCH A LARGE GROWTH AS TO BECOME A FIRE MENACE WHEN DRY AND WHICH ARE NOXIOUS AND DANGEROUS, ARE GROWING UPON CERTAIN STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF TUSTIN AND ARE A PUBLIC NUISANCE; DIRECTING THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT TO POST NOTICES TO DESTROY SAID WEEDS AS REQUIRED BY LAW; FIXING THE TIME FOR HEARING OBJECTONS AND PROTESTS, AND DIRECTING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENTITLED "AN ACT AUTHORIZING MUNICIPALITIES TO DECLARE NOXIOUS OR DANGEROUS WEEDS GROWING UPON THE STREETS OR SIDEWALKS OR UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN MUNICIPALITIES TO BE PUBLIC NUISANCE, CREATING A LIEN UPON THE PROPERTY FRONTING UPON SUCH STREETS OR SIDEWALKS, OR UPON WHICH SUCH NUISANCE EXISTS FOR THE COST OF ABATING THE SAME, APPROVED MAY 26, 1915", AND AMENDMENTS THERETO: The City council of the City of Tustin do resolve as follows. Section 1. ~ursuant to the provisions of an Act of the.~egis- lature of the State of ualifornia, entitled "An ~ct ~uthorizing i~unicipalities to ~elcare z~oxious or mangerous weeds Growing upon the ~treets or Sidewalks, or upon rrivate rroperty within, municipal- ities to be a rublic ~uisance; ureating a ~ien upon the rrop~rty Fronting upon sucl{ streets or sidewalks or upon which such i~uisance Exists for the uost of ~bating the ~ame ~-,pprov~d may 26, 1915" and amendments thereto, the City uouncil of the uity of "-'ustin hereby d,.~.',termines and declares that weeds which bear seeds of ' a wingy or downy nature, or attain such a large growth as to become a fire menace when dry and which are noxious and dange~"eus, are grow- ing upon certain streets, sidewalks and private property in said City · ~ and that the property fronting such streets or sidewalks, or upon which such nuisance exists-are particularly described as follows. to-wit' LOT ~LOCK TRACT STREET Lot. 10. Block A T.ract mo. 3 frospect St. Lot ll Bock A Tract ~'~'o. 3 rrospect ~t. Lot 12~ Block ,'~ Tract !,.;o. $ ~rosp'ect St. East 100 feet of Lot ? Block A Tract i~o. 5 rrospect ~t. East 100 feet of Lot 8 Block A Tract i~o. 3 ~ro spe ct St.. ~0~ .,. ~est 50 feet of Lots 7 and 8 and the ~orth E5 feet of the :i~est 50 feet of ~ot 9, Block A '~est 100 feet of Lot 5 Block 2,...'i. ~'~est 100 feet of Lot ~o. 6 Block A Lot 9 Block C Lot l0 Block Lot 11 Block C Lot 13. Block B ~ot 4 Block A Lot 5 Block Lot 14 Block Lot 1 Block A Lot £ Block A Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot i Bio ck A Lot 2 t~lock A Lot 3 ~1oc1~ A Lot 17 Block Lot 8 Block Lot 9 Block 14 ~ot 4 ~lock 17 Lot ~ Block 17 East 40 feet of Lot 6 Biock 17 North 162~ feet Block West 60 feet of ~ast 146 feet of South l~7.B feet of Book B Lot 10 Block B T RA 0T ST REZT Tract I~o. 3 Second ot reet Tract z~o. 3 D Street Tract ~o. 3 D St re et Tract ~o. 338 C Street Tract z,'o. 338 C Street Tract £~o. ~$8 C Street Tract ~o. ~8 C Street ~ract z~;o. -338 B otreet Tract ~o. 338 B Street Tract 1~o. ~8 B Street Tract z.~o. ~8 ~'irst ~treet Tract ~o. 338 Pirst Street Tract ~o. 347 Pi rst ~treet ~'ract z~o. 347 First Street '2tact ~o. 347 Oalif. Street or ~-~orth A Street ~ract ~o. 347 Calif. otreet or ~orth A Street Tra.~t £~o. 396 First ~t.reet ~.ract r~o. 398 ~'irst Str'eet Tract ~'io. 396 First Street Tract ~.~o. 396 ~.:$r~a Street fart of Tustin ~ Street ~.art of Tustin ~ St re et ~art of Tustin m~in & D Streets ~art of '~'ustin ~ain ~3tre.et fart of Tustin main otreet Tract z~o. 3 D Street, and Third ~treet and ~rospect Street Tract z~o. 3 main ~treet Tract ~o. 396 First Street ~ectiOn S. The Street ~uperintendent of the ~ity of Tustin is hereby instructed to prepare and pest notices to destroy~said weeds as required by law. Said notices shal~ be so posted at least five ~5) days prior to the time for hearing objections ~nd protests by the uity uouncil of said uity, and shall be conspicuously posted in front of the property on which or in front of which such nuisance exists, and not more than one hundred (1001 feet in distance apart, but not less than three 15) in all. ~ection 3. Said ui'ty ~ouncil will hear and considez' all objection or protests, if any, to the proposed removals of weeds at its meeting on monday, the ?th day of ~uly, 1950, at the hour of 8 o'clock f.m. hereby certify that the foregoing .~eso~ution was regularly introduced and adopted by the uity uouncil of the uity of 'z~ustin at u regular meeting of said uity ~oumcil held on the 16th day of June, 1930, by the following ~-ote, to-wit. A~S: 'zE .... ~w]~$: Kiser, ~ogan, nuntley, Schwendeman ATTEST: ~lerk of t-he city Of APPR0 v ~D: ~ Uh,~16TH, 19~0. 1 z 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 lz 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 zz 23 z4 25 26 27 z8 z9 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO.~~" A REBOL IOIT OF THE OITY OOUNSIL OF THE OITY OF Tii TERMINIBG AND DEOLARIBG THAT WEEDS Wffi0H BEA~B OF A WI~TGY Ox DOWRY NATURE AND ATTAIB BUGH A LAAGE GROWTH AB TO BEOOME A FIRE MEAAOE WHEB DRY A~TD WHIOH ARE liOZ~'OUS AND DANGEROUS, ARE GROWING U~ON OERTAIN BTREE'1'/, BIDEIIJILKB AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN BA~ID OITY OF TUBTIN AND ARE A PUBLIO 1LUISAFOE; DIREOTIBG THE STREET BUPERINTEADEIQT TO POST BOTIOES TO DESTROY SAID WEEDS AB REQUIRED BY LAW; FI%ING THE TALE FOR HEARINq:OBdE0TI0NB AND PROTESTS AND DIREOTIaG THE ABATEMENT TFDrREOF IN AOOORD~OE WIT AN AOT OF T~ LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF OALIFORNIA ENTITLED "AN AOT AUTHORIZING MUNIOIPALITIEB TO DEOLARE 80ZIOU8 OR DANGEROUS WEEDS GROWING.UPON THE STREETS OR SIDEWALKS OR UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN MONIOIPALITIEB TO BE PUBLIO NUIBANOE OREATING A LIEN UPON THE PROPERTY FROSTING UPON B~TCH STREETS OR BIDE91ALg8 OR UPON WHIOH SUGH NUIBAAOE E7CI8TB FOR THE OOBT OF AS~TIBG THE SAME, APPROVED MAY 26, 1915", AND AMENDMENTS THERETO: The Oity Oounoil of the Oity of Tustin do resolve as followst Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of an Aot of the Legi lature of the State of Oalifornia, entitled "An Act Authorizing Municipalities to Declare Noxious or Dangerous weeds Growing upo~'r the Streets or Sidewalks, or upon ~rivate.Property within Municip ; ities to bs a Public Nuisance; Oreating a Lien upon the Property Fronting upon such Streets or Sidewalks or upon which such Nuisan Eaists for the Oost of Abating the dame, approved May 26, 1915", ~. and amendments thereto, the Oity Oouncil of the Oity of Tustin hereby determines and declares that weeds which bear seeds of a wingy or downy nature, or attain such a large growth as to beco a fire menace when dry and which are noxious and dangerous, are ing upon certain streets, sidewalks and private property in said C and that the property fronting such streets or sidewalks, or upon which such nuisance exists are particularly described as follows: to-wits Page I. ty, MORRIS CAIN ATiORNBY•AT-LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. 1 z 3 4 6 s 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 is 17 18 is 20 zl 2z z3 24 26 zs z7 z8 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN w.wT•ww i : . ~iA1.. s a~~° DEBCAIPTIOa OF PROPERTIES A~iD STREETS RAVINQ OBN07CIOII8 WaEDB OlQ TliFJ[. j,OT BLOCK TRACT BTRaET Lot 10 Blocx A Trac t ~o. 3 Prospect St. Lot 11 Block A Trac t No. 3 Proepedt 8t. Lot 12 Block A Trac t No. 3 fro spec t St. fast BOO feet of Lot 7 Block A Trac t No. 3 Prospect 8t. East 100 feet of Lot 8 Block A Trac t No. 3 Prospect 8t. West 50 feet of Lots 'j and 8 and the Aorth 25 feet of the West 50 feet of Lot 9, Block A Trac t No. 3 Second Street West 100 feet of Lot 5, Block A Treat No. 3 D Street West 100 feet of Lot 6 Block A Tract Bo. 3 D Street. Lot 9 Block ~ Treat No. 338 C Street Lot 10 Block q Tract No. 338 C Street 'Lot 11 Block C Tract No. 33g C Street Lot 13 Bloch B Tract No. 338 C 8treet Lot 4 Block A Tract No. 338 lir8trd~t~P~ Lot 5 Block A ?Tact No. 338 Bi::BtrBd~~?~ Lot 1~ Block B Tract No. 338 B 8treet. Lot 1 Block A Tract No. 338 First 8treet 'Lot 2 Block A Tract No. 338 First 8treet Lot 1 --- Tract No. 3~+7 First Street Lot 2 --- Tract No. 347 First Street Lot 3 --- Tract No. 3~+7 California or North A. St. Lot 4 ---- Tract No. 3~+7 Oalifornia or North A. St. Lot 1 Block A Tract No. 396 First 8treet Lot 2 Block A Tract No. 396 First Street Lot 3 Block A Tract No. 396 First Street Lot 17 Block A Tract No. 396 ?orba Street. (Continued) -- __ ,I i 1 Oontinued from Preceding Page: z LOT BLOCK TRACT STREET 3 Lot ffi Block 14 Part of Tustin Oity 0 Street 4 Lot 9 Block l~# Part of Tustin Oity 0 Street 6 Lot ~ Block 17 Part of Tustin City IAts# 8tree ~ D Streets 6 7 Lot 5 Block 17 Part of Tustin Oity Main Street East 40 feet of 8 Lot 6 Block 17 Part of Tustin City Main Street 9 -~.o#r•~ a Lat-~, lz 13 gc;;'ch 162 f~a8'u ~lvck E ~'r~.ct :"~. 3 D :;~:~^eat, .,r.~x 14 `i'.iY•w qtr ae•~ ~:a, ;~'-re s-act ;: ±, 16 lg ti~ea t bC feet :,f the Hatt 1~+5 feet of ~Lhe 17 So,~_th 137., feat ~.f :.lick B Tx:~ct . ~. j, _:Wi-~ S~.rea 18 19 Lit 10 ~lUcit ~ `~.'~ „ct .c~. j;~ ~~.r:.'; ~~~ee+,. 20 21 z2 23 24 z6 zs z7 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. -3- ~-____ _ r 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 ~ 21 zz 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNRY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. Section 2. The Street Superintendent of the City of Tustin is hereby instructed to prepaxe and post notices to destroy said Weeds as required by law. Said notices shall be so posted at lea t five (5} days prior to the time for hearing objections and protes s by the City Council of said City, and shall be conspicuously post d in front of the property on Which or in front of Which such nuis ce exists, and not more than one hundred (100} feet in distaste spar , but not less they three (3} in x11. Section 3. Said City Council Will hear and consider all objection or protests, if a>~; to the proposed removal of Weeds at its meeting on Monday, the 7th day of July, 1930, at the hour of ~ o~clock P. M. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Was regular y introduoed and adopted by the Oity Council of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 16th day of June, 1930, by the following vote, to-Witt AYEB: TRUSTEES: NOES: TRUSTEES: ABSENT: TRUSTEES: NONE ATTEST: erk o .the _ (SEAL} ApPROVEn: JUNE 16TH,193o. ayor .o t e i o st n.