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RESOLUTION NO. 13 . IN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. RESOLUTON DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION STAT£ OF C~iLIF.0RNIA. RE$0LUT I0N DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION. WHEREAS, a consolidated general municipal election and special bond election was held and conducted in 'the City of Tustin, on ~,Ion- day, the 14th day of April, 19~0. as required by law; AND ~,¥[~EI~S, it appears that notice of said election was duly and legally given, that voting precincts were properly established, that election officers were appointed and election supplies .furnished, and that in all respects said election was held and conducted and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof, made and declared in ti~¥~e, form and manner as required by the general laws of the State governing elections in Cities of the fifth and sixth class, AND WH~REAS;': the board of trustees of said City of Tustin met at the council chamber of the board on l~{onday, the 21st day of April, 19~0, to canvass the returns of said election and install · the newl;? elected officers, as a result of which the board finds that the number of votes cast, the names of the persons voted for, and other mattere required by law, to be as hereinafter stated, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED as follows: ~hat~ said consolidated general regular municipal election and special bond election was held and conducte~ in the City of Tustin on Monday, the 14th day of 'April, 1930, in .time, form and manner as required by law; That there was one. voting precinct established for the purpose of holding said ele.¢tion, consisting of a consolidation of the regular elect io,n precincts est~blished for holding general State and County elections as follows. "Consolidated Voting Precinct "A", "comprising State and County precincts numbers Tustin, No. I and Tustin No. g, That the whole number of votes cast in said election was 1~?. That the names of the persons voted for, the offices for which they we're voted, the number of votes given in each precinct to each of said' persons, together with the whole number of votes which they rec~?ived in the entire City are as follows: Names of Persons Voted for Office voted for Precinct Total Vote. TRUST.-PULL TER~. H. H. Hannaford, 50 50 E. L. Eiser lll lll Chas. P. Logan, 128 128 Fred L. Schwendeman, 115 i.~: llB That the proposition voted upon, %he number of votes given in each precinct, and in the entire City of Tustin, for and against the same, are as follows. · Ocnsolidat ed · PROPOS IT I0N · : Total Votes .~ ~ · BOND PROPOSITION NUmBeR ONL- Shall the Oity of Tus'tin incur a bonded indebtedness in the sum of '~hirteen, '2housand Dollars, ($1~,000.00) for the purchase and acquisition of modern fire apparatus and equipment and the purchase and acquisition of land for the purpose of constructing a fire hall thereon and the purchase acquisition and construction of a i'ire hall thereon and furnishing and equipment for said fire hall, for the said City of Tustin. · Precinct "A" · ._~.~... ~ ..............~ -- .-__ ~ -_ _ ~ ~ . -_ - m · · : Votes for · Votes for : said · said · ~roposigion. -..~rop'os-~gion : 1S~ · 1$~ ..... Votes ~gainst. said : Proposition · l0 · Votes against said Proposition l0 RESOLVED therefore, that at said consolidated general municipal election and special el ct ion, E. L. KISER was elected to the office of TRUSTE]~ of the 0ity of Tustin, for the FULL TER~I of four years; ALSO, that CHAS. F. LOGAN, was elected to the office of ~.2RUSTEE of said CITY 0F' TUSTiN for the full term of four years; ALSO, that FRED L. SC~¥;;EN'D~AN was elected to the office of TRUST£E of the said OITY ©F T~STIN for the full term of four years; .'~o0LYED F~RT~ER, that as a remult of said election the following proposition was adopted, to-wit. B~NS PROPOSITION NUM}JER ONE- That the City of Tustin shall incur a bonded indebtedness in the chase sum of Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($13,000.00) for the pur- and acquisition of modern fire apparatus and equipment and the purchase and acquisition of land for the purpose of construct- ing a fire hall thereon and the purchase, acquisition and construc- tion of a fire hall thereon, and furnishing and equipment for said fire hall, for the said City of Tustin. THIS R~SOLUTION '20 TAK-~ EFFECT I~D~DIATELY. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of April, 1930. --~[AYO-R :~and Pres id-e ni~ '~0T~- t'h~e Bo ar ~ of Trustees of the City of Tustin ATTESTED: STATiE OF CAL I~0 RNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY 'OF TUS'"*' IN. ) 88. . City Olerk of the City of Tustin, I, J. R Harbour, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the Board of Trustees and City is five; and that the foregoing Council of the Oity of. Tustin resolution, being Resolution 1.~o. 13, was duly passed, approved and adopted by said Board of Trustees and Oity Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested by the City Olerk, all at a regular me eting of the 5aid City Council and Board of '2rustees held on the 21st day of April, 1930, and that the same was passed and aSep'ted by t he following vote, to-wit. Ayes: Councilmen. Huntley, Schwendeman, .~ogan and Kiser l~oes: Oounc i linen- iione ~bsent' Councilmen' i~one Dated this 21st day of April, 19~0. ' tY-¢'i~rk~ 0'f th~ City of Tustin -t- •Z 'oH u~~.sn,Z pub I •oH `ul~.sny szagmnu s~ouloas d~.unop pine a~.~e~g Autsl~dmooM`MVu ~.ouloa~a But~oli pa~BplTosuopM •se~otto3 s~e suo~~.oaTa ~~.unop pub a~.B~ '•1Y~'tlNtl V1NV3 Mn•1Y•AiNi1011V Niv~ s~aaow zs TE 'L'e~aua~ BuTpTou so3 pagsltgB~.sa s~.ouloa~d uol~.oaTa rues aq~ 3011 of uol~.Bpttosuoo ~ 30 ~ul~slsuoo `uol~oata pl~es ~ulptou 3o aso auk. X03 pauslTgB~.sa ~.ouloa~d ~ul~.oa auo s8e~ aaau~ ~~us :e~'et ~q paztnbaa s~a~ sauu~em pub mzo3 `aml~ ~ `0~6T `tl~dV 30 ~~p u~fiT aq~. `dBpuoyq uo ul~sny 30 ~~'IO a~{~ uI pa~.onpuoo pu~2 ptau sBm uol~.oata puoq TBtoads ptre uol~,aata -Cedlolunm ss~aa TE~aua~ pa~.BplTosuoo plBS ~.~eqy ssmoTTo3 e~e QH11'I08~i SI HH aso3aaraq~. aou~ `pe~B~.s za~~ztaaaq s8 aq off. `m'et ~Sq pezlnba~ s~a~.~.~em zau~.o pue `ao3 pa~oa suossad at~~. 3o saraeu a~~. `~.S~eo sa~.on 3o sagmnu aq~ ~~q~' spul3 pa~eoq aq~. golge~ 30 ~,tnsaz B s8 `saaol33o pa~oata ~Staeau auk tre~sul pub uol~.oata piss 3o susn~.a~ aq~ ssBeuso off. `p~(t `tTady 30 ~Bp ~.stZ auk. `~S~epuoyq uo preoq aq~. 3o sagm~euo ttounoo auk. ~B ~.am ul~sns 3o d~~p pl~es 3o saa~snz~. 3o pzsoq auk. `gdH~IHFi~I Q1QV `ssBto q~xls p~ u~3I3 a~~ 3o sal~•ItJ ut suol~.oata 8~~seoe a~.B~g auk. 3o s~~et t~eaaua~ aq~. ~Sq paslnbas ss sauuBm pue mao3 `aml~. ut pasBtoap puB ap~em `3oa~ag~. surn~.aa age. pine `paes~aeueo pus paataoa~ ~8a~aq~ ~s~eo sa~.oa auk pine pa~onpuoo P~ Pfau s~e~ uoi~.oata pIBS s~.oadsas ttE ut ~~u~ pine `pa~slusn3 saltddns uol~.oata pue pa~.uloddB asae~ saaol33o uo~~oata ~~R~ pa~sltgs~.sa ~Staado~d a~am s~.ouzoaad ~ul~.oa ~'eu~ `uanl~ ~ttB~at pu~a ~STnp s'em uol~.oata p'~~ea 3o aol~.ou ~Bu~ sreadd~e ~t `gy~~ Quy :~'et ~Sq pa~Inba~ sE `0~6t `tl~d~ 30 ~'ep u~•t~t aq~ `~Bp ~I uo `ut~.sny 3o B~.-~p aq~. uI pa~.onpuoo puB ptaq s~e~a uol~.oata puoq reloads pue uol~.0ata t~dlo~unm tBSaua~ pa~.Bp~tosuoo ~ `gy~~ ' HOIStJ~'IH .d0 S'IAg~ 'AUI2iV'IOHQ 80IaII'I08~ '~TII~tiO~I'IdQ 30 Hsdss `rtlssns ~o ~CSIO ~xs ,~o S~ssnxs ~o Q~oa ~xs xI ' ~ ' OH 1QOIS,f1'IOS~~i sz az ,~z sz 9z ~z sz zz tz oz st 8Z bt 9I i 9Z ~T EZ zt ZZ OZ 6 8 9 9 E z Z "lVJ'VNV d1NdS ~z. M1I1.1V•A8NMO11Y Nw~ siaaow zs ~ . - • • 'uT~s~ ~o ~~TO pT~es a~~ so,~ T£ Q~--- : ` ZZ~R asl~ plus zoo ~.uamdlnba pine 0£ Q ~u•~gszu~n~ puE uoasaq~. ZTeu a~T~ ~ ~o uoT~on~~.suoo pine uoT~.•~stnbo8 6z •uoT~Tsodozd •uoT•~.Tsodo~a ~ asEgoand eq~ puE uoa~au~. ZtBu a~•~~ Pees i pTES e~-`~ B ~u•~~.on~~.suoo ~o asod~nd aq~. zoo 8z ~.suTB~B sa~.oA • ~sutE~ sa~.oA pu'et ~o uo•~~.•~sTnbo~ pine as~goand a~~ pue ~.uamd~nba pub sn~.ssedd8 ,Gz E ~ ~ asT~ usapom ~o uol~IsTnboB p~ as~gosna aua- ~o~ (oo • o00 ` ~i~.~ az uol~.Tsodo~d ~ •uol~.Is©do~d `sxeZZoQ pu~ssno~y uaa~sTUy pT~s p~'eS ~o mns auk. uT ssaupa~gapuT papuoq 9z ~o~ sa~.oA sod sa~.od B an.ouT ul~sny ao A~•IO aq~ ZT'eLiB ~~KO ~~ NOISISOdO~Td QKOS ~z • Ez a~.op t~~.oy : oXa ~ouloa~g„ •HOISI$OdO~Id pa~.~pito~~ao~c: ~;-4 zz ------------- =--------------= ---------------------------------- Tz :sMOtto~ s~e a~E `amps auk. ~.suT~~B Oz puB sod `uT~.sny ~o ~~ip a~~~ua auk. ut pue `~ouioaa~d goBa uT gT uaai~ sa~oa ~o ~agmnu auk. `uodn pa~.oa uoT~.Tsodo ~ auk. ~~qy gj bT 9t ~ ~JHI~I~Wyd09 9t ~ `x~ooz •,a •s~xo ~T / / / ~ `x~slx •z • ~ zT OS 0,,~- `axo,a~xrtvx •x •s TT R'~'3S 'IZB+t ~IS9111~i o t so pa~.oa g aYa suossaa •~a•oa t~a'os ~.ou~oaza _ sod pa~.oa eaT~~O ~o same 8 --------------------------------- • Q~11I~O~i B~soa s :sedoTjoa s~ aa-~a A~T~ asT~.ua aR~ uT paa~aoas ~Sa~~. ~aT~iffi . 9 sa~.oa~ aagmnu atouea auk ~~T~ zau~.a~o~ `suossad pl~ss ~o ~o'sa o~. ~ou~oasd uoBa uT uaaT~ sa~.oa ~o aagmnu auk `pa~.oa a~aa~ Aaq~. uo~gea ~o~ saola~o a~~. `sod pa~.oa suosaad auk. ~o saureu a~~ ~.~eqy z . z sB~ uot~.oaja pT'es uI ~s~eo sa~.oa ao sagmnu atom auk. ~•~ttS (~~o) •~saTO ~~TO • ~ ~~~s •uT~.snS 30 ~~.~p a~~ ~o saa~s~S ~o pseog aq~. ~ uap~a sa pus y "IV~'VNV V1NV4 MV'1.1Y•AHNtlO11V N~d~ s~aaow zz tE of sz a~ys~ysd I~ 8z ~~ ~z ~, ,; ~~ sz ;~ '0~6T `TTZdd ~o ~~ep ~stz sT~~. pa~.dops puu paaosdds `passed •x'I~SdII so~.~~ ~y oy NolSnzos~ slxs •uT~sny ~o ~i~Tp piss aq~. sod `TTB~ azT~ pees ~o~ ~uamdTnba paB ~uigsTusn~ pus `uoasau~ Tree azT~ B ~o uoT~on~~suoo pus uo~~.TsTnbos `assuo~nd a~~. pine uoa~au~ TT'eA a~T~ s ~uT~.ons~suoo ~o asodznd a~~. ao~ pusT ~o ucT~TsTnbos pus as~et~o~nd aq~. ptze ~.uamdTnba pu~asg~ussddsa@~T~o~sPts'~~ ,~o uoT~Tsinbos pu~a assuoznd a~~ zoo (00'000`~T~)`s~TToQ pussnogy uaa~.sT~y ~o mns auk. uT ssaupa~.gapuT papuoq s anou-~ TTsus uT~.any ~o ~~TO aq~. ~.s~y TKO ~S~nbI HOIS ISOdOHd Q11tOS :~.T~-off `pa~dops ssa uoT~.Tsodo~d ~uTmoTTo~ a~~. uoT~.oaTa piss ~o ~.rnsa~ s ss ~s~~. `~y~ Q~11'IOS~t sxea~S ~no~ ~o mza~ Trn~ auk ~o~ NISSl1S 30 1~SIa P'L'as auk ~o ~~S$nxs ~o aoT~~o a~~. off. pa~oaTa s~e~ Ai~'~QM~I06 'Z Q~i,d ~''a~t~ `OS'T9 :ssea~S sno,~ ao msa~. Trn~ a~~. so,~ HISSnS .30 xSIO PIES ~o ~~SBn~iS ao aa~~o a~~. off. pa~oaTa s~e~ `iQdJO'I 'd 'StfxO ~'$~~ `OS'Id :sz~eaA sno,~ ~o pgd~y Zug auk. zo,~ `ut~snS ~o ~~TO auk ~0 3~SSn~IS 3o ao~3~o eLI~ o~ F®~.P.a2a ~Y 2i~SI3I •Z •~ `uot~oaTa puoq TEToads pine uoT~oaTa TsdToTunm Tssaua~ pa~.EpTTosuoo piBS ~'g ~su~ `aao~aaau~. Q~R'IOS~~3 gz ~z sz zz tz oz 6T 8t ~T _ 92 91 ~Z £Z zt TT OZ 6 8 s 9 E z Z •3T'C'e~ `u~~•snS ~o ~~~~ auk ~o ~Iz8t0 PTO (Z~~s~ '0~6T `T~sdy ao CEP ~sTB S~ua. Pa~'eQ •auoH :uamT~ouno~ ;~.uaeq~ •auo~ :uacnT~oanop :sao~ 'sas~~ ping uB~oZ `u~emapuamuog `RaT~.ung :uamt~ouno~ :sa~fy ; ~.~m-off. ` a~.oa ~u~moTto~ auk. tSq pa~dop8 pine passed sB~e acres auk. ~-'su~• P~ `0~6T `T~zdd ~o ~'sp ~aTZ auk. uo pTa~ saa~.snay ao p~~eoH P~ T~ouno~ ~S~~p P~~eB auk. ~o att~~.aam s'e-~n~a~ 'e ~~ TTY `~saTp ~~~0 eu~ ~q Pa~sa~~'e Pue `ZOQ~yq auk ~q Pau~~s P~ paaosdc~e `T~ouno~ ~~~~ Pine saa~.snzy ~o pxeog p~~ss Qq pa~dop~e pue paaosdd~e ~ passsd RTnp s~~n ` I ~"'~` • off ' uo~~njosag 9u~aq `uo~~nTosa~ ~B~o~aso~ a~~. ~Eu~ pine :aa~~ s~ u~~.sny ~o ~~~p aR~. ~o TTouno~ ~~TO puB saa~snay ~o pseog auk. ~o saagmam ~o sagmnu aToue~ a~~. ~Eu~ ~S~t~.sao ~qa~a~ op ~~tuso~~Tea `u~~.sny so B~'~~ auk ~ ~zaT~ ~~•'~~ `rnoga~g •~ •r `I •xiysny ,~o asio •88 `~~rc~~o ,ao xyxnoo `eiu~o~i`~o ,~o ~ydys •'IV~ 'dNd d1NdS MYl•ld•A8Ni10111/ Ntd~ s~aaow zs IE 0£ sz sz ,~z sz sz ~z sz zz tz oz si 8Z GT 9t 9Z ~Z ~t ~, zt ZT II 0 t 16 8 b 9 9 z Z