HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 11BRESOLUTION NO. 11 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY DEMANDS THE ACQUISITION OF MODERN FIRE APPARATUS AND OF LAND AND BUILDING FOR HOUSING SAME AND FURNISH- ING AND EQUIPMENT FOR SAID PROPOSED BULDING AND THAT THE COST THEREOF WILL BE TOO GREAT TO BE PAID OUT OF THE ORDINARY ANNUAL INCOME AND REVENUE OF THE MUNICIPALITY, AND THAT A BOND ELECTION SHOUD BE CALLED FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING WHETHER OR NOT SUCH PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE HAD. WHEREAS, the matter of the acquisition of new and modern fire fighting apparatus has been ~requently brought before the Board of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin, as well as the question of the acquisition of land and the construction of a building to house said apparatus; AND %VHEREAS, the said Board. has given said matter full rand due consideration, and it appears to the Boa?d desirable and for the best interests of said City that the proper and necessary legal steps be gaken to the end that such public improvements may be had now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin do hereby determine that the public interest and necessity of the City of Tustin demands the "acquisition of new and modern fire apparatus and equipment, and th'e acquisition of land within said City' and the construction thereon of a suitable building for housing said fire apparatus and equipment, together 'with furnishings and equipment for said building, the whole of which will in the estimation of the Board cost approximately · $1~,000.00; and that the cost of same will be too great to be ~ paid out of the ordinary ..annual income and revenue of the munic-.,. ipality; and that as soon as the Board may properly and lawfully do so it should order the submission of the proposition of incur- ring a bonded debt for the purpose of acquiring said fire appar- atus and equipment, land, and the construction of building to house the same and furnishings and equipment for said proposed build~ng to the qualified voters at an election to be held for that p~.~pose, This resolution shall take effect immediately. Passed, approved, and adopted this 24 day of February, 1930 by Trustees or Councilman Led. an, ~chwendeman, Kiser, and Huntley., and Craw£ord, to-wit, all of the members of said Board. . Attested· (S~L) ACTING i:~0R ~and President of Board.., oz Trustees and ~'ity Cou~.~ciI ~ I~Y- CLEHK. S,A.E OF C~:.~IFORNIA COUNTY 0P ORANGE, CITY 0F TUSTIN, I, J. R. Harbour, ) ). ) ) 0ity nia, do hereby certify that Clerk of the City of Tustin, Califor- the whole number of the members of the Board of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin is five; and that the foregoing resolution, was duly passed, approved and adopted by and signed by the ~ayor and ~resident of ed by the City Clerk all at an adjourned Board held on 24th day of February, 19~0, being Resolution Noll s. aid Board, approved .. said Doard, and attest- regular meeting of said and that the same was passed and adop%ed by the following vote, AYES; Councilmen- Huntl ey, Crawford Schwendeman, to wit- Logan, Ktser, and NOES- Councilman- None ABSENT: Councilmen: None Dated this~4th day of February, 1930. ~TY -CLERK OF T HE- Ci'TY OF T UST IN i 2 ~~ * * * ~ I 3 A `'~f~LUf'; ; L is ~Qr1 .._ r~ ~=.LT~T :~J ri:.~ CITY C~?::vnIL CF i ::J CITY C~' T'_'3TI~., ~~~LI ~ •IA, L.s"1`'~R i .I :?- ~_ T=~ ~LBLIC I:;T:~r~- 4 ~ `'3T ti, ..~~~~:~ITY '_:...:A~;D~ `I'.i:.. ~DiUI3ITI..i~ Cr P~.411 FIRE Al^:'~RA~US~ ~~ h: :r '~ .. r, }3UILi:i. ~ rCn r:'~. ~I. , ~ti~: A:;li 't;R?~1~1'I_.~ A:;D .:~L'IP ~, Lti,~ L ii, 5 i:ri~T gOR odID PRUPO~.L BUILDi.~O ~:i l"t::~T '~?. ~ ~G:~i' T-,~'REOF ~:~ILL B.E 'I TJO ~~uAT TG D.: PtiID CLT ~;r i _~ Ri~I.:aRY A:~::UrL i.:~C:::E ~;::' R~VF,NUE 6 {;_ 'j~H;~ a;Ur~IJIPALITY, ~..:~ 1' :T h D~:,D .::L'~TIGi~ J:. LLD B~ vtiLLED FGR .HL P?;RPC~S~ Gr Ls~~ ~_l.•~ ..~ .._~:,1<.~., ~.:ft _. ~' ~..,H PUBLIC I::RROV~'~~ENTS 7 ~ SHALL ...~ :SAD • * • ~ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 ' 18 19 20 21 22 I 23 I 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. '~j:.+~Rr.A3 the :::~:t _er ~'~ t;~: acquisition of ne.r a.7c ~r:odern fir fi~hti?:a ap?ar'e~us ^as b ~~n yrecuently brnu~ht Le.fore the Board of Trustees and Oity Oouncil of the amity a Tustin, r:~ ;Fell -:s ther.ue tion of the •::couisition ~`~ lar:d ~~:: tl~~e cogs+~ruction of a building to house said anpar~~tus; A1dD ":7~RnS~ tho s::id Board 'n:,: iven s~:i~_ m~=.tcer full and due oor~:sider~tion, a_i~. it a.~;~~.s:.rs to the Board d csil•~~~ble ^n;? for I tr'e bcs 1:1ter;.s s of a ~ "'• ;~ *'.~t t':e ,'~r0'~Er 4nc nece~e:;ry le;a I steps :;_ taken to the end t' = ~ cu:,r. public i~r}~rovenents may be acd no,~~ t~:.~refore: 3~ I. 1t~~UL;'~'D, '1":._ ~• ~:.., Bo_~r~. ~~ :,,u:t_.:s ~~_... amity ~o~~~ncil of tli~~ amity of Tustin do here~~; deter:^ine t'..r~t t~_.e t~u'olic irlter2s ~ anc nece~~ity ~~ t'r.e ~it;• o~ Tu~tir~ c°~~~:,aiu? trc t.cruisition of new n ~~:~xiern lire ? ~:~ar~= tu;-, ::n.: erui~:~nt , .:i_ ~._° ::ccuisitio:a of lay thereon ;~i ~i~.in s: ic: amity . anc~, the co.ist-ruction~of a suitaLle bui.~;-in? for to~~ether ,-ith furni=~hin-•s <_nd enui•~ent for s:,ie bu~.l,din- _~usin= s~~id firo a;pars.tus and' Eouip:nent; .~e ',p~l;ole o~ tir::icn vri"~1 ~, iri tii:' e~tir:.~~tion o t:: := B~a' r:~. cost 2,~:~ro~:i:crt~~ly '1~.CGu.,~; r:nr. t~r.~~t ~ ;~;~ cost o_ S ::e ~;r_il o~ t:;o 'e t ~o :e ;~~id out :~~ the ors: ld nary ~?.nru-1 ia~o~:e rn,:. revenue of t:~e x.un~ci,~~lity; <~::~:~ ~ _ •. Ge}~~n as the ~o~rd 'n^: ~ro~erly .r.: 1,^. ful' ~r , ~ .°^ 1 ., - _ '`i' = er ,,.:E' ~~'~ ~~ .~:i~~~ion ~~f ti~c~ proposi tion o~' i::currn~ c bor:ded debt ~'~r t:e cur se of acruirin~; sai:. fire ~_ppar~tus ~~nd enuip.rent, lane, ~:,c t::c ~o:,:_ etructi~n o:E' ~uilc~irir ~n :~:ousc~ t~:: s•-:e :gin:: fur:iishin~s and eruipm~nt `Or c;i~J JTOposed ~uilci::~ ~o t:~ oualifiEd voters ~'t ?n election to ~oe . ~lc~ fog ,~_~~~ t ;.~urr»se. v: 1 i. 1 ~ i This resoluti~~n s?,:~~1 t: i.e ef __~ct i::.;:eci. :~:ly. ,, 2 j P~~~~ed, ,..~~z•o~.ec~ ~_:i:, adopter this N da,r of February,l93 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 i o~T Tru.t ;~s or ~~uncilm~:n Lo gin, ~ch~r~~endenmann, riser, ~~nc ~u:~tley, ., 4 ~~ 2-nd '~r2.R;fOrd, t0-, lt, r~L ~7~ i;'_.". :__•~!:vOr~ 7i 8''1C. ~O:~rC~. i' 6 ~ ~' i aCTIP?~ :.:aYCR end reGident of the ~3oe._rd of i,,ustres and ::ity ~ouncil ~:' t::e City of Tustin. ~t .:: :;tau: 5..:'.~L i .j ~~~~ ~~ IY L~RK. jI ~ GL',~ T i ~`~`F GRa:, ,,~, s s 14 ~ ~ r T Y :`F 'lU 3TIN , ) 15 I, J. R. F:~rbour, City :%lerk of t::e City of Tustin, ~aliornia, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. c'o .._~e-~: certify ti-:~.,t ttie ~•~:ole ru:::cer of tr:,- members of the r~~ Bo~.~~. j o1 1_,u~t_.~s ::~.i: :;ity ~ouacil :~f the Sity of Tu;-tin is five; and th!,~t t~,c• for~•oin r~•soluti~n, oein.~ RPSOlution A1o~C~ ~~as dul;,~ n:~~~•ed,' ~.>>roved sand adopted 'c~; said. Bo~~.r~:, ao,~roved end signed '^_ t^e .,_a.yor an~i Pre•ic.ent ~ : ~!ic. Lord, gin: ,_;, _~~ted by t:~~e amity clerk ~ ~ 2l at a n 2.dj~urned x•` ~ular :r.=etin~ O~ s2id Bo::rc: ':ei: on ~ d'~,' of "' ~ ~ ~ - - - - rnbruary, ly3o, ~:. '.~•. t:7,, _'.~.'!e ~?` ;~. ... n:~ ~:C:J'~~ed c• ~._e • i follo~~ i:~M vote, to-r:~t: ~1~3: Coy:: oilr.er.; auntley, aohwende:~~:.n, L„ .gin, ~~n,~ liner Inc'. Oraa,f~rd i r~ ~ ~S: Co~_ui~ i lrrgn: i.one ~ ~tBS:~IvT ; Counc ilxen : i one D~.ted tiffs ~~ ay of Feoruary, l (~LaL) .J c^• - ~ ~