HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 11-ARESOLUTION NO. lle RESOLUTION CALLING BLECTIORo 'F : the Board of Trustees, known as the city council of the Uity of Tustin, Ualifornial, did on the 6th day of Iday, 1929, receive a written petition asking that certain new territory here- inafter described be annexed to, incorporated in and made a part of said city of 'fust in. AU'D -.71H REASI, The board of Trustees has found that said written petition was signed by not less than one-fourth ( -I) in number of the 4 qualified electors residing within said territory, as shown by the Registration of voters of urange Uounty, now therefore The board of Trustees of theuity of Tustin hereby resolve as follows: 1# special election is heregy called and ordered to be held in the territory hereinafter described for the purposq of submitting to the electors residing in said territory, the question whether said territory shall be annexed to, incorporated in and made a part of said city of lust in. A notice shall be given of said election by the publication of a notice thereof in the Urante Uounty Reporter, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published out- side said uity, but in the county of urange, in which said territory is situatet, at least once a week for five (5) successive weeks, next preceding the date of said election, said notice to be in words and figures substantially as follows: NOTIC.14; OF SPECIAL EL. CT 1km1U-'A!.1i0E 16 (AVBv,that a special election will be held in the tbrritory hereinafter described, designated as the High School, addition, on aonday the 10th day of June, 1929, for the purpose of submitting to the electors residing in said territory the question w1aether said. territory shall be annexed to, incorporom at ed in and made a part of said loity of xustin. The territory so proposed to be annexed is situated in Urange L . Uounty, California and is particularly described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of that certain public al*ghway commot ily known as Bewport Avenue with the NortheasterlLy line of the right of way of the Ua-lifornia otate 1 Highway, as laid out and improved by the ualifornia Highway UOMM108- sion, sai.d point of beginning being an angle point in the Easterly boundary line of the Loity .,of Tustin, and running thence from the said MKI. point of b -ginning in a eneral northwesterly northerly, easterly d northerly direction, ollowing along the easterly boundary line of the Uity of Tustin, to an intersection with the center line of Main Street in said Uity of Tustin; thence easterly along the boundary line of the I-0ity of Tustin'. and continuing easterly following along the center line of main 6treet to an int ei-sect i n with the center line of the above mentioned "ewport bvenue; thence 6outhwesterly along said center line of Newport Avenue to the northerly corner of lot 321, block 12, Irvine &)ubeivision, as shown on a i-aap thereof ,recorded in book 1, kage 88 141iscellaneous Record iviaps±(ecords of grange County, oalifornia; thence sC)utheasterly in a direct line to the easterly corner of said .got .321 block 129 Irvine Oubidivionsp 9 thence southwesterly in a direct line to the southerly corner of said Lot 32, block 12, Irvine Subdivision; thence south 4Q degrees west 50 feet, thence north 50 de-rees west parallel to the southwesterly line of said Lot 32 to an intersection with the s - .1utheast erly boundary line of the city of Tustin; thence Bortheasterly along the Southeasterly boundary line of the pity of fust in to the point of beginning. The electors of said territory are hereby directed to vote upon said question in the manner hereinafter set forth. I# 2e xhe board of `Trustees does hereby estabilsh for the purpose of holding said special election one (1) election precinct the boundaries of which shall be the boundaries of said territory, and the place at which the polls will be open for said electi(,n in said territory so proposed to be annexed, will be at the '.gust in digh, School Building. The board of Trustees hereby appoints the officers to conduct said special election as follows: j Judges (2) J'* de i and SARA.111 Sr,'.1E1111AN, " Inspector (1) lie D-.,UGHIYo ALL OF said officers being qualified electors of said precinct and said territory, 3e Upon the ballots to be used at said election there shall be printed the words "Shall the sigh School Addition be annexed to the City of Tustin?" ---yes, TV and "Shall the HighSchool Addition be annexed .to the City of Tustin?_-iWIs 0 There shall be a voting square to the right of and opposite each of said propositions, otherwise the ballots used at said election, the opening and closing of the polls,, and the holding and conducting of said election shall be in conformity, as near as may be, to the laws of this State concerning general elections, except as herein otherwise provided. The judges and inspector of said election shall meet upon the closing of the polls, count the ballots, make up, certify and seal the ballots and tally sheets of the ballots cast at the poiiing place and thereupon deliver and deposit the same with the returns thereof to the Clerk of the iJoard of Trustees. 1111he polls will be open between the hours of 6 o'clock A*Mo and 7 o'clock B.I. Dated this 6t.h day of May, 19290 R -e. --HARBOUR ci'� Clerks y I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolut ion- was duly and regularly adopted by the board of Trustees of the City of '-:ustin at a regular meeting thereof held on May 6th, 1929, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: COUECIIJAEN: Schwendeman Lunt _1Ry9_ Kiser and urawfo rd. vo.u4s: 0,0LJ1.-XIL4M1,;14: NON11; ABSENT: COUNCILMEN:'- Logan. Thereupon it was filed in my office on the same day and recorded on page 2 4-1 of'the records* 6.000--ftv (SELL) 0 J ty'T-1 e rk I I! RESOLUTION NO. X ! r 1 li �I 2 i RESOLUTION CALLING ELECTION. 31; WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees, known as the City Council 4 I 5 6I 7 8 i 9 10 i 11 12 13 14 i 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 is 24 25 26 I 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS A. CAIN ATTORNEY AT LAW SANTA ANA, CAL. of the City of Tustin, California, did on the 6th day of May,1929,, receive a written petition asking that certain new territory hereinafter described, be annexed to, incorporated in and made a part of said City of Tustin. AND WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees has found that said written petition was signed by not less than one-fourth (J) in numWer of the qualified electors residing within said territory, as shown by the Registration of Voters of Orange County, now therefore The Board of Trustees of the City of Tustin hereby resolvel as follows: I 1. A special election is hereby called and ordered to be held in the territory hereinafter described for the purpose of submitting to the electors residing in said territory, the i question whether said territory shall be annexed to, incorporated I in and made a part of said City of Tustin. A notice shall be giie of said election by the publication of a notice thereof in the Orange County Reporter, a daily newspaper of general circulation,) printed and published outside said City, but in the County of Orange, in which said territory is situated, at least once a week) I for five (5) successive weeks, next preceding the date of said election, said notice to be in words and figures substantially as follows; 1 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION. 2 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a special election will be 3 held in the territory hereinafter described, designated as the 41' High School addition, on Monday the 10th day of June, 1929, for th� 5j purpose of submitting,to the electors residing in said territory 6i the question whether said territory shall be annexed to, incorpor- 7ated in and made a part of said City of Tustin. 8�j The territory so proposed to be annexed is situate in I • 9j' Orange County, California and is particularly described as 10 follows, to -wit: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 i. 22 I I 23 24 i I 25 i 26 Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line; of that certain public highway commonly known as Newport Avenue with the Northeasterly line of the right of way of the California Stpte Highway, as laid out and improved by the California Highway! Commission, said point of beginning being an angle point in the Easterly boundary line of the City of Tustin, and running thence from the said point of beginning in a general northwesterly, northerly, easterly and northerly direction, following along the easterly boundary line of the City of Tustin, to an intersection ; with the center line of Main Street in said City of Tustin; thence easterly along the boundary line of the City of Tustin, and continuing easterly following along the center line of Main Stree to an intersection with the center line of the above mentioned Newpoxtt Avenue; thence Southwesterly along said center line of Newport Avenue to the northerly corner of Lot 32, Block 12, j Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a Map thereof recorded in Book 1,l Page 98, Miscellaneous Record Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence southeasterly in a direct line to the easterly] corner of said Lot 32, Block 12, Irvine Subdivision; $hence southwesterly in a direct line to the southerly corner of said Lo(kt32, Block 12, Irvine Subdivision; thence south 40 degrees wes 50 feet; thence north 50 degrees west parallel to the southwester y line of said Lot 32 to an intersection with the southeasterly boundary line of the City of Tustin; thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly boundary line of the City of Tustin to f the point of beginning. The electors of said territory are hereby directed to vote 271upon said question in the manner hereinafter set forth. 28 ' 2. The Board of Trustees does hereby establish for the 291 prupose of holding said special election one (1) election precinct 30!! the boundaries of which shall be the boundaries of said territory, 31;' and the place at which the polls will be open for said election 32' in said territory so proposed to be annexed, will be at the MORRIS A. CAIN Tustin High School Building. ATTORNEY AT LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. i 1 1 2 3 4 5 The Board of Trustees hereby appoints the officers to conduct said special election as follows: Judges (2) J. W. MEANS and SARAH STEEMAN, Inspector (1) MYRTLE L. DOUGHTY. ALL OF said officers being qualified electors of said precinct 61i and said.territory. 7 l 3. Upon the ballots to be used at said election there 8 shall be printed the words " Shall the High School Addition 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 be annexed to the City of Tustin 4 --Yes," and "Shall the High School Addition be annexed to the City of Tustin ?--Nov. There j shall be a voting square to the right of and opposite each of said i propositions, otherwise the ballots used at said election, the opening and closing of the polls, and the holding and conducting of said election shall be in conformity, as near as may be, to I the laws of this State concerning general elections, except as herein otherwise provided. The judges and inspector of said election shall meet upon the closing of the polls, count the ballo�a, make up, certify and seal the ballots and tally sheets of the bal pts 19 cast at the polling place and thereupon deliver and deposit the some 20 with the rettrns thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Trustees. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 j 32 MORRIS A. CAIN ATTORNEY AT LAW SANTA ANA, CAL. The Polls will be open between the hours of 6 o'clock A.M. and 7 o'clock P. M. Dated this 6th day of May, 1929. J. R. HARBOUR City Clerk. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Tustin at a regtlar meeting thereof held on May 6th,1929,by the following vote, to -wit: ATES:COUNCILMEN: Schwehdeman, Huntley. Kiser and Crawford. NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE ABSENT :COUNCILMEN: Logan. Thereupon it was filed in my office on the same day and recorded on page of the records. ( SEAL) Q J City Clerk. -3_