HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 9RESOLUTION NO. 9 IN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. RESOLUTION DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION. : '-,'~H~REAS, A general municipal electlon was ~ ld and con- ducted in the City' cz Tustin, on ~onday the 9t .day of April, 19~8, as required by law. AED ..,.~.m,~-o.~^,..,:.:~,~.~,~S, it appears that notice of said' election was duly and legally given, that voting precincts were properly established, that election officers were appointed and election supplies furaished, and that in all respects ~_~aid election was held and conducted and the votes cast: thereat received and can- vassed, and the retu',"ns thereof, made and declar'ld, in time, form and manner as required by the general laws of th~ Btate govern- in[..." elections in cities of the fifth and sixth class, ..~.r.~--:.~ .... the bOard of trustees of.said City of Tustin AND ~H~R~,:~S, met at the council chamber of the board on ~onday, the 16th d. ay o.f April, 19£8, to canvass the returns of said election and in- stall the newly elected officers, as a result of which the board .. find. s tha~ the num'b, er of votes cast, the names of ~he p.ersons voted for, and other matters r'quired by 1.,.~w, to be as herein- after stated, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That said regular municipal election was held and con- ducted in the City of Tustin, on Monday, the 9th day of April, 19~8, in time, form and manner as required by law; That there' was' one vot'ing:,.iPr..e0'ino:'.t 'es't'abiished .fo r:. '...t h'~ Purpose. of .holding said."'.el'~c.tion,...consist,i'ng Of.. a... c'onso-lidatlio'n"' ~ 0'f '~he regular election precincts established for holding general state and county elections as follows: "Consolidated Voting Precinct "A"," comprising state and county precincts numbers Tusti.n, No. I and Tustin ~o, £. That the whole number of votes cast in said election was Twenty-seven 127). That the names of the persons voted for, the offices for which they were voted, the number of votes given in each pre- cinct to each of said ~.'.,e.'rsons, together with the whole number o£ votes which they received in the entire Oity are as follows- Persons Voted for Votes 19' B. A. CR~.~?0RD Wm. HU'I~TLEY CHAS. F. LO CAE' E. L. KISER FRED L. SCH'JENDE:,,~N SCATTERIi~G. 27 27 27 26 27 27 27 26 CLEt~ J. ~. HARBOJR SCA'2TERI~G. 26 26 TREASURER 'iVALTER J. POLLARD SCA2T ~:RING. That B. A. Crawford 27 27 , ~.;m. Hunt ley and Ohas. F. Logan, being tied for highest vote, and there being only two posit ions ~ to fill for the f~ill term of four years as, the matter was decided by lot as is provided by law, and it was there by determined : .~ that 13. A. Crawford and .?~m. M. Hunt ley SHOULD be declared elec- ted to the two full terms of four years, and that Chas. F. Logan should be declared elected to the remaining short term of two years. HESOLVED therefore, th t a't said general municipal election B. A. Crawford was elected to the office of Trustee of the Oity of Tustin for the ~ull Term of four years; ALSO, that Wm. M. Hunt ley was elected to the office of TRUSTEE of said City of Tusttn for the FULL TERM of:'ilfour years; ALSO, that E. L. Kise-,-~ was elected to the office of TRUS- .~EE of said City of Tustin for the ~-~~,:~ ~~. i'EtL.'~ of two years; ALSO, that Fred L. Sohwendeman was elected to the office of 2Rb'STEE of said City of Tustin for the SHORT '£ERM of two years; ALSO, that O. ti. Harbour was elected to the office of CLi'~RK of said City of Tustin for the term of four years; · , ,. ALS0, that Walter ~.. ~..ollard was..elect.cd..t.o~.the office of TREASURER 0F said City of. Tustin. for...the term of four years; · '~ .... , ~X~ ~'E~. F.,ECT I~R~EDIA~''~ELY. THIS :~SOLUTIO~'' TO '''~''' ? '::' ~ Passed, approved and adopted this 16th day of April, 1928. Trustees of..'the City of Tustin. ATTESTED' ST;&TE OF CAL IF OR!,: IA ) COUNTY 0F 0P&i~'G£, ' ) ss. C IT'.~ OF T ~ST II~.. ) I, J. R. Harbour, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, Cali- fornia, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the Board of Trustees of the City of Tustin is five; and that the foregoing resolution,,' being resolution i.10. IX, was duly passed, approved and adopted by said Doard, approved and signed by the Mayor and attested by the Oity Clerk all: at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 16th day of April, 1928, and that the same was passed and adopted by the following vote, .... !. to-wit' ser. AY~o: ~ouncilmen iiuntley, ~chwendeman, ~o~an, and iii NOES: ~one, ABS=NT' None. ---of the City cz ,~'us~n. RESOLUTION \T0. 1 IN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 3 RESOLUTION DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION. 4 5 +HEREAS, a genereal municipal election .gas held and conducted s in tr.e City of TtiGtin, on ~:ondP.y, the 9th day of April, 192, as ~- 7 required by la.w, g AND HHEREAS, it apnea.rs that notice of said election teas duly g and le~Glly given, t at voting precincts were properly established, ~o that election officers mere anointed and election su~nlies 11 furnished, and that in all respects said election v~ras held and 12 conducted and the vote:; cast thereat received and canvassed, and 13 the returns thereof, made and declared in time, form a.nd manner as 14 required by the general lavas of the State `o~rernin`_ elections in 15 citiss of the fifth end sixth class, i~ AND ~:+'HEREAS, the boerd of trustees of said City of Tustin met 17 a.t the council ch~.mber of the board on "~onday, the loth day of i8 April, 192, to canvass the returns of said election and install 19 the newly elected officers, as a result of zrihich the board finds 20 that the number of votes cast, the names of the persons voted for, 21 and other matters required by la«, to be as hereinafter stated, 2`~ ~i~ now therefore 23 BE IT RESOLVED as follo~vs: 24 That said regular municipal elActior_ ~ra.s held and conducted 25 ! in the City of Tustin, on .`onday, the 9th day of April, 1=2~, in 2s ~ time, form and ma.rner as recuired by lati^; 27 That there ~~a.s one voting precinct established for the 28 purpose of holding said election, consistinf_ of a consolidation 29 of the regular election precincts established for holding: general 3o stete and county elections as follotYG. :~t "Consolidated Voting Preci:~ct "A"," co~rir~rising state erd county 32 precincts numbers Tustin, ATO. 1 end Tustin No. 2. 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