HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 8RESOLUTON NO. 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, SUGGESTING TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY THE DESIRABILITY OF FORMING A NEW JUDICAL TOWNSHIP, IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, TO BE KNOWN AS TUSTIN TOWNSHIP WHEREAS., it has repeatedly been suggested to this board that the formation of a new judicial township to be known as Tustin Township, comprising the City of Tustin and outlying territory, would be desirable and for the best interests of the commuz.~ity as a whole, that the formation of such a Township would relieve somewhat the congestion of work l.n the Santa Aha Justice Court, and would at the same time render better police protection; AND WHEREAS, after discussion, deliberation and due con- sider~tion of ~he matter, it appears to this Board that the formation of such a judicial townshiP would be desirable and for the best in~erests of the com~':mnity, now therefore; BE IT LqESOLVED: That the said City Council and Board of Trustees of the 0ity of Tustin, do hereby approve of the desirability of the formation of a new Judicial Township to be known as Tustin Township, and respectfully suggest to the Hon. Board of Super- visors of the County of Orange, that they give due consideration to the matter, and upon favorable decision being made, proceed without delay' toward the formation of s'~'~.ch a township. And that the City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby instructed to forward to the Clerk of said Board of Supervisors a true copy of this resolution without delay. This resolution to take effect immediately. passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of February, 1928 Trustees of the City of Tustin, California. ATTE~:]TED: STATE OF CALIFORI,~IA, ) · COUNTY OF ORANGE, ~11, ss. CITY OF TU'STIi'~.f. ) 'I, J. R, Harbour, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the Board of True, tees of the City of Tustin is five; and that .. the.foregoi.n.'g resolution, being resolution No. VIII was duly passed, approved and adopted by said Board, approved and signed by the I~ayor and Fresident of the Board, and attested by the City Clerk all at a regular meeting of the said Board held on the 6th day of ~ebruary, 1928, and that the same was passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: oouncilmen, tiuntley, Schwendeman, Logand and Kiser. NOES: none. None. ~%%Y Clerk of the Ci{-y '0f"Td§- ~in. .. i 1 RESOLUTION N0. ~~ V ' 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND CITY COUNCIL OF 4''THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, SUGGESTING TO THE BOARD OF s ISUP:RVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY THE DESIRABILITY OF FORCING A NEVP i'~ s '! JUDICIAL TOWNSHIP, IN THE COT~INTY OF ORANGE, TO BE Ki1Gl~N AS 7 ';TUSTIN TOWNSHIP. S 8,~.it_has repeatedly been suggested to this board that 9 'i '.the formation of a new judicial township to be known as Tustin in Township, comprising the City of Tustin and outlying territory, 11 ;' 121;; would be desirable and for the best interests of the community as 'a whole, that the formation of such a Township would relieve 13 i'somewhat the congestion of work in the Saxlta. Ana Justice Court, 14 iI ~,'~and would at the sane time render better service to Tustin and 15 i, lsli',co:nmunity, and give to said community 'oetter police protection; '~~, AND WHEREAS, after dt~scussion, deliberation and due consi- 17 '~ ,deaation of the matter, it appears to this Board that the formation, 18 !,of such a juditie,ffi township would be desirable and for the best 19 (interests of the community, now therefore: 20 , BE IT RESOLVED: 21 ', That the said City Council and Board of Trustees of the City ~~~ ,',of Tustin, do hereby approve of the desirability of the formation 23 'a a new Judicial Township to be known as Tustin Township, and 24 25!respectfully suggest to the Hon. Board of Supervisors of the Courity~, i ; ~. 2s ,of Orange, that they give due consideration to the matter, and ~, 271jupon favorable decision teeing made, proceed vzithout delay toward i i 2s ,the formation of such a township. 2s And that the City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby 30 'instructed to forward to the Clerk of said B®ard of Supervisors ,~1 a true copy of this resolution without delay. 32 This resolution to take effect immediately. MORRIS A. CAIN -1- ATTORNEY AT LAW SANTA ANA. CAL. J ll.'s Passed, approved and adopted this bth day of February, 2 ~; 192. 3 '. 4 '' '~ ,~-~~" 5 I ~~~~~ s ' ~' B A . CRA'JGFORD ~~ 7 II Mayor and President of the Board of g,' Trustees of the City of Tustin, '; California. s ~~ io i', Attested: (SEAL) 11 ~~ ~~ 12 i J . R . HARBOUR - ; 13 ~ City Clerk. 14 II~.,II 13 ; STATE OF CALIFORi~IA, is ;~, C0;?NTY OF ORANGE, ) SS. 17 ~, E3ITY ~OF TU~i'Ilti', lsl~; I, J. R, Harbour, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, 19 'California, do hereby certify that the whole number of mem~ers 20 '~of the Board of Trustees of the City of Tustin is five; and 21 '.that the foregoing resolution, being resolution No. ~,_was duly' ~~ 22 i,passed, approved and adopted by said Board, approved and signed 23~~,by the Mayor and President of the Board, and attested by the 24.' City Clerk all at a regular meeting of the said Hoard held on the ;, 25 ~'~bt'n day of February, 1925, and that the same was passed and 26 ,'adopted by the followinh vote, to-wit: i 27j AYB~: Councilmen: Huntley, Schwendeman, Logan and Kiser. 28NOES: Councilmen: None 29 '~ Absent: Couns~lmen: None. 30 J . R . H~IRBOUR (SEAL) 31 32 MORRIS A. CAIN ATTORNEY AT LAw SANTA ANA. CAL. OT /i City Clerk of the C of Tustin.