HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 7RESOLUTION NO. 7 RESOLUTION CALLING GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR APRIL 9TH, 1928, CONSOLIDATING VOTING PRECINCTS, AND DESIG- NATIG ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR SAID ELECTION. Municipalities of the Sixth Class, as v,,ell as Ordinance ~o. 10 of the city of Tustin, provide for the hol~ing of a General Election in said City on the 2nd Monday in April of every even numbered year, and further provide that the City Council may for the purposes of said election consolidate and designate voting precincts, and designate election officers for said elec- tion, and this being such an even numbered year; therefore BE IT RESOLVED: That a general municipal election be held in the City of Tustin, on Monday, the 9th day of April, 1928, for the purpose of electing such officers are are required by law to be elcted, to-wit: five trustees or city councilmen, (this being the first general election since the incorporation of said City), a city clerk, and a city treasurer; That such election be held in accordance with the general election laws of the State of California in so far as same shall have been made applicable to municipalities of the sixth class; That for the purposes of said election the two regular election precincts in said oity, to-wit: Tustin i~o. i and Tus- tin No. 2, shall be consolitdated and known as "Consolidated Voting Precinct A" and the polling place th'e~eof shall be at the Tustin Grammar Sc'heel, in said City, and the polls shall be open between the hours of 8 o'clock A. ~,, and 6 o,clock P. M., of said days That the following persons, residents and qualified voters in the said City of Tustin, are hereby designated and appointed to act as the election officials at said election, to-wit: Ins'Dector: ;?. L. Leihy; Judge ~. R. Kiser; Clerk: Nora Melvi~_~; and Clerk: Rosalie ~. Fowler. And the salaries of said election officials for the purpose . . of said election are hereby...fixe~d...as~follows:. Inspector, $8.00 per day;Judge, $5.00 per. day; and. C.l.erks, ..$5.00. per day each', The five positions, to be filled for city' trustee or city councilmen, this being the first general election since the incorporation of said city, all candidates shall be voted upon as running for the full term of four years, but as is provided by the laws of the State of California, in such cases, the two receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected for the full term of four years, and the three receiving the next highest number o£ votes shal.'~ be declared elected for the short terms of two years; and in the event of tie said matter shall be decided by lot. And the city Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereb'y directed and required to give Notice of said Election, in accordance herewith, and such other notices, as are req~ired by law, in the manner required by law, in accordance with the Election Laws of the State of California, as they are made to apply to munici- palities of the sixth class. This resolution shall take effect immediately, Passed, approved and adopted this 5th day of March, 1928. A~'TESTED: C~t~-'0'~rk and Ex-Officio Olerk Oi~y Council of the City of Tustin. STATE OF CALIFORNI~';, ) COUNTY OF 0R~NGE, ) ss. CITY OF TUSTIN. ) I, J. R. Harbour, City' Clerk of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of mem- bets of the Board of Trustees of the City of Tustin is five; and that the.. foregoi~g resolution, being resolution No. vii was duly passed, approved and adopted by said Board, approved and signed by the ~ayor and attested by the City olerk all at a regular m~eting of the Board held on February ?th, 1928, and that the same was passed and adopted by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen, Huntley, Schwendeman, .~ogan, and Kiser. I~0ES' None. 1 Rr:SOLUTION NO.~____ .> " R~SOLUTIOIJ CALLING GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR 3 APRIL ~th, 192, COI~SOLIDATIIrTG VOTING PRECIIuCTS, AND DESIG.'~A`l'IiJ'u ELEC`ION OFFICra{S FOR SAID r;LClION. 4 r, WHEREAS, the Laws oz the State of Cal iiornia, relating to 6 ~:unicipalities of the Sixth Class, as well as Ordinance No. 10 of ~ the City of Tustin, provide for the holding of a General Election in said City on the 2nd 1~Cond~.y in April of every even numbered .- year, and further provide that the City Council may for the iii purposes of said election consolidate and designate voting ~~ precincts, and designate election ofzicers for said election, 13 ant this being such an even numbered year; therefore 1:, BE IT RESOLVED: t -~ That a General municipal election be held in the ,City i :, of Tustin, on Monday, the 9th day of April, 192, for the purpose is of effecting such of'~icers as are recuired by law to be elected, 'i _ to-wit, five trustees or city councilmen, (this being the first 13 general election since the incorporation of said City), a city 19 clerk, and a city treesurer; •'u That such election be hela in accordance with the general ~~ i ~lectior~ lads of the State of C?lifori7ia in so fa.r as sane shal7_ ._,., J have peen :Wade applic~:ble to municipalities of the sixth class; 2:~ That for the purposes of said election the two re~aula.r ~~ election precincts in s~~id City, to-v~it, Tustin No. 1 and Tustin ~~~ No. 2, shill be consolidated and known as "Consolidated Voting ~~~~ Precinct A" and the pollin~Y place thereof shell .:e at the "7 Tustin Grammer School, i_1 said City, and the polls she'll be open :~ Q between the hours of ~ o'clock A. k., and 6 o'clock P. ~~., of ~~~ said day; an That the following persons, residents Und 4ualified voters ~~ in the said City of l'ustin, are hereby designated and appointed . ~.~ to act as the election oft~icials at said election, to-wit:- MORRIS A. CAIN ATTO ~2N F_V AT LA`/. SANTA ANA, CAL. -1- 1 Inspector : `.~', L, Le ihy; ~' Judge: ~. &, Kiser; ~' Clerk: Iti'ara Itelvin; and 4 Clerk: Rosalie B, Fowler. And the salaries of said election officials for the purposes s of said election are hereoy fixed as follows: Inspector ~ D o J 7 O~ d O per day; Jude ~ per day; an Clerks ~ .~ per day each. ~~ The five positions to ae filled for city trustee or city tii councilmen, this being the first general election since the ~~ incorporation o±• s,_Lid city, all candidates shall be voted upon 1.> as running for the full term of four years, but as is provided is by the laws of the State of California, in suoh cases, the two 1~ receiving the highest number of votes sh~till be declared ele~'ted 1., for the full term of four years, ana the three receiving the t t~ next highest number of votes shall. oe declared elected for the 17 short t rms of two yec.rs; and in the event of a tie said matter i3 shall ce deci.~ed by lot. is "u And the City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby direc,ed and required to give I~~otice of said Election, in accordance :;1 herewith, and such other notices, as are required by law, in the .>., .._ manner required by law, in accordance with the Election La~~s o2' ~~a the State of California, ~s they are made to apply to municipalities °~ of the sixth class. •~: This resolution shill take effect i:nrnediately. ~~F~ Passed, approved ana adopted this 5th day of '.1?arch, 192. :37 ~ ' i .~ , s. ~,~, (Si~'ned) ~~~}'' ATTEST~B: • so ~~ ~c y Clerk and ex officio Clerk o~ ~•~ e City Council of the City o±' ~ustin. MORRIS A. GAIN ATTO RNFV AT LA V: SANTA ANA, CAL.. -1- 1 ., 3 4 i~ 6 S STATE C~~ C~Lii~~;.=~::IA, ) CITY C~ TL'~TI:. ) lii 11 J. R. ~'er'cour, I Cit,~ Clerr_ o~ t:~.~~ Cit~ ~f 'TM,.~tin, , California, do ~~ re'r~y 1.i _; ~~.~~-~ ,,l -. -- -. _...__ ~f ._--- i:; o~ the 3oa_rd o= Trustees of t'~~e C~~~ ~. Teti': _.r fi~,~e, :: , ,, c'_ ~_.<~ -~ ~~ t:.e foreE,~oing resolutio:~, ~,: i~: re~ol.~~t i ,n .;~. =~_ ~~~~ s 1:~ _ an~roved ar.c: ruly passed aci~r~tec ,~y .~~~ _ i~: ~:~~ rc:, ~ _ -,v~=, ~~_.c , is ~i~ned by the Ia}7or end a tt~;~t,~ci h;' t'-,:~ ''; -~, '~l~,h' ai, ..t ]7 re--~i1~-r m,~~~tin~ off' the ~; ~rc~r.~lr o~: -, F, ,r~__„r~ ~~t:~, ~ ~~, r_~~. t?;.-t~ 18 t,-~e gal„e 11as ~?a~;~eci ~r:c_ ~ c~~~t~c~ _ t'.~~e ~ol~~~~.•~ir_~_ ,`~, to- ,~'~~t: 19 ~Y:~S Co-a:^cil~^.~~,,. vurtlA~~ Sci:~t^,e c~.e--; .. L~ -n ~r~: Yi.^er. , , •'U ~•~ ~, S. ~;~ne. ~~ t { _ _ 4A~L~~ . ~~ v \ ' i ~ ~nll °rlr I 1 v ~~ ~ 'i .C ~- 1~1..,'~ (Yi l~~ 7~ 1~'l~t~ n ~ _ ~ n~ :~:) ~~~1 °7 ~~ ti ~~ 3~ ..l .,,, .,_ MORRIS A. GAIN ATTORN cY AT LA`.N SANTA ANA, CAL.