HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 Economic StimulusITEM #6 TUSTIN Inter-Com DATE: JUNE 9, 2009 NIS I.~~l TO: PLANNING COMMISSION BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: ECONOMIC STIMULUS At the previous Planning Commission meeting, Commissioner Kozak identified available economic stimulus funds and asked if the City of Tustin would be pursuing these funds. On February 17, 2009, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) was signed into law by the President. The purpose of the ARRA is to stimulate the economy through modernizing infrastructure, improving energy efficiency, and expanding educational opportunities and access to health care. The following is a list of projects/programs that either have been submitted or are to be submitted for ARRA funding along with brief description of the projects/programs and the status of each application. • Transaortation The City has consistently listed and/or sought funding for the following infrastructure projects totaling $100.5 million. 1. Tustin Ranch Road Extension - new major six-lane arterial from Walnut to Valencia, $24 million; 2. Newport Avenue Extension - modified, arterial gap closure from Edinger to Myrtle, $30.5 million; 3. Rawlings Reservoir -two (2) new 3.0 million gallon pre-stressed concrete reservoirs, $14 million; 4. Tustin Avenue Water Well -existing well abandonment and construction of a completely new well, $4.0 million; 5. Simon Ranch Reservoir and Booster Pump Station -Seismic replacement of an aged in-ground covered reservoir and dilapidated booster station, $5.5 million; 6. Major Pavement Rehabilitation -Strategic Pavement Rehabilitation Program, $2.0 million; 7. Jamboree Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation and Irrigation Upgrade -Tustin Ranch Road to Northern City Limits, $5.0 million; 8. Tustin Ranch Road Pavement Rehabilitation and Inrigation Upgrade -Bryan Avenue to Jamboree, $5.5 million; 9. Tustin Avenue and 17"' Street Water Main Replacement -major distribution water line upgrade and replacement, $750,000; Planning Commission Economic Stimulus Page 2 of 5 10. Simon Ranch Road Water Main Replacement -fire protection upgrade of 1200 feet of water distribution main, $500,000; 11. Mardick Road Water Main Replacement -fire protection upgrade of 1500 feet of water distribution main, $750,000; and 12. Irvine Boulevard Storm Drain -Phases II and III -final flood mitigation improvement from Holt to Yorba Street, $8.0 million. To date, the only stimulus funding for transportation that has been pledged to the City of Tustin is through the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). The OCTA has identified the Countywide pavement rehabilitation as their second priority project and has obligated $33 million. The pavement rehabilitation funds are to be dispersed based upon the Measure Mturn-back formula. Consequently, Tustin will receive $813,324 for the Jamboree Road Pavement Rehabilitation from 2,750 feet north of Tustin Ranch Road to the northern City limits. • Water Proiects The City has applied for catch basin filters and retractable screens in compliance with the water quality best management practice via the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) through their Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The City's grant fund application request is far $75,800 with a $40,000 local match. The application is currently pending approval. Additionally, the City has applied for Rawlings Reservoir replacement and Tustin Avenue Well improvement through the California Department of Public Health. The application is also currently pending. • Eners~y Efficiency Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) The City's Field Services and Building Division are working on submitting an application to secure $667,300 in federal stimulus under the Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant. The project would include programs and/or projects that would reduce total energy use, reduce fuel emissions, and improve energy efficiency. Staff will be seeking the City Council's direction at their second meeting in June as to the specifics of this program. • Department of Transaortation (Caltransl The City submitted the following non-motorized Transportation Enhancement Projects for funding consideration through the Department of Transportation (Caltrans): 1. Newport Avenue Bicycle Trail Reconstruction Project between Main Street and Irvine Boulevard Planning Commission Economic Stimulus Page 3 of 5 The Newport Avenue bicycle trail is designated as a Class I off-road bicycle trail on the City of Tustin's Master Bikeway Plan and is shown on the County's Bikeway Plan. The segment of the trail included in the project is located on the west side of Newport Avenue between Main Street and Irvine Boulevard. The existing asphalt trail is deteriorated due to old age, poor drainage, and uplifting by adjacent trees. The project will include the replacement of the existing deteriorated asphalt with Portland cement concrete, drainage improvements, irrigation system improvements, and landscape enhancement. Approximate budget: $750,000. 2. Barranca Parkway Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail Construction Project The Barranca Parkway bicycle/pedestrian trail project is along the north side of Barranca Parkway between Tustin Ranch Road/Von Karman Avenue and Aston Street in the City of Tustin. It is a Class I off-road trail on the City of Tustin's Bikeway Plan and on the OCTA Regional Bikeway Plan. It is also shown on the City of Irvine General Plan due to its proximity to the City of Irvine. The project includes the design and construction of afourteen-foot-wide concrete, joint use (bikes/pedestrians) trail with landscaping. Right-of-way has already been secured for the project. Currently there is a Class II bike lane on Barranca Parkway serving the bicycle needs of commuters in the interim until the Class I trail can be designed and constructed. Approximately budget: $476,100 3. Peters Canyon Regional Trail Construction Project The Peters Canyon Regional Trail is adjacent to the Peters Canyon Channel within the City of Tustin between the north city limits and the south city limits. It is a Class I trail to be designed and constructed within the existing right-of-way of the channel. This trail is part of the OCTA/County of Orange Regional Trail System and part of the City's Bikeway Plan. The Peters Canyon Regional Trail traverses from Peters Canyon Regional Park in Orange to Newport Beach. The project includes design and construction of afourteen-foot-wide AC trail - adjacent to the channel with landscaping and includes a roadway undercrossing at Edinger Avenue and Moffett Avenue. Approximate budget: $1,070,000 4. Red Hill Avenue Pedestrian Bridge over the O.C.F.C.D. Santa Ana Santa Fe Channel Repair and Maintenance Project The project is located on the west side of Red Hill Avenue north of Edinger Avenue and the SCRRA Railway. The existing bridge provides pedestrian access Planning Commission Economic Stimulus Page 4 of 5 over the O.C.F.C.D. Santa Ana Santa Fe Channel. It is a prefabricated steel bridge with wood planks. The project includes scraping and resealing of the wood planks, replacement of damaged planks, priming and painting of the steel structure, and enhancement of surrounding areas adjacent to the ends of the bridge. Approximate budget: $25,000. The City is awaiting Caltrans' response to these requests. • Community Develoament Block Grant Recovery (CDBG-R) The ARRA appropriated $1 billion to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant Recovery (CDBG-R) program, a grant program created specifically for the use and management of the appropriated recovery funds. The City of Tustin has been allocated $216,643 of CDBG-R funds. To receive the funds, HUD requires a substantial amendment to the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2008-09 Action Plan reflecting how the City plans to use the CDBG-R funding and meet the goals set by the ARRA. HUD has issued a guideline which requires cities to use the CDBG-R funds expeditiously. The activities funded should be project-ready. On May 19, 2009, the City Council provided staff with direction and authorized staff to submit the following three projects: 1. Tustin Area Senior Center Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) improvements - $140,000 2. Tustin Area Senior Center Flooring - $56,643 3. Tustin Area Senior Center Wall Covering improvements - $20,000 The substantial amendment to the FY 2008-09 Action Plan was submitted to HUD prior to the due date of June 5, 2009. • Redeveloament Agency The City was informed by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) that Tustin is eligible to apply for Tier 2 of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Due to only a limited amount of funds allocated to Tustin and the complex and far-reaching program requirements and monitoring, the City decided not to participate in the program. However, the City's Redevelopment Agency may be utilizing a special BRAC authority added to the ARRA that provides for authorization for issuance of taxable and tax exempt bonds. These bonds can be used for a wide array of purposes to stimulate economic development on BRAC impacted "Recovery Zones" or for the MCAS Tustin project, including infrastructure on an as-needed basis. Planning Commission Economic Stimulus Page 5 of 5 The above list provides the Commission with a broad view of the City's efforts in applying for and obtaining available economic stimulus grant funds. 5:\Cdd\PCREPOR712WB\Eoororrnc Stlmilua.tloc