HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 CommendationITEM #4 Inter-Com DATE: JUNE 23, 2009 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: COMMENDATION NOMINATION - 2009 SECOND QUARTER RECOMMENDATION TUSTI~ ~t ~~ I„n~~ 6UI LUI N(; OUIi iUTI1RE IIONORING OUR PAST That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 350 Myrtle Avenue to the City's Commendation Program. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION The City"s commendation program recognizes an Old Town property of outstanding merit every calendar quarter. A decorative sign is displayed at the property and the owner is provided with a City-paid plaque and recognized at a City Council meeting. Properties commended to date include 355 West Second Street, 320 West Third Street, 520 West Main Street, 160 South Pacific Street, 335 South C Street, 340 West Main Street, 200 South A Street, and 310 South Pasadena Avenue. The call for nominations for the second quarter of 2009 was mailed out to members of the Tustin Area Historical Society and Tustin Preservation Conservancy and others on April 8, 2009. As of June 17, 2009, one nomination had been received. 350 South Myrtle Avenue Tustin residents Brent Ferdig and Lucy Burch submitted the attached nominations for the residence at 350 South Myrtle Avenue. The Spanish Colonial duplex was built in 1926 and has a C rating in the City's 1990 Historical Survey. Should the Commission approve the nomination, staff recommends that the nomination be forwarded to the Tustin Area Historical Society and Tustin Preservation Conservancy for their review and recommendation of the most appropriate historical property name. Once input has been received, the Planning Commission will select the name to the displayed on the plaque provided by the City. Scott Reekstin Senior Planner Attachment A -Nomination Forms Attachment l3 -Photograph S:1Cdd1PCREPORl12009~Commendation 2009 Second Quarter.doc CITY OF TLJSTIN Conununity Development 3UU C;entetuual Way Tustin, CA 92780 (714,) 573-3140 (714) 573-3113 For Otlice Use Orrly Case No. Date Rcv Rcvd. By OLD TOWN TUSTIN CONIlbiENDATION PROGRAM NOMINATION FORM Tlnarnk you for nonunati~g a property to the City's Old Town commendation l.~rogram. All commercial, residential, and institutional properties in Old Town Tustin are eligible for nomination to the program. Ow~riers of propert2es that ~u-e selected b;' the Ci!}~'s Plaru~ino Cornnussion for the program are recognized by the City Council. The Plaruung Comrrussion will c:ounnernd one property per calendar quarter. NOMINATED I'ROPLRTY Property I~A~ rt- i t.. f ~,A~. Structure Name (If Owner of Property (if known) I O C,~ ~ i ~c+' ~ ~.Cuar t t~ 51n~,r ~.-~ ~~. Specify your reasons for the nomination (e.g. condition of structure and/or growrds, pride of ownership, architectural details, landscapiig, overall mai.trtenarnce, recent improvement, etc.): Your Narue ~(~~b~' ~~~~ Your Residence or Busiiess Address I`t~ ~.~i 61 ~lyrt-1.e ~~= ~Sk~~ C~ ~ Z~1~~ Telephone Nutuber (11`{ ) ~`t~~~~~Z~ Your Si~,~riature ~ ~ Date ~ 1~~~ti To Be Completed 6y City Historic Designation: ^Local [State ^.National ^None Listing ii I-Iistorical Survey: QA ^B ^C ^D ^No Type Commercial ^Residential ^Institutional The owner's of this Spanish Colonial Revival home recently completed the landscaping of this property located on the corner of Main & Myrtle in Old Town Tustin. This is one of the first historic properties that is seen as you are heading East on Main Street from Santa Ana. The plant types used in the landscaping complements the Spanish Colonial Revival style of the structure. The owner's were water wise by using several types of drought resistant plants. It is my pleasure to nominate this property based on its pride of ownership and overall maintenance. CITY OF'1'i?S"I'IN Conlnntnity Develol>mcnt 300 Centeruli~il Way Tustin, CA 0`1780 (714) 573-3140 (714) 573-3113 For (7llice Ilse Olily Case No. -- Datc ltcvtl. Revd. 13y OLD TOWN TLTSTIN CONIIVIENI)ATION PROGRAM NOMINATION FORM Th~ulk you for uoulinalulg a property to the City's Old Town conulrenclalion progranl. All conunercial, 1-eslclentlal, alid inslilulioual properties m Old "1'owI! Tustin al-e eligible Ior norrullatic)n to the program. Owners of properties that are selected by the City's Yl~lrrning Commission for llle progrtnr are recogrlirecl by Ille City Council. The 1'laiuting Conurussion will comrrlend one property per calendar- quarter. NOMINA'I'hD YRUI'1;RTY Properly Address: 350 Myrtle Ave. StrilCtUre Nanle (If any) Rivard (builder) Owrlcr of l'ropcrty (iI hrx)wn)Todd and Laurie Heller Specily your rc.lsons lur tlrc nonlinaliou (e.g. condition ol~ structure alul/or grounds, pride ol~ ownership, ar-chit.eettlrll details, lat7dscal)lrlg, ovcr.ill nlauilt:nallce, recent improvenlcn(s, etc.): This building is at the corner of Myrtle and Main. The structure has been significantly improved with both landscaping and exterior paint. Your Name Lucy Burch Your Residence or I3usiuess Address 61o west Third Street Tustin CA 92780 Telephone Number (71a ) 832-3379 '" ~L(r~1 Daft;&14-08 Your Si~~ttalurc `~ 'I'o 13e C;onrplet:ecl by City I-Iistoric Designation: I.or<tl State Nation<il NOnc Listing in Iiistor-ical Survey: A 13 C D ~o Type ; Cornmcrc•t~ ^Ctestc cnlial Illstrtrlt]Orle r.Arr~v~: C YFS DlSTRIC'l': s Spanish Colonial duplex is located on the corner of Main and Myrtle, with one entrance on Main and one on Myrtle. A Ilat and unbroken parape4 edged with a row of red clay tile, cap the "H"-shaped building.Matching plate glass windows with n transoms, sheltered by stucco hoods clad in red clay file and supported by wood brackets, are located in both front wings, in center of the wings, and on the south side of the entry porch on the west side. The Main Street • entrance porch occupies the ;e in the comer of the ell, against the western-most front-facing wing, while the Myrtle Street entrance is in the center of the facade. Red-clay-rile-clad front-facing roofs, with close eaves, cap the porches, which also feature arched opettings and antes. A pair of small, double-hung windows is located on the nort}i side of the Myrtle Street entrance porch. n Kinard, a building contractor living on Pasadena Avcnne with his wife, Ermines, purchased this lot and built this Spanish onial duplex in 1926. It was purchased immediately by Mrs. Effie Slusser. She was the widow of Bayard 5lusser, and ai that was a teacher at Tustin High School. She had former lived with the Fred Preble family a block to the east. By 1927 she had sferred to Tustin Grammaz School. She Lived in one, side of the duplex until she died in 1946. Robert and Esther Kneeland ght the building in 1947. He was a lawyer for the S. T. I and G Company. Two years later he had become a Depury District 7rney far Orange County and had moved to Hewes Avenue in Santa Ana. Samuel G Borum purchased the duplex and moved into Myrtle Street side. He was a clezk for C. A. Cleazy Co., a sporting goods store at 365 D Street in Tustin. Although this .ding is pzobably not significant on its own, it does contribute to the chazacter of the Tustin Historic District, and is of an roptiate size and scale for Myrtle Street. ~ - -~ . r l IJ} 1, ~ J ~l. \ V S~. ~`,(~ ~ 't II ((~ I ~~ \~~ ~ -- ~~` ~ ~~ 1 i i. •~ ~~ rte. ~_, ., Y ~~ . 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