HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 PURCHASE PATROL VEH 02-04-02AGENDA REPORT NO. 6 02 -04-02 MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 2002 380-40 O TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZATION FOR PURCHASE, PATROL VEHICLE SUMMARY A purchase of four 2002, black and white police patrol units is necessary to replace existing high-mileage units. All vehicles are scheduled to be replaced. RECOMMENDATION That City Council authorizes the purchase of three 2002 Ford Crown Victoria vehicles for marked police patrol and one Ford Expedition for police patrol supervisors to Wondries Chevrolet of Alhambra, in the amount of $111,093.72 (tax included). Wondries Chevrolet is the emergency vehicle authorized dealer for this area. That Council authorizes expenditure of funds for conversion of the four marked police patrol units to Pursuit Technologies of Buena Park, California in the amount of $23,864.07 (tax included). That Council authorizes the Police Department to acquire five Mobile Audio Video Systems from Kustom Signals, Inc., Lenexa, Kansas in the amount of $23,985.25 (tax included). This is an on-going replacement project. FISCAL IMPACT All of the below listed funds are budgeted. $134,957.57 from the Vehicle Replacement Fund, account 84-801-9730 (vehicle and conversion) 2. $23,985.25 from the Equipment Replacement Fund, account 01-502-9845 (Mobile Audio Video Systems) BACKGROUND In Fiscal Year 01/02, it is necessary to replace three marked police units due to the combination of high mileage and service history. Four cars are due to be William A. Huston, City Manager Authorization for Purchase, Patrol Vehicle February 4, 2002 Page 2. replaced because of mileage and service history. One of the units will be a SUV assigned to patrol sergeants. This is due to additional tactical equipment carried by the field supervisor. Wondries Chevrolet has Crown Victoria's available for delivery under L.A. County Contract #205455. Wondries also has the Ford Expedition available under the Cooperative purchase provision of the City of Seal Beach. We have utilized this vendor for several years with excellent service. Pursuit Technologies has completed unit conversions for several years. A bid process was completed in December 2001, with Pursuit Technologies being the Iow bidder. They maintain their competitive pricing due to their ability to purchase Code 3 light bars at a significant discount due to their relationship with the manufacturer. They remain the only vendors locally with this ability. Through testing, the Tustin Police Department has identified Code 3 as having a superior product due to the illumination produced by this light bar, which gives an extra margin of safety for patrol officers. It's recommended that the conversion be authorized through Pursuit Technologies in the amount of $5,331.30 per unit, (tax included) for the Crown Victoria and $5,700.71 (tax included) for the Ford Expedition. A 10-percent contingency has been added to these figures due to a variety of items that come up with the new models each year. The department has an ongoing replacement program in place for the Mobile Audio Video units, which completely replaces the inventory in five years. There are five units budgeted this fiscal year. The department is standardizing on the Kustom Signals' "Eyewitness" unit, which has proven to be a desirable system and on the leading edge of development. Research indicates there are no better units on the market. Continuation with the "Eyewitness" standardizes our service and repair parts inventory. Recommend purchase through Kustom Signals, Inc. at $4,797.05 (tax included). Attached for information is the quote from Wondries Chevrolet and information on the quotes from Pursuit Technologies and the two other vendors who bid in the conversion process and also from Kustom Signals, Inc. Funds are available for the purchases recommended. STEVE FOSTER Chief of Police SF:JBP:et Attachment 1247 West Main S~:reec, P.O. Box ~lBl~iO, Alhambra, ~-A Ei2r=/4~_~7-~590 I~EI/~7.~$:~ Fax December 21, 2001 Lt. James Peexy Tustin Police Dept. 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Delivexy via fax (714) 544-6136 In response to your inquiry, wc axe pleased to submit the following for your consideration. Wondri~ Fleet Group will sell, scrvicc, and clehver, at Tustin, New/Unused 2003 Ford Expedition XLT responding to the altached specifications for $28,661.00 plus tax. These vehicles arc available under the Cooperative purchase provision of the City Of Seal Beach. Delivery is (110) days A.R.O. Terms are Net 20 days Sincerely, J~N~~R_~S FLEET GROUP TOYOTA FI. EBT I IVI ION 1547 Weet Main Strew, P.O. Deoembe~ 2 l. 2001 Lt. James Peery Tustin Police Dept. 300 Centennial Way TUsti~ CA 92680 Delivery via fax ('/14) 544-6136 In response to your inqmry, we are pleased to submit the following for your comide~a~on. Wonch'ies Fleet Group will sell, service, and deliver, at Tustin, New/Unused 2002 Ford Crown Victoria Police Sedan's responding to the attached specifications for $24,814.00 plus tax~ These vehicles are available under the Cooperativc purchase provision of the Los Angcles CounW bid #205455. Delivery is thirty (30) days A.R.O. Terms are Net 20 days ~CNDRIES FLEET GROUP TOYOTA ~' ~ ':~ PURSUIT TECHNOLOGY, '_,'NC. 8331-C ARTESIA BLVD. BUENA PARK, CA 90621 USA Quoted to: CITY OF TUSTIN FIELD SERVICES 300 CENT~NIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 92780 Quotauon Quote Number: 7211 Quotc Dat~: NOV 26, 2001 Page: 1 Customer ID Good Thru TUST 12/26/o: Quantity Item 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PSE 7300ALRC784 0BN TM4 0BN NCO rR AC-EXP150 ~R AC-PBMg~ 1.00TR CM-C06480(S) 1.00F]~D LF18ER 1.00CAPCO BUMPER 2000-01 Payment Terms Net 30 Daye DescfipQon ':002 FOnD EXPSDITION ~X L/B W/AS8 DLX/MULT INTER tOUCH MASTER SiReN ~OIS~ CANCELING EXPEDITION FLOOR pLATES POSSE BOOK/BEV~RAG£ HOI/]ER ,(DY 480 SWIVEL MOUNT ~ITTLELITE M APLIGHT (18") 2000-01 EXPEDITION 2WHL 1.00.rfR AC-NPR(D) 1.0OITR AC-NPR(P) 1.00~/H 24059 1.00~TRIP OLD CAR 1.00~ABOR 1.00~BOR 1. o O~%BOR. 1.0 O~R SIDEWiNDeR 1.00TAL ANXMB 8 U SILICONE EDGE GUARD C06/C08 SILICONE EDGE GUARD C06/C08 8o AMP SOLENOID GRAPHICS AS PER TUSTIN SPEC PARK KILL MOI~JLE STRIP OUT OLD EQUIPTMENT TO INSTALL GRAPHICS 1~3 INSTALL A~OVE ITI~M$ IO INSTALL COMPUTER FW2000 IDEWINDER SHOTGUN RACK ;iX CABLE FOR RG58 CAI~LE NN£CTORS Salcs Rcp JAKE Unit iiric¢ 1,1oo 501 513 34 85 59 321 51 841 92 67: 37 160 00 19.45 19.45 11.40I 3io. 24.56: lO0.00, 45.00] 895.00 275.00 207.60' 15.68 Extension 1,100.50 513.22' 34.85 58,32l 51.84! ~2.67 37.231 160.0C 19.45 1~.~5 11.~0 310.00 24.56 ~oo.ooi 45.00[ 895.00 275.00 207.~0 15,68] Subtotal Sales Tax Total C~ntinue~[ Continued Continued i Ed W~8~:60 100E 9E 'non LESI-EgS ~ll: 'ON XU~ lI~Sa~d: N0ad PURSUIT T~C~INOI~DGY, INC. 8331-C ARTE, SIA ~LVD. BUENA PARK, CA 90621 USA Quoted to: CITY OF ~3STiN FIELD SERVICES 300 CENTENNIAL WAY /135TIN, CA 92780 Quotation Quote Number: 7Zll Quote Date: Nov 26. 2001 Page: Customer ID Good Thru 12/26101 Payment Terms Sales Rep ] Quantity Item 1.OOTR FP-L~IT4 1.00~R FP-BI/qK1 1.O~S~INA 12VS 2.00'SPOTLIGHT 2.0CFED GH1 1.0CPSE ;Lg-2 1.0[ Description ,~NITROL FACEPIa%TE CAGE, ALL ~XP. MEATL UPPER SPOTLIC~4T W/BRACKET (01 FORD EXPEDITION) ~ALO(~N GRILL LI~TS ONE PAIR OF ~UBLS LI~TS D~RHEAD SHO~ RA~ NO ~GE i u.it V, ce '0t 25.92 7. 285. 205.00~ 28.52, 12~.62 65.00 25. 921 7.85' 205.00 410.00 57.04. 129.62[ 65.00 Subtotal Sales Tax Total 4,952.20 28C.29 5,232.49 Vd WU6~:60 IBOE 9~ '~ON LEST-~gS ~Ii: 'ON XU~ IIRS~RH: W0~ PURSUIT 7~C~iNOI~Y, .-NC. 8331-C ARTESIA BLVD. BUENA PARK, CA 90621 USA CITY OF TUSTIN FIELD SERVICES 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TU~TIN, CA 92780 Quotation Quote Number: 7212 Quote Date: Nov 2~, 2001 Page: Customer ID 7~JST Good Thru Quantity Item Payment T¢~s Sales Rep Net 3 0 m~ys JAKE O~-seHpti'on Unit Price Extension 1.001pSE 7300ALRC784 1.00O~N TM% 1.0dDBN NCO 1.00TR A C-CFKIT98 i.00~R AC-P~95 1.00TR CM-C06480(S) L.00iF~D LF18ER 2.00~DEC 1191 1.00CAPCO BUMPER 98-2000 1.00TR AC-NPR(D) 1.00TR AC-NPR(P) 1.001> 1.00~/H 24059 1.00~R TUST I.OO~ED UPKM 1.00~TRIP O~D CAR 1.00~ i. 00~ABOR 1.00'LABOR 1.00~OR '2002 FORD CRWN VIC ~SX L/B W/AS8 DLX/~JLT IIqTER TOUCH MASTER SIREN ~OISE CANCELING MIC 92-98 C.V./~PRICE F~OR M~T ?OSSE BOOK/BEVE~E HO~ER ~T 480 SWIVEL M~T LIT~ELIT~ MAPLIGHT (18") ~ROST~NT S~T CV 99 * 2000 98-2000 CRO~ vIC. BUYER SILIC~E ED~ GUA~ C06/C08 SILIC~E ED~ GUA~ C06/COB iAST PRODU~S SP~ W/ BKRT ~0 ~P SOLE~ID 3~PHICS AS PER TUSTIN SPEC PARK KILL MOSLE ~TRIP OUT OLD ~UIPT~NT 1.100.50 513.22 34.85 58.32 51.84 92.67 37.23 370.00 130.00 19.45 19.4~ 185.00 11.40~ 310,001 24.~6 100'0t 20 00 45 00 895 0 ~IDE PLYWOOD P;~QELS ro INSTALL DECALS ~O INSTALL EMERGENCY EQ.  O INSTALL COMPUTER 275.001 Subtotal Sales Tax Total 1,100.50 ~13.22 34.85 58.32 51.8% 92.67 37.23 37C.0C 13¢.00 19.45 19.45 185.00 11.40 24.5~ 100, 20.00' ~5.00 895.00 275.00 Continued Continued Continued 9d WU6~:60 T00E 9E 'n°N £EST-Egs ~Ti: 'ON XU~ lI~S~nd: W0S3 PURSUIT TECN_NOLO~Y, /I~C. 8331-C ARTE$IA BLVD. BUENA PARK, CA 90621 USA Quo~d CITY OF TUSTIN 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 92780 Quotation Quot. Number: 7212 Quote Date: Nov 26, 2001 Page: Customer ID Good Thru TUST 12/26/01 Payment Terms Nec 30 DayB Quantity [_ "Item i. O0,TI~L i~IXI~SU 1.O0~R FP-UNIT4 1.00IR FP-BLNK1 Sales R~ Unit Price ' I 207.60 65 O0 15 68 Extension 207. 7.851 65.oo 15.68 25.92I 7.85 Subtotal Sales Tax Total 4,615.54 247.59 4,863.08 id WUOS:60 IOOE 9E 'n°N AESI-EgS ~IL: 'ON XUJ IIRSSRd: WO~d FROM :PURSUIT ~UKSUI! IF. CHI~OIJDGY, INC. 8331-C AKTESI.;% BLVD. BUENA PARK, CA 90621 Quoted to: C~TY oz ~ST~N FIELD SEBVICE$ 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 9~780 FAX NO. :714 562-1527 Jan. 11 2882 11:37AM Pi Quotation Quote Number: 7303 Quote Dam: Jan I0, 20o2 Page: 1 Customer ID Good Thru , Paymen.t__Tcm,s { ___ Sales Rep TUST 2/9/02. ; N~t 30 Days ~ TONY ....... i, t-~ ~. T~--MA"~% 0 :J ......... 1. O0~ATTERY BOX 2.00~SD PHXVB200 20.00.MAN 4GA. WIRE 1.00~./}1 24059 1. oopmto~ I '-i ......... Des"~ pt~on ....... rlL FILLED SEALED I i[50AMP MANUEL RESET BREAKEB ~ GA. WERE 80 AMP SOLENOID INSTALL END BATTERY Unit ~¢~- ---!7 ~-. 6bl ........ 17.~ho~ 24.00[ 24.0~ 33.751 67.50i 1.oo~ 20.0C 22.751 22,75! 135,00 135.00' FAX TFIAN,~&41ITTA'L , _ pHONE: [714)56Z-1~25 FAX~ (114) 562-15Z~' Subtotal Sales Tax Total 444.25 23.97 46B.22 ODl~3c::*:3HO;~ ~5:~.T Te~-C&-gT P P k((((((( KUSTOM SIGNALS, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT, INC 9325 Pflumm, Lenexa KS 66215-3347 913"492-140Q Fax 913-492-1703 sales~kustomsignals.com www.kustomsignals.com Quotation Dale I/3/2002 1'o... S(;T PAI. JL GARAVEN TUS'I'IN POI.ICE DEPT 300 CENI'ENNIAL WAY TUSTIN CA 92680 Quote # 31110999113641 Terms Net 30 This Quote Expires on Phone 714-573-32011 Fa x 714-73{I-8(127 Item I 2 Qty Product Description **CHP PRICING - BID NO 48956, PO NO 56337** 5 EYEWITNESS INDIJSTRIAL GRADE IN CAR VIDEO SYSTEM: VAULT, PANASONIC INI)USTRIAL GRADE VIIS RECORDER, SONY CAMERA WITll MOTORIZED 12:1 ZOOM, INTEGRATED OVERHEAD CONSOLE WITII COI.OR MONITOR, AZDEN WIRELESS TRANSMITTF. R WITH MICROPIIONE UNI'F PRICE INCI.UI)ES: In CAR MIC, TONI.: COl)ED SQtJELCH, FIRST AND SECOND YEAR WARRANTY, SIIIPPIN(; AND HANI)iANG 5 VARY WIRELESS TRANSMITTER'S F2 FREQUENCY 5 INSTAI.LATION - COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 6 I CA SALES TAX AT 7.75% 06/1212002 Unit Price 4.195.00 25.110 250.00 1,635.25 Page-I ofl SubTotal $20,975.00 S 125.110 S 1,250.00 S 1,635.25 Total S23,985.25 Signature Title SAI,ES REPRESENTATIVE DONNA BERGER - dberger(a~'kustomsignals.com 9325 PFLUMM RD LENEXA, KS 66215-3347 Toll Free 800-4KUSTOM (800-458-7866)