HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 MEASURE W 02-04-02AGENDA REPORT NO. 15 02-04-02 MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 2002 460-60 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THE ORANGE COUNTY CENTRAL PARK AND NATURE PRESERVE INITIATIVE (ALSO KNOWN AS MEASURE W) SUMMARY: At the January 22, 2002, City Council meeting, Mayor Thomas directed staff to agendize a resolution supporting Measure W - the Orange County Central Park and Nature Preserve Initiative. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council take action as deemed appropriate. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: At the January 22, 2002 City Council meeting, Mayor Thomas directed staff to agendize a resolution supporting Measure W- the Orange County Central Park and Nature Preserve Initiative. At the same meeting the Council adopted Resolution No. 02-06 requesting the Orange County Board of Supervisors certify Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 582 and approve amendments to the John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement consistent with Scenario 1. Draft Resolution No. 02-10 is attached incorporating both Council actions. Attached is the language that will appear on the March 5, 2002 ballot related to Measure W. The full text can be viewed in the Community Development Department. Also attached for the Council's consideration are: · Notice of Intention to Circulate Petition; · The Orange County Central Park and Nature Preserve Initiative (also known as Measure W); · Impartial Analysis by County Counsel and Fiscal Impact Statement; and · Arguments in Favor and Against Measure W. City Council Report February 4, 2002 Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT: There are no direct fiscal impacts related to adoption of Resolution No. 02-10 Elizabeth A. Binsack Director of Community Development ATTACHMENTS: B. C. D. E. Measure W- Ballot Language Notice of Intention to Circulate Petition Impartial Analysis by County Counsel and Fiscal Impact Statement Arguments in Favor and Against Measure W Resolution No. 02-10 CCReports:MeasureWFinal ATTACHMENT A. Measure W- Ballot Language Measure W - Ballot Language W. Shall the initiative measure: 1) eliminating planned airport uses at the closed El Toro Marine Corps Air Station ("MCAS El Toro") by repealing Measure A, and 2) amending the Orange County General Plan to authorize an urban regional park and a variety of agricultural, material recovery/recycling, recreational, cultural, educational, employment, public and housing land uses at MCAS El Toro, be adopted? ATTACHMENT B. Notice of Intention to Circulate Petition Notice of Intention to Circulate Pc..,on Notice is hereby given by the persons whose names appear hereon of their intention to circulate the petition within the Count' of Orange for the purpose ofamending the Orange County' General Plan to establish a central park and nature preserve at the former Marine Corps Air Station E1 Toro (El Toro). A statement of the reasons of the proposed action as contemplated in the petition is as follows: A Better Plan for El Toro. Orange County residents deserve a better plan than an international airport for El Toro. This Initiative will repeal Measure A, which designates El Toro for civilian airport use. and will amend the County General Plan to authorize the creation of one of America's greatest parks. with open space, sports and recreation facilities, museums, libraries, arts and cultural attractions, and a home for major universities and research centers. It will not generate the traffic congestion, noise, and air pollution associated with a commercial airport. No New Taxes. This Initiative does not raise taxes. In addition to the 4,700 plus acres of land, the military housing and commercial buildings on the site can generate enough revenue to cover the cost of creating one of America's greatest parks. The Need for a Central Park in Orange County. The central location and accessibility of El Toro will provide Orange County's three million residents with an opportunity to enjoy a park on a par with Golden Gate Park and The Presidio in San Francisco, Griffith Park in Los Angeles, and Balboa Park in San Diego. Quality of Life is Important to the Economic Health of the County. The quality of life in Orange County is a significant asset to business and is a key element in attracting and keeping high paying jobs and a quality workforce in a competitive marketplace. This Initiative will greatly enhance our quality of life here in Orange County. Environmental Protection. This Initiative will make it possible to permanently protect over one thousand acres of open space and wildlife habitat and establish a key element of a nature preserve stretching from the Pacific Ocean to Riverside County. We, the ::ndersigned, registered and qualified voters of the County of Orange hereby request that a ballot summary ~ title by pre_pared in accordance with the California Elections Code, section 9105. Allan Songstad kl Debbie Cook Orange, CA 9281~/r~ 26211 Bridlewood Drive 6692 Shetland Circle Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Huntington Beach, CA 9264~.' 31631 Sea Shadow Way Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 .... 9501 Henderson Way Villa Park, CA 92681 June 14, 2001 Ms. Rosalyn Lever Orange County Registrar of Voters 1300 South Grand Avenue Building C Santa Aha, CA 92711 Dear Ms. Lever, Attached please find a copy of a proposed initiative measure entitled "The Orange County Central Park and Nature Preserve Initiative" and a notice of intent to circulate petition which sets forth the reasons for the proposed petition. Also enclosed is a check in the mount of $200 for the filing fee. The persons shown below are the proponents of the foregoing initiative measure. The proponents are submitting identical copies of this letter signed in counterparts by the proponents. Pursuant of California Elections Code 9103, this is a request that a ballot title and summary be prepared. It is my understanding that the County Counsel will prepare a title and summary within 15 days. We hereby authorize you to deal with our attomeys, Bagatelos and Fadem, LLP, on our behalf, as may be necessary with regard to the proposed initiative measure. If there is further information we can provide, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Allan Song-smd ~ 26211 Bridlewood Drive Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Mike Alvarez ~ 360 South Glassell ~ Orange, CA 92866 Bill Campbell 9501 Henderson Way Villa Park, CA 92681 Enclosures Debbie Cook 6692 Shetland Circle Huntington Beach, CA 92648 31631 Sea Shadow Way Laguna Niguel, CA 9267-7 ATTACHMENT C. Impartial Analysis by County Counsel and Fiscal Impact Statement ............... IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS BY COUNTY COUNSEL MEASURE W This measure would amend the Orange ,.. .~ty General Plan ("General Plan") with respect to un. porated ~and within the E! Toro Marine Corps Air Stahon ("MCAS El Toro"), and repeal Measure A, which was adopted by the voters on Ncvember 8, 1994. designating much of MCAS El Toro for civil aviation and related uses. Currently, approximately 2,170 acres of land within the approximately 4,700 acre MCAS E! Toro site is planned for airport and related uses. Approximately 1,560 acres is currently planned for airport compatible uses, including a regional park and two golf courses. An approximate 970 acre s~te in the northeastern portion of MCAS El Toro ~s designated as Habitat Reserve. The measure would amend the General Plan to prohibit the County's use of MCAS El Toro for a civilian airport and to add two new categories of "Open Space" - "Nature Preserve" and "Education/Park Compatible" - applicable only to lands within MCAS El Toro. This measure would designate unincorporated areas within MCAS El Toro for specified uses. · The nodheastem portion would be designated as "Nature Preserve" to permanently preserve natural habitat in accordance wi',h the Central Coastal Natural Community Conservation Plan. Only passive recreational uses would be permitted. · The central and northwestern portions would be designated "Open Space Reserve", including an urban regional park. This could include various recreational and cultural uses. · The southern and southwestern areas would be designated "Education/Park Compatible". This could include educational uses and supporting research and development, including infrastructure improvements, health care, child care and transportation facilities, and housing, to support educatJonal uses. Many of the recreational and cultural uses permitted in the "Open Space Reserve" would also be permitted in the "Education/Park Compatible" area. In the "Open Space Reserve" and "Education/Park Compatible" areas, pending transition to park-compatible development, the measure would permit leasing of MCAS El Toro facilities, agriculture, plant nurseries, material recovery/recycling facilities, recreation, housing and employment. Currently, "Open Space Reserve" land is restricted to open space uses by the General Plan. The measure provides that "open space compatible" uses would also be permissible. "Open space compatible" uses in Open Space Reserve are not clearly defined. "Compatible uses" in Open Space include materials recovery/recycling facilities and Iow-intensity, high technology, industrial, research and development, office and educational uses and childcare facilities. It is unclear whether "open space compatible" uses are limited to only that Open Space Reserve located at MCAS El Toro. As a result, those "open space compatible" uses described above may potentially be allowed in other areas in the County designated as "Open Space Reserve". if such areas are not otherwise restricted in use. There are currently approximately 120,100 acres of Open Space Reserve in unincorporated Orange County. The measure makes conforming amendments to the other elements of the General Plan. The measure provides that it is retroactive to April 30, 2001 and that it would invalidate any inconsistent activity, land use or project occurring affer April 30, 2001. The measure provides that it may be amended only by a vote of the people. The above statement Is an Impartial analysis of Measure W. If you desire a copy of the Measure, please call the Registrar of Voters office at (714) 567-7600 and a copy will be mailed at no cost to you. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT Election law limits discussion of fiscal impact to "the amount of increase or decrease in revenues or costs to the county if the proposed measure is adopted." Accordingly, analysis of broader potential economic impacts, while they may be significant, is outside the scope of this statement. Estimating the effect on the County General Fund is difficult because the measure does not set forth specific uses. commit funding or specify a development timeline for the El Toro property, instead, the measure restricts development to a range of potential uses. The scope of the development resulting from the measure, and the resulting development costs to be borne by the County, while unknown, are likely to be minimal and could be absorbed within existing budgetary resources because: · Competition for County discretionary funds is intense. It is not likely that development of additional recreation venues would be ranked high when compared to other pressing demands for County resources. · A slow paced development could proceed financed primarily by interim uses of existing facilities. An independent consultant determined that approximately 1,162 acres (862 acres for recreational use and 300 acres for education compatible uses) could be developed over a 19-year period at a total County cost of $37 million. Changing the size of the development or its timeline would modify this cost. COSts to the County would be further mitigated because: · The uses permitted by the measure will likely result in the transfer of the property by the Navy at no cost. · Environmental clean-up costs will likely be borne by the Navy. · There is a possibility that the City of Irvine would annex the property- in which case the nature of development and its related costs would be determined and pome by the city. However, the County could elect to refuse transfer of the base from the Navy. If so, the County would remain liable for approximately $11.3 million of operating costs until termination of the interim master lease in 2005. Passage of the measure would eliminate the possibility of accruing approximately S82 million in net General Fund revenues attributable to an airport at El Toro over the next 19 years as projected by the County's Airport System Master Plan. This net revenue assumes an 18.8 million passenger per year airport and 1.273 acres of non-aviation development including approximately 700 acres for recreational uses. A less quantifiable factor affecting any development at El Toro is the unknown level of environmental risks associated with the property. Although the Navy is ultimately responsible for cleanup, there is no required timeline that the Navy must follow. Transfer delays could be caused by requiring a new Environmental Impact Report to be filed if the measure is successful. Revenue and expense projections of either a park or airport development could be greatly affected through delays resulting from the discovery of undisclosed environmental hazards during construction. s,' David E. Sundstrom, CPA Orange County Auditor-Controller 30-wl rr ATTACHMENT D. Arguments in Favor and Against Measure W ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE W This election is about our · "ty of Life A YES vote on Measure W will enhance our q .... :y of life by designating the former El Toro Marine base for use as a nature preserve, a central park and for cultural, sports and educational uses. We must not allow the Orange County Board of Supervisors to d~m~nish our quality of life by allowing a huge, costly, and unnecessary internahonal a~rport to be built at El Toro. Measure W will create an oasis in the heart of Orange County It will preserve prime land in the center of Orange County for universities, schools, museums, libraries, spots parks, botanical gardens, and a vast Central Park similar to San D~ego's Balboa Park. A 1.000 acre undeveloped nature preserve running through the park will complete a vast open space network and wildlife habitat stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Cleveland National Forest. NO new taxes Please read the Initiative carefully. Section Two. Paragraph D says "No New Taxes. This Inihabve does not raise taxes2 Interim revenues from the existing 1,000 houses, the three million square feet of commercial buildings, and the agricultural land will more than pay for maintenance and upkeep of the property. Excess interim revenues, private donations, state park bond revenues, and federal park allocations will fund park development on a pay as you go basis. Local taxpayers face absolutely no risk by voting YES on Measure W. Stop the Airport The alternative, an international airport at El Toro would create more traffic, increase air pollution, reduce property values, and drive businesses away from Orange Counr. y. Measure W is about the future, about hope, about our quality of life, and about the legacy we will leave to our children. Vote YES on Measure W. s/Patricia Bates Assemblymember s~ Chris Norby Fullerton Councilman s,' L. Allan Songstad, Jr. Chairman, El Toro Reuse Planning Authority s/Debbie Cook Mayor~ City of Huntington Beach s/William G. Kogerman President, Orange County Taxpayers for Good Government ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE W GRE' ~ARK PROMOTED BY IRVINE .L MEAN A GREAT TAX! Don't oe misled by proponents' claims that Measure W will not require new taxes. Measure W is just the first step ~n Irv~ne's plans for the Great Park they've promoted for the last year. It does more than change zoning. Every credible expert who's examined the City of Irvine's qrandlose plans for El Toro aqrees bulldlnq and maintaininq a park will require millions of your tax dollars! The Orange County Register called it "the Great Pork" with ~gobs of taxpayer funds needed to support even the least ambitious use of the acreage." And we'll have nothing to show for it for at least 60 years-if ever. HOW MUCH WILL YOU PAY FOR GREAT PARK? Vote No on Measure W. The Orange County Taxpayers Associahon calculates a 10% countywide properly tax increase to pay for Irvine's pie-in-the-sky park. Calculate your own tax hike. Need help - www.(.)cqreatpark.orq. Former California Auditor General Kurt Sjoberg says. "...tax increases to affected residents ... would be severe - roughly S180 million to S240 million per year for 20 years." What is the Great Park? Proponents are hiding the details. They don't want you to know how much it will cost. Even The Irvine World News says: "...county residents deserve to hear just where the money is coming from, realistically, to build and maintain a Great Park." A majority of former Irvine City Council members rejected their own park financing plan, calling it "overly optimistic," One called it "misleadinq iunk." A Great Park will drain money from the County's limited budget for police, fire, and schools. Measure W is a scheme to gain control of El Toro. Vote No on Measure W - W for Waste! Stop the Great Tax! s/Eunice Cluck President, Irvine Taxpayers s/Dana Rohrabacher Member, United States Congress s/Patsy Marshall Mayor. City of Buena Park s,' Marion Knott Businesswoman s/Reed Royalty President, Orange County Taxpayers Association 30-w2r ATTACHMENT E. Resolution No. 01-10 10 II 12 13 14 I? I,~ 19 20 21 22 2~ 24 2.~ 26 27 28 29 RESOLUTION NO. 02-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN,CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING MEASURE W, THE ORANGE COUNTY CENTRAL PARK AND NATURE PRESERVE INITIATIVE IN CONJUNCTION WITH CERTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 582 AND APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS BY THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO THE JOHN WAYNE SE'I-FLEMENT AGREEMENT CONSISTENT WITH SCENARIO 1 The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, Measure W, the Orange County Central Park and Nature Preserve Initiative, was drafted in an effort to protect the quality of life for everyone in Orange County by repealing Measure A, thereby eliminating planned airport uses at the former Marine Corps Air Station El Toro; and, WHEREAS, Measure W will reserve the 4700-acre former El Toro Marine Corps Air Station for a nature preserve, a central park, and for cultural, sports, educational uses, and other uses articulated in the Measure; and, WHEREAS, Measure W would further amend the Orange County General Plan to authorize an urban regional park and a variety of agricultural, material recovery/recycling, recreational, cultural, educational, employment, public, and housing land uses at the former Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro; and WHEREAS, Measure W will provide land in the center of Orange County for universities, schools, museums, libraries, sports parks, botanical gardens, and a vast Central Park; and, WHEREAS, Measure W will be considered by Orange County voters on March 5, 2002; and, WHEREAS, the noise impacts associated with a commercial aviation facility may subject portions of Tustin to significant aircraft noise from overflights; and WHEREAS, on January 22, 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 02-6 requesting the Orange County Board of Supervisors certify Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 582 and approve amendments to the John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement consistent with Scenario 1. 6 7 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 i-~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Resolution No. 02-10 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Tustin supports Measure W on the March 5, 2002, County of Orange Election ballot in conjunction with certification of Environmental Impact Report 582 and approval of amendments to the John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement consistent with Scenario 1. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 4"~ day of February, 2002. JEFFERY M. THOMAS Mayor PAMELA STOKER City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 02-07 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City th Council, held on the 4 day of February, 2002, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER CITY CLERK