HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 TUSTIN PRIDE 02-04-02AGENDA REPORT NO. 16 02-04-02 MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 2002 TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: TUSTIN PRIDE SUMMARY: At the January 22, 2002, City Council meeting, Mayor Thomas directed staff to agendize a discussion regarding the make up of Tustin Pride and how they interact with the Council. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council take action as deemed appropriate. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: In 1993, the City Council established a task force to develop a beautification committee. The result of the task force was the creation of the Tustin Pride Committee ("Committee"). The By-laws created by the Committee are attached. The following summarizes the Committee's purpose, make up, operational characteristic, and activities: The stated purpose of Tustin Pride is to promote public interest in the general improvement and/or maintenance of the environment of Tustin; and to initiate, plan, direct and coordinate programs to expand community pride through projects and community action. The role of the committee is to act in an advisory capacity to the City of Tustin. As stated in the by-laws the Committee, subcommittees and/or its members shall not exercise any independent final decision-making authority or expend City funds without approval of the Tustin City Council. · The Committee, subcommittees, and/or its members are not to endorse any candidate or products in the name of or on behalf of the Committee. The Executive Committee is composed of four officers and a three-member steering committee. The Executive Committee assists the Chair in recommending and/or providing direction to the Committee. City Council Report Tustin Pride February 4, 2002 Page 2 There is one class of membership and no limit to the number of members. Members are required to attend a minimum of four meetings within the last 12 month period to vote. In addition, if three subsequent meetings are missed, members must re-qualify to vote by attending four meetings within the next 12 month period. · The Committee sponsors the following annual programs: Christmas Tree Recycling Landscape Recognition Awards Student Poster Contest Angels in Tustin Pumpkin Pride Awards Holiday Display Awards Adopt-a-Block A Day in the Life of Tustin (Photos) · The Committee has made recommendations to the City Council on the following Citywide issues: · Graffiti · Landscape Issues · Boarded Buildings · Abandoned Shopping Carts · The Committee also participates in the following Citywide events: · Street Fair · Tiller Days Booth City Boards and Commissions that meet regularly include: the Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Cultural Resources Advisory Committee, the Audit Committee, and the Senior Advisory Board and are, either directly or indirectly, interviewed and appointed by the City Council. For the Senior Advisory Board, existing Board members interview candidates and a recommendation is forwarded to the Council for approval. FISCAL IMPACT: None Director of Community Development A'I-i'ACHMENT: Tustin Pride By-Laws RULES AND BY-LAWS TUS-I'IN PRIDE COMMITTEE o THE PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE The purpose shall be to promote public interest in the general improvement ancL.'or maintenance of thc environmenl of Tustin, to initiate, plan, direct and coordinate prog-rams to "EXP.4ND COMMUNITY PIUDE THROUGI] PROJECTS AND COM'MUNITY ACTION- TO PROMOTE ,4 CI. EANER, IlE,4LTHIER, SAFER, MORE BEA L'TII:'UL TUSTI;~: " ROLE OF COMMITTEE The Committee shall act solely in an advisoD' capacity to the Cit.',, of Tustin on matters affecting the establishment of an ad-hoc task force called "Tustin Pride". The Committee, subcommittees and, or its members shall not exercise any independent final decision-making authority' or expend City funds without approval of the Tustin City Council. ]'he Committee, subcommittees ancFor its members shall encourage input from the City ofTustin staffon any and all matters. The Committee, subcommittees and. or its members shall not endorse any candidate or products in the name of or on behalf of thc Tustin Pride Committee. ROLE OF TIlE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Executive Committee composition will be four officers and a three- member steering committee. Bo The Executive Committee shall assist the Chair in recommending and,'or providing direction to the Committee. COMMITTEE NON-PROFIT STATUS NonSprofit fund raising and thnd distribution opportunity ,,,,'ill be available to the Committee through the Tustin Community Foundation. COMMITTEE MENtBERSHIP A. There shall be two classes of membership. (1) (2) A Regular member shall have all the rights and privileges o£ voting as stated in section 9. An Associate member shall be a non-voting member who participates in at least one Tustin pride meeting or event per calendar year. Rules and By-l.aws 'l'ustin Pride Committee Page 2 There shall be no dues for membership on the Committee and said memberships are nonassessable. D. There shall be no limit as to the number ofmcmbers. MEETINGS Meetings of the Committee will be monthly or may bc called when requested bv the Committee officers. A schedule of meeting dates shall be established and may be altered or changed at any regularly scheduled meeting. Regular meeting dates are established on thc third Tuesday of each month or at a date and time designated by the Committee members. When a meeting falls on a legal holiday, or conflicts with the regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, then the meeting shall be held the following Tvesday. .Additional meetings may be held at any time upon the call of tile Committee officers following at least 72 hours notice to each member of the Committee. D. All meetings si'mil be open to the public. Length of meetings shall be limited to two hours. No new agenda items shall be taken up after conclusion of the two hours, bul shall be continued to further discussion. OFFICERS Thc Committee, at its annual meeting in lhe month of JanuaD' of each year (beginning in 1994), shall elect a Chair, Vice Chair, Recording SecrctaD~ and Treasurer for thru year. The duties and powers of the officers of the Committee shall be as £ollows: 1. Chair a. Preside at all meetings of the Committee. b. Sign documents of the Comminee. c. See that all actions of thc Committee are properly taken. Rules and By-Laws q'ustin Pride Committee Page 3 2. Vice-Chair ao During the absence, disability or disqualification of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall exercise or pertbrm all the duties and be subject to all the responsibilities of the Chair. b. Promote Committee accomplishments. 3. Recording Secretary: The Secretary shall keep minutes and records of all meetings and proceedings including voting records, attendance, resolutions, findings, determinations and decisions. All such material shall be public record. Give or serve all notices required by law or bF' the By'- Laws. Co Prepare, or oversee preparation of, the agenda for all meetings of the Committee no later than 72 hours prior to meeting. Distribute, or oversee distribution of,. minutes of previous meeting no later than 72 hours prior to meeting. e. Be custodian of the Committee records. Inform the Committee of correspondence relating to business of the Committee and attend to such correspondence. Sien official documents ofthe Committee. 4. Treasurer Keep accurate record o1' the t'unds, debits, expenditures and donations of the Committee. Prepare any and all reports, verbal or written, required by the Tustin Community Foundation. The Vice-chair shall succeed the Chair if s,'he vacates his office before tem~ is completed. The Vice-Chair shall serve the unexpired term of the vacated office and a new Vice-Chair shall be elected by the members at the next meeting. D. Other vacancies in office shall be filled by the Executive Committee. Rules and By-Laws 'l'ustin P,'ide Committee Page 4 8. CONSIDERATION OF .AGENDA ITEMS Thc following procedure will normally be observcd, howcvcr, it ma.,,' be rearranged by the Chair for individual items if necessary for the expeditious conduct of business: mo The Chair will determine the agenda. Any member of the Committee or any member of the public may address an item on or off the agenda. Bo Agenda will be posted at Tustin City.' Hall and distributed to ~nembership at ]cast 72 hours prior to meeting. C. Proponents oran agenda item make presentations. D. Opponents of an agenda item make presentations. E. Proponents may make rebuttal of any point not previously covered. F. Thc Committee asks questions it may have, and then takes a vote. 9. VOTING A. Voting shall be by verbal vote. B. City of Tustin staffmembcrs shall not vote. Any member of the Committee who fools that s/he personally has a conllict of interest on any matter that is on the Committee agenda shall voluntarily excuse himself'., vacate his or her seat. and refrain from discussing and voting on said item (s) as a Committee member. .All members shall attend a minimum of four meetings within the last 12 month period lo have a vote. In addition, if three subsequent meetings are missed, members must re-qualify to vole by attending four meetings within the next 12 month period. 10. QUORUM Ama. iority of the members of the Committee in attendance entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum for thc transaction of business. Rules and By.'-Laws Tustin Pride Comminee Page 5 11. SLq:ICOMMITTEES Chair shall appoint subcommittees, subject to approval of the membership, to do preliminaD' work in the preparation of matters for the action of the membership and to expedite the work of the Committee. An Associate member may serve as a Subcommittee Chair. Duties of these committees shall be defined by the membership. 12. PARLI,AM ENTARY AUTHORITY Roberts Rules of Order are hereby adopted for the governing of thc Committee in all cases not otherwise provided for in these Rules and Bv-Laws. 13. A M ENT) MENTS Rules m~d By.'-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the Committee by' a majority of the entire voting membership of the Committee provided that five days notice of consideration of the Amendment has been given each member of the Committee. 14. DISSOLUTION In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of the Committee will be turned over to the Cit.,,' of Tustin. Thc foregoing By-Laws was dui3.' amended by.' the membership this l gth day of April 2000. Chair \."ice-C~ir · T~eflsurer Adopted: Amended: September.= '~ 1, 1993 June 18, !996 March, 16, 1999