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WHEREAS, in 2000, the Orange County Board of Supervisors directed the
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department to form a committee that included: the
Orange County Probation Department, the District Attorney, the Public Defender,
the Orange County Health Care Agency, the State Parole Board, the Courts,
representatives of Orange County cities, and a wide spectrum of community
providers to develop a process for certifying and monitoring adult drug and alcohol
sober living facilities throughout the County of Orange; and
WHEREAS, the Sober Living Coalition and the Orange County Addiction
Treatment Provider Association later added representatives to the committee, and
a community representative was designated by the Board of Supervisors in August
2001; and
WHEREAS, as a result of this collaborative effort, the Orange County
Board of Supervisors adopted the Orange County Adult Alcohol and Drug Sober
Living Facilities Certification Guidelines ("the Guidelines") by Resolution No. 01-
421 on December 11, 2001, and amended Division 6, Article 1 of Title V,
Sections 5-6-1 to 5-6-4 authorizing voluntary certification of sober living facilities
by Ordinance No. 01-017 ("the Amended Ordinance"), on December 18, 2001;
WHEREAS, the Amended Ordinance and the Guidelines will promote the
welfare of City and County residents by establishing a voluntary Countywide
program enabling the County to monitor sober living facilities to which County
personnel refer persons recovering from alcohol or drug abuse or addition; and
WHEREAS, the sober living facilities covered by the Amended Ordinance
and Guidelines are facilities that are not licensed by the State and which offer
alcohol and drug- free residences for unrelated adults who are recovering from
alcohol or drug additions, but that do not offer drug or alcohol treatment services on
site; and
WHEREAS, the Guidelines provide that reviews of sober living facilities'
compliance with Section 200 of the Guidelines, which relates to zoning compliance
and to basic safety, privacy and sanitary features of facilities' physical plants,
Resolution No. 02-07
Page 2
fumishings and fixtures, shall be completed by the jurisdictions in which the facilities
are located except when a jurisdiction is unable or unwilling to complete such
reviews in a timely manner; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate that City personnel complete such reviews for
sober living facilities located within the City of Tustin that apply for certification.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby
resolve as follows:
Section 1. The Orange County Adult Alcohol and Drug Sober Living
Facilities Certification Guidelines, attached hereto as Exhibit "A," are hereby
approved and adopted.
Section 2. The appropriate City personnel are hereby directed to perform
timely Section 200 reviews, in accordance with the Orange County Adult Alcohol
and Drug Sober Living Facilities Certification Guidelines, at the request of sober
living facilities located within the city limits.
Section 3. The City Council hereby directs Community Development or
Police Department staff, as appropriate, when requested by the Orange County
Sheriff/Certification Coordinator, to perform additional inspections of sober living
facilities located within the city limits, for the purposes of monitoring, investigating
complaints, and veri~ing correction of deficiencies, as provided in the Guidelines.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on
the 4th day of February, 2002.
City Clerk
Resolution No. 02-07
Attachment A
Orange County Adult Alcohol and Drug Sober Living Facilities
Certification Guidelines
Section 100
Section 101
Section 102
Section 103
Section 104
Section 105
Section 106
Section 107
Section 108
Section 109
Section 110
Section 111
Section 112
Section 113
Section 114
Section 115
Section 116
INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS ....................................................... 1
Historical Perspective ............................................................................... 1
Purpose ...................................................................................................... 1
Reserved .................................................................................................... 2
DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................... 2
Definitions ................................................................................................. 2
Reserved .................................................................................................... 5
Voluntary Certification ............................................................................. 5
Effect of Certification ............................................................................... 5
Reserved .................................................................................................... 6
OBTAINING CERTIFICATION .......................................................... 6
ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS ....................................................................... 6
Type of Facilities Eligible for Certification .............................................. 6
Who May Apply for Certification? ........................................................... 6
Reserved .................................................................................................... 6
APPLICATION PROCESS ...................................................................... 6
How to Obtain Application and Information ............................................ 6
Documentation to Be Submitted with Application ................................... 7
Certification Coordinator Review of Application ..................................... 9
Withdrawal of Application ..................................................................... 10
Pending Certification .............................................................................. 10
Reserved .................................................................................................. 11
/6069.1 AMENDED Al)RFC Guidelines 6057 ! 1-13-01 Clean w CoCo correcuons I 1.28 and 30.01
Section 117
Section 118
Section 119
Section 120
Section 121
Section 122
Section 123
Section 124
Section 125
Section 126
Section 127
Section 128
Section 130
Section 131
Section 132
PERIOD OF CERTIFICATION ............................................................. 11
Requirement to Post Certificate of Compliance ..................................... 11
Period of Certification ............................................................................ 11
Automatic Termination of Certification during One-Year
Certification Period ................................................................................. 11
Reserved .................................................................................................. 12
RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................ 12
Renewal of Certification ......................................................................... 12
Reserved .................................................................................................. 12
DENIAL OF CERTIFICATION ............................................................ 12
Grounds for Denial of Certification ........................................................ 12
Facility Notice and Advisement of Right to Reconsideration ................ 13
Reserved .................................................................................................. 13
RECONSIDERATION ........................................................................... 13
Procedure for Reconsideration ................................................................ 13
Reserved .................................................................................................. 14
GENEIL~L REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. 14
General Requirements ............................................................................. 14
Reserved .................................................................................................. 14
CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 14
Greater or Conflicting Contract Requirements ....................................... 14
Reserved .................................................................................................. 14
STAFF REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 14
STAFF APPLICATION DATA ............................................................. 14
Staff Information to Be Provided with Application ................................ 14
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidelines 6057 I i-13-01 Clean w CoCo corrections 11.28 and 30 01
Section 133
Section 134
Section 135
Section 136
Section 137
Section 138
Section 139
Section 140
Section 141
Section 142
Section 143
Section 144
Section 145
Section 146
Section 147
Section 148
Section 149
Section 150
Section 151
Section 152
Section 153
Section 154
Staff Required to Submit to Background Check .................................... 15
Falsifying Information ............................................................................ 15
County Authority to Conduct Staff Background Check ......................... 16
Reserved .................................................................................................. 16
STAFF QUALIFICATIONS AND DUTIES .........................................16
Prior Employment History of Improper Conduct ................................... 16
Paid Staff- Qualifications ...................................................................... 17
Director-Duties and Qualifications ......................................................... 17
House Manager-Duties and Qualifications ............................................. 18
Peer Coordinator -Duties and
Qualifications .......................................................................................... 19
Subsequent Criminal Activity or
Convictions of Disqualif3'ing Offenses ................................................... 20
Reserved .................................................................................................. 21
Reserved .................................................................................................. 21
NEW STAFF DURING CERTIFICATION PERIOD ........................... 21
Qualifications of Staff Added After Certification .................................. 21
Replacement of Director and House Manager ........................................ 21
Appointment of Acting Director or House Manager .............................. 21
Reserved .................................................................................................. 22
DENIAL OF CERTIFICATION DUE TO STAFF ................................ 22
Denial of Certification Due to Lack of Staff Qualifications ................... 22
Staff Notice and Advisement of Right to Reconsideration .................... 22
Staff Procedure for Reconsideration ....................................................... 23
Reserved .................................................................................................. 23
ADMISSION AND INTAKE REQUIREMENTS ............................. 23
ADMISSION .......................................................................................... 23
Resident Selection Criteria · . ......... 23
Reserved .................................................................................................. 24
INTAKE .................................................................................................. 25
!6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guideiines 6057 I1-13-01 Clem~ w CoCo corrections 11.28 and 30.01
Section 155
Section 156
Section 157
Section 158
Section 159
Section 160
Section 161
Section 162
Section 163
Section 164
Section 165
Section 166
Section 167
Section 168
Section 169
Section 170
Section 171
Section 172
Section 173
Section 174
Section 175
Section 176
Section 177
Section i 78
Intake Procedures .................................................................................... 25
Reserved. "'
6: PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ......................................................... 25
POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL ........................................ 25
Policy and Procedures Manual ............................................................... 25
Contents of Policy and Procedures Manual ............................................ 26
Reserved .................................................................................................. 27
RESIDENTS' ACTIVITIES ................................................................... 28
Staff Presence and Availability. .............................................................. 28
Criminal Activity . ........................................................................... 8
Residents' Court Orders and Treatment Plans ........................................ 28
Participation in Recovery Activities ....................................................... 28
Reserved .................................................................................................. 28
ALCOHOL/DRUGS/SMOKING ......................................................... 29
Drug and Alcohol Testing,/Relapse Policies .......................................... 29
Prohibition against Alcohol and Non-Prescribed Drugs ......................... 29
Prescription Drug Policy. ........................................................................ 29
Smoking Policy ....................................................................................... 30
Reserved .................................................................................................. 30
REPORTS ............................................................................................... 30
Accurate Progress Reports ...................................................................... 30
False Reports ........................................................................................... 30
Approval of Progress Reports ................................................................. 30
Notification of Resident's Departure ...................................................... 30
Reports to Certification Coordinator ...................................................... 30
Reserved .................................................................................................. 31
INTEtL&CTION OF RESIDENTS ......................................................... 32
Single Gender Facilities .......................................................................... 32
Co-ed Facilities ....................................................................................... 32
Reserved .................................................................................................. 32
i6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guid¢imes 6057 I 1-13-0: Clean ~ CoCo corrections 11.28 and 30.01
Section 179
Section 180
Section 181
Section 182
Section 183
Section 184
Section 185
Section 186
Section 187
Section 188
Section 189
Section 190
Section 191
Section 192
Section 193
Section 194
Section 195
Section 196
Section 197
Section 198
Section 199
VISITORS .............................................................................................. 33
Access to Facility by Unauthorized Persons ........................................... 33
Visitation Policy. .................................................................................... 33
Reserved .................................................................................................. 33
LEAVING THE FACILITY. .................................................................. 33
Resident Sign InJOut Log and Schedule ................................................. 33
Master Log for Multiple Facilities .......................................................... 34
Curfew. ................................................................................................... 34
Overnight Passes ..................................................................................... 34
Reserved .................................................................................................. 35
FEES ....................................................................................................... 35
Fee Schedule ........................................................................................... 35
Delinquent Payments and Payment Plans ............................................... 35
Advance Payment of Fees and Repayment of Fees ................................ 35
Receipt for Fees ...................................................................................... 35
Reserved .................................................................................................. 35
RESIDENTS' FUNDS ........................................................................... 36
Co-mingling Funds ................................................................................. 36
General Assistance .................................................................................. 36
Reserved .................................................................................................. 36
FOOD SERVICE .................................................................................... 36
Food Service ........................................................................................... 36
Reserved .................................................................................................. 36
RESIDENTS' FILES .............................................................................. 36
Maintenance o£ Residents' Files ............................................................. 36
Contents of Individual Residents' Files .................................................. 37
Reserved .................................................................................................. 38
,'6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Ouiddin~s 6(;57 ! 1-13-01 Clean ~ CoCo correcuons ! !.28 and 30.01
Section 200
Section 201
Section 202
Section 203
Section 204
Section 205
Section 206
Section 207
Section 208
Section 209
Section 210
Section 211
Section 212
Section 213
Section 214
Section 215
Section 216
BUILDING AND GROUNDS REQUIREMENTS ............................ 38
SECTION 200 REVIEW ........................................................................ 38
Compliance with Codes~ Permits and Other Requirements Related
to Buildings and Grounds ....................................................................... 38
Reserved .................................................................................................. 41
GOOD NEIGHBOR POLICY ............................................................. 41
POLICY. ................................................................................................. 41
Good Neighbor Policy. ........................................................................... 41
Reserved .................................................................................................. 41
POLICY CONTENTS ............................................................................ 41
Neighborhood Complaints ...................................................................... 41
Reserved .................................................................................................. 42
Reserved .................................................................................................. 42
MONITORING AND REVIEW OF FACILITIES ........................... 42
MONITORING ....................................................................................... 42
Monitoring Certified Facilities ............................................................... 42
Notice of Deficiency ............................................................................... 43
Contract Monitoring ............................................................................... 43
Reserved .................................................................................................. 43
INVESTIGATION OF COMPLAINTS ................................................. 43
Complaint Defined .................................................................................. 43
Complaints Regarding Criminal ' ,' '
Actlx it3 ............................................... 40
Complaints Regarding Certification Guidelines ..................................... 44
Notice of Deficiency. .............................................................................. 44
Emergency. ............................................................................................. 45
Reserved .................................................................................................. 45
/6069 1 AMENDED ADRFC Guldehnes 6057 I 1-13-01 Ciean w CoCo con-ecuons 11.28 and 30.01
Section 217
Section 218
Section 219
Section 220
Section 221
Section 222
Section 223
Section 224
Section 225
Section 226
Section 227
Section 228
Section 229
Section 230
Section 231
Section 232
Section 233
Section 234
Section 235
Section 236
CORRECTIVE ACTION PLANS .......................................................... 45
Deficiency. .............................................................................................. 45
Corrective Action Plan ............................................................................ 45
Follow-up Review to Verify Correction of Deficiency. ......................... 46
Reserved .................................................................................................. 46
SANCTIONS .......................................................................................... 46
Sanctions Defined ................................................................................... 46
Purposes of Sanctions ............................................................................. 47
Types of Sanctions .................................................................................. 47
Right to Appeal Sanctions ...................................................................... 48
Failure to Correct Deficiencies for which Sanctions Imposed ............... 48
Notice to Interested Parties ..................................................................... 48
Reserved .................................................................................................. 48
APPEAL AND HEARING ................................................................... 48
IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS ............................................................ 48
Facility Right To Appeal ........................................................................ 48
Staff Right To Appeal ............................................................................. 49
Reserved .................................................................................................. 49
CERTIFICATION APPEALS BOARD ................................................. 49
Certification Appeals Board ................................................................... 49
Board Membership ................................................................................. 49
Duties of the Certification Appeals Board .............................................. 50
Filing Appeals ......................................................................................... 50
Procedures for Hearing Before the Certification Appeals Board ...........50
Reserved .................................................................................................. 51
/6069.1 .&MENDED ADRFC Guidelines 6057 ii-13-01 Clean a CoCo corrections I I 28 and 30.01
Section 100
Historical Perspective
The County of Orange recognizes the
designed for and dedicated to providing drug
individuals with alcohol and drug addictions.
operated in Orange County without a method
quality environments for recovery or provide
desirability of"home" type facilities
and alcohol free environments to
To date, certain of these facilities have
of ensuring that these facilities provide
for community safety.
In 2000, the Orange County Board of Supervisors directed the Orange County
Sheriff's Department to form a committee that included the Probation Department,
District Attorney, Public Defender, Health Care Agency, State Parole Board, the Courts,
representatives of Orange County cities, and a wide spectrum of community providers.
The Sober Living Coalition and the Orange County Addiction Treatment Provider
Association later added representatives to the committee, and a community representative
was designated by the Board of Supervisors. The purpose of this committee was to
develop a process for certifying and monitoring adult residential drug and alcohol sober
living facilities.
In 2001, by ordinance and resolution, the Board of Supervisors approved the
Orange County Adult Alcohol and Drug Sober Living Facilities Certification Program
(hereafter "Certification Program"). The standards and procedures for the Certification
Program are contained in this document, entitled "Orange County Adult Alcohol and
Drug Sober Living Facilities Certification Program Guidelines" (hereafter "the
Certification Guidelines"), and in Article 1 of Division 6 of Title V (Sections 5-6-1 et
seq.) of the Orange County Codified Ordinm~ces.
Section 101 Purpose
The sole purpose of the Certification Program are to provide access to quali~.'
residential facilities for persons in need of drug- and alcohol-free recovery environments,
and to promote public safety.
/6060 I ~,MENDED ADRFC Guidelines 605? I 1-13-0~ Clem' x~ CoCo co,',rection5 11.28 and 30 01
Section 102
Section 103
The following general definitions apply to terminology used in the Certification
Guidelines, except where specifically noted otherwise:
1. ADULT - A person who is 18 years of age or older or a minor who has
been emancipated pursuant to former Part 2.7 (commencing with former section 60),
Division 1 of the Civil Code or Part 6 (commencing with section 7000), Division 11 of
the Family Code.
2. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - A certificate that is issued by the
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department to a sober living fac/liD' that has applied for
certification under the Certification Guidelines and has met the requirements set forth in
the Certification Guidelines. The Certificate of Compliance is valid for one year from the
issue date.
3. CERTIFICATION APPEALS BOARD - The body having the
administrative responsibility for conducting hearings on all appeals of denial of
certification or sanctions imposed by the Certification Coordinator.
4. CERTIFICATION COORDINATOR - A lieutenant with the Orange
County Sheriff-Coroner Department who is responsible for the overall management and
coordination of the Certification Program.
5. CERTIFICATION GUIDELINES -This document, entitled "Orange
County Adult Alcohol and Drug Sober Living Facilities Certification Program
6. CERTIFICATION PROGIL~.M -The Orange County Adult Alcohol and
Drug Sober Living Facilities Certification Program. adopted by the Orange County Board
of Supervisors in December 2001 and administered by the Orange County Sheriff-
Coroner. The standards and procedures for the Certification Program are set forth in
Article I of Division 6 of Title V (Section 5-6-1 et seq.) of the Orange County Codified
Ordinances and in the Certification Guidelines.
7. CERTIFIED FACILITY - A sober living facility that has been issued a
Certificate of Compliance that currently is valid.
national professional organization offering counselor certifications in the field of drug or
alcohol addiction to eligible individuals. The organization must have standardized
qualifications for certification, including education and/or employment requirements.
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidelines 6057 I 1-13-01 C/can w CoCo corr, eztions 11.28 and 30.01
Counselor certifying organizations include, but are not limited to, the California
Association of Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CADA. AC) and organizations providing
certification as a Certified Addiction Specialist (CAS). Local community college,
certification programs are also accepted counselor certi~'ing organizations.
9. CONVICTION - A final judgment or a verdict or finding of guilty, a plea
of guilty, or a plea of nolo contendere.
10. COU.n',ITY REFERRAL - A person directed to a sober living facility by
the Probation Department, the Orange Count3' Health Care Agency or another agency of
the County of Orange for continued recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. The person
being referred still may be under the supervision of the Orange County Superior Court or
the Probation Department. This may include a person referred to a facility prior to
adjudication of his/her criminal case.
11. COURT REFERRAL - Any person directed to a sober living facility by
the Orange County Superior Court. This may include a person referred to a facility prior
to adjudication of his/her criminal case.
12. D.A.D.P. - State of California, Department of Alcohol and Drug
Programs. This is the State agency responsible for licensing of residential recoveD'
treatment facilities. D.A.D.P. does not license sober living facilities.
13. DAY - A calendar day unless otherwise specified.
referred to as "Director." The manager of a sober living facility who is responsible for
the supervision of all residents and of all staff employed by, or volunteering for, the
facility, and for approving all progress reports about residents' recovery that are provided
to courts, counts' or city agencies, or other providers of recovery services. He/she is
responsible for overall management of the facility.
15. FACILITY - Depending on context, a sober living faciliw or the person or
entity that operates a sober living facility.
16. HOUSE MANAGER - A person who resides at a sober living facility, or
any of multiple persons who collectively are present at the facility during curfew hours
which shall be at a minimum between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. weekdays
and 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. on weekends, and who is/are in charge of the day-to-day
operation of the facility. 'The house manager shall be responsible to ensure the safety of
the building(s) and grounds; to collect fees from residents: to maintain compliance by
residents and staff with facility rules and the Certification Guidelines; and to provide
support and referral information, but not counseling or treatment, to residents of the
17. OUTPATIENT - Refers to drug and alcohol treatment programs in which
the resident does not reside at the facility where the resident receives treatment.
t6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidelines 5057 I 1-13-01 Clean w CoCo corrections 11.28 and 30.01
18. PAROLE BOARD - State Parole Board.
19. PEER COORDINATOR - A paid staff member who assists the house
manager. The peer coordinator may oversee the household chore list and schedule; help
to facilitate facility meetings; and report concerns regarding the behavior of residents and
the maintenance of the facility to the house manager or director.
20. PROBATION DEPARTMENT - Orange County Probation Department.
21. PROGRESS REPORT- An oral and/or written report of the overall
progress towards recovery from substance abuse of a resident who is residing at a sober
living facility. Progress reports may be made due to a court order or the terms of a
resident's probation or pm'ole, or, at the request of and with the consent ora resident, may
be made to other entities or individuals, such as the resident's therapist or referring
22. RESIDENT - ,An individual who resides in a sober living facility.
23. RESIDENTIAL FACILITY - Refers to programs in which the residents
reside at the faciliLv. Hospitals are not included in this category. Facilities covered by
the Certification Guidelines are residential facilities.
24. REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATION - A disciplinary action that is
imposed by the Certification Coordinator and upheld by the Certification Appeals Board
to revoke certification of a facility. Revocation of certification is indefinite. Except in
emergency situations, a revocation will not become effective until the time for the facility
to appeal has elapsed, or if the facility appeals, until the revocation is upheld by' the
Certification Appeals Board. To the extent it is clinically appropriate, all County
referrals shall be asked to move from a facility from which certification has been revoked
and will be placed in a certified facility. Excep~ as required by law or contractual
obligations or as permitted by' the Certification Guidelines, Count>' personnel shall cease
referring individuals to a facility from which certification has been revoked.
25. SECTION 200 RE\;IEW- A written determination from the applicable
local jurisdiction, made fbllowing an inspection of a facility by the local jurisdiction, that
the facility is in compliance with the requirements of Section 200 of the Certification
26. "SHALL" and "WILL" means mandatory, "SHOULD" means
recommend, and ~'MAY means permissive.
27. SOBER LIVING FACILITY -- A facility offering an alcohol and drug free
residence for unrelated adults who are recovering from alcohol or drug addictions. These
facilities may also be known as Transitional LMng Environments. No drug or alcohol
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidelines 605: Il-13-01 C%an w CoCo corrections I1.28 and 30.01
treatment services are provided on site. D.A.D.P. does not license such a facility to offer
residential treatment for drug or alcohol abuse or addiction.
28. SUSPENSION OF CERTIFICATION - A disciplinary, action taken by the
Certification Coordinator to suspend certification of a facility. A suspension is for a
specific period of time. Except as required by law or contractual obligations or as
permitted by the Certification Guidelines. Count.',, personnel shall cease referring
individuals to a facility from which certification has been suspended. At their option, or,
if applicable, at the discretion of the Superior Court, the Probation Department or the
Parole Board, residents who were residing at the facility prior to the suspension may
remain and complete their programs.
Section 104 Reserved
Section 105
Voluntary. Certification
The Certification Program is purely,' voluntary. No sober living facility shall be
required to apply for or obtain certification under the Certification Guidelines. No
facility shall be required to cease operation on account of its not being certified under the
Certification Guidelines.
Section 106
Effect of Certification
1. It is anticipated that a period of approximately nine (9) months, until
~, 2002, will be required to process all applications for certification that are filed
during the in--nsc to the adoption of the Certification Program. During the
period until~ 2002, it is anticipated that there will not be sufficient certified
facilities to meet the demand for placement in said facilities.
2. Effective on ~, and except as otherwise provided in the
Certification Guidelines or as required bv law or contractual obligations, County of
Orange personnel, when referring a person to a sober living facility within the County of
Orange, other than a facility operated by a State agency, shall refer a person who
qualifies for admittance to a certified sober living facility only to a certified facility,'if the
referring County personnel determine that space is available in a certified facility that is
suitable for the person being referred.
3. Certification, or lack of certification, is not intended to convey approval or
disapproval of any sober living facility or its programs by the County of Orange or the
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner. Rather. certification shall be for informational purposes
4. Certification does not create a relationship of principal and agent between
the County of Orange and any sober living facility, or between the County of Orange and
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidelines 6057 II-13-01 Clean w CoCo ."-orrezllons I1 28 and 30.01
any of the officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers of any sober living
5. On ~, and as often thereafter as the list is updated, the
Certification Coordinator shall provide to the Orange Count)' Superior Court the list of
certified facilities, in order to assist the Court in directing defendants into appropriate
recovery environments. The list will indicate which of the certified facilities also are
approved by the Probation Department to receive referrals from that Department.
Section 107 Reserved
Section 108
Type of Facilities Eligible for Certification
1. Sober living facilities are eligible for certification pursuant to the
Certification Guidelines.
2. In order to obtain a Certificate of Compliance, a facility must comply with
the Certification Guidelines for each physical building comprising the facility.
Section 109
Who May Apply for Certification?
An3: adult or firm, partnership, association, corporation or governmental entity
may apply for certification. Strict nondiscrimination rules applicable to government
programs shall be followed when considering applications for certification. The
Certification Program shall be administered so as to be free of any unlawful
discrimination based on ethnic group identification, race, religion, ancestry, color, creed,
sex, marital status, national origin, age, political affiliation, medical condition, physical
or mental disability, or sexual preference.
Section 110 Reserved
Section 111
How to Obtain Application and Information
Applications and application information may be obtained by contacting the
Orange County Sheriff/Certification Coordinator, Adult Alcohol and Drug Sober Living
Facilities Certification Program, North Justice Center. 1275 North Berkeley, Fullerton,
California 92832 (Telephone: (714 i 773-4. 520). Completed applications for certification
should be submitted to the Certification Coordinator.
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Ouideimcs 6057 il-;3-1.11 Cl."un ~ CoCo ;.orr:orions ii .2[ and 30.0i
Section 112 Documentation to Be Submitted with Application
Each applicant facility shall submit to the Certification Coordinator a completed
application form and the following additional documents:
1. The facility's Policy and Procedures Manual (Sections 157 and 158 of the
Certification Guidelines).
2. The facility's roles for residents, including:
a. The facility's policy prohibiting alcohol or non-prescribed drugs
on the premises (Section 166 of the Certification Guidelines);
b. The facility's' prescription drug policy (Section 167 of the
Certification Guidelines);
c. The facility's smoking policy (Section 168 of the Certification
d. The facility's rules and procedures regarding co-ed interaction, if
applicable (Section 177 of the Certification Guidelines);
e. The facility's visitation policy (Section 180 of the Certification
3. Copies of all forms provided to residents amd potential residents, including
blank copies of all forms that residents or potential residents are required to complete
and/or sign.
4. The facility's staff information (Section 132 of the Certification
5. The facility's resident selection criteria (Section 153 of the Certification
6. The facility's pol;.cy for ahernative referral (Section 153 of the
Certification Guidelines).
The facility's intake procedures (Section 155 of the Certification
The facility's relapse policy (Section 165 of the Certification Guidelines).
The facility's fee schedule (Section 187 of the Certification Guidelines).
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guideline.~ 6057 I 1-13-01 Clean w CoCe corrections I1.28 and 30 01
10. The facility's policy regarding delinquent payments and payment plans
(Section 188 of the Certification Guidelines).
11. The facility's policy regarding refunds for advance payment of fees and
repayment of fees (Section 189 of the Certification Guidelines).
12. The facility's food services and preparation schedule and policy, if
applicable (Section 195 of the Certification Guidelines).
13. Proof that the names of all paid staffofthe facility have been submitted to
the Orange Count3' Sheriff Department for the purpose of conducting a background
For those staff xvho submit to volunta~' fingerprint checks, the results of this fingerprint
examination will be sent directly from the Department of Justice to the Certification
14. A Section 200 Review from the applicable local jurisdiction, or proof that
the facility has applied to the local Jurisdiction for a Section 200 Review. The application
will not be deemed complete until the Section 200 Review is submitted. Fees for this
inspection will be paid bx.' the facility. Ail pending inspections must be completed and
the Section 200 Review must be submitted to the Certification Coordinator within thirty
(30) days of the original application.
For a fee, County of Orange personnel will complete the Section 200 Review if requested
by the local jurisdiction. In addition, if the local jurisdiction is unable to complete the
Section 200 Review within the thirty (30) day period, County personnel will conduct the
inspection, for a fee. and submit the results to the Certification Coordinator.
!5. Written consent, on the form provided with the application and executed
by both the director and the house manager of the facility, to inspections of the facility by
appropriate local jurisdiction or Count)' of Orange personnel for the purposes of
determining initial compliance with the Certification Guidelines, monitoring continued
compliance with the Certification Guidelines. and investigating complaints of violmion of
the Certification Guidelines.
16. Proof that the facility has obtained insurance coverage at least as extensive
in both coverage and amount as is required by County's CEO/Risk Management
Services, from an insurer that is acceptable to County's CEO/Risk Management
Services. CEO/Risk Management Sen'ices' current insurance requirements will be made
available with the application for certification.
a. The Certification Coordinator will noti~' the facility when it
appears that all other aspects of the application are in order and the
application for certification will be granted, so that the applicant may
obtain amendmems of its insurance policies to 'include Orange County as
i6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Gmdehnes 60? il- !3-01 Clean w CoCo corrections I I 28 and 30 01
an additional insured and to include such additional policy language as is
specified by CEO/Risk Management Sen, ices.
b. Before certification is finally granted and a Certificate of
Compliance issued, the facility must present to the Certification Coordinator
written proof that all required insurance policies have been amended to
include Orange County as an additional insured and to include such
additional policy language as is specified by CEO/Risk Management
Sera, ices.
Section 113
Certification Coordinator Review of Application
1. The Certification Coordinator will review applications for certification in
the order in which the applications became complete.
2. The Certification Coordinator shall:
a. Review each application for certification and supporting
documentation to determine completeness and compliance ~Sth the
Certification Guidelines;
b. Verify the information provided bv the facility about its personnel
with information obtained by the check through the Department of Justice,
as specified in Section 133;
c. Verify that the facility has submitted either a Section 200 Review
or will have a Section 200 Review completed within thirty (30) days of the
d. Make o:' arrange such additional inspection(s) of the facility:
interview(s) with its staff and." or residents who are court referrals,
review(s) of records and documents, or such other activities as may be
necessary or appropriate to ascertain whether the facility complies with the
Certification Guidelines;
e. Within thirty (30) working days of receipt of a completed
application, issue to the facility by mail a Certificate of Compliance, if the
facility is in compliance with the Certification Guidelines, or a written
notification of denial of certification, if the facility is not in compliance
with the Certification Guidelines;
f. If an application is still incomplete at the end of thirty (30)
working days after receipt of an incomplete application, noti~' the facility
in writing of the information that is missing. The facility' will have thirty
(30) days from the date of the notification to provide the missing
g. If an application is otherwise complete, but areas of non-
compliance with the Certification Guidelines that are susceptible of
correction within thirty (30) days are identified, noti~' the facility in
writing of the deficiencies, in accordance with Section 208 of the
Certificmion Guidelines. Thereafter, the Certification Coordinator shall
treat the application as incomplete until the deficiencies are timely and
adequately corrected.
3. The Certification Coordinator may terminate the review of an application if:
a. The facility fails to provide additional information or correct
deficiencies within the required time period unless good cause is shown
for delay;
b. The facility fails timely to provide a Section 200 Review;
c. The facility submits a written request to withdraw the application;
d. The facility provides false, misleading or incomplete information
on or with its application.
4. Termination of the review process shall not constitute denial of
Section 114
Withdraw'al of Application
1. A facility may withdraw an application for certification by submitting a
written request to the Certification Coordinator.
2. Withdrawal shall not prohibit the Certification Coordinator from taking
action to deny any application for certification.
Section 115
Pending Certification
A facility may request to be placed on a "Pending Certification List" if it
has met all the other requirements for certification and either or both of the following
1. The facility' is currently awaiting resuks of its Section 200 Review by its
local jurisdiction. The local jurisdiction shall have thirty (30) days to complete the
required Section 200 Review. For a fee, County of Orange personnel will complete the
Section 200 Review if requested by the local jurisdiction. In addition, if the local
jurisdiction is unable to complete the Section 200 Review within the thirty (30) da)'
period, County personnel will conduct the inspection, for a fee, and submit the results to
the Certification Coordinator.
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidelines 6~57 II-;3-0~ C'iean w CoCo ."orr.'cuons I !.28 and 30.01
2. The facility is currently awaiting written proof from its insurer of
amendment of its insurance policies to include Orange County as an additional insured
and to include such additional policy language as is specified by CEO/Risk Management
Services. The facility will have thirty (30) days to present such proof.
Except as may be required by law or existing contractual obligations or when no certified
facility is available to and appropriate for a client, no County referrals will be made to
facilities that are pending certification.
Section 116 Reserved
Section 117
Requirement to Post Certificate of Compliance
1. Upon obtaining certification, a facility shall post its Certificate of
Compliance in a conspicuous place in the facility, where it can be seen by anyone
entering the facility.
2. Each facility shall make the Certificate of Compliance available for
inspection upon request.
Section 118
Period of Certification
Certification shall be effectix'e for a one-year period and shall expire
automatically on the armiversary of the date of issuance of the Certificate of Compliance,
unless the certification cartier has been renewed.
Section 119
Automatic Termination of Certification during One-Year
Certification Period
Certification shall automatically terminate during the one year certification period
whenever the owners or operators of a certified facility:
1. Sell or transfer an ownership interest in the facility; however, when the
facility is owned by a corporation, the corporation will not be deemed to have transferred
an ownership interest in the facility when the transfer or sale was solely of stock in the
corporation and does not constitute a majority change in ownership of the stock of the
2. Transfer to a person(s} or entity(s), other than a resident or a live-in staff
person, a right to occupy or possess all or m~.x.' part ot'the facility;
3. Change the personnel responsible for management of the facility, ,adthout
completing the steps outlined in Sections !45-148 of the Certification Guidelines;
.,'6069 I AMENDED ADRFC Gmdclines 60? ~1-!3-111 Clean w CoCo ¢orrcctmus 11.28 and 30.01
4. Voluntarily surrender the Certificate of Compliance to the Certification
5. Move the facility to a new location;
6. Die (only if the faciiitv is owned and operated by a sole proprietor); or
7. Actually or constructive!y' abandon the facility for a period of thirty (30)
days or more.
Section 120 Reserved
Section 121
Renewal of Certification
1. At least sixty (60) working days prior to the expiration date noted on the
Certificate of Complim~ce, the Certification Coordinator shall send a notice informing the
facility of the date when the current period of certification will expire and advising the
facility that it must submit w/thin thirty (30) days an)' information described in Section
112 of the Certification Guidelines that has changed during the certification period.
.,-." The facility also will be required to submit an updated Section 200
Review. The facility should be re-inspected and the updated Section 200 Review
submitted to the Certification Coordinator no later than fifteen (15) days before the
expiration of certification.
3. The facility must be found to be in compliance with the Certification
Guidelines in order for certification to be renewed.
Section 122 Reserved
Section 123
Grounds for Denial of Certification
The Certification Coordinator may, deny a facility's application for certification
for any of the following reasons:
The facility is not in compliance with any provision of the Certification
2. The facility has failed to remedy each deficiency identified by the
Certification Coordinator within the time period specified;
;6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guideli~:es 6057 [ :-13-01 .'.'lean x~ CoCo cn:Tecnons I 1.28 and 30.01
3. The facility, provided false, misleading or incomplete information to the
Certification Coordinator.
Section 124
Facili~' Notice and Advisement of Right to Reconsideration
If the Certification Coordinator denies certification, a written notice shall be sent
to the applicant by first class mail. The notice shall:
l. Explain the reasons for denial;
2. Detail the correction(s) required to bring the facility into compliance v,4th
the Certification Guidelines;
3. Advise the facility of the rights to reconsideration and appeal in
accordance with the Certification Guidelines.
Section 125 Resem, ed
Section 126
Procedure for Reconsideration
1. A facility that has been denied certification may file a request for
reconsideration xvith the Certification Coordinator. The request shall be in writing and
shall be filed within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the notice of denial of
2. The Certification Coordinator shall schedule a hearing that shall be held
no later than thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of a timely request for reconsideration.
3. The Certification Coordinator shall serve a notice of hearing on the
facility, no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the scheduled date of the hearing.
4. At the hearing before the Certification Coordinator, the facility shall be
given an opportunity to present witnesses and documentary evidence.
5. The hearing will be conducted informally and the technical rules of
evidence shall not apply. Any and all evidence that the Certification Coordinator deems
reliable, relevant and not unduly repetitious may be considered.
6. Within fifteen (15) calendar days after the hearing, the Certification
Coordinator shall issue and transmit to the facility a written decision sustaining,
reversing, or modify'lng his/her earlier decision.
7. The decision by the Certification Coordinator after the hearing shall be
final unless the facility or, if applicable, a member of its staff, files an appeal to the
/6,069 I AMENI)EI) A. DRFC Guidelines 6C57 I I-i3-01 Clean ,~' CoCo corrections II .28 and 30.01
Certification Appeals Board pursuant to Sections 228,229 and 234 of the Certification
Section 127 Reserved
Section 128
General Requirements
1. Each sober living facility, including sober living facilities associated with
licensed residential recoveryr treatment facilities, and its staff shall comply with the
Certification Guidelines.
2. Each sober living facility, including sober living facilities associated with licensed
residential recovery treatment facilities, and its staff shall comply with all rules, policies
and procedures of the facility'.
Section 129 Reserved
Section 130
Greater or Conflicting Contract Requirements
Facilities certified pursuant to the Certification Guidelines may be under contract
with the County of Orange to provide alcohol and drug-free housing services. The
Certification Guidelines are not intended to supersede contractual requirements, unless
the requirements of the Certification Guidelines are greater than those in the contract. To
the extent a contract between a certified facility and the County' of Orange imposes
requirements or obligations on the facility that are greater than the requirements of the
Certification Guidelines, tile contract requirements and obligations shall prevail.
Section 131 Reserved
Section 132
Staff Information to Be Provided with Application
An application for certification and supporting documentation shall contain the
following information about the staff of the facility:
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidehnes 6057 I 1-!3411 Clean w CoCo ¢o~ections II 28 and 30.01
1. A list of all staffpositions, paid or volunteer, and a clear description of the
duties of each position.
The following information about each staff member, whether paid or
Full name, and anv other names used previously or currently;
Current residence address and phone number;
Date of birth;
Social Security number;
Driver's license number:
Education and academic achievements
Prior work experience
History of convictions, if any;
Current criminal street gang and/or prison gang participation, if
Section 133
Staff Required to Submit to Background Cheek
1. Prior to certification of a facility, all paid staffofthe facility
shall be subject to a background check by the Orange County Sheriff's Department.
_,.'~ The director and house manager will be requested to voluntarily submit to
a more extensive background check including "live scan" fingerprinting. The results of
the fingerprint checks will be sent directly' from the Department of Justice to the
Certification Coordinator.
Section 134
Falsifying Information
1. No staff,ember of a facility.' shall falsify information on his/her
application for employment or on an application for certification of a facility.
2. Falsi~'ing information may include but is not necessarily limited to the
following: falsif.ving true legal name. date of birth, current address, social security
number, or driver's license number.
3. The presence at the facility of an employee or volunteer who falsified
information on a certification application or on his/her application for employment or a
volunteer position is a violation of the Certification Guidelines and shall be grounds for
16069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidehnes 6057 I I-i3-0i Clean w CoCo corr. cctmns i 1.28 and 30.01
denial of certification, if the employee or volunteer remains at the facility for more than
fifteen (15) calendar days after the director knew or should have known of the
Section 135
CounB' AuthoriD' to Conduct Staff Background Check
In 2001, the Orange County Board of Supervisors adopted an Ordinance to
Authorize Voluntary Certification of Alcohol and Drug Sober LMng Facilities. The
ordinance includes section 5-6-4, entitled "Criminal activity by owners, operators,
managers, employees and volunteers of certified sober living facilities." That section
authorizes the Sheriff-Coroner to access summary criminal history information about
specified facility personnel pursuant to Penal Code sections 11105(b)(10) and
13300(b)(10) and sets forth the types of crimina! history that disqualify individuals from
holding specified positions at certified facilities.
Section 136 Reser~,ed
Section 137
Prior Employment History of Improper Conduct
No staff member, paid or volunteer, ora facility shall have a prior employment
histoD' of any of the following improper conduct:
1. Forging or falsi~'ing documents to a court, referring agencies or an
alcohol or drug recovery facility';
Sexual assault or sexual harassment
3. Inappropriate behavior with star.." or residents at another alcohol and drug
recovery facility' that resulted in termination or resignation from that facility.
Inappropriate behavior shall include, but is not limited, to the following:
a. Phy'sical assault:
b. Embezzlement or other theft related conduct;
c. Falsify, lng a drug test:
Selling or furnishing illegal drugs;
e. Selling or £urnisl:ing alcoiaol to a resident; or
f. Entering into a financial agreement, venture or proposition with a
resident unless previousiy approved by' the director of the facility.
/6069.! AMENDED ADRFC Gmdeiines 6~57 I 1-134;I Clean '^ CoCo correctmns I 1.28 and 30 OI
Section 138 Paid Staff- Qualifications
1. Prior to certification of a fhcitity, all paid staff'shall pass an Orange
Count'),' criminal justice background check conducted bv the Orange Count.',' Sheriff
a. No sober living facility shall be certified if any of its paid
staff have been convicted of any of the following offenses:
(i) Sex offenses for which the person is required to
register as a sex offender under California Penal Code
section 290;
(ii) Arson offenses - Violation of Penal Code sections 451:
451.1,451.5,452. 452. i. 453,454, or 455; or
(iii) Violent felonies, as defined in Penal Code section
667.5, which involve doing bodily harm to another person,
and for which the staff member was convicted within five
years prior to employment.
b. No alcohol or drug recovery facility shall be certified if any
of its paid staff panicipates in the criminal activities ora prison
gang and/or criminal su'ee~ gang. as defined in Penal Code section
2. No certified Facility shall employ a person if that person has not passed a
criminal back~ound check by the Orange County SherifFs Department using the criteria
set forth in subsection 1 of Section 138 of the G,tidelines.
3. Individu'al exceptions to staff qualifications set forth in Section 138,
subsection I a.(iii) may be requested if~he facility deems the decision will benefit the
program. Requests for exceptions shall be submitted in writing, include appropriate
justification of request, and must be approved b,x.' the Certification Coordinator in advance
of employment.
Section 139
Director-Duties and Qualifications
1. A facility shall employ one or tnore persons who collectively perform the
duties of Director and Head of Administrative Staff (also known as "director") that are
set forth in Section 103 and elsewhere in the Certification Guidelines. The facility may
designate a different title for this position, and may have two or more employees perform
the duties of this position, as long as each person performing any of the duties meets the
minimum requirements set forth in the Certification Guidelines for the position. In
smaller facilities, the direclor also may perfo:'m ti~e duties of other positions, as long as
he/she has adequate time during assigned work inou,,'s to perform the duties of director
and all his.ther other duties, and as iop,, as i~e'si~e meets the reouirements of the
Certification Guidelines for all the pasitions lne:she iaolds.
,'6069.! AMENDED ADRFC Gmdelines 60? I 1-13-1}1 L'lctm x~ L'c~. c, coriectmns II 28 and 30 0l
2. Education and Experience: The director shall have education, training
and/or experience quali~,ing him/her to supervise drug or alcohol addicted residents,
including residents who have criminal backgrounds. Each person performing any of the
duties of the director shall also meet at least one of the following minimum requirements:
a. Possession of a four year college degree in a field related to
rehabilitation of substance abusers; or
b. Certification by a professional counselor certifying organization;
c. A minimum of eighteen (18) months full time experience as a
counselor, supervisor, or professional in a position similar to the director's
Proof that (a), (b), or (c) above has been met will be required (e.g., photocopy of
professional degrees, references to show prior service in the recovery field).
3. Criminal History:
a. A director shall meet tine requirements set out in Section 138 of the
Certification Guideiines.
b. in addition, no I~acilitv shall be certified if its Director and
Head of Administrative Stafi' is currently under parole or formal
probation supervision.
4. Training: Persons holding positions encompassing the duties of director
of a facility accepting court referrals or referrals from the Probation Department or the
Parole Board, or the director's designee, shall attend all required meetings and training
conducted by a Superior Court, tlne Probation Department, the Parole Board, or the
Certification Coordinator. The Certification Coordinator shall provide notice of such
required meetings and training.
5. Sobriety: -l'he director, il' he or she is a former drug or alcohol abuser,
should have a minimum of two years o!' sobriety, and slnould be participating in a
continued program of personal enhancement and recovery.
Section 140
House Manager-Duties and Qualifications
1. Each facility shall have a designated house manager or person of higher
authority such as a director, who resides at the facility and performs the duties of house
manager set forth in Section 103 of the Certification Guidelines. Alternatively, two or
more employees may perform the duties of house manager, as long as each person
performing any of the duties meets tine minimtm~ requirements for house manager set
forth in the Certification Guidelines.
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidelines 605' I I-13-~; t,.'ic,tn ~ C oCt, carrecuons I 1.28 and 30.01
2. The facility shall clearly identify the house manager to all residents. The
lines of authority within the organization shall be clearly defined, with the director or
house manager having final authority.
3. Drug Testing: The house manager will be subject to alcohol and drug
testing as determined by the director of the facility and in accordance with applicable
4. Duties:
a. The house manager's duties include the duties described for the
position in Section !03 of the Certification Guidelines.
b. A house manager shal! not approve progress reports.
c. The house manager may administer drug and alcohol tests to the
residents, to the extem permitted by law.
5. Criminal Histou':
a. A House Manager shall meet the requirements set out in
Section 138 of the Certification Guidelines.
b. In addition, no l'acilitv shall be certified if its house
manager is under parole or lbrmal probation supervision on the
date of the facility's application for certification or the house
manager's employmem by the facility, whichever is later.
6. Sobriety: If a house manager is a fom~er drug or alcohol abuser, he/she
should have a minimum of one year of sobriety and should be participating in a continued
program of personal enhancement and recovery.'.
Section 141
Peer Coordinator -Duties and Qualifications
1. If a facility has a peer coordinator, it still shall have a house manager
and/or director who resides at or is present or on call whenever residents are present at
the facility. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in case of an emergency or unforeseen
circumstance, the availability of other designated supervisory personnel to respond to the
facility shall be sufficient.
2. Duties:
a. Each facility.may' i:ave a designated resident who assists the house
manager, and who may peri'otto the duties listed in Section 103 for a Peer
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidelines 6057 II-13-(~I Clean x~ £'oL'o corrections II .28 and 30.01
b. The peer coordinator slnall not supervise or provide referral
information, counseling or treatment to residents.
c. The peer coordina',or shall not write or sign progress reports.
3. Compensation: A person working in the capacity of peer coordinator shall
receive compensation for his/her services.
4. Drug testing: A peer coordinator shall be subject to alcohol and drug
testing as determined by the director or house manager of the facility in accordance with
applicable law.
5. Criminal History:
a. A peer coordinator shall meet the requirements set out in Section
138 of the Certification Guidelines.
b. In addition, no faciiity shall be certified if, on the date of
the facility's application ibr certification or the peer coordinator's
employment by the facility, whichever is later, a peer coordinator is under
parole or formal probation supervision for a violent felony, as defined in
Penal Code section 667.5.
c. A facility will no', be disqualified from certification on account of
ils peer coordinator's being under probation or parole supervision solely
for a non-violent offEnse(s), i!' the peer coordinator otherwise meets the
requirements of this section.
6. Sobriety: Ifa peer coordinator is a former drug or alcohol abuser, he/she
should have a minimum of three months of sobriety and should be participating in a
continued program of personal enhancement and recover>'.
Section 142 Subsequent Cri~ninal Activity or Convictions of Disqualifying
Certification previously grm~ted .:o a sober living facility shall be revoked and a
pending application for certification shall be denied ii':
a. Any of the paid stai'f of a sober living facility or a peer
coordinator are convicted, xx hi ie thc application is pending or
during the period of certi'..'~cal ic,,n, of any offense that would have
disqualified the facility f.'.'om certification if the conviction had
occurred earlier; or
;6069 I AMENDED ADRFC Gtndchnes 6057 II-I.'--0: ':.'[c:m ~ (.',,Zo co.wczuons i 1.28 and 30.01
b. It is discovered that any ofthe paid staffofthe facility is
required to register as a sex of'fender pursuant to Penal Code section
290 or currently participates in the criminal activity of a prison gang
and/or criminal street gang, tls defined in Penal Code section 186.22
(f); and
2. The staff member's conviction, sex offender registration requirement or
membership or participation in the criminal activities of a prison gang and/or criminal
street gang would have disqualified the facility from certification if it had occurred or had
been discovered earlier.
Section 143 Reserved
Section 144 Reserved
Section 145
Qualifications of Stall' Added After Certification
1. At a minimum, within three (3) worldng days of making a job offer, a
facility shall provide the Certification Coordinator with the information about the new
staff member listed in Section 132 of the C.;ertification Guidelines. The Sheriff's
Department thereupon will conduct z~ background check within two (2) business days. If
within the two (2) business days period, thc background check is not completed, the
employee may begin work at the facility, sub. iect to later completion of the background
check of the new employee to determine whether he or she meets the staff qualification
requirements of the Certification Guidelines
2. Continued employment of a new staff member who does not meet the staff
qualifications set out in the Certification Guidelines shall be grounds for suspension or
revocation of certification.
Section 146
Replacement of i')irector and House Manager
In order to be assured that a Ihcilitv continues to meet certification standards for
the safety of residents, staff, and the co:nmunity, a permanent director or house manager
shall be replaced as soon as possible, but no later than:
Director- Sixty (60) days from the dam the position becomes vacant.
House Manager- Thirty (30) day's :'rom the date the position becomes vacant.
Section 147
Appointment of Acting Director or House Manager
In order to be assured that a facility coatinues to meet certification standards for
the safety of residents, staff, facility and tiae :ommunity, an acting director and acting
house manager shall be appointed no later tiaan the following:
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidelines 6057 II-I 3-0; Clean xx C,~Co corrections I 1.21t and 30.01
1. .An acting director shall be appointed as soon as possible, but no later than
72 hours after the departure of the preceding cSirector. The acting director shall qualify
under the standards of the Certification Guidelines.
2. An acting house manager shali be appointed immediately (within 24
hours) after the departure of the preceding house manager. The acting house manager
shall, at a minimum, qualify under the standards of the Certification Guidelines for peer
Section 148 Resem'ed
Section 149
Denial of Certification Due to Lack of Staff Qualifications
The Certification Coordinator shall deny certification to a facility if:
1. Review of its staffing or s:affs qualifications indicates that the facility is
not in compliance ~vith Sections 133-144 of' the Certification Guidelines.
2. The facility fails to remedy eacia deficiency identified in the written notice
of deficiency.
3. The faciiity provides False. misleading or incomplete information about
any of its staff positions or staff members.
Section 150
Staff Notice and Advisement of Right to Reconsideration
If the Certification Coordinator determines to disqualify a facility from
certification on account of the qualifications of a member of its staff, the Certification
Coordinator shall firs~ send a written no:ice to both the facility and the staff member by
first class mail. The notice shall:
1. Explain thc reasons tbr disqualification:
2. If the reason for disqualification is subject to correction, detail the
correction required to the particular no:]comohance specified in the notice;
3. Specie' a time period fo:' compliance;
4. Advise tile facility and :he staff member of tile right to reconsideration and
appeal in accordance with the Certification Guidelines.
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Gmdeiines 605': II-13-01 ~,.'icm: a. C't~C'c correcnons I 1.28 and 30 01
Section 151 Staff Procedure for Reconsideration
1. A facility or a staff member or prospective staff member of a facility
whose qualifications have been determined to disqualif3' the facility from certification
may file a request for reconsideration by the Certification Coordinator. The request shall
be in writing and shall be filed fifteen (i 5) calendar days from the date of the service of
the notice of denial of certification.
2. The Certification Coordinator shall schedule a hearing, which shall be
held no later than thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of a timely request for
3. The Certification Coordinator shall serve notice of hearing on the facility
and the staff member, not later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the scheduled date of
the hearing.
4. At the hearing before the Certification Coordinator, the facility and the
staff member shall be given an opportunity to present witnesses and documentar3,,
evidence. For example, letters from the Probation Department, the Parole Board or a
5. The hearing will be conducted informally and the technical rules of
evidence shall not apply. Any and all evidence that the Certification Coordinator deems
reliable, relevant and not unduly repetitious may be considered.
6. Within fifteen (15) calendar days after the hearing, the Certification
Coordinator shall issue and transmit to the facility and the staff member a written
decision sustaining, reversing, or modit~'ing his/her earlier decision.
7. The decision by the Certification Coordinator after the hearing shall
become final unless the facility or staff' member files an appeal to the Certification
Appeals Board pursuant to Sections 228.229and 230 of the Certification Guidelines.
Section 152 Resem'ed
Section 153
Resident Selection Criteria
In order to help safeguard residents, staff, visitors, and neighbors, each certified sober
iiving facility shall have and adhe:'e to written criteria for resident selection. Prospective
residents will be advised of the criteria prior to admittance, and be offered referrals to
non-certified facilities when appropriate.
/6069. I AMENDED ADRFC Guidelines 6057 I I-I 3411 Clean w CeCo corrections I 1.28 and 30.01
Resident Selection Criteria shall include:
1. Criminal History: The facility shall require each prospective resident to
complete a form listing any crimes specified in Section 138 of the Certification
Guidelines of which the prospective resident has been convicted and the dates and
locations of such convictions. If the prospective resident claims not to have been
convicted of any such crimes, he/she siaall certify on the form that he/she has never been
convicted of any of the crimes specified in Section 138 of the Certification Guidelines.
No certified facility shall accept as a resident a person who discloses a conviction for any
of the crimes specified in Section 138 ot' the Certification Guidelines.
2. All criteria for selecting residents shall be objective and shall relate to the
facility's strengths or expertise in assisting in recovery from alcohol and drug addictions.
3. A facility shall not unlawfully discriminate against prospective applicants
on the basis of ethnic group identification, race, religion, ancestry, color, creed, sex,
marital status, national origin, age. political affiliation, medical condition, physical or
mental disability, or sexual preference, and shall adhere to all applicable federal and state
laws and regulations related to nondisc,'imination.
4. The facility shall admit any person who meets the facility's objective and
non-discriminatory admissions criteria and who is physically and mentally able to
comply with the facility's rules. Such ~,crsons include those who otherwise qualify for
admission and who are living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease, as
well as persons ~vith a mental illness diagnosis.
5. Each facility shall comply with the applicable provisions of law pertaining
to the prohibition of discrimination against qualified persons with disabilities with respect
to admission to the facility, accessibiii'..~ of the facility, and participation in the facility's
services, programs and activities, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
(29 U.S.C. § 794 et seq., as implemented by 45 C.F.R. § 84.1 et seq.), if applicable, and
with such provisions of the An:ericans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12101
el seq. as amended) as may bc applicaiqe.
6. Before admission to '.hr' facility, the t-hciiity shall require potential
residents who show signs of an5' communicable disease, or who, through medical
disclosure during the intaic and admission process, disclose a health related problem that
would put others at risk, to be cleared medically to reside in housing with uninfected
7. Ifa prospective reside:,.t is denied admission into a facility', the facility
shall have a written policy for alternative referral and shall provide a copy of thru policy
to the prospective residem who is denied admission.
Section 154 Reserved
/60.69.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidehnes 6057 I I-i3-~ Ci:an w CoCo :t~rmct,on.~ I I 28 and 30.01
Section 155
Intake Proced u res
1. The facility shall have a written intake procedure for new residents.
2. The director or house manager shall hold an intake appointment with each
new resident, during which the director or house manager shall:
a. Review and place in the new resident's file his/her treatment-
related court orders and/or u'eatmem plan recommendations from referral
sources and others, if available;
b. Determine and document in the resident's file how the facility can
assist the new resident in implementing his/her treatment related court
orders and/or treatment plan recommendations, and so advise the new
c. Identify and docun:ent in the new resident's file any prescribed
medication used by resident;
d. Provide the new resident with a copy of the facility's rules for
e. Have the new resident sign all consent tbrms and confidentiality
waivers required by ti~e facility and his/her referring agencies or the
Superior Court, and place such signed forms in the resident's file;
f. Ali court referrals and residems referred by the Probation
Department or the Parole Bom'd, who have not already done so, shall sign
a waiver of ¢onficlentiali~y at the time of initial intake into the facility, and
the facility shall maintain that waiver in its records. The waiver shall
permit disclosure o1' in formation about the resident to whichever of the
courts, the Probation Deparu'nent and."or the Parole Board is monitoring
the resident's progress.
Section 156
Section 157
Policy and Procedures Manual
1. Each facility sha}l maintain, and have available for inspection, a Policy
and Procedures Manual.
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidehn~s 60? 11-1.',-01 Cica:'. w CoL t, c:m~lmns I 1.28 and 30.01
2. Each staff member shall be familiar with the policies and procedures
contained in the Manual.
Section 158
Contents of Policy and Procedures Manual
At a minimum, a facility's Policy and Procedures Manual shall contain the
1. Employees
a. Job descriptions roi' all staff positions;
b. Drug testing procedures and requirements;
c. Staff discharge procedures;
d. A procedure ~o immediately notify ti~e Certification Coordinator of
any change in the personnel holding staff positions.
2. Nondiscrimination.'Compliance with the Law
a. A prohibition against sexual harassment by and of staffand
b. A prohibi'.ion against unlawful discrimination against employees
and applicants for employment on the basis of ethnic group identification,
race, religion, ancestry, color, creed, sex. marital status, national origin,
age, political affiliation, medical condition, physical or mental disability,
martial status, or sexual preference, in accordance with all applicable
federal and state laws and ,'egula',ions. This prohibition shall extend to all
of the following: employment, upgrade, demotion or transfer, recruitment
or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rate of pay or other forms
of compensation, and selection for training.
c. A prohibition against unlawful discrimination in the provision of
services, the allocation of benefits or in the accommodation in facilities on
the basis of ethnic group identification, race, religion, ancestry, color,
creed, sex, marital status, national origin, age, political affiliation, medical
condition, physical or mental disability, or sexual preference in
accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
d. Drug free work place poiicy, including procedures for compliance
with me California Drug Free Work P,,,.~ Act. Goverrm~ent Code sections
/6069.! AI~IENDED ADRFC Gu~dehnes 6057; 1-13-01 ('lcan a CoUo ct:nccm'.ns I I 28 and 30.01
e. A procedure for keeping staff and the residents informed and
updated on all aspects of the above-described policies.
3. Drug testing: Procedures for drug testing of house managers and peer
coordinators and such other staff' and applicants for staff positions as the facility.
4. Prescription Medications: A m'ohibition against the inappropriate use of
prescribed medications on the facility.' premises, as described in Section 167 of the
Certification Guidelines.
5. Conflicts of Interest: A prohibition against personal and financial
conflicts of interest including a prohibition against entering into a financial agreement,
venture or proposition with a resident unless previously approved by the director of the
6. Designation of staff other than the director who may have access to
residents' files. All staff xvith access to residents' files must have a legitimate need for
such access as part of performing their duties at the facilitv.
7. Policies to suppor': residents' recovery efforts, as follows:
a. A requirement that staff maintain respect for the dignity of each
resident at all times:
b. A requirement that staff encourage residents to accept personal
responsibility for their behavior.
c. Recommendations about encouraging active involvement of
residents and staff with fi~e recovery community through appropriate
activities such as drug and alcohol fl'ce social events and recovery-oriented
services and events.
d. Recommendations about providing residents opportunities to
acquire life skills for sobriety, crime free behavior, education and
e. A written drug and alcohol relapse policy and procedure for
residents, as set forth in Section 165 of the Certification Guidelines.
Section 159 Reserved
!6069. I AMENDED ADRFC Gmdelines 6057 i I-i3-21 C;can x~ CoCo cone¢liuns II .28 and 30.01
Section 160
Staff Presence and Availability
1. At each facility, a person or persons performing the duties of director
md/or house manager shall reside at the facility or shall be present at the facility during
curfew hours, which shall be, at a minimum, between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00
a.m. weekdays and 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. weekends. Whenever a director or house
manager is not present at the facility, a responsibie member of the facility's staff shall be
on call to respond to the facility within twenty (20) minutes of being summoned. The
phone number that the certification coordinator can call to summon a staff member lo the
facility within twenty (20) minutes shall be on file with the certification coordinator at all
2. The staff person in charge shall be readily identifiable at all times.
3. Each facility shali designate and post the hours that individual staff
members will be on site.
Section 161
Criminal ActiviB'
No type of criminal activity shall be promoted, condoned or permitted at the
facility or at an)' activity associated with the facility.
Section 162 Residents' Court Orders and Treatment Plans
i. Facility staffshall suppo:'t and cooperate with all residents' known court
orders and accommodate residents' schedules for compiiance with the residents'
treatment plans.
Failure to support a r.2sidem's court orders shall be deemed a serious
violation of the Certification Guidelines. resulfin~ in suspension or revocation of
Section 163
Participation in Recovery Actix. ities
snal, m'ovme adequate opportunities for residents to
1. The facility ' ~ "
participate in activities consistent with the stated goals and objectives o£ their treatmenl
2. Facility staffshall encourage all residents to be active during the day in
activities appropriate to recovery, e.,__'., participatin~o in tremment or counseling, attending
school, working a job, searching for a lob or performing other activities that are
appropriate for recovery.
,'6069.1 AMENDED ADKFC Gtitdchncs 6¢,57 i J-13m: C.cm: ~x Ce(do corr'~ctmn.~ I i.28 and 30 01
Section 164 Reserved
Section 165
Drug and Alcohol Testing/Relapse Policies
1. The Parole Board. the Probation Department, and the Superior Court may
impose mandatory drug testing on residents and provide such testing. Each facility shall
facilitate its residents' compliance with such mandatory testing requirements.
2. The facility may, but is not :-equired to. adopt a policy requiring residents,
including residents without mandatory testing requirements, to submit to drug tests in
order to determine whether residents remain sober while residing at the facility. If such a
policy is adopted, the facility shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all legally
reouired consent forms are signed by residents and that all legal requirements pertaining
to such testing are satisfied.
3. '['he frequency of tests should be noted in each resident's file.
4. Resident's drug test results shall be kept confidential to the extent required
by law. Except as ma), be required by court orders and/or the terms of residents'
probation or parole, residents' test :'esults will not be disclosed to the Certification
5. If it is the policy of ti~e faciiitx' to require drug tests of residents who do
not have mandatory drug test requirements imposed by court orders and/or the terms of
probation or parole, the facility shall have a written relapse policy and procedure
describing the actions to be taken when such a resident tests positive for alcohol and/or
drug use.
6. The faciliLv shall have a similar written relapse policy applicable to
residents who do not participate in drug tests and m relapses discovered by methods other
than drug tests.
Section 166
Prohibition against Alcohol and .Non-Prescribed Drugs
The facility shall have a written policy prohibiting alcohol and an)' drugs other
than prescription medication on the premises. This policy shall be prominently posted at
the facility.
Section 167
Prescription Drug Policy
1. The facility shall have a written policy regarding the possession, use and
storage of residents' prescribed meciicafic:ns. 'i'he facili'~y may not dispense medication,
but must make it available to residents.
/6069.! AMENDED ADRFC Gmdelincs 6057 I 1-13-:~1 C'iean w CoCo :e.:r."c:ions ! I 28 and 30 01
2. The facility shall prohibit the possession of prescription medication by any
resident other than the resident for whom it is prescribed, and in any quantity greater than
the amount prescribed.
Section 168
Smoking Policy
The facility shall have mid en£orce a written smoking policy designating places in
or around the facility as the only places where smoking is permitted.
Section 169 Reserved
Section 170
Accurate Progress Reports
1. The facility shall provide accu:'ate repo:'ts about a resident's progress to
courts, the Probation Department and the Parole Board, in accordance with residents'
court orders and/or the terms of residents' probation or parole.
2. Upon the request and with the consent of a resident, the facility shall
provide accurate reports about the residcnt's progress to the resident's referring agency or
personnel involved in the resident's recovery, such as therapists.
Section 171
False Reports
It is a felony to prepare any type of written instrurnent that is false or antedated,
with intent to present it for any judicial u'ial o:' proceeding oi' inquiry. (Penal Code
section 134).
Section 172
Approval of Progress Reports
The Director shall approve ai[ progress reports issued by thc facility.
Section 173
Notification of Resident's Departure
If a county refei'ral or a court rel~rral moves ()Ut of the £acility, or is terminated
for cause from a facility, the appropriate court, or referring County.' department or agency
shall be notified within 24 hours oi' tiqe next working day.
Section 174
Reports to Certification Coordinator
1. Each facility shall follow the orocedurcs prescribed in this section if any
events identified in subsection (3'~ of this section occur.
2. Upon the occurrence o:'anv of ti~e events identified in subsection (3) of
this section, the director or house manager of the facility shall make a telephonic report to
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Gu]dehncs 6057 I !-:.:4;! (. ;can w COL'. corr~'cnons II 28 and 30.01
the Certification Coordinator within one (1) working day. The telephonic report shall be
followed by a written report within seven (7) working days of the event. Ifa report that
meets the requirements of this section is made to State or local authorities, a copy of such
report will suffice for the written report to be submitted to the Certification Coordinator.
3. Events that require reporting shall include:
a. Death of any resident due to any cause.
b. Any facility-related i~xiury ora resident or staff member, which
requires medical treatment.
c. All cases of communicable disease reportable under section 2502
of Title 17, California Code of Regulations. Such cases of communicable
disease shall be reported only to the local health officer.
d. Poisonings.
e. Catastrophes such as flooding, tornado, earthquake or any other
natural disaster.
f. Fires or explosions that occur on the premises or grounds.
g. Any criminal activity tha,. occurs on the premises or the grounds of
the facility.
4. Information provided in the report shall include the following:
a. Resident's and."m' staff member's ilame, age, sex, and date of
b. Date. time. ant! nature of the event.
c. Attending physician's name, findings and treatment, if available.
5. An)' change in the filciiitx owner or operator's mailing address shall be
reported to the Certification Coordinator within ten (10) working days following the
Section 175 Reserved
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidelines 6057 ii- 134:1 ('lean ~ Co(.'{~ correcnons !1.28 and 30.01
Section 176
Single Gender Facilities
Single gender facilities are encouraged but not required. The rules and
regulations for single gender facilities shall include, but need not necessarily be limited to
the following:
1. Residents shall wea:- appropriate attire when in shared areas of the facility
and in the presence of other residents..~taff or visitors.
2. Sexual harassment of residents or staff is prohibited. Sexual harassment
policies, procedures and rights shall be costed in the facility along with the name and
telephone number of a comact person.
3. Staff shall not engage in behavior with any resident that leads to a
romantic or sexual relationship wi:il: the resident is residing at the facility.
Section 177
Co-ed Facilities
If the facility has both male and f'cmaie residents, it shall have written rules and
procedures regarding co-ed interaction:, including bul not necessarily limited to the
1. Residents shall wea:' appropriate attire when in shared axeas of the facility
and in the presence of other residents, staff o:' visitors.
2. Male and female resicicnts shall not share bedrooms.
Sexual harassment ol residents or sta., is prohibited. Sexual harassment
policies, procedures and rights shall bc :)osted in tile facility along with the name and
telephone number of a contact ~:erson.
4. Staff shall not engage in behavior with an}' resident that leads to a
romantic or sexual relationship wlail~ thc resident is residing at the facility.
5. A facility is permiued to make exceptions to the foregoing rules in
situations that a cour, or residents' referring agencies deem appropriate, e.g. if a married
couple or a couple in a long term commit'.ed relationship enter a facility as a couple,
some of the foregoing rules would be inapplicable to them.
Section 178 Reserved
Section 179 Access to Facility by Unauthorized Persons
Access to the facility by individuals who are neither residents, facility staff,
volunteers, nor authorized visitors shall be monitored by the facili~' and limited so that
neither the program nor the comfort of resicients is disrupted by such access.
Section 180 Visitation Policy
The facility shall have a wriu~n visitation polic.v. The following are the minimum
1. All visitors shall sign in and out of the facility, using their full names;
2. Visitors shall be permitted in the facility only between such hours as the
facility may designate, but in no ex,em afmr 10:00 p.m. or before 8:00 a.m.;
3. There shall be designattd visiting areas, which shall be located in the
common living areas of the facility, and which shall be available to all residents for
meetings and receiving and entertaining guests. The bedrooms and garages shall be off
limits for visitors and shall not be used at any time for visits or meetings without the prior
written approval of the Cerdfica:ion Coordinator. the Probation Department or the
Orange County Health Cm'e Agency:
4. No visitors shall be permitted on tile premises while intoxicated;
5. Visitors shall not be let't alone in the facility at any time;
6. Regulations regarding children visiting the facility shall include:
a. Specific hours Ibr visitation:
b. The type ofsupervisior~ required; and
c. Restriction ol'ci~ildren to tile common areas.
Section 181 Reserved
Section 182 Resident Sign in/Ou! Log and Schedule
I. The faciliLx.' shall mai~:min a resident sign in and sign out log for all
residents who are court or county rel'cr:'als.
/6069.1 AI~IENDED ADRFC Guidehncs 6057 I!-;3-I~ k'lc:m ~ ~.'t~t.'~, c;~rrt'ct~ons II .28 and 30.0!
2. Each resident who is a court refen'al or a count), referral shall be required
to sign his/her complete name in the log witi: the time that he."she left the facility and the
location and telephone number of his,'l',er destination.
3. Each resident who is a~ com-I rcl'c'n'al or a county referral shall be required
to sign his/her complete name in the it,g upon returning to the facility, and the time
he/she returned.
The facility, shall retai,.~ its si,,,a.~, in:sign ottt logs for a minimum of one (1)
5. Ever3" resident's s,.h..c,~.e ior treatment, work, education or other activities
shall be provided to, and maintain.,:d by. th.e t'acilit3, management.
6. Ever)' resident's scheduie shall include the location and telephone number
where the resident can be reached.
7. Every resident shall Dc r~quirecl lo notify the management of any change
in his/her schedule for treatment, wod< ; .... ' ·
. ec, t,ca~m:~ or other activities.
Section 183
Master Log for 3"I ultiple Facilities
Programs with m.ultiple rcsidcn:ial i'acilifies shal! maintain a current master log of
all residents at all of the program's cee'tiffed facilities. The master log shall be maintained
and shall be available al the program's busin,..'ss office or main facility.
Section 184 Curfew
The facility shall have a cm'~:;:', for residents starting no later than 11:00 p.m. on
weeknights and i2:00 a.m. on wecken,.is and ending no earlier than 6:00 a.m. on a_ny da.'3'.
Allowable exceptions may include residems x~ l:t, work during these hours and residents
who have prior approval of the i'acilitx's staff', the l-lealth Care Agency, or the resident's
Probation Officer or Parole O£ficcr.
Section 185
Overnight Passes
1. Overnight passes may i,c given ~o a resident after he/she becomes eligible,
at the discretion of and with the appro', a, o'.' thc director or house manager, or on order of
a Superior Court, the Probation Dcm~;'~:ncnt m' ti~c Parole Board. No overnight pass shall
be granted if it would conflict witl', anv existing cour;, o:'der.
2. When going on an ox'e:',figiat pass. a resident shall be required to sign in
and out of the facility on the "' ' sim:
i'esmen~ sign !n and ~ out log.
The facili~x will notii', lite:~2~,:,.,,,_' "' ',' "2 ,'~"2e .... ~c.x' of any violation of Section
/6069.1 AMENDED ADR.cc Gu:det:nes 6(157 I :-.54~:: 'i::m v, t.o'. ~' ctmc.zmm~ ;'. 28 and 30 0l
Section 186 Reserved
Section 187
Fee Schedule
1. The faciliLv shall hax'c ~: Wl'ille21'l f'~ schedule that is provided to all
residents and posted at the facility.
2. The current fee schedt~l~' shall be provided to the Certification
3. At the time of acceptance and admission into the facility, each resident
shall be informed of the exact fees required, and fee payment policies and procedures.
4. The faciliLv may establish a reasonable and appropriate fee, to be approved
in advance by the Certification Coordinator. lbr any drug or alcohol testing conducted by
the facility.
5. The resident siaall be inCm'med o!'all items that are provided by the facility
and which personal items residents must provide themselves.
6. Residents shall not be charged a relapse or re-entry fee.
Section 188
Delinquent Payments and Payment Plans
1. The facility shall have ~, v, ritten policy' regarding delinquent pa)q"nents and
payment plans.
2. If a resident has nol paid tine amount due. the decision whether to
terminate the resident, extend a grace pcrioct o:' make a payment plan arrangement is at
the discretion of the director.
Section 189
Advance Payment of Fees and Repayment of Fees
The facility shall have a w:iue,-., policy rega,'ding refunds for advance payment of
fees and repayment of fees.
Section 190
Receipt f'or Fees
A resident shall be given a sign='cl receipt at the time of payment of an)' fees.
Section 191 Reserved
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guideline> t)r;57: i-!3-01 :. ica. xx ~..~(. o cortecmms II 28 and 30.01
Section 192 Co-mingling Funds
Staff shall not co-mingie their (,x~n I\,nds o,' the facility's funds with residents'
Section 193 General Assistance
If the facility accepts a resident's General Assistance rent allowance, the facility
shall follow all procedures required b3 the Orange County Social Services Agency.
Section 194 Reserved
Section 195 Food Service
1. If food service is ol'~:erct{ by tlae faciliw, the facility' shall provide the
residents with the thcility's food sm-x'iccs and prcpara:ion schedule and policy.
The kitchen sl:all b~ cle~n.
Food shall be properly' :nain:ained and stored.
].'he facility
· .n~a..~. which max be included in the fees paid bv
Section 196
Residents may be respo::sible lb1' their o~ti'l food items.
]'here shall be ad.,.'c!uatc seining in the dining area.
Section 197 Maintenance of Residents' Files
,','"; '= ~ ' handled in tine following manner:
All files pertaining to. ~>.o,:nt.. shall
1. All files shall be kept it: a locked cabinet.
,.'~ .... Residents' flies shall nc,: b.:' "(,-t-,'~n..~e~" ~'~.
3. Access shall be limited :c,~ :iqe director and other personnel with a
legitimate need for access who arc si .... ,~1 ~n the faziii~y s policies and procedures.
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Gu~dehne: c,~;57 ' I-. 3-(.'i t ';'.'m~ ~.. · ,,, ,' c,mcclmn:, I i 28 and 30.0!
4. Each staffmember, paid or volunteer, with access to residents' files shall
be required to agree in writing with thc facility to naaintain the confidentiality of the
records and information in such files unless :'cquired by law to disclose file records or
information. This agreement shall speci!"y that it is effective irrespective of the
subsequent resignation or termination o1" ti:e staff member.
Section 198
Contents of Individual Residents' Files
The content of individual residznts' files shall include, but need not be limited to,
the following:
I. A personal inibrma:ion I'orm which contains:
a. Personal data £or proper identification;
b. Length of sobriety and prior recovery experience;
c. The names oftl;c :'csiclcnt's CUl'rtmt outpatient treatment and
educational fac iii tics:
d. The nan:e ol'thc som'cc o1' rei'erral to the facilitv.
2. Copies of the rcsid,~nt's cun'entiv effective court orders, if any.
Thc resident's recovery plm: rccomme:qdations fi'om referral sources and
4. Notations about how tine faci[i:,, can assis~ tile resident in implementing
his/her recovery-related court orders and/or recovery plan recommendations.
5. List ofpresc:'ibed ~nedication used by the resident.
6. Signed originais o1' all consen: I'orms and confidentiality waivers required
by the facility or the residents' i'e:..'erring agencies or tile Superior Court. For all court
referrals and residents referred by the courts. :he Probation Department or the Parole
Board, the resident's file must include a waix'~'r of confidentiality, signed at the time of
the resident's initial intake into tile facilizx', to permit disclosure of designated
information about the resident to ',vhichex'er o !' the courts, the Probation Department
md/or the Parole Board is monitoring ',he res!dent's progress.
7. Copies of all progress r~'ports and all correspondence written by the staff
regarding the resident.
8. Dates and results c~:'all d:ug and alcohel :ests and all forms related to such
tests, including consent forms and, or co~.ll'i
9. Overnight pass information.
10. Dates. of the ~es~d~n, ~ entry anal co:npietion or ~erminafion from ~e
facility, including the circumstances o~' his/h~r exit.
11. ~e resident's fke pavmep,. ., record, including ~ount of fee(s),. ~d ~e
date(s) and amo~t(s) of payment.
12. A copy of the facility's rules and residcm in-take forms, signed and dated
by ~e resident upon entry to the I~ciiity.
Section 199 Resented
Section 200 Compliance ~¥ilh Codes. Permits and Other Requirements Related
to Buildings and (;rounds
Prior to ce~ification, each soho:' iivi:au [Z~cilitx' shall obtain from the applicable
local jurisdiction an inspection and a written determination [called a "Section 200
Review"] that the facility complies wi:h all ' "'~
o. ,.~e following requiremenls:
Conformance witk al! locali,. [~pl,~icabie and regul~ly enforced zoning
Possession of all rcquirzd local, coumv and state permits.
3. Conformance wit!: app!icablc !ire safety standards, including occupancy
limit, smoke detectors and emergency exit pla::.
4. Building and Grounds R. equlrements.
a. The fiicilitv sinai! be clean, safe. sanitary and in good repair at all
The interior of the l"acilitv simll be fl'ce of flies and other insects.
c. The facility shal~. ~orox'ide for the safe disposal of contaminated
water and chemicals us:'d lbrcizaning purposes.
d. Living areas in the i'aciiitx si~all be separate and secure.
Permanent wails, floors, cei!ings and doors shall enclose the facility's
~ t,,,,,m._ :md :oiicting areas. This does not preclude the
living, sleeping. ",': ',"
/6069.1 AMENDEI) ADRFC Omdehnes 6~5~ i !-i3-t.,~: . ;can v. t. ,,C'~', ctmcaw, n: il 28 and 30.01
use of more ti'mn one buildin/, or the use of wing(s) of a building or
floor(s) ora building in meeting this requirement.
e. All residents shall be protected against safety hazards within the
facility through provision of appropriate protective devices, including, but
not limited to, non-slip maler!al on rugs.
f. All outdoor and indoor passageways, stairways, inclines, ramps,
open porches, and othe;' areas of pmential hazard shall be kept free of
g. Permanent or portable storage space shall be available for storage
of facility equipment m:d SUpl;lies. Facility equipment and supplies shall
be stored in approprialc space and shall not be stored in space designed for
other activities.
h. Every in-ground pool and every above-ground pool that cannot be
emptied after each use si:al! have an operative pump and filtering system.
i. Adequate living spac.:: for each resident in the bedrooms and
bathrooms shal! be m-ox ided as followg:
(i) Bedrooms shall not be overcrowded. The definition of a
bedroom for thc purposes o1' this requirement is the definition
contained in the [..;:fifm'm Building Code. There should be a
minimum oi' 70 square feet l'or the first two people and 50 square
feel for each aclciition:tl person in bedrooms.
(ii) Each reside:at s!nall have a closet and dresser space made
available to llim.'her.
j. Adequale bathi;'.g, hand washing and toilet facilities shall be
provided will: a maxin:.~m~ ratio o:' one bathroom facility per six (6)
residents. Space for each residem's toilet articles shall be provided.
k. The bathrooms siaal[ bt clean, shall provide privacy, and shall
contain general hygi~:ne !ten:s such as soap and toilet paper.
1. When female anti male rcsidenls are housed in the same facility,
the facility shall ensure minimal pe:'sonal security and privacy,, which shall
include the following:
(i) Sel~arate ar.:! adequate toiiet, hand washing, and bathing
facilities Ibr I~n'::ties and males. Such facilities shall be in
proximity of designated sleeping quarters.
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidelines 605? I ;-134!1 ~ 'ic:m .a ~. ,,.'.'n :orrc:mms I I _'28 and 30 01
(ii) Separate and adequate sleeping areas for females and males.
Such areas shall be enc'ose¢~ b) permanent wails, which extend
from the floor to the coiling and have permanent doors.
m. Locks shall be placed on all exterior doors and windows in order to
maintain proper securitx'.
Fixtures. Furniture. Equipment and Supplies:
a. A comfortable ~empcrature Ibr residents shall be maintained at all
b. All window screens>n,.. ~' ','! be in good repair and be free of insects,
dirt and other debris.
c. The facility shall prox ide lamps or lights as necessaw in all rooms
and other areas to e:~sm'c the .safew of all persons in the facility.
d. Hot water faucets used by residents for personal care shall meet the
following tee uirements:
(i) Hot wmer dci!x,crcd to plumbing fixtures used by the residents
shall not be less tmu: i('6 ¢lem-ees Fahrenheit (40.5 degrees
Celsius) and no.: more titan i30 degrees Fahrenheit (54.4 degrees
(ii) Taps delivc:'i~g wv. ret at !31 degrees Fahrenheit (54.9 degrees
Celsius) or abe,. c shale Dc prominently identified with warning
e. All toilets, ham: washing and bathing facilities shall be maintained
in safe and sanitary operating conditia::s.
f. Solid waste shai! be stored, iocated and disposed in such a manner
thai it will nol transmit commtmicabl= diseases, emit odors, create a
nuisance, or provide a brcecling place (er food source for insects or rodents.
(i) All containers, including movable bins. used for storage of
solid waste shal! inave tight iitting covers that are kept in place.
The containers and cov.s:'s si:all be in good repair, leak proof and.
rodent proof.
(ii) Solid was:c ,,., ~..~cr.~. ~nc=umng movable bins, receiving
putr=sciblc w::.,,ic shal= b~ s:nmied a~ least once per week or more
often if necessa?, te comply with subsection (f) above.
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Omoel:ncs 6',..5- I:- 13 .... .c.,' v. , . .:, :, conc::t,'~:s; [.28 and 30.01
g. The facility shall provide each resident with clean linen in good
repair, including lightweight. ,,xarm blankets; top and bottom sheets;
pillowcases; mattress pads: bath towels and wash cloths. The quality, of the
linen provided shall pcrmi~ ch;raging, at a minimum, once a week or with
greater fi'equency if necci, ed.
h. The facility shai! provide each resident with an individual bed
maintained in good remt:.r, equipped with good springs and a clean
mattress, and suppliecl ,.,, itl': pil ioxx'(,s), and with bed linens as described
above. Bunk beds are not cxclucted provided they otherwise meet the
requirements of this Scc'..ion 200.
Section 201 Reserved
Section 202
Good Neighbor Policy
I The purpose of the C .... :icatit~n Guidelines is to promote safe and
effective services for residents with s:lbq:ancc ~d~L!SC iSsLles. Neighborhood support of an
alcohol or drug recovery facility enha:~'cs thc i'aci!itx.'s ability to meet this goal.
2 To increase the likelih~md tha'. the residents of the facility are able to be
integrated into the community with m: improved quality of life, it is required that each
facility shall adopt a good neighbor penile,.' similar to the one enumerated here.
3. A good neighbor polic?, taus:, ,c~ude. but would not necessarily be limited
to, the policies outlined in Sections 20-'-2()6 {,I' the Certification Guidelines.
Section 203 Reserved
Section 204
Neighborhood Compl,'~ints
You are in a betler position ii' '.. ,'u hax'c the firs:~ opportunity ~o respond to
1. Each facility shall cnsu~'c ti,.a: ti:e neigi:boring residents are advised about
whom to contact at the facility ifti~e,, i-,ax c c,,mviaints or questions, and how to get in
contact with that person.
2. Each facility shall ctev~'~.? ~: x..':'itten vrc.,tocol of procedures for staff to
follow' when a complaint is received.
AMENDED ADRFC Guidehnc~, 6057 I'-i~ "'
3. Each facility shall train th~' stol",' member(s') responsible for receiving
complaints and questions to field comi~laints in a positive way.
4. Ifa neighbor's complaint is legitimate, the facility shall address it with a
commitment that steps will be taken immediately to vrevent its happening again. Then,
the facility shall review its systems and;or st;;ff'to make changes or improvements as
Section 205 Reserved
Section 206 Reserved
Section 207
Monitoring Certified Facilities
1. On site lbllow-up mo?.i:oring ~l'am.' certified sober living facility ma).' be
conducted by the Certification Coorciinr~,:' or any age~:cy referring residents to the
facility to determine continuing com',,liance with any of the requirements of the
Certification Guidelines. Each certified sober living facility shall be inspected at least
once during each period of certification ~: it:sure compliance with the Certification
Guidelines, and follow-up inspections si~a~,i be cm~ducted as needed.
2. The purpose of these inspw',.ic~ns will be solely to determine whether the
facility continues to meet tile Certifi~'~ti¥.n Guidelines. These inspections shall not be
used as an excuse to conduz: searchc:-.' fi::' evidence of crime without required probable
cause, warrant or consent.
3. The monitoring personnel i~.n~x' conduct a site inspection of the facility,
may interview facility staff and/o;' res iden:.s !n private, and may review facility records,
with or without advance notice, at m:'.. ~'e~:.so~'..'fiqc time. upon presentation of proper
identification, in order to determine con::"~iia:lcc with tiae Certification Guidelines. The
facility's staffshall cooperate with tiac :axcmitt:ring personnel and assist him/her upon
request. The inspection shall be concluctcd x.~ itl: due regard for the privacy of residents.
Monitoring personnel shall not access a~:x fi les of residents unless there is a court order
permitting such access or the :'esiden: has~,,i,, en writlen informed consent.
4. After completion o£ti~c ,-'
,..~ ,.~'.~,"'",,t, ,=. review, the monitoring personnel shall
prepare a written report...:\Il ;'elDoI'ts .-.' :al, 5c su[:mitled to tile Certification Coordinator
and a copy provided to the Facility
Section 208
Notice of Deticiency
1. If deficiencies are ide~ltiScd, u written notice of deficiency, listing all
deficiencies, shall be mailed to the faci!i.:x's director or his/her designee v,'ithin ten (10)
working days of completion of the monirorin~ review.
2. The notice of deficiency shall speci£y:
a. The section l'lUl:~['~;21' o:' ii'lC Certification Guidelines or the title and
code section number :)f ~aci: statute or regulation which has been violated,
if relevant:
b. The manner in ,.x i~ich Ibc facility fails to comply with the specified
section of the Certification Guidelines or statute/regulation;
c. Recon:mendec! cch'et: ions;
d. The date by xx hida tacit, deficiency shall be corrected;
e. Procedure for apl:ca! to the Certification Appeals Board.
3. The facility's director o:' b. is.'i:c:' designee shall respond 'to the notice of
deficiency and prove compliance to thc ('cr[~ 5cation Coordinator in writing within the
time specified in the notice of deficicm"..
Section 209
Contract Monitoring
Nothing in this Article supersed':s m,mitoring and review of a contract provider
by the Orange Count>, Health Care .'-\gcncy. ~' any other County agency, pursuant to the
terms of a contract between that pro', !,lcr and ihe County of Ormuge.
Section 210 Reserved
Section 211
Complaint Defined
A complaint is a fornlal or in!'~vmal :.cgative charge or allegation regarding a
violation of an applicable section of ti~e (.c;'ti:5~'ation Guidelines. A complaint may
include, but is not limited to. the folloxx i:;g issuos: criminal activity, resident safety,
zoning codes, staff or resident rise o1' drugs, m' facility safeu'.
Section 212
Complaints Regn,'ding ('riminal ActiviB'
All complaints about criminai :~c:ix'!:', at a facility shall be immediately reported
to the law enforcement agency iaax'ing .:uris:!iction where the facility is located.
Section 213
Complaints Regarding ('ertification Guidelines
1. An.,,' person may file a co:nplz:inl regarding a violation of an applicable
section of the Certification Guidelines b', toe;rotting the Certification Coordinator in
person, by telephone, in writing, or by ::nx oti~er automated or electronic means.
2. To the extem permitted by lax,., the Certification Coordinator shall keep
confidential the identity of the compiain:tnt. :,.a,ess actthorized by the complainant to
disclose his/her identity.
3. If requested b?' the COmlv!aina~:. the Certification Coordinator shall notify
the complainant, in writing, of the resuits o1' ~hc investiuation, to the extent that such
information legally may be discloseci it: z: m~'mber ofti~e public.
4. The Certification Coor:iinator shall cause to be investigated by the
appropriate authority' all complaints filet'. ;.:ua:nst the facility or staff. The Probation
Department shall investigate issues rciai'zcl tt, probationers at the facility.
5. The authority selected it, invc..:tigate the complaint may conduct a site
inspection of the facility, may intervi exx' I'acil !tx' staff and/or residents in private, and ma)'
review facility, records witia o:' without ~3,,'a~:"c.a aottc,~., ' o at any reasonable time, upon
.,'c~c: lo determine compliance with the
presentation of proper identification, it: ' '
Certification Guidelines. The ['acil!t', ' :<al:' ',x !il cooperate with the investigator and
assist him/her upon request. Tiae ins~::.z~i{m 4:all be conducted with due regard for the
privacy of residents. Complaint inx.'csti,__'att>!'< shall not access an?' files of'residents unless
there is a court order permitting such a.s.scss .," the resic!ent has given written informed
6. After comt>letion oi'thc !:..x cs:~.ation, the authority investigating the
complaint shall prepare a xv:'iucn rept)rl..,\1! rcDol'tS shall be submitted to the
Certification Coordinator. The con::~ia!::: in'. estigation is complete when all evidence has
been inspected and all wimesscs wh(, i;::' c i~:l'ormation relevant to the allegations have
been interviewed.
Section 214
Notice of Deficiency
1. Ifa comp}aint ~nx.~st~ ..... :m t!:szloses deficiencies, a written notice of
deficiency, listing all deficiencies, sl'.all i3c in:ti!~d to the facility's director or his/her
designee within five (5) working dax .s t~ 'completion of tiae investigation.
2. The notice of deficient3 nip,ti: .-:;.,,ecify':
a. The sec',io~'., nu','.:;,c: ;:,.' the Ceniiication Guidelines or title and
code section number c,~' v:~ci'...,;~:tu'~e or r'::uulation that has been violated, if
· I
/6069.1 AMENDE;D ADRFC Gm.'lcimc. 6, q7 I'-I 3-:'1 ~ .... i. ~, ,,t :~ corrcrmms ;I 28 and 30.01
b. The manner h: xx hich the facility fails to comply with the specified
Guidelines or statute/"re~:ulati~m:
c. Recommended corrections;
d. The date by' which caci: deficiency shall be corrected;
e. The procedure ior .-,' ~
· ap~..,:,t, to the Certification Appeals Board.
3. The facility's directo;' o;' his,"l~er ciesignee si'mil respond to the notice of
deficiency and prove compliance to ,,he Ce:':: fication Coordinator in writing within the
time specified in the notice of dcficicncv.
Section 215
lfthe Certification Coordinator or at:',' of its allied agencies determines that there
is an emergency situation ti'tm j eopardi/.es t i:.~ public sa fety and/or the safety of the
facility's residents, the Certification C~ordi::ator shall recommend to referring County
agencies and the Superior Court that rclSrrals to the facility be suspended immediately
pending further investigation. Exampi.,'s: (')'.vnet/Director of a program using drugs,
sexual harassment of residents or crimi:qal a','ti x'irs' at ti~e facility.
Section 216 Reserved
Section 217 Deficiency
A "deficiency" means a Failure to co~nloly.' with the Certification Guidelines or
applicable laws. A deficiencx mav be :~ eau?,' fora denial of certification or notice of sanction.
Section 218
Corrective Action I'lan
1. When a facility is s~nt :: notice ol'deficiency, the director of the facility shall
submit to the Certification C(~ordinalo" ,.v,.'itt.,.'n verification of correction for each
deficiency that is identified it: the not!.ze of c:,cficiency. The written verification shall
substantiate that the deficiency has b,_'cn ct~:':'.zcted and specie' the date when the deficiency
was corrected. The written verification slnal', be postmarked no later than the date specified
in the notice of deficiency.
If the facility cannet co;'rec: a deficiency., by the date specified in the notice
of deficiency, the director sl~tx':l submi: a x.. ~,~.n corre~:~.ive action plan to the Certification
Coordinator. The wriner.. COl'r',:ctive av tior; ;"'.an siaal[ be postrnarl,:ed no later than the
O,..~.,. I~, .~ \'.
date specified in the notice of "''''' '~',"
//,~(--,0 I ,&IMFNI~FI'J Al)RFC Guideh::cx I~l::.' I !-[ ";.l~l ,, i~2llll ',, ,.'. o colr¢c:i,;i!., i I 28 mad 30 01
The xaq'itten corrective action I~-ian siaall:
a. Specii') the steps already taken and to be taken in the future to
correct the deficiency:
b. Specify a date xx hen th.c deficiency will be corrected.
In reviewing [i~e coffee:ire ac:ion plan. the Certification Coordinator shall
a. Potential haza,'ds pres.,:nt~d by the deficiency;
b. Number of residents i:npacted:
c. Whether tiae documentation submitted by the director demonstrates
that the deficiency xx i~i be fim~!y corrected.
5. Within fifteen t 15) days of :'zccip~ of'the written verification and/or
corrective action plan, the Certification Coordinator si:ail notify the director in writing,
by first class mail, whethc:-thc written yeti fication and"or corrective action plan has been
Section 219
Follow-up Review to Verify Correction of Deficiency
1. The Certifica:ion Coordir~at~,r. Orange County Health Care Agency,
Probation Department and.'or ::pprop:'iate It~c~i jurisdictions may conduct follow-up
reviews to determine if the faciiitx la~:s cor!'vcted all deficiencies specified in the notice of
2. Ifa follow-u? review incticat~'s that a deficiency has not been corrected on
or before the date specified i:-, the no,.ice o I'~ ~'ficiencv or subsequently approved
corrective action plan, tl:e (. ~ ~lI'iCcttlOl, Cool .... atOl s!:al1 impose a sanction pursuant to
Sections 221-227 of the Gert! i'icatioi: Guici¢i ;:;es.
Section 220 Reserved
Section 221 Sanctions i)efined
A sanction is a discipi inm'v action taken bF" the Certification Coordinator that is
designed to secure enforcemen: o~' the Certii'izafion Guidelines by imposing a penalty for
a violation of the Guidelines
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidehncs h::57 "-13-(. ! t'!:an ,x ~ .,('., :orrecmm'; II .28 t4nd 30.01
Section 222 Purposes of Sanctions
1. The purposes o~' imposing sanctions are'
a. To protect tile suf'etv ol'the community and the residents.
b. To assist tiqe certified :'acilitv il: maintaining a quality level of
continuing care auld service.
2. Ail sanctions imposed si~al; b,c iqandied on an individual basis.
Section 223
Types of Sanctions
1. The Cenificatio:a Coordinator may impose sanctions for a violation of the
Certification Guidelines. Th,c sanctions max include any one or more of the following:
a. Counseling: A verbal reprimand and recommendations to the
facility direcm:' of possible remedies that the facility might explore.
Corrective action by thc provicier is expected.
b. Lener o1' Re!~rinnancl: I'his document places the facility on notice
that the vioh:tion xx ill b.e maclc a pemaanent part of the facility's file with
the Certification C'oorclinato'.'. '['lnis is a!l ofl"ense, which if it continues,
ina5' resul: in inmosition of more severv sanctions. This letter should
contain a describ'tion of tile i.,,:'t:biem and recommended corrective action
with an expected clare of coml,ietion.
c. Suspension of Certi'fic:~tion: A disciplinary action taken by the
Certification C'oordinato:' to suspend certification. A suspension is for a
specific period of time. Exc¢i'..', as required by law or contractual
obligations or ~:s t~ermitted bx :hc Certification Guidelines, Count),
personnel shal', ceasc rcl'en'i::u individuals to a faciliLv from which
certification has been st~spend:d..,\t th',.'ir option, or. if applicable, at the
discretion of tl~c Superior ('ourt. the Probation Department or the Parole
Board, residents who were res~ciing at t!~c facility prior to the suspension
may remain and con:plcte lheir programs.
d. Revocation oJ'('ertii'ication: A clisciplinary action that is imposed
by the Cert!fication Coordinattn' to revoke certification of a facility.
Revocation ol'ccrti!ication is indclX, nitc. Except in emergency situations, a
revocation will not becmne cfi'cctive umil the time for the facility to
appeal has elapsed, or il'thc i'acilitv appeals, until the revocation is upheld
by the Certification Appeals Btmrd. To 'tile extent it is clinically
appropriate, all Comntv :'ef;crrais shall bc asked to move from a facility
from whicl: c,,.':'tification ha.~ bccn revoked and will be placed in certified
facilities. E×ccp~ ::s rec~tt[rcd by laxx o:' ?ont:'actual obligations or as
permitted b)' :i'.c Cc,.'ti!'icatit~n (iuidciincs. County personnel shall cease
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidehnes ~',:'57 I !-13-{)' ~.'lcm~ xx t ,'q'o cm'rec:.,m> I I 28 and 30.0i
referring indix'ici.:z,~s to a fi~cili:y from which certification has been
Section 224
Right to Appeal Sanctions
A facility has a right 2o appeal ajay sanction that is imposed on it. When imposing
sanctions consisting ora letter o!' reprimand, suspensicm of certification or revocation of
certification, the Certification Coordinator slx,ll advise the facility of the procedures for
Section 225
Failure to Cor,'ect Dct'icicncies for which Sanctions Imposed
Failure to correct def. :iencics Jbr wl:icia sanctions were imposed may result in the
imposition of more severe sanctions.
Section 226
Notice to Inte,'ested Parties
If a facility's certification is suspencte,! or revoked, ti~e Certification Coordinator
shall give written notice of ~hc sanction to thc Distric~ Attorney, the Orange County
Superior Court, the Probmio~: [)ol'..artment. tine Ornn.,,c Count5' Health Care Agency, the
Parole Board and other interested County agencies and to the city where the facility is
Section 227 Reserved
Section 228
Facility Ri.,,,ht To Appeal
1. Ifa facility Ina., bce:: denied cc:':ilSca~ion~ and the request for
reconsideration has been den/od, tl:e director .,i' the £acility may file an appeal to the
Certification Appeals Board at thc District At:orne\"s Oitice. All appeals shall be
fom'arded through the Certification Coordina.'.o:' to thc Certification Appeals Board.
2. Ifa sanction ctmsisting ofa izt;er o£ rel',:'imand, suspension of certification
or revocation of certification i;as been imposc.I on a 15~ciii~y, the director may file an
appeal to the Orange Countx i)ist;'ict Anorr:?'. 's Certification Appeals Board. A prior
request for reconsideration to '.he ,k.'ertificatio~. Cot~rciinator is not available for an
imposition of a sanction. All amp-'alst., will b: !brwardtd throtmh~ the Certification
Coordinator to the Certificati~m .::?pea!s Bot'.~'..[.
16069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Gmtlelin;'s ',:';? '. ;-:.:-01 Clean v, t ,,.t ,., ct;;'le;'tn,ns I [.28 anti 30.01
Section 229 Staff Righ I 'Fo .Appeal
1. A staffmembcr or prospective staff member of a facility whose
qualifications or lack thereof have been detern:ined to disqualify the facility from
certification, and whose requcs: lo the Certification Coordinator for reconsideration has
been denied, may file an appeal to the Certification Appeals Board.
2. Ifa sanction consisting of a letter of reprimand, suspension of certification
or revocation of termination h.'.ts been imposed on a facility as a result of the
qualifications or lack thereo 1' o I' a staff memb~_':', the stalT member and/or the facility's
director and head of administrmi ye staff may (lie an appeal to the Certification Appeals
Board. (There is no request fi~:' :'cconsideration by the Certification Coordinator available
for an imposition of a sanction.)
Section 230 Reserved
Section 231
Certification Appeals Board
The Certification Appeals Board shall be the adn:inistrative responsibility of the
Orange County District Attorney's Office. The Distric~ Attorney's Office will conduct
all appeal hearings before thc Certification Al?cals Board.
Section 232
Board Membership
1. The Certifica:i~m Appeals Board shall consist of five (5) members
designated by their respectix ~' (~rganizations, as (oi!oxx s:
a. One fo:'mer employee (.H- director oi'a sober living facility, who is
not cun-entlv al'filiatcd witl: a sober lix'ir.g facility.
b. One cv...-rc,,, or retired c!tv manager or assistant cit'3' manager.
c. Onec~. ........ ,~ ],'. or retired deputy probation officer or police officer.
d. One cm':'em or retired deputy public defender.
e. One mc'tuber who is empic~.ved I')v the Orange Count)' Health Care
Agency, Beiqax'ioral Health Services.
2. The membe:'s shall he nomina!cd and appointed in accordance with rules
of the Board of Supervisors ti) be filed with thc C!crk ,~)!' the Board.
3. The term of e::z!'., member shal' bo thre.,: years. The rnembers shall serve
staggered terms so tha; no m',~rc :,h.'m three mzmbcrs' t~2rms will lapse in the same ),ear.
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Ouidehnes 6,,57 I I- ;.:-Of Clean w (. ,,.'v con'cction, I 1.28 and 30.01
4. A vacancy slqall exist and shall ",-,c rem,':'ted to the Board of Supervisors or
its designee whenever a membe:' :'ails to attenci n:ore tiqan three consecutive meetings of
the Certification Appeals Board x~ ithout good cause.
Section 233
Duties of the Certification Appeals Board
1. It shall be the l'Ulqc!iop, of the Cc,'tifica:iol: Appeals Board, upon request, to
review the decisions of the C'crtifi::ation Cool'di:~ato:' when there is an appeal filed for a
denial of certification and: o:' flue i,ni>osi:.ion of s/tnctions.
2. The Certification Appeals Board siaall meet at least once a 3'ear and shall
appoint a chairperson at its first n'.ccting each ,,.car.
Section 234
Filing Ai)peals
1. The director ol'a facility whose application for certification has been
denied or that is being sanctioned, and when applicable, a staff member or prospective
staff member ora facility on who.~2 qualifications or iack thereof the denial or sanction is
based, may file an appeal in ',x ri~i:':g of the deniai of cer:.ification or sanction. No
particular form is required. 'i'i~e a'?Feal must be rcceix'cd within ten (10) days from the
date the notice of denial of'certification or imt-..osition off sanction is received.
2. The appeal si~oalci i',c addressed ~>: Orange County Sheriff/Certification
Coordinator, Adult Alcohol ~nc! l)rv. gs Sober l.i','!n,.S l:acilities Certification Program,
North Justice Center, 1275 Nor.:l: ;gcrkeley, Fu!icr~on. California 92832 (,Telephone:
(714) 773-4520).
3. The Certifica;ion ('oordina:o:.' si~ali l'orx\':ll'd fi'~e appeal and all supporting
documentation to the Certit:,cation Appeals Board via flue District Attorney's Office.
Section 235
Procedures for Hearing Before the Certification Appeals Board
:) st ct ..:~tiornev's Office shall schedule a
1. If an appea; is tim,:!x filed, the "" .
hearing before the Certificm ion ..x, ppeals Hearing Board within thirty (30) days, but no
sooner than ten (10) days at'tv: thc appeai ,,,.'as I'ileci b3 fi,,e t"acilitx' or staff member.
2. The Disu'ict A.'.'..orn,zv's Office shall provide the facility and/or staff'
member with written notice o( thc hearing, ,_,ix'i~u the time. date. and location of the
3. During t.,e ine:~ring, t!ae facility .::nc!.or .-,~,~,! member shall be given the
opportunity to present evidence ~nc~,tdip~,.. . .=, but not limited to. sworn testimonv.., sworn
affidavits, and documentary cx ici..:nce.
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidcm';'- t~:,57 ! I-I.:-01 Clean w r, Co'. o .~ ~,cctl:' ~., I '. 28 and 3,9.01
4. The District Attorney and/or the ('crtification Coordinator may also
present evidence as noted abt~x.'e.
5. At the close o!'th~ !:earing, the C'ertiiication Appeals Board may uphold or
overturn the decision to deny cerlification or uphold, set aside, or modi~' the sanctions,
as applicable. The Board me:nbe:'s shall make ti:elf individua! decisions based upon a
preponderance of the evidence prcsemed at the hearing.
6. A majority vo:e ef li~e Board members r~rcsent determines the result.
There mus~ be a minimum o!' the-c=' members voting.
7. Within five (5~ c~lcndar days alter the hearing, the Certification Appeals
Board shall issue and transn'.it 1o ihe facility and or stal'l' member a written decision
sustaining, reversing, or m6difying the Certification Coordinator's decision.
8. The Certi.ficatio~: ..',.')peals Boar,!'s ciccision shall be the final
administrative determination.
Section 236 Reserved
/6069.1 AMENDED ADRFC Guidel.:,:., .~1:5': I'.- 3-Cl t,,'ican w Ct,:, :, c~:rccmm> !1 28 an¢l .;tl.0[
On motion of [ill] in name], duly seconded and carried, the follov, Sng Resolution was
\VHEREAS, in 2000, the Orange County Board of Supervisors directed the Orange
County Sheriff-Coroner Department to form a committee that included the Orange County
Probation Department, the Disu'ict Attorney, the Public Defender, the Orange County Health
Care Agency, the State Parole Board, the Courts, representatives of Orange CounD: cities, and a
wide spectrum of community providers, in order to develop a process for certi~.'ing and
monitoring adult residential drug and alcohol facilities throughout the County of Orange:
WHEREAS, the Sober Living Coalition and the Orange County Addiction Trealment
Provider Association later added representatives to the committee, and a community
representative was designated by the Board of Supervisors in August 2001;
WHEREAS, the results of this collaborative effort are an Ordinance of the County of
Orange, California, Amending Division 6, Article 1 of'ritle V, Sections 5-6-1 to 5-6-4 to
Authorize Voluntary Certification of Sober Living Facilities ("thc Amended Ordinance"), which
,,','as adopted by the Board of Super~'isors on [fill:in date], and the Orange Count3' Adult Alcohol
and Drug Sober Living Facilities Certification Guidelines ("the Guidelines"), which were
approved and adopted by the Board of Supervisors on [fill in,dale];
WHEREAS, the Amended Ordinance and the Guidelines will promote the welfare of
City and Count>' residents by establishing a voluntary Countywide program enabling the County
to monitor sober living facilities to which County personnel refer persons recovering from
alcohol or drug abuse or addiction;
Sheriff2001: 6068 City Reso. Sober Living
City of Tustin
I, PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of
Tustin, California, hereby certifies that the whole number of the members of the City
Council of the City of Tustin is five; and that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 02-7
was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 4"' day of February,
2002, by the following vote:
Thomas, Worley, Bone, Doyle, Kawashima
Pamela Stoker, City Clerk