HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 Addendum 3 RECEIVEC~ SEP 2 2 2009 COMMUNITY DEVELOPME DI ~~ ~~ i ~ i "~c~l DESIGNATED PARKING SPACES Porklnq 103 HaMkop 3 ~lol 106 Legend panotat Common 4rao Rl A panolas Common 6rao Rl. 9 panola Gammon Arso, oii aMrPd~s EXHIBIT "C" JAM80REE PLAZA PHASE I Common luaoa O~~O--N~~'~O ~u~ i ~s~. ova 1. . • eg ~~°o~ ~o y/~ REFERENCES / BuUalrp Arsve Section I.b Parklnq preac $eulon 3.1 bvitElnq t.lnit l.k+a Seedon 4.1 to ~,~ / ~y~yp Ssction 12.3 SHEET I OF2 SHEET 1~Y. ,_.,.,.........~..«..~...« ,.,,...w ~.ti..Y.... ~rR11. Is, ass ~.w:c.c~ r ~. EXHIBIT C SITE PLAN FOR PHASE 1 (PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES) r. '~ ;.cam ~ :.wj, EJ ~,.~..:cJ . ., ` \ I .~ t N 11y0~~~t/o /c.L_...sa~ /tti J '9 ~ ~\~_`rc~ DESIGNATED ~ pARK1NG SPACES pa,yt{ny 103 Handicap 3 , . . Trial 106 Legend x;~ psnoles Rulp/ocof Access Eolemonl EXHIBIT IICII JAMBOREE PLAZA PHASE I Rsdp/ocd ace:u Eosemenlt REFERENCIrS .9uildi-q mac Segion 1.6 R,.bnq /uw>f See1k11 3.1 :8„t~ ~~ lNN Scgbn tll~ tpodinq /Un{eedMp Stdlon 12 ~1-S~HTE~ET 2 OF 2 SHEET ~r,n'Jtei~l.'~+wd'11w 4.51ss•dw qF'A„• ^~r~Mrn1 IMn. Q , Ori ~.II, 2N 7: P-~ ~ i a~ ~ ~, EXI~IBIT C (CONTINUED) SITE PLAN FOR PHASE 1 (PAGH 2,0E_2_,.PAGES) • ~ possible uses thereof with neighboring structures and uses; effect of Parcel Readjustment on future development of the Property as well as compatibilit}~ with surrounding development. Prior to Declarant Divestment, possible adverse effect upon development potential of Parcels owned by Declarant or those related to Declarant shall be grounds sufficient upon which to predicate a denial of a request for Parcel Readjustment. y,q PrPliminari Plans Prior to submission to governmental authorities, the Owner shall submit three (31 sets of preliminary Plans, prepared by an architect approved by the Committee and licensed to practice architecture in the State of California, in such form as may reasonably be required by the Committee for approval. Within thirty (30~) days after receipt .thereof, the Committee shall either (i) approve the Plans or (ii) reject the plans, stating the reason for the rejection and where appropriate, the,changes, modifications and/or corrections which the Committee demands, as a condition for approval. Thereafter, within the succeeding six (6) month period of time, from the initial submission to the Committee, the Owner may make further submissions of Plans until such time as approval is granted, and on each occasion the Committee shall respond within thirty (30} days stating that the Plans (i) have been approved or (ii) stating that the Plans have been disapproved and, if so, the reasons therefor and, if appropriate, the changes, modifications or corrections desired as a condition of approval. 9.5 Ej,na~ Plans Following approval of the preliminary Plans, the Owner shall cause €inal Plans to be prepared and shall submit them in triplicate to the Committee €or approval. The approval process outlined in the preceding paragraph with re€erence to the preliminary Plans shall also be followed with respect to the final Plans. The final Plans shall be defined as ~ all documents required to be submitted to the relevant governmental authorities precedent to the issuance of a valid building permit. 9.6 Toca~ Re~tric 'onG The restrictions stated in this Declaration shall be in addition to any other restrictions of record or such restrictions as may be imposed by the City of Tustin, any governmental agency or any assessment district. y•~ ('rn,inns for Plan Di~aooroval The Committee may dis- approve any and all Plans submitted on any reasonable ground including but not limited to any of the following: (a) failure Kemper\Jamboree\Decl-].doc 3 2 _j - ~ ~ -. -. will minimize the visibility thereof from other 'Parcels and adjacent streets. The roof surfaces, all electrical and mechanical apparatus, equipment, fixtures, conduit, ducts, vents, flues and pipes mounted or placed upon the roof surface, or extending above the roof line of any building or structure, shall be concealed from view from the streets and from buildings on other Parcels in an architecturally treated manner approved by the Committee, unless the Committee has granted specific written approval of other measures which would minimize the visual effects as viewed from the streets and other buildings on other Parcels. 11.7 i~ilities. All on-site electrical, telephone and other utility lines shall be underground, and shall not be exposed on the exterior of any structure unless approved in writing by the Committee. 11.8 S~,andard~ for Unimflroved Parcels. Nothing contained in this Article 11 shall be construed to require the Owner of an unimproved Parcel to meet the same standards as the Owner of a fully improved Parcel (i.e., a Parcel with a building constructed upon it?: provided, however, that in all events such Owner shall be required to keep such unimproved Parcel in a clean and weed free condition and to maintain the same in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 4.6. 11.9 Anvrovals Rernlired. Nothing contained in this Article 11 shall be deemed to relieve Owner from obtaining approvals required under the terms of Section 9.1 hereof. ARTICLE 12 12.1 Parkins. For each improvement constructed on a Parcel, ~ there shall be provided Parking Areas on the Parcel, laid out and constructed in accordance with the Site Plan. Such Parking Areas shall be constructed of all-weather, dust-free sur€ace, and i maintained thereafter in first-class condition. 12.2 Parkins Control. Each Owner shall have the right to eject or cause the ejection from the Parking Area on its Parcel of any person or persons not authorized, empowered or privileged to use such Parking Area, and each Owner shall have the right to close off its Parking Area or portions thereof for such reason- able periods of time as may be legally necessary to prevent the acquisition of Rrescriptive rights by anyone. Kemper\Jambore•\Decl-7.doc 37 ExxzB/iT °cM ~' /~ i ~• ~. /~/ / `~` « /" /' ~ ~ \` ~ // ` ~/. ~~ .~ ~~~~ ~~ ~I ~ /~ ,\' '~-.. ~. ~ ~ ti / w, ~, ~ N / ~ ~ ~~ 6 ~~ 07 !•~ ~t,y a ~_~~ ~ .`..,~ ~ ,,~o ~ s ~~'`t. `~ _ ~ _ 1 ~ o ~~~~ ~., . ~. ~. i ~~ ~~ '•~ ~.. '-. `. i ~~ ~` '•. `. •~ .~\ ,` ~\\ \ ~\ i~ . ~ \ //, ~/% /, ~, J~ '•. ~~ i i,_ .~' /i \ ' i I ~~'~ ~ .~ c-z Desch 'on: 9999.252189 Page 27 of 80 Comment: a ~~ Order: pam p5 ~ 7 ARTICLE 9 LAND USE Page 99 of 195 residential, commercial, or manufacturing use and used solely for the recycling of material generated by that residential property, business or manufacturer. Recycling facilities includes the following: A "Collection Facility" is a center for the acceptance, by donation, redemption, or purchase, of recyclable materials from the public. Such a facility does not use power-driven processing equipment except as indicated in Section 4 Criteria and Standards. Collection Facilities may include the following: 1. Reverse Vending Machines which occupy an area of not more than fifty (50) square feet. 2. Bulk reverse vending machines occupying no more than five hundred (500) square feet. 3. Large collection facilities which occupy a permanent building or store front. (Ord. No. 993, Sec. 1, 9-8-87) "Redemption" and "Redeem" means the return to a recycling center of an empty beverage container for a refund of at least the redemption value and any applicable redemption bonus. "Rest Home" means any premises licensed under Section 2300 of the Welfare and Institutions Code of the State of California. (Ord. No. 157, Sec. 11.37) "Rooming House°--See Boarding House. (Ord. No. 157, Sec. 11.38) "Sanitarium" means a health station or retreat or other place where patients are housed, and where treatment is given, but excluding mental institutions or institutions for treatment of persons addicted to the use of drugs. (Ord. No. 157, Sec. 11.39) "Second Residential Unit" means a building or portion thereof designed for residential occupancy on a lot developed with a legal conforming single-family dwelling. (Ord. No. 1271, Sec. VIII, 6-2-03) "Service Station" means an occupancy which provides for the servicing of motor vehicles and operations incidental thereto, limited to the retail sale of petroleum products and automotive accessories; automobile washing by hand; waxing and polishing of automobiles; tire changing and repairing (excluding recapping); battery service, charging and replacement, not including repair and rebuilding; radiator cleaning and flushing, excluding steam cleaning and repair; installation of accessories; also including the following operations if conducted within a building; lubrication of motor vehicles; brake servicing limited to servicing and replacement of brake cylinders and brake shoes; wheel balancing; the testing, adjustment, and replacement of carburetors, coils, condensers, distributor caps, fan belts, filters, generators, points, rotors, spark plugs, voltage regulators, water and fuel pumps, water hoses and wiring. (Ord. No. 157, Sec. 11.40) "Setback Lines" means a line established by this Chapter to govern the placement of buildings or structures with respect to lot lines, streets or alleys. (Ord. No. 157, Sec. 11.41) "Side and Front of Corner Lots" means the narrowest frontage of a corner lot facing the street is the front, and the longest frontage facing the intersecting street is the side, irrespective of the direction in which the dwelling faces. (Ord. No. 157, Sec. 11.42) "Signs" means any advertising display or structure. (Ord. No. 157, Sec. 11.43) "Small Animal Hospital or Clinic" means a place where small animals, such as dogs, cats, birds, and the like, are given medical or surgical treatment. (Ord. No. 352, Sec. 2) "Special Event" means any commercial, civic, patriotic, religious, cultural, community or political event taking place on a specific date or dates or other such occurrence as determined by the Director of Community Development. (Ord. No. 1123, Sec. 2, 6-6-94) "Specialty Store" means a market or retail store other than convenience stores with fewer than 3,500 square feet in gross floor area with limited hours of operation, located in a retail center with more than three (3) retail tenants, that offers a combination of unique foods and beverages not commonly found in convenience or food markets or other retail stores for off-site use or consumption and where alcoholic beverage sales are incidental with no more than fifteen (15) square feet of the retail floor devoted to display ofnon-refrigerated alcoholic beverage sales for off-site consumption and no sales of refrigerated alcoholic beverages. (Ord. No. 1237, Sec. 2, 6-4-01) "Specified Anatomical Areas" shall mean: (1) Less than completely and opaquely covered: (a) Human genitals, pubic regions; (b) Buttock; and ~ ~ v http://library2.municode.com/minutes/Doc V iew/ 113 07/ 1 / 10 9/22/2009 TUSTIN MUNICIPAL CODE 9263 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIRED Restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, lounges, or similar establishments for the consumption of food and beverages on the premises 1 space for each 100 sq. ft. of gross floor area, plus minimum 7 car stacking space for drive-through Parking for self-serve - District Regulations 3.7.F.l.a states "All uses shall provide off-street parking in accordance with subsection 2 below. The requirements for any use not listed specifically shall be determined by the Community Development Director on the basis of the requirements for similar uses. Etc..." h. Carwashes -One parking space per each employee based upon the largest shift, including drying attendants. Tustin Municipal Code 9263 Self-serve carwash 2.5 spaces for each washing stall, for queuing and drying. TUSTIN MUNICIPAL CODE 9297 DEFINITIONS "Service Station" means an occupancy which provides for the servicing of motor vehicles and operations incidental thereto, limited to the retail sale of petroleum products and automotive accessories; automobile washing by hand; waxing and polishing of automobiles; tire changing and repairing (excluding recapping); battery service, charging and replacement, not including repair and rebuilding; radiator cleaning and flushing, excluding steam cleaning and repair; installation of accessories; also including the following operations if conducted within a building; lubrication of motor vehicles; brake servicing limited to servicing and replacement of brake cylinders and brake shoes; wheel balancing; the testing, adjustment, and replacement of carburetors, coils, condensers, distributor caps, fan belts, filters, generators, points, rotors, spark plugs, voltage regulators, water and fuel pumps, water hoses and wiring. (Ord. No. 157, Sec. 11.40) peat ~ of