HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 Tustin Historic PlaqueITEM #6 ~V~ V `a\ i DATE. OCTOBER 13, 2009 ((~l ~ ~' C - ~ O f1'1 ~~~5,,~.~~ TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUB.DECfi TUSTIN HISTORIC REGISTER NOMINATION - 145 PACIFIC STREET RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 145 Pacific Street to the Tustin Historic Register Plaque Designation Program and select the most appropriate historical name and date of construction for the property. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION Owners of historic homes or commercial buildings in Tustin are eligible to participate in the City's plaque designation program, called the Tustin Historic Register. The purpose of the voluntary program is to recognize Tustin's historic properties, educate the public, increase public interest in historic properties, and promote community pride. The bronze plaques purchased through the program may be mounted or set on metal stakes. Property owners who would like to participate are responsible for the cost, installation, and maintenance of the plaques. The plaques display the construction date of the building, up to two lines of text, and are identified with the words "Tustin Historic Register." Nomination forms are obtained from the Community Development Department. Anyone, including the Commission, may nominate properties. Tustin resident Sharon Teter submitted the attached nomination (Attachment A) for the residence she and her husband own and occupy at 145 Pacific Street. Pursuant to the procedures approved by the City Council on November 6, 2007, the nomination was forwarded to the presidents of the Tustin Area Historical Society and the Tustin Preservation Conservancy. The two groups were requested to collaborate and/or review the nomination, research the history of the property, and to note the most appropriate historical name and date of construction. The Historical Society and Preservation Conservancy transmitted information (Attachments B and C) to the Community Development Department on September 17, 2009, and September 24, 2009, respectively. According to the City of Tustin 1990 Historical Survey (see Attachment D), the California bungalow has a B rating and was built in 1924 for Ms. Ellen Howes. Ms. Howes lived in the home until 1957. Planning Commission Report Tustin Historic Register -145 Pacific St. October 13, 2009 Page 2 It is recommended that "Howes House" be selected as the most appropriate historical name for the property. The date on the plaque should be "1924." ~t.~.~` l~n-~y-~-->re.a~,~-~ Scott Reekstin Senior Planner Attachment A -Nomination Form Attachment B -Letter from Tustin Area Historical Society Attachment C -Letter from Tustin Preservation Conservancy Attachment D -Historical Survey Excerpt S:\Cdd\PCREPORT12008\Tustin Historic Register 145 Pacific Street.doc CITY OF TUSTIN Community Development 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 573-3140 (714) 573-3113 For Otlice Use Only Case No. Date Rcvd.9 • (~ o~ Revd. By he+~ TUSTIN HISTORIC REGISTER PLAQUE DESIGNATION PROGRAM NOMINATION FORM Thank you for nomuiatuig a property to the City's plaque designation program. The purpose of the plaque designation program is to recognize Tustin's historic properties, educate the public, increase public interest in historic properties and promote community pride. All properties listed in the Tustin Historical Resources Survey are eligible for nomination to the program. Owners of properties that are selected by the City's Planning Commission for the program are not obliged to purchase and/or display a plaque. Participation is completely voluntary. The Planning Commission will consider the nomination in approximately six weeks. NOMINATED HISTORIC PROPERRTY Historic Property Address: I `} ~ PQ C i ~~ c. S ~' . ~u 5 ~ ~ n 917 8 0 Historic Structure Name (If Owner of Historic Property (if known) ~ ~ / / ~ a m -+' S h A r' o n ~~.~ ~ -'" Specify your reasons f'or the nomination (e.g. age of structure, architectural details, d~a~+ce in Tustin's history, former resident(s) were significant in Tustin history, etc.): A Ca / i.t or n ~ c3, Qung4low. bu~lf ~h l9ay -~or Alen f~dWe-s Ste w4s g Widow -r Worked 4S 4 -~ru,~ p~ck~r. ~~~ ~ouSe. r14S 0.trmhl ,pore-h w- 4 clmk6le fabled roe. 7'he ~riq~na~ e~aP DOAr~ S~dih4 covers -the. ~1ouSe.. 1 ~e gAr-Qge ~QS oeer. reg~ored wiT{'1 C~4~bo~r~ 3~~1i~14 -i+64rr,poo~ Your Name ~_yl 4 r m n ~ e..~'e-t' Your Residence or Business Address 7~ 5 Pn e ~~ i c. S f, 1 U 5 T t n 9 a 78 D Telephone Number~7 I ~) 5 7 3- 3 8$~ Your Signatur ;~ ~~ To Be Completed by City Historic Designation:Q~ocal ^State Listing in Historical Survey: ^A Q~ Location: ®Within District Date 9 - ~ - b 9 ^National ^C ^D ^Outside District '1u5tin Area Historical P.O. Box 185 Tustin, California 92781 Phone: (714) 731-5701 Fax: (714) 731-7691 S~~let3~ 'Dustin Area Museum 395 EI Camino Real Tustin, California 92780 www.tustinhistory.com RECEIVED SEP 212009 September 17, 2009 City of Tustin Community Development 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 . SUBJECT: HISTORIC REGISTER NOMINATION Dear. Scott Reekstin COMMUNfTY DEVELOPMENT DEPT Upon review of historical records regarding the property at 145 Pacific St., Tustin, CA 92780, The Tustin Area Historical Society has determined that it appears the house was constructed in 1924, and that "The Howes House" would be an appropriate title for the subject property. Sincerely, Mr. Joe Sprekelmeyer President Tustin Area Historical Society ~n F` r Tustin Preservation Conservanry ~~ R,~ y~`~ ,~ 350 South B Street Old Town Tustin, California 92780 September 24, 2009 Scott Reekstin Senior Planner City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 RE: HISTORIC REGISTER NOMINATION Dear Mr. Reekstin, Bmrd of Directors Linda (ciutu~gs, Yn~ideru Hrent A. Fcrdig Scot Lewis Laura Sinani Llyn Srrrith I leidi Brown biarlw Bmwn Lindbergh McPhcrson Kim DeBcnedetto The following are my research findings for the historic name in regards to the property located at 145 Pacific Avenue: • Architectural Style: California Bungalow • Year Built: 1924 This house was built for Ellen Howes, the widow of John D. Howes in 1924. Mrs. Howes worked in the local agricultural industry as a fivit picker. Ellen Howes lived in the house for over thirty years until the home. was sold to Peter and Agnes Koford in 1957. The Koford's lived in the house until the 1960's. Based on the Tustin Historic Register Plaque Program Criteria for Historic Property Names, i would recommend the historic name of this house to be the Howes Hvuse for the following reasons: • First owner of the house • Lived in the house 33 years Involved in the local agricultural industry ~~.~----r-~ Brent A. Ferdig Board of Director Tustin Preservation Conservancy References: City of Tustin Historical Survey- June 1990 AaD~~ss: 14~ r~nc~mC sT DAT~i 1941 3'1'YL~t C,A1.Q`~OI2Nin DUNGALOW ~OUACS: RATING: Y' < B ALTI~RATIONS: r l1ISTORICAL DISTRICT: YGrS COMMENT: DESCRIPTION: A food Cxample oC the California Bungalow, this house features an offset front-facing gabled porch which matches the taller main ~~blod roof. Vertical lattice venting occupies the gable peaks and single beam ends and rafter tails accent the roof line. Narrow Clapboard aiding covers the exterior and rounded molding trims the corners. The porch is supported by square wooden posts, Ulmmod with molding at the top. The porch Moor is made oC concrete and there is no railing. 6-over-1 double-hung windows, topped with slant-cut lintels, arc used throughout the house. A small porch is recessed in the north side, leading to the house from the drivaway. The original matching garage, with car-siding-clad doors, is located at the rear. SICNIIrICANCE: This house is located on the back portion of four lots purchased by John Mcraddcn from John and Sazah Alley in 1941. At that tltrto ML Mcraddcn owned a Santa Ana store specializing in hardware, guns, ammunition, tennis goods, and baseball goods. Ile bunt a house on the corner, facing First Street and opened an insurance office in his home. IIc died in I9Z0, and his wife, Prcda, fold lho house to Lcstcr and Myrtic Kccvcr. 'They sold a lot facing Pacific to I:Ilcn IIowcs (widow John D.) and she built this hotuo in 1924. Shc was a fruit picker. Shc continued to live in the house until 1957, when Peter and Agnes Koford, a retired Cduplo. purchased the residence. in 1958 the house was sold to Burt IIuff. Although probably not significant on its own, this ht>mo contributes to the historic slrcctscapc of the Tustin Historic District.