HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 MDC/IN-CAR VIDEO SYS REPLACEMENT 11-17-09Agenda Item 14 AGENDA REPORT Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 2009 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: SCOTT M. JORDAN, CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: MDC AND IN -CAR VIDEO SYSTEM REPLACEMENT SUMMARY: The life cycle of the current Datalux Mobil Data Computers (MDC) and Kustom Signals In -Car Video System is coming to an end. The Police Department has utilized both systems in excess of five years. Both systems are out of warranty and officers are beginning to see a significant decline in the function and reliability of both systems. Both the MDC and In -Car Video Systems are critical to the performance of a police officer and overall success of the Police Department. The MDC is a primary means of communication between dispatch and field personnel as well as serving as an access point to various databases. The In -Car Video System is critical to the collection of evidence, is often used in regards to administrative concerns and complaints, and is crucial to overall risk management. Over a 15 month period of time, staff conducted extensive research into replacement options. After field testing systems from six different vendors, the integrated system from DATA911 was determined to be the best system for the needs of the Police Department. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council approve the purchase of 35 MDCs and 34 In -Car Video Systems from DATA 911. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available under account #01-501-6846 of the Equipment Replacement Fund. The purchase breaks down as follows, and includes installation and training: DATA911 MDC/In-Car Video Systems: $397,280.15 Camera/Antenna/Warranty Upgrade: $ 37,299.40 Change Orders/Installation Modifications (5%): $ 22,000.00 Total Cost: $456,576.55 MDC / In Car Video Replacement Report November 17, 2009 Page 2of5 BACKGROUND In May 2008, the Police Department organized a committee to research the options and alternatives to the current Datalux/Kustom Signals MDC and In -Car Video System. The current configuration consists of two stand alone systems that are not integrated in any fashion. The MDC is a one piece computer used to communicate with dispatch, other officers in the field, and to access various databases. The In -Car Video System is a three piece system consisting of a camera, overhead console and DVD recorder. Video is recorded on a DVD, manually removed from the recorder, and then physically booked in the Property and Evidence Unit. In addition to the obvious upgrades in MDC technology that has occurred over the past five years, staff wanted to convert the camera system to a wireless transfer technology in order to eliminate the man hours required to change out DVDs, better secure the video as evidence, and allow queries on video files via a secure in-house server. With the video stored on a server, the files can be accessed by the records supervisor for court purposes (discovery motions); further minimizing man hours required to manually search for and copy files. In addition, storage on a server will allow access to video files on the in-house computer network based on permission levels. This feature will allow convenient access to video files by officers for report preparation and court preparation as well as allowing audit of the video files by supervision as the need arises. Staff was also targeting a video system that could be integrated into and controlled through the MDC in order to eliminate equipment clutter in the interior of the vehicle. The committee began this project by surveying all of the agencies throughout Orange County and various agencies in the Inland Empire. In addition, members of the committee attended several tradeshows throughout the state including COPSWEST and the annual International Chiefs of Police Conference. Based on the initial research and feedback from police agencies and vendors, staff decided to test six systems either as sole vendor solutions or in a hybrid combination with another vendor. Those six systems are as follows: • Datalux MDC/Kustom Signals Camera System (Updated hybrid of our current vendors) • Datalux/1_3 Communications (Hybrid of updated MDC and L3 camera system) • Panasonic Toughbook MDC/Arbitrator Camera System (Single source/Panasonic) • Raytheon MDC/Votan Camera System (Single source under Raytheon) • RoboVu MDC and Camera System (Single source under RoboVu) 0 DATA911 MDC and Camera System (Single source under DATA911) MDC / In Car Video Replacement Report November 17, 2009 Page 3of5 Each vendor was invited to the Police Department to introduce their product and to schedule an in -field demonstration for 30 days. As part of the demonstration, each system was configured to the current MDC settings, and a wireless test bed was designed to test the effectiveness and viability of the wireless transfer of video. A specific group of officers was selected to test each vehicle for the sake of consistency and a rating sheet was provided for each system as they were tested. Each ranking in a specific area was later given a numerical score from 1 (Poor) to 4 (Outstanding). From the cumulative total, an average score for each system was derived. In combination with the in -field test score, the City Informational Technology Division (IT) was asked to rate each system on the same scale to assess the user friendliness and functionality of the MDC and the manageability and integration of the wireless transfer and back -end server software. The following tables depict the overall survey results and a cost comparison of each vendor: MAV MDC Survey Results Quotes as Tested Panasonic $442,459.07 Datalux / L3 $423,501.67 DATA911 $397,280.15 Datalux / Kustom Signals $388,051.00 RoboVu Data 911 Datalux/Kustom Datalux/L3 IPanasonic IRaytheonRoboVu Raytheon # of demos 1 101 91 91 131 9 12 MDC Screen Location Screen Visibility Screen Touch/Use Keyboard - Ease of use Keyboard - Location Overall MDC Rating 2.60 3.22 3.11 3.15 2.89 2.67 3.10 3.33 3.44 2.92 3.00 2.75 3.30 3.33 3.44 3.08 2.67 3.00 3.10 3.44 3.44 2.62 1.78 2.58 2.00 3.22 3.56 3.23 2.44 2.75 3.10 3.33 3.44 2.92 2.33 2.33 Overall MDC Average 1 2.871 3.311 3.411 2,99F_2.921 2.68 Camera Camera - Location Picture Q uality Ease of Use Download Speed 3.40 3.33 3.22 2.77 3.33 3.00 3.50 3.11 2.67 1.62 2.44 2.50 3.40 3.33 3.11 2.92 3.00 1.75 3.50 2.63 2.78 2.15 2.22 2.27 Overall Camera Average 1 1 3.451 3.10 2-941 2.371 2.75T_2.38 Overall Average 3.161 3.211 3.181 2.681 2.631 2.53 IT Software scoresheet averages 3.00 2.171 2.171 2.501 2.171 3.00 Overall Average with IT averages includedl 3.081 2.691 2.671 2.691 2.401 2.77 Cost Comparison (See Attachment B for details and specifications) Vendor Quotes as Tested Panasonic $442,459.07 Datalux / L3 $423,501.67 DATA911 $397,280.15 Datalux / Kustom Signals $388,051.00 RoboVu $331,815.55 Raytheon $289,070.11 MDC / In Car Video Replacement Report November 17, 2009 Page 4 of 5 This purchase will include replacing the systems in the entire fleet, including all marked police units, gang units, PSO vehicles, the commercial enforcement unit and only the MDC in the command post. In total, all quotes are for 35 MDCs and 34 In -Car Video Systems. RESULTS: As a result of the in -field testing overview (See Attachment A) and input from the City Information Technology Division, DATA911 scored highest in the testing. Although not the lowest cost system, staff feels DATA911 offers the best solution for immediate and future needs for several reasons. First, DATA911 offers the ability to upgrade to Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) in the future by paying the licensing fees for the technology already imbedded in the software package. ALPR technology enables the camera system to compare license plates it "reads" against a Department of Justice database. This database consists of license plates associated with wanted persons or stolen vehicles. The system also collects license plates and photographs of vehicles while operating throughout the City. This information is stored and downloaded to a server where the information is retained and can be queried at a later time for investigative purposes. The Police Department currently has one police unit with another vendor's ALPR system and has had success with the system. Although this purchase does not include paying for the licensing for the ALPR technology, it does include a camera upgrade required to use ALPR in the future. This upgrade cost is minimal, approximately $72. per unit, for a total cost of $2,448. DATA911 also offers a replay feature not offered with any other system. All the other systems required the user to record the live screen, stop it and switch to a playback screen before the video could be viewed. This system allows the user to rewind from the live screen and view up to one minute of video which has automatically been recorded on the hard drive. This feature would allow an officer instant access to video to confirm an observation. In essence, this feature is the equivalent of a "TiVo" type device. Another key benefit is that following a wireless video download of all other systems, the only way to review video was by returning to the station and watching it on the in-house network. Officers no longer had access to the video in the car as it had been removed from the hard drive. With the DATA911 system, there is a back up copy left on a hard drive that will stay accessible until it is written over. This feature would allow officers access to the video for the purposes of writing reports in the field and would eliminate officers needing to come into the station to review video where they would be out of service for extended periods of time. Additionally, as part of the International Association of Chiefs of Police project to identify performance specifications for In -Car Video Systems, DATA911 has been part of the MDC / In Car Video Replacement Report. November 17, 2009 Page 5 of 5 committee to identify actual specifications. Although the specifications have not yet been formalized, DATA911 continues to be involved in the process. DATA911's Director of Mobile Video Operations has assured staff their system is compliant with all of the standards established thus far and when the testing is officially commenced; they will be submitting their system for certification. In the interest of assuring DATA911 was financially stable, staff met with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of DATA911 and reviewed their financial status and entered into a non -disclosure agreement with DATA911 to further explore their financial stability. Staff looked over the entire cadre of documents provided by DATA911 and feels the company is in good financial standing and is running in an efficient manner. In additional research, staff was able to confirm DATA911 is part of the Government Services Agreement (GSA) pricing program and DATA911 was able to provide that pricing. The price as tested includes the GSA pricing reduction which ended up being a price savings of approximately $30,000. The difference between the price "as tested" and the final quote listed in the recommendation is based on the camera upgrade ($2,448) which allows the addition of an ALPR at a later date, an extended warranty ($26,860) that would cover all of the equipment for a period of three years, and the GPS/Wi-Fi/Air Card/Cellular antennas ($9,599.45) required for total integration of the system. In addition, a 5% buffer was included for any change orders/modifications that may be experienced during install and implementation. SCOTT M. JO AN PAULGARAVE Chief of Police Lieutenant South Area Commander Attachments: A. Product and In -field Testing Overview B. Quotes and Specifications ATTACHMENT A.m PRODUCT AND IN -FIELD TESTING OVERVIEW 1. Datalux MDC/Kustom Signals Camera System (Updated hybrid of our current vendors) This product demonstration consisted of the Datalux Tracer and Kustom Signals G-3 In - Car Video System. The Datalux MDC is a one piece computer solution. This means the monitor and CPU are all integrated into one unit that mounts to the center console. The installation and configuration was among the simplest because it is nearly identical to the current configuration. Overall, the MDC performed well and was ranked among the highest in all categories. The Kustom Signals G-3 was able to integrate with the MDC and interacted through a touch screen interface. The installation was cumbersome and took approximately 10 days to get both systems to work in concert. This required the representative to respond to the Police Department on several occasions to repair what essentially became a "blue screen" on the MDC when trying to use the In -Car Video. The majority of the functions were user friendly with the exception of the playback feature which was not as user friendly and required more input on the part of the user. The user interface did provide a pop-up screen for officers to enter data for later in-house queries. This information could consist of case numbers or the type of activity (Car Stop, DUI Arrest, Citation, Etc.). Microphone range and size were acceptable and consistent with the current system. A weakness of this system was the download speed for the wireless video transfer. It frequently connected at a slow speed and took a considerable amount of time to clear video from the unit. The back -end software was not user friendly. and required a specific screen in the software to be open in order to allow downloads. Another downfall of the back -end software was the difficulty in connecting to the in-house computer network because this system is designed to work on a single, stand alone computer. It is possible to network this system but would require considerable reconfiguration. Because of the problems incurred during initial installation, with the integration, inconsistency in download speed, and configuration of the back -end software/system, staff did not find this system to best fit the needs of the Department. Cost as tested: $388,051.00 (includes install, 3 year warranty on MDC and I year warranty on camera system) 0 2. Datalux/L3 Communications (Hybrid of updated MDC and L3 camera system) Datalux MDC: Review is same as above. The L3 Communications In -Car Video System was compatible with the MDC. Installation was timely and the quality was consistent, requiring minimal interaction with the vendor. During the test, the audio portion of the recording experienced some difficulty and had to be replaced. The user interface was user friendly via a touch screen on the MDC. This system did not allow for any data entry by the front end user (officer) and would be more cumbersome for data retrieval. Any data that needs to be entered as part of "tagging" a file would have to be done from a computer in the station. Not only would this take officers out of the field in order to tag a video, the reality is most would not go to the trouble. The back -end software is robust and designed in-house by L3 Communications and the system can be used on the network with relative ease. Wireless transfer of the video was as fast and reliable as any unit tested; however there is one significant weakness to the system. L3 has a proprietary antenna system that works well with their system but cannot be used to transfer any other data. In addition, the system does not work as well with any other wireless antenna system. As part of this project, City IT staff has designed and begun installation of a Cisco Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). Because of the limitations with the proprietary wireless system and lack of data entry from the police unit, this system did not satisfy all of the Department's needs. Cost as tested: $423,501.67 3. Panasonic Toughbook MDC/Arbitrator Camera System (Single source/Panasonic) The Panasonic Toughbook and In -Car Video System are components from a single source vendor consisting of a Toughbook laptop computer and the Arbitrator camera system. Because of the size of the laptop, in was not practical to mount the laptop inside the driver's compartment and is mounted in a docking station in the trunk. The laptop is integrated into a monitor/keyboard which is mounted to the center console. The camera system is relatively standard in its configuration and consists of a camera and video processing unit. Of all the systems staff tested, this system was the most difficult to configure and get into service. IT spent considerable time working with the vendor to get the MDC imaged and functional. The MDC performed adequately once configured. Shortly into the demo period, the video processing unit failed and had to be replaced. The camera was replaced once during the demonstration because of poor video quality. The microphone was also an area of concern. A large opaque blue light to signify operation is located on the top of the microphone. In low light conditions, the light was 3 very noticeable and officer safety concerns were voiced by the officers who tested the system. The wireless transfer of video was very intermittent. IT had a difficult time configuring and troubleshooting the problem. On a site visit where another agency had purchased the system, the wireless transfer was abandoned altogether because of transfer issues. The back -end server software was user friendly and consisted of the same third party software as Kustom Signals, In -Sight Video. Lastly, one of the biggest advantages to this system would be the portability of a laptop system. In the entire time staff had the system for a demo, the laptop capabilities were never utilized. Based on the overall performance of the system, staff felt this system would not meet the Department's needs. Cost as tested: $442,459.07 (includes install, training, 3 year warranty on Toughbook and 1 year warranty on camera system). 4. Raytheon MDC/Votan Camera System (Single source under Raytheon) The Raytheon MDC and Votan camera system consists of a single, self contained unit that can be mounted in the trunk of a police unit and connected to a monitor/keyboard in the driver's compartment. One unique feature about this system is that it is solid state, eliminating moving parts such as a hard drive. Both the MDC and In -Car Video System are operated via "flashcard" type hard technology. Although sold as a package, Votan is an outside vendor contracted for the camera system. Installation of this system was prolonged and took nearly two weeks to complete. Once installed and configured, the MDC performed adequately. The In -Car Video portion of this system was poor. During the demo period, staff had to swap out the camera four separate times because of poor video quality. Although it was able to produce a good picture during daylight, the nighttime video was poor. The solution proposed was to run in a black and white mode during nighttime hours to minimize "blooming" around lights and increase detail. The system did not allow officers any data input for later query from the unit. Wireless transfer of the video was adequate but connection problems were identified from time to time. The back -end software was not user friendly at all and would require extensive training. Creating files was cumbersome and entries were limited by the capabilities of the software. During the time staff worked with one of the technicians on the back -end software, even he was perplexed by some of the functions. Based on the poor performance of the In -Camera Video System, staff felt this system would not be suitable. 2 Cost as tested: $289,070.11 (includes install, training, 3 year warranty on MDC and 1 year warranty on camera system). 5. RoboVu MDC and Camera System (Single source under RoboVu) The RoboVu MDC is a one piece system, almost identical in form to the Datalux MDC. The initial installation of the system was slightly delayed due to power management issues. Once the MDC was configured and power issues were resolved, the MDC functioned well. The camera system is marketed as a package compatible with the MDC but has a third party vendor for software, In -Sight Video. There were several concerns with the camera system on this evaluation. Video quality was choppy and poor overall, and it was discovered late into the evaluation period that the frame rate had been set up wrong by the vendor. The frame rate was adjusted, but the video quality was still of less than desirable quality. Also, both cameras were activated simultaneously and when the system was turned off, only one camera automatically deactivated. This left one camera running unless manually turned off, taking up space on the hard drive, which would ultimately be a waste of space on the servers. The vendor said this issue could be fixed, but they never did so during the course of the evaluation period. Another problem with the system was the quality of the audio. The audio had to be manually activated and was not automated through any of the triggers. This was of considerable concern because in the event of a dynamic incident, an officer would be required to activate a trigger, i.e. — the light bar, and then remember to activate the audio from the microphone. In general, the audio playback was intermittent and poor. The wireless transfer worked well and the speed of the systems met expectations. The back -end software was user friendly and identical to some of the other systems we tested. Overall, the camera system did not meet expectations, and the committee did not feel this system was the best choice. Cost as tested: $331,815.55 (includes install, training, 5 year warranty on MDC and 1 year warranty on camera system). 6. DATA911 MDC and Camera System (Single source under DATA911) The DATA911 system consists of a Central Processing Unit (CPU) that is mounted in the vehicle and connected to a monitor/keyboard in the driver's compartment. The camera system consists of a camera and video processing unit and is integrated through the MDC. 5 Install of the system was relatively seamless and IT was satisfied with the ease of integration. The MDC had the best touch screen of all the systems tested and functioned well overall. The camera system was very user friendly and the interface through the MDC was intuitive. The system allowed for viewing of both cameras individually or side by side. Data entry capabilities were present and allowed the user to enter data into the system for later query. Video quality was good and met expectations. Audio quality was also commensurate with expectations and the size of the microphone received favorable remarks. This system offers a replay feature not offered with any other system. All the other systems required the user to record the live screen, stop it and switch to a playback screen before the video could be viewed. This system allows the user to rewind from the live screen and view up to one minute of video, which has automatically been recorded on the hard drive. This feature would allow an officer instant access to video to confirm an observation. In essence, this feature is the equivalent of a "TiVo" type device. After a wireless video download of all other systems, the only way to review video was by returning to the station and watching it on the in-house network. Officers no longer had access to the video in the car as it had been removed from the hard drive. With the DATA911 system, there is a back up copy left on a hard drive that will stay accessible until it is written over. This feature would allow officers access to the video for the purposes of writing reports in the field and would eliminate officers needing to come in to the station to review video where they would be out of service for extended periods of time. Also, DATA911 has incorporated ALPR (Automated License Plate Recognition) into its camera system. Although it is an upgrade, no other vendor offers this technology as part of an In -Car Video System. If the Department chooses to upgrade to ALPR in the future, it would be able to do so without buying more hardware if the Department upgraded the cameras at the time of purchase. The ALPR software is included in the purchase of the camera system and the upgrade would consist of purchasing license fees and then the software can be activated. The only other cost would be a back -end system upgrade to access the data retrieved by the ALPR system. Although not recommended in this purchase, the potential future addition of the ALPR system would be significantly less than a traditional ALPR system such as the one we have in Unit 800. Lastly, DATA911 was the only company able to demonstrate a live feed from a car in the field that can be viewed remotely from a desktop computer. The frame rate is slow compared to a live recording and current infrastructure will not support this technology. As technology improves in the future, this feature might be more plausible and an option for the agency. Several vendors claimed to have this ability, but DATA911 was the only system able to demonstrate it. In the future, this technology will allow supervisors and no communication officers to monitor activity from a desktop in the station. This would provide real time assessment of a situation, enhancing operational effectiveness and better risk management. The wireless transfer of video was as fast as any other system tested as well as being the most reliable. Staff did not need to contact the vendor for any concerns during the evaluation period, nor did IT have to make any changes after the initial installation. The back -end software was user friendly and robust enough to meet current needs. One advantage to DATA911's back -end and in -car software is that it is all designed in- house. In the past, DATA911 used In -Sight Video as a third -party software. Due to issues with expansion of the product and limitations regarding changes to the product, they decided to write and market their own product. This allows DATA911 to make changes to the software as they see fit resulting from feedback from customers. As a result, DATA911 is the only true single source vendor tested. Cost as tested: $397,280.15 (includes install, training, 39 month warranty on MDC and 1 year warranty on camera system). 7 ATTACHMENT B.0 QUOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS PANASONIC (')CE Inc. 41 Old Canal Road 011ba Linda, CA 92887 800-373-5353 fax 714-282-1501 Name Address Customer City of Tustin (Police Department) C� mo i e computing City Tustin State CA ZIP Phone Paul Garaven Quote No. 081009TPD-1-1 QaiM Date 08/10/2009 Order No. Rep Kelley Brophy _ FOB Yorba Linda Qty CDCE PART # Description Unit Price TOTAL 35 CDC30/30K3PAX2M 3,000.00 105,000.00 Panasonic *Vista COA* Intel Core 2 Duo SL9300 1.6Ghz(Centrino2VPro), 13.3" Non Touch XGA, 2GB, 160GB, Intel WiFi a/b/g/n,WinXP SP2, TPM1.2, Bluetooth, No Optical, Tou hbook Preferred 35 CDCPDRC/12BMKB 1,800.00 63,000.00 12.1" PDRC Screen w/Touch, Emissive PDRC Backlit Keyboard, GlidePad 35 CDCPDRC25CKIT 150.00 5,250.00 25' PDRC Cable Extension Kit (VGA, PS2, DB9, Audio A095 CDCVPR30MA 475.00 16,625.00 Port Replicator with 802.11 Pass -Through 35 CDCVMKIT/TUSTIN 600.00 21,000.00 New Screen Mount, Keyboard Mount and Port Rep Box for all City Police Vehicle 35 CDCVPKIT-6-1-2 350.00 12,250.00 Power Management System for In -Vehicle Digital Electronics. Fused Connections for CF -30, PDRC, Arbitrator System. Enclosure Includes: 6 -Gang Fuse, Ground Block, Battery Isolation Timer, and 2 DC power adapter (CF -30, PDRC and Arbitrator). 35 ANTENNA 4XNAV GPS/EVDO/802 320.00 11,200.00 Antenna GPS SMA EVDO (TNC) 802.11A/B/G(TNC) 70 SB20 4"-15" 8.00 560.00 Recycle Fee for Monitors 4" - 15" 34 CDCARBKIT-SI 4,175.00 141,950.00 Arbitrator Video kit 1.5 with Interface to Toughbook- Main unit, Camera, Mic, Cable, (2) 4gb P2 card, Software. 35 Installation Vehicles 800.00 28,000.00 Install of New PDRC System (Screen & Keyboard), CF -30 Port Replicator, New CF -30 Tou hbook, Mounting Hardware and Arbitrator System. 1 Installation Server 1,600.00 1,600.00 Arbitrator Software Implementation - Single Server On -Site Software and infrastructure Installation. Network Configuration Services including wireless access point installation and configuration. Front End Video System for Officers. CMS Administration CMS Client Operation Mobile Client Operation OPTIONS 1 35 1 De -Installation 1 350.001 I I Remove Old MDT Units and Mountinq Equipment from Vehicles I I I 1 35 1 Breakfix Contract 1 1,225.001 On -Site Breakfix Serivice: Help Desk: Phone Support, On -Site Service same day or Next day (8-5 M -F). CDCE will Troubleshoot, Repair or Replace all Defective Product based on available hot spares: Vehicle Installation, Vehicle Mounts, Arbitrator, CMS Software (with purchase of CDCARBTREUA4-1-3.0), CF -30, PDRC System, Port Replicator and Power Kit. (36 -Month Contract: Service Billed Monthly) (35 units @ 35.00 = $1225.00 per month) 34 CDCARBTREUA4-1-3.0 165.00 (3) Year Extended Upgrade Agreement. (3) Year Upgrade Package Includes: Unlimited Software Updates and Upgrades. Available Only at Time of Initial Purchase. ;s and Conditions of Sale: claims for shortage, damage, & shipping errors must be made within 7 days of receipt. 2. All Non -defective RMA's are subject to a 20% restocking fee and must be returned to CDCE within 21 days of invoice date. 3. All special order item sales are final. 4. All past due invoices will be charged at a rate of 2% monthly. 5. DOA Notebooks will be repaired or replaced in accordance with Manufacturers terms. Subtotal 408 Taxes 32 Shipping 1 TOTAL $442 TA 0 11 r t oughbook PDRC Permanent Display Removable Computei Panasonic recommends Windows®XP Professional for Business TOUGHSCREEN A • 12.1" x 1.2' thin ToughScresn' fixed -mount 1024 x 768 lXGA) LCD with KEYBOARD FEATURES 1250 Nit brightness (fully adjustable) • Full magnesium alloy case 10.8'(H) x 11'(W) • Low power consumption, even with vehicle off or idling • Spill -resistant, full travel EL backlit keyboard with touchpad • Touchscreen capabilities • Red, backlit programmable emergency key on ToughScreen and keyboard • 5 programmable function keys • POWER ON/INSTANT OFF key turns the power on and returns the screen to exactly where you left off, or immediately blanks the screen • Dual integrated speakers with adjustable volume • 3 -Year limited warranty, parts 8 labor The PDRC is compatible with either the Toughbook 18 or Toughbook 29• Toughbook 18 (For a complete listing of specifications please reference the Toughbook 18 spec sheet) CFU • Intel* Pentium• M Processor ULV 753: - 2MB L2 cache - Processor speed 1.20GHz - 400MHz FSB STORAGE A MEMORY • With 60GB HDD: - 512MB SDRAM (DDR2) standard, expandable to 1536MB • With 40GB HDD: - 256MB SDRAM (DDR2) standard, expandable to 1280MB DISPLAY • Touchscreen PC version: 10.4' 1024 x 768 (XGA) transmissive, daylight -readable TFT Active Matrix Color LCD • External video support up to 1280 x 1024 at 16 million colors (24 bit color depth) • InteP 915GMS graphic controller, UMA (Unified Memory Access) up to 128MB • 500 Nit LCD brightness AUDIO • SigmaTel- STAC9751 AC -97 v.2.2 Compliant Audio Codec • Integrated speaker • Convenient keyboard volume and mute controls EXPANSION SLOTS • PC Card Type If x 2 or Type III x 1 AMIL • Secure Digital (SD) card ARD A INPUT • 82 -key with dedicated Windows• key DIMENSMUS A WEIGHT • 2.3'(" x I1.8'(W) x 9.5'(D) • Pressure sensitive touchpad with vertical scrolling support ARS • Touchscreen PC version: Genuine Windows' XP Professional SP2, Setup, On-line Reference Manual, Adobe Acrobat* Reader, DMI Viewer, rr more information call 1-800-662-3537 or visit us Handwriting, Software Keyboard, Display Rotation To, Panasonic d Hard Disk Data Erase Utility DIMENSIONS A WEIGHT • 1.9'(H) x 10.7'(W) x 8.5'(D) Panasonic is constantly enhancing product specifications and accessories. To find the most up-to-date • 4.5 lbs Toughbook 29 (For a complete listing of specifications please reference the Toughbook 29 spec street) CPU • Intel' Pentium* M Processor LV 778: • Sigmatel- STAC9751T AC -97 v2.1 Compliant Audio Codec - 2MB L2 cache •Integrated speaker - Processor speed 1.60GHz • Convenient keyboard volume and mute controls - 400MHz FSB SToil6as A MEMORY • With 80GB HDD: ; -512MB SDRAM (DDR2) standard, expandable to 15B (PC2700 memory Is required) J • With 6066 HDD: DIMENSMUS A WEIGHT • 2.3'(" x I1.8'(W) x 9.5'(D) - 256MB SDRAM (DDR2) standard, expandable to 1280MB (PC2700 mernory is required) DISPLAY • With 80138 HDD: 13.3' 1024 x 768 (CGA) transmissive, dafNght-reedabb TFT Active Matrix Color LCD with Touchscreen rr more information call 1-800-662-3537 or visit us • With 60GB HDD: 13.3' 1024 x 768 p(GA) transrrtiseNe, daylight -readable TFT Ac9m Matrix Color LCD without Touchscreen • Externalvideo support up to 1280 x 1024 at 16 million colas (24 bit color depth) Panasonic is constantly enhancing product specifications and accessories. To find the most up-to-date • Intel*915GMS graphic controller, LIMA (Unified Memory Access) up to 128MB Panason'c • 540 Nit LCD brightness (non-touchscreen models) AUDIO • Sigmatel- STAC9751T AC -97 v2.1 Compliant Audio Codec notice. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. 02006 Panasonic Corporation of North America. nil ....1.................� •Integrated speaker ideas for life • Convenient keyboard volume and mute controls EXPANSION SLOTS • PC Card Type II x 2 or Type III x 1 • Secure Digital (SD) card MULTIMEDIA POCKET • 1.44MB FDD, 3.5' standard • Will accept optional Combo or Mufti Drive, Line Tester or 2nd Battery KEYBOARD A INPUT • 87 -key with dedicated Windows• key • Pressure sensitive touchpad with vertical scrolling support • Touchscreen LCD (only with Touchscreen version) THE PDRC SOLUTION COMBINES: ■ Panasonic ToughScreen'"— Readable in A# Lighting Conditions ■ Panasonic Backlit Keyboard with Emergency Key ■ Toughbook 18 or Toughbook 29—Powerful, Rugged and Wireless Notebook Computers ■ Toughbook Tested' PDRC Mounting Solutions—' THE PDRC IS COMPATIBLE WITH SELECT MODELS OF EITHER THE TOUGHBOOK 18 OR TOUGHBOOK 29: i ...... . . . . . . - L Toughbook 18 Toughbook 29 'Consult your reseller or Panasonic representative for specific infamatk on notebook PC models compatibie with the PDRC system. "Decoder software is required for DVD movie play. authoring software is required to write CD -RW. ""3rd party products tested by Panasonic for compatibility, functionality and warranted by manufacturers to Toughbook standards. SOFTWARE • Genuine Windows' XP Professional SP2 9 ; • Setup, Diagnostics, DMI Viewer, On-line Reference Max", Adoba' Acrobats Rear J DIMENSMUS A WEIGHT • 2.3'(" x I1.8'(W) x 9.5'(D) • 7.9 lbs. rr more information call 1-800-662-3537 or visit us on the Web at panasonic.com/toughbook. Panasonic is constantly enhancing product specifications and accessories. To find the most up-to-date Panason'c n formation on the Toughboolx PDRC, please visit our website. Specifications subject to change without iFur notice. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. 02006 Panasonic Corporation of North America. nil ....1.................� l5lMYlM K V ideas for life toughbookarbitrator Rugged, Fully -integrated Mobile Digital Video System i Fully -integrated System for Video Capture, Storage and Transfer; Works, with Back -end Software for Video Management ■ Can Use with a Toughbook Laptop or Other Mounted PC # Reliable Solid-state Digital Recording • Temperature-, Vibration- and Dust -resistant i Infrared Technology for Viewing in Complete Darkness S Nearly -70 -degree Wide-angle Lens for Larger Field of View V. W Pmasonic. toughbook Rugged, Fully-integrated Mobile Digital Video Syster Introducing the groundbreaking Toughbook Arbitrator—a rugged revolution in law enforcement video capture. The Toughbook° Arbitrator is a rugged and durable mobile digital video system that can be used with or without a Toughbook laptop. It is specifically engineered to excel in the demanding environments law enforcement personnel face every day. Built with legendary Toughbook reliability, this fully -integrated system offers unparalleled video capture, storage and transfer—and is designed to work with back -end software for seamless video management, including archiving and retrieving. Capture it all with the Toughbook Arbitrator. DURABILITY FEATURES • Full magnesium alloy case • Temperature- and vibration -resistant • Dust- and splash -resistant • Rugged camera mount ensures stability and dissipates heat KEY FEATURES • Entire system is easily installed: simply mount the camera and wireless receiver in the front of the vehicle, while the recorder with a 16GB P2 card can be installed in either the front console of the vehicle or in the trunk • The Arbitrator can be used with a Toughbook laptop or any other vehicle - mounted PC • Camera is temperature-, vibration- and dust -resistant • Camera's nearly -70 -degree wide-angle lens provides an exceptionally large field of view • Infrared technology allows for viewing even in complete darkness rcen-system corded files can be archived on a local/external hard drive or DVD -R/ -R and transmitted via 802.11 g or other high-speed wireless networks software ensures maximum compatibility and stability 'Control Panel optional; laptop sold separately Camera FEATURES • Zoom Range 22x Optical; 220x (with Digital) • Low -light Capability 0.7lux (color); 0.04lux (B/W) • Infrared Auto/Manual • Wide-angle Lens 3.5-68.4 degrees • Auto Adjustments Focus, White Balance • Weight 18.3 oz. • Dimensions 6.5"L x 2.8"W x 3.2"H (with Sun Visor) CONTROLS • Zoom Auto/Manual • Back Light Compensation Auto/ Manual • Record Auto/Manual LControl Illumination Auto/Manual Pbr more information, call 1.800.662.3537 or visit us on the Web at panasonic.com/toughbook/arbitrator. Panasonic is constantly enhancing product specifications and accessories. To find the most up-to-date information on the Toughbook Arbitrator, please visit our website. Specifications subject to change without notice. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. ©2007 Panasonic Corporation of North America. P2 Recording Deck FEATURES • Control • Resolution • Frame Rate • GPS Module • Recording Media • Number of Slots • P2 Card Capacity • Recording Time (Dependent on storage option selected) • Officer Information • REC Stop • REC Mode • Program Recording • Control Panel Key Lock • Weight • Dimensions CONTROLS •Interfaces • On P2 Deck • Via Laptop PC or Control Panel • External Triggers Audio System DIGITAL WIRELESS MIC • Frequency Range • Security • Controls • Antenna • Battery Life • Battery WIRELESS RECEIVER • Frequency Range • Channels • Antennas • AC Charging Bay • Dimensions AUDIO INPUTS • Hidden In -car Microphone • Channels Available Software • Unlimited Meta Data Tags • Officer Notes • Radar Gun Protocol Other • Ports • Data Upload • Warranty Accessories • Extra Wireless Microphone Plus Receiver • Five -slot P2 Solid-state Memory Drive • IR -capable 2nd Camera (rear facing) • Wireless Microphone Transmitter, Lavalier Microphone, Battery • Arbitrator 16GB P2 Card • Wireless Microphone Transmitter CONTROL PANEL (OPTIONAL) • Features • Screen • Color Depth • Brightness • View Angle • Size • Speaker • Controls • Illuminated Switch • P2 Recorder and Camera "Dependsw) on environment Control Panel optional (320 X 240) QVGA or (720 X 480) D1 -Oman 30 / 10 /1 fps Standard Solid State P2 Card 2 16GB Up to 128 hours at 30 frames per second (fps) or 512 hours at one fps in QVGA mode; and up to 32 hours at 30 fps, 64 hours at 10 fps, and 192 hours at one fps in D1 mode Import from USB Drive or Manual Input Trigger or Timer (1-90 min) Normal 1 Week Tamper-resistant for Evidentiary Integrity 37 oz. 7.0"W x 2.0"H x 6.1 "D Ethernet, Power, USB, Audio Cameras, Control Panel, Triggers, GPS Antenna Record, Stop Record, Stop, Play, Pause, Slow Up to 8 Configurable (including Radar, Siren, Lightbar, Shotgun Rack) Up to 1,000 Feet in Open Field - 16 Mill Code Combination Mute, Beep/Buzz, Start Recording Internal / External 12 Hours U -Ion 3.7VDC 2000mA Digital Spread Spectrum (902-927MHz) 20 In -car Diversity, Internal Windshield Mount For 1 Digital Wireless Mic 3.2"L x 4.1 "W x 1.5"H Pin Jack 3 (2 simultaneous) Configurable (Date/Time, ID, Radar, GPS, Triggers) Manual or Automated for Quick Archive Retrieval Multiple supported Serial, Ethernet (RJ -45) Wireless, Ethernet, Removable Media One-year limited warranty (on select components), parts and labor; second- and third -year extended warranty also available TDSS-900-PNA AJ-PCD20 CN -2581R -P TDSS-90OT--PNA AG-P2C016RG-P TDSS-90OT--PNA AG-RCP30P 3.5" TFT LCD 262.144 colors 450 nits with brightness control 130 degrees 6.72"W x 4.22"H x 1.09"D Built in Allows nighttime operation Record, Stop, Ready, Busy, Mute, Key Lock LED Panasonic Aeas for life ti t A� V Wughbook Powerful, Rugged and Wireless Panasonic recommends Windows Vista® Business. DURABILITY FEATURES • Designed using MIL -STD -81 OF test procedures • Full magnesium alloy case with handle • Moisture- and dust -resistant LCD, keyboard and touchpad • Sealed port and connector covers • Shock -mounted, removable hard drive in stainless steel case • Rugged, dust -resistant hinges • Vibration -' shock- and drop -resistant • Pre-installed replaceable screen film for touchscreen protection SOFTWARE • Genuine Windows Vista' Business (with XP downgrade option) • Setup, Diagnostics, DMI Viewer, Online Reference Manual, Adobe' Reader, Panasonic Handwriting, Hard Disk Data Erase Utility, Recovery DVD CPU • Intel' Core" 2 Duo Processor L7500 ■ Daylight -readable Display - 4MB L2 cache - Processor speed 1.6GHz ■ Full Magnesium Alloy Case with Handle - 800MHz FSB i Shock -mounted, Removable Hard Drive STORAGE i MEMORY • 1024MB SDRAM (DDR2) standard, expandable to 4096MB` ■ Sealed All-weather Design • 80GB hard drive (shock -mounted and user -removable) ■Mobile Broadband and GPS ready Design DISPLAY • 13.3" 1024 x 768 (XGA) transmissive, daylight -readable TFT active matrix color LCD with touchscreen or without touchscreen INTEGRATED OPTIONS""• • External video support up to 1280 x 1024 at 16 million colors (24 -bit color depth) • Mobile Broadband Solutions • Intel® GM965 integrated video controller max. 364MB (DVMT) VRAM on XP' - EV -DO Rev. A • Anti -glare, anti -reflective coating - HSDPA • 1000 nit (touchscreen models), 500 nit (non-touchscreen models) LCD brightness • 120GB hard drive AUDIO • Sigmatel" STAC9751 T AC -97 v.2.1 Compliant Audio Codec • Global positioning system (GPS) receiver • Intel' high definition audio compliant • Backlit keyboard - sealed rubber or plastic emissive • Integrated front -facing speaker • Smartcard reader • Convenient keyboard volume and mute controls • Fingerprint scanner • UL1604 Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D certified model EXPANSION SLOTS • PC card type II x 1 ACCESSORIES"" • Secure Digital (SDHC) card • AC Adapter (3 -pin) CF-AA1653AM • ExpressCardl x 1 ASM • MIL -461 Compliant AC Adapter CF-VCBTB IMEDIA POCKET IT • Will accept optional Combo or DVD Super MULTI Drive, or 2nd Battery W • Battery Charger CF-VCBT81 W ARD Ar INPUT • 87 -key with dedicated Windows' key • Touchscreen Large Stylus • Pressure -sensitive touchpad with vertical scrolling support with Tether Hole CF-VNP009U 0y' • Touchscreen LCD (only with touchscreen version) • ToughMate ComUniversal • Integrated stylus holder (only with touchscreen version) Carrying Case (large capacity) COMUNIV-P INTERFACE • External video Mini -D -sub 15 -pin • ToughMate ConnUniversal Jr. Carrying Case COMUNIVJR-P • Headphones/speaker Mini -jack stereo • ToughMate Sling 30 Case TM30-P • Microphone/line in Mini -jack • Port replicator 80 -pin (reinforced) • Desktop Port Replicator CF-VEB272A2W • Serial D -sub 9 -pin • Combo Drive (DVD-ROM/CD-RW) CF-VDR301 U • Ext. antenna conn. 50 Ohm Coaxial • DVD Super MULTI Drive CF-VDM301 U •USB 2.0 (x 3) 4 -pin • External USB Floppy Drive CF-VFDU03U • IEEE 1394a (Firewire) 4 -pin • Lithium Ion Battery Pack CF-VZSU46U • 10/100/1000 Ethernet RJ -45 • Lithium Ion Battery Pack • 56K Modem RJ -11 for Multimedia Pocket CF-VZSU1430U • Memory Cards WIRELESS • Optional integrated mobile broadband (WWAN) - 1 GB CF WMBA601 G • Intel' Wireless WiFi Link 4965AG 802.11a/b/g - 2GB CF-WRBA602G • Bluetooth' v.2.0 + EDR • Vehicle -mount Port Replicator • Security (USB 2.0) CF-WEB301 M - Authentication: LEAP, WPA, 802.1x, EAP -TLS, EAP -FAST, PEAP • Vehicle -mount Port Replicator with - Encryption: CKIP, TKIP, 128 -bit and 64-bit WEP, Hardware AES Integrated Dual High -gain • Slide on/off switch Antenna Pass-through (USB 2.0) CF-WEB301 MB POWER SUPPLY • Lithium ion battery pack (10.65V, 8550mAh) • Vehicle -mount Port Replicator • Battery operation: 7 hours" with Integrated Single High -gain • Battery charging time: 5 hours off, 8.5 hours on" Antenna Pass-through (USB 2.0) CF-WEB301 MA • AC Adapter: AC t00V-240V 50/60Hz, Auto sensing/switching • 13.3" LCD Protector Film CF-VPF05U worldwide power supply 'Total usable memory will be less depending upon actual system • Pop-up, on-screen battery status reporting wnfigurahon. Vista max, VRAM is 251 MB with 1 GB of memory, POWER MANAGEMENT • Suspend/Resume Function, Hibernation, Standby, ACPI BIOS or 358MB with 1 5G or more of memory. SECURITY FEATURES • Password Security: Supervisor, User, Hard Disk Lock -Battery performance features such as charge time and life span can • Cable lock slot Mary according to the conditions under which the computer and battery at • Trusted platform module (TPM) security chip v.1.2 ,sed. Battery operation and recharge times will vary based on • Computrace' theft protection agent in BIOS"' rT,any tactors, including screen brightness. 3ppitcauons, features. power • Fingerprint Scanner (option) management, battery conditioning and other customer preferences. Baste • Smartcard reader (option) i,sting results from MobrleMark 2007 "'Requires software and activation to enable theft protection. WARRANTY • 3 -year limited warranty, parts and labor '•-Accessories and Integrated Options may vary depending on your DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT • 2.8"(H) x 11.9"W x 11 XO) utebook configuration. • 8.4 lbs. Please consult your reseller or Panasonic representative oefore purchasing. )r more information, call 1.800.662.3537 or visit us on the Web at panasonic.com/toughbook. Panasonic is constantly enhancing product specifications and accessories. Specifications subject to change without notice. Trademarks are property of their respective owners.02008 Panasonic Corporation of North America. All rights reserved. inte� Centrin Panasonic DATA911 r FL A Quotation Prepared For.- or:Dated: Dated:10/6/09 tin De a Po/ice rtment Tus) u b w Dat 91 Attn: Sgt. Paul Garaven Michael Mattal Regional Manager Address: 300 Centennial Wa Office: 916-543-4858 City, St, Zip: (Tustin, CA 92780 michael.mattal@data911.com Office No: 714-573-3274 Lisa Cayce Inside Sales Representative Email: paaravenAmstlncaOffice 636-532-4911 x 107 Fax 636-532-4916 .om Quolisa.cayce@data911.com te Num er: 1 - - - -rev tate Contract o.: IGSA Schedule 70 S-35-0259UN Qty Part #Description �- � �y ✓,x 4 •. � +S.nS. .. y±r A. . j, , z < .x 4 � -£. Y �-L,�:' Y$i,,'^MF' 35 SV12DM6 Data911 M6 Mobile Data S stem $5,819.30 _-- -.- Y_ _ _ $203,675.50 12.1" Color Touchscreen display, XGA, internal stereo audio speakers Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz processor, 2 GB RAM, 40 GB SATA Hard Drive 3 Serial Ports (DB9), 4 USB Ports, 1 FireWire (IEEE 1394) Ports 1 Type 1/II Card Bus slot 1 ExpressCard slot 1 Internal PCI Express Mini Card slot Digital Audio (SounclBiaster Compatible) Analog Video Out (DB15) Ethernet 10/100/1000 BaseT (RJ45) Windows XP Professional, Operating System Keyboard, back -lit, liquid resistant, w/ touch pad (USB) Integrated Automotive Power Supply Power Control Module 4 General Purpose 1/O Ports Component Thermal Management WiFi Module, 802.11 a/b/g (requires separate antenna -not included) Extended Cable Kit Warranty: Thirty-nine months 35 BA -01-6006-U GPS Module (requires separate 3.3v tolerant antenna with SMA connector -not included) $144.27 $5,049.45 AP85/18/24/GPS Antenna Plus AP Quad Mode antenna (includes a cellular/PCS, WR and GPS antenna; 35 FME-F S22 RP2 threaded bolt mount 15 feet of cabling balck also available in white) $130.00 $4,550.00 obiCe�r9' r;C ff 34 D9 -12 -MDV Data911 Mobile Digital Video System $3,849.44 $130,880.96 Mobile Digital Video Recorder Unit lox Optical 4x Digital Zoom Video Camera (with EX29 Front Camera Upgrade) Windshield camera mount Self -Syncing Wireless microphone GPS Antenna -Magnetic Mount (choose white or black) 4GB CF Memory Card Cable Kit Digital Video Rear Seat Camera package (rear seat IR camera and cable kit) includes upgrade to 8GB CF Memory card Digital Video Client software license (included with purchase of M6) Digital Video Server software license (per MDVS) One Year Warranty: includes telephone help desk support, software updates and version upgrades and hardware components D9-12-2008 Desk top charger for wireless microphone $79.79 Dg -12-2004 Wireless Microphone (away unit only) $285.98 . ExtencleWarranty Op�►ops W�ardware Software Support &M; nce Data911 Mobile Digital Video Package Two Years (Three Years from Date of Purchase) Hardware Components, Client Software 34 MDV7101 2 Support and Server Software Support to include software updates and version upgrades $790.00 $26,860.00 % 4Fro erviced_.#. o. 1 SV-OFSTR Two Days Training at Client Site (includes applicable expenses) $3,000.00 $3,000.00 35 Install Mounting Solutions and Installation (Tustin to provide cars to Installer's site) $800.00 $28,000.00 $402,015.91 Shipping $59.00 Included Tax (8.75%) No tax on training and expenses or Software Support $32,563.64 • $434,579.55 Tents• Per GSA contract. Details.. 1. Prices quoted valid for Thirty days. Estimated delivery is thirty days from receipt of Purchase Order. .Third -party HW and SW components sold subject to manufacturers' written warranties.No other warranties are expressed or implied by Data911 Systems. 4. All orders subject to Data911 standard Cancellation/Return Policy, which may result in fees. Return of items may be subject to a 15% restocking fee. 5. Mobile Digital Video System has been quoted above for the vehicles along with DV server software licensing; a complete Mobile Digital Video project would incur additional costs which would include but are not limited to server hw, implementation/configuration, training, project management, wireless network, etc. Please issue Purchase Order to: Data911, 1819 Clarkson Road, Ste. 306, Chesterfield, MO 63017 Fax to: 636-531-4916; Attention; Lisa C.tce, Inside Sales Representative Dated: 9/30/09 1 )HubmDatp91Tus Tustin Police De artment Attn: Sgt. Paul Garaven Michael Mattal Regional Manager Address: 300 Centennial Way Office: 916-543-4858 St Zip: Tustin CA 92780 michael.mattal@data911.com Office No: 714-573-3274 1 Lisa Cayce Inside Sales Representative Office 636-532-4911 x 107 Fax 636-532-4916 Email: ncareveneltustber.m 109 lisa.cayce@data91l.com quote um State n No.: JGSA Schedule -8) L I Qty Part # Description Unit Price Extended --7777777-7 35 SV12DM6 Data811 M8 Mobile Data System $5,819.30 $203,675.50 12.1" Color Touchscreen display, XGA, internal stereo audio speakers Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz processor, 2 GB RAM, 40 GS SATA Hard Drive 3 Serial Ports (DB9), 4 USB Ports, 1 FireW re IEEE 1394) Ports 1 Type UII Card Bus slot 1 ExpressCard slot 1 internal PCI Express Mini Card slot Digital Audio SoundBlaster Compatible) Analog Video Out DB15 Ethernet 10/100/1000 Baser 11J45 Windows XP Professional, Operating System Keyboard, back -lit, liquid resistant, W touch pad USB Integrated Automotive Power Supply Power Control Module 4 General Purpose UO Ports Component Thermal Management WIFI Module, 802.11a/b/(requires separate antenna -not included Extended Cable Kit Werra : Thirty-nine months 34 D9 -12 -MDV Date811 Mobile Digital Video System $3,849.44 $130,880.98 Mobile Digital Video Recorder Unit 10x Optical 4x Digital Zoom Video Camera with EX29 Front Camera Upgrade) Windshield camera mount Self -Syncing Wireless microphone GPS Antenna -Magnetic Mount choose white or black 4GB CF Memory Card Cable Kit Digital Video Rear Seat Camera package (rear seat IR camera and cable kit) includes upgrade to 8138 CF Memory card Digital Video Client software license included with purchase of M6 Digital Video Server software license MDVS) One Year Warranty: includes telephone help desk support, software updates and version upgrades and hardware components r D9-12-2008 Desk top charger for wireless microphone $79.79 D9.12-2004 Wireless Microphone (away unit only) $265.98 Data911 Me MA7001 One Additional Year Four Years from Date of Purchase) $276.00 MA7002 Two Additional Years Five Years from Date of Purchase $552.00 Data811 Mobile Digital Video Package MDV7101 One Year Two Years from Date of Purchase Hardware Components $199.00 client SW -DV One Year(Two Years from Date of Purchase MDV mobile client software support $125.00 server SW -DV One Year (Two Years from Date of Purchase) MDV server storage software support $175.00 1 SV-0FSTR Two Da s Trainingat Client Site incudes applicable expense $3,000.00 $3,000.00 35 linstall Mounting Solutions and Installation (Tustin to provide cars to Installer's site) $800.00 Subtotal Shipping $59.00 $28,000.00 $385,558.48 Included Tax (8.75X) No tax on training and expenses TotalQuote Teens: Per GSA contract $31,723.68 1387 280.15 Details: quoted valid for Thirty days. 'mated delivery is thirty days from receipt of Purchase Order. 145rices 1 -party HW and SW components sold subject to manufacturers' written warranties.No other warranties are expressed or implied by Data911 Systems. -IM-obile i orders subject to Data911 standard Cancellation/Return Poli , which may result in fees. Return of items may be subject to a 15% restocking fee. Digital Video System has been quoted above for the vehides along with DV server software licensing; a complete Mobile Digital Video project would incur additional costs which would include but are not limited to server hw, implementation/configuration, training, project management, wireless network, etc. Please issue Purchase Ober to: Data911,1819 Clarkson Road, Ste. 306, Chesterfield MO 63017 Fax to. 636-532-4916• Attention: Lisa Cayce, Inside Sales Representative critical data management and mobile computing. What distinguishes us from our competitors is our dedicated staff and attention to the individual needs of your organization. Our professional technicians ensure the products you purchase from Hub I Data9ll will truly work for your organization's needs today, tomorrow and into the future. Simply put, you will never get lost in a large corporate bureaucracy. We guarantee this. We invite you to visit us in our San Francisco office or our St. Louis sales office to see first-hand how our personalized approach and superior products can benefit your organization. We look forward to meeting you. Every M6 purchase includes licenses for each of the following Data9ll Public Safety mobile software products, valued at over $2,000: (� • MX - Touchscreen-friendly, real-time interface to CAD for inquires, ' messaging, event information and status updates n • RX - Fully integrated, automated field report writer LJ J • AVL -- Vehicle and event location mapping for tactical response MDV - Datagil's mobile digital video client software 40 Tease contact your Data9ll sales representative for more details on this offer and to arrange for a demonstration. Headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, Hub I Data9ll is a "N leader in computing solutions for Public Safety. For over twenty O years, Data9ll has designed the highest quality software systems and manufactured the most rugged mobile hardware for Public Safety. We take pride in creating safe, affordable and innovative solutions for critical data management and mobile computing. What distinguishes us from our competitors is our dedicated staff and attention to the individual needs of your organization. Our professional technicians ensure the products you purchase from Hub I Data9ll will truly work for your organization's needs today, tomorrow and into the future. Simply put, you will never get lost in a large corporate bureaucracy. We guarantee this. We invite you to visit us in our San Francisco office or our St. Louis sales office to see first-hand how our personalized approach and superior products can benefit your organization. We look forward to meeting you. Every M6 purchase includes licenses for each of the following Data9ll Public Safety mobile software products, valued at over $2,000: (� • MX - Touchscreen-friendly, real-time interface to CAD for inquires, ' messaging, event information and status updates n • RX - Fully integrated, automated field report writer LJ J • AVL -- Vehicle and event location mapping for tactical response MDV - Datagil's mobile digital video client software 40 Tease contact your Data9ll sales representative for more details on this offer and to arrange for a demonstration. U1 rL to Mobile Digital Video. MDV 4 4— Automated Vehicle Location. AVL 6 O U) Mobile CAD. MX N Automated Field Reporting . RX 10 Computer Aided Dispatch . CAD 12 Records Management. RMS 14 L Mobile Computer System. M6 16 Displays 18 T Keyboards 20 Processors 22 Open Architecture Mobile Computer System. M5T 24 Options 11 26 v E a. The collected video/audio information is transmitted for permanent archival by hands- free wireless uploads or through the use of removable storage. Data9ll's MDV System is an easy-to-use, secure, and robust solution that incorporates cutting-edge technology, yet maintains an open architecture. The Mobile Digital Video (MDV) system is Datagil's complete mobile video management solution, designed Q} primarily for the Public Safety Sector. The MDV system captures video and -- audio, either on a continuous or u incident -triggered basis. Officers and other authorized users can watch live images from multiple in -vehicle cameras and review archived video/audio files. E a. The collected video/audio information is transmitted for permanent archival by hands- free wireless uploads or through the use of removable storage. Data9ll's MDV System is an easy-to-use, secure, and robust solution that incorporates cutting-edge technology, yet maintains an open architecture. V W#O Map _ I Gress vMf 3 64.—A�Mk:; ii•FNrAWy Y' -.00% R42 M awbefty q P �N(Vie M• � vkA Tthns; tadtudt, Longhads 3peN, of 25 29 1 3rSZ44"N ; fi22"t *'455 Ytt 63 MPH m•h m sera OA. a aeaa tm )lILS cw R..e.,.r,.e reh OiNcMrtd ,.. fi,Ir e. x paew of 4 oearYae v s. EdM �'?N#ua , _V_...... Pr#v nt#at - ..:. _. .......... ............ . ........ t40tb /aflr Teti Thai iis a tae xneut T ittonft in frost* me Sian Of the vkfeR r� E, V] Hub I Data9ll continues its commitment ■ to developing state-of-the-art Etechnology with its 6`r' generation Mobile 4) � Computer System, the M6. S.. The M6's new three-piece design makes installation and maintenance Q. a snap. The rugged construction of Ethe M6 holds up to the harsh environment of O Public Safety vehicles. 1� Featuring mobile processors including 0 the Intel® Core" 2 Duo, the M6's industry leading design offers future - proof upgrade options backed by a 3 year + 3 month all-inclusive warranty. The M6 CPU supports all Data911 M -series displays, known for being the brightest, thinnest, and most rugged touChscreenS available for vehicular computing. 11 is All M -series displays are sunlight visible and can be easily adjusted for • any lighting condition. Available in three different screen sizes (15.0", 12.1 " & 8.4"), the 1200+ NIT display will fit any of your organization's needs. The rugged scratch resistant touChscreen puts critical data at your fingertips. The high resolution, digital (LVDS) displays are extremely clear and specially designed for wide angle viewing. Each display also features active thermal management and integrated stereo speakers. mobile computer system 1 [7 n 20 70 S` Our standard spill -resistant keyboard 0 features the heavy-duty construction needed to withstand continuous in -vehicle a> use. The keyboard is separate from .3. the display/ allowing installation versatility and easy access by either vehicle occupant. Optional rugged-dUty keyboards feature a watertight design with industrial silicone rubber keypads as well as robust ABS polycarbonate cases. The mini -footprint keyboard is ideal for close -quarter installations. All keyboards feature extra large letters and adjustable backlighting to provide superior day and night visibility. An integrated glide pad or similar pointing device is included in all models. '--Ab U) I- 0 W Despite its compact case size, the M6 U) boasts superior connectivity, upgradeability, and advanced Uo features not found in laptops. CL The M6 features a removable SATA hard drive for easy maintenance and an eSATA port for external drives. The EXpressCard slot is the next generation of PC Card technology. Options include an internal WAAS-enabled GPS, Wireless LAN and Broadband Wireless network cards. The CPU supports a dual display option which allows mounting of two displays and keyboards in different areas of the vehicle. Enclosed in the CPU, the power supply was designed for the automotive environment. It features an ignition timer, temperature sensor and voltage alarm which provides an automatic and orderly shutdown or hibernation of the M6. 22 Olt' Ci Ir f 10PLIJ nab-cApAt 4809 East Thistle Landing Drive, Suite 100 3 Phoenix, AZ 85044-6479 P: 480.346.7016 F: 866.885.6475 FEIN: 26-1212218 Tustin Police Depairtmen PROJECT Serge t Paul Gara-MOW CONTACT TustlWlice Depantm,t�O t BILLING 300 Centennial Way, Tustlii _;,CA 92780 .3220 (714') 573 QUOTE X 9300411 DATE OF QUOTE 08114109f, VALID THROUGH 0911310 %iikg SALES CONTACT Don Kir SALES PHONE QA SALES E-MAIL $ 399.00 $ SHIPPING S" 300CentenniaCIVa T uri A,$ij $ 246,225.00 $ 27,475.00 714' . , L I Delivery State = IRobo Systems I Peripherals I Mounts: Part Number Qty Unit Sales Price Total Sales Price I "Robo 111". 12.1". Intel® 1.6 GHz Core Duo 1000+ NITs, Resistive Touch, 120 GIG HID, 2 GIG RAM, XP Pro, Speaker, Dome, Bare Leads Cable and t�at�i (ISyys SY-AABDAX-00 35 $ 5,699.00 $ 199,465.00 --- — ------- — --- — ------- K -B-00-06-5-00---35 $ 289.00 $ 10,115.00 Power Management System (Voltage Step Up, Voltage Timer and Automatic Shut D I ..................................... ..... . .. . ... 4R.22 $ 8,715.00 �T(;;;TvrJoaa ---------------------- Monting Kit(In-Dash Mount, Center Console RoboVu,LLC and K board Mount) ---------------------------------------------------------- KT -00 100-00 35 sr $ 399.00 $ 13,965.00 13,965.00 $ 399.00 $ RoboCAM .R2boEYE (Mobile Management Software) Sub -Total $ 246,225.00 $ 27,475.00 .!j2boHUB (Central Mana ement Software) Annual License . 2 -- - - - - -- - ------------------- SW -00200-00 — ------- — 1 --- — $ 21,450.00 $ 21,450.00 L1jye2rmainlenance -------------- ......... . ....... . ... . ....... 7,418.25 $ 7,418.25 Wireless mic and receiver with rechargeable 1 f9s�!� --- �!�.iffy — ------------- ------ 21,000.00 - -------- 9 meter extension antenna for wireless mic receiver AN-VO100-00__ 35 $ 110.25 $ 3,858.75 _Connection cable _reI ----------------------- 2,150.05 Front Camera - High resolution 1/4- inch DSP color camera. ratio I i!�l z�2a ---------- 2L_Riq_ _-- 7�920.2L _ from VI1U to DB -9 connector cable for Front Camera CB -V0200-00 35 $ 84.00 $ 2,940.00 .92ble ------------------------------- — ------------ Win�shield camera mount___________________ — ------- — --- — -- — MT -V0100-00____35_ -------- --------- — -- — --- — --- — - 70 $____---1,599.50 ---------------------- Rear Seat Camera IR, auto, white balance & microphone 1_- ---------- - --------- CM -00200-00 - 35 $ 225.00 $ 7,875.00 — Cable 2�aby for audio and ---- — --- — - — ------------------ C -8-V0300-00 ------ 35 __$ ___ _70.00 2,450.00 - - yi��SWitaneous E��ies �:L 35 __$ ------------ 199.00 $ 6,965.00 ....................... . ....... . . ........... . .... VPU.(Vid2o_P_rocessifiq_Unjt) Encode - — --- — -- — --- — ------------ V -D--00200-00----35— __$1,056.00 36,960.00 Trigger BL?x--- ----------------------- ------------------- V.D.-00_400-0036_. 150.00 $ 5,250.00 WjboCAM_in sCa5YCion rvices --- ....................... . .......................... . .. . . .. L $ 19,999.00 19,999.00 --- ------------------------------------- — ------- — ----------------- Refereni�e Acc-ou9-t-Discou-nt ------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ----- — ------- — --- — ------ — --- — --------------------- — -- — — ------- — ------- — - -- --- 15--------(100_000_00 --- --------- — --- ---- — - Shipping and Ta"s Customers -LCD recycling tax ------- — ------- — -------------------------- — ------- — .55 85,310CA --- 2-5— Sub -Total Sub-Total $ 280.00 General Terms & Conditions: Grand Total $ 331,815.55 1 Price quote is based on receiving a customer PO within the "valid through" date specified above. 2. Shipping is based upon FOB origin, five-day delivery, after product availability date. 3. Lead times for product not in stock is 6-8 weeks. 4 By Californizi regulations, there is a mandatory recycling tax charge of $6 per unit, which is remitted to the State of CA. 5. Maintenance includes helpdesk support and unlimited software updates and upgrades. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Tax TBD 1. RoboVu,LLC 480-346-7016 Office 866-885-6475 Fax onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY 1 Page 2 do30 RoboVu, LLC 31 Don Kirk National Sales Manager 11 dkirk@robovu.com 30 www.robovu.com 4809 East Thistle Landing Drive Suite 100 Phoenix, Arizona 85044-6479 480-346-7016 Office 866-885-6475 Fax onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY 1 Page Contents AboutRoboVu.............................................................................................. 3 Letter from the President............................................................................... 4 RoboIII...................................................................................................... 5 RoboIII Features......................................................................................... 6 RoboCAM - Digital Video Management System .................................................. 8 RoboEYE - Mobile Management System............................................................ 9 RoboHUB - Central Management System........................................................ 12 RoboSYNC - High Security File Transfer Utility ................................................ 15 References.................................................................................. ........ 16 Example 1 Police Vehicle Installation............................................................. 17 Example 2 Police Vehicle Installation............................................................. 18 HALT Test Report ............... ....... 19 .................................................................. ISO Certificate of Registration - ISO 9001 ...................................................... 20 ISO Certificate of Registration - ISO 14001 .................................................... 21 RoboVuProposal...................................................................... ................ 22 Allonfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY 1 Page mr About RoboVu W RoboVu provides innovative and integrated solutions for public safety professionals through an agile, customer -focused organization. Our solutions provide maximum up -time for our customers through reliable products and dependable services, delivered by a team that respects our customers and the security they bring to our world. The projects listed in the reference section are a few of the 50+ reference accounts that are satisfied customers of RoboVu. We have been providing MDCs (Mobile Data Computers) to the Public Safety Market since 2005 and have extensive experience including; Rugged MDC solutions, DVMS (Digital Video Management System), LPR (License Plate Recognition), Video Analytics, Mounting solutions, Installation and Professional Services. RoboVu is located at 4809 East Thistle Landing Drive, Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ, 85044. The main telephone number is 480-346-7016, the fax is 866-885-6475, the customer support email is su[port@RoboVu.com and the general email is info@RoboVu.com. Page W 4P Letter from the President 0 Dear Sergeant Paul Garaven: Page 4 RoboVu, LLC, is pleased to submit the following responses for the City of Tustin. Within these pages you will see RoboVu has taken every step to provide responses that meet and exceeds all technical requirements needed for a full functional state of the art MDC and DVMS that not only provides the city's needs today, but gives a road map of a successful kickoff, overall superior solution and a project plan that allows our clients to continue to focus on their goals and vision for the future. In -vehicle technology for Public Safety (Police, Fire, EMS and the Military) has been around for a number of years with the advent of the first PC with limited capabilities from the early 80's through the evolution of micro electronics and the first laptop's of the early 90's that were installed in vehicles. Video was handled with VHS tapes, CDs and DVDs that led the overall process of most departments having an extremely difficult time keep evidence available and a huge burden on resources. Most departments handle their MDCs and Video solutions as two separate solutions. The reality is that any digital video solution needs a rugged computer to work, so 30 why not have an all -in -one computer that can handle both a MDC and DVMS? Well, that is exactly what RoboVu has done. The military background and philosophies have developed not only a single source system, but adopted the methodologies that provides a solution that has a better TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) and a life 31 span coming standard of warranties up to 2 years longer than any competitor. 2 RoboVu has remained a leader in design and innovation for in -vehicle technology over the years and builds solutions coming from a deployable military background. The information outlined in the attached technical response, is a direct result of that leading technology and design. You have our commitment that we will provide our clients with the highest level of Customer Support from the initial order trough the life of the RoboVu solution. Thank you for the opportunity to help provide solutions to those who serve and protect our great country. Sincerely. Ed Foster Jr. President and CEO 4onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY 1 Page 4 Robo III For first responders, police, fire and EMS personnel, having access to critical data in all environments affords a superior advantage. When choosing a mobile computing system, choose the one that's successfully passed the toughest tests on the toughest proving grounds: the battlefield. The RoboVu III has a military pedigree, having been developed for the U.S. armed forces. The Robo III incorporates a number of state-of-the-art features housed in a small, but extremely rugged footprint. IF Safety, security and dependability - the Robo III gives people in the field the edge they need to get the job done. The Robo III mobile computer - the ultimate in ruggedized mobile computing. ALL -IN -ONE Compact, all -in -one design delivers huge performance in a small footprint, which gives personnel in the field more space to operate. BATTLE -TESTED CONSTRUCTION 31 Housed in a rugged, precision - milled aluminum chassis, the Robo III is designed to withstand the extremes found only on the battlefield. INSTANT BLANKING Because safety and security are paramount, the Robo III allows the operator to quickly black out the display. onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY i If you have been to our booth at a tradeshow this is the system that was in service for almost 5 years and then dragged for 2 miles on pavement = still running. Page 5 VW Robo III Features onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY Page 6 Rugged precision -milled aluminum Wide-angle screen viewing at 1200 housing Multiple mounting and keyboard Space -saving all -in -one -design options Instant screen blanking Multi -function screen controls Fully adjustable display lighting Four USB 2.0 ports 1000+ NIT sunlight viewable display Two RS -232 ports Minimal wiring for fast installation Two type 2 PCMCIA/CARDBUS ports I� Simplified troubleshooting and repair External SVGA / XGA port Radio independent Firewire port Removable hard drive Strain relief for non -rugged connectors Integrated speakers Published HALT Test: -36°F to + 12.1" SVGA or XGA 248°F and up to 70 G's Shock / Pentium® M or Intel® CoreTM Duo Vibration UP to 2 Gig of memory Robo III Benefits Originally designed and built for the military markets, the Robo III was then introduced to the public safety market with the same dependability and durability used in tanks, humvees and other military vehicles. Now in its eleventh iteration, the Robo III remains the superior choice for rugged computer needs of police, fire and EMS personnel. 30 THE Robo III BRINGS TRUE MILITARY SPECS TO PUBLICE SAFETY RoboVu's competitors offer solutions which in no way meet the military specifications that the Robo III has met and surpassed. The Robo III was built for the battlefield. That means it stands up to extreme temperatures, high shock and vibrations conditions, humidity, spills, dust, etc.. ALL -IN -ONE SOLUTION In order to create a smaller, more serviceable unit, the Robo III incorporates a "all unique -in -one" solution. Rather than having several components scattered throughout the vehicle, the Robo III converges the display and CPU into a single, mountable unit. This compact design affords personnel more space to maneuver, without sacrificing quality. Multiple mounting options are available, i.e. in -dash, flat panel mount, pedestals. In most cases retrofitting with existing mounts and consoles is possible with the Robo III. onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY Page 6 qW WIDE ANGLE 1000+ NITS DISPLAY With the Robo III, there's no need for personnel to twist, turn or fidget with the display. Because of its innovative design, driver and passenger may view the system at the same time. And 1000+ NITs means the screen is viewable under the brightest conditions. 10 is INSTANT BLANKING Aboard the Robo III you'll find the industry's first "Instant Blanking" feature. Now the operator can quickly and covertly black out the display to maintain data security. Adjustable brightness allows the Robo III's backlight to transition from 100 percent bright to 100 percent black. CHOOSE THE RIGHT OPERATING SYSTEM The Robo III comes loaded with user selected Windows® operating systems to best meet individual requirement. The memory, hard drive and wireless connectivity are also fully customizable. The Robo III is completely radio independent, tightly sealed and ready to tackle the toughest abuse public safety work can dish out, even a blast from a fire hose. so WE STAND BEHIND OUR PRODUCT The Robo III has the best warranty in public safety along with the industry's best warranty options with the only "No Upgrade / No Cost 5 Year Warranty". Customers can choose between a 5 year warranty or a 3 year warranty with credit for trade-in at the end of the third year. )4onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY Page RoboCAM - Digital Video Management System RoboEYE - Mobile Management System In -Car Video Software Multiple Cameras (Front, Back, Lapel) Audio (In -Car and Mobile) Live Streaming Video to Remote Locations Interoperability with Wireless Pocket PC Devices RoboHUB - Central Management Software Back end Software Video Management Centralized update center Comprehensive Video Search Complete User and Group Management Automatic video extraction - no DVDs or CDs Manages by event - not by camera or groups 3 Expandable County wide RoboSYNC - High Security File Transfer Utility Higher Security than standard FTP Faster File Transfers Secure Upload Management Supports Roaming Upload Authenticates MD5-hash Security 3 onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY Page RoboCAM is made up of 3 components: RoboEYE,`" RoboHUB and RoboSYNC. All three provide for an integrated digital video management system designed for large municipalities, but cost effective for the small of ' agencies. It allows for counties, cities or towns to start with a smaller project that can grow into managing multiple vehicles, fixed locations and even ultra small mobile applications. The RoboCAM is also integrated to the Robo III Mobile Data Computer, so no need to have a trunk mounted PC. The all -in -one military grade system along with the RoboCAM is the market leader for Safety, Uptime and Ergonomics. After all, we did start in the military providing solutions. RoboEYE - Mobile Management System In -Car Video Software Multiple Cameras (Front, Back, Lapel) Audio (In -Car and Mobile) Live Streaming Video to Remote Locations Interoperability with Wireless Pocket PC Devices RoboHUB - Central Management Software Back end Software Video Management Centralized update center Comprehensive Video Search Complete User and Group Management Automatic video extraction - no DVDs or CDs Manages by event - not by camera or groups 3 Expandable County wide RoboSYNC - High Security File Transfer Utility Higher Security than standard FTP Faster File Transfers Secure Upload Management Supports Roaming Upload Authenticates MD5-hash Security 3 onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY Page RoboEYE - Mobile Management System The RoboEYE system is RoboVu's complete mobile management solution designed specifically for the Public Safety sector. The RoboEYE captures video and audio from the vehicle's Video Processing Unit on either a continuous or incident -triggered basis. The system provides live viewing of in -vehicle cameras and review of archived video/audio data. In addition, metadata can be captured using XML technology. The type of metadata recorded can include GPS LOCATION and Customized Metadata such as Radar Gun data, etc. To ensure the integrity of the files, all video files captured by the RoboEYE can contain up to a 248 -bit Digital Signature for video authentication. The RoboEYE also features automated wireless upload of all captured data for hands-free operation by the Police Officer. Data upload is accomplished through an encrypted wireless network via a virtual private network tunnel. Once uploaded, the captured data is automatically managed by the RoboHUB (Central Management System). The RoboEYE is an easy-to-use, secure, and robust solution that maintains an open -architecture approach and integrates cutting-edge technology. RoboEYE Features Video/Audio data up to an MPEG4 digital format @ 30fps Full Motion DVD quality Capture of GPS and Customized Metadata using XML technology Configurable 5 minute "Pre -Incident" Video/Audio Data Capture Automated Wireless Upload of Captured Video/Audio and Metadata 248bit Digital Signature Video Authentication Ensures the Integrity Unique Compressor / Decompressor (CODEC) Triplex Operation: Police Officer Can View, Review and Capture Simultaneously Optional Live Streaming of Vehicle Cameras Optional Interoperability with Wireless Pocket PC Devices Optional Connection to Remote Enabled Systems through Wireless Technology Optional Video File Bookmark Capability for Tagging Important Incidents 3 Optional Attachment of Video Files to Case Files through the RoboHUB Optional Command Vehicle Mode onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY 11 u Page 9 W 0 RoboEYE Benefits 3 onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY Page 10 MPEG4 file format maximizes the HD space with —120 hours stored on a 20GB HD. Captured Metadata can be used during the playback of video files to determine vehicle location, speed, and other information. Also, captured metadata can be useful for attaching data to reports or locating where a vehicle was at a specific time. S Pre -incident recording will capture the first five minutes prior to triggering of the S recording. This is useful when incidents occur quickly and the officer needs footage of the events that took place before the actually triggering of the recording. i Automated Wireless Upload of captured data allows for hands-free operation of the video system. The Police Officer only needs to drive his vehicle into wireless range and the RoboEYE automatically receives communication from the RoboHUB that automatically uploads the captured data. Interrupted data uploads will resume where they left off and all uploads are done through an encrypted secure wireless tunnel. 248 -bit Digital Signature: To prevent the video from being altered, the archived video goes through a rigorous digital signature process using 248 -bit, RSA -based encryption. The encryption process links each frame to the preceding one through a complex algorithm, which prevents anyone from deleting a video sequence. Any change to an individual frame, down to a single pixel, is detected. By default, the process uses a private key provided by RoboVu; however, customers can provide their own keys that will not be shared with any other organization. RoboVu CODEC is required to playback captured video/audio data. This ensures that potentially stolen video files cannot be played back without RoboVu client software. This combined with the 248 -bit Digital Signature ensures that 41 the captured video data remains safe and viewable only by desired personnel. An optional decoder is available for those agencies who wish to create standard tapes or DVDs. Triplex Operation: The Officer in the vehicle can simultaneously view live video, capture video and playback video files. This allows the officer full control over the viewing of the video without halting the recording in any way. 3 onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY Page 10 MW Optional Live Streaming from the vehicle allows officers the officer in the field is seeing. in dispatch to view what Interoperability with wireless Pocket PC devices allows Officers to connect to oil Away unit *to Bass Unit . a case file number. From that point on an officer can input the case file number and all video files pertaining to that case file will come up. Optional Command Vehicle Mode: As an option any RoboEYE vehicle can act as a command vehicle by expanding its camera directory and managing up to 64 cameras. By utilizing wireless technology a complete security surveillance perimeter can be set up and the command vehicle can be accessed remotely from a safe location via cellular or satellite. Note: Some specifications are VPU-dependent and may vary according to VPU capacity. Monfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY 3 Page the vehicle remotely and view live video. Connectivity to remote enabled system through wireless technology. This allows the officer to "see around corners";for example, if an officer pulls up to a building enabled with RoboVu's system, the officer can connect to the system from his vehicle and view the entire camera system in the building before proceeding to enter the building. The officer can also assume full control of the enabled building system potentially setting off triggers such as sprinkler alarms or communicating through a paging system to a perpetrator inside the building. Video File Bookmark capability allows officers to attach notes to the video files in the field. These notes are later indexed with the RoboHUB and are searchable. For example a hot key can be set up to bookmark current GPS location. If an officer is on a chase and sees the criminal throw a gun out the window the officer can hit the GPS hotkey so it will be easier to find the gun when the chase is over. Case File Number: Once the video files are in the RoboHUB, any video file can be optionally marked with oil Away unit *to Bass Unit . a case file number. From that point on an officer can input the case file number and all video files pertaining to that case file will come up. Optional Command Vehicle Mode: As an option any RoboEYE vehicle can act as a command vehicle by expanding its camera directory and managing up to 64 cameras. By utilizing wireless technology a complete security surveillance perimeter can be set up and the command vehicle can be accessed remotely from a safe location via cellular or satellite. Note: Some specifications are VPU-dependent and may vary according to VPU capacity. Monfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY 3 Page W RoboHUB - Central Management System RoboHUB is not a stand-alone DVMS (digital video management system); it is the back end that manages all the video and evidence collected. RoboHUB is integrated with the DVMS RoboEYE, enabling you to - upload, store, protect and retrieve important video footage from multiple sources - fixed and mobile. It enables you to manage ; all your important video with one user-friendly application. c Unlike conventional systems that store video by camera or group of cameras, RoboHUB manages video by what's most important: the event. Based on criteria you define, RoboHUB determines where the event video is stored, how long it's saved, whether it's backed up and who can access it automatically. For example, the video camera and DVR in a police car may record many events ® during an officer's shift. Using the Association Matrix and Storage Matrix features, you can configure RoboHUB to treat each type of event differently: Video from a routine traffic stop could be saved on a network server for 90 days. A suspected DUI could be retained for a year, with that video automatically backed up to redundant storage. Video from a hit-and-run incident could be flagged so only selected personnel can access it. RoboHUB adds value to RoboEYE for many applications: For a school district, RoboHUB could enable you to manage fights or incidents of graffiti by their own criteria. In a retail environment, you could separate shoplifting incidents from other events. And in a transit setting, you could configure your system to treat video from accidents and video from incidents among passengers differently. Ask 3ITonfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY Page 12 RoboHUB Features & Benefits Active Directory Sync enables users to sign in with the passwords used to sign in to their network. same usernames and Association Matrix enables RoboEYE to store video based on bookmarks created in the field or on video tags assigned by an administrator. Storage Matrix enables you to define network paths and retention times for video storage associated with bookmark keywords or video tags with -in the system. Standard DVD Burn copy video files to DVD for playback on any DVD player. Upload File Integrity Check ensures that uploaded files are identical to originals. Bookmark Data Extractor automatically extracts bookmarked events captured by fixed and mobile systems. Video Tags enable administrators to assign user -defined metadata to video for easy categorization and data mining. Access Security enables administrators to assign broad or limited access to video files based on user or user group to ensure security. Virtual Categorization enables administrators to create virtual folders and cabinets to organize captured video without movement or duplication of the original video files. S Update Service enables you to update the firmware and camera settings for all your vehicles and clients from one central location. Makes fixed and mobile digital video systems easier to manage RoboHUB is a back -end video and data file management program that extends the capability of RoboEYE. It enables you to manage video from multiple sources - all from one convenient location. And RoboHUB is compatible with many systems fixed and mobile, real-time and archived. This ability to mix and match content from many capture systems enables you to build a case rich with digital video data and obviously ROBOHUB is fully integrated with RoboEYE. Updates all your workstations and vehicles from a central workstation, so you don't have to update them one at a time .)onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY Page 1_ r What if you had 500 workstations at multiple locations, or a fleet of 500 vehicles equipped with surveillance systems? Imagine having to update them one at a time. Maybe you don't have to imagine it because you've actually had to do it. With RoboHUB, you don't have to update systems one by one. Instead, RoboHUB enables you to deploy configuration settings and software updates to all your network clients from one central location. That includes both fixed and mobile workstations. You can push out universal updates or limit them to specific machines. Treats video footage as evidence to ensure its admissibility RoboHUB handles video footage the same way a police department would handle any other evidence. It automatically creates detailed audit trails and reports. That makes it easy to determine who has accessed a video, when it was viewed and whether it was exported. Maintaining the integrity of this chain of custody ensures that your video evidence is admissible in court. Automatically extracts event video to network storage, so you don't have to export to, or keep track of, CDs or DVDs With a conventional DVMS, you have to save important footage manually, either by copying it from the DVR to a network server or by exporting it to CD or DVD. You then have to keep track of where the disc is and who has access to it. With RoboHUB, you don't have to do any of that. RoboHUB automatically extracts event footage from individual digital video recorders. Then, based on the event criteria you've defined, RoboHUB determines where that video is saved on the network, how long it's retained, whether it's backed up and who can view it. Manages video by event, so retention and protection of important footage A conventional DVMS manages images by camera or groups of cameras. That means all video from a camera or group is saved to the same place and retained for the same period of time. And probably 90 percent of that stored video has little or no value. But the other 10 percent, events like fights, a DUI arrest or a shoplifter caught in the act, that video needs to be retained, backed up and treated like evidence, because that's what it is. And that's what you can do with RoboHUB. RoboHUB manages video by the event instead of by camera or group. So how you define an event determines where the video is stored, how long it's saved and who has access to it. It also means you can discard unneeded video, which can save considerable storage space on a large system with hundreds of cameras. 1 ,onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY 3 31 Page 1,e RoboSYNC - High Security File Transfer Utility onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY s Page 15 3 RoboSYNC is a custom-built transport system that improves the efficiency of file transfers as well as simplifying the configuration and maintenance of both the server and ! network, it lacks many modern features due to its adherence to an older protocol clients. This technology allows the software to have more scheme and can be limited by the FTP server and client applications that host it. By control over the actual file transfers and reception. In creating the RoboSYNC you will be able to achieve a greater degree of control and addition, as part of the "File Integrity Check" system, the Y_ speed enhancement. In addition, the RoboSYNC authenticates M135 -hash security RoboSYNC grants even better file integrity controls than -; so it is a more secure system for transferring files. before. All the functionality and benefits are transparent to Y` 3 Enables faster large file transfers the user and are designed to simplify the life the The RoboSYNC allows faster file movement of larger files than traditional FTP file integrator/installer. While many of these improvements are transfers. internal to the software and its design, the benefits for RoboHUB and RoboEYE users will be welcomed as upload times are decreased, Reduces the amount of configuration time needed by the user installation and maintenance are simplified, and a greater degree of file security is The RoboSYNC eliminates a number of steps from the set up process, thus reducing experienced. onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY s Page 15 RoboSYNC Features & Benefits Provides higher security than standard FTP transfer utility Although FTP is a commonly used protocol for exchanging files over a TCP/IP based network, it lacks many modern features due to its adherence to an older protocol scheme and can be limited by the FTP server and client applications that host it. By creating the RoboSYNC you will be able to achieve a greater degree of control and speed enhancement. In addition, the RoboSYNC authenticates M135 -hash security so it is a more secure system for transferring files. Enables faster large file transfers The RoboSYNC allows faster file movement of larger files than traditional FTP file transfers. Reduces the amount of configuration time needed by the user The RoboSYNC eliminates a number of steps from the set up process, thus reducing the time required by the user to set up the system and minimizing the possibility of 3 incorrect configuration. 3 Supports Roaming Upload RoboSYNC is flexible to be configured to transfer files to only one dedicated RoboHUB server or to transfer files to any precinct at any location using a RoboHUB server. For example, an emergency response vehicle would be able to transfer files to multiple precincts based on the location of their vehicle at any given point in time. onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY s Page 15 W a References 3 (909)395-2053 Garden Grave Police Debakey Medical Center VA Police (60 Systems) (2ndLargest US Federal Building in the US) 11301 Acacia Parkway 2002 Holcombe Blvd. Garden Grove, CA 92840 Houston, TX 77030-4298 Travis Whitman TravisW(ai)d.garden-grove.ca.us Osco Carter OMCarterC@Yahoo.com (714)741-5704 713-794-7106 Other Departments: Thorpe Police Department - Wisconsin Modesto Fre Department - Califomia King County EMS - Washington State White Plains Fire Department - New York Oakdale Fire Department - California Los Angeles Port Police - California Incline Village and North Lake Tahoe Fire Department - California Maple Valley Fire Department - Washington State Fairfax Fire Department - Virginia 3 Ramapo Police Department - New York 4wnfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY Page 16 Santa Ana Police Southampton Police (160+Systems) (10 Systems) 60 Civic Center Plaza 151 Windmill Lane Santa Ana, CA 92701 Southampton, NY 11968 Bob Faster RFaster@d.santa-ana.ca.us Bemard Bobinsld bobinski@svpd.com (714)-245-8042 (631)283-0056x247 Newport Police Asotin Sheriff and Clarkston Police (17 Systems) (10 Systems) 870 Santa Barbara Drive 2250 South Slope Way Clarkston, WA 99403 Newport Beads, CA 92660 Butch Aiken butchacdem@darkston.com Tom Encheff TEncheff(&NBPD.org 509-243-2088 (949)644-3640 Torrance Police Ontario Police, Fre and Public Works (60Systems) (100+Systems) 3300 Civic Center Dr 2500 South Archibald Ave Torrance, CA90503 Ontario, CA 91761 Tom Witherill TWitherilatormet.com Mike Stanley MStanley@d.ontario.ca.us (310)618-5772 (909)395-2053 Garden Grave Police Debakey Medical Center VA Police (60 Systems) (2ndLargest US Federal Building in the US) 11301 Acacia Parkway 2002 Holcombe Blvd. Garden Grove, CA 92840 Houston, TX 77030-4298 Travis Whitman TravisW(ai)d.garden-grove.ca.us Osco Carter OMCarterC@Yahoo.com (714)741-5704 713-794-7106 Other Departments: Thorpe Police Department - Wisconsin Modesto Fre Department - Califomia King County EMS - Washington State White Plains Fire Department - New York Oakdale Fire Department - California Los Angeles Port Police - California Incline Village and North Lake Tahoe Fire Department - California Maple Valley Fire Department - Washington State Fairfax Fire Department - Virginia 3 Ramapo Police Department - New York 4wnfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY Page 16 i I I Example 1 Police Vehicle Installation 49 INC onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY Page I-) pp t W HALT Test Report (HALT - Highly Accelerated Life Test) Test object: TNA120X (ETX Standard Platform) Exception: Flash disk used instead of rotating hard disk Temperature test • Normal function up to +800C surrounding temperature. ® At +1200C the LCD module gets permanent damage. • From -250C the intensity of the backlight decreases evenly until it's unreadable at -370C. (The display module doesn't get any damages though) • At -700C, which is the test equipment's lowest temperature, the UUT (Unit Under Test) still runs (with unreadable display) without any permanent damage. Temperature cycling • Between -350C and +800C no permanent failures occur. Vibration • UUT 1 worked up to 55 G-rms, which was reached after 4 hours of testing. The fault was a memory module, which had shaken loose. This was fixed at the location with a small piece of adhesive EPDM. • After restarting the test of this unit a malfunctioning on the CPU board appeared. The board is now being examined to determine cause. • UUT 2 replaced the broken computer and the test continued up to 75 G-rms, which was the test equipment's maximum level. At 75 G-rms the IDE cable and the display module broke down. The IDE cable had gotten fatigue failures. q Vibration combined with temperature cycling • The temperature was cycled between +800C and -350C while the vibration was increased. • UUT 3 worked normally up to 40 G-rms (-350C). The fault, which was discovered much later at JLT, was also this time a fatigue ribbon cable on the IDE cable. • At 50 G-rms and the temperature +800C faults occurred on an integrated circuit in the PCMCIA controller. The tests were discontinued at 50 G-rms. In general • The faults on the IDE cables and the PCMCIA controller were discovered as first at the sub examination back at )LT. • No IDE cables were replaced during tests. If this error had been found on the test site some of the faults in the combined tests could have been avoided. Detected faults • Loosen memory module, easily fixed with an adhesive EPDM rubber. • LCD module breakdown at very high temperature, no preventive measures needed. • Backlight intensity decreases when temperature goes below -200C. No easy solution found. One way is to preheat the CCFL tubes. • Fatigue ribbon cables because of high vibration and long duration, several possible solutions exist. One suggestion could be to replace the IDE cable with a new type of connector. • CPU board, under investigation at XT. • LCD module breakdown because of high vibration during long time, probably caused by exhaustion. No preventive measures needed. • PCMCIA controller, breakdown at high temperature combined with very high vibration, no preventive measures needed. 3%4onfidential Information Intended for City of Tustin Police Department ONLY 3 Page 19 RAYTHEON Ravthwaa QUOTE JPS Communications Page: 1 Quote Number: 0000020988 S Communications, Inc. Salesperson: LAROSE 5800 Departure Drive Customer: TUSTIN P.D. Raleigh, NC 27616 USA (919)790-1011 TUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT, CA. Contact: Sgt. Paul Garaven 300 Centennial Way Phone: (714) 573-3274 TUSTIN, CA 92780 USA Fax: (714) 730-8027 Email: pgaraven@tustinca.org 11/5/2008 1 1/5/2009 1 UPS GROUND 1 0000-000000 DVU-1000 IN -VEHICLE VIDEO SOLUTION (operated as MDC and Video Solution). To In vehicle computer 8G compact flash for evidentiary storage MS XP license DVU-1000 In -vehicle Video Software (mobile & servers) k Delivery is 120 days after receipt of order. Freight charges have not been included in this estimate. See attached Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale ORIGIN 35.001 Each the following; Quote Amount: Trade Discount: Freight: Sales Tax: NET DUE IN 30 DAYS 6,195.00 1 216,825.00 r#rr#rr### «#««rrirrr i USD I" This commodity, technology or soltware is subject to United States Export Administration Regulations. A license may be required to export or re-export this commodity, technology or soltware. Contact the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security for additional information at 202-482-4811. Diversion contrary to U.S. law prohibited. Bim` QUOTE PS Communications Page: 2 Quote Number: 0000020988 S Communications, Inc. Salesperson: LAROSE 5800 Departure Drive Customer: TUSTIN P.D. Raleigh, NC 27616 USA (919)790-1011 • TUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT, CA. Contact: Sgt. Paul Garaven 300 Centennial Way Phone: (714) 573-3274 TUSTIN, CA 92780 USA Fax: (714) 730-8027 11/5/2008 1 1/5/2009 0000-000000 Wireless NIC (for wireless transfer) Wireless Microphone In -cabin Microphone In cabin Speaker GPS 7" Monitor - Keyboard & Mouse Front and Prisoner Camera Antenna/cables/mounts as appropriate Delivery is 120 days after receipt of order. Freight charges have not been included in this estimate See attached Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale. Email: pgaraven@tustinca.org UPS GROUND I ORIGIN NET DUE IN 30 DAYS 35.001 Each Quote Amount: Trade Discount: Freight: Sales Tax: • , USD 0.00 1 0.00 iiif#fif## «tf##««#tt 1 -0 This commodity, technology or software is subject to United States Export Administration Regulations. A license may be required to export or re-export this commodity, technology or solt%%are. Contact the U.S. Bureau oflndustry and Security for additional information at 202-482-4811. Diversion contrary to U.S. law prohibited. QUOTE JPS Communications Page: 3 Aft s, Quote Number: 0000020988 PS Communications, Inc. Salesperson: LAROSE 5800 Departure Drive Customer: TUSTIN P.D. Raleigh, NC 27616 USA (919)790-1011 • TUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT, CA. Contact: Sgt. Paul Garaven 300 Centennial Way Phone: (714) 573-3274 TUSTIN, CA 92780 USA Fax: (714) 730-8027 Email: pgaraven@tustinca.org 11/5/2008 1 1/5/2009 1 UPS GROUND I ORIGIN NET DUE IN 30 DAYS 3 0000-000000 1.00 Each 39,993.91 39,993.91 WIRELESS ACCESS POINT -'to INCLUDE; Netgear W N R854T-802 I I n(2) Dell Server w/oS Nearline Storage (90 day storage, 30 cars) Zink 0000-000000 1.00 Each 12,001.20 12,001.20 VW Rimage DVD Writing S�strm Uption 5 0000-000000 35.00 Each 350.00 12,250.00 Car Installations (each) Delivery is 120 days after receipt of order «*««««««s« Quote Amount: Freight charges have not been uxludcd in this estimate. Trade Discount: ********** See attached Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale. Freight: «««««s«««« Sales Tax: USD JIM This commodity, technolog} or sollware is subject to United States Export Administration Regulations. A license may be required to export or re-export this commodity, technology or sollware. Contact the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security for additional information at 202-482-4811. Diversion contrary to U.S. law prohibited. QUOTE 1/5/2009 UPS GROUND ORIGIN NET DUE IN 30 DAYS JPS Communications Page: 4 •-ice Quote Number: 0000020988 pS Communications, Inc. Salesperson: LAROSE 5800 Departure Drive Customer: TUSTIN P.D. Raleigh, NC 27616 USA 1,000.00 (919)790-1011 TUSTIN POLICE DEPART\MENT, CA. Contact: Sgt. Paul Garaven 300 Centennial Way Phone: (714) 573-3274 TUSTIN, CA 92780 USA Fax: (714) 730-8027 Email: pgaraven@tustinca.org 11/5/2008 1/5/2009 UPS GROUND ORIGIN NET DUE IN 30 DAYS OrderedItem •-ice Amount 6 0000-000000 1.00 Each 1,000.00 1,000.00 Client Car training for operation (Classroom and hands -oil in car - 1 day) 7 0000-000000 1.00 Each 5,600.00 5,600.00 Awk C; Server/WAP System Installation (on-site) 8 0000-000000 1.00 Each 1,400.00 1,400.00 Training on EMS Servcr and Operation Delivery is 120 days after receipt of order 289,070 1 I Quote Amount: Freight charges have not been mcloded in this estimate. Trade Discount: 0.00 See attached Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale. Freight: 0.00 Sales Tax: __000 USD 289,070.11 This commodity, technology or solt�vare is subject to United States Export Administration Regulations. A license may be required to export or re-export this commodity, technology or sotlware. Contact the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security for additional information at 202-482-4811. Diversion contrary to U.S. law prohibited. 0 White Paper WP -8002-8 D VU -1000 Digital In -Car Video System LM_LLi­L JPS Communications, Inc. DVU-1000 Digital In -Car Video System Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 © Rayd wn JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. D P D White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 Digital In -Car Video System Table of Contents 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 4 2 System Benefits....................................................................................................... 6 3 Coming Soon Improved Capabilities (July 30) ......................................................... 7 4 System Requirements..............................................................................................8 4.1 The DVU-1000 System Introduction................................................................. 8 4.2 Video Resolution...............................................................................................9 4.3 Raytheon JPS Communications Inc. Solution ................................................... 9 4.4 DVU-1000.......................................................................................................10 4.4.1 Provided Equipment (typical)................................................................... 12 4.5 Mobile Digital Camera (Front)......................................................................... 15 4.6 Mobile Digital Camera (Rear).......................................................................... 16 4.7 Remote Sensor Module (RSM)....................................................................... 17 4.8 Mobile Wireless Microphone........................................................................... 18 4.9 Touchscreen VGA Display.............................................................................. 19 4.10 Wireless File Transfer System (FTS).............................................................. 21 4.10.1 Calisto Mobile Application Software......................................................... 22 4.10.2 802.11(n) Radio/Transceiver................................................................... 24 4.11 Evidentiary Media Server (EMS)..................................................................... 24 4.11.1 802.11(n) Access Points — Votan Dual -Net .............................................. 24 4.11.2 Network Security...................................................................................... 24 4.11.3 The Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) Integrated Solutions ...................... 24 4.11.4 Evidentiary Media Server Software.......................................................... 25 4.11.5 Exporting Evidence..................................................................................26 4.11.6 Personality Manager................................................................................ 27 4.11.7 Video Formats......................................................................................... 27 4.11.8 Servers and Storage Systems or Equivalent Appliance ........................... 27 4.11.9 Network Interfaces and Data Transport Devices ..................................... 27 4.11.10 Client Device or Appliance................................................................... 28 4.11.11 Live Wireless Video.............................................................................. 28 Car to Command Center.................................................................. 28 Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 © Ray# eon JPS CommunicaWns. Data is subject to change. P White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 &ionBaythL Digital In -Car Video System Car to Car........................................................................................ 28 4.12 Powerful Mobile Computing............................................................................ 29 5 System Technology Summary- Votan Research Corporation ................................ 29 5.1 Introduction..................................................................................................... 29 5.2 Proprietary Technology................................................................................... 30 Table of Figures Figure 1 Overall System Block Diagram.................................................................... 10 Figure 2 DVU-1000 Client Block Diagram (In -Vehicle) .............................................. 11 Figure 3 DVU-1000 Server Block Diagram................................................................... 12 Figure 4 IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC).................................................................. 15 Figure 5 Day Night 20x Power Zoom Camera........................................................... 16 Figure 6 Rear Prisoner Camera................................................................................. 17 Figure 7 Remote Sensor Module (RSM)................................................................... 18 Figure 8 Remote Wireless Microphone..................................................................... 19 Figure 9 Widescreen Touchscreen Display...............................................................20 Figure 10 DVU-1000 Station Server........................................................................ 22 Figure 11 Calisto Mobile Software User GUI........................................................... 23 Figure 12 Calisto Mobile Software User Menu.......................................................... 24 Figure 13 Evidentiary Video Player Software........................................................... 26 Table of Tables Table 1 Video Resolution Index................................................................................. 9 Table 2 DVU-1000 Specifications: ............................................................................ 14 Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 ® Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. 2 White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 aamobeen Digital In -Car Video System 1 Introduction Officer Smith is driving through the Harbor Division on his normal beat, heading down Gibson Boulevard on his evening shift. As he enters the West Channel Street intersection, he registers a streak of movement from the left, followed by a thunderous noise before his squad car's airbags pin him against his seat. His car spins to the right and comes to a halt against a parked car. Officer Smith shakes off the shock and realizes that his vehicle has been struck by a car that ran the West Channel Street red light. He's able to exit via his passenger door and immediately checks on the car that struck his. He's relieved that the driver is OK, but not pleased that the driver begins to swear and claim that it was Officer Smith who ran the light and further, the driver was "going to sue the officer and the city for every penny they had!" Fortunately for Officer Smith (and the city), this conversation was being recorded by a recently installed Digital In -Car Video System. The errant driver was not yet unaware that the recorded video also proved conclusively that Officer Smith entered the intersection under a green light. The recording started automatically, and better yet, it also retained what the vehicle's front camera had viewed for the two minutes before the accident triggered the recording. The system was configured to turn on the officer's wireless microphone when the recording started, and this proved that the officer retained a professional demeanor despite the undeserved verbal tirade from the driver. The "case" against the officer didn't come close to making it to court. The city had realized a vital need to create recordings of arrests, public contacts, traffic stops, and pursuits, as well as collisions such as this evening's accident, and invested in the Raytheon JPS Communications DVU-1000 Digital In -Car Video System. This system allows video and audio recording from within a police vehicle, and audio from outside the vehicle, captured by a wireless microphone clipped to the officer's belt. The city's police vehicles are now also capable of recording audio & video of the rear seat prisoner compartment. The captured video & audio can be easily reviewed within the car, though once recorded, this crucial evidence cannot be erased or modified in any way by the officer. Recordings can be started and stopped manually, or initiated by a number of automatic triggers, such as turning on the vehicle's light bar or removing a rifle from the gun rack. A true time-saver is the system's ability to quickly and automatically upload the video and audio evidence. All an officer needs to do is return to the precinct and the video begins wireless upload, continuing even after the officer shuts off the vehicle ignition. All uploads are encrypted for security, and within 8 minutes this system can upload 1 hour of D1 resolution video/audio from four cars that show up simultaneously on a shift change. No manual intervention required whatsoever. Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 ® Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. ki White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 Digital In -Car Video System Lv =tl IC fC._ Y Once uploaded, the video can be reviewed by workstations within the precinct. Also available during these reviews are the metadata that the system captures along with the video and audio. This metadata includes specifics about the vehicle and driver, as well as time, GPS location, GPS -derived vehicle speed, when the brakes or light bar are activated, radar target data, and a variety of other user -configurable information, synchronized and recorded into the evidentiary record. The driver has the option of inserting information into the record while still in the vehicle, such as driver's license, race codes, license plate number, or a variety of other information which will be associated with the relevant video file. During the review, notes, forensic reports, photos, and other documents can be entered into this evidentiary record and associated with the initial video for quick and easy retrieval. All of this evidence can be burned onto DVDs for use in court. This partial overview demonstrates that this is the most capable and cost effective DVD - quality video and audio recording system on the market today. This White Paper will describe in further detail the full feature set of this advanced Digital In -Car Video System. Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 © Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject W change. White Paper WP -8002-8 D VU -1000 Digital In -Car Video System 2 System Benefits • Video Format Versatility- Dynamically adjustable bit and frame rates to accommodate variable bandwidths, and supports a variety of frame sizes including D-1 (DVU-1000 Standard); VGA; CIF (1/4 D-1); Q -VGA (1/4 VGA); and Q -CIF (1/4 CIF). • Streaming Video Versatility- While simultaneously recording strictly D1 quality video (NTSC, PAL or CCAM), the system can stream live CIF video from the vehicle using a G3/GSM digital cellular carrier link, or live D1 evidentiary quality video over a wireless 802.11 n network, or a net minimum 1 Mbps satellite link. • Automatic Features - The IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) can be programmed to automatically start recording from up to eight independent triggers, and to activate other peripheral systems, by sensing the status of other on -board systems, or by remote control. o Light bar or siren is turned on o When a wireless microphone is turned on o Whenever a gun is removed from its rack o Whenever the state of virtually any other system changes • Body Microphone- Microphone is functional to a distance of 1000 feet from receiver. • Wireless Upload- Automatic wireless file transfer of 2 cars with 1 hour of video each uploaded in 5 minutes. • Calisto Application Software - Easy to use GUI Interface with large navigation buttons for system interaction while in the vehicle. • Easy Playback- Video and audio is playable on unrestricted freely available media players without a proprietary plug-in. • Evidence on demand- Evidence easily located. • Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) Software- Manages the video records after they have been uploaded. Video may be searched and organized in a variety of ways, provided the user has secured access. • Simple Evidence exportation • Archival Storage and Export- Bundled third party solution featuring best -of -class near - line tape storage , automated file management and DVD burn capabilities. • Digital Still Photography Functions Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 0 RayO wn JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. White Paper WP -8002-8 lb DVU-1000 flaiftheen Digital In -Car Video System 3 Coming Soon Improved Capabilities (July 30) • Evidence Association by Event Identification o Upload and associate reports, notes, etc., along with videos and still photos o Associate all related evidence with the assigned CAD Identification Number • Improved In -car Software Usability o Improved wireless upload status indication o Remaining storage volume indication o GPS speed capture o Trigger on excessive speed o Suspect and license plate entry o Improved screen layout o Entry of suspect information, license plate data, etc., associated with related video file. • Improved Evidentiary Management Server [AL o Improved search capabilities � Including searching all associated evidence of many types o Entry of suspect information and license plate data o Improved user interface with GUI's providing many standard "Windows" features (such as sort by column title) o Improved file naming convention o Evidence marking by individual file or all associated evidence at once o Enhanced administrator controls Such as export control of evidentiary files o Bundled third party solution featuring best -of -class automated near -line tape storage and automated file management o Bundled third party solution featuring best -of -class DVD label/burn capability. • Additional Improved Administration Capabilities o Enhanced remote software updates o Improved installation procedures for video player o Wireless encryption o Improved system logging Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 ® Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. White Paper WP -8002-8 r DVU-1000 Digital In -Car Video System 4 System Requirements 4.1 The DVU-1000 System Introduction LM11-Tir"T"", QIJ The Raytheon JPS Communications DVU-1000 Digital In -car Video System is technologically advanced and a very cost effective digital evidentiary recording and transmission system. All DVU-1000 Systems are designed and assembled in the United States of America. DVU-1000 Systems are rugged evidentiary -quality video recording systems specifically designed to meet the demanding needs of Law Enforcement and Public Safety organizations. In addition to DVD -quality video and audio, DVU-1000 Systems also record date, time, vehicle and personnel identification, Global Positioning Satellite information (GPS), GPS vehicle speed, radar target information, and a wide variety of other useful information all synchronized and recorded directly into the evidentiary record. In addition, DVU-1000 Systems support automation of the evidence archive process in compliance with mandates and regulations governing the chain of custody of evidence, and provide for secure and auditable transmission of these records, all without the need for human intervention. • Recordings are completely "standards" compliant, and may be natively played using a variety of DVD Players, Media, QuickTime, Real, and DirectShow.. IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) video processors support MPEG 2/4 as well as DivX, WMV, and MJPEG. • DVU-1000 Systems can record video (Full D1 720x480) in any of the standard video formats. • Each DVU-1000 component can easily handle the extremes of temperature, vibration, shock, and electrical surges. DVU-1000 Systems are designed to the highest industrial standards, and require no regular maintenance. • Recordings are secure, both in the vehicle and when automatically uploaded to the evidence archive. The record may be encrypted with WEP. The optical archive cannot be tampered with or erased, and all actions are audited and logged in compliance with regulations governing the chain of custody of evidence. The advantage of the DVU-1000 scalable and modular architecture is that it can be upgraded or expanded easily and quickly. The system provides seamless integration using a simple and intuitive local user interface running on -board the IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) with a streamlined administrative control from a central administrator interface. The system is also integrated with a fully automated central file management and secure evidentiary archive. All data processing is "hands free," and no Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 © Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. L White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 Digital In -Car Video System administrative or user intervention or action is required to seamlessly transfer secure information, and provide it to authorized users on demand. 4.2 Video Resolution Term Description NTSC PAL D1 (DVD Quality) Full Resolution (Standard) 720x480 720x576 VGA Video Graphics Array 640x480 640x480 QVGA Quarter VGA 320x240 320x240 CIF (VCD Quality) Common Intermediate Format 352x240 352x288 QCIF Quarter CIF 176x120 176x144 Table 1 Video Resolution Index 4.3 Raytheon JPS Communications Inc. Solution As an example for a large agency, Raytheon JPS Communications could propose to provide and install two cameras, one IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC), one Remote Sensor Module (RSM), one officer microphone, one discrete in -car microphone and one 802.11(n) radio/transceiver with antenna in each vehicle. In this example, the patrol units are normally fielded for up to 12 hour shifts and the vehicles might record three hours of video per shift (2 hours front camera and 1 hour rear camera). Calisto application software will be loaded on the IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) in each vehicle. The video from these vehicles is uploaded from the vehicles via the 802.11(n) radio in each vehicle as the normal video transmission mode when the vehicle is parked in the bay or station parking lot of their home station. Two 802.11(n) outdoor access points are offered to upload the video. Typically 1 hour of video may be uploaded in 8 minutes from each of four vehicles while automatically managing all remaining vehicles that have video to upload. The wireless system is encrypted over the air. All equipment and services required for a successful installation of this wireless File Transfer System (FTS) will be provided as part of this system. Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 © Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. "JUL Q%-' White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 Digital In -Car Video System FTS & EMS Server Remote Users .., WAP's Near -Line Storage Figure 1 Overall System Block Diagram Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) digital video administration software is installed on a LAN -connected server running Windows XP with (at least) Service Pack 2. Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) software manages the video downloads from multiple fixed surveillance or mobile video recorders. Video may be searched and organized in a variety of ways, including day, time, shift, officer, vehicle, and other programmable parameters. Descriptive on-screen buttons with easy-to-use icons make video cataloging, searching and viewing simple. Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) software may be loaded on any LAN -connected workstation where video data is uploaded, or it may be utilized on a dedicated computer where the video data is stored. Access to video evidence is administrator controlled. 4.4 DVU-1000 The DVU-1000 is Votan Powered The DVU-1000 System offered by Raytheon JPS presents the finest and most comprehensive solution to the challenges surrounding reliable deployment of evidentiary equipment. Each component has been rigorously tested to ensure that it will provide consistent operation throughout its deployment life cycle, even in the harshest vehicular environments. The IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) utilizes up to four different types of sub -processing modules that when combined in a variety of different configurations provide the essential elements of a system. The DVU-1000 System proposed here has the ability to Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 © Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. lb �7 0 White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 Raytheon Digital In -Car Video System record multiple videos, and recognize and automatically respond to a wide variety of events. The advantage of the DVU-1000 modular architecture is that it can be cost effectively configured to provide exactly the services that are needed, and can be upgraded or expanded easily and quickly. The essential hardware components of the system are the Front -View & Rear -View Cameras, IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) Remote Sensor Module (RSM), wireless radio, 802.11 (n) radio/transceiver, 802.11 (n) access points for video uploads, 8 GB in - vehicle removable flash memory drive, the RAID servers, active RAID storage and off- line large scale tape storage. ,........................................... GPS (( A 1 Video Record (optional} <` /� Tri er Elements _ Siren WiFi Network ; Cabin Vehicle Interface Power 802.11 n , Speaker (+12VDC) Remote , Lightbar — Sensor t Monitor ° ` Module (RMS) i . t . . t . t Gun i Rack t i . In Vehicle Computer Keyboard /Mouse Cabin MI (IVC) i . (optional) ' Speedometer t i �i „i i . Junction Box Frori - tew Camera Rear Prisoner Wireless MIC's Camera ; Figure 2 DVU-1000 Client Block Diagram (In -Vehicle) Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 0 Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. White Paper WP -8002-8 D VU -1000 Digital In -Car Video System FTS & EN Remote Users r77 I LN DVD Publisher Near -Line Storage Figure 3 DVU-1000 Server Block Diagram 4.4.1 Provided Equipment (typical) • Quantity (1) forward Facing Camera • Quantity (1) Rear Facing Camera (Prisoner area camera) • System Control Panel, Monitor • Quantity (1) remote wireless microphone • Quantity (1) rear seat microphone • Quantity (1) IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) audio/video recording device • Infrastructure to support the automatic upload of video files from In -Car Video Systems to servers at designated locations o RAID 5 Active Storage and Archival Storage Servers by Spectralogic o Automatic DVD burn and labeling by Rimage o Data Mining and Management Software- optional 0 802.11 N NIC IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) is a fully integrated and self-contained in -vehicle computer with multi -channel evidentiary video recorder and live video transmission system incorporating no moving parts except fan. Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 © Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. �7 �7 White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 Bayttieen Digital In -Car Video System The enclosure of the IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) shall be of a solid metal so it can be installed in the trunk wheel well, or on the underside of the rear trunk shelf above any equipment tray, and adjacent to either trunk lid hinges or between them. The IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) will support automatic start-up after the vehicle engine is started. The IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) incorporates an integral logic controlled shut -down timer that is programmed by a key -locked dip switch to support settings from 1 minute to 2 hours from the time of termination of the ignition switch on the vehicle. The IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) will be capable of performing all mobile data and evidentiary video recording and transmission functions including recording up to 7 hours of evidentiary video, audio, and data telemetry, without the use of an internal or external hard drive. The IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) contains two dedicated video digital signal processors to encode up to two NTSC D-1 video (720x480 @ 30fps) channels. The IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) will also record two channels of digital audio using 16 bit MS Adaptive Differential Pulse Code modulation with a sample rate of not less than 44.1 KHz for each evidentiary video camera source. The DVU-1000 is capable of live streaming video from configured vehicles to the agency server. The DVU-1000 can be configurable to use satellite, WLAN, MAN, Mesh, or cellular network capable of at least 56 kbps for live video transmission at CIF resolution (352 x 240) together with audio and data telemetry for streaming capabilities. Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 0 Raytheon JPS Conmunicadons. Data is subject to change. D E7 White Paper WP -8002-8 D VU -1000 Digital In -Car Video System lim;'l F. L 4 t� 11", iwl I Table 2 DVU-1000 Specifications: Video Input Connector: RS -170 Composite BNC Audio Input Connector: 3.5mm Stereo Audio (Standard PC) Video Standard Support: NTSC/PAUSECAM Frame Rate: Variable to 30fps (NTSC) & 25fps (PAL) Scanning Rate (NTSC): 60sps MP -2; 30sps MP -1&4 Scanning Rate (PAL): 50sps MP -2; 25sps MP1&4 (PAL) Compression Formats: MPEG-2/4/DivX/WMV/MJPEG Resolution: Full D-1 / VGA / QVGA / CIF / QCIF Bus Bandwidth: 480 mbps Software Driver: Supports Microsoft Windows XP® Module Control: Programmatic/multi-instance Data Transfer Rate: 28kbps - 6Mbps Status Indication: Software Interface Enclosure: Rugged all -aluminum clamshell Construction: Single PCB; no moving parts except fan Mounting: Integral mounting flanges Operating Temperature: - 10 to 60° C Storage Temperature: - 20 to 85° C (-13 to 185° F) Humidity: 5 to 95%, non -condensing Atmosphere: No corrosive gases Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 0 Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 Digital In -Car Video System Figure 4 /N VEHICLE COMPUTER (lVC) 4.5 Mobile Digital Camera (Front) The mobile video package includes a Super HAD front -facing camera that is designed and manufactured for the challenges of public safety in -vehicle use. The camera features +/- 180 degree rotation and variable tilt. The camera features NTSC: 525 lines, PAL 625 lines with an RS -485 Interface. The camera has Auto Focus/Auto Iris. Other features include 20X optical zoom, manual or automatic zoom and focus, backlight and brightness control, and more. The camera has a small form factor for easy installation. The camera also features on screen display capability. Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 © Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to chance. �1 White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 Digital In -Car Video System Figure 5 Day Night 20x Power Zoom Camera 4.6 Mobile Digital Camera (Rear) The mobile vehicle package includes a rear camera to provide surveillance of the rear seating area. The camera is enclosed in a protective metal casing with bracket and is equipped with infrared technology for night time viewing (includes six illuminating LEDs for night vision). Camera features low power consumption and also has RCA connections for compatibility. • Image Sensor=1/3" CCD • Lens: 3.6mm wide angle • Resolution: 380 TV lines • Min. Illumination=.5 Lux • Power: 12 volt Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 0 Raytl eon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. L-1 P 11 White Paper WP -8002-8 D VU -1000 Digital In -Car Video System Figure 6 Rear Prisoner Camera 4.7 Remote Sensor Module (RSM) The Remote Sensor Module (RSM) is a computer sub -processor that incorporates analog to digital input sensors capable of sensing electrical voltages and frequencies of up to 1 kilohertz. The RSM incorporates (8) dry contact relays to control external electrical devices, such as signal Led's, remote microphones, etc. The RSM uses a USB 2.0 port to communicate sensory information gathered to the Calisto application running in the IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC). This device enables the DVU-1000 System to be aware of the operational status of other devices, and to activate external systems as required. • Bus- powered • 8 relay output channels and 8 isolated digital input channels • LED indicators to show activated relays • 8 Form C type relay output channels • High-voltage isolation on input channels (2,500 VDC) • High ESD protection (2,000 VDC) • Wide input range (5 -- 30 VDC) • Interrupt handling capability • Wiring terminal on Modules • Suitable for DIN -rail mounting Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 © Raytheon JPS Connunicabons. Data is subject to change. �1 E7 White Paper WP -8002-8 D VU -1000 Digital In -Car Video System Figure 7 4.8 Mobile Wireless Microphone Remote Sensor Module (RSM) The Trinus wireless microphones are the most agile 40 channel Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) mobile wireless microphones with only one A/D conversion (eliminating distortion from multiple analog to digital conversions) providing CD quality audio for law enforcement while meeting the stringent environmental requirements. The mobile unit is worn on the officers while outside of the vehicle and is activated by manually turning on the transponder or automatically if any of the preset vehicle alarms are activated. The automated features ensure the officer a complete audio/visual record has taken place, yet does not provide audio if an alarm is not active or during pre -event video recording. The wireless microphone/speaker communicates back to the base unit via VHF frequencies. It has a range of 1000 feet from the receiver, and operates in full duplex (simultaneous transmit and receive Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 ® Raytheon JPS Conwnunications. Data is subject to change. �7 11 White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 Digital In -Car Video System Figure 8 Remote Wireless Microphone 4.9 Touchscreen VGA Display The display is small yet rugged, and can be easily mounted in a variety of locations within the vehicle, dependent on customer preferences. It features a 7 inch wide screen TFT VGA touchscreen display, supports 800 X 480 (native) and scales up to 1600 X 1200. It has auto on/off function for VGA mode and auto reversing for video 3. It has a 16 X 9 aspect ratio and a brightness of 400 cd/m2. The contrast ratio is 350:1 and it uses 10 Watts of power. The unit has auto -adjust of lightness and darkness intensity. Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 ® Ray#mn JPS ConmunicaWns. Data is subject to change. I U, �7 White Paper WP -8002-8 D VU -1000 Digital In -Car Video System Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 Figure 9 Widescreen Touchscreen Display ® Raytheon JPS Cortmunicabons. Data is subject to change. m White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 13aythean Digital In -Car Video System 4.10 Wireless File Transfer System (FTS) DVU-1000 Systems incorporate an advanced wireless transfer system based upon Votan's exclusive FTSTM protocol. This system recognizes vehicles as they come into range of a "home" IP network, such as an 802.11 n based DVU-1000 network at the station site. The system automatically places vehicles in a queue. As transfers are completed, the system automatically selects each new vehicle in the queue, and commences its evidentiary file transfer. FTSTM protocol controls the wireless network queue and transmission suppression schema, eliminating the need for specific uploading "stations." When a DVU-1000 System is selected to begin transferring its video files, it's assigned a WAP. This system enables wireless upload regardless of the number of proximate DVU-1000 Systems, each of which may be parked anywhere within a designated area (such as a parking lot). Once each file transfer is completed and confirmed to be accurate, the system automatically prepares each DVU-1000 System with any necessary and appropriate system updates, while simultaneously entering all relevant data into the StationServer central database. When a DVU-1000 System has been updated as necessary, the next vehicle in the queue is automatically selected for file transfer. Important Note: In the event that a vehicle returns to the field before an upload is complete, the system automatically logs and bookmarks the event and suspends the transfer. File Transfer automatically resumes beginning with the next video frame in sequence when the vehicle returns assuring no loss of data and maximum file transfer throughput. Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 © Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 Raytheen Digital In -Car Video System ........................................................... .-----... DVU-1000 CERT Station Server ; s \ �. �`--� File Transfer System a� (FTS) 802.11n r�,: Existing ' • LAN ' Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) ' RAID Storage Agency's Workstations ' (View Evidence ; and Bum DVD Media) : i _.................................................•.......................... Figure 10 DVU-1000 Station Server 4.10.1 Calisto Mobile Application Software This software was designed for ease of use for an operator in a vehicle. The high resolution video dominates the screen, with large recognizable navigation buttons lining the bottom. System status, disk space and file directory indicators on the right side of the screen keep the user appraised of key parameters of his mobile video system. The software also monitors and can control telemetry parameters and more. Operators may not delete, modify or in anyway alter video data that is captured. The mobile digital video system is designed for law enforcement use, and it is designed to keep the chain of video evidence secure and tamper -proof. Other features include advanced seek -and - Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 © Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. 11 White Paper WP -8002-8 D VU -1000 Digital In -Car Video System play features, "jump" forward or backward feature for efficient video viewing, and connection status if connected to a wireless data network. Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Ralegh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 Figure 11 Calisto Mobile Software User GUI ® Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. L-1 White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 Digital In -Car Video System 502; Coda Mark Database 7 I 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 12 Calisto Mobile Software User Menu 4.10.2 802.11(n) Radio/Transceiver A wireless 802.11(n) radio is included for securely uploading digital video evidence to the 802.11(n) fixed access points. 4.11 Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) 4.11.1 802.11(n) Access Points — Votan Dual -Net Two wireless 802.11(n) access points and outdoor directional antennas will be installed where line -of -sight connectivity to the vehicle fleet may be achieved. Proprietary device drivers allow uploads of remarkably fast speeds of video upload. Video evidence is WEP encrypted over the air for security. 4.11.2 Network Security All of these functions are accomplished without human intervention, and are audited in accordance with Federal Rules of Evidence pertaining to the chain of custody of evidence. Wireless encryption is used to provide security for the wireless systems. 4.11.3 The Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) Integrated Solutions The Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) is built upon the award-winning MySQL database, the most advanced, secure, and feature rich open architecture database. Advanced Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 0 Raytheon JPS Comnunicabons. Data is subject to change. White Paper WP -8002-8 �� DVU-7000 fla4ftheon Digital In -Car Video System versions of the MySQL server engine are also available. The Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) includes a basic database license together with software extensions and plug -ins developed to facilitate comprehensive services that seamlessly integrate the user and administrative experience. Customization of database resources, scale, multi - application, and multi -site inter -operative solutions can be implemented on an as - needed basis. Please refer to the MySQL website for extensive information that details the wide array of features and services available for.advanced applications. (www.mVsgl.com) 4.11.4 Evidentiary Media Server Software The Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) software manages the video records after they have been uploaded. Video may be searched and organized in a variety of ways, provided the user has secured access, including day, time, driver, and vehicle number. Easy to use graphical user interfaces make video cataloging, searching and viewing simple. Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) videos may be viewed with Windows Media Player on any WLAN-connected workstation, or it may be utilized on a dedicated LAN - connected workstation. The software may be loaded on the LAN so that several workstations may be authorized to view the video evidence. Evidentiary Media Server ak (EMS) software provides advanced security features ensuring that only authorized is users can access and control the video data. 6=J Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 0 Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. P Paper WP -8002-8 D VU- 1 000 Digital In -Car Video System Figure 13 Evidentiary Video Player Software 4.11.5 Exporting Evidence Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) files are stored in standard video compression formats, and are easy to export for use in any media format. PC-based media formats are supported. Some formats such as VHS may require additional equipment. Using the Calisto Media Player, all of embedded data is available as -it -happened during the recording, delivering an unprecedented and unassailable means of displaying the evidence in court, or for any other purpose. Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 ® Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. (ib White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 flav#heen Digital In -Car Video System 4.11.6 Personality Manager Personality Manager enables write -once central control of many of the system's features and services. An authorized administrator can change many of the automatic processes performed by the entire system based on "classes of service" of each DVU- 1000 System. As an example, a DUI police vehicle might be designated as a different "class" of vehicle from a traffic police vehicle. By changing operational attributes of the ,'vehicle" class, all of the DVU-1000 Systems designated within the "vehicle" class are changed. Personality Manager streamlines administrative processes, and can instantly modify the operational attributes of an entire fleet of vehicles, with the need for an administrator to physically interrogate each individual DVU-1000 System. 4.11.7 Video Formats DVU-1000 Systems record video and audio using standard industrial formats, such as MPEG-2 and MPEG -4. These standard digital formats can be played using a variety of commercial off-the-shelf players such as Windows Media, QuickTime, Real, and DirectShow. Embedded data can be read using Internet Explorer and the Evidentiary Media Player (Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) Web -Map). The Evidentiary Media Player is free with an unlimited license to enable files to be played back while showing all of the data in easy to read windows, and a graphical map view showing the exact location of the vehicle throughout the time the recording was made. (This synchronized map view feature requires a subscription to the appropriate map graphics and must be equipped with optional GPS receiver or access to GPS coordinates.) 4.11.8 Servers and Storage Systems or Equivalent Appliance The EMS Evidentiary server will employ a Microsoft Server 2003 operating system that utilizes MySQL as its browser -based Object Database. The operating system will reside in a dedicated RAID1 volume which will also share the JPS Communications' proprietary Evidentiary Media Server (EMS) and File Transfer System (FTS) software. The EMS server shall posses a minimum processor performance of an Intel Core 2 Duo 3.4 GHz processor. The EMS Evidentiary server will also contain separate data storage Database and Video/Audio hard drive volumes configured in a RAID1 and RAID5 disk array, respectively. These volumes are not constrained by size and can be scaled using direct attached storage (DAS), fiberchannel, Network Attached Storage (NAS) or Storage Area Network (SAN) storage techniques. 4.11.9 Network Interfaces and Data Transport Devices The primary transport medium of evidentiary data from the in -car client video recording devices to the Evidentiary Media Server shall be accomplished wirelessly utilizing non- proprietary 802.11 n and MI MO apparatus. Each in -car client shall be equipped with a Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 0 Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. Ll White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 Asalobeen Digital In -Car Video System non-proprietary 802.11 n Wireless Network adapter, while the FTS server will be supported by (2) 802.11 n / MIMO Wireless Access Points (WAP). The viewing and management of uploaded evidentiary data/video/audio can take place at remote locations using ordinary desktop or laptop computer systems and secure networks. The EMS server possesses (2) IEEE 802.3 Ethernet 10/100/1000 megabit per second network interfaces that can be connected to properly routed networks. The viewing and management of uploaded evidentiary data/video/audio can also take place beyond the confines of the secure network infrastructure, and can simply employ common encapsulation or VPN methods to provide secure access to computers that may require connectivity over hostile networks or the Internet. 4.11.10 Client Device or Appliance Any non-proprietary industry -standard desktop or laptop computer that is capable of running Microsoft XP, or later operating systems, will be sufficient to provide client functions to the EMS evidentiary server over viable networks. Since the operating system of the EMS evidentiary server utilizes Microsoft Server 2003, it will be able to take advantages of Microsoft Active Directory Services for its central authentication and authorization services for all Windows-based clients attempting to access the EMS evidentiary server, if necessary. 4.11.11 Live Wireless Video The DVU-1000 system can be equipped to transmit LIVE (real-time) video using a wireless data network, including cellular data networks as follows: Car to Command Center The DVU-1000 video may be viewed from a workstation on the LAN of the installed Server 2003 and allows viewing of any car in the fleet. The two keys to this functionality require a Windows Streaming Media Services Server installed on your network to serve as a mediator between the cars and the viewers, and you have a set of static routable IP Addresses on your wireless cards, or a robust VPN setup between the computers in the cars and your police intranet. To initiate, simply enter in the alias address (mms://(media server)/car1234) into the computer and when the server receives the video request, it will contact the car and relay the video to the officer. Car to Car The car to car configuration runs under essentially the same constraints as the car to command center configuration. All the same rules apply where the 'requesting' car should be able to contact the Streaming Media server in the exact same method as an officer sitting at a desk. While this may seem the long way to go, it again helps manage Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 ® Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. 01 White Paper WP -8002-8 DVU-1000 maiftheen Digital In -Car Video System the bandwidth to the 'source' car therefore making sure that everyone can view the video. 4.12 Powerful Mobile Computing DVU-1000 Systems are designed to operate in conjunction with the installed mobile computer running Windows XP® with service pack two. This architecture provides the services and features of an in -vehicle computer with video evidence recording and transmission capabilities. Cali stoTM software is both easy to use and intuitive. With familiar controls, personnel require little training to begin using the system. Because video compression is performed by powerful IN VEHICLE COMPUTER (IVC) peripheral modules, the computer's central processor is relieved of the hundreds of millions of mathematical calculations per second necessary to compress the video in any supported format. As a result, when the Calisto application window is minimized to the Windows Start Bar, or when covered by another application, the system operates using a minimum percentage of the computer's available CPU cycles, typically less than 10 percent. When a user views live video or plays back a file, the computer decompresses high resolution video for display to the user, so CPU utilization increases, but generally not enough to interfere with the operation of any other application. DVU-1000 Systems are designed to integrate with in -vehicle computers so that expensive components such as LCD Displays, recording media, and other hardware do not have to be redundantly installed. The result is a full featured video and data recording, control, computer, and digital communication system at a comparable cost to other stand-alone video recorders. 5 System Technology Summary- Votan Research Corporation 5.1 Introduction Votan Research Corporation designs and manufactures rugged advanced -technology visual telecommunication systems. Votan's low cost, highly flexible systems encompass a variety of mobile digital recorders, live wireless digital video transmitters, and fast - access video databases and storage archives. Live video can be transmitted over virtually any wireless data service, including ubiquitously available cellular data services, wide area networks, and satellite IP services. The centerpiece of Votan equipment is a television broadcast -quality system that is easily the most cost effective and most rugged system of its kind. Votan's systems also transmit GPS, Radar, Biometry, LAN, VoIP, and other information embedded into and synchronized with video and audio recordings and live transmissions. • In summary Votan provides: Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 © Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. White Paper WP -8002-8 'lftaiftheen D VU -1000 Digital In -Car Video System • Rugged advanced -technology visual telecommunication systems • Low cost, highly flexible mobile digital recorders • Television broadcast -quality systems • Live wireless digital video transmitters o cellular data services o wide area networks o satellite • Fast -access video databases and storage archives • Embedded GPS, Radar, Biometry, LAN, VolP, and more • Fastest Wireless upload in the market at 2 cars with 1 hour of D1 video each in under 5 minutes. 5.2 Proprietary Technology The "secret sauce": Advanced Digital Video Remote Transmission with Concurrent Amkk Telemetry & Embedded Networking Traffic — a patent -pending process that dramatically reduces transmission latency, overhead, and bandwidth of high-quality video with concurrent data traffic over narrowband Internet protocol communication links. Votan calls this VTNXTM, processes and devices that perform application layer unidirectional serial encapsulation of Internet Protocol traffic into a digitally encoded, compressed, video telemetry stream containerized for ultra-low latency and bandwidth restricted IP transmission. These processes incorporate advanced video compression techniques as part of the integrated solution. t Raytheon JPS Communications 5800 Departure Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 919.790.1011 0 Raytheon JPS Communications. Data is subject to change. Specification for Digital In -Car Video System The digital in -car video camera system shall be designed to provide court admissible recording of various patrol duties and activities of police personnel, including but not limited to pursuits, traffic stops, public contacts, D.U.I. stops, and other related patrol activity. The digital mobile video system shall be designed to record a wide variety of useful information including the following, all synchronized and recorded directly into the evidentiary record: • Date • Time • Brake usage • Vehicle and personnel identification • Global positioning Satellite Information (GPS) • Vehicle speed (GPS) • GPS trigger on excessive speed Aft LIM • Radar target information (Source, Target and Differential Speed) • Remaining storage volume indication, time or memory readings • Suspect and license plate entry and much more, associated with related video file based on associated CAD ID The system shall support automation of the evidence archive process in full compliance with mandates and regulations governing the chain of custody of evidence, and provide secure and auditable transmission of these records, all without human intervention. The primary focus of the digital in -car system is to process all data "hands free," and to ensure no administrative or user intervention or action is required to seamlessly transfer secure information, on demand and real-time. The evidentiary recording and transmission system shall be designed for seamless integration using a simple local user interface with a small touch screen monitor. The system will contain a fully automated central file management and secure evidentiary archive program. This system must be compliant with the federal standard for submissible evidence in court. The digital mobile video system shall consist of: • One front color camera • One rear prisoner black and white camera • Dual Video encoders • Capable of handling up to three microphones, recording any two 8/27/2008 Page ( of 7 i • A module for interfacing triggers from inputs such as the light bar, microphone, siren, gun rack trigger and others as required. Facilities for up to 8 triggers must be provided for present/future requirements. Facilities for 8 outputs must also be provided for present/future requirements. • Wireless radio, 802.11(n) vehicle radio/transceiver • 802.11(n) access point for video uploads at a rate of 1 hour of D 1 quality (720 X 480) video for 4 vehicles uploaded in 8 minutes or less. • (2) Locked, removable 8 Gb flash memory cards as the in -vehicle operating system and video storage system. • GPS • Monitor • RAID -5 servers • Tape Backup System • DVD Burn System The system shall have the following minimum capabilities: Microphones: • Wireless microphone/transmitter system to capture/send full duplex audio within 1000 feet of the car. • Discreet hard -wired microphone to capture audio from inside the vehicle. • The wireless microphone must be capable of remotely turning on the front camera by the operator turning the microphone to the on position. • The system should be capable of supporting up to three microphones in which any two, as configured by the administrator or user, can record to the audio files at the same time. General: • System shall record D1 resolution video at 720 X 480 VGA; 30 frames per second minimum • Manual activation of recording must be provided • Triggers must be supplied for recording includes lights, brakes and microphone • Number of available configurable triggers shall total 8 • Ability to mark video as evidence from the car or the server • Video can be marked by "type" of event. Ex: traffic stop, domestic violence, pursuit, etc, using police departmental codes • Must possess a separate meta data file containing GPS location, date, time, unit number that corresponds to every video file, this file must not be deleted when the video file is removed to allow data mining 8/27/2008 Page 2 of 7 Ak • System contains and captures GPS data and car speed info on every video and data file • Officer cannot delete or modify in any way, any of the recorded video or audio • System has the ability to monitor or control the cars electrical, radio, communication or safety systems • Audio/Video Wireless Transfer is required via 802.11(n) • System recognizes an authorized car and begins upload when it enters the access area without officer intervention • System "bookmarks" an upload so it can restart at the same point if the upload is interrupted without loss of video or restarting • System transfers data in a secure closed network environment • Wireless transfer does not depend upon or impact the agencies existing network • System provides the ability to utilize the in -car camera processor to run some MDT software with external keyboard and monitor • System provides backward compatibility as protocols and standards evolve • Vendor must provide local support for maintenance, repairs, or problem resolution Amok • Vendor must provide price discounts based upon volume purchases • All system cables required for the operation of the camera, audio system, and the integration to the Mobile Digital Computer shall be included and shall be of sufficient length to allow for mounting the supplied components as defined by the agency • All hardware required for the installation shall by supplied • Vendor must provide a full and complete set of operating instructions including all vendor supplied product service manuals shall be furnished by the contractor at no cost • Vendor to provide one full set of documentation in electronic format • Vendor must provide installation of the Digital Video/Audio System in the patrol vehicles • The system shall have the recording media in a lockable compartment so as to allow only those with authorization and a key to remove the storage memory from the unit • Bundled software allowing full control of the digital video system via an existing on -board personal computer or compact monitor Audio/Video Storage and access ° `" • Can store minimum of 6 hours of D 1 video in -system before off loading 8/27/2008 Page 3 of 7 • Server application must be provided for retrieving video 41 • Server software has functionality to automatically purge records based on business rules (elapsed days) • 1 Gb drive space maximum required to store 1 hr of video at D 1 quality • LAN based workstation(s) can search and view video that has been loaded to the server • Must support video export in Digital and pc based formats Cameras • Camera has a minimum of 40 degrees horizontal field of view • Separate front -view and rear-view cameras • Rear camera must have infrared technology for night recording • S -video output to the video processor • Adjustable frame size • Capture images in low light • Zoom, automatic zoom, auto -focus or manual, backlight and brightness control, high resolution, and infrared capability • The cameras must have Wide Dynamic Range technology which enables high resolution images in real-world environments with diverse and multidimensional lighting. Video Processor A minimum of 150 frame synchronous telemetry data fields (e.g., GPS, speed, direction, etc.) must be streamed with MPEG -4 video and evidentiary quality audio in the same socket as the video/audio. This system shall have two self-contained video encoder processors and three digital audio encoders. These devices must be able to support all standard video formats at a resolution of D-1 (broadcast quality) while recording evidentiary quality audio encoded with a 16 bit depth at a 44,100 Hz sample rate utilizing industry standard Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation. The video processor must be able to support DVD applications MPEG 2 and MPEG 4. The system must be able to stream live CIF video using a cell digital carrier or live D 1 evidentiary quality video from the vehicle using a 1 Mbps satellite link. All video must be recorded and streamed using MS Windows Media advanced streaming format. The video and audio must be playable on unrestricted freely available open source media players without a proprietary plug-in. All live streams must be compatible with commercial off the shelf encryption products using Windows XP. Evidentiary System/File Transfer System (ES/FTS) z ', The system shall be configured to automatically sort and associate video evidence with the following incidence records: 8/27/2008 Page 4 of 7 • Serial ID • Event ID • Officer Name • Vehicle ID • Office Code String • Race Code Number • Evidence Flag • Specific Sensor State • GPS Coordinates The system shall be designed as a "central resource" for all relevant evidence. The digital management solution should remember where any connection was lost with the mobile unit and begin downloading from that point when the connection is re- established, without losing a frame of video or restarting. The in -car video system recordings must be secure, both in the vehicle and when being uploaded to the evidence archive. The video system shall be configured for wireless file transfer and encryption. This system shall automatically transfer evidentiary files from two vehicles seamlessly. The system's optical archive cannot be tampered with or erased, and all actions are audited and logged in complete compliance with regulations governing the chain of custody of evidence. This system should be scalable and expandable. The digital in -car video system shall be designed to transmit LIVE (real-time video) using a wireless data network. The wireless system capability shall be able to access remote vehicles or internet connected workstations to view LIVE video transmitted from patrol or service vehicles. The system should support ultra-low bit rate transmissions, cellular wireless communications, mid bandwidth digital radio, and WiFi networking with limitless range. Our intent is to manage long term storage of video in a backend solution which requires immediate access to video. Video will be archived after the determined number of days and be accessible for years if required as defined by the agency. The system's database management server shall be designed for fast performance with the ease of installation, deployment, and administration. The database server shall be configured to support high concurrency and multi -version read support with full data integrity. The video systems servers shall be designed to manage uploaded video records in a variety of ways. The system server shall be designed to support evidence on -demand, optical storage, evidence tracking, and exporting evidence. The server shall be able to allow uploaded videos to be searched and organized with secure access capabilities. The video data shall be encoded and protected from deletion or modification. The systems evidence storage servers shall be configured for a `Prime' and `Fail -over' processor with a minimum of 22 terabytes of RAID -5 storage and tape backup. The server system must be able to provide required terabytes of on-line and unlimited storage 8/27/2008 Page 5 of 7 tomb.and retrieval. The database management system must utilize Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or 2005. There should be an administrative component to the system wherein the administrator can control access. The administrator should be able to set different levels of access rights for different personnel, such as viewing only, copying, archiving, etc. The system should record and log the chain of custody on actions such as when and what car has uploaded files or who has viewed, downloaded, exported video, etc. There should be a provable means to detect if a file tampering occurs. The system should also have an automatic archive feature to a high level tape backup system. The system must support automatic asynchronous software updates, and configuration changes from a central administrative console interface. All software and configuration changes must propagate when a vehicle completes the wireless transfer of its video/audio/data records. The evidence recording system must be designed to withstand the extremes of temperature, vibration, shock, and electrical surges. The unit should be rugged and able to withstand heat, dust, and vibration such as may be encountered if mounted in the trunk or passenger compartment of a police vehicle. The system must be properly fused and protected to prevent overheating in case of a system malfunction. The appropriate triggers must trigger the recorder to start and will indicate their use (as well as brake use) on the video recording. This activation shall include capturing the ANIL "look back" buffer memory to video -record the collision should it be in view of the active camera. This option shall include accelerometers mounted perpendicular to each other to detect impacts from all four sides of the vehicle. When in operation, the Digital Mobile Video System must not generate electromagnet or radiation that interferes with the communications or other electronic equipment found within the vehicle. Emphasis will be placed on the video system's ability to maintain consistent audio/visual recording quality, while subjected to interference from the following sources: • High-powered television stations • Other radio frequency interference (including UHF, VHF and HF transmitters) • Automobile alternator, ignition, and electrical systems • Auto heaters/air conditioner fan motors • Other patrol vehicle electrical systems to include radios, emergency lights, siren, mobile data computers, GPS Tracking devices and high speed measuring devices • High voltage power lines, traffic signals, neon lights, etc • Vibration of the vehicle The Digital Mobile Video System must be designed to minimize any and all protruding connections or edges that may cause physical injury to vehicle occupants in the event of an accident. The camera and any other component shall be mounted in a manner as not to interfere with the effective operation of the airbag or any other safety device. The camera 8/27/2008 Page 6 of 7 0 F7 and any other component shall be mounted in a manner as not to interfere with any vehicle control mechanism or obstruct the vehicle operator's view. All Digital In -Car Video Systems and related audio equipment must conform to the minimum standards as set by: • Electronic Industries Association (EIA). • National Television System Committee (NTSC). • Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations (FCC). • The vendor will provide upon request, Expert Witnesses to testify to the accuracy, operation and reliability of the Digital Video System. • All Digital Mobile Video Systems shall be of industrial/commercial grade. No prototype models will be considered. 8/27/2008 Page 7 of 7 DATALUX I Technologies OE Inc. QUOTATION Quotation Date: August 6, 2009 Quotation No.: Q090801-03 Quote To: Tustin Police Department Sergeant Paul Garaven 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 pgaraven cDtustinca.org FOB: Tustin, California Terms: 30 Days Item Qty. Unit Description Unit Price Extension 1 35 Ea. Datalux Tracer TCU-TX204 4,225.00 $147,875.00 12.1 Inch Mobile Data Computer by Datalux Intel Core2 Duo Processor, 1.6 GHz 80 GB Hard Drive 1 GB RAM Memory PCMCIA/bus 4 USB 2.0, 1 PCIe Mini Card, 1 PCMCIA Card Slot Color Active Matrix 1024768 XGA Resistive Touchscreen Internal Vehicle Power Conditioning Windows XP Pro Operating System 3 year Datalux product warranty 2 35 Ea. Keyboard COP-KEYBD-3GT1 330.00 $11,550.00 Clip -On Backlit Keyboard with Steering Wheel Bar - USB with Glidepoint Trackpad and Internal Splashguard 3 35 Ea. Mount Adapters 45.00 $1,575.00 For use with Tracer 4 4 35 Ea. On-site Installation of Mount Adapters 0.00 $0.00 (Normally $75 each - $2,625 for fleet) is included with purchase 5 35 Ea. Software Staging & Installation @ PST I 0.00 $0.00 (Normally $175 each - $6,175 for fleet) is included with purchase Quote by: Mike Davinroy Subtotal $1 b1,000.UU Shipping $1,365.00 Quotation valid for sixty (60) days Total Amount $162,365.00 Shipping based upon $39 for each computer Any or all applicable taxes to be paid directly by the customer to the taxing agency Will be using existing mounts s ■.r s .� A� The Tracer Computer Processor System Memory HDD Sound rdi�? Docking Connector PCIe Expansion ,deo & Graphics LCD Screen Security Touch Screen Operating Temp. Storage Temp. Size Weight Operating Voltage Operating System Compliance Tracer TRACER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Intel® CoreTM2 Duo Processor, 1 GHz 4 MB L2 Cache 1 GB or 2 GB DDR2 DRAM 80 GB Standard, Larger HDD Sizes and Extended Performance HDDs Available Internal Stereo Speakers; Intel® High Definition Ando Compliant, 1/8" minion jacks For Mic-In and re-taskable Line-In/Line-Out 5 USB 2.0, Type A Receptacles 1 DVI -1 Digital/Analog Video Output 1 Serial, RS -232, 9 -pin Circular DIN 1 PCMCIA/CardBus Slot, Type I or Type 11 1 ExpressCard/54 Slot (for 34mm or 54mm) 10/100/1000 BaseT Ethernet, RJ -45 Locking Circular, with 12V input, 1 -USB 2.0 1 Internal PCIe mini -card slot (PCIe options must be factory -installed) Intel GMA X3100 Integrated Graphics; Up to 384MB Video Memory (shared) Color Active Matrix, 12.1" Diagonal, 1024768 (XGA), Sunlight Readability, Optically Enhanced Trusted Mobile Platform (TPM) Security Chip 5 -wire Resistive touch screen (standard) 0°C to +55°C (see options) -200C to +75°C 12.04" x 9.82" x 1.85" 6.0 lbs. 8-18 VDC, internal power conditioning Windows XP Pro or Windows Vista Business FCC, CE, MIL -STD -81 OF (pending) Factory -Installed Options: Integrated 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-FI (uses internal PCIe slot) Bluetooth v2.0 + EDR Extended Performance Hard Drive for Low Temp Operation (-20°C) Rev. 08/20/2008 10 AM AMAV .9 Aff .+w �Ww .MW s Am ~ a aW na am AWAM'N _AGW__ __ _,. MAREMIWAAM 11 Tracer Tracer Features: All -in -One unit contains display and computer for ease of mounting, installation, and use. The unit may be removed by unplugging a single connector. The computer is powered by Intel Corel"2 Duo processor. • The antkeflective display and resistive touch screen combine to provide superior readability even in the sunlit conditions encountered in vehicles. • Daylight visible display is fully dimmable by front panel controls for night- time viewing or may be easily switched off for surveillance. • Sealed case utilizing heat pipes for heat dissipation without fan. A thermal protection feature initiates an orderly shutdown when the computer is left on in an un -air conditioned vehicle and subjected to a high sun load. The removable hard disk drive (HDD) is shock mounted for rugged use. An optional severe -duty HDD will allow use in more extreme temperatures. • High-resolution display will support the latest mobile police software. The Tracer has adequate video memory to display full screen, full motion video inputs. Digital video output (DVI -1) will drive external slave monitor. • The Tracer offers 5 USB 2.0 port, a removable HDD and an accessible memory slot. • Factory options include: 2GB DDR2 DRAM, severe -duty HDD for low temp operation, 802.11 a/b/g/n Wi-Fi (using an internal PCIe mini -card. • Designed for MIL -STD -810F specifications (tests pending). Universa! Mount Features: • Tracer swings on vertical indexing hinge for easy access to dashboard or correct positioning for passenger use. • Home position is slightly angled toward driver, but viewable by passenger. • Installs quickly using passenger seat floor plate or center console as a solid base. No dash alterations or permanent vehicle modifications are needed. • Does not interfere with airbag deployment and allows comfortable seating for passenger. (See video on Datalux web site, www.datalux.com). • Basic mount fits a wide variety of vehicles. A vehicle model change usually requires only a different floor plate. Keyboard Features: • The keyboard is mounted on a stable articulating arm allowing it to be positioned optimally for either the driver or passenger. • Unique clip -on keyboard mounting offers the easy one hand removal of the keyboard. It may then be used in an integrated steering wheel mount which provides a stable and convenient platform for in -vehicle report writing. • Dimmable, backlit keys for night time operation. Full travel keys (no rubbery feel) with standard spacing. Every keyboard has a track pad and membrane seal to protect against spills. (91 ul Oi o a�0 ri VdU QQ Y w � w3 w m w<z Ozo >� 0 w Q Ell N N m m m m NNInN �7» KUSTOM SIGNALS k(lff KUSiOM SIGNALS, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT, INC 9325 Pflumm, Lenexa KS 66215-3347 92-1400 Fax 913-492-1703 't kustomsignals.com www.kustomsignals.com i'; Date 08/26/2009 To... P GARAVEN TUSTIN POLICE DEPT 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN CA 92780 Quotation Quote # 451951754928W70 Terms Net 30 This Quote Expires on 11/30/2009 Phone 714-573-3200 Fax 714-730-8027 Page 1 of 2 Qty Product Description UnitPrice SubTotal 34 G3 40 GB RUGGEDIZED HDD, DVR CONTROLLER, MIRROR MONITOR $4,950.00 $168,300.0 34 SHIPPING & HANDLING COSTS $65.00 $2,210.00 34 DUAL CONTROL/MONITOR (MDC W/DVR CONTROLLER ADDED $111.00 $3,774.00 34 MENU SECURITY $44.00 $1,496.00 34 CRASH RECORD ACTIVATION $245.00 $8,330.00 34 G3 WIRELESS TRANSFER IN CAR COMPONENTS (AT TIME OF PURCHASE) $262.00 $8,908.00 1 DENIM 14000 14TB W DELL POWEREDGE 2950 III, WIN 2003 SVR, DUAL $28,300.00 $28,300.00 CORE INTEL XEON 5160 3.OGHZ, 2GB MEM, 2 80GB RAID1 MIRRORED, PERC6I SAS RAID CONTROLLER, 2X4 CONNECTORS, INT, PCLE, 256MB CACHE, X6 34 VIDEO INSTALLATION BY KUSTOM SIGNAL'S FIELD SERVICE $350.00 $11,900.00 TECHNICIAN (FST) 1 SHIPPING AND HANDLING FOR DENIM 14000 $500.00 $500.00 34 REBATE FOR DEW'S $-750.00 $-25,500.0 1 8.75% CALIFORNIA USAGE TAX $17,468.00 $17,468.00 Signature 11 Total $225,686.00 *Applicable Sales Tax Not Included. Seller may charge Buyer a 25% restocking fee. *** Order subject to agreement between Kustom Signals and customer on configuration and terms *** *** Payment Terms: Net 30 from date of Invoice *** KUSTOM SIGNALS, INC. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. APPLICABILITY. Unless otherwise specified CONNECTION WITH THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS in a written bid, quote or contract, the following terms and LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THE GOODS. conditions shall apply 2. PRICES AND TAXES Prices will be Kustom Signals, Inc.'s (`seller') prises in effect on the date a purchase order is acceptedbySeller, and Seller maychange its prices at any tirne, in its sole discretion. All prices will be F.O.B. Chanute, Kansas, and nit of anyduties, sales, use or similar taxes, fees or aczsessments, and do not include shipping, packaging or anyinsuran ce costs, all of which are Buyer's responsibility. 3. PAYMENT. Unless otherwise provided on the face of the invoice, payment is due net 30 days of invoice in US dollars. Partial payments are not permitted unless authorized in writing. Partial payments will be treated as non-payment. Each invoice is independent from shipping sequence and disputes relating to other invoices. Failure to payan invoice within 50 days a-illbe considered a default. 4. DELIVERY AND PERFORMANCE. Delivery dates are approximate. Seller disclaims all liabilityfor late or partial deliverer. Seller iaay delirer in such lots and at such times as is convenient for Seller. 5. LOSS IN TRANSTL Risk of loss will pass to Buyer upon deliveryof the goods to the carrier. In case of breakage or low in transit, Buyer will have notation of same made on expense bill before paying freight. Seller mayreject claims for shortages not raarde within 15 days of Buyer's receipt of the goods. 6. TER UNATION, RE ST OC'IMG CFLI.RGZ S Buyer may terminate this purchase order for its convenience, in :,hole or m lvart, by written, faxed or telegraphic notice at any titres. If Buyer terminates this purchase order for coicveruence, Buyer will be liable to Seller for Seller's reasonable costs incurred in the performance of tlus purchyse order that Seller cannot mitigate. Unlet: otherwise agreed upon in advance in writing by Seller, seller may charge Buyer a 25% restocking fee, if. 00 the Pu;yr returns any non -defective goods covered byv this purchase order; or (b) prior to shipment, but after the goods are produced b y Se Ile r, Buyer cancels the order for tILP subjec t go ods. 7. WARRANTY. Seller's warranty is provided separately. 8. LI&IITATION OF LIABILITY. SELLER IS NOT LIABLE FOR PITY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, OF'_ IIdCIDE.tdTAL DAMAGES, OR ANY LOST PROFITS OR LOST SAVINGS, EVEN IF A SELLERREPPY-SENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS, DAMAGES, CLAIMS OR COSTS. NOR_ IS SELLER LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM BY AIdY THIRD PARTY. SELLER'S AGGREGATE LI.LFSILIT:' UNDER OR IN 9. INDEMNIFICATION. Buyer will indemnify, defend and hold Seller harmless from all losses, damages, liabilities and costs, including attorneyd fees, incurred or sustained by Se Ile r as a result of any third party claim made against Seller, including a claim by customer of Buyer, arising from its negligent, reckless, willful, or intentional actions inmarketing and reselling the goods. 10. EXPORTRULES Buyerwill not ship, transfer or export the goods into any country or use the goods in any manner prohibited by the United States Export Administration Actor anyother export laws, restrictions or regulations (collectively the 'Export Laws'). In addition, if the goods are identified as export controlled items under the Export Laws, Buyer represents and warrants that Buyer is not a citizen, or otherwise located within, an embargoed nation (including, without limitation Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, and North Korea) and that Buyer is not otherwise prohibited under the Export Laws from receiving the goods. 11. MISCELLANEOUS This purchase order, together with any other written agreement between Buyer and Seller, if any. (i) is the exclusive statement of the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous communications; (ii) may not be amended except in writing executedbythe parties; and (iii) will be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Kansas, without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law. This purchase order is: (1) solely for the benefit of the parties, and no provision of this purchase order will be deemed to confer upon any other person any remedy; claim, liability, reimbursement, cause of action or other right. Each party consents to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in the State of Kansas for purposes of any suit, action or other proceeding arising out of this Agreement: waives any argument that venue in any such forum is not convenient and agrees that the venue of any litigation initiated byeither of them in connection with this Agreement will be in either the District Court of Johnson County, Kansas, or the United States District Court, District of Kanas. If any provision of this purchase order is unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in effect. Ido waiver (whether by course of dealing or otherwise) is effective unless it is made in writing and signed bythe party to be c harged with such waiver. Unless otherwise specified in writing, notices must be given in ,z-riting by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to: Kustom Signals, Inc. Attn: Sales Dept. 9325 Pflumm Lenexa, KS 66215 More Options/Less-Clutter" DIGITAL EYEWITNESS® G3 TM The new G3 in -car video system supports all the features you want, yet takes up very little space inside your patrol car - leaving you more room to work. It's also economically priced, leaving more room in your budget. Control the system from your Mobile Data Computer and the small camera and audio system is all you'll see (mount the DVR in the trunk or anywhere in your car). Or use the mirror monitor with the DVR/controller mounted in your center console. The choice is yours! i J e IN -CAR SYSTEM FILE MANAGEMENT Media Options File Management Hard Drive (HDD) File -Transfer Options Compact FlashP Com ression Options PD/Ago go Options Removable Media DEMM Express MPEG 1 /2/4 Wireless (for shelf -stored media) Controller Options �� Hard -Wired DEMM 10 Separate DVR Controller KustomNet & Mirror Monitor ---------------------- Mobile Data Computer Zoom Camera • Horizontal resolution: 500 lines • Minimum illumination: 0.7 lux • Lens: auto/manual focus, l OX optical zoom • Dimensions: 2.0" x 4.0" x 2.0" (W x L x H) o Weight: 0.58 Ib Controller (MDC or DVR) • Manual record Auto record: emergency lights, siren, wireless mic activation, crash activation (option), GPS threshold speed activation (option) • File review • Set-up menu • User list for officer log -in 0 Stop classification • File tagging • Case # entry (MDC only) • MDC programmable "hot -button" to activate record (MDC only) • Brightness, contrast, volume (MDC only) Mirror Monitor Option • Replaces factory rear view mirror 9 3.5" color active matrix LCD • Dual speakers * Brightness, contrast, volume adjustment • LCD can be turned off w/o affecting recording ((((((( 9325 Pflumm • Lenexa, K5 66215-3347 +.....GWw.. nl�K i e i n iK Tel- 913-d97-1AOO • ROO-AKl1STnAA Digital Video Recorder • File transfer: wireless, wired, manual • Video compression: MPEG], 2 or 4 • MPEG1 frame size: 352 x 240 • MPEG2, 4 frame size: 720 x 480 • Recording media: hard drive or compact flash • Dual audio -tracks • Pre -event recording: up to 3 minutes • Files compatible with Kustom DEMM systems • Radar interface Wireless Audio System • 900 MHz digital spread spectrum • Automatic transmitter activation upon record • True diversity receivers • Lithium ion rechargeable battery • Transmitter works with any base station 0 LED black -out for covert nighttime operation rl_� CD J (01 Kustom Signals offers a wide variety of scalable back office solutions. They are all intuitive to navigate and easy to use. The solutions summarized below were developed to satisfy all of your video file management needs. Our District Managers, Inside Sales Representatives and Field Applications Engineers can help you deter- mine which back office solution is right for you. DEMM Express The DEMM Express software provides limited search- ing, playback and replication capabilities for remov- able media. DEMM Express is software that you load onto a PC - no database is required. From one screen you can view videos, duplicate videos using the PC's DVD burner and prepare the media for reuse. Digital Eyewitness® Media Manager (DEMM) A DEMM system is hardware and software that pro- vides easy video file searching, playback and duplica- tion. Chain of custody and evidence integrity is main- tained in the system by assigning user names, pass- words and access levels to authorized users. All DEMM systems offer enhanced searching capability. You can search by officer, vehicle or badge number. You can also search by Stop/Hold Classifications and freeform comments. 'Viewing station only DEMM 4000,6000,8000,10000,12000,14000 DEMM 80 1000,2500 Hardware Dell T3400 Dell PowerEd a 2950 III & Dell T3400 Operating System Win XP Pro Win 2003 Server & Win XP Pro Server w/RAID No Yes Storage 80 GB, 1.0 TB, 2.5 TB 4 TB, b TB, 8 TB, 10 TB, 12 TB, 14 TB File Transfer Manual, Wired, Wireless Manual, Wired, Wireless Installation, Configuration, Testing & Training Yes Yes DEMM Playback Server Support Yes w/Tower Server Yes w/Rack Server 'Viewing station only 7 C� v♦v t./RJralJ, wt n]Una UVtjVl%.ulGZJllull wi U%AI%A DVDs for playback on a PC. DEMM systems also give you the option of imple- menting Officer Rights Management to control which officer's videos each officer can view. For example, you could limit an officer's access to his/her own videos, while allowing a supervisor to view all the videos recorded by the officers reporting to him/her. The DEMM hardware solutions provide flexibility and are designed to easily manage video files recorded by Kustom Signals' in -car video systems. The DEMM 1000, DEMM 2500 and DEMM 4000-14000 prod- ucts allow you to store and manage video files on a computer with a database (the DEMM, 80 is a view- ing iewing workstation`. The DEMM 1000 and DEMM 2500 are self-con- tained workstations with up to 2.5TB of storage. The DEMM 4000 - 14000 each consist of a workstation, a server and a Redundant Array of Independent Disks (using RAID5) with up to 14TB of storage DEMM Playback Server The DEMM Playback Server hardware and software enable easy video file searching and playback in an agency with multiple precincts using the agency's Wide Area Network (WAN) for connectivity. UUJa Illul Lull LJa Jllulou UIIIullual Ulf IIIA VJCIJ Ulf Ilia WAN. The DEMM Playback Server provides a secure gateway from the DEMM database to your PCs through your agency's WAN. The agency's Systems Administrator does not add any software (ActiveX components, cookies or pop-up windows) to the existing workstations. Using Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player video files are streamed for viewing - no duplication is allowed. Optional DVD Archiver For long-term storage and/or for video file back-up, consider our optional DVD Archiver. The DVD Archiver automatically copies every original file to a data DVD and prints a label on the disc. If you want to view a file that is no longer part of the active/on- line storage, the database will indicate which DVD the file can be found. You can then load the DVD and either view the video or restore it to on-line video storage. etworking Illustration with DEMM Playback Server ICV Capture 1 File Transfer Methods DEMM 1000/2500 Agency Intranet DVD Archiver i do i Wireless Workstation DEMM 4000. 14000 11E DEMM Storage Playback Server Install in Multiple Precincts lana. Vievring Station. Wired Manual *Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. W CMD L3 COMMUNICATIONS communications Mobile -Vision, Inc. Tustin Police Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Attention: Sgt. Garaven Quotation Date: 8/6/2009 Quotation Number: 0071917 Prices Valid Until: 10/5/2009 Page 1 QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 34 MVD-FB2DVS Flashback 2 Digital Video System $ 4,795.00 $ 163,030.00 Minus Monitor 34 MVD -IR -CAM Option, Flashback IR Camera w/cables $ 295.00 $ 10,030.00 34 MVD -CRASH -BAT Collision Sensor (Triggers DVR for recording when involved in crash) $ 150.00 $ 5,100.00 Assembly product 34 MVD-FB-GRL-LT Option, Grill Light, Flashback $ 49.95 $ 1,698.30 34 MVD-FB-CK5 Cable Kit, DVR, trunk mount/OHC $ 0.00 $ 0.00 34 MVD-FB2-USB-128 Key, USB, 128 for Flashback 2 $ 29.95 $ 1,018.30 34 MVD -USB -EXT -TM Option, TM DVR USB Ext, with MTG Bracket, 22FT $ 49.95 $ 1,698.30 34 MVD-FB2-V-V-TM Vehicle Viewer, Flashback 2 Trunk Mount - Replaces the Flashback $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Monitor, Replaces Flashback Monitor 34 MVD-MGD-W153C2C Mag Mount antenna with 15' cables (RF -195 & RG -174) (SMA/SMA) $ 0.00 $ 0.00 34 /INSTALLATION ICV By Vision Communications $ 385.00 $ 13,090.00 1 MVD-DEP2730 DVM Server, Storage & Distribution System $ 33,995.00 $ 33,995.00 Dell Server: Dual 3GHZ, 1 GB RAM, 2 x 73 GB RAID 1 L-3 Mobile -Vision Digital Evidence Pro Software Redhat Linux Op Syst / Postgresgl Database DVD -Rom, Floppy, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse Power Connect Switch 10/100/1000 DASS: U320 SCSI, 2 x 16 x 500GB HDD SATA RAID 5 Hot Swappable Drives and Power Supply 1 MVD-DVD/BU DVM Backup/Archiving Station $ 2,984.00 $ 2,984.00 Dell GX 280 Celeron 325, 256 MB 80GB SATA/NTFS Primera Bravo II DVD writer /printer w/25 DVD capacity Windows XP Op System/DVD+R/RW L-3 Mobile -Vision DVD Archiving Software 100pack: white printable DVD -R media 1 MVD-DEP-BT3 Solution Configuration / Training $ 4,350.00 $ 4,350.00 System build out and configuration plus 1 da on site training 3 MVD -8675 -A -ASSY Wireless Access Point w/External Mounted Antenna $ 795.00 $ 2,385.00 802.11(a) Wireless Access point Antenna and Cabling Note. Pricing does not include installation of the /CV's antenna, network wiring or wireless access points where noted. SUBTOTAL: $ 239,378.90 DELIVERY- 90 Days or Less ARO Sales Tax (As Required): $ 19,957.77 VEDIT TERMS. CASH ON DELIVERY Shipping w/n the continental USA via UPS Ground: $ 1,800.00 OTHER STATE20CAL FEES.- Not Included TOTAL: $ 261,136.67 90 Fanny Road Boonton, NJ 07005 Voice: (800) 336-8475 Fax: (973) 257-3024 E -Mail Address: sales. mvit7o L-3com.com Web Page: www.L-3com.com/MV communications Mobile -Vision, Inc. Tustin Police Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Attention: Sgt. Garaven Quotation Date: 8/6/2009 Quotation Number: 0071917 Prices Valid Until: 10/5/2009 Page 2 QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SUBTOTAL: $ 239,378.90 $ 19,957.77 $ 1,800.00 Note. Pricing does not include installation of the /CV's antenna, network wiling of wireless access points whew noted. DELIVERY.• 90 Days or Less ARO Sales Tax (As Required): 01,MT TERMS.- CASH ON DELIVERY Shipping w/n the continental USA via UPS Ground: OTHER STATE/LOCAL FEES: Not Included TOTAL: $ 261,136.67 90 Fanny Road Boonton, NJ 07005 Voice: (800) 336-8475 Fax: (973) 257-3024 E -Mail Address: sales. mvi(7a L-3com.com Web Page: www.L-3com.com/MV R r ..-� • Compact Flash Storage — Hands Free Operation` _ • 01 Resolution Standard In -Car System Includes: • FLASHBACK2'" In -Car Digital Video Recorder • Nite-Watch" Color Camera with a 12x Optical — 144x Digital zoom • Standalone Active Matrix Color 3.5" LCD Monitor Console • Voice Link Plus®900MHz DSS Wireless Microphone • Wireless 802.11(a/g) LAN Card and Antenna • 8GB or 16GB Compact Flash Memory Card Available (Record time of 8-12 hours or 16-24 hours) • GPS Receiver and Antenna • All mounts, cables and hardware • 1 -Year Factory Parts & Labor Warranty (installation not included) T . Automated File Transfer • Maintenance Free • No Moving Parts Recommended Options Include: • USB Identification Key • Rear Seat Infrared Camera • Radar Interface • Collision Sensor FLASHBACK2 is available with two distinct management packages: The Digital Evidence Viewer (DEV) is the standalone workstation version of the evidence management solution. It is targeted at small agencies with fleets of less than 18 total vehicles. As with all L-3 solutions, it supports wireless uploading and the interface is simple and web -based. Digital Evidence Pro (DEP) - The Digital Evidence Pro solution offers server class network -based systems. The agency has the ability to securely access evidence from any network -connected PC through a simple web browser and no special client PC software. r-' ' ,., , . , C'ISR > GOVERNMENT SERVICES > AMM > SPECIALIZED PRODUCTS DIGITAL IN -CAR VIDEO SOLUTION • Recording Capabilities - records 2 cameras and 3 audio sources concurrently • Pre -Event Recording - captures up to 60 seconds of video prior to record activation • TRACE Feature -- enables fast and accurate tracking of location(s) for evidence that was discarded during a chase sequence • Advanced M PEG -4 Compression - 720x480 resolution for rnaximurn amount of stored information in the least amount of memory • External Triggers - activates with lights, sirens, configurable speed trigger or VLP wireless microphone or two definable Auxiliary inputs (2) Features & Functions Infrared Rear Seat Camera (Optional) 1/3 inch Sony'- Super HAD CCD • Recording - automatically detected by system • Resolution 270K Pixels x 380 TV Lines • Line of View 5m (16.4'); 940nm, 20 degree • Daylight View - provides color imageipicture in daylight • Nighttime View provides black & v/hite (infrared enhanced) Image'pictuIe at niy[It Multi -Functional Monitor Console for Flashback Digital Video C3 Recording Systems Features & Functions • Sleek and compact 3.5" color monitor with hacklit control panel • Interchangeable mounting hardvdare allov.,s it to conform to any vehicle or motorcycle • Full articulating capabilities allow both driver and passenger operation vJth effortless transition • Automatic Activation - automatically turns on when in -car video system enters into RECORD status and turns off when recording ends • Bidirectional Communications Link - as the transmitter sends audio to the video recorder, status relating to the recording operations is sent back to the transmitter and displayed on the backlit LCD • Digital Spread Spectrum Technology • Automatic Frequency Adjustment - as needed when additional vehicles arrive at the scene • Automatic Channel Search • Built -In Microphone; Built -In Antenna • Battery Life -- 10 hours of continuous transmit time; 20 days standby • Line of Sight recording up to 1,000 ft. Features & Functions Nite-Watch" Extended Low -Light Color Camera • Nighttime Sensitivity to .03 LUX for "near dark" surveillance operations • Compact Size 3.7"t_ x 2"W x 2"H • Sony EXview ' CCD Chipset for blooming anti ylare reduction from headlights, take down lights, taillights, "tc. • Camera Rotation Capability full 360 degrees; 47 Field of Vision • Auto -Focus Control active for zoom m ost, manually activated for all other operations • Auto -Zoom Control autonntically zooms to 8x Setting to record vehicle license then returns to wide angle (lx) ettiwil • Backlight Compensation Control "lightens" object, ill -hadoviy areas due to high hacklit conchtioiis often fount) III early morning or late evening operations Mobile -Vision, Inc.L9 communications Mobile -Vision, Inc. i L-3. Leading. H.,;, y.,:, >'orl< City, IA -,,rjil,,,: giver 64 000 r -ul l ;i le n,A a5r !rt ;'ger iZ.l t'017 .1 t nl l�fl� iii'.;e, C31$Rc,,l �nlanCl, CoIIVo f:;l lrlU il'u ,l L'OEI I'i'-_ S.i l..i:_, Ill !L'I"7 R­.;5I1rl.--.lnC' -1 l :vii<. l! _ Ji lU.', �.7r t -.,;I [007 1..., Copyright 2008 - L-3 Communications Mobile -Vision, Inc