HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 AMEND CLASS 09-04-01AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 510-25 520-20 NO. 7 09-04-01 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: SUBJECT: HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT . APPROVE RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CITY'S CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLANS RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 01-89 amending the City's Classification and Compensation Plans consistent with Council approved Memorandums of Understanding, the FY 2001/2002 budget and direction provided to the City Manager. FISCAL IMPACT: Approximately $45,293 in FY 2001/2002. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Pursuant to the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations, the City is required to maintain both Classification and Compensation Plans covering all classes of positions in the City service. The City Council is required to adopt, amend and revise such Plans by resolution. The attached Classification and Compensation Plan combines both plans and is amended to incorporate those salary increases previously authorized by the City Council pursuant to Resolution, Memorandums of Understanding and/or Council direction to the City Manager. The attached Resolution also authorizes salary increases for certain un-represented management employees pursuant to Resolution 00-25 and direction provided by the City Council to the City Manager. The costs associated with this Resolution are contained within the current departmental budgets as previously approved by the City Council so no budget adjustments will be necessary. Arlene Marks, SPHR Director of Human Resources Attachment: Resolution 01-8 Amended City of Tustin Classification and Compensation Plan S:\City Council Agenda Items\Staff Report Adopt Amended class Comp Plan 701 .doc 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 I1 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2g 29 RESOLUTION NO. 01-89 A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CITY'S CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLANS WHEREAS, the City adopted a Classification Plan in 1984 by adopting Resolution No. 84-63; and WHEREAS, the City Council has amended its Classification and Compensation Plans when appropriate; and WHEREAS, it is now desirable to revise and update the City's Classification and Compensation Plans; and WHEREAS, the City Council now desires to provide increases in compensation to certain of its un-represented management employees as a result of a recommendation and conference with the City Manager. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tustin, Califomia does hereby resolve that the Classification and Compensation Plan of the City of Tustin, dated August 20, 1984, as previously amended, is hereby amended to incorporate salary increases, effective July 1, 2001, for certain management employees and the attached Classification and Compensation Plan is hereby adopted. Affected employees shall receive a salary increase to the corresponding salary step in the employees' current classification. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the 4t~ day of September, 2001. ATTEST: TRACY WILLS WORLEY, MAYOR CITY CLERK Attachment: Class & Pay Plan effective July 1,2001 S:\Oity Council Agenda Items\Reso rngmt sal 92001 .DOC CITY OF TUSTIN CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN EFFECTIVE 7/1/01 MINIMUM MAXIMUM EXEMPT ,~gB TITI.[ UNIT MONTHLY MONTHLY NON/F_X~{~T Account Ciera TMEA $2,526 ~3,070 N Accounting Supecvtaor MGMT S4,622 $5,618 E Admlnistratfve Services Manager MGMT $5,098 $6,197 E Admlnl~-ative/Support Services Manager MGMT $5,098 $6,197 E Administrative Secretary PD CONF $2,B29 $3.439 N AdminiMmtive Secretary TMEA $2,829 $3,439 N Assistant City Manager MGMT $8,869 $10,770 E Assistant Director. Community Developrnent. MGMT $6,809 $6.275 E Assistant Director, Finance MGMT $5,055 $6,144 E Assistant Director. Public Works MGMT $6.822 $8.293 E A~sistant Engineer TMEA $4,299 $5,225 N Assistant Planner TMEA $3.048 $4,434 N Associate Engineer TMEA $4.888 $3.g42 N As~ociata Planner TMEA $4.052 $4.925 N Building Inspec{or TMEA $3.667 $4,457 N Building Official MGMT $6,375 $7,749 E I~uildlng Technician TMEA $2,723 $3,310 N Business [.ice~e Technician TMEA $2,686 $3,265 N Ct'tier Deputy City Clerk MGMT $5.322 $6,469 E City Manager CM Contract Cor~tract E Clerk Typist TMEA $2,348 $2.854 N Code Enfomement Officer TMEA $3,508 $4.264 N Communlcatioas ~r TPSSA $3,186 $3,873 N Community Services Assistant TMEA $2.686 $3,265 N Community Services Officer TPSSA $2,698 $3,279 N Custodian TMEA $2,579 $3,134 N Deputy City Clerk TMEA $3,570 $4,33g N Director, Community Development MGMT $7,675 $9,325 E Director, Finence MGMT $7,790 $g.465 E Director, Human Resources MGMT $7,093 $8.622 E Director, Parks & Recreatio~ MGMT $7,313 $8.880 E Director, Public Works/City Engineer MGMT $8.375 $10,178 E Draftsperson TMEA $3.046 $3,702 N Engineering Aide TMEA $3,350 $4.073 N Engineering Services Manager MGMT $6,547 $7,g56 E Equipment Mechanic TMEA $3,144 $3.822 N Equipment Operator TMEA $3.070 $3,732 N Executive Coordinator CONF $3,632 $4.415 N Executive Secretary CONF $3.115 $3,787 N Field Services Manager MGMT $5,640 $6,856 E Human Resources Analyst CONF $4.178 $5,079 N Human Resources Assistant CONF $2,998 $3,545 N Intermediate Clerk Typist TMEA $2.460 $2,990 N Infa~'ma0on Technology Manager MGMT $7,561 $9.188 E Informatin Technology Specialist TMEA $3.570 $4,339 N Junior Engineer TMEA $3.898 $4,738 N Lead Communications Officer TPSSA $3.908 $4,751 N Maintenance Leedworker TMEA $3.285 $3,993 N Maintenance Supervisor MGMT $3.934 $4,782 E Maintenance Worker TMEA $2,625 $5,518 N Management Analyst TMEA $3,570 $4.339 N Mechanic's He,per TMEA $2.632 $3,199 N Office CAerk TMEA $2,348 $2,854 N Office Support Specialist TMEA $2,686 $3,265 N Office Support Specialist/HR CONF $2,688 $3,268 N Parking Control Officer TPSSA $2,623 $3,188 N Payroll Specialist TMEA $2,686 $3,265 N Plan Checker/senior Building Inspector TMEA $4,316 $5,246 N Plan Checker TMEA $4,316 $5,246 N Police Captain MGMT $7,552 $9,180 E Police Chief MGMT $6,689 $10.546 E Police Lieutenant TPMA $6,469 $7,863 E Police Officer TPOA $4,039 $4,909 N Police Rec~it TPOA $3,242 $3,242 N Police Sergeant TPMA $5,540 $6,735 E Police Services Officer TPSSA $2,825 $3,434 N 2001 Class comp plan adopted 92001 .xls CITY OF TUSTIN CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN EFFECTIVE 7/1/01 MINIMUM MAXIMUM EXEMPT JOB TITLE UNIT MONTHLY MONTHLY NONIEXEM~T Pniice Suplxxt Leadworker TPSSA $3,106 $3,778 N Police Support Specialist TPSSA $2,517 $3,059 N Police Support Specialist II TPSSA $2,682 $3,260 N Principal Engineer MGMT $5,846 $7,106 E Principal Planner MGMT $5,719 $6,951 E Property & Evidence Leadworker TPSSA $3,183 $3,869 N Property and Evidence Technician TPSSA $2,768 $3,364 N Public Worl~ Inspector TMEA $3,668 $4,459 N Recreation Coordinator TMEA $3,259 $.3,962 N Recreation Superintendent MGNIT $5,154 $6,265 E Recreation Supervisor MGMT $3,934 $4,782 E Redevelopment Project Manager TMEA S5,115 $6,217 N Redevelol3ment Program Manager MGMT $6,039 $7,340 E Reproduction Operator TMEA $2,348 S2,854 N Senior Account Clerk TMEA $2,790 $3,392 N Senior Human Resources Analyst MGMT $4,541 S5,520 E Senior Information Technology Specialist MGMT $4,295 $5,221 E Sen~or Management Analyst TMEA $4,171 $5,070 N Senior Management Analyst Finance CONF $4,175 $5,075 N Senior Planner MGMT $5,395 $6,558 E Senior Project Manager MGMT $5,939 $7.219 E Senior Pubic Works inspector MGMT $4,180 S5,081 E Sports Field Specialist TMEA $2,579 $3,134 N Support Sen'toes Supenrlsor MGMT $4,410 $5,359 E Water Sewtoea Engineer TMEA $4,888 $5,942 N Water Servlcea Manager MGMT $6,822 $8,292 E Water Treatment Plant Of)emtor TMEA $3,285 $3,993 N Water Treatment Supef~soi' MGMT $4,980 $6,053 E MINIMUM MAXIMUM REGULAR PART.TIME EFFECTIVE 1/02' HOURLY HOURLY Account Clerk - Finance TMEA $14.57 $17.71 N Clerk Typist - Recreation TMEA $13.54 $15.46 N Custodian TMEA $14.87 $18.08 N Information Technology Specialist TME^ $20.59 $25.03 N Receptionist. Senior Center TMEA $8.10 $9.85 N Recmatto~ Pn:)gmm A~sistant TMEA $10.55 $12.82 N Van Driver TMEA $12.64 $15.37 N INTERMITENT/SEASONAL PART-TIME Account Clerk UREPR $14.57 $17.71 N Administ~'ative Intern UREPR $10.28 $10.28 N Clerk Typist UREPR $13.54 $16.46 N Communications Officer UREPR $18.38 $22.35 N Custodian UREPR $14.87 $18.08 N Information Technology Specialist UREPR $20.59 S25.03 N Maintenance Aide UREPR $8.14 $9.89 N Planning Technician UREPR $14.97 $18.20 N Police Aide UREPR $12.65 $15.37 N Property & Evidence Technician UREPR $15.97 S19.41 N Receptlonlat Clerk UREPR $6.10 $9.85 N Recreation Leader UREPR $7.50 $10.05 N Recreation Leader B UREPR $8.50 $11.55 N ReoreatJon Program/Day Camp Coordinator UREPR $10.55 $12.82 N Reproduction Operator UREPR $13.55 $16.47 N Sports F~eld Maintenan=e Aide UREPR $6.60 $8.02 N Van Driver UREPR $12.64 $15.37 N · DESIGNATED PURSUANT TO ANNUAL BUDGET CM - CI'I-Y MANAGER, CONTRACT CONF - CONFIDENTIAL MGMT- MANAGEMENT TMEA - MUNICIPAL TPSSA - POLICE SUPPORT SVCS. TPOA - POLICE OFFICER UREPR - UNREPRESENTED 2001 Ciass comp pian adopted 92001.xls