HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 90-27 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 90-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, IMPLEMENTING AB 4680 REGARDING THE MODEL FILMING PERMIT PROCESS. Whereas, the legislature passed and the Governor signed into law AB 4680, in order to standardize filming permit processes within California's communities; and Whereas, the City Council of the City of Tustin is required to adopt a Filming Permit Process to attract film production to this area and to expedite the filming permit process. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the city of Tustin that the following is approved and adopted as the Filming Permit Process for the City of Tustin: The Director of Community Development or authorized representative (herein called the "Designee") shall be the designated individual to work directly with the film industry. The Designee shall work cooperatively responsively with the industry. and Permit application information is to be given by the production company to the City in person or by mail. The Designee shall expedite the permit process by coordinating all City department reviews and approvals. The permit shall be issued with the following maximum time requirements: 5 working days for approval and issuance of a standard permit; 7 working days for traffic control which exceeds 3 minutes, stunts, special effects or interior shoots; 10 working days for road closures of 4 hours or less; d. 30 days for road closures over 4 hours. 6 o Unlimited permit "riders", that is a written attachment to the permit that accommodates minor changes, shall be used. However, a permit cannot be extended or amended by rider after the completion of the filming activity. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26, 28'i i' i. Resolution No. 90-27 February 20, 1990 Page 2 If other non-City agencies have jurisdiction, the Designee shall notify such overlapping jurisdictions and shall inform the Permittee in writing on the Permit. o There shall be a filing fee of $75 and a $25 fee per rider. Business license fees shall not be collected when City location use fees are being charged. 10. The City shall use the standardized Application Form attached hereto. Permit 11. The City shall use the standardized Insurance Form attached hereto. 12. The Designee shall establish a cancellation fee which is a portion of the Permit cost, and which may be applied if the production company cancels the permit after 3:00 p.m. the last working day before the scheduled shoot. 13. The City shall require the production company to have a copy of the Permit on site at all times. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California held on the 20th day of February, 1990. '"'' /t~) ~ ' . '1ti.. / Mayor MARY E. WYNN City Clerk Company: Address: Phone: Date PHO z OGRAPHY/FILMING FERMIT Permit Ptojecl Tille: [r~roduclion lype: Location Manager: Production Manager: Other Contacl: Time Location and Activity F/C/S" Total Personnel: Generalor: Pyrotechnics: Cars: Trucks: Pyrotechnician: Poiice required: Approvals: Police Olher provisions: This permit must be cancelled by personnel costs. Insurance Company; Fire required: Fire Total Vehicles/Equip.: Molorhomes: Special Effects Permit #: License # Other required: Eng~n. Planning, Atlachments: or permitlee will charged approximalely ' FilrrVOons truct/Strike Other:. tor Expiralion Dale: Permitlee agrees to all the terms and conditions of this permit including provisions on the reverse side o! this form and any atlachments. Company Represenlafive: Representative Permittee waives all claims against City/County, its officers, agents and employees, for loss or damage caused by, arising out of or in any way connected with the exercise of this permit and permittee agrees to save harmless, indemnify and defend City/County, its officers, agents and employees, from any and all loss, damage or liability which may be suffered or incurred by City/ County, its officers, agents and employees caused by, adsing out of or in any way connected with exercise by permittee of the rights hereby permitted, except those arising out of the sole negligence of City/County. City/County shall have the privilege of inspecting the premises covered by this permit at any or all times. This permit shall not be assigned. City/County may terminate this permit at any time if permittee fails to pedorm any covenant herein contained at the time and in the manner herein provided. City/County agrees it will not unreasonably exercise this right of termination. The parties hereto agree that the permittee, its officers, agents and employees, in the perform- ance of this permit shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers, employees or agents of the City/County. No alteration or variation of the terms of this permit shall be valid unless made in w.dting and signed by the parties hereto. Permittee will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, age, national origin or physical handicap. Permittee agrees to comply with the terms and conditions contained in the attached Exhibit(s), which terms and conditions are by this reference made a part thereof. The permittee hereby agrees to comply with all the rules and regulations of the facility or institu- tion subject to thi.s permit. Permit must be kept on site at all times. STATE OF CALIFORNIA~BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY GEORGE DEUK~EJIAN. C,~verr~or DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CALIFORNIA FII,~A COMA~ISSION 6922 MOLLYWCX:)D BLVD., SUITE HOLLY~vVOOD. CALIFORNIA 90028 (213) 736-2405 The Hodel Filming Permit Process The city/county must designate one individual to work directly with the film industry. An alternate designee must also be named, in case the designee is unavailable to process the permit. 2. The designee shall work cooperatively and responsively with the industry. Permit application information is to be given by the production company to the city/county by telephone, unless the company representative prefers to file the application in person. The designee shall expedite the permit process by coordinating all city/county department reviews and approvals. 5. The permit shall be issued with the following maximum time requirements: 2 working days for approval and issuance of a "normal" permit; 4 working days for traffic control which exceeds 3 minutes, stunts or special effects; 10 working days for road closures. o Unlimited permit "riders" (a written attachment to the permit that accommodates minor changes) shall be used. However, a permit cannot be extended or amended by rider after the completion of the filming activity. o If other non-city/county agencies have jurisdiction, the designee shall notify such overlapping jurisdictions and shall inform the permittee in writing on the permit. o Permit fees or permit application fees shall not exceed the actual cost of issuing the permit. Business license fees shall not be collected when city/county location use fees are being charged. 10. Each city/county shall use the standardized permit application form attached. 11. Each city/county shall use the standardized insurance form attached. 12. The designee shall establish a cancellation fee which is a portion of the permit cost, and which may be applied if the production company cancels the permit after 3:00 pm the last working day before the scheduled shoot. 13. Each city/county shall require the production company to have a copy of the permit on-site at all times. 1. ENDORSEMENT NO. 2. ISSUE DATE 3. PRODUCER 4. INSURED POUCY INFORMATION C,uder. Policy Numbe~. Policy Period: COVERAGE TRIGGER (check which): [] Occurrence LOSS ADJUSTMENT EXPENSE [] InciuMd in Lin~ll ~"] Clalrm Made ~*'J In Addition to Landis [] Deductible [] Seff-lnm.~<l RETENTION (check which) of $ with aa Aggregate o~ $ ,ppl;ee Io coverage. [] Per (~rmnce [] Per Claim (wh, c~) APPLICABILITY Tide in=uraace pertains Io the opemtione and/or tenancy of the named insured under NI w~len agreement" and permit- in Iorce with the City/County unleu checked hem L.J In which case only the Iollowlng epecllic ,,greements end permits w~th the City/County am covered: CITY/COUNTY AGREEMENTS/PERMETS GENERAL LIABILITY ] COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COMPREHENSIVE FORM PREMISE~OPERATIONS UNDERGROUND & COLLAPSE HAZARD PRODUCT~COMPLETED OPERA~ONS CONTRACTURAL INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS LIABILITY LII~ITS IN THOUSANDS $ EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE 10. OTHER PROVISIONS 11. CLAIMS UndeMr~e(i mpmaenta~lvl Ior clatme pumuant to the Insurance. In conslderaUon o~ the premium ohm'ged and nohvithetandlng aay Incormlstent elatement in the policy to wldch thie endomement is attached or ~ny endMsemenl now or hereaher attached thereto, It is agreed ~ iolio~e: 12. ADDITIONAL INSURED. The City/County and i~ m~ctlve dlicem, agents aad e.mployeea are lacluded ~ additional Insurede with regard to liability and delense ol suite m'islng Imm the operati~ne and uue Perlom-,~d by or on behaJI ol the narn~ In~umd. 13. SEVERABlUTY OF INTEREST. Thb Insurance appliee eeperately to each In~ured against whom claim is made or ~ult is brought excel~ with rer, pect to the company'e limite of liability. Th,- Incluaion ol any Per. aa or organization .,- an Insured ehail not aflect any Hghl which ~uch per~on or organization wo~ld have a~ a claimant If nog eo included. 14. CANCELLATION OF NOTICE. With re~pecl to the Iht"male of the City/County thee Insurance ehall not be cancelbd, or matedai reduced in coverage or limlt~ except aher thirty (30) daye prior wdaan not~ce Io the City/County. Excepz ,,- etated above nothing herein ehall be held Io waive, aJler or exlaad any of the II.t", conditions, agreements or exclusions c~ the policy Io which this endorsement is .~ched. 15. AUTHORIZE.") REPRESENTATIVE [~] Broker/Agent I:]Unde~riter [:] 16. I company and by my elgnature hereon do eo bind thee company to Ihb endereumenL Signature (pdn~ype name), warrant that I have -,uthorlty to bind the above-mentioned Insurance (odglnai eignatum req, ared on copy lumP-heal to [he Clty/Ceunr,..) Telephone: ( ) II Dae Signed III II City of Tustin RESOLUTION CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RESOLUTION NO. 90-27 MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the city of Tustin is four; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 90-27 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of February, 1990, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: Edgar, Kennedy, Kelly, Prescott COUNCILMEMBER NOES: None COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: None COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: None \ Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk