HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 92-092 ,: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 2~ 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 92-92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO ACCEPTANCE OF OFFERS OF DEDICATION FOR PROPERTY FRONTING ON YORBA STREET BETWEEN FIRST STREET AND IRVINE BOULEVARD WHEREAS, the city of Tustin has received certain offers of ~edication of real property for public streets, highways and ~tilities fronting on Yorba Street between First Street and Irvine ~oulevard; and WHEREAS, the City of Tustin proposes in the near future to ~iden and improve Yorba. Street between First Street and Irvine Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds it is now appropriate accept said offers of dedication, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the city Council of the City Df Tustin that four offers of dedication of real property for public streets, highways and utilities dated September 3, 1982, ~eptember 7, 1982, March 12, 1987 and January 30, 1989 marked as Attachments 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively, and attached and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby accepted by the City ~f Tustin. The City Clerk is hereby directed to record said acceptance Df offers of dedication with the County Recorder's Office of the ~ounty of Orange. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council Df the City of Tust~n held on the 20th day of July, 1992. Leslie Anne ~ontious, Mayor ATTEST: Cit:.' C]~::'k, City oF Tustin ".O0 Cch 'al'" , '7:;stin, C,'! 92680 , I Cl? L__ OFFI".R of" DEDICATION FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and inc].uding, but not limited to, the giving of certain discretionary consents by tile City of Tustin, a municipal corporation, to Grantor and/or others, the undersigned I,I';(')NA!~;'),:~ i,['.N1.71"1'(3 (par t'aarship-- composed of: (corporation--) (a sole l)ropriatorship, doing business uuder the said name o£) does hereby irrevocably offer for dedication to the City of Tustin, a municipal corporation, for public street, high'way, utility and other public purposes, thc property described Exhibit "A" attached'hereto and incorporated herein b'/ thi:; reference and shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and in- corporated herein by this reference. It J.s understood bv~ Grantor that Ci'-,,~.~ of ~,u,,tin'~ not yet dctcr:nin~}d whether or not it wi. shes to accept this O~fcr of godlcati, on; ~.,a,. t:.~L:3 O["Cr Of Dcdication will recorded and will not be accepted unti~ thc City o"" ..... ~'~ ~,~:, ,~"'~.~ ...... ": "."~', "~'~'~',~ '.0 a<:C, ..... ]'~' .>._dLca*' .; Executed this,-." da'/ c~f.c.-.,.../',,.. . ,,~.,,. , i9 A I I ;,,c'lu;l~'I)l. } PROPERTY l)i"..t;Ci~llli)'l.'.l'.ON That'. cc:rt:aJ.n rea]. property commonly known a:; 143 Yorha Tustir,, Orange Cou:ltx.,, [:;taro o'.' (2,'~l. it:orni..'~, ;t~(~, ~io:.;c':r i.b(:d follow:;: Tract Nc). 396, as shown on ;.lap of R(:cord:.; i.u Book ]6, P~l(J(t ].0 o[ laif;COI]a:l,?')tl:~ record:; of OtTanc..jo County, ,.'::'.; (!,,.~.~;cr±bc-.d below: . T]i(? ..... I y 5 -- ,.t .... t'.or., most- / ft:'(.?l, o'.' the de:;;c~-.ibed r~-oporl-y. 'rl~.[:; 'l.f) foo. t .i:; i.l~ · ~':ai,' 9, 39253, in l';o()k 46!3 PaUc.~ 3i2 of T 12o, sS' / ScA L~' 01 (;RAh%[ ,,,.uN;~'. C/,!IFa?N6~ ........................... OFFER OF D!-;DICA'?~ON FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, is hereby acknowledged, and including, but not limited to, the g.i. viDg of certain discretionary consents by the City of Tuntin, a municipal corporation, to Grantor and/or others, ROi~ER'P BOSICil anti the undersigned "' ..... i'''i(?i , a ,Nl%,'.k. I ?%. ,( ;, ~ (corporation--) (a sole proprietorship, doing busines-'; under thc said name 0'2) does hereby irrevocably offer for dedication to the City Tustin, a municipal corporation, for public street, highway, utility and other public purposer;, thc property dcscribod in Exhibit "A" attached'hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and in- corporated herein by this reference. it is understood by Gcantor that Cfty of Tustin not yet determined whether or not it wishes to accept th!.:; Offer of Dedication; th.~',, tl~i:; Offer of Dedication rocor:led an:l w.i!], not t)e ,~(':~.=,~[)~:e('l unti.], thc Cit:y c~f ':'u'.;t. in PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 4. That cer~a.,n trial properLy comn',o:~l.y known a~.; ].35 Yc>rba Streot, Tu:.;tin, Orancj(~ Count:y, St:at:.e of Ca] i t-orn.i.;'~, and ~:Ol ]OW~;: Trace No. 396, a:; :.;l)own on ;,lap off recordr; o[ Oranq(: County, Ca]J. forn:[a." A:; (i(;:;c:r.i.!..)("(i l)c~] ow: '"it(.: v:e~.;Lc.~r].y mo;;L L'.J fc'(.~l: ,:)~ t.l~J.:; ~t!)ov(;- ,~dd.i.'t:.ion ',.o Cl:,:.~ 5 Eclat: c:a:;f~::l(.?n[- :7o¢:()r:(!(;d ' " '65 P,~ ,' 3'2 :.i;ty 9 1923 .i.n ,~()o,. ,, q ()f ',),:?(.xi:'; ~0 12o, s'~" 87~16 I'"TT'. ~ T-I'Y CLERK C.;~ 0~- TUSTI,, C~N, '.-.,~,, ~ AL 'CAY 300 r ....... uST,,, CA 92680 Cfi ] OFFER C)F,,,.~.~'~t~ICA"I'ION NFC'()&II';I.D IN (.)i.~ IOA: iH.,ZOq'.)5 i ,._ ) '87 ., ~.~ '-'"OR GOOD Ab:D ~ ' ~'' VA.,U:~I,.~]', CO.';SIDEi'L~¢i'ION, rec(.'i")~' ¢)f whic): is hereby acknowledged, and including, but not limited to, the giving of .... ~ ce.=a~n discretionary col]nents by the City of the under.':igned ~ hc,.reby i-~,, '~ ', of'fo,- for dedication i:o thc? C;ty or ':'ustin, a municipal corpo::atio:~, for public :;trcct, uL] lit. y and other pti~'.' ic [.~urix):;,.'..;, thc pro:.)c:rt':' dc:,.:::-:b.::.! !:: !-:xh2,)l,_ att,']chcd '.]t?rt:t_o and .tn(.'.o:-;'~or,-:tod n .... ~; ,.: .... ]:; cTO]';)o:'a. ' t.(.(,': ,~',orci n ;'~y. i'.h: :; 7'(..! .""e.',cr~. ..... (..,. t:ood G :~ ...... t Ci.t ':'us .......... ,,,.),. v(,.t dot(:--t' , nt,'; '...'i:,.t.h,,~- o'." ~:(.;t J t.. v,..J :, ¢?'s t:r) ,:c<',::;t' t h { ~', Off~':r of Dedlc:at:';.o:'~; '~",' ':'i:; "~;c .... 4" '' ' ' ....... : ..... t' () J~O(] [C,-;t:., o:i '.,''.. :. :.(' k'l~l£N [I[COHD[ I) ,MAIL ~O. F,,'~y lliggerst.'Jff , ,Ir. , (?L .il 25!2 Char. fl~er:; Road # 209 Tu:,t in, C,~I J fovn;a 87 -I&1077. ~ . - .. ...~ .... 'o,a!ed al lhe ..... cf 8.~ A.F,L BEC 1919BG eq nn ...................................................... '"'~5 L ~*JW'L .~ 'J"6 ?2 . U~". '~?~_"Pt.'E".. ~"~ ................ MArL TAX ~IA]I'Mi~'[% 1'O, AS SET OUt AII(iVE P,';3 I [ A IIIIA~,{',Ii /.,~ GRANT DEED ].,:t ]3, l!lock A, 'l'r,'tcl. ?,91), a!; I-'r ;nap l'eOc:'d,,d L:~. i;,),,k ;0, ;;,'U;t' lO ,~I t';Z]I i'P, IT ?l 87-'.1 Z7 x- [ )I.'T4C) [-'XI'S': '~ (,,,*,.t.'A~,: iL ' , LEGAL BESC[RI F';'1~OH I, -y E. Wynn, City Clerk IRREVO~ABLF, OI:I:I.H~ OF I)EDICATION 4o - T2 -o4 FOR GOOD ANI) VALUABI.,,', CONSIDEI{ATION, receipt of which hereby acknowledged, and including, but not ].imited to, the giving of certain dj..~;cretionary (:on.,en~.., ...... by the City of Tustin, a municipal corporation, to Grantor and/or others, thc undersigned DENNIS J. JF. NSF, N and VAI,ARIE A. JENf.;I.;[], do hereby J. rrevocably for c!edicat.:kon to t:l)(': (2iL'), o[[ "' ,'"' .u..,t.;n, a muni.¢Jpa] corporate, on for pub].ic st ~ . . · , rec~., hiahwav, ut.i. lity and other public purposen, t:l~(: we.':;t:c::.ly twenty feet (20.00') of I,ot ].7, Block A of Tract no. 396 as per map recorded in Book 16, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, record:.; of Orange CourtLy, California, excepting that portion described .i.n a (feed r'ecorded in Book 46!5, Page 3]2, of! deed:;, record.q of said Orange County. Thc above dose ibed r;ar~(:ment: i'.; .qhow:~ on l.,x,.~Dzt ., attached hereto mad(: a part t'.}~ereof. .,- ; t)~, t.()r:; ,, of' ?u:;tJ.n l~a'' got. ]t {r; undcr:.,,.oo(, ¢;ra~ ~h,..,- C.it..~ .., ..,c.(.,':ri;ned.., ,. ',.:bet:he:: oz' not-. i)c-,li ca t, ion; th,.'~t: t..i~.i.',; Oiler ol l)cdication w.i.l]. ,be recorded and will .... ~ .... o1" q'li';t.]]l ' "i'; ,,O,. be, acc:¢!;)[:('(; ttgt'[], t.l~e CJ.'I' ' r:,: ' ,, ,'.~',:t.e<i ~\ I. I. ,:l c;lln~(?ll I /i , Bg-143F22 ~TATE OF CAI, IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) th±s ~ da, of ~ _.~ On ~ y .~ ..... , 19~, before me, the undersigned,' ..a~N°t~, . -/vr~-~-, . y P'~S-~"-%}.~- and for said~43tate, persona].ly appeareo ~~.~3=[~'t~.__ and personally known to me (or p~oved to me on the bagis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that {:hey executed the same. Notary Public CONNIE JO SBIT,I ~:J~,rJOl Ally PUI)LIC-C ALiFOH fim"'~ I~'~ HGV. )5 1992 I .,!. ,,-) ~ = 70 ,I City of Tustin RESOLUTION CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) ss RESOLUTION NO. 92-92 Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council is five; that the above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of July, 1992, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Pontious, Potts, Puckett, Saltarelli, Thomas None None None