HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 92-147 'Z 8 10 11 1'~ 14 15 1 (; 17 I: ,., 22'~ .I RESOLUTION NO. 92-147 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECERTIFYING FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 85-2 WITH ADDENDUM NO. 4 FOR REVISIONS TO THE TRIP GENEI~TION RATE SUMMARY RELATED TO ZONE CHANGE 92-002 AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 92-001, AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: ae That an application has been filed by The William Lyon Company, requesting approval of Zone Change 92-002 to change a land use category on Lot 12 of Tract 12870 from Medium Density to Medium-High Density Residential, to make minor textural changes to the East Tustin Specific Plan, and Development Agreement 92- 001 establishing a mechanism for acceptance by the City of the applicant's agreement to provide a financial contribution for construction of park facilities. That an Initial Study was prepared during the review process which determined that no significant environmental impacts beyond that previously considered would occur as a result of the proposed project and that an addendum to Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 85-2 would be required for this project. That Addendum No. 4 to EIR 85-2 was prepared by the City of Tustin in compliance with Section 15164 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). That pursuant to CEQA, EIR 85-2 has previously been prepared and certified and adequately addresses the general environmental setting of the project, significant environmental impacts, and the alternatives and mitigation measures related to each significant environmental effect and that no additional environmental impacts or mitigation measures were identified in Addendum No. 4 to EIR 85-2. I: 11 '~ ',~ 1;Ii 1S 1(; 17 21 2'2 2~ 27 Resolution No. 92-147 Page 2 That Addendum No. 4 to EIR 85-2 prepared for the project addresses only minor technical changes or additions and none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines have occurred. II. The East Tustin Specific Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (85-2), previously certified on March 17, 1986 as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda, was considered prior to the City Council approval of this project. The City Council hereby finds: this project is within the scope of the East Tustin Specific Plan previously approved; the effects of this project, relating to grading, drainage, circulation, public services and utilities, were examined in the Program EIR, particularly in the traffic analysis contained in the Technical Appendices of said EIR, and an Addendum No. 4 to EIR 85-2 addressing traffic and the development agreement contained in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All feasible mitigation measures and alternatives developed in the Program EIR are incorporated into this project. The Final EIR, is therefore determined to be adequate to serve as a Program EIR for this project and satisfies all requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Further, the City Council finds the project involves no potential for any adverse effect, either individually or cumulatively, on wildlife resources; and, therefore, makes a De Minimis Impact Finding related to AB 3158, Chapter 1706, Statutes of 1990. Applicable mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR have been incorporated into this project which mitigates any potential significant environmental effects thereof. The mitigation measures are identified as Conditions of Ordinance No.l102 approving Zone Change 92-002 and Resolution No. 92-148 approving Development Agreement 92-001. 1 5 7 10. 13 1,t 15 17 18 19 2O 21 22 Resolution No. 92-14'1 Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 7th day of December, 1992. // NNE PONTIOUS Mayor City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) ss CERTIFICATION FOR RESOLUTION NO. 92-147 MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is 5; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 92-147 was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 7th day of December, 1992. COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: None COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: None COUNCILMEMBER:ABSENT: None Pontious, Ports, Puckett, Saltarel. l~, ThomaS' City C 1 c~k ADDENDUM NO. 4 TO FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 85-2 (SCH NO. 85052217) ZONE CHANGE 92-002 (LYON) & DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 92-001 (LYON) Prepared by: City of Tustin Communily l)cvclopmcnt l)cpartmcnt 15222 l)cl Arno Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 ( 714) 544-8890 Contact: l)anicl l:ox, Senior Planner Octol)cr 1992 EXHIBIT A TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION Exhibit 1 - Project Site Map Exhibit 2 - Approved East Tustin Specific Plan Land Use Plan Exhibit 3 - Proposed East Tustin Specific Plan Land Use Plan SECTION 2 - ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST SECTION 3 - DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Appendix A - Proposed East Tustin Specific Plan Text Revisions Appendix B - East Tustin Specific Plan Traffic Analysis Appendix C - Proposed Development Agreement SECTION i - INTRODUCTION PURPOSE In conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this environmental assessment has been prepared as a addendum to Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 85-2. This addendum, in conjunction with final EIR 85-2, is intended to fully address the potential environmental impacts of the proposed zone change and development agreement in an Initial Study format. The proposed discretionary actions covered by this addendum include: A Zone Change to modify the Land Use Designation within the East Tustin Specific Plan in the vicinity of Lot 12, Tract 12870 from Medium Density Residential to Medium-High Density Residential; and A Development Agreement between the applicant and the City of Tustin to provide a mechanism for the applicant to make contributions for use in parkland development within the East Tustin Specific Plan area. Section 15164 of CEQA allows the preparation of an addendum to an EIR when only minor technical changes or additions are necessary to make the EIR adequate under CEQA, and when the changed or additions do not raise important new issues about significant effects on the environment. This addendum evaluates the proposed zone change and development agreement for the project that was considered in EIR 85-2. No new significant environmental issues other than those raised in Final EIR 85-2 have been raised by the proposed zone change and development agreement. An addendum need not be circulated for public review, but can be included in, or attached to, the Final EIR. CEQA requires that a local decision-making body consider the addendum with the Final EIR prior to making a decision on the project. Final EIR 85-2 was certified by the City Council on March 17, 1986. In conformance with CEQA Section 15121, Final EIR 85-2 and this addendum are intended to serve as documents that will generally inform the decision makers and the general public of the significant environmental effects of the proposed project and the potential mitigation measures for the proposed project. Final EIR 85-2 is hereby incorporated by reference into this addendum. Following is a description of the project location and the characteristics of the proposed project. Section 2 includes an environmental checklist that provides an overview of the potential impacts that may or may not result from project implementation. Section 3 elaborates on the information contained in the environmental checklist and identifies any differences in environmental impacts between the proposed zone change and development agreement and the approved land uses that were analyzed in Final EIR 85-2. Section 1 - Introduction Page 2 PROJECT LOCATION The project site is located within Sector 7 of the East Tustin Specific Plan and is situated in a developing residential area at the southeast corner of Greenway Drive and Tustin Ranch Road (Exhibit 1). Surrounding uses include the Tustin Ranch golf course immediately adjacent to the south and east, condominiums and a private park to the north across Greenway Drive, and single family detached dwellings to the west across Tustin Ranch Road. Regional access is provided to the site by the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) and local access is provided by Tustin Ranch Road and Greenway Drive. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project includes revisions to the approved land use designations (land uses that were proposed in Final EIR 85-2) in the East Tustin Specific Plan area. The approved and proposed land uses for Sector 7 are illustrated in Exhibits 2 and 3. The proposed amendment would change the land use designation on Lot 12 of Tract 12870 from Medium Density Residential (18 dwelling units per acre) to Medium-High Density Residential (25 dwelling units per acre). A Development Agreement between the applicant and the City of Tustin is also proposed which would provide a mechanism for the applicant to make contributions for use in parkland development within the East Tustin Specific Plan area. DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS The proposed project consists of the following discretionary actions, all of which are the subject of this addendum. Zone Change 92-002 (LYON) Amend the Land Use Plan of the East Tustin Specific Plan in the vicinity of Lot 12, Tract 12870 from Medium Density Residential to Medium-ltigh Density Residential (Exhibit 3). Amend the Sector 7 land use descriptions of the East Tustin Specific Plan to accommodate the land use designation change (Appendix A). Amend the Statistical Summaries of the East Tustin Specific Plan to accommodate the land use designation changes (Appendix A). Development Agreement (LYON) Provide a mechanism to make contributions for use in parkland development within the East Tustin Specific Plan area (Appendix C). DF: br/zc92002, ackJ 2 4 3 7 11 12 SECTOR Project Site NUMBER Project Site Map ZG 92-002 (LYON) City of Tustin 0 : 400 2800 FEET Exhibit 1 MH ZC 92-002 (LYON) A P P R 0 V E D Land Use Plan r · ! EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN City of Tustin ~] Exhibit 2 ~°^~""~' ~ ¢. ~] "?. ~. '.' .'~. ~'¢~..~ ;,;,~ . .. '"~" ';';'~ '~" ' ' " I Il · ,;.,,,;,, ~.~, · ~. . . . . . .i:'.'.'~j .~'.~:i , ~ ', ·. · ~. · :~ ~: ? · '., ~ ~. . i ~5.~¢'. · '~ ':"..~' ;~:; .~.. .... ~.7. " "h'.'. ~,. · :" ; ' * ~ ,'g,:~ ~.~,;,-.;{.~' , / '.; .~.~.. '~.: ~': ,.',-, ~%~, .. . . · ~ - ,, .[~.,,,~t .;..~:., . ~. .- . , ~,.[: I ~. . ~ :~.'.~' '~'.. f..~;.... '. , '... . ...:,:?..., ';. '~"' .;- ~ I ~ . · -' . . ' '~'.' / ' ~ '-' '~'"~ ~.'d-. ..... ,~.. -.~.~:.-.... ~ .. . '.~0~ .,' ~L.' -~ ; - '¥' ~ 'r- ~':~ .... '" ~ ~:~/~:' ".2 ' "~'' " ~'~,~i,- '~'~' "-¥,. :.'..' ZC 92-002 (LYON) ROPOSED Land Use Plan EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN City of Tustin ~ Exhibit 3 ~o*~,,..- SI'X;'I'I UN 2 - I';NV 1RO:C'll'L~;'i Al, CIII';(;KL.LST CITY OF TUSTIN Community Development Department ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY FORM Background 1. Name of Proponent LYON CO~hMUNITIES, INC. Address and Phone Number of Proponent NEWPORT BI{ACH, CA 92658-7520 4490 V0N KARMAN 714-476-5222 II. 3. Date of Checklist Submitted OCTOBI.:R 1, 1992 Agency Requiring Checklist CITY OF TUSTI. N Name of Proposal, if applicable ZC 92-002 (LYC'.;) Environmental Impacts (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) Earth. a. Will the proposal result in: Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? Yes Mayb__e Change in topography or ground surface relief features? do The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? ee Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any ban, inlet or lake? Yes Maybe N_o_ ge Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Air. Will the proposal result in: Substantial air emission or deterioration of ambient air quality? b. The creation of objectionable odors? Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperatures, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? Water. Will the proposal result in: Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh water? Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? Yes Maybe No 4 o o 7 o Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: so Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? be Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? Co Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: ao Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? Yes M__aybe No 10. 11. 12. 13. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? Natural Resources. result in: Will the proposal Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? 0 Substantial depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to, oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? Housing. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? Transportation/Circulation. proposal result in: Will the Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? de Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Yes M~ybe ~ 14. 15. 16. e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f. Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: Fire protection? Police protection? Schools? Parks or other recreational facilities? Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: Power or natural gas? Communications systems? Water? Sewer or septic tanks? Storm water drainage? Solid waste and disposal? Yes ~ N_q 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Human Health. result in: Will the proposal Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? Solid Waste. Will the proposal create additional solid waste requiring disposal by the City? Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? Cultural Resources ao Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? be Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Yes ~D3be Hq 22. Mandatory Findings of Significance. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short- term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future). Co Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively con- siderable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? SECTION 3 - DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUPPLEMENT - The proposed project is a Zone Change to modify the Land Use Designation within the East Tustin Specific Plan on Lot 12 of Tract 12870 from Medium Density Residential to Medium-High Density Residential. The proposed designation would increase the maximum allowed residential density from 18 dwelling units per acre to 25 dwelling units per acre. A Development Agreement between the applicant and the City is also proposed which would provide a mechanism for the applicant to provide contributions for use in parkland development within the East Tustin Specific Plan. The discussion in this Initial Study is limited to the proposed development agreement, change in land use designation and comparison to the previously certified EIR 85-2 for the entire East Tustin Specific Plan to determine whether a Subsequent EIR or Addendum to EIR 85-2 should be prepared pursuant to Sections 15162 and 15164 of the California Environmental Quality Act. All mitigation measures previously identified in EIR 85-2 would remain applicable unless otherwise noted in the discussion below. The project site is situated in a developing residential area at the southeast corner of Greenway Drive and Tustin Ranch Road. Surrounding uses include the Tustin Ranch golf course immediately adjacent to the south and east, condominiums and a private park to the north across Greenway Drive, and single family detached dwellings to the west across Tustin Ranch Road. EARTH - The proposed project would not result in any significant disruption, displacement, compaction or overcrowding of the soil which was not previously considered in EIR 85-2. The change would still permit residential development. Sources: City of Tustin Building Division EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring mitigation required. Required: No additional AIR - The proposed project would not result in any degradation of existing air quality based upon SCAQMD guidelines for preparation of EIRs which was not previously considered in EIR 85-2 as the total number of units considered would not be altered. Sources: SCAQMD standards for preparing EIR documents. EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional Section 3 - Environmental Evaluation Zone Change 92-002 (Lyon) Page 2 WATER - The proposed project would not result in any additional change to absorption rates, water movement, flood waters, discharge into surface waters, flow of groundwater, quantity of ground water, water consumption not previously considered by EIR 85-2 as the total number of units considered would not be altered. Sources: City of Tustin Building Division City of Tustin Public Works Department EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional PI~%I~T LIFE - The proposed project would not result in any additional change to plant life not previously considered by EIR 85-2. Sources: Field Observations EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional A~IMAL LIFE - The proposed project would not result in any additional change to population of animals, fish or wildlife not previously considered by EIR 85-2. Sources: Field Observations EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional NOISE - The proposed project would not result in any additional change to noise levels not previously considered by EIR 85-2. Sources: City of Tustin Zoning Code City of Tustin General Plan Noise Element EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional LIGHT AND GLARE - The proposed project would not result in any additional change to light and glare not previously considered by EIR 85-2. Section 3 - Environmental Evaluation Zone Change 92-002 (Lyon) Page 3 Sources: City of Tustin Security Ordinance EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional LAND USE - The proposal would not result in any substantial alterations to the planned land uses for the East Tustin Specific Plan, particularly within Sector 7. The site currently would accommodate a maximum 18 dwelling units per acre. The proposed change would accommodate up to 25 dwelling units per acre. Both the existing and proposed designation would accommodate residential development. Sector 7 is currently permitted a maximum of 3,590 dwelling units (5 units transferred to Sector 9 and 10 units transferred to Sector 4 from the original authorization of 3,605 units per the ETSP). To date, approximately 2,305 dwelling units have been proposed, approved or constructed. With the maximum anticipated additional 354 dwelling units associated with the subject change, the total would increase to 2,659 units, approximately 26 percent below anticipate development for Sector 7. In no event, could the number of units within Sector 7 exceed 3,590 as currently established unless a transfer of units between sectors is authorized pursuant to the East Tustin Specific Plan. Sources: East Tustin Specific Plan Land Use Plan EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional NATURAL RESOURCES - The proposed project would not result in any additional change to natural resources not previously considered by EIR 85-2. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department Section 3 - Environmental Evaluation Zone Change 92-002 (Lyon) Page 4 10. 11. 12. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation measures required. No additional RISK OF UPSET - The proposed project would result in a greater potential for upset from that previously considered in EIR 85- 2. Sources: City of Tustin Building Division Orange County Fire Department Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional POPULATION - There would be no significant change to anticipated population for the East Tustin Specific Plan project area associated with the proposed project. The East Tustin Specific Plan assumes 3.4 persons for Low and Medium- Low Density, 2.8 persons per unit for Medium Density and 2.2 persons per unit for Medium-High Density dwellings. Based upon these rates and assuming maximum development of the subject site, 68 more persons than anticipated potentially could reside on the site. However, this represents an overall 25 percent reduction in population for the sector when considering the 26 percent reduction in dwelling unit construction within the sector as discussed in item 8 above. Therefore, there would not be a significant impact on population from that previously discussed in EIR 85-2. Sources: City of Tustin Community Development Department East Tustin Specific Plan Mitigation Measures/Monitoring mitigation required. Required: No additional HOUSING - The proposed change would still accommodate residential development as evaluated by EIR 85-2. Although the specific site would accommodate a maximum of 100 additional dwelling units than previously designated, the overall sector totals of 3,590 dwellings and specific plan totals of 7,950 dwelling would not be exceeded. Therefore, there would not be a significant impact on housing from that previously discussed in EIR 85-2. Sources; City of Tustin Community Development Department EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring mitigation required. Required: No additional Section 3 - Environmental Evaluation Zone Change 92-002 (Lyon) Page 5 13. 14. 15. TRI~NSPORTATIONA_ND CIRCULATION - There would be no significant change to anticipated traffic conditions for the East Tustin Specific Plan, particularly Sector 7. The Technical Appendices of EIR 85-2 identified trip generation rates by lot and residential density. The subject property is located within Traffic Zone 39 identified in EIR 85-2 Technical Appendices. Traffic Zone 39 totals have been reviewed against original figures and assumptions and compared with specific proposals and approved development plans for specific lots in Traffic Zone 39. This review indicates that there will be a reduction of trips from that previously anticipated for this Traffic Zone by approximately 13 percent, even with the proposed increase in density on Lot 12 (Appendix B). When considering all Traffic Zones in the Technical Appendices for the East Tustin Specific Plan area, this is approximately a 1 percent reduction in anticipated trips. Therefore, the proposed project would not be a significant impact from that previously considered in EIR 85-2. TZ 39 as identified on page 325 of EIR 85-2 Technical Appendices would need to be revised as shown in Appendix B. Source: City of Tustin Public Works Department City of Tustin Community Development Department EIR 85-2 Technical Appendices Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional PUBLIC SERVICES - The proposed project would not result in any additional need for public services not previously considered by EIR 85-2. Source: City of Tustin Community Development Department City of Tustin Public Works Department City of Tustin Police Department Orange County Fire Department EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional ENERGY - The proposed project would not result in any additional need for energy not previously considered by EIR 85-2. Sources: City of Tustin Public Works Department EIR-85-2 Section 3 - Environmental Evaluation Zone Change 92-002 (Lyon) Page 6 16. 17. 18. 19. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional UTILITIES - The proposed project would not result in any additional need for utilities not previously considered by EIR 85-2. Sources: City of Tustin Public Works Department EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional HUMA/~ HEALT~ - The proposed project would not result in any increased conditions that negatively effect human health not previously considered by EIR 85-2. Sources: City of Tustin Building Division Orange County Fire Department EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional AESTHETICS - The proposed project would not result in any aesthetic impacts not previously considered by EIR 85-2. Any future development proposals would be subject to the City's Design Review process which takes into consideration site layout, architecture, landscaping and other project amenities which relate to the physical appearance of the site. Sources: City of Tustin Design Review Board EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional RECREATIO~ - The proposed project would not result in any additional recreational impacts not previously considered by EIR 85-2. Actual Parkland Dedication requirements are based upon persons per unit within the project. Since the proposed change would result in a greater number of persons on this site than originally anticipated (item 11 above), additional parkland would be required. This required parkland has already been credited based on dedicated parkland within East Tustin. Therefore, no significant impact would exist or modification to the original EIR be required. As a voluntary contribution for consideration of the Zone Change, the Section 3 - Environmental Evaluation Zone Change 92-002 (Lyon) Page 7 20. 21. developer has agreed to provide additional contributions which would be used to provide parkland improvements within the East Tustin Specific Plan area through entering into a Development Agreement with the City. Sources: City of Tustin Community Services Department City of Tustin Community Development Department EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional CULTURAL RESOURCES - The proposed project would not have any effect of the cultural resources not previously considered by EIR 85-2. Sources: EIR 85-2 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE - Based upon the above discussion, it can be concluded that none of the situations identified in Section 15162 of the California Environmental Quality Act requiring the preparation of a Subsequent EIR exist in that: The proposed changes would not require important revisions of EIR 85-2 as no new significant environmental impacts have been identified which have not been previously covered in EIR 85-2; There are no substantial changes that would occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project will be undertaken; and No new information of substantial importance has become available that could not have been known at the time EIR 85-2 was certified related to this project. Therefore, an Addendum to EIR 85-2 will be prepared pursuant to Section 15164 of the California Environmental Quality Act in that: a. Only minor technical changes to the trip tables in the technical appendices of EIR required to make the EIR adequate; and generation 85-2 are Section 3 - Environmental Evaluation Zone Change 92-002 (Lyon) Page 8 The minor text and map changes to the East Tustin Specific Plan to accommodate the project and proposed development agreement do not raise new issues about significant effects on the environment as traffic related issues have previously been discussed and mitigated in EIR 85-2. Sources: As Previously Noted. California Environmental Quality Act Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: mitigation required. No additional ZC92002. ENV APPENDIX A EAST TUSTiN SPECIFIC PI.AN PROPOSED TEXT REVISIONS ZC 92-002 (LYON) I ^~,~I' IU.%IIN ,%'[ATI$'iIC,&L * Total Maximum Allowable Acreage Land Usc l)cnsity Units SECTOR I 125 Est:tlc Density Residential 2 (lu/ac Subtotal 125 188 SECTOR 2 O 74 76.65 50 37.35 10 ** 15 ** 8 ** Estate Density Residential l.ow Density Residential Medium l.ow Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School Junior lligh School Community Park 2 alu/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac Subtotal SECTOR 3 271 6 08 ** 03 ** Low Density Residential Elementary School Neighborhood Park 5 du/ac 1,010 ~: Subtotal 17 SECTOR 4 118 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac 68 Subtotal 118 SECTOR 5 98 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac 18 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac 177 Subtotal 116 SECTION 6 31 General Commercial 219 Subtotal 3 1 SEC'FOR7~ "~ ~ ~ ~"/ 44t"' Medium Density Rcsiden~.a.l. ,~_ :.., 1. .,8, .d,.u.(_ac~ ~ o 10 ** Elementary 33 ** Community Park 150 Golf Course Subtotal 436 SECTOR 8 77 l. ow Density Residential 4 du/ac 26 Mcdiu[n Density Residential 18 du/ac o 10 ** Elementary School o 4 ** Neighborhood Park 3,605 349 233 Subtotal 117 582 t Rev: 6-19~89 Rev: 12-10-91 2-24 S E("I'O R 9 Acrcagc 39 [-ASI ftJ',;'l'lN ,%'I'A[ 5'I CAi. ANAI YSI',; (C,('~NilNUi D) l,and Ih;c Ma x im ti m I)c,{sily l.ow I)cnsity Residential 5 du/ac * '1'~I:, l ..\ IIow;lblc tjni~s Subtotal S EC'I'O l~l I0 39 46 15 o10 ** l.ow l)ensity Residential Medium l)ensity Residential l£1emcntary School 5 alu/ac 18 du/ac 156 Subtotal SEC'I'OR 11 71 57 56 40 o10 o 4 lO Medium Density P, csidcntiai Medium High Density Residential ltigh School Elementary School Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Commercial 18 da/ac 25 da/ac 405 x Subtotal SECI'OI~ 12 177 1,540 ± 121 Mixed Usc Subtotal 121 7,950 *** Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, clc~nentary schools and intermediate schools will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of thc Specific Plan. If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 arc not constructed, thc unconstructed units may be transferred to thcSpccific Plan area. Maximum density on Lot 11 of Tract 13627 shall be ten (10) dwelling units per acre. This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land usc. If itchangcs, other land usc acreage allocations in thc seclor may ci~angc, llowevcr, ti~e total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or a park currently designated for this sector arc not built in this sector and that thc acreage goes into residential usc. if these facilities arc constructed, thc land usc area density limitation may preclude construction of the total allowable sector units and such unbuilt units would bc transferred to another sector. Rcv: 6-19-89 Rev: 12-10-91 2-25 Sector 7 This is the largest of the 12 sectors in terms of acreage. The site is virtually flat and encompasses 436 acres. It is situated along the eastern boundary of the site and is bounded by Portola Parkway on the north, u..~ Jamboree Road on the east, thc Tustin'.Ranch Road on the west, and Irvine Boulevard on the south. The site includes a hillside knoll located south of Portola Parkway, a visually prominent landform feature which contrasts with the flat topography within the rest of the Sector. Eucalyptus windrows occur along Peters Canyon Wash and in the easterly portion of the Sector. This area is planned to encompass a variety of residential densities to be developed around an 18-hole privately owned and operated golf course which is to be open for public play. Residential uses including medium and medium high densities are planned for this Sector. Densities generally decrease from east to west with the medium-high areas located along ~yfor~'Jambore'e Road and Irvine'Boulevard. Also planned for this area is an elementary school which has not been precisely located at this time, however, it is currently allocated for the southwest quadrant of this sector. The precise location and size of this school shall be determined as per Subsection 2.10 of this Specific Plan. A regional riding/hiking trail, and bikeway are planned in accordance with County Master Plans (Class I). The trail may be located away from Peters Canyon Wash in order to avoid conflicts with the golf course. The trail location in Sector 7 shown on the Land Use Plan (Exhibit C) following along arterial highways is conceptual and may be adjusted to meet specific site conditions and to ensure trail continuation in the adjoining City of Irvine. A neighborhood park has also been generally allocated for this same quadrant. The size and location of this park will be precisely determined as per Subsection 2.8. Finally, a 13-acre community park has been precisely located to encompass the knoll at the northern most end of the sector. An additional 20 acre community park will be provided near the southeast corner of the sector. The following policies apply to Sector 7: ao The maximum number of dwelling units permitted within this sector are as shown in Table 2.4. 2-37 The golf course as shown on the Land Use Plan illustrates a conceptual boundary. The precise edges of the golf course may vary as long as the area of the other residential land uses remain generally consistent with the Statistical Summary and that the relative location of residential land use are consistent with Exhibit C. There may be an adjustment of increased acreage from the minimum acreage of 150 to the golf course from that shown on the statistical summary. Any adjustment, however, shall be at the discretion of the landowner, and can encroach on the residential land use parcels within this sector. Such an adjustment would change acreages within those land use parcels, however, the total maximum number of units allowed within the sector will not be exceeded. The golf course provides a strong visual image within the sector as well as the whole community and visibility shall be provided from the arterial roadways, therefore the golf course shall directly front on M~ Jamboree Road, and Irvine Boulevard, and shall have at least tw~' frontages on thc Future Tustin Ranch Road. A minimum of 250-feet of lineal frontage shall be provided at each of these points. Incorporation of existing eucalyptus considered within the golf course. windrows shall be In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways adjoining this Sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12 Implementation, for specific requirements. A community park shall be located along the edge south of Portola Parkway and shall include the north side of the knoll located south of this road. Development policies related to this knoll are established in Section 2.13, Hillside District Guidelines, Landform Modification. An additional 20 acre Community Park shall be provided adjacent to Jamboree Road and north of Irvine Boulevard. Where feasible and consistent with flood control requirements, the treatment of Peters Canyon Wash (Exhibit L) should retain a natural appearance by (1) minimizing concrete channelization such as vertical walls and concrete channel or trapezoidal soil cement; (2) retaining or replanting indigenous vegetation along the drainage course, and/or (3) locating the drainage course within open space areas. 2-38 I~A'.31 TtKY[IN Gi'AI'I~;TIGA[ ANAI. Y~;IG * 'l'otal M:tximu,u A IIowalgc Acreage l.a nd Usc l)cns i t y LJ n i ts S EC'I'O R I 125 Estate Density Residential 2 (tu/ac Subtotal 125 188 SECTOR 2 o 74 76.65 50 37.35 10 ** 15 ** 8 ** Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential Medium l.ow Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School Junior lligh School Community Park 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac **** Subtotal SECTOR 3 271 6 08 ** 03 ** Low Density Residential Elementary School Neighborhood Park 5 du/ac 1,010 Subtotal 17 SECTOR 4 118 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac 68 Subtotal 118 SECTOR 5 98 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac 18 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac 177 Subtotal i 16 SECTION 6 31 General Commercial 219 Subtotal 31 SECTOR 7 ~ ~' - 5 ~-7 .-.M-l- Medium Density Rcsidcntial , -'"--18 du/a~~c (;dr(c> ~ Nlcdium High l)cnsitv Residential 33 ** Community Park 150 Golf Course Subtotal 436 SECTOR 8 77 Low Density Rcsidcntial 4 du/ac 26 Medium Density Rcsidcntial 18 du/ac o 10 ** Elementary School o 4 ** Ncighborhood Park 3,605 349 233 Subtotal 117 582 ~ Rcv: 6-19-89 Rev: 12-10-91 3-13 [A~;T [t,J,~11N ~[ATI~'~II(',~AI. ANA~Y~I,~ :C()NII.Nt,i * 'l'otal M'a x ~mum Allowa Acrcagc Land Usc I)cnsiiy (in{ts S I.XYI'(} 1~ 9 39 l.ow Dcnsity Rcs~dcnth~l 5 du/ac Subtotal 39 156 SEC'I'OR 10 46 Low' Density Rcsidcntial 5 du/'ac 15 Medium Density Residential 18 da/ac o 10 ** l:lcmcntarySchool Subtotal SI:.CTOR ! 1 71 57 56 40 oi0 o 4 10 Mcdium Density Rcsidcntial Medium iligh Dcnsity Residential lligh School Elcmentary School Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Commercial 18 da/ac 25 da/ac 405 i Subtotal SECTOR 12 177 1,540 · 121 Mixed Usc Subtotal 121 7,950 *** Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary schools and intermediate schools will be determined as part of thc review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection i.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. If thc maximum allowable units in Tcntativc Tract Map No. 12345 arc not constructed, tile unconstructcd units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area. Maximum density on Lot I I of Tract 13627 shall be tcn (10) dwclling units per acre. This acreage figure is an cstimatcd allocation for this land usc. If it changes, ()tiler land usc acreage allocations in thc sector inay change, llowcvcr, thc total allowable units for thc sector will remain tile same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or a park currcntly designated for this sector arc not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential usc. if these facilities arc constructcd, thc land usc area :lcnsity limitation may preclude construction of tile total allowable sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. Rcv: 6- 19-89 Rev: 12-10-91 3-14 APPENDIX B EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ZC 92-002 (LYON) ~ o o APPENDIX C EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ZC 92-002 (LYON) RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City Clerk City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 EXEMPT FROM RECORDING FEES PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE 6103 DEVELOp~ENT AGREEMENT This Development Agreement is made this day of , 1992, by and between The William Lyon Company, a California corporation, formerly known as Lyon Communities Inc. hereinafter referred to as ("Developer") and the City of Tustin, a municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as ("City"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of approximately 14.14 acres of real property (the "Property") within the City of Tustin, which Property is more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, Developer has proposed, and City agrees to the payment of funds to construct the public park improvements ("the funds") in anticipation of proposed rezoning of the Property from medium density residential to medium-high density residential; and WHEREAS, this Development Agreement is adopted pursuant to Government Code Sections 65864 et. seq.; and TIIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, between Developer and City as follows: 1. Proposed Rezoninq. Developer has proposed a rezoning of its property and an amendment to the East Tustin Specific PI. an under which the Developur proposes to increase the existing allowable density from 18 dwelling units per acre to 25 dwelling units per acre on Lot 12 of Tract 12870. Developer agrees and understands that Developer must submit appropriate rezoning and specific plan amendment entitlement applications which shall be subject to the full and unrestricted right of the City to grant, deny or conditionally approve said proposed rezoning without restriction. Developer further acknowledges that the existing zoning for the Property does not allow the construction of dwelling units in excess of 18 dwelling units per acre, as the existing zoning for the Property is medium density residential. 2. Aqreement to Pay Park Funds. Developer hereby agrees to pay to City a contribution in the amount of $2,000 for each excess dwelling unit (that is each unit over and above units constructed in excess of 18 units per acre) up to, but not to exceed a maximum of $200,000. As used herein, the term "excess dwelling unit" shall mean each excess dwelling unit constructed by the Developer on the Property in excess of 254 dwelling units. In the event Developer does not receive zoning and specific plan approvals from City to build excess dwelling unit~, Developer shall have no obligation to pay the above stated funds to City. 3. Timing of Payment. To implement paragraph 2 above, Developer shall begin paying a "Prorata Per Unit Contribution" per excess dwelling unit at ~he initial start-up of construction of the project; that is, when the first building permit is obtained for the first unit, Developer shall pay a Prorata Per Unit Contribution, and for each building permit thereafter issued to Developer by City. As used in the foregoing sentence, the term "Prorata Per Unit Contribution" shall mean an amount equal to the product of (a) $2,000, multiplied by (b) a fraction, the numerator of which is the total number of excess dwelling units for which Developer receives tentative map approval from the City, and the denominator of which is the total number of dwelling units for which Developer receives tentative map approval from the City. If, for any reason, Developer is unable or fails to build all of the excess dwelling units used in calculating the Prorata Per Unit Contributions, after completion of the project, City shall reimburse Developer, within thirty (30) days of demand therefore, an amount equal to the difference between (y) the actual amount paid by Developer to City in Prorata Per Unit Contributions, minus (z) the product of $2,000 multiplied by the actual number of excess dwelling units constructed by Developer of the Property. 4. Use of Funds. City agrees to use all of the funds solely for construction of public park improvements within the East Tustin Specific Plan area in the City of Tustin. 5. Aqreement Runninq with the Land. Developer's contingent obligation to pay the funds is for the benefit of City and all real property owned by City within the City of Tustin, and is intended to and shall run with the Property and inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, including without limitation Developer's successors in ownership of the Property. An owner of the Property shall only be obligated to pay for payment of said funds during its period of ownership of the Property, and upon any transfer of ownership, shall be automatically released from all liability hereunder. 6. Liens and Encumbrances. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, this Agreement shall not encumber or be a lien on any real property or dwelling units on or that comprise a portion of the Property other than excess dwelling units. From time to time, at the request of Developer, City shall deliver to Developer any documentation or instruments required by any title company to remove the encumbrance or lien on this Agreement from any real property or dwelling units on or that comprise a portion of the Property, other than excess dwelling units, or from any excess dwelling units for which Developer has paid to City the park contribution as set forth in Paragraph 2 above. 7. Mortgage or Deed of Trust. The breach or the attempt to breach any of the covenants or other provisions contained herein, shall not defeat, affect or render invalid the lien or charge of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for valuable consideration; provided, however, that all such covenants and other provisions shall remain in full force and effect, notwithstanding the foreclosure and subsequent foreclosure sale of any mortgage or deed of trust which shall hereafter constitute an encumbrance on the Property. 8. Periodic Review. This Agreement shall be subject to periodic review at least every 12 months, pursuant to Government Code Section 65865.1. 9. Term. This agreement shall remain in effect until all contributions have been paid in accordance with paragraph 3 above. 10. Hold Harmless and Defense. Developer agrees to and shall indemnify, save, defend and hold City, its officers, agents and employees, harmless from any liability arising from claims from the City's approval or execution of this Agreement. This foregoing provision applies to all damages and claims for damages suffered or alleged to have been suffered by reason of the operations referred to in this section, regardless of whether or not City preferred, supplied, or approved plans or specifications, or both, or all, for the project. 11. Notices. Ail notices under this Agreement shall be given to the following representatives of the parties, at the addresses indicated below by personal service, or by registered certified United States mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: If to City: City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 Attn: City Clerk Copy to: City Attorney If to Developer: The William Lyon Company 4490 Von Karman Avenue Newport Beach, California 92660 Attn: Mr. Chris Hawke 12. Assiqnment. Developer may, at its discretion, join and associate with other entities into joint-ventures, partnerships, or otherwise 4 for the purpose of performing under this Agreement. The rights under this Agreement may be transferred or assigned in whole by Developer by written notice to the City within thirty (30) days after the effective date of such assignment. 13. Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence of each provision of this Agreement of which time is an element. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have Agreement as of the date first above written. City: City of Tustin executed this APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Mayor James E. Rourke City Attorney DEVELOPER: The William Lyon Company By: Title Lyon.dev 5 EXHIBIT A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ZONE CHANGE 92-002 (LYON) LI':GAI ~ I) I'],~'; C!{ ]' ]~q' T ON Lots 12, "L" and "N" of Tract 22870