HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 93-44 ! 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 93-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ENDORSING PROCEEDINGS TO FORM THE ORANGE COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE IN ACTIVITIES THAT SUPPORT DISTRICT FORMATION Whereas, the City Council of the City of Tustin, by the adoption of its Resolution No. 93-44 , dated z/-/7-73 , declared its intent to join with other Orange County cities and the County of Orange in the formation of an independent fire district protection, the Orange County Fire Protection District, hereafter the "District", pursuant to the Fire Protection District Act of 1987 (California Health & Safety Code 13800 et seq); and Whereas, it is the intent of the participating cities and the County that the District will assume all of the services now performed by the Orange County Fire Department; and Whereas, a primary purpose in forming the District is to provide a means for cities, which comprise approximately 85% of the population served by the County Fire Department, and the County to formally share governance and financial responsibility for the fire service program; and Whereas, a committee of City Managers representing the prospective city members of the District and cash contract cities has reached a preliminary written understanding with County officials on matters related to the formation of the District, the transfer of tax funds and the transition of service responsibilities from the County to the District. Now, Therefore, the City Council of Tustin, having reviewed the proposed terms and conditions as contained in Attachment 1: City/County Understandinq For The Formation Of An OranGe County Fire District, does by this resolution hereby: Support special state legislation for the purpose of creating the District effective no later than January 1, 1994; and 2 o Approve Attachment A: the City/County Understandinc On The Formation Of An OranqE County Fire District; and 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~2 13 14 ~5 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 93-44 Page 2 Request the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to initiate proceedings to form the Orange County Fire District pursuant to the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985, Division 3, commencing with 56000 of the California Government Code, Section 13800 of the California Health & Safety Code et seq., and the provisions of special state legislation referenced above; and Request the Orange County LAFCO to include all of the territory within the boundaries of the City of Tustin within the fire district and its Sphere of Influence; and Endorse and agree to the transfer of all structural fire fund taxes that are now deposited in the Orange County Structural Fire Fund, and allocated and collected by the County of Orange from the area within the proposed District boundaries upon the formation of the District; and Authorize the City of Irvine to serve as the lead agency in the filing of a Joint City/County application to the Orange County LAFCO, acting on behalf of Tustin, and all other sponsoring agencies; and Agree to pay a proportionate share of the expenses associated with formation of the Fire District, subject to separate action and approval of the specific proportionate share amount(s) by this City Council from time to time. F~YOR f~RY E. WYNN, City Clerk Attachment I and Attachment A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING A CITY ,' COUNTY UNDERSTANDING ON THE FORMATION OF AN ORANGE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT March i1, 1993 The Orange Count).' Cities and thc Count' of Orange that are within the boundaries of the Structural Fire Fund. and cash contract cities that will receive fire services from the proposed Fire District, understand the terms and conditions contained herein for thc formation of the Orange Count).' Fire District. This understanding generally pertains to the following subject areas onlv: 1. Risk Managcment/Liabili~' 7. Governing Board 2. Asset Transfer 8. Cash Contract Cities 3. Fire Station Headquarters 9. Equi~' 4. ProperS' Tax Transfer 10. Services to be Assumed 5. Development Agreements 11. District Formation 6. Special Legislation 12. Transition Team RISK MANAGEIVtEIN'T/LIABILITY (TORT & WORKERS COIVtPENSATION CLAIMS) The Fire District shall assume responsibilip:' for incidents that occur on or after the official date of District formation. The Count' shall retain responsibilit).' and liability for incidents that occur prior to the date of District formation. The Count').' shall retain all reserves that have been set aside for prior incidents. ~S~TRANS~R All assets, except the four deactivated stations, shall be transferred to the Fire District at no cost to the District for the exchange. The Cities understand that the Count').', or the CounD' through the Fire District, shall repay prior Count~' General Fund co':ts for fire assets over a multi-year period of $14.5 million, and acknowledge that repayment began in fiscal year 1992-93. The Count).' understands that neither cities' or cash contract cities' assets of an.,,' kind nor District reserves, or assets from the sale of the fire station headquarters will be used for this repayment. Notwithstanding, if SDAF is eliminated, the parties agree to negotiate the source of payment, amount, and/or other options. All existing reserves as of the date of district formation are to be transferred unincumbered to the new district. FIRE STATION HEADOUARTERS The Cities understand that since there will be a period of time before a district can be formed and become ,,pcrationa! thc County will continue to pursue options for thc disposition of thc Headquarters. propcrv:' and the acquisition of replacement properr2:'. An.,,' proceeds that might bc obtained bv disposition of the Headquarters propert)' shall remain with the Fire Department and shall bc transferred to thc District. The Countx shall involve Cities in an.',' and all disposition matters prior to district formation. Nothing related to the disposition of the Water Street Propers' shall be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors without the Cities' concurrence. PROPERTY TAX TRANS~R After the official date of thc Fire District's formation, there shall be a properv:' tax transfer of all SFF and the SDAF contributed by thc SFF to the SDAF, in accordance with the formula set forth in Revenue and Taxation Code Section 95 ct seq. and Health and Safety Code Section 13896. After official formation, the Fire District shall receive all propert).' ta.xes levied on its behalf without any contribution to the SDAF. All parties understand that the properD' tax (including SFF and SDAF) ma.,.' be subject to statutory elimination or reduction, and that the Counv:' general fund shall not be responsible for replacing an,,' funding loss. DEVELOPME~ AGREEMENTS Prior to District formation, the County and the Cities shall not approve anv new development agreements or modifications to existing development agreements to the extent that fire sen'ices and/or facilities will be affected thereby without consultation with the Cities and County transition team prior to approval. SPECIAL LEGISLATION The Cities and the County shall jointb' seek and support the approval of special state legislation to form the District. GOVERNING BOARD The Board of Directors of the Orange Count-,, Fire Protection District shall h ,'e seven members. The governing bodies of the Count2,-· and thc Cities within the boundary, of the Fire District shall appoint members and alternates to the Board of Directors. One member and an alternate shall be selectee and appointed by the Board of Supervisors and shall be current members of the Board of Supen'isors. The County at all times shall have a permanent representative as a member of the Board of Directors. The boardmember and alternate appointed Ci0' Count.' Unaerstandtn8 Orange Co. tm. Ftre Dtsmcl Page 2. by the Couna.. shall sen'e a four ','ear term from the date of appointment to Januan.' 10 of thc fourth following year. The remaining six members and their alternates shall be selected and appointed by the Cia' Councils of the Cities within the boundan' of the Fire District. Both shall be Ci~' Councilmembers and shall serve at the pleasure of his or her governing body. The cities shall determine a method for rotating appointments of the six Board of Director members representing cities so that all member agencies have an opportuni~' to designate a member from their jurisdiction and there is continuit3.' of representation. This method shall be set forth in the LAFCO terms and conditions, in an.,,' transition agreement, or as othe~'ise agreed to by the member cities. Member cities without present representation on the Board and cash contract cities arc encouraged to attend and participate in all open sessions of the Board, but have no vote. The current four cash contract cities ( i.e. Placentia, Seal Beach, Stanton, and Tustin) will not initially join the Fire District. Instead these cities will agree to continue contracting with the District for a period of three years following district formation. It is understood that the cities and the Count')' will limit annual cost of service increases or decreases to the cash contract Cities to an amount equal to the annual change in the cost of operations calculated with methods currently used bv the Fire Department. EourrY The Count' and the Cities shall be member agencies in equal standing in the new Fire District. An,,' adjustments in future cost to an,,' member agent' shall be based on considerations and factors that are equitable to all members. It is understood that the cost of service shall not be adjusted by reason of equi~' for any member agencs.' or a cash contract Cit3' for a period of three years from th: date of formation of the District. Any changes in non-propert?.' tax revenue sources i.e. fees and charges, special assessments such as paramedic fees could be made during this three year ~ :riod, as long as all district territories and cash contract cities participate. Any future decision bv the District to restructure the member agencies' proportionate contribution toward the cost of fire district operations (i.e. the overall equity question) shall, at a minimum, require a majoria.' vote of member agencies unless a higher level of participation is required by law. C~. I Count. Unde'ztandm$: Orange Count.' F, re D~stnct }'age 3. DISTRICT FORMATION District formation shall bc as set forth under special legislation. SERVICF_.S TO BE ASSUMED Prior to Fire District formation, thc following sen'ices or dMsions shall bc assumed, downsized or eliminated by the Count3.' in its discretion: 1. weed abatement 2. Emergent>.' Management DMsion (EMD) 3. Hazardous Materials Programs Office (HlvtPO) TRANSITION TEAM Count')' and Cip,.' staff shall work together on major transition issues, such as · headquarters location and continuing tenanc>', all major administrative, financial and service poliO, issues, and report back to the respective governing boards on progress before decisions on major issues are made. Approved As To Substance For The Negotiating Teams: Karen Davis, Chair Count' Negotiating Team COUNT~': Tim Case.,,', Cip,' Mgr., Laguna Hills Chair. Cit.' Negotiating Team Dated: , 1993 Count.' of Orange, a political subdMsion of the State of California Chairman of Its Board of Supervisors Ctt¥! Counn' Unaer~tand.tg' Orange Count~ Fire Dtsmct Page 4 Signed And Certified That A Copy Document Has Been Delivered To Thc Chairman Of The Board Phyllis A. Henderson Clerk of thc Board of Supervisors Of This APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tern' C. Andrus, Count'>.' Counsel Dated: Carol D. Brown, Deputs.' , 1993 CITY: Ci~' of ~ , California Dated: '5/-/0' ,1993 .ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: MAYOR ( Ci~, A~ ( ( Dated: ~,. "Z.~. , 1993 Cin' Clerk Cttv ~ Co~nO. Understanding: Orange CounO' F~re D~tnct Page 5 City of Tustin RESOLUTION CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) ss RESOLUTION NO. 93-44 Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council is five; that the above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of April, 1993, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Pontious, Potts, Saltarelli, Thomas None None Puckett E. Wynn, City Clerk