HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 93-058 2 4 5 $ 9 10 12 14 15 17 19 2O ~2 23 24 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 93-58 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING A MEASURE M DEVELOPMENT MITIGATION PROGRAM AND A MEASURE M DEVELOPMENT PHASING AND ANNUAL MONITORING PROGRAM IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY OF TUSTIN GROWTH MANAGEMENT ELEMENT AND THE COUNTYWIDE PROVISIONS OF MEASURE M'S COUNTYWIDE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, oh November 6, 1990, Orange County voters approved Measure M--the Revised Traffic Improvement and Growth Management Ordinance--which provides funding to Orange county for needed transportation improvements over a twenty year period through the imposition of a one-half cent retail transaction and use tax; and, WHEREAS, portions of the monies received from the new sales tax revenue will be returned to Orange Count}, jurisdictions for use of local and regional transportation improvements, subject to the jurisdiction's acquisition and retention of an eligible status for such Measure M revenues; and, WHEREAS, in order to receive local street maintenance and improvement funds from the Orange Count}, Local Transportation Authority, a jurisdiction must comply with Countywide Growth Management Program component requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City of Tustin has established a policy framework /or %he required Growth Management Program through the adoption of a Growth Management Element to the City of Tustin General Plan; and, ~EREAS, in conjunction with the Growth Management Element, the City of Tustin has established policy statements which identify traffic levels of service goals for its Measure M transportation system; and, WHEREAS, in conjunction with the Growth Management Element, %he City of Tustin has established policy statements which further commit to city participation in a development mitigation program which ensures that new growth is paying its share cf the costs associated with tha% growth; and, ~EREAS, in conjunction with the Growth Management Element, the City of Tustin has established policy statements which further commit ~o city participation in a development phasing and monitoring program which ensures that transportation infrastructure is provided concurrent with new developmenz and which provides for an annual evaluation of compliance with these programs towards the established levels of service goals; and, 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 1.2 13 1,I 15 16 17 18 20 21~ 24 25 2~: 2~ 28 Resolution 93-55 Pace 2 W]{EREAS, the overall objectives of a development mitigation program and development phasing and monitoring program as required by Measure M are historically consistent with the City of Tustin's requirements for development proposals and the City of Tustin's participation in transportation fee programs to ensure that new growth is paying its share of the costs associated with that growth; and, WHEREAS, in compliance with the requirements of the Measure M program, the City of Tustin' commits to continued implementation of its Development Mitigation and Development Phasing Programs and further establishes an annual evaluation of compliance with these programs as outlined in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Tustin as follows: SECTION 1. That the City of Tustin Development Mitigation Program ensures that new growth in the City of Tustin is paying its share of the costs associated with that growth through continued participation in existing transportation fee programs which provide for funding for necessary transportation improvements through developer fee participation. SECTiO!{ 2. That the City cf Tustin Development Phasing Program ensures that the provision of transportation infrastructure is provided concurrent with new development and is further implemented through conditions of approval of development proposals and citywide implementation of its Capiuai Improvement Programs. SECTiO}{ 3. That the City of Tustin Monitoring Program establishes an annual evaluation of compliance with the Development !{itigation Program and the Development Phasing Program. PASSED A!{D ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin on the 21st day of June, 1993. Ji~,'Potts, Ma};or Clerk EXHIBIT "A" (Resolution No. 93-55) GROWTH F~NAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT MITIGATION, DEVELOPMENT PHASING AND ANNUAL MONITORING PROGRAMS GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS. In order to receive Measure M local street maintenance and improvement funds, each Orange County jurisdiction must comply with the Countywide Growth Management Program requirements embodied in the approved Measure M Ordinance. Central to the program is the requirement that each jurisdiction adopt a Growth Management Element of its General Plan, and that the provisions of the Element be applied to the jurisdiction's development review process. The General Plan Element is required to include the following: traffic level of service standards, with a general target of Level of Service D (or better) for intersections, and a lower level of service for certain identified intersections in urbanized areas; policy statements on the establishment of a development mitigation program which ensures that new growth is paying its share of the costs associated with that growth; and policy statements on the establishment of a development phasing and annual monitoring program to ensure service goals are achieved. Two other growth management provisions must be implemented, in conjunction with or separate from ~he jurisdiction's General Plan. The local jurisdiction must demonstraze a means no foster a better balance between jobs and housing. Also, the local jurisdiction must participate in Inter-Jurisdictional Planning Forums at the Growth Management Area level to cooperate in easing cumulative traffic impacts and coordinate transportation improvements at the inter-jurisdictional level. Year 1 - Measure M Eligibility Package approved by OCTA on August 24, 1992 was required to contain the local jurisdiction's adopted Growth Managemen~ Elemen~ to ins General Plan, a resolution adopting the Growth Management Element, a resolution committing to participation in Measure M Inter-Jurisdictional Planning Forums, documentation regarding how the local jurisdiction will strive no foster a betuer balance between jobs and housing, Level of Service Standards (LOS), and a 7-year Capital Improvement Program. Year 2 - Measure M Eligibility Package is required to contain an updated 7 year Capital Improvement Program, a certification of the City's Mainnenance of Effort (MOE), a certification on the progress on the City's Pavement Management Program, and a reso!uticn adopting the City of Tus%in Development Mitigation, Development Phasing and Annual Monitoring Programs. A-i CITY OF TUSTIN COMPLIANCE. Growth Management Element Adoption: On February 18, 1992, the City of Tustin City Council adopted General Plan Amendment 92-01 to add a Growth Management Element to the City of Tustin General Plan. The Element was based upon the Model Growth Management Element developed jointly by the County of Orange and the Orange Count}, Division of the League of California Cities, and contains all required policy provisions necessary for compliance with the Measure M Ordinance. A cop}' of the adopted Growth Management Element and the City Council resolution adopting the Element was included in the City's Year 1 Measure M Eligibility Package. Growth Manaqement Element Objectives: Integral to achievement of the Growth Management Element goals and policies is an implementation plan to ensure that the required programs identified in the Element are consistently applied to the City's development review process. Specifically, this pertains to the Measure M Development Mitigation Program, the Development Phasing Program and the Annual Monitoring Program. Together, the implementation of the Development Mitigation Program, Development Phasing Program and the Annual Monitoring Program provide a framework for responsible land use and transportation planning by requiring the following: That a local jurisdiction commit to understanding how the additional traffic generated by a proposed development prcject will impact the levels of service within and outside the jurisdiction's boundaries (Development Mitigation Program). That through this assessment, the local jurisdiction identify circulation improvements necessary to accommodate the increased traffic and to maintain the jurisdiction's level of service goals embodied in its Circulation Element and Growth Management Element (Development Mitigation Program). That in conjunction with its review and action on a proposed development project, the local jurisdiction ensure that the new growth generated by the proposed development pay its fair share of costs associated with that development, including regional traffic mitigation. This can be accomplished through developer-participation in zransportation fee programs established to implement transportation improvements on a ci~ywide or areawide basis; and/or through conditions of approval requiring exaczion of specified transportazion improvements (Development Mitigation Program). A-2 That the timing of transportation improvements provided through transportation fee programs, applicable capital improvement prcjects and conditioned roadway improvements be coordinated with anticipated development construction. This ensures that infrastructure is logically added as development proceeds so that roadway improvements are in balance with demand (Development Phasing Program). That the local jurisdiction conduct an annual evaluation of how its existing and proposed circulation system is meeting the demand necessitated by e>~isting and approved development. This evaluation serves as a citywide checks-and-balance function on the jurisdiction's ability to meet the circulation needs associated with the implementation of its General Plan land use program. It further provides a fine-tuning effort whereby identified transportation needs can be coordinated with the jurisdiction's annual and seven-year capital improvement programs, transportation fee programs, and Snter- 3urisdictional Planning Forum efforts (Annual Monitoring Program). Process for Development Mitigation, Development Phasing, and Annual Monitoring Programs: The above five-point program embodies planning practices which the City of Tustin currently implements or is in the process of implementing in conjunction with its General Plan land use program; its adoption of the Santa Ana-Tustin Transportation System Improvement Authority Area Fee Program; participation in the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Program for the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor, an areawide transportation fee program; and implementation of the the East Tustin Infrastructure Assessment Districts Fee Programs. The City's participation in the GF~ 7 inter-3urisdic~ional Planning Forum has included a sharing of the City's land use approvals with adjacent jurisdictions to enable the jurisdictions tc understand transpcrtation infrastructure needs at the G~. level, identify areas cf deficiency, and prioritize candidate improvement projects for funding considerauion by the Orange County Transportation Authority to address identified G~-leve] deficiencies. The City of Tustin is developing a program to monitor how the statewide recuirements of Proposition ili's Congestion Management Program (CMP), the countywide requirements of the Measure E program, and the areawide requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management Plan could be applied to development projects through implementation of a multi- program process. Currently, the City is in the process of implementing a monitoring program for C~[P and Measure ~ recuirements. This program will serve to address the City's Annusi ~[onitorlnc Program requirements. To satisfy e!icibil~ · . _.} requirements, documentation of the City's cvera!l implementaticn of the three required Measure ~ Growth !.~anagement Plan Programs is charted in the "City cf A-3 Tustin Measure "M" Growth Management Implementation P2an Process" which is included on Page A-5. Through the development review process as shown in the chart on Page A-5, the Community Development Department and Public Works Department identify traffic mitigation necessitated by individual projects and timing of mitigation improvements necessary to maintain General Plan Level of Service (LOS) goals and maintain a balance between transportation facilities and demand. This is achieved through individual or collective use of: Conditions of approval which exact benefitting the circulation system improvements Applicant participation in fee program(s) which include identified improvements to benefit the local circulation system such as the Sanna Ana - Tustin Transportation System improvement Authority (TSIA) Area Fee Program; participation in the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Program for the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor, which is an areawide 5ransportation fee program; and participation in the East Tus=in Infrastructure Assessment Districts Fee Programs. Local capital improvement program improvements benefiuting the circulation system. Such projects are identified in the City's Four-year Capital Improvement Program, and, if appropriate, the City's Seven year Capital Improvement Program for Measure "M" and Congestion Managemen5 Program compliance. Requiremen% for =ransit and TD~ strategies to reduce vehicle trips, imposed through the Cit}"s Transportation Demand Managemen~ Ordinance. PROJECT SUBMITTAL Development project is submitted to Community Development Dept. June 1993 CITY OF TUSTIN MEASURE "M" GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS C.D. staff reviews project and determines: 1) Is project phased? 2) Is project related to a previous C.D. staff routes project plans, and project information to P.W. staff for review of transportation issues, and preparation of CMP/Measure M screencheck form P.W. staff reviews project and determines application of Measure M requirements: ° project traffic study ° TOM ordinance provisions ° Measure M baseline traffic impact mitigation fee (TCA Corridors fee program) ° Santa Ana -Tustin Transportation System Improvement Authority Area Fee Program participation ° required transportation is P.W. stall reviews previous traffic study and/or new or revised traffic study and determines: 1) whether the existing levels of service Of city arterials are impacted by project trips. 2) whether the additional project trips cause Measure M LOS goals to be exceeded, during or upon project build -out 3) whether any of the impacted links/ Intersections are located in neighboring jurisdictions. • When traffic impacts are identified in adjacent jurisdictions. City staff will confer with the affected jurisdiction to address identified impacts prior to Project approval. 4) what mitigation is required to maintain Measure M LOS goals. 5) when any proposed mitigation shall be implemented. PHASING P.W. staff identifies traffic mitigation and timing of mitigation improvements necessary to maintain General Plan LOS goals and maintain a balance between transportation facilities and demand. This is acheived through individual or collective use of: ° proposed conditions of approval which exact improvements benefitting the circulation system. ° applicant participation in fee program(s) which include identified improvements to benefit the local circulation system. ° local capital improvement program improvements benefiting the circulation system. ° transit/TDM s P.W. staff routes project plans, screencheck comments and recommended conditions 3f approval to C.D. staff. P.W. staff maintains completed CMP/Measure M screencheck form for future reference and monitoring. C.D. staff schedules project before city approval body(s). REVIEW/APPROVAL C.O. staff transmits staff analysis (including traflic study analysis) to approval body(s) of proposed project, in conjunction with approval body's review/action on project. II project is approved, approval body shall make a determination that: ° Project has been reviewed for conformity with Measure M requirements; and ° The additional traffic generated by the project onto the City's circulation system does not cause the system to exceed General Plan LOS goals; or ° The additional traffic generated by the project onto the City's circulation system does Impact specified links/intersections. Project approval incorporates feasible mitigation measures (specify) and timing of implementation of mitigation measures, which shall maintain local LOS goals upon the impacted local circulation systei P.W. staff completes CMP/Measure M screencheck form after project approval and includes one copy in the C.D. project file and one copy in the P.W. Measure M Projects File. 1TH CITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMEN/ PIiOGIAAM If project mitigation strategy includes local capital improvement piograrn improvements, P.W. staff incorporates improvements within City's annual or 7 -year CIP and verifies timing of CIP implementation with anticipated C.D. and P.W. staff maintains database on project approvals (project location, intensity/ transportation mitigation) for review by GMA 7 Inter -Jurisdictional Planning Forums (quarterly basis). Each year. I'. W. 51,111 rcvi_w: II CMP/Meas.,. M s r.encheck I ur,s for projects approved during year, and with C.D. staff identifies: ° how transportation LOS goals are being maintained on arterials. ° what deficiencies are occuring on arterials. ° what corrective measures can be implemented to address identified deficiencies. Assessment findings are integrated into: ° City's annual and 7 -year CIPS. ° GMA Transportation Improvement Project List priorities to OCTA. ° On-going implementation of existing transportation fee program(s). measurem Page A-5 City of Tustin RESOLUTION CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) RESOLUTION NO. 93-58 Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council is five; that the above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 21st day of June, 1993, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Potts, Saltarelli, Pontious, Puckett, Thomas None None None Clerk