HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 99-27RESOLUTION .NO. 99-27 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING A PROCEDURE FOR FORMATION AND ELECTION OF THE PROJECT AREA COMSlITTEE IN CONNECTION WITH THE 1999 AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Cit'3' Council of the City of Tustin, adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the South Central Redevelopment Project Area ("Redevelopment Plan") on August 1, 1983, by Ordinance No. 890, and subsequently amended the Redevelopment Plan, including adding territory to the Project Area, on July 15, 1985, by Ordinance No.939, and adopting a third amendment to the Redevelopment Plan, amending certain time limitations, on November 21, 1994, by Orndinance No. 1142; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan, as adopted, grants the Tustin Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") the authority to acquire property within the South Central Redevelor~ment Project Area by eminent domain; and WI-XEREAS, the Agency's eminent domain authority expired on Jul)' 15, 1997, and the use of eminent domain may be necessary to implement future Redevelopment Plan projects and programs; and WHEREAS, Agency staff and consultants have determined a need to extend the eminent domain author-iD' within the South Central Redevelopment Project Area for a nveive 5'ear period, as allowed by the Communiu' Redevelopment Law California Health and SaSe~' Code Section 33000, et. seq. ("CRL"); and WHEREAS, Section 33385.3 of the CRL requires that a Project .area Com.'::ir*.ee ("PAC") be formed when the proposed amendment of a redevelopment plan would do either of the following: 1) allow the Agency to acquire, by eminent domain, property ,,,,'here people reside if that prope,wy is in a project area ',,,'here a substantial number of low and moderate income people reside, or 2) add te~tory in wkich a substantial number of low to moderate persons reside and authorize the use of eminent domain in the added ten/toD' on properties ',,,'here people reside; and WHEREAS, a PAC formation is required due to the substantial number of 1.~w to modera~.e income people, and the Agency's authofi~ to acquire properties on which ~ersons reside by' eminent doma.Ln; and WHEREAS, the CRL provides that the City Council shall adopt a procedure for formation and election of the project area committee. \xCOMM_DE'V.VOLi "...q?La, KEDxCDD-RDA'0LDA'JIM',SOU ~"D-i CEN"rRAL PROJECTdalz.'u Am~-ndmen, ~ 2999 April 5 Resolu:ior. PAC Fo:':v,,a~:or, & .h'oged:r. es. DOC 1 NOW, TIIEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIl., OF TIIE CITY OF '/US'YIN, CALIFORNIA, DOES tIEREBY FIND, DETERMINE AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The "Procedure for Formation and Election of the Project Area Committee" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein is hereby adopted. Passed, approved and adopted this __ 5TH day of APRIL ,1999. .MAYOR OF/T~E CITY OF TUSTIN ATTEST: CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN STATE OF CALIFORN-Li COU'NrFY OF OtL~NGE )ss. CITY OF TUSTLN ) I, Pamela Stoker , City Clerk of the City of Tustin, hereby certi~' thz: :he foregoing Resolution No99¢27was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Tusrin, signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk at a regular meeting of said Co,mncil held on the 5th day of A~ril , 1999, and that said Resolution was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AY-ES: SALT3_RELLi, WORLEY, NOES: NONE .ABSENT: Tt~OY_qS DOYLE, POTTS y____I_TY CLERK OF TI-EE CITY OF 'FC'STLN ¥,COM.M_DE'~r,VOLI~SI-L~. =R. ED\CDD-RDAkRDAUIM,~qOUTH CE-NWR.t~. PROJECT, tan Am=ndmmt ! ,°9,9 &pti; 5 Resoiutior. PA C Formation & .h'oz-"dur:s.DOC 2 I I 11 ' EXHIBIT "A" PROCEDURE FOR FORMATION AND ELECTION OF THE PROJECT A, REA COMSIITTEE PROCEDURE FOR FORMATION AND ELECTION OF THE PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE FOR THE TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROPOSED 1999 AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE SOUTH CENTRA_L REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA March 1999 I I I1 'FABLE OF CONTENTS Pa2e llOOl A. B. C. GENERAI ............................................................................................................. 1 [101] Purpose ....................................................................................................... 1 [!02] .Authority .................................................................................................... [103] Definitions .................................................................................................. 1 II. 12001 A. B. PUBLIC MEETINGS .......................................................................................... 2 [201] Meetings ..................................................................................................... 2 [202] Presentation of PAC to City Council ......................................................... 3 III. 13001 A. B. C. D. E. NOTICE OF MEETINGS, HEARINGS, AND PLEBISCITES ..................... 3 [3Ol] [302] [303] [304] [305] Publication of Oppo.wanity to Sen'e .......................................................... 3 Publication of Notice ................................................................................. 3 Notice by Mail ........................................................................................... 4 Other Forms of Notice ............................................................................... 4 Foreig-n Languages ..................................................................................... 4 IV. [400] A. B. C. COMPOSITION OF PAC ME.MBERSItIP ...................................................... 5 [401] Categories .................................................................................................. 5 [402] Existing Communit3' Organization ............................................................ 5 [403] Vacancies in M'embersMp Categories -- Adjustment of Composition of PACt Succession .................................................................................... 5 [500] ELECTION PROCEDURE ................................................................................ 6 A. [501] PAC Applications ...................................................................................... 6 FL [6oo1 A. [601] B. [602] C. [603] D. [604] ':~..[605] F. [606] ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR PAC MEMBERSHIP ..................... 6 Voter Registration ...................................................................................... 6 Candidate Speeches ................................................................................... 8 Voting Categories ...................................................................................... 8 Balloting ..................................................................................................... 8 Results 'Runoffs .......................................................................................... 8 Ch alleng es,%"alidim..,. ................................................................................... 9 [7o01 A. B. SPECL~L PRO'VISIONS .................................................................................... 9 [701] Compensation of PAC Members ............................................................... 9 [702] Aanendrnent of Procedure .......................................................................... 9 EXHIBITS EXHIBIT "1" EX2-IIBIT "2" Project Area Map PAC Application PROCEDURE FOR FOR3,IATION AND ELECTION OF THE PROJECT ARE. A COMMITTEE FOR THE PROPOSED 1999 AMENDMENT TO TIlE REDEVEI.,OP.MENT Pl..AN FOR TIlE SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA I. [1001 GENERA. L A. 110I] Purpose The purpose of this document is to set forth a procedure for formation of a project area co,-runittee ("PAC") for the Tustin Redevelopment Agency's 1999 .M-nendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the South Central Redevelopment Project .&.rea ("Project" or "Project Area"). The proposed Project Area is shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 33385 of the Community Redevelopment Law (California Health and Safety Code 33000 et seq., herein referred to as the "Redevelopment Law") provides for the establishment of a procedm-e by the City Council of the City of Tustin for formation of the PAC and a community wide procedure for election of PAC members. The procedure established herein shall be used to govern formation and election of the PAC. B. [102] Authority No. This procedure was approved and adopted on of the City Council of the Ciw of Tustin. ., 1999 by Resolution C. [103] Definitions For the purposes herein: 1. .;%ency means the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, a public body, corporate and politic, which exercises powers as a redevelopment agency under the Redevelopment Law. 2. "Business" means any lawful activity, whether or not carried on for profit, which is conducted within the Project .~-ea for (i) the purchase, sale, lease, or renm! of tunable or imang-ible personal property (a "Retail Business"); (ii) the manufacture, process'~.g or marke:Lng of products, commodities or any other personal property (a "Manufacmzing Business"); or (iii) the sale of services to the public (a "Ser,'ice Business"). Business also includes any properly owner that is a Person who owns real properly in the Proiect Area. who does not use the real property for their primary residence. Such real properts.' inciudes residential, non-owner occupied property, industrial properts.', retail proper'cs.', and oiner commercial property. ~%COIVO~._D-=%".VOL!'~D-RDA~RJ2)A~JWI~OL'rI-] C]~,-I-RAL PROJ~CT~imn Amentlmem: 19~)'~'AC ?r?-~5',,'~?^C ,~ceo~.DOC 1 {'3 '2-$~) 3. "Business Owner" means, but is not limited to, an individual, household, family, proprietorship, partnership, business trust, joint venture, syndicate, corporation, limi:ed liability company, or association which possesses legal ownership of a Business. "City" means the City ofTustin, Califomia, a municipal corporation. 5. "City Council" means the City Council of the City, exercising powers as the legislative body under the Redevelopment Law. 6. "Existing Community Organization" means any nonprofit association of Persons organized for religious, entrepreneurial, scientific, educational, litera~D' or other purposes, which conducts its regularly scheduled meetings, operates a facility or office n-ithin the boundaries of the Project Area. 7. "Project Area" means the territory within the boundaries of the South Central Redevelopment Project Area, as adopted on August 1, 1983 by Ordinance No. 890, and subsequently amended on July 15, 1985, by Ordinance No. 939, as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit "1", Project Area Map. 8. "Person" means, but is not limited to, an individual, household, family, proprietorship, partnership, business trust, joint venture, syndicate, corporation, limited liability company, or association. 9. "Project .~n-ea Committee" or "PAC" means the'committee formed and selected in accordance with Section 33385, et seq., of the Redevelopment Lan, and the procedure set forth herein. 10. "Resident" means a Residential Onmer-Occupant or Residential Tenant. 11. "Residential Owner-Occupant" means a person who owns a dwelling ,,mit in the Project Area and occupies such dn'elling unit as the person's permanent residence and usual place of abode. 12. "Residential Tenant" means a person who rents adn, elling u_nit in Cae Project Area pursuant to a rental agreement and has occupied such dwelling unit as a permanent residence and usual place of abode for not less than twenty-nine (29) days prior to the submit~al ora completed PAC application as described in Section 501 herein. II. [200] PUBLIC MEETINGS A. [201] Meetings The Agency staff shall conduct at least one public informational mee~.g to explain the establishment and functions of the PAC, and the opporumity to s~,~rve on the PAC shall conduct a meeting to elect members of the PAC. It is contemplated that the el~rion 45.11 take place within approximately two weeks of the informational meeting. At the im'ormarional 0~,.'25/9' I I 11 meeting, the Agency shall distribute and make available to each attendee: (i) a cop3' of Ar, icle 6.5 of .:he Redevelopment Laxv (Sections 33385-33388); (ii) a copy of Sections 33347.5 and 33366 of the Redevelopment Lax,,'; (iii) a copy of this procedure; (ix') applications for PAC membership; and (v) any other materials the Agency determines would be useful. It is contemplated that the infom~ational meeting will be held on May 20, 1999, and the election meeting will be held on June 3, 1999, or on such dates as selected by the Assistant City Manager, in accordance with the process more pm-ticularly set forth in Section 500, et seq., herein. B. [202] Presentation of PAC to CiD' Council The Agency shall present the results of the PAC Election to the City Council at a reg-ular meeting of the City Council following the PAC Election, which date shall be announced at the PAC Election meeting. The City Council shall adopt a finding that all the relevant portions of this Procedure regarding the election were followed and shall determine the validity of any properly filed challenges to the PAC Election within the time required by law and as set forth in Section 606 of this Procedure. III. [300] NOTICE OF MEETINGS, HEARINGS, .4~ND PLEBISCITES The Agency shall publish notice of all meetings, hearings, or plebiscites conducted by the Agency or the City Council, or on behalf of the City Council or Agency, relative to the formation and selection of the PAC, and the opportunity to serve on the PAC in the same manner as specified in Subdivision (a) of Section 65090 of the Government Code. A. [301] Publication of OpportuniD'to Serve The Agency shall publicize the opportunity to serve on the PAC by mailing wTitten notice of the opportunity to serve to all Residents, Businesses, and Existing Community Organizations in the Project Area. This notice shall be mailed by first-class mail at least t..h.imj (30) days prior to the formation of the PAC. B. [302] Publication of Notice The Agency shall publish notice of each meeting, hearing, or plebiscite relative to the formation and selection of the PAC at least one time in a newspaper of general circulation in the City at least ten (10) days prior to the date for each meeting, hearing, or plebiscite. The notice shall include: (1) the date, time, and place of each meeting, hearing, or plebiscite, (2) the idenfin.' of the body conducting such meeting, he~.'-ing, or plebiscite, (3) a general explanation of the matters to be considered, (4) a general description of the Project Area, in text or by dia~am, (5) a statement that a PAC will be formed for the Project .~ea, (6) a general description of the duties of PAC members, and (7) a general statement of the cri';eria for eli~biliDr to vote for PAC memb~s and serx'e on the PAC. C. [303] Notice by Mail The Agency shall mail written notice to all Residents, Businesses, and Existing Community Organizations in the Project .area of all meetings, hearings, or plebiscites conducted by, or on behalf of, the Agency or the Ci.ty Council relative to the formation and selection of the PAC (following the approval of this Procedure). This mailed notice requirement shall only apply if mailing addresses of all Residents, Businesses, Existing Community Organizations, or of all occupants, are obtainable by the Agency at a reasonable cost. The notice shall be mailed by first- class mail, but may be addressed to "occupant." In lieu of providing separate notice for cach meeting, hearing, or plebiscite, the Agency may provide a single notice pursuant to this Section 303 stating all dates, times, and locations of any meetings, hearings, and plebiscites relative to the formation and selection of the PAC. If the Agency has acted in good faith to comply with the notice requirements of this Section 303, the failure of the Agency to provide the required notice to Residents, Businesses, or Existing Corn_rnuniW Organizations unknown to the Agency or whose addresses could not be obtained at a reasonable cost, shall not, in and of itself, invalidate the fon'nation or actions of the PAC.. D. [304] Other Forms of Notice In addition to the notice required by Sections 301,302, and 303, the Agency may post notices, distribute flyers, purchase radio or newspaper display advertisements or mndertake such other actions as it deems necessary or desirable to further inform Residents, Businesses, and Existing Communit%, Organizations of the formation of the PAC. E. [305] Foreign Languages Any of the notices or announcements required herein may be translated into another language if the Agency determines that such translation is necessaD, to effectively publicize the oppormn/t%, to serve on the PAC and participate in the formation and selection of the PAC. 4 03.~-5/9' IV. [400] COMPOSITION OFPAC MEMBERSI{IP A. [401] Categories Subject to thc remaining provisions of this Section 401, the PAC is to be composed of nine (9) members which shall include the number of represematives from the Project .<-ea listed in each of the following calegories: Ca/eo_orv Number of Representatives Residential Owner-Occupant Residential Tenant Business Owner Existing Community Organization 3 3 2 TOTAL 9 Alternate members of the PAC shall also be selected from candidates who are not elected as representatives of their categories. B. [402] Existing Community Organization/Appointment of Representative Pursuant to Section 33385 (b)(6), there are approximately O to ( ) community organizations within the Project .an-ea. Each Existing Community Organiza~on elected to ser,'e on the PAC pursuant to Part V of this Procedure shall appoint one of its members to ser,'e on the PAC. An alternate may also be appointed to serve on the PAC in the event that the original representative is unable to attend a PAC meeting. However, in no event shall more than one member of the Existing Community. Organization attend the PAC meetings in his'her representative capaci~,. [403] Vacancies in Membership Categories - Adjustment of Composition of PAC; Succession If, at the time of formation of the PAC, an insufficient number of candidates are elected to represent each category of membership on the PAC, such seats ma3r remain vacant until quai/fied and eii~ble candidates are selected in the manner provided by this Procedure. The existence of any vacancies shall not prevent formation of the PAC or the conduct of business by the PAC. lfa vaza~ncy should remain or occur after the formation of the PAC, 'due PAC shall by a vote of its remzi,'zing members determine which person(s) shall fill the categories or positions t~at are vazant. Such determination shall be made pursuant to such process as the PAC shall de..~ appropr/a:e, and without the mailing of notices required pursuant to Section 303 of th.is Pro:.e&u-e concg.?.ing fine ofi~nal establishment of the PAC. %%COMM_DE%".VO'..:'~HAR.EDffZDD-P_~A',RDA'JO~ SOL s'Tlq C~N"TRAL PROJ~Ian Amemdmem 1999u~AC Proct~ff~PAC..~a=ce. dur~.DOC~ 5 037.~.t9' V. [500] ELECTION PROCEDURE A. [501] PAC Applications A candidate for PAC membership must submit a completed PAC Application to the Conununity Redevelopment Agency of the City, which application must be received by the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency one week prior to the PAC Election. A copy of the "PAC Application" for elected members for the Project Area is attached hereto as Exhibits "2" and is incorporated herein by this reference. All PAC Applications submitted shall be available to the general public for review beginn/ng on the business day following submittal. All PAC Applications shall be available at the election meeting described in Section 201 above, and at the City's Community Redevelopment Agency prior to such meeting. The Tustin Cormmunity Redevelopment Agency office is located at 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780; (714) 573-3121. VI. [600] ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR PAC MEMBERSHIP Upon submittal of a PAC Application, candidates for PAC memberskip must present evidence that they are eighteen (18) years of age. or older. Candidates are adxSsed that the Fair Political Practices Commission requires elected PAC Members to complete Statements of Economic Interest which disclose certain personal financial information concerning such PAC member. Copies of the disclosure statement will be made available at the formation and election meetings as well as in the Community Redevelopment Agency offices. Candidates may only nm for one category of PAC membership and must present a valid California identification card, drivers license, milit~."y identification, or similar identification and the following ex-idence as eligibility for the applicable category: Residential Owner-Occupant: Recorded ~ant deed or property tax bill. Residential Tenant: Executed rental a..m-eement or rent receipt. 3. Business Owner: Business license issued by State of California or City, City Business Tax Certificate, or proof of ownership of real propert), which is not used for primary residency in the Project Area. A. [601] Voter Registration Anyone desiring to vote at the PAC Election must re~ster prior to the PAC Election by providing satisfactory exSdence to the Agency staff that he or she is (1) at least eighteen (18) years of age or older and (2) is a Residential Owner-Occupant or Residential Tenant or Business Own~ in the Project .tu-ea, or is the authorized represemative (as ex-idenced by a letter) of a Business Owner ,,,,5thin the Project .~u-ea. It is important to note that each voter ma)' cast a ballot within o~y the category in which that voter qualifies, with the exc~fion ofT. be election of the Existing Community Organization representative. Each vot~ may cast ballo'..s for representatives of that voter's PAC membership category and for the category of Ex/sting Community Organization (see Section 603 of these Proce. dures for more discussion). Pursuant to ¥~.OIvIM_D=-V~VOLI'~.qHAR.EDV~)I~-RDAlll.DA'JII~.SOI.,"rl-] ClX, ~"i'RAL PROJ"E~r"l~nlan AJ'ma~mc~ 1999~.*'AC Procedun~PAC ~,,,'~.DO~. 03?_5/9' I I I1 Section 33385(d)(1), crossover voting between the categories of residential owner-occupant, residen:[al tenant and business owner is prohibited. Voter registration, with the exception of those voting by absentee ballot, will take place 1 hour prior to the election on the date and place indicated in the notice. Only one individual may vote on behalf of any Residential Owner-Occupant, Residential Tenant, Business Owner or Existing Community Organization. ..%ny of the following documents, where appropriate to the category, of the voter, may be provided as evidence of eligibility to vote: Califorrfia Driver's License, California Identification Card, Military Identification, or Other Official Documents (i.e., Alien Registration Card, Passport, etc.), and one of the following: 1. Rental Agreement 2. Rent Receipt 3. Grant Deed to Real Property 4. Property Tax Bill 5. Business License Issued by the State of California or City 6. City Business Tax Certificate 7. Utili~ Bill 8. Voter Re~stration 9. Resolution of or Letter from Business 10. Resolution of Existing Community Organ/zation 11. Other Official Documents .~myone who is qualified and desiring to vote at the PAC election but who is u~nable to attend the election meeting may re~ster and obtain an absentee ballot fi.om the Comm~D, Redevelopment Agency be~nning five (5) days prior to the election. Absentee ballom w/Il be accep.:ed prior to 5:00 p.m., the day of the election, and should be submitted to the CommurdD, Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin. '~DlvfM._Dr.-D.','VO-l'.SI-'I.A.P.F~.D~"D~-R..DAh~J3,A'JIM'....qO1.J'FH C~'~ ~-'R.A.L PRO.IF-.-."'"F~I~ Am~t !~9~^C Proc~du.'"~'~AC ~.DOC. 7 03.~$ ~ B. [602] Candidate Speeches The candidates for the PAC membership categories of: (i) Residential Owner- Occupant, (ii) Residential Tenant, (iii) Business O~mer, and (iv) Existing Community Organization shall be given an opportunity to make a speech at the PAC Election meeting. A time limit of three (3) minutes is established for each speech. If a candidate is unable to attend the election meeting, the candidate may designate a representative to make his or her speech. Reasonable rules of order (in the event of dispute, Roberts Rules of Order are to be used) will be applied, considering the number of candidates running in the PAC Election. C. [603] Voting Categories Each voter may cast ballots for representatives of that voter's PAC membership category and for the category of Existing Community Organization. Voters who have qualified to vote as Residential Owner-Occupants shall be entitled to vote for representatives of the Residential Owner-Ocgupant category. Voters who have qualified to vote as Residential Tenants shall be entitled to vote for representatives of the Residential Tenant category. Voters who have qualified to vote as representatives of Businesses shall be entitled to vote for representatives of the Business category. Residential Owner-Occupant, Residential Tenants, and Businesses shall also be entitled to vote for the Existing Community Organization category. Voters who have qualified to vote as representatives of Existing Community Organizations are entitled to vote for that category only. D. [604] Balloting Ballots shall be prov/ded to registered voters for each PAC membership category, i.e., a Residential Owner-Occupant ballot, a Residential Tenant ballot, a Businesses ballot, and an Existing Community Organizations ballot. Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot. The Agency shall appoint authorized election assistants to collect and tally the ballots. The Agency shall ensure secrecy of the ballot by requiring each ballot to be folded and passed to an authorized election assistant. Absentee ballots shall be deposited at the Commmxity Redevelopment Agency's office by 5:00 p.m. the day of the election. The election assistants shall tally the ballots at the PAC Election meeting. A representative of the City Clerk's office shall be present when the ballots are tallied to provide official verification of the results of the PAC Election. E. [605] Results/Runoffs The Agency staff shall announce the results of the PAC Election at the PAC Election meeting when the ballots are tallied. If a nmoff is necessary, it shall be announced and held immediately. A~ the PAC Election meeting, Agency staff shall announce that the results and ballots shall be mainr, a/ned by the Agency for presentation to the City Council. Xv~OM~,~._D~3&'¥3'. I'.,qHA.P..EIZ~,.~)D-EDA'ff'.DA'JI]~. -';;OL'=fl-] C~/I~ {'TR.AL. PROJ~CT~ian Am~ndmem 1999~PAC I¥~',,'.'.,,.~s~AC 03,25.1)' I [ I1 F. [606] Challenges/ValidiD- Any challenge to the PAC Election or to the electoral procedures followed in connection with the PAC Election shall be filed with the City Council within fifteen (15) calendar days following the PAC Election. The City Council shall review disputed elections by considering all challenges so flied and ',','ill determine the validity of those challenges within thirty (30) days following the PAC Election. VII. [7001 SPECIAL PROVISIONS A. 1701] Compensation of PAC Members The members of the PAC shall serve without compensation. B. [702] Amendment of Procedure The procedure established herein may be amended from time to time by resolution of the Ci~ Council. \~C:OI~,~.i_ DE'VWO-I'.SI. IA .R.EDx~ZDD-RDA',RDA',~_~.,SOU'T}I r'W.N"r'RAL PROJEC'r~I~-. Am~dm~nt 1 ~9~PAC Prt'a:efiur~sxPAC F'roce. d~ea IX3C 9 03.~$ ~)' EXHIBIT "1" PROJECT AREA MAP I EXHIBIT "1" SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECT AREA MAP 2 Page 1 of 3 EXt-IIBIT "1" SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECT AREA MAP Page 2 of 3 .'7--' ' EXHIBIT "1" SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECT AREA MAP Page 3 of 3 EXIIIBIT "2" PAC APPLICATION I I 11 PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE APPLICATION 1999 AMENDMENT TO TIlE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 'FILE SOUIH CENTIL&L AREA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT STATEMENT OF INTEREST :~ND QUALIFICATIONS (Please Print mud Check the Appropriate Boxes) (This Information Will Be Made Available to Voters Before the Election) To the City Council of the City of Tustin: (Name: PLEASE P. RLNT) would like to volunteer to run for election to the South Central A_rea Redevelopment Project's Project A_rea Committee at the election meeting to be held on June 3, 1999. I would like to be elecI~ for the following category: [CHOOSE ONE ONrLY] [ ] Residential Ov~aner-Occupant [ ] Residen?./al Tenant [ ] Business Owner [ ] Existing Community Organization I CERTIFY THAT '~THLN THE SOUTH CENTILAL AREA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT .AREA BOU~"DARIES: [Choose One Only] !. I am a Residential O~mer-Occunant because I own and reside in residential property as my permanent residence and usual place of abode. My prope,wy is located at the £olloMng address: ~k.'~O.hrJ, d_D~--~,'~x,'OL!'~HA rR.ED~-'D~-P~DAhv,.D~.JI.~.SOL~ CEN'TR.A.L PROJ'E-L2"F~n Artma:lmmat !999~.~At2 _~,>r-'d~ 2,'~'~'AC Appi,ranor..DO: Page 1 of 3 e3.'2.s:s 2. . Iarn a Residential Tenant because I rent a dwelling unit and have occupied the dwelling unit as my permanent residence and usual place of abode for not less than m'en~v-nine (29)'days. I reside at the following address: 3. I am a Business Ox~-ner, or authorized representative of such Business, or ox~..-n real property which is not my residence. The name and address of the business or property is: .__ 4. I am a member of an Existing Community Or2anization for either a sen'ice club [ ], a church group [ ], a neighborhood organization [ ], or other community organization [ ], which conducts its regularly scheduled meetings withJn and uses an address located within the South Central Redevelopment Project ,-'u'ea, and am eligible to vote as a unit member. I have an official letter fi.om the organization, or a letter fi.om the organization on its letterhead, authorizing me to represent it. The name, address, and description of this community organization is: The reasons I would like to serve on the Project Area Committee are as follows (include prior experience in community affairs and/or other qualifications to serve on the Project .~ea Committee, and attach additional sheet, if necessary): '~,"0MM_DE~,~VOLI ~HA~IZI)iI-RDAh~-,.DA~.M'-~0UTH C~,=rRAL PR0?_- ~, ~.Vlar. Amendmem l ~JhPAC P~cedur~s~PAC Ap~ligafi~.DOC Page 2 of 3 03,'25t~ I acknowledge that if elected as a PAC member, I will be required to complete a Statement of Economic Interest x~,,.ch discloses certain personal financial information concerning any financial interests I have (and my family and spouse, if applicable). I possess all the necessary qualifications to serve as a representative on the Project Area Conm~ittee and if elected I will participate in the regular PAC meetings. I certify under penalty of perjury m~der the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct: Date and Place Si~ature Residence Address Qualifying Address (Address of Residence/Business/Existing Community Organization, wkichever is applicable) Mailing Address Daytime Telephone Number Everring Telephone Number To be eligible for Project Area Committee membership, this completed application must be returned to and received by the Tustin Redevelopment Agency, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California, no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 27, 1999. A_ny applications received after that time will be put on file for consideration for future Project Area Committee vacancies.