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The City Council of the City of Tuslin does hereby resolve as follows:
I. The City Council fines and determines as follows:
That General Plan Amendment 99-003 and [he related applications
for Conditional Use Permit 99-026 and Design Review 99-033 are
considered "projects" pursuant to Ihe terms of the California
Environmenlal Qual;ty Act; and
A Negative Declaration has bgen ~ - '~
pr_pa,e,., for th~s project and has
been distributed for public review.
The Planning Commission of the Cily of Tustin has considered
evidence presented by the Community Development Director and
other interested parties with respect, to the subject Negative
Declaration, and on June 12, 2000 recommended that the City
Council certify the Negative Declaration.
The City Council of the City of Tustin has reviewed and considered
the Final Negative Declaration and has determined that the Final
Negative Declaration ~s adequate and complete.
A Final Negative Declaration, attached hereto as Exhibit A, has been
completed in compliance with CEQA and State guidelines. The City Council
has received and considered the information contained in the Negative
Declaration prior to approval of the proposed project, and found that it
adequately discusses the environmental effects of the proposed project.
On the basis of the initial study and comments received during the public
hearing process, the Council finds that although the proposed project could
have impacts, there will not be a significant effect bemuse mitigation
measures identified in the Final Negative Declaration have been
incorporated into the project which mitigate any potontial significant effects
to a point where clearly no significant effect would occur. The mitigation
measures are identified in Exhibit A and are conditions of approval in
Planning Commission Resolution No. 3734 for Conditional Use Permit 99-
026 and Design Review 99-033.
In addition, the City Council finds that the project involves no potential for
any adverse effect, either individually or cumulatively, on wildlife resources
as defined in Section 7! 1.2 of the Fish and Game Code.
'. 6
Res,~utlon 00-47
Page 2 of 2
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tile Tustin I~lanrfirlg
Commission, held on the 3rd. day of July, 2000.
City Clerk
I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of
Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the
City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution
No. 00-47 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City
Council, held on the 3r~ day of July, 2000, by the following vote:
Exh.ib~ t A
300 Cemcnnial Way, Tustin, C:4 92781
(710 573-310~
Project Title:
!..cad Agerlcy:
Conditional [)se Permit 9%026, Design Review 9%033 and GPA 99-003
City of'l'ngtin
31')0 Cenmnnial \Vay
Tustin, C. alil'brnia 92780
Lori Ludi
Lead Agency Contact Person:
Project Location: 17241 Irvine Boulevard
Prqiect Sponsor's Name and ..\ddress:
General Plan l)csignation:
Zoning Designation:
Project Description:
Surrounding Uses:
North: Commercial
South: Commercial
Phone: (714) 573-3127
Parviz Shamtoub
l 0..~> \Vilsiaire Boulevard, .-'4404
l.os Angeles, C..\ 90039
Professional OflSce
Planned Comn]unity Commercial (PC-C()MM)
Construction ora service station with a 1,400 square foot convenience store and
990 square foot car ,,,,'ash.
Other public agencies whose approval is required'
(')range Counly F'ire Authority
()range County Heallh Care Agency
South Coast Air Quality Management
East: Commercial
West: SR55 Freeway ROW
[~ City of lrvine
[--] City of Santa Ana
~ Orange Coumy
lq, MA
1:I. I']NVII~,ON:'~II;;N I'AI, F..',,(;'I'()I¢,S I'()'I'I';N I'IALI.Y AI" I"I:;C'fi:;I)
The environmental thctors checked bdow would be potentially affected by this prqject, involving at least one
impact that is a "Potentially Significant hnpact" as indicated by the checklist in Section D below.
.__~I.mld Use and Pla;ming
[-]Population and Housing
[~Geological Problems
[-~-_-_]Air Quality
[~]Transportation & Circulation
['--]Biological Resources
~--'~Encrgy and Mineral Resources
C~'-J Hazards
[--},Public Sen'ices
[-~Utilities and Service
~'-~Cultural R. esources
~=_JMandatory Findings t; f
On tile basis t)i' this initial evaluation:
,i~ I lind that tile proposed project COUI.D NO-l' have a significant effect on thc environment, and a
NEGATIVE DI!CLAIL-VI'ION will be prepared.
I find that although tile proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will
not be a s~gnificant effect ill this case because thc mitigation measures described on an atlached sheet
have been added to the project. A NI~.GA'I'I\"E I)I'~C1..ARATION will be prepared.
find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on tile enviroriment, and an
I lind that the proposed project SlAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but ~-t least one
eft'eot 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and
2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlic,' mlalysis as described on attached
sheets, if the effect is a "Potentially Significant impact" or "Potentially Significant Unless Miff oared."
An ENV1RONMENTAI~ IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must mmlvze only the effects tlC'at
remain to be addressed.
I find that although tile proposed project could have a sigrfificant effect on the environment, there WILL
NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed
adequately in an earlier EI R pursuant to applicable standards, and 2) have been avoided or mitigated
pursuant to that earlier Fl R, iilc!uding revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the
proposed project.
I find that although Iht proposed project could have a significant effect on the environmem, lhere *VII..L
NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed
adequately in m~ earlier NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and 2) ha('e
becn avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier NEGATIVE DEC'LARATION, including revisions or
mitigation measures that are imposed'upon the proposed project.
Preparer: ~i~_.1~....,4, /.~~[ ..
l:lizabeth A. Binsack, Community Development Directo?x .
Dirt't; lioIl.~;
A brief explanation is required for all ansx~ers except "No hnpact" answers that are adequately supported by the
information sources a lead agency ciles itl the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" answer is
adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects
like the one invoh'ed (e.g., tile project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No hnpact"answer should be
explained where it is based on project-specific factors and general standards (e.g., the project will not expose
sensitive receptors to polhllants, based on a project-specific screening analysis).
A!I answers must take into account the whoie action involved, including off-site, on-site, cumulative project level,
indirect, direct, constnmtion, and operational impacts.
Once ~he lead agency has determined that a particnlar physical impact may occur, then the checklist answers mu:;t
indicate whether the impact is potentiaily significant, less than significant with mitigation, or less than significant.
"Potentially Signiticant Impact" is appropriale if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If
there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, and EIR is
"Negative Declaration: l,ess Than Sigm~.ic;mt \V~th Mitigation Incorporated" applies ;,~here the incorporation of
mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significar. t Impact" to a "Less than Significant
hnpact." The lead agency must describe lhe mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce tile effect
~o a less titan significant level (miligation measures fi'mn Scctior~ XVII, "Earlier Analyses," may be cross-
Earlier anah'scs may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has
been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063 {lc) (3)([)). In tills case, a brief
discussion should identity, the .~bllowing:
a) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review.
Impacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the at)ore checklist were within the scope of
and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and staie whether
such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis.
Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation .Measures Incorporated,"
describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the
extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the prqject.
Lead auencies are e. ncouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential
e° ~
impacts ( .=., ,2eneral plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outside document should,
where appropriate, include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated.
Supporting hdbrmalion Sources: A source list should be attached, and other sources used or indMduals
contacted should be cited in the discussion.
This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats;however, lead agencies
normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmental effects in
whatever fi)rmat is selected.
The explanation of each issue should identify:
a) tile significance criteria or threshold, if an)', used to evaluate each question; and,
b) the mitigation measure identified, if an3', to reduce tile itnt'/act to less than significance.
EV,\LI.L.'CI'ION ()F ENVIR(~.~MENT:~I, I.~_!!'..._~¢..~' [:~
!. AESTHETICS-- Would the project:
a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista?
b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not
limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings'
within a state scenic highway?
c) Substantially degrade the existing visual characler or
qualily of the site and its surroundings?
d) Create a new source ofsubstantial light or glare which
~ould adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area?
whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant
environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the
Calitbrnia Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment
Model (1997) prepared by tile California Dept. of
Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts
on agriculture and farmland. Would the project:
a) Convert Prbne Farmland. Unique Farmland, or Farmland
of Statewide Importance (Farmhmd), as shown on tile maps
prepared pursuant to tile Farmland Mapping and Monitoring
Program of tile Cali£ornia R. esources Agency, to non-
agricultural use?
b) Conflict v, iLi~ existing zoning for agricultural use, or a
Williamson .Act contract?
c) Invoh'c other changes in tile existing environment whicil.
due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of
Farmland, to non-agricultural use?
I!!. Alii QtJALITY: Where available, tile significance
criteria established by the applicable air quality ~nanagetnent
or air pollution connol district may be relied upon to make the
following dctermhmtions. Would the project:
a) Cortflict with or obstruct implementation oftbe applicable
air quality plan?
b) Violate rely air quality standard or contribute substantially
to an existing tlr projected air quality :ioiation?
c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase ofany
criteria pollutant for which the project region is non-
attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air
quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed
quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)?
d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant
e) Creme objectionable odors affecting a substantial number
of people?
l~olerll I(It IX
I.e.,,.s l'han
With Le.s.~ l lvan
Ahtigation Si~n!ficant
Incorporation Impact
[] [] []
IV. BIOI,OGICAL RESOL!RCES: - Would the project:
a) I lave a substantial adverse effect, either directly or
through habitat modificatim~s, on a,y speci,.:s Jden,ifie:l as a
candidate, -';ensitive, or special status species in iocal or
regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the Calitbrnia.
Department of'Fish and Game or U.S. l:isi: and \Vildlif'e
b'} l lave a subs!antial adverse effect on any ;iparian habitat
o,' other sensitive nnmral con,.mtmity ide,mfied in local or
regional plans, noiicies, regulations or by the California
D,.:?a,'tment offish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildiife
c) }lave a substantial adverse effe.:t on federaliy pro:cote2,
wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
(including but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coaslal, etc.)
throu"h direct removai, filling, hydrological intem~ption, or
other means?
d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any na,,ive
resident or m'.gratoo fish ',ir wildlife species or wi~h
established native resident or migrator' wild!ilk corridors, or
imnede the use of native wildlife nurse~ sites.'7
e) Conflict with any .oca, policies or ordinances pro,ecl,rig
biological resources, such as a ~ree preservalion policy
0 Conflict with the provisions of'an adopted Habitat
Conservation Plan, Natural Com~,aunity Censervafion Plan. or
other approved local, regional, or stale habitat conservation
l.e.rt Than
.e, lgni, ficant
I'otentic-'l!y With
.~igni. li,'o,n Mi:igatio,
.... !_m...l?yCt ..... _h w ~r_p_2r at t, ;n
No Impac_'[
V. CULTUR. AL RESOIJ'RCES: - Would the pro. iect:
a) Cause a substantial adverse change in lhe significance of
a historical resource as defined in § 15064.5'?
b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of
an archaeological resource pursuant to } 15064.5?
c) Directly or indireclly destro>' a unique paieontological
resource or site or unit!ne geologic feature?
d) Disturb any human remains, including those interred
outside of formal cemeteries'?
VI. GEOLOGY AND SOIl .Se - Would the project:
a) Expose peop!c: or structures to potentmi sabs!antia!
a& e.,-se effects, including the ~isk of loss. injury, or deafi~
i) Rupture ora known earthquake fault, as delJncalcd on the
most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map
issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other
subslantial evidence ora known fault? Refer to Division of
Mines and Geology Special Publicatiou 42.
ii) Strong seismic ground shaking?
iii) Seismic-related ground fifilure, including liquefaction?
iv) Landslides?
b) Result in substantial soil erosion or ti~e loss of topsoil?
c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or
t}mt would become unstable as a result of !he prqject, and
potentially result in on- or off-site hmdslide, lateral spreading.
subsidence, liquefaction or collapse?
d) Be located on exp~msive soil. as delined m Table 18-I-B
o!' the Uniform Building Code (199.1), creating .-,ul'~stantial
risks it) life or property?
e) Have soils incapable ofadequalely supportinr.3', tile use of
septic tanks or alternative x~ aste water disl'ms~ll s.vsmms v. here
se:, ers are no~ avaibble for the disposal of ~ aste v,'ater?
Would Lite project:
a) Create a significant hazard to the public tlr thc
environm-'mt through the routine transport, use. or dist:,osal of
hazardous materials?
b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the
environment through reasonably ibrcseeable upset and
accident conditions invoMng thc release of hazardot,s
materials into tile environment?
c) I{mit hazardous emissions or Ilar,die hazardous or acutely
hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter
mile of an existing or proposed school?
d) Be located on a si~e which is included on a list of
hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government
Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a
significant hazard to the public or the environmem?
e) For a project located within an airport land usc plan or,
where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles ora
public airport or public use airport, would the project result in
a safety hazard for people residing or working in Ihe project
f) For a prqiect within thc vicinity ora private airstrip.
would me p~oject result in a safety hazard for people tcsidine
or working in the project area?
l,c.~x 77~:~n
[mi)act ....... ?'E /_/_?'?~t ....
g) Impair implementation ofor physically interfere with an
adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacttation
h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss,
inju~' or death involving wild!and rices, inc!,din.2 where -
wildlands are adjacent Io nrbanized areas er where rc::idences
are intermixed with wildkmds?
the project'
a) Violate any water quality stzndarcls o: waste discharge
b) 5;ubstantially deplete groundwater s~:p,-,l[es c3: interfere
substantially with grour, dwa!¢'r recharge st,ch that fl~erc would
bca net defici~ in aquifer ve}t'me or a lowering of the local
groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of iv'c-
exisling nearby wells would drop to a leve! v, hich wot, Id not
suppo~ existing land uses or t, lanned uses for which permits
have been granted)?
c) Substantially ahe~ the existing drainage pa.,qem of the site
or area. including through the alteration of thc :ot,r~e of a
stream or river, in a manner ;vhich would result in :;ubstamial
erosion or siltation on- or ofl'-silc?
d) Substantially alter the existing drainage p.'mern of the site
or area. i,ncluding through the alteration of th,: course of a
stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amounl of
surface runoff in a manner which would resnh in flooding on-
or off-si~e?
e) Create et contribute runoff water which wo,:ld exceed
capacity of ex~sting or planned stormwater drainage sy:;tems
or provide substantial additional sources of po!luted nmofl'
f) t'):i:er..xise sun~t:mtially degrade water quality?
g) Place hou~.in.,.i w;:hin a l O0-year flood hazard area as
mapped on a fe&:r:fi I:'lood Hazard Boundary or Flood
Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map?
h) Place within a lO0.-year flood hazard area structures
which would impede or redirect flood fl~.)ws?
i) Expose people or structures ~o a si:jnificant risk of loss,
in. jury or death involving flooding as a result of the failure ora
levee or dam?
j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, o, m.k ,qo.~.
IX. LA.NI~ USE AND PLANNING- Wm.,Id the project:
a) Physical!y divide .',m established con:::m,lity?
Sig~. ~:7:.'unt
l. ess Than
Less Than
:Vo Impact
b) Contiict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or
regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project
(including, but not limited to the general plan, specific plan.
local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the
purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect?
c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conserw,tion plan or
natural community conserw~tion plan?
X. MINER.4,1. RESOURCES - Would thc p~ojcct:
a) Resuh in the loss ofavailability ora known mineral
resource ti'mt wouid be of value to the region and the residents
of the state?
b) P, esult in the loss of availability ora locally-important
mineral resource recovery site delinemed on a local general
plan, specific plan or other Im,d use plmf?
Would the project result in:
a) Exposure of persons to or generalion of noise levels in
excess of standards established in the local general plan or
noise ordinance, or applicable siandards ofo:l;cr agencies?
b) Exposure of persons to or generation ofcxcessb;e
:2. roundborne vibration or groundborne noise lex els.'?
c) A substantial permanent increase m ambient noise levels
Jn the project vicinity aoo~ e levels existing wJthot,t thc
d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase: in ambient
noise levels in ti~e project vicini.:v above levels existing
withotJt the prqiect?
c) For a projec~ located within an airpmt land use plan or,
where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles ora
public airport or publlc use airport, would the project expose
people residing or working in ti~e project area to excessive
noise levels?
~ For a prqject within the vicinity ora p:'ivate air:;trip,
would the project expose people reskling or working in tim
project area to excess noise lex:ds?
XII. I'OPULATION AND HOUSING .- Would the project:
a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either
di~ ectly (tbr examvle, by proposing new homes m~d
busin,:sses) or indirectly (for example, througil extension of
road,., or other in£-astructure)?
b) Displace substantial nmnbers of existing housing,
necessitating the consm~ction of replacement housing
.$'igntJic ont
,Vo !mpcwI
c) Displace substm~tial ntm~b,:r:; ofpeople, necessitating thc
construction of [eplacement housing else~ here?
,5Iit,'~y:tio;? .g'i,?%t'icant
[?IC OFD(.,r (Ii ;'O!:
L..' E3
Xll[. I't..:IHAC SEIUv'IC]:'.S
a) Would the prqiect result in substantial adverse physic, a!
impacts associated wilh the pro,, ision of new or phvsic::lly
a!tered novernlnental facilities, need for new or physically
altered governmental fi~cililies, the constrt,ztion of which
coukl cau'.;e si:,..:.nificant environmental imFacts, in order to
maintain acceptable service ratios, response tim::~ or olher
performance objectives Ibr ;,ny of the public
[:ire pr:;tcction?
i'oiice protection?
(1).th. CF ?ublic f~cilitJes'.'
-.',) ',','c)t:]¢J th,, ....... p;oje¢i increase 'i:e use tu"'-', x..',.,...,..3,; ':- ~
neighb:):'hood and regional parks or miler recreational
facilities s,:ch tl~at substantial physical det::rioration of tile
fi:tilt?.,' '..~ ould occor or be accelerated?
b) !)o;'~ :.he projc'ct include recreational f:acilities or require
the ::onet"uctio,: or expansion of recreational fa'.zi!i:i.'es which
n:!,_'i:t have an adverse r, hysica! cfi'oct on tl~e environment?
~.~,_". I'I,L-~NEPORT.'~TION.:TR,M'FIC .- \Vnuld the F,'ojcct:
al) Cause att increase in ira,gtc which is substantial in relation
to the exist:,ng traffic load and capaciD' of the street syslem
(i.e. result in a subsmn:ial increase in either rite number of
vehicit, ~rins thc' volume Io cap:?cily ratio (m roads, or
b) L"::cevJ. e~!ber hxJix'idua!;v ,,i cum,fla~ix, ely', ~, level
managemen: a.t:encv for dcsig:~med r:~:,!s :.;.' t:ighways?
Rc.',h,, il". a c:ia119¢
c) ..... ~' ' in air traffic parterre;, :n:.luding either
an increase i:~ tr:ffi"ic lcve!s or .a change in ioc':fion tha! resuhs
in subs:a::tiai safe~3 risks?
ch Substa:~fialiy increase h.':z.'.~rds due lo a d,:~ .... ffamre (e.g.
silarp curt'es nr dan,_,::rc, us intcrsectkme) c:r inco,..npatihle uses
[~...... farm ectuipmun:)?
e) Resuh in inadequate emer.g'_'ncy access'?
f~ Re:.bl~ in inadet;tmte narki:tf.: ca.~,~.c~tx'°
__: ',d ._.j
g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs
supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus tummJts,
bicycle racks)?
Would the project:
a) Exceed waste~ater treatlnent requirements ofthe
applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board?
b) Require or result in thc construction ofnew waler or
wastewaler treatment facilities or expansion of existing
facilities, the construction ofx~hich could cause significant
environmental cf feels?
c) Require or result in tile construction of new storm water
f~,cmues, the
drainage facilities or expansion of existing "' ' '
construction of which could cause significant envirom,tent~,l
d) Have sufficieat water supplies avmlable to serve tile
pro. jeer from existing entitlemen:s and resources, or are new or
expanded cntitlemeuts needed?
e) Result in a determination by the wastcwater trcamlent
provider which serves tlr may serve the prqject that it h~k5
adequate capacity to se~'c tile project's projected demand in
addition to the provider's existing commitmcuts':
~ Be served by' a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity
to accommodate tile project's .~olid waste disposal needs?
g) Comply' with Ik, deral, state, and loc:d statutes and
reaulations_ related to solid x~"astc.
a) Does tile project ha,~e tile potemial to degrade the quality
of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat ora fish or
wildlife species, cause a fish or x~ ildlife population to drop
below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or
animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of
a rare or endangered plant or animal or t:iiminate important
exatnples of the major periods of California history or
b) Does the project have impacts that are indMdually
limited, but cutnulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively
considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project
are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects
of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the
effects of probable future projects)?
c) Does tile project have environmental effects which will
cause substantial adverse effects on hunmn beings, either
directly tlr indirectly?
Less Than
.'qo lmFaCt
The project sile, an approximate .52 acre vacant parcel, is located at i7241 IrTine Boulevard, on
the north side of !rvine casl of the northbound SR.-55 Freeway on-ramp. The area in wifich the
project site is located is surrounded by developed commercial uses to the north, sou~h and east.
The SR-55 Freeway right-of-way is located m the west. The project site is located in the Planned
Community-Commercia! (PC-COMM) zoning districl.
The propose0 service station includes thc constr',.mtion o£ thc tbllow~ng:
Construction of three pump islands with a tolal of six pumps under a 3.440 souare
foot canopy.
Construction ,:)f' a i.400 square foot convenience store tha! would sell alcoholic
be~'c:rages for off-site consump!ion.
Constructic, n ora 990 square foot se!f-serve car wash.
4.) Construction of landscape planters, trash enclosure and paved surthce for
circulation and parking.
Design Review 99-033 is required to amhorize site design, architecture and landscaping;
Conditional Use Permit 99-026 is required lo authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages tbr olT-
s:.tc consumption. 'l,'he following mitigation measures are numbered to correspond with the.
Conditions of Approval in lhe recommended resolution of approval.
Items a & b - No Imr~act:
it atTect a scenic vista.
The project site is no! located on a scenic highway nor does
Items c & d - [,ess Than Sionificant with Mitization Incorporation: The proposed project
will establish a new building at a prominent i.mersection within the community. The building
has been designed Io be compatible with ~'he architectural styles of existing buildings vdthin
the surrounding area. Over 16% of the site is proposed to be landscaping. Landscaping is
required to be provided around the perimeter of the site and within the parking areas.
Landscaping adjacent to the public right-of-ways is required to screen the viexv of'..he pump
islands, consistent wilh the Auto Service Guidelines. The landscape planter area adjacent to
lrvine Boulevard is 10-15 feet wide. Lighting on the site will be required to be directed on-
site ~o avoid glare on adjacenl arlerials and propcrties'i.
Mitigation Mcasurcs/Monitori:~g Required.
Details of all proposed lighting f. xturcs and a photometric study showing the
location and anticipated distributio:, pattern of light of all proposed fixtures shall be
provided. All new light fixtures shall be consistent with the architecture of the
building. Ail exterior light_lng si~all be designed arid arranged as not to direct light or
glare onto adjacent properties, in::!uding lh~ adjacent streets. Wall mounted fixtures
shall be dii ected at a 90 degree angie directly toward the ground. All lighting shall
be developed to provide a minilnum of one (1) footcandle of light coverage, in
accordance with the City's Security Code, but not exceed thirty (30) footcm~dles.
'l'he site shall be landscaped consistent with the City's I.andsca:ping and Irrigation
Guidelines. Landscaping shall consist of a combination of i-~er;ning and sufficient
numbers t,£ shrubs and trees to provide adequate screening, subject to thc
satisfaction of the Community Development Director.
A minimum of 15 r~ercent landscaping shall bc provided on thc project site including
a landscape buffer around the perimeter of the site in accmdance with the Auto
Service Dc.gign Guidelines and thc Parking I.,ot Design Guidelin::s.
Provide additional trees within the perimeter landscaping to increase the visual
buffer ot'fl~e pmnp islands from public x'icw.
\Vith the implcmentatiort of these mitigation measures and the conditions of approval,
impacts related to aesthetics will be reduced to a level of insignificance.
Sources: Project Application
Tustin Security Code
Items a.b & c -- No Impact: The proposed project will be located within an area that
vacant and was previously developed with a service station. No i~npacts will occur to any
agricultural uses or farmland.
Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required
Sources: Tustin General Plan
Mobil Ser¥ice Station
(Conditional Use Permit 99-026. De.¥igr~ Revieh' 99-033 & (;cneral Plan Amendment 99-00~)
Initial Stztc~c - Attachmcnt A
Page 2 qf 14
Items a & b -- Less Than Significant with Mitivation lncorporatitm: Wilh respect to long-
term air quality impacts, the proposed project involves the construction of a facility that is
substantially similar to the service station that was previously located at the site. As su6h, no
substantial increase in long-term, e_missions associated with stationary or mobile sources
beyond the condition of the previous sen, ice station is anticipated. ,Minor short-term
emissions of particulate matter may occur during grading.
Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Requi~ed:
The applicant shall comply with all City policies including thz City's Grading Pim~
regarding sho~ term construction emissions, including periodic watering of the site
and prohibiting grading during second slage smog alerts and when wind velocities
exceed 15 xniles per hour.
Items c.d & e --No lmpact:
The relatively small magnitude of tile project does not have the capacity to create a net
increase of an5' criteria nollutant, expo:qe sensilive receptors to substantial
concentrates, or create o~iectionable odors.
With implementation of the almve miti2alion_ measures and conditions of approval tna~' '
' =rad~.,~ activities in compliance with tile City of Tustin
requires the applicant ,o conduct t,, '~,,,
Grading Manual and obt.uin all necessary approvals anti permits from the SCAQMI) and the
City or' Tustin, any potential impacts related 1,:) air quality will be reduced to a level of'
Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required
South Coast Air Quality Management District Rules & Regulalions
City of Tustin Grading Manual
Project Application
Field Inspection
Items a. b. c. d. e & f--No Impact: The proposed projecl will be localed w/thin an area
fi~at is vacant and was previously developed with a sen'ices station. No impacts will occur to
endangered, threatened or rare species or habitats, locally designated species or natural
communities, or wildlife dispersal or migration corridors.
Mitigation Measures..%.Ionitoring Required: None Required
3, Iob il Scm,ice Sta:ion
(Condttiona; O~ve ?ermit 99-026. Design R~.~ ~w., 9-033 & General Pl:~n .4mendment 99-003)
Initial Stlta.h' - A ttacilment .4
Page 3 ~%£14
Sot:rces: Field Inspection
Tustin General Plan .
hems a. b. c & d --- No Impact: ~.'he. proposed project involves construction of a service
station with a convenience store and car wash on a site that is cmremly vacant, but was
previously developed with a service station. No impacts to paleontological, archaeological,
historical, religious resources, or disturbing of an) l~uman remains, will occur.
Mitigation Measures.~Monitoring Required: None Required
Sources: Tustin Gen:ral Plan
llems a-i. a-ii. a-iii & b--Less Than SieniticanI with Mititzation Incorporation: A review of
thc State of California Seismic Hazard Zone Map indicates that the pro. iect site is located in
an area of potential liquefaction hazard. The Iopography of the site is relalively t]at and
would require minor precise grading activity to prepare the site for new cons:."uction.
Compliance with current codes will ensure that the design and construction of the ?!oposad
project reduces any potential impacts related to fault ruptures, ground shaking, ground
failure, liquefaction or unstable soils to a level of insignificance.
Mil igation Measures. Monitoring Required:
When sublnitting plans for a building permit, submit four (4) sets of plans, two (2)
sets of specitications of, soils rel:x)rt, structural and energy calculatk)ns. F. iectrical,
mechanical and plumbing plans shall be included. Grading plans, landscape plans,
underground tank removal/instailation plans and signage plans may be submitted
separately, but no building per:nits will be issued m~til all plans have been approved.
Indicate on the title sheet the applicable codes, City, State and Federal la,rs and
regulations to include:
1997 Unilbnn Building Code with California Amendments
1997 Unilbnn Mechanical Code with California Amenchnents
1997 Uniform Pltm'~bing Code with California Amendments
1996 National Electrical Code with Califonfia Amendments
City of Tustin Grading Ordinance
City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelinea
City of Tustin Private Improvement Standards
Cily of'Fustin Security Ordinance
,~ h>bil Sera'ice Sta'ion
(Conditional Use Permit 99-026. Design Review 99-033 & General t lan Amendment 99-003~
Initial Stud)' - Attaclm~en~ A
Page 4 t~ 14
'fl:e applicant shall cornpiy '..,,'ii}~ all C_?ity policies regarding ShOl~. term constmclion
emissions, including periodic watering of the site and prohibiting grading during
second stage smog alerts and when wind velocities exceed 15 miles per hour.
Ali grading, drainage, vegetation and circulation shall comp!y with lhe City of
Tustin Grading Manual. fi, ll street sections, curbs, gu',ters, sidewalks, ligNing and
storm drain shall comply with on-site i:nprovemeut ::landards. Any deviations
shall be brought to the a:tention of the Building Official and request for approval
shall be submitted in writing prior to an3.' approval.
Items a-iv. c. d & e - No lmpa_c_t..'. TI';c pro. jeer site is not loc:~ted within an area tnm is
subject to se/cb, e, tsunami, volcanic hazards, landslides, or mudfiows, erosion, subsidence, or
expansive soils. No unique geological or physical fealures are present within the area.
\Vith implementation of the above mitigation measures and conditions of approval that
requires the applicant to obtain all necessary approvals from the Community Development
Department, the project design and construction will reduce potential impacts to a level of
insJgni ficance.
TustJn General Plan
City ofTustin Grading Manual
Uni£orrn Building Code
Project Application
Field Evaluation
Items a & b - l,ess ']'han Sionificant whh Mitioation Incorporation: Operation c.f the
service station, convenience store and/or car wash may expose customers and emplo:'ecs to
petroleum products, motor oil and other automotive substances which are highly flammable
and known to be carcinogen. These uses may risk polenlial contamination and exposing
employees and the general public to hazardous substances.
Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required:
Complete the hazardous mmerial questionnaire and ~l~e air quali5' questionnaire and
submit to the Building Division and the proper agencie.q. On these tbmv;, if
~swer to any' of ~.}~e questions is "3'es", clearances form Hazardous .Material
Disclosure Office and from Air Quality .Mmnagement District shall be s::bmitted
tt:e Building Division prior to approval.
The applicant shall obtain all necessao' approval:; tb.n'n tile Community
Development Department, Orange County }:ire Aulherity l'laau'dous Malerials
Disclosure Office, Orange County ~['lealth Care Agency and Occupational Safety
Hazard As:;ociation (OSHA).
3 fol.'il Service l;ta!ion
(Conaitio~,:,~ l..~'e ,r. :rmi; 09.0,26 £)c'.¥ij;n Rc'e&hv 99-03 3 & (L, neral Plan .4mendment 99-003)
]nitiM .q:u:]v- Attachmet~t .4
i~,~.ge 5 c~r l4
The applicant shall be responsible for taking appropriate corrective actkm lo address
any surface contamination as required for any accidental spills, as reqt,ircd to the
satisfaction of the I lealth Care Agency.
This development shall .co_reply with all aI',plicable provisions of the City of Tustin
Water Quality Ordinance and ali federal, state and Regional Water Quality Control
Board and Orange County Sani!ation District r, fles and regulations as they relate to
service st.'ttion facilities. Thc plan shall be designed in accor&mce v,'ifl~, but not
limited to, the following:
· Fueling area shall bc designed to prevent ru~l-on of storm water and the
· Paving of fueling arca with !'ortland cement concrete; Provide an
overhead cover over thc fueiing area;
· [;se a perimeter drain or slope pa~.ement inward with drainage to stun[:..,;
· Ifa dead-end sump is not used to collect spills, an oil/water separator is
to be installed.
Spills cart be contairtcd within thc fueling area cither by using a perilnctcr c~rain or
by sloping the pavement inward with drainage Io a sm,'np. In both cases Iht drain
can be connected to the storm drain witl~ a valve that is (nfiy closed during fueling
operations and left open at all mher times.
Prior tc the issuance of any grading permits or building pcrmlts the applicant shall
submit to ~he Fire Chief a list of the. quantities of all hazardous, llammable and
combustible mmerials, liquids or gases. These liquids and materials are to be
classified according to the "Orange County Fire Authority Chemical Classi fication
Handout". The submittal shall provide a summary sl:eet listing each hazmd class,
the total quamity of chemicals stored per class m~d the total quantity of chemicals
used in that class. Ail forms of materials are lo be converted to units of measure in
pounds, gallons and cubic feet.
Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall contact the Orange
(,'ounty Fire Authority Hazardous Materials Disclosure Office at (714) 744-0463 to
obtain a "l-lazardous Materials Business Infornmtion and Chemical Inventory
Packet". This shall be completed tu~d submitted to the Fire Chief before the issuance
of any building permits.
Mobil Service Station
(Conditional Use Permit 99-026. Desi,gn Revtew 99-033 & Genera! Plan Amendment 99-003)
Initial Stud), - .4ttachment .4
_ Page 6 of 14
Item d - I.ess Than Sitznificant Impact: The previous development on the vacant site was a
service station that was demolished in 1993. After the demolition of the sen, ice station, the
site was inspected by the County tlealth Care Agency for soil contamination. Con!amination
was found and the property owner was xequired to clean-up the site and remove and/or treat
any contaminated areas on the site before any development on the site is permitted. In April
1996 the County I lealth Care Ag~n%v re-inspected the site and found that the contaminated
areas had been cleaned up and the site no longer has any contaminated soil.
Mitigation Measure/Monitoring Required: None
Items c. e. f. ~, & h - No Impact: The project site is not located within a airport land
use plan or within two miles of a public or private airport. The closest school is located
further than a quarter of .a mile from the project site. The proposed project does not interfere
with any evacuation plans or emergency respense plans. The project sim is not within a
wi]dland area, and would not expose indMduals or structures to the hazards of wildland fires.
Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Requi~ed: None Required.
'fustin General Plan
()range County Fire Authority
Orange Count>' [lealth Cm'e Age.n. cy
Item a- [.ess ]qmn Sitznilicant with Mitim:tion lncornoration: The impe'.x, ious suri'hce of'the
project will drain into the existing storm drain system. Since the proposed use will be an
atttomotive use on the subject property, pelroleum products, motor oil and other automotive
substances may accidentally spill onlo thc impervious surfaces of the facility and drain into
the system. However, a Water Quality Management Plan administered by the City of Tustin
Public Works Department and the Regional Water Quali~y Control Board would be required
Io mitigate and minimize runoff into the storm drain system. Any water dcposiled imo the
san. liar3, sewer system for treatment shall be in complian?e with the Orange County
Sanitation District requirements. '.
Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required:
The applicant shall comply with the following conditions pertaining to the
requirement for a Water Quality Management Plan:
Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit for approval
by the Community l)eve]opment and Public Works Departments, a \Vater
Quality Management Plan (WQMP) specifically identiff'ing Best
Managemenl Practices (BMPs) that will be nsed on site to control
predictable poilu!ant mn-off.
Mobil Sera,ice Station
(Conditional Use Permit 99-026 Dexign Revir. h' 99-033 & General Plan Amendment 99-003.1
Initial Stud), - Attachment A
Page 7 ,~r14
This WQMI' shall identify thc: structural and non-structural measures
specified detailing implementation of BMPs whenever they are applicable to
the project; the assignment of long-term maintenance responsibilities
(specifying the developer, parcel owner, maintenance association, lessee,
etc.); and~ reference to the location(s)of structural BMPs.
Prior to issuant~fi ~fgrading or demolition permits, the applicant shzdl obtain
coverage under the NPDES Statewide Industrial Stormwater Permit for
General Construction ActMtJes from the Slate Waler Resources Control
Board. Evidence that this has been obtained shall be submitted to the
Building Official of the City of Tustin.
Prior to issuance of certificates of use and occupancy, building permits fca'
indMdual tenant improvcmcnts or construction permits for a tank or
pipeline, uses shall be identified and, for specified uses, the applicant shall
propose plans and measures for h~ardous materials management (including,
but not limited to, storage, emergency response, employee training, spill
contingencies and disposal) to lhe satisfitction of the City of Tustin.
~ (..:~¥
l lazardous Materials .Management Plm~s shall be approved bv the '"' ·
'l'ustin and other specified agencies such as thc (.)range Com::y Fire
Authority, the l lealth Care Agency, and sev,'cring azencies to ensure
implementation of each agency's respective requiremcms. Further, a copy of
thc approved "t.tazardous Materi',ds Management Plans (I'tMMP)" s!~a!l be
furnished to thc Building ()fficial of the City of Tustin. prior to the issuance
of any certificate of use and occupm~cy. Certificai~'s or permits may be
ministerially withheld if features needed to properly manage h~u'.ardous
~naterials cannot be incorporated into a previo~:sly completed building,
center, or complex.
The applicant shall comply with all City policies including the City's Grading Plan
regarding short tern~ construction emissions, including periodic watering of the site
and prohibiting grading during second stage smog alerts and when wind velocities
exceed 15 miles per hour.
Drainage, ,,'egctation, circulation, street sections, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, mid storm
drains shall comply with the on-site Private hnprovexnent Stm~dards.
All site drainage shall be handled on-site and shall not be permitted to drain omo
ad. jacent properties.
Compliance with the above mitigation measures and conditions of approval will ensure that
the design and construction reduces m~y potential impacts related to absorption rates,
drainage patterns of surface runoff, or effect on the amount or quality of surthce or
groundwaters lo a level of insignificance. The project does not have the capacity, to affect thc
direction of currents in surface waters or amount or quality of groundwaters.
Mobil Service Station
(Conditional Use Permit 99-026. Design Revibw 99-033 & General Plan Amendment 99-003)
Initial Stlt~, - Attachment A
t'agc 8 of 14
Rems b. c. d. e. f. g, h: i & j - No hnpact: The project would not expose people or
property to water related hazards such as flooding, change the course or direction of waters
movements, or affect the quantity of groundwaters.
Tustin General Plan
City of Tustin Grading MTanual
Public Works Department
Orange County I tealth Care Agency
Project Application
Items a. b & c-No Impact: 'lqm proposed project consists of constructing a service
station with three pump islands, a 1,400 square foot convenience store and a 990 square foot
car wash. The site is zoned Planned Community Commercial (1)C-COMM). At,lo sen'ice
stations are a permitted use under lhis zoning district. The site is designated as Professional
Office by the General Plan [.and Use Map, which is not consistent with the Zoning of the
site. l'herefore, the applicant shall obtain approval from the Planning Commission and City
Council to amend the General Plan designation fi'om Professional Office lo Co:'nmunitv
As proposed, the location and design of the facility is consistent with the development
standards of the PC-COMM zoning district. The proposed project iws been designed to
provide a landscape buffer that screens the view of the sen'ice bays, as recommended by the
City's Auto Sen'ice Guidelines.
The proposed project is similar to and compatible with o~her commercial uses in the vicinity.
The proposed project is not anticipated to impact lau~d use or planning.
Mitigation Measures:
Prior to obtaining Building Permits, the applicant shall obtain approval by the
Planning Commission and City Council lo amend the General Plan designation
from Professional Office to Community Commercial. The approval of
Conditional Use Permit 99-026 and Design Review 99-033 shall become null and
void if the General Plan Amendment is not obtained.
The title report and Parcel Map No. 27-45 identify a ten (10) foot wide Caltrans
easement for water line purposes along the westerly property line which is in conflict
with the proposed building location shown on the site plan. Prior lo issuance of
building permits, this easement shall be eliminated. If the easement is not eliminated,
a ten (10) foot setback from ~he westerly properly line shall be required and
modifications lo the site plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the
Planning Conunission.
Mobil Service Station
(Conditional la'sc Permit 99-026. Deskgn Rm'ich' 99-033 & Genet a/Plan .4mendrnent 99-003)
Initial Stud), - Attachment A
Page 9 of 14
The site plan shall be revised to correctly reflect thc dimensions of the existing
parcel (159.72' by 145') as shown on the Assessors Parcel Map and Parcel Map No.
27-45 and the area proposed to be combined through a lot line adjustment (159.72'
by 12') along the northerly property line. A lot line adjustment shall be required to
combine thc additional area to thc north prior to the issuance of building permits, the
applicant shall submit a' 1o~ line adjustmcn{ application for review and discretional'
action by the City of Tustin. If the lot line adjustment is not approved, the depth of
the site shall be reduced tweh, e (12) feet and the site design shall be modified and
subject to tile review and approval of thc Planning Commission.
Tustin General }'lan
Tusfin Zoning Code
Project Application
Field t:.valuation
hems a & b- No !nmact: The construclion and operation of the ihci!ity will not use
nonrenewable resource:; in a wasteful or inefficient manner. There are no known a~incr~:l
resources located on the project site.
.,Xlitigation Measures/Monitoring Required'
None Required
Sources: Tustin General Pl~:n
hem a. b. c & d-- I.ess Than Si~onifica4~t with .MitiCzation Incol~oration: With ~..sp,.,..*
to short-term noise impacts associated with construction, all construction will be required to
conform to the Noise Ordinance and work may only be performed during permitted hours of
construction. As such, short term noise impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance.
No significant increase in long term noise impacts associated with generation of vehicular
NoL ~
Iraffic is anticipaled. Operations of the facility will be required lo conform to thc ' ',~,~
Ordinance. Long-term operational noise will be reduced io a level of insignificance through
compliance with the Noise Ordinance. A requirement that all service actMtics shall be
conducted within the structure of the car v,'ash bay will also reduce noise to a level of
Mitigation Measures/Monitorir, g Required:
6.19 All rcquirememsofthe City's Noise Ordinance shall be met at all times.
Mobil Set~'ice Station
(Condittonal L,.Zve Permit 99-026. Design Review 99-033 & General Plan z~met~dmenl 99-003)
Initial Stud), - .4 ttachmcnt .4
Page 10 of 14
All construction operations, including engine warm-rep and deliveries of' materials
and equipment, shall be subject to the provisions of the 'lh:stin Noise Ordinance and
shall take place only between the hours of 7:0(,} a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday, and between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, unless otherwise
determined by the Community Development Director and/or Building Official.
Construction hours shail' b'e clearly posted on the project silo to the satisfaction of fine
Building OttScial.
With implementation of the above mitigation measures and condilions of approval, potential
noise impacts are reduced to a levei of insignificance.
Items e & f-No Impact: The project site is not located within an airport land use
plan or within rwo miles of a public or private airport.
Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required.
]'ustin General Plan
Noise Ordinance
Project Application
ltems a. b & c-No Impact: 'l]~c proposed project is located on a vacant site that
previously was developed with a sen'ice station and surrounded by existing commercial and
£reeway right-of-way uses. The proposed project would not result in any direct increase in
population nor induce substantial growth in the area. No impacts related to population or
housing are anticipated.
Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required
Tustin General Plan
Project Application
Field Evaluation
Item a- Less Than Si_onificant with Mitieation Incorporation: The project silo and
surrounding commercial properties are currently subject to fire and police protection. The
proposed project to construct an auto tholing facility is similar to lhe auto service station
facilily that was demolished in 1993. Additional resources may be required to maintain these
existing sen'ice levels and address potential criminal activity associated with a convenience
store. Convenience stores have a higher probability to have levels of criminal actMty.
Therefore, the proposed project may have an impact for additional Police services related to
crime reduction.
Mobil Sen,ice Station
(Conditional Use ['armit 99-026. Design Re:'ie{4' 99-033 tq: General Plan Amendment 99-003,)
Initial Study - .4 ttacim~ent .4
t'age 11 of t 4
Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required:
To provide the clerk good visibility of the gas pumps and the grounds, the cash
register shall be relocated so that it is closer lo the front door and so that ti:e clerk
can be seen frmn the s!!'.ee_l.
A drop safe shall be installed fbr thc clerk to make deposits, limiting the am()unt of
money at the register.
6.12 Video cameras, mirrors m~d height markers shall be installed for security pm'poses.
If determined by the Cl'fief of Police and the Commurfity Development l-)irector,
based upon the number of calls for service, the owner and/or operator will be
required to implement procedures to reduce the likelihood of criminal activity.
Tustin Police l.)epartment
()range County Fire Authority
Tustin Public \Vorks l)epartm..'nt
ltems a & b--- No hnpact: Thc proposed reconstruction of an existing service stmion
would not affect existing facilities nor crcale it demand for recreational fitcilities.
Mitigation Measm'es/Monitoring Required: None Required
Sources: Tustin General Plan
l'roject A. pplication
Item a. d & g -- Less Than Sianificant Impact: The City's Traffic Engineer has reviewed
the proposed project and found that the project, as compared to the vacant site, will result in
an increase in traffic. However, the proposed project will not generate more traffic than the
previous service station that was demolished on the site in 1993. A ly'pical service station.
similar to the previous development, generates approximately 1000 daily trips. '['he traffic
generated from the'previous service station development did not negatively affect the level of
service for the adjacent arterials and intersections. Therefore, even with the increase of trips
as colnpared Io the vacant site, lhe proposed project is not anticipated to impact the planned
level of sen, ice for the adjacent arterials and intersections. No sali~t,,,' hazards or barriers for
pedestrians, bicyclists or vehicles or conflicts with bus turnouts are proposed. Adequate
access is provided from tv~'o driveways off of lrvine Boulevard and the adjacent alley,.
Automobiles accessing the site could create a hazard to vehicular and pedestrian traffic if
stacking occurs within the public right-of-way.
Mobil Service Station
, Rertew 99-033 & Gcneral Plan .4tnendment 99-003)
(Conditional O[~'e Permit 99-026 Desi~,n ' ~
initial Stud)' - Attachment A
Page 12 of 14
Mitigatmn Measures/Monitoring Recluired:
Vehicle stacking across a public side walk sh~,ll be prohibited and any violation shall
be subject to citation. The operator of the Ihcility is responsible for ensuring
compliance and preventing, stacking across a pnblic sidewalk.
Install traffic signs and provide pavement markings at the easterly .access dr/vcway
(private alley) onlo Irvine Boulevard indicating "Right Turn Only" for egress traffic
from the site. Vehicles exiting the sile shall only be allowed Io turn right. A "No
Exit" and pavement markings shall be installed adjacent to the westerly driveway.
The applicant/property owner is responsible for maintaining configuration of
westerly point of ingress Io prevent exiting. The signing and striping markings shall
be consislent with Caltrans specifications. If, in the future, it is determined that
motorists are proceeding with left turn movements onto lrvine Boulevard fi'om the.
driveway in violation of the signed prohibition, then the applic,'mt shall be required
to fully improve the center median to prevent left turn movements.
I~ems b. c. e. & f-No Inmact: A total of ten (10) parking spaces are being provided
consistent wi;h the off-street parking standards within the Tustm City Code. Six stand~u'd size
parking spaces are located adjacent Io the south property line and are accessible from Irvine
Boulevard and the adjacent alley. One handicap parking space and three (3) standard size
spaces are located adjacent to the north side of thc building and accessible from a two-way
drive aisle. No rail, walerborne, or air transportation is affected by the proposed project.
Tustin General Plan
Project Application
Tustin Public Works;Traffic Engineer
Mitigation Measures,'Monitoring Required: None Required
Items a. b. c. d. e. f& g - No Impact: The proposed facility will be connected to existing
utilities and s'ervice systems in the area. No substantial alterations to any utilities will be
Sources: Tustin Public Works Department
Field Inspection
Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required
j Mobil Sen,ice Station
(Conditional (,tee Permit 99-026. De.vi,gn Review 99-033 & General Plan Amendment 99-003)
Initial Stud.}' - `4ttachn,ent ,4
Page 13 of 14
17. blANi)ATOI~.Y FINDINGS OF' SI_(.~NJ._I'_'I_C.,__k_~_C_Jv,
Iterns a. b& c-No hnpact: The proposed project is the construction of a service
station, car wash and convenience store on a lot that is currently vacant. The previous
development on the site was a gas station which was demolished in 1993. The project
design, construction m~d operatkm_will comply wifi'~ the regulations of the Community
Development Department, Air Quality Managemeht District, and Orange County Fire
Authority which reduces any potential impacts related to geological problems, water qualily,
air quality, hazards and noise to a level of insignificance. As such, the project does not have
the potential lo degrade the quality of the enviromnent nor achieve short-term environmental
goals to the disadvantage of the long-temp. It does not have impacts that are indMdually
limited but cumulatively considerable or that would cause substantial ;:dverse impacts on
human beings.
Sources: Project Application
Ciw and Agency R. cquireincnts
Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required' None R. cquired
A Iobil Sen ice Station
ICondition~.d Lb'e :'ermit 99-02b. Dc.;'i~n Review 99-033 & General Plan Amendment 99-003)
Initial Stud),- Anachment A
Page 14 qf 14