HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA 95-08 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 i; 7 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 95-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING THE FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATON AS ADEQUATE FOR ACQUISITION OF THE SITE AT 14722 NEWPORT AVENUE, INCLUDING REQUIRED FINDINGS PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA). The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency does hereby, resolve as follows: I. The Agency finds and determines as follows: The request to approve acquisition by the Agency of the site at 14722 Newport Avenue is considered a "project" pursuant to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). B o A Negative Declaration had been prepared for this project and has been distributed for public review. Co Whereby the Agency has considered evidence presented by the Community Development Director and other interested parties with respect to the subject Negative Declaration. Do The Agency has evaluated the proposed final Negative Declaration and determined it to be adequate and complete. A Final Negative Declaration has been completed in compliance with CEQA and State guidelines. The Agency having final authority over the acquisition of the subject site has received and considered the information contained in the Negative Declaration, prior to approving the acquisition of the subject site, and found that it adequately discussed ~he environmental effects of the proposed project. On the basis of the initial study' and comments received durinc the public review process, the Agency has found that the prcpcsed project would not have a significant effect on the environment. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, held on the 20th day of November, 1995. \ ;'--'., , ,,'~ ¥,. ^!J, ./ ./ n~.Z~,~. City' Clerk JIM POTTz~~ Chairma~ Tustin Redevelopment Agency' I)I.;VI.;I,()Phl i':N'I' I)EI'AR'I'.M ENT 3(10 ('enwnmul (71'I~ 5 73-? 105 NEGATIVE DECLARATION Project Title' / Project Location: Project Description: I'roject Proponent: Lead Agency Contact Person: (. -~'~/A,::,//../67~ The Community Development Department has conducted an Initial Study for the above project in accordance with tile City o£ Tustin's procedures regarding implementation of lhe California Environmental Quality Act. and on the basis o£ that s:udv hereby finds' That there is no substantial evidence that the pr~ect ma,,' have a significant ctR'.ct on thc environment Tha~ potential significant effects were identified, but revisions have been included in the projecl plans and agreed to by the applicant that would avoid or mitigate the effects to a point wi~ere cie. ark' no sigmficant effects would occur. Said Mitigation Measures are included in Attachment A of the Initial Study which is attached hereto and incorporated herein Therefore, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not required. '7he lmtiai Study which provides the b~is for this determination is attached and is on file at the Community Development Dep:¢tment. Cxtv of'I'ustin The public is inx4ted to comment on the appropriateness of this Negative Declaration during the review period, which begins with the public nmice o£ Negative Declaration and ex-tends for twenty (20) calendar days Upon review bv the Community Deveiopmen: Director, this r~'iew period may be extended if deemed necessan' REVIEW I'ERIOD ENDS 4:00 IL.M. ON ~(;'.:'~/~O't.. .~/~ ,/q'~ J "- Chris:the A. Shingleton /// Community D evelopme 'ne~D'~rect or ',:~ GD£ "' "' 3704 ;, INITIAL STUDY :%. BACK. GI~,OUNI) Project Title: AS_..~ t~ ts t"7'qO Lead Agency: 300 Centennial Way Tustin. Califbrnia 92680 Lead Agency Contact Person ~ C H ~- ~ Projectl,ocation. IH~Z~ Ue~e3 ~n~e Git5, of"l'ustin Project Sponsor's Name v-nd Add~ ess General Plan Desl~na:.lon Zoning Desimlatior. Project I)escription: Surrounding Lises South _..~ ~ O~,3'qn c.,.\ Wes: Otim:' pubhc agcncms whose approval ~s required. Orange Coun;v F~re ..'Xuthoritv Orange Coun:y Hcai.:h Care Agency South Coas: Air Quality .,Managemen~ ,,'-n District Other C/tv of Irx'~ne Cny of San:a Aha Oranue Coun:v - ' ~ _ . tzk,:, Thc cnvi:o::n~c:::al ta,7:o:.,, chcckcd below would bc I,~;Cnl~allx ali'cclcd by line p:~,.ICCl, nx'o %'fL, a: least one I::lj)2Cl ':,,;,:,' ' :.s ,:' "]~olCrll~aJlv ~IEI!:J~C;Illl. ] ..,1~,.~ ....... .... ""'; ::l,!lCalc,! JW IJle chcckhsl ~ll geclmn I) below [] Land Use ami Planning ["1 I lazm'ds [] Population and Housing ['-I Noise [] Geological Problems ~ Public Services [] Water [] Utilities and Sen'ice Systems [] Air Quality [] Aesthetics [] Transportation & Circulation [] Cultural Resources [] Biological Resources .. [] Recreation [] Energy and Mineral Resources [] MandatoD' Findings of Significance Co D D ETEI .M I NAT I ON: On the basis of'this initial evaluation: 1 find that thc proposed projccl COULD NOT have a s~gn,fic:m: cficcl on thc cl v~mnment, and a NEGATIVE DECLAIO'(I'ION will tr prepared I find thal ahhou!'.h thc p~oposcd p~ojccl could have a sq:m!:c~tn: cfizcl o:~ thc cnx ~[o ~ 1K"ll[. Ihc~c w, II no, l< n signifimnl effect m tins case [~..causc Ibc m:ugntion nmasurcs d'.:scr 4xed on an .'tll;~.2hcd shcmls have I~:cn added Io Ibc project A NP/L;..\TIVi-' DiSC!.ARA'I'ION v,'fll bc plcpa~cd I find Ih;n thc p:opos".:d pmjcc.: MAY have n s~gmfican: effect or; eh.' ctv,',.~onmcn:, and an !'~NVII*.ONMI-~N"I'A1. IMPACT :> ~:r ,'~t,',' ...... ~,.,~ :.c rc,qul:cc'. 1 f.,nd lhat thc l::OpOSed project MAY have a signiflcanl cflCCltS~ on lhL' cf?. ilolllllcii;. Ira: a: Icasl ont' cfi'cci l } has I~n adcqumcl) nnaiv.,.cd ~;: an ~rher documem pursuan~ Io npphcab!c Ic~::d s::m&~rds, and 2~ has been addr~scd by mmgat~on m~su,cs b;=scd on thc ~lher a~lvs~s ~ d~scntmd on allach~ shccls. ~f Ibc effect ~s ;~ "Potcntmllv S~gnifi~nt Impact" or "Potentmll5 S:gnifi~nt UM~s Nlit:~l~" An ENVIRONMEN'i'A!. IM}%~ ~I~RT Is r~mr~, but ~: niuSl a~ix~c onlx thc cff~s tirol renu~n to lye addressee ] find that ahhou..qh thc proposed pmjcc, could have :! s:.12, nlfl~m: cffcc: on Iht c:n'~ron:nen:, the:c \VILL NO7' s:gmficqn~ effect ,n tl'.'.s c. as: tmc.~msc all Ix>,cntmlly s,gmf, r~mt c.lc~:. 1, h;:xc bzcn anai'./cd adcclt,atciv H: an ~qrhcr EiR pursu:mt ,(, appi,~bic standards..',nd 2) have been ax'o,,ned or m:,~$:a,cd pursuant to el;al e_2~hc~ EItL mcludmt2 rex'~smns or m,t~gat~o~: measures that ;irc ,reposed upou Ibc proposed p:O. lCCI I find that although the proposed project could have a s~gnificant effect on thc cnv~ronmcn,, there \VILL'NOT be s~gnifican, effect ~n tins cas, c be.cause all potcnually s~l,.mficanl cfi'ects 1~ have been analyzed adequately in an c. arhcr NEGATI\~ DECLAR_t:TION pumuan, to apphcable standards, and 2) have been nxo,dcd or mmgnted pursuam lo that mqrhcr EliL--'m~ud. mg rcx'~smn.s_o: nnt,gatmn me. asures Ih/il :.tie i:llpOse{I tlr)oll lilt proposed prolect Sig ,.:u e vy,m-,..,-..__ q- 2 t- c, 5-' ,,. · '-', Printed Nam~ ~h,Cg rnmeq ._ Title 1). I'.N\'IIC()~\II'~I..\I. !\II).~( I.~' ])CVC]O/)II;¢"t;[ I. LANI) USE & PLANNING - ll'ouhl the prvpo.wd a) Conflic! wflh general plan designation or zon,n? b) Conflict with apph~qblc environmental plans m l~hcms adopled by agencies with juri~icnon over Ibc pr~lecl'~ c) 13e in~mpanble with existing land uses m thc v~cinm'? d) Affect agricuhuml resources or ol~mlions? c) Dis~p~ or d~vidc thc ph)'s~l arranl'.cmcm of:m csmblished community (including a Iox~-mcomc or H~II~OZ'Hy conm~tlt~ily)" 2. P()I'UI.ATION & IIOUSIN(; - Il?mid tlw a) Cumulal~vch' cxccw.,d off, cml regional or local pop;:lat~on prwccuons? l:~ Induce stJbsl;llltlal ~lox~l)l in fill ar~l c~lhcl (h~c'cl~v o: ]ndtrcclh' (c.g., Ihrough prqlccts m ;in tmdcvcloi)c',2 o:' cxlcns~on of ma3or mfrasm]ClUrC)? c', I)~sphtzc cx~slm~ housing, especially aflo~d.d'ic hous:n? GI':()I.()GIC I'R()III.EMS - ti?m~,':' ti;c pr'o.,,w:.: ,.',':..': :.' ,,. C.'.,..'~(,'.'.,C ,;;t'Of:.:V !0 .[~OIt'llll,',': Iltlf,~('.t~l.x ~CISIIIiC l~round failure. ~ncludmF hquc:.~:',~,,:.' e. Landslides e: f. Erosion. changes m lo~jlraph) cond:tmns lrom ex,walton, prad~ng, o; fi;;" I~ Subs~d~nzc of land" h) Expanswc sods" :il, Chan.,.:cs ;i; al)sorpllon talcs, d;::~nagc pa:Icrn~, o: Iht rate and amount of su."lacc nmoW' b) Exposure of ~ople or property lo walc: rciated su~.h as lqo,"g:hn?~ " c, D~sch:::Itc ifil(.? surf;:zc W:llClS o; olhcr st.'~tce wa:er gu;ih',) {c g, temperature, d~ssoi,, cd ox". or lurb~d~U. )" dt Ch;.tllj2'.2b Ill Iii2 ,~!l;lOtllll O,f sur',acc W~IICI 111 hll', C) C[;;irlgc.q Iii Ctl."lCll[~,. or thc course ol dlrccIiOll /r~c't)r'[,twt~lcd Jill[Itl,7[ :_3 "._! f) Chan.l',~ Il! Ibc (]llaltlllx (.)t ?,found w;ilcfs. CII]I~I thTOtl;:!l dll¢Cl a(JdlllOll.'s (.)[ wlthdliIW-'lIS, o! throl. J]'.h IIIICgCcr};IOI! of an aquifer by cuts or cxc_zwauons or d~rough substantial loss of groundwalcr recharge capability? g) Altered d.ection or rate oF flow of gmundx~ter? Impa¢Is 1o groundwater quahly'~ i) Substantial reduction iii Ibc amoum of ~roundx~,'nter olherw~s¢ ,available for public waler supphes? 5. AIR QUALITY - If'buld the propoxal: a) V~olalc any air qualny standard or contribute lo an ex[sung or proj~l~ a. quahD' vmlauon'~ b) Expose scm~iuvc r~ptors lo ~llutanL~? c) Alter air movcnlCRl, fflOlSlurc, or Icmlmralurc, or ~usc any change ~n chnmlc? d) Cr~tc obj~tionablc ~ors' TII. ANSI'OI,FI'ATI()N & CIRCIJI,ATION - Il?mid thc ~ro[Josa] re.v:;.'! tr;' a) Incr~tsed vclnclc trips or mlfl'~c congcstmn'> b) Ilaz.ards to safctx from design Icalu~c.,. (c I: . sharp cu:vcs or ciangcrous intcrsecuons; or m:.omp:mblc uses (c g.. farm equipment? c) Inadequate cmcrgcn~' access o~ access to nc~rbv uses" d) Insuffiocnt par!.ung cap;:cny ons,c or c) l!ar:l~ds o: bamcrs for pcd~Slrl;!llq or b]cvcllsU~" f) Conflicts w~th adoplcd Ix)i~c]cs support]t:?, ahcrn:dwc Iransportat,on (c g bus lurnoulS, b~'clc rac}.:sY~ g) P~dl. walcr'born¢ o: :Hr Ir..,l,. ,:mar:s" BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES - Hbuld tile prof*o.%a: rc.vul! tn tmt'~act.s to a) Endangered. thrc. alencd o: rare spec:es o: thc:: hab]tal.¢ (mclud]nl: bul nol hm.'lcd Io plants, tis!:, insects. amma!s, and tnrds' b) Loc. alix dcs~gnmcd specm: lc g. hc:~tal:c trccsW c) l_,ocallv d'.:'slgnatcd natura', commuml}cs (c g. oak forest. coastal hab.'tal, cie )? d) Wetland tmb:tat (c g. marsi:, riparian, and vernal pool)'~ c) Wildl,fc d~spcr~d o: :mgrat,on corr,~dors'~ ENERGY &MINERAI. RESOURCES - Il'buM: thc ?r'o?o.sa ; a) Conflict w~th adoplcd cne:gy conservation plans') b) Usc nonrenewable resources m a wasteful and m¢fficmnt c) Result :n linc loss of ax'adabdnx ora known mineral resou::z Il:a: would bc of lu:urc value Io thc region? 4 ]/t:[',:,'; [] [] 0 [] 0 FI' 0 '0 L3 -] 0 "-'I__ O a) A risk o,r accldenz:d explosion or release of ha/:lrdous substanccs (includJng. [)tit i10~ IZHHI~ tO, oil, ~st]cld~, chcnuGMs, or b) Possible imcrkren~ wid~ cmergcn~, rcs~nsc plan or cmcrgcn~' cvacuazion plan? c) The creation o[ any h~uhh lmz.ard or ~lcnfial h~ahh lmz~rd? d) Ex. sure of I~oplc to cxisting sour~ of ~tcntial h~uhh h~urds? . · e) lncrmascd fire hnz.urd in armus with fla,nnmblc bnzsh. ~rass, or it~s'~ 10. NOISE - H'buld thc p/wpo.wd rc.vuh tn. 11. 12. a) Increases Itl CXJ$[/II~', llOlS¢ levels? b) Exposure ofpeoplc to severe nmse levels9 I' U B LI C S E R Vi CI';S - Ii buld tiu' p,,'o/.,o.va/ upon, or ~'3'~df I~ ~ Heed/~)r se~'tcc.v It: on~' o/thc.folJowtn[~ a) bhrc pro;ccuonV b) Poht. c prolcctior," c) Schools? d) t,:a,ntcnance ofpubhc I~icJiH~cs, ~HchJcJ~ttj: loilCJ~'~ c) Olher ~OVCIIInlCR: SC~'ICCS" a) Power or imtuml gas'.' b) Cornmunical~ons ~'stcms" c) L, ckgal or ~c,k'lonn] WalC~ Ir~llmcnJ o; I';1ci[111e5" SCxA'C: O: SCl)liE l./!:l;.b'~ C', StorFI; walcr (Jl':.!ililtgC9 Solid wasl,.' d:sposal': g) Lozal or regional xnalcr suppl~cs" 13. AESTIIETICS - ;im..'d/nc p~,'n).~a: a) Affcc. l a scenic vista or scclllC hlChw.'tv'~ ~,~, Have :,. dcmonstraalc IIC['~;IIIX'C aestJlcIiC c![cc:'~ C) Cr~llc hplu or :.,arc D ij LJ ~_J 14. ('[;l,'l'I} N.A I. 15. ;I) l)lSlull) palc()ntolo~'.~.2a] ic.qoulccs'~ b) l)~slurb archacolog~c.:ll resources'.~ c) !lave Iht polcntial lo ~mse a physical change winch would alii:c! unique clhmc cultural values? d) Restrict existing rcli!:mus o~ .~lcrcd uses within Ibc polcnl~al IIIIp,~l¢l ama? REC REAT! O N - Il bu!d tile proposal. a) Increase thc demand for nc~ghtmrhcx~ or rcgmnal parks o~ other rccr~tional fiiciliucs'.~ b) AIF~t cxzsttng rco~l~onal opl~unltms? 16. I~IANi)ATORY FINDINGS 01.' SIGNIFICANCE a) Docs thc project have thc potential to degrade thc qualib of thc cm'iromncnt, subslannallv reduce the habilw, ora fish or wildlife spccms, m~usc a fish or wildlife ~pulauon to drop ~low sclf-sustmmng levels, thr~lCn to elim:natc a plant or ammal communJty, rcducc thc number o~ rcstricl lhc range of a ra~c o: endangered plant or amn~al or chromate lnl~llll examples of thc major periods of (2dfiorma tuston' or prchtstoD '~ b) I)ocs Ibc proj,~ct have the tv,-., le Ihe dt.~advant:l~:c of Ion,'.'.-lcrm. c:wlrontncnt:tl c~ hlnHcd, bt:: ctmltll:!l,vClx constdc:';..,blc" cons~dcrablc" IllC~.IIIS [h-'l[ I'.|C lll.;.2IClllClll;I] ClIcc|s project ;irc considerable when vJcwed thc cllcct~ of pasl projecLS, thc effects of other current p:oj~ts, and thc effects of p:obablc tuturc promcts'} d) Docs ibc projcc| h3v'.' c::x :ron:i:zq::d c9. c,7.15 x~ ]i:,:l, x~ ," td..~.I.', Oli hurl, i;tll bclll.p.'., c:ihc: d~rcctiv or Ind~rcetlx" ;'t12~ J, 1, '1 Ll 'D 2 '~ .-! F\'ALUA'I'ION ()F I.'.N\"II(ONMI~NTAI. IMPACTS Please reft:' to :\::ac!::':.mn: A for an evalua:~on o.'-:he erv,'ironmentai tn:pacts Wentified in Sectio:~ D above ,.~.T~T,.,D.P PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUI'PLFMIiN1 The Tuslin Community Redevelopmerl: ,,\ger~cy has entered into a [)tJrch,:ls(~ agreer~lef~t ti'Jrough the Federal Bankruptcy Court, t(.) acquire the existing, \,acarll retail sit(., at 14722! Newport Avenue, Ihe northeast comer o1' Ne\vi)ofT Avenue and Sycar'nore .,Xver'~tJ(~, -l'uslin, California. Tile sit(: is (:urrentl'),' developed with an al)l)roximately 60(')0 s(luare foot retail buitdi~ff',, an(t attendant parking and landscapir~g. 'ltm t)uildir~g is currently vacan! and I'~a.,., been for apj')roximatelv three years. The Redevelopment Agency will tJli[ize Itl(, SIlu f()t a Youli~ C(:'r~l(:r Io provide t')o111 pre- school facilities lhrougi~ tile Head Star: r)ro!',ra~ ~:~(i re(':'eat[or~al and other services fo:' older \'Oulhs xvith~n the comn'~unitv. Tile pro;.)o.,:.(:'d j)roject is tile ac:qtJisiti()" ();' ;I j~u., sile. 'l'ile ;)()l('nti,:!l (,rlvir()nr~ler'~la.[ ~rnr.);icls of tho (.~x[')oc[('¢! rei'~,-']l.)lli;;~li()n of tiff, J)LJil(ilrl!1 v..'il; i),.' a~'l;llv..'("C! \vil(,n Ii1(' o',,:i,'Tl: O! Ii',,', ',¥(',,[ JO J)e cione i~. (Je!err~z~leci. EIN'\'IR()N','~'~[ N'I,\I. I.'d,P..\CI S 1. land l~s(' and Plar~nin.?., J:('~llk ~! t!~r¢)tj,_TM. f', . "..~() I[~ll)~'tC0,' -] i'W r)ro[,?,"ly acc'],',.JisrlJor; v,.iI[ no~ re.':,Lll: itl a tJSr3 which confJ~cl$ v,,i:h tho Genera~ F':an or Zoning Code. Nor ,.',.'ill il i)(! irlconlL)alible v,'Jlh su."rotirl('~tr'~g lanci uses aff(?cl .qt~L)seouer~.', lo a,:;(:'.Jisilion of the pro;),?r'.~., a fina'. [)ro;ect design for the '~'ot:l['. C('n:er ,..,'il! i:,e :',re[~ared..:',: fha: time additional env~ronme:~ta.] ana]ysis re(~uire,~! J)\' CFC)",. \-..iii [)e l):e;)ared for the cons;ruction arid (.,;~ti:!.',:'nen~ [)i'~ase of ti~.(, I~roje¢".. ill:(.:1 ION E I)i.,,c'ussi()f~ ()f I nvir()fu~t.r~lal i vnlunti()n September 21,1995 Page 2 ~C)I, IrCO: Field Investigation City of Tuslin General Plav~ City of Tustin Zoning Code Population and 14ousing Items a Ihrouf',h c - "No Impact" -['his property ao. luisition will not result in any f)opulation increase regionally or locally nor will it directly or indirectly induce growth in the area. -lhere is no housing whichwil be displaced. Subsequent to ac(:lu~s~llo~ o," tile property, a final t)roject (Jt:sq.'.~: for li~(~ Yot~th Center will be prepared. A: that time additional environn~en:a! aru:lvsis r~.~(']..t~lre(J Il,,, Ct'Q/', will be prel')ared ior ~!~(' ('or~strL~Ct,OV~ ancJ er'~t~tJ£'r1'~("r~[ l'fi~.s(, of Ih(, '] tJStiri (",,.'~1(:':';.!1 Plan o Geologic Problerv~s A pro[.)erl,,,' acquis~l~or~ [)',' ilsoJf will r'~ol result ~n c)r ex[)(.).,,(. [)eo;)Je lo fauJi rLl[)ltire.',,, ground shaking, ground failure, Seethe, tsunam~ o; voJcarl~c tla:,:ards, landslide.~, or mud flows, erosio::, subsidence, or c, xpansive soils. Nor cJo(~.-, unique geoiogic o: ;')it',.s;cai Subsequent to acquisition of ti~e propert.v, a final project dr:sign for tile Yoult~ Center will be pref)ared. A: that time additional environmental analysis required bv CEQ.A will be prepared for the construction and entitiement phase of the Project. ~ource: Field veri~',(:a~io~: Tust~n General Plan Open Space,'Conservation.'Recrealion Ele~'~'~e~ 4. Items n ll~r'(')tm, h i -"No Impact" A prol~erW acquisilion by itself will nol resull in any of tile following: changes absorplion rates or draina§e or runoff' pauerns, exposure of people to flooding or olher hazards, alleration of the discharge o,r surface vvaler or surface waler qualih,, changes in tile amOL~n! off surface waler, change.~ ~n currents or water movements; changes in tile quanlily of §round waler$, any alleralion iJ~ file direclion or rale of flow oi ~roundw'aler or its quaJily, or a sui)stanllal reduction in groundwaler. SubseqL~ent lo accttJisiliorl of the property, a fin;]] prolecl design for the Youth Center will l)e ;.)repared. Al lika[ lime additional envir~rln~,,r~=ai ,'ma[vsis required by CFQ.A will be prepared for the construction a~(J e:ll~lJ(,r;I,':~l l)i;;!s(, of ti~e ProKyct. .~OtJrCe: Air Qualit\ ,:-, [)roi)eft',.' ac(.].u~sitio~ i.)~.' ~tself ',.,,iii n()l ,,':();a;e a'~,. ,~.: (;t;,':l~!,.' 5la;ldarcJ or conlribule t(.) ar; ('x~slin!: ()r pro!ected al: (lual~1,.' vr(,~;;];~():; ,,':,,;,(::,.... ~,,:)nS~l~ve receptors pollutant.,,, alter air movement, nloi:,ture or ],:.l':'~[)02L/llur(.'. Ci]\'[JS('" a char'qze in ciir]';a~,:,, (,:' cf('at," oi)lec:~,,)r]at)ie 5.,Jb,,()(:.,,,c,:'.; i,:.~ ,!c(];;~.'..~[~,:);; ('H ltl(.' [)ro[)(,:;'~, ;~ :~:;,]i ;);(.,!(<.:', (J"2Slgrl IOr the ¥Ot. Jt[~ Cerll. e[ will i~e [)..'(.yDar(.,ci. At Ilia: lime adciltiona! en\'lrOrlmC, ntal analvsi.,, required by C[.'QA \,,'ill be ;)fei)areal for tile construction and e:';t~ll,,.:nm:';l phase of the Project. y,C .-'., QM D G u~dei~ne.,', -] t,,;~n General Plan, .:-,ir SI. CI ION I [)iscussion of I nvironmental I ~aluali~m Prt~perl.v A('(lui,ilion: 147~2 ke~,t)()rl Avt'~ue Sepleml)er 2 1,1995 Page 4 Transportation & Circulation Ile~ns a through Jr', - "No Imp;'lCl" A property acquisition by itself will not result in the following: increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion, design safety hazards, inadequate emergency access or access lo nearby uses. insufficient parking capacit.v, hazards or barriers to pedestrians or bicyclists, conflict with aciOl)led i~olic'ies supi~ortir~g alternative trar~sportatior~ or ~r'mq)act rail, waterborne, or air traffic. Subsequent to acquisition of ti')(', property, a final project design for the Youth Center ,.*,'ill be prepared· Al that time additional envir()nn.)ental analysis requir(-,d I)v C[!Q'", will t)e preparec] for the cons[ruclio~; and (-,n:itlernent pl)ase of ti)e Proi('ct. ~otlr('(": Field verification I~iolotti('al t,c.. ource.~ A l.)roperlv, acquisi;ion i.)v it%(.'J: x.,,..[i r~(;: Jm;),':lcl ~tr"l\' ()f the (.,(,. ,..(.r, ..... ;ilrgaler~e(] or rare 0gsi,g,r~al(2(J natural co[llmt];llll~,2. corridors. .Subsequen; lo acquisition ()f tim [,rol)er:y, a f[na.[ pro!et! design for the TouJi~ Centp' Field verification 1 ustin General ['lan Open S:-~ace/Conservatior~.' SI. C1 ION t Prol)erl.x A~'qui,ili~l~: 1.172Z N~.X~ln~rl Sq)lemlwr 21,1995 Page 5 o Energy and Mineral Resource: Items a ll~rotw, h ¢' - "N~ Iml)acl" A r)roperty acquisilion l')y itself vvill not conflict with adopted energx.' conservatior~ plans, use r~onrer~(~vval~le resources in a wasteful and inefficien[ manner or result in the loss o( availal)ilitv ~i a kr~ov,'n mineral resource that would l~(.~ of fulure value Io the region. Subsequent to acquisitior~ of the properly, a final project (tesign for tile Y()tJt[~ Center will be prepared..,'xt ii,at time additional environn'~ental analysis required bv CEQA `.vii[ be r)repared for the cor~slrtJction and entitlement i~i~ase of tiw Proje(:t. 5ot~r('e: 'it:s:~:~ (;e~leral Pi,in Pu!~lic Safety 14azards A properly ~,C(.:UIh",l()['. ilV I~.~('[I' will no! restlll :~: ;!t~,,. (): ;:.~(, l'()il(),,vl[~:' fist., el accid(~n:a', ext)i().,.:(~:~ o: :vi(Cs,.. of I~azard¢)u.', su! b;a; ~( ~,... ~[~1(,: I,.,., response ():' evacL:~.l~():~ r)[ans, creation of a hca!Ii: ha.-'arcl o' exposure o:' r)eo?[(, l() l~ealtil ip...-'arci.,, or increa~,e ~n fir(, Subseque::l Io ac(lu~sJl:()n ()t l:u,! :)roperl~.', a f~na: p:()iecl (](,s~!',r'. l(}, Ih;: 'f(~;J:i. \viJ,. J)e [Ir'(,l}ar,,,('!..'.,1 ll;,'!~ Jl;l'1, p ;.l,'i('~lJlOflal ('l'lVIl'()ll;'11(!ll:i!J il;'i~'t',\"-.I- r,.'(lU~re(i Il,. ("[ (.,;:,, ,.','il! i)e [)rel)~.r()(! I'0: '.il(' ('or:¢,irt:Cl~Or~ and er~l~lJem,,?.'~l [):las(' o] ltl(, !~r(')~e(", ~ol:rc(.': '1 !..'51~FI C;en,.,r~:l f'[an I')ubl< Safety Elernen: SI:C1 ION 1 Discussion ~)i l:~vir(mmenla[ l. valuation Pr¢)l)ert~.. ,\('qui,ithm: 14722 Newport Av('nut' Seplemlx'r 21,1 Page f) 10. Noise Ilems a and l) -"No Impact" A properly acquisilior~ by itself will not result on increased noise nor will it expose peel)lc Io severe noise levels. Sut)seqt~ent lo acquisition of Ih(: properly, a final Fojec! design for the Youth Center will be prepared. At that time additional environmental analysis required [)y C[QA will be prepared for Ihe construction and entillemenl phase of the Project. .Sotlrce: Field verification -lustin General Plan Noise [.lenient 11. Public Services Items ~'i.'. arx! r' - "l ('ss lhan Sip. nifica~, I~lll'~;i("," .,'~, l)r'qx'r:'r' ik (1tJit-:l[():l [)v itself l)rokxct~()[~ or for acid]lional scl~ools -i il,r` acquis]ltO[] v, t[i C4~.USL' ;.:. ies', ~il;.t[; Stgr~]fICaf'~l ~f'~crea.,,e [r~ file i"l(:'e(J rnain~enar~ce of the facility and oliver' p, overr~rrl(:r~ial service,.',. -l'he cost is considered .(';,ut_).'-equer~ Ir.) a(.'(:'.][.':,[l~Of~ of the [)rol)erty, a I1|~![ [L"O~r.'Ct dc.,bt['.:~ for the VOU[i'l will be pre['~.red, ~.t li'~at time additional (:;'w[ronrnen:al analysis required bv CEQ.:,, x-,'i][ !;,.-' ;)rt:,t)i~,e,:J ;'()r ll'~r., conslructior'~ a~'~d t~r'~]tier'~ent ;')i~ax~ of tilt, Project. [:leid verification lusti:'. General Plan Public Safe:~.' and Open Space.' Co:}.-erx'a~ ior~/Recrea! ior: Eleme.'~'.s 12. Ulililies Iler'ns a lhrou.qh .q - "No Iml)aCl" A property acquisition by ilself will not result in an impact on pov,,er or natural gas, communicatior~s systems, local or regional water treatment or distribution facilities, sevver or septic tanks, storm water drainage, solid waste disposal or loc:al and regional water supplies. Subsecluenl to acquisition of life l)rol)(?rl~.', a final project design for Ihe YOulh Ccrllcr will be prepared, at that time additional environmental analysis required by CEQA will be prepared for th- constrt,ct~c)r'~ and (,r:jitlemer~t phase of Ihe Project. Field veriflcatiof~ 13. .,",,esl her ics Iten]s ;.] [hr()L]t,'J~ C - "Nc) Ir~:Z;~C!'- SubseqLJenl to acquisition of ti~:~ ;'~roper:',, ~. :;:".;'..! [)rojccl (J("sign for thC' Yot~th Cente." will [')e .pre.:)are,:~, ~: li~n: lira,' a.,'i.:~l:io':,'!' ,,':~', ~::~>"~:':~c.~r'~l,:i[ a;~l~.':dS r.:'CltJ~r(?CJ [)\' Gl'('.!"'. .~()~.1 FCC: J:; ,'2. JG 'Tus[~n General Pla:; l ~.n,,': L.'>,:.'. i.:lement .(;ECl lC),",,' I [)isct,.',skm (~f I n,.ir(~r~nm[~tal I valt,ati~f [)r()j)(_'rly ,\cqui,,Jli(~n:1-1722 NeWl)(Jrl Avenue Scl)feral)er 52 1,1995 Page 8 14. CUI.TURA[ RESOURCFS Items a lhrotl?j~ d - "N() Iml3acl" A property acquisition l)y itself ,.,,,ill not disturb any F)aleontological or archeological reset.roes, I~ave Jim potential lo cause a physical change afl'ecti~g unique cultural values or restrict exist~!,, religious or sacred uses of Ihe s~te or the potential impact area. SLJJ,)SeCILiO~Ii lO acquisition of the property, a final project design for the Youth Center will be prepared, at thal time additional environmental analysis required by CEQA will be preF)ared for ll~e construction and entitlement phase of li~(., I"roject. Field verifica!ion Ci!v ()f-I .,,.stir) Cultural Resources Survey t,~oporl '! tl:'.ll:'~ t'.";t'[It'r',lJ l'I,m. Open 15. Recreation 5ubsec.lu(.~r;: lc; ~icqUlSli~(')~ (.)f ti'J(.~ properly, a final [)roleCl (iesi?: for Il)o' Youth Center \.,'ill L)e prepared, a: :l~al time aciditiona[ em,'ironmenla] anai\'s~s ~eauired by CEQA v,'~JJ i)O pr(..':;,?,;O¢! ;'.~)' ;i~(, ('O:~5lrLJCliOn and ontitiem(2r'll [.)}~..'-,(.., o:' us:in C()mmunil\.' 5ervicos General Plan Open Space:Con s ~ r~ ,.. i()z~ R(.. crc,:, Jun ~:iemer~'. SI:C11()~< l .~uj)ler'nl)er 2 I, 1 9U.$ 16. Mandalory Findings of Sigr~ificance Ilen'ls n lJ'~r'otll'~l'~ ri - "No In'ill;ici" A ioroperly acquisition by itself will riot result in: The potential lo degrade linc., quality of :lie en\,irorlment, substaf~tially reduce ti~e I~abilal of fish or wildJim N)ecie~, cause fish or wilcllife populatLon to dr'ol) i~elow self-sustaining level~, li~reate~ to eliminate I)la~l or animal (:onmmnities, reduce tlw numt)er or restricl the range of a rare or endangered planl or animaJ or elin~inate ~ml~orJan~ exan~j)les of tnajor l)eriods of Califor~ia i~sto~v ()r' I)rel~islory; 'JJ'~(." ac:l~i(.~\'('"Fnerll o]'.'.;Il():: i(!."ll: !",(),!!.', I(.) tJl(..:', (J[~,;l(J~,,:l:ll,P.~.'.(, ():' J()~l'., '- (.~[1 v J [ Of'l [TI(?II [,~1 i City of Tust/n REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RESOLUTION CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS RESOLUTION NO. RDA 95-8 Pamela Stoker, Recording Secretary of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the Community Redevelopment Agency is five; that the above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency held on the 20th day of November, 1995, by the following vote: AGENCY MEMBER AYES: AGENCY MEMBER NOES: AGENCY MEMBER ABSTAINED: AGENCY MEMBER ABSENT: Potts, Worley, Doyle, Saltarelli, Thomas None None None Pamela Stoker, Ci~' ~lerk