Agenda Item
City Manager
Finance Director
The current Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) amongst the various governmental
agencies forming the Orange County Auto Theft Task Force (OCATT) expired in
January 2010. The new MOA is necessary to grant the Police Department's continued
participation in the program. The new MOA will be for an eight-year period, as set forth
in California Vehicle Code section 9250.14 as amended by Assembly Bill 286. The
Police Department has one police officer assigned to the program.
It is recommended that the City Council:
Approve the Police Department's continued participation in the Orange County
Auto Theft Task Force (OCATT).
Authorize the Chief of Police to sign the
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and
all related documents.
There will be no impact on the City's General Fund. All the operational costs of the
program, plus the officer's salary, benefits and overtime are fully funded by the program.
The California Legislature passed into law Senate Bill 2139, authorizing the Board of
Supervisors to impose a one dollar fee on all vehicles registered in the County at the
time of renewal. On January 12, 1993, the Orange County Board of Supervisors
passed Resolution 93-54 allowing that fee to fund amulti-jurisdictional task force
targeting vehicle theft. OCATT was formed as a result of this funding.
Police Department's Continued Participation in OCATT
April 6, 2010
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Vehicle theft remains the most costly property crime in California, and for that matter, in
the United States. Due to the efforts of OCATT and other task forces, a substantial
decrease in the number of vehicle thefts occurred for a third straight year in California.
In 2008, there was more than a 12% decrease from the previous year in the number of
vehicles stolen state-wide. Since 1999, there has not been a double digit decrease in
the number of vehicles stolen in California.
Even with the recent decrease, on average, a vehicle is stolen every two minutes in
California! In 2008, 199,766 vehicles were stolen with an estimated value of $1.35
billion. The good news is approximately 87% of the vehicles were recovered due in
large part to task forces such as OCATT.
The Tustin Police Department began participation in the program by assigning one
officer in September 2007. The officer's salary, benefits, and overtime are reimbursed
on a monthly basis. The assigned officer has provided outstanding intelligence and
training to fellow personnel, allowing the department to be more effective in combating
the crime of auto theft. In addition, OCATT has made itself readily available to Tustin
PD on many occasions to support labor-intensive surveillances.
SCOTT M. JOR N, Po ice Chief
~ ~~
Updated January 2010
This Memorandum of Agreement ("M.O.A.") is made and entered into as of January 1,
2010, which date is stated for purposes of reference only, by and between the following
parties: City of Brea, California; City of Buena Park, California; City of Fullerton,
California; City of Huntington Beach, California; City of Laguna Beach, California; City
of Newport Beach, California; City of Placentia, California; City of Tustin; California;
U.C. Irvine; California Highway Patrol; California Department of Insurance; California
Department of Motor Vehicles; and the County of Orange, a political subdivision of the
State of California ("County"). The above-listed entities may be referred to individually
as "Party" or collectively as "Parties."
In an effort to suppress vehicle theft crimes and address mounting public concern, the
California Legislature passed into law Senate Bi112139 (Vehicle Cade Section 9250.14).
This bill authorizes the Board of Supervisors to impose aone-dollar fee on all vehicles
registered in the County at the time of registration renewal to enhance the capacity of
local law enforcement and prosecutors to deter, investigate, and prosecute vehicle theft
On January 12, 1993, The Orange County District Attorney, in conjunction with the
Orange County Chiefs' and Sheriff s Association, requested the Board of Supervisors
adopt a resolution pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 9250.14 specifically to fund amulti-
jurisdictional vehicle theft task force. Resolution No. 93-54 was adopted unanimously,
which results in an additional $1.00 fee to be charged on each Orange County new and
renewal vehicle registration.
Assembly Bill 286 amended Vehicle Code Section 9250.14 to extend the repeal date to
January 1, 2018 and thus extend the $1.00 fee to be charged on vehicle registrations and
the continuous appropriation to fund the multi jurisdictional vehicle theft task force.
Vehicle theft is the most costly property crime in the United States. Auto theft results in
monetary losses to victims and affects auto insurance costs for the driving public.
Auto theft in Orange County has decreased I9.7 percent in 2008 as compared to 2007
statistics. There were 7,633 vehicles stolen in Orange County in 2008, which is
approximately 4% of the statewide number of stolen vehicles. Combined efforts of
California law enforcement agencies, and the hard work of the multi jurisdictional
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vehicle theft task forces like Orange County Auto Theft Task Force (OCATT), coupled
with prevention efforts by the public and vehicle manufacturers, have made for a
substantial decrease in the number of vehicle thefts statewide for a third consecutive year.
In 2008, there was a more than 12 percent decrease from the previous (2007) year, in the
number of vehicles stolen statewide. Not since 1999 had there been a double digit
decrease in the number of vehicles stolen in California. Even with the recent decrease,
on average, a vehicle is stolen every two minutes in California. In 2008, 199,766
vehicles were stolen in California with an estimated value of $1.35 billion. Of the
vehicles stolen statewide in 2008, nearly 87 percent were successfully recovered.
To reduce the incidence of vehicle theft and increase the apprehension of the professional
vehicle thief.
A. Objectives
1. Interface with the Regional Narcotics Suppression Program (RNSP), Orange County
Gang Task Force, Orange Coast Regional Career Criminal Apprehension Program
(CCAP), California Highway Patrol (CHP) Investigative Services, Department of
Motor Vehicles (DMV), Department of Justice (DOJ), and all agencies within Orange
County for the sharing of intelligence related to vehicle theft.
2. Increase the arrests of vehicle theft suspects, particularly the professional thieves
participating in stripping, renumbering for resale, exportation, and car jackings.
3. Identify locations supporting vehicle theft offenses and take the appropriate
enforcement action. These locations may include legitimate businesses (repair/body
shops and dismantlers) used for illegal activities and sites of "chop shop" operations.
4. Identify local trends and/or patterns of vehicle theft activities targeted by task force
5. Increase the recovery rate of stolen vehicles in Orange County.
6. Provide a fundamental, vehicle theft investigation repository of vehicle theft
expertise, support, coordination and functional database.
7. Provide a forum for public awareness of vehicle theft prevention. This will be
accomplished through coordination with local media to expose the vehicle theft
program and encourage public participation, while discouraging potential vehicle
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OCATT, having already been formed by participating law enforcement agencies, is
organized as follows:
A. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall act as the Board of Directors of the Orange County Auto
Theft Task Force and direct the affairs of such. The Executive Committee shall be
comprised of members from law enforcement agencies. The composition of the
Executive committee may be adjusted with a majority vote of the existing Committee
members. Members of the Executive Committee should meet as needed, to review task
force operations and provide guidance and input. The Chief of the District Attorney's
Bureau of Investigation Unit shall serve as Director and Chairperson of the Executive
Committee. Quorum voting of the Executive Committee shall be by majority vote and by
committee members only. Board vacancies shall be filled by majority vote of the
Executive Committee.
B. Task Force Coordinator
A Lieutenant of the California Highway Patrol will staff the Coordinator's position. The
coordinator will be responsible for management of the task force and will be accountable
to the Executive Committee. The lieutenant will dedicate that amount of time necessary
to efficiently manage the Task Force. The Parties to this M.O.A. agree that the
coordinator's salaries and benefits will not be reimbursed by the task force fund.
C. Supervision
The task force will be comprised of two investigative teams assigned by the task force
coordinator, dictated by vehicle theft trends and demographics. Supervision of the
investigative teams will be the responsibility of the sergeant, a working member of the
team. Selection of task force supervisors will be based upon level of expertise, previous
performance and availability. Selection of the supervisors will be from a qualified pool
of candidates provided by participating agencies. The selection shall be the responsibility
of the task force coordinator with concurrence of the Executive Committee. The Parties
to this M.O.A. agree that salaries and benefits associated with supervisory positions will
be reimbursed by the task force fund.
D. Prosecution Staff
The District Attorney's Office will assign up to two prosecutors and one investigator to
work alongside task force members. The prosecutors will provide legal review and file
task force cases warranting criminal complaints. All task force cases will be vertically
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OCATT - MOA. January 2010
The District Attorney's investigator will act as liaison between task force members and
prosecutors and participate in investigations and the tiling of criminal cases. The Parties
to this M.O.A. agree that salaries and benefits for these three positions will be reimbursed
by the task force fund.
E. Investigators
The task force shall be staffed by qualified detectives/investigators. Assignment to the
task force shall be for a minimum of two years. Due to the sensitive nature of the
position, personnel recommended for assignment will be subject to selection interviews
by the coordinator and supervisors. Consideration for assignment is based on previous
performance, investigative experience and ability to work well with others in a covert and
close environment.
Personnel not meeting acceptable standards of performance or refusing to comply with
task force policies and procedures may be removed from the task force assignment.
Should the task force coordinator have cause to remove a member, he shall discuss the
issue with the participating agency. If the participating agency does not concur with the
task force coordinator's decision to remove the member, the issue shall be forwarded to
the Executive Committee for resolution. It is agreed, however, the resolving of
operational issues at the lowest level serves the best interest of the task force. The Parties
to this M.O.A. agree that salaries and benefits associated with these
detectives/investigators will be reimbursed from the task force fund.
F. Administrative Support Staff
The Office of the District Attorney will provide up to two Attorney's Clerk to the task
force. These positions will support office/administrative operations and task force
personnel and provide clerical liaison between participating agencies.
An Accounting staff will be provided by the Office of the District Attorney to handle all
aspects of accounting; budgeting; purchasing; financial reporting including receipt,
disbursement and reconciliation of task force fund. This position will be responsible for
providing a quarterly and/or annual accounting of the fund. The Parties to this M.O.A.
agree that the salaries and benefits for these three positions will be reimbursed by the task
force fund.
G. California Department of Insurance (DOII
The Department of Insurance will assign one full-time investigator to the task force. The
Parties to this M.O.A. agree that all salary and benefit expenses for this member will be paid
by DOI and will not be reimbursed by the task force fund. Further, the Parties to this
M.O.A. agree that overtime expenses for this member will be reimbursed to DOI by the task
force fund. Refer to Section IV.D, Overtime, for further requirements. DOI will provide
this investigator's vehicle. OCATT may provide a vehicle if one is available.
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H. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Special Investigator
The Department of Motor Vehicles, Investigations Division, will assign an investigator to
the task force on a part time basis to assist with records information including vehicle
backgrounds, fraudulent identification (vehicles/persons), identification of suspects,
document analysis, etc. Expenses for this investigator position will not be reimbursed by
the task force fund.
Should the need for afull-time investigator develop, the Department of Motor Vehicles
has offered to provide one full-time investigator. The Parties to this M.O.A. agree that
the investigator's salaries and benefits will not be reimbursed by the task force fund.
Further, the Parties to this M.O.A. agree that overtime expenses for the investigator will
be reimbursed by the task force fund. Refer to Section IV.D, Overtime, for further
requirements. The investigator will provide his/her vehicle, safety equipment and radio,
etc. when reporting to the task force. UCATT may provide a vehicle if one is available.
I. California Highway Patrol
The Department of California Highway Patrol (CHP) will assign two (2) full-time
officers to work as investigators to the task force. The Parties to this M.O.A. agree that
all salaries and benefits accrued by these investigators will be paid by the Department of
California Highway Patrol and will not be reimbursed by the task force fund. Further, the
Parties to this M.O.A. agree that overtime expenses for these investigators will be
reimbursed to the Department of California Highway Patrol by the task force fund up to
the maximum amount agreed upon in the Letter of AgreementlMemorandum of
Understanding between the task force and CHP. Refer to Section IV.D, Overtime, for
further requirements. The task force will supply general support items such as work
space, office furniture, vehicle, communications equipment and other equipment
necessary to perform investigative duties.
A. Salaries and Benefits
The task force coordinator, participating representatives from the Department of
Insurance, the Department of Motor Vehicles, Orange County Probation, California State
Parole, and investigators from the California Highway Patrol, will not be reimbursed for
salaries and benefits.
The salaries, benefits and overtime of all remaining task force participants will be
reimbursed to the participating agencies by the task force fund. The personnel assigned
to the task force will be paid by their respective agencies.
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It shall be the responsibility of the coordinator to institute a system of checks and
balances, whereby, the hours of each participant will be authorized and audited for
accuracy. This information will be reported to the participating agencies' time analyst,
with a copy to the task force accounting staff. The task force coordinator will retain a
copy of this record.
Members assigned to the task force whose salaries and benefits are reimbursed by the
task force fund shall be assigned as a full time position. The administrative processing to
determine payroll by the participating agencies will not be reimbursed.
B. Participant Claims for Reimbursement
Participating agencies may request reimbursement for task force members' regular
salaries, benefits and overtime. Reimbursement will be based on actual hours of program
participation. Overtime expense will be reimbursed using task force member's overtime
pay rate at the time the overtime hours worked regardless of these hours being paid in
cash or converted to compensation time off by participating agencies. Hence, to avoid
duplicate billing, the compensation time off taken by task force members will not be
reimbursed from the task force fund. When OCATT investigators attend training not
related to OCATT duties, i.e. riot training, bomb squad, scuba diving, those hours will
not be paid by OCATT. All claims are subject to approval by the Task Force
It is the responsibility of the task force accounting staff to develop a format for claiming
expenses, with appropriate substantiating data, and to provide a sample of the document
to the participating agencies for claim purposes. Payment of submitted claims will be
processed within 90 days of receipt of invoice in a format acceptable to the task force.
In the unlikely event that revenues fall short of what is required for full recompense;
reimbursement shall be made on a rQo rata, share basis. In no event will general revenues
of the County be used to offset any shortage.
Claims for reimbursement of travel, per diem, lodging, materials, or services necessary to
perform task force activities shall be submitted on an approved claim form specific to
task force operations. All claims are subject to approval by the task force coordinator and
the County of Orange policies and procedures. Upon approval, the coordinator shall
forward the reimbursement claims to the task force accounting staff for payment
processing within 90 days of receipt of claims.
C. Right to Audit
Each party to this agreement shall make available to the county, at all reasonable times,
their financial records relating to this agreement. The County or independent auditor may
audit such records and, should the County determine ineligible costs have been
reimbursed, the agency shall immediately repay that amount deemed ineligible. If not
repaid within 30 days, the County may withhold the amount deemed ineligible from
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future reimbursements. The parties shall maintain the original copies of the required
records for a period of three years after the date the expense is reimbursed.
D. Overtime
The Executive Committee may approve a "not to exceed" monthly allocation of overtime
to be utilized by the task force.
Monthly amounts exceeding this allocation will require written justification by the task
force coordinator for approval of the Executive Committee.
E. Indirect Costs
The County of Orange, through the Office of the District Attorney, receives and is the
financial administrator for all source funds for the Orange County Auto Theft Task Force.
As such, a significant amount of management time will be consumed for the
administration of funds and expenditures associated with these funds, to be reimbursed to
the Office of the District Attorney by the task force fund.
F. ~ecial Fund
The Office of the District Attorney, in order to facilitate task force operations, shall
establish a special appropriation fund. These funds shall be used only as necessary, in the
performance of duties relating to task force activities. Use of special fund will be limited
to special and extraordinary expenses incurred during the investigation of vehicle thefts
in accordance with Government Code Sections 29400 through 29407. Authorization to
use these funds will be determined by the Executive Committee through its Chairperson.
Each participating agency involved in the task force shall have full financial
responsibility for their respective investigators assigned to the task force, including
vehicle accidents and industrial injury claims. Additionally, the agency shall be
responsible for any and all workers' compensation claims of their respective
detective/investigator, in the event of injury during the course and scope of duties while
assigned to the task force.
The County, its officers, agents and employees shall not be deemed to have assumed any
liability for the negligence of participating agencies, officers or employees, and
participating agencies shall hold the County, its officers and employees harmless from
claims and damages resulting there from. Participating agencies and the County shall
hold each other harmless from the liability for acts or omissions of the other.
OCATT - MOA. January 2010 Page 7 of 1 l
Each Party to this agreement agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the other
Parties to this agreement, in regard to liability imposed on the agreeing Parties, due to
acts or omissions of another Party's assigned employees.
Appropriate space will be leased to house task force participants and equipment. The
lease will be paid from the task force fund. The task force office will be centrally located
within Orange County. Location will be selected by the task force coordinator in
conjunction with County of Orange County Executive Office, and approved by the
Executive Committee.
The task force coordinator will be responsible for coordinating the use of and tracking the
equipment assigned to the task force and will utilize approved county procedures for the
accounting of, and safeguarding capital assets and controlled equipment.
A. Vehicles
If the task force is unable to provide a vehicle to the member through task force
resources, participating agencies agree to provide this equipment.
In the event the task force purchases or leases vehicles for use by task force members;
those vehicles will be placed under the County of Orange's self-insured liability policy.
However, any losses, including traffic collisions, thefts, etc., that occur while the vehicle
is under the control of a task force member, shall fall under the liability of the member's
home agency, and that home agency shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other
members, including the County, as detailed in section V of this Memorandum of
Maintenance of vehicles provided by the task force will be paid for by the task force
fund. Each member of the task force will be issued a gasoline card, which shall be used
to purchase gasoline and two car washes per month for their assigned OCATT vehicle.
Members shall submit the receipts monthly to the coordinator who will review, approve
and forward them to the District Attorney Fiscal Services for payment processing.
B. Communications Equipment
Hand held mini-radios and cellular telephones will be acquired in cooperation with the
County of Orange County Executive Office and paid for by the task force fund. The
coordinator, each supervisor, and each detective/investigator will be provided this
equipment. Procedures are in place to ensure proper use and accountability of this
OCATT - MOA. January 2010 Page 8 of 11
C. Additional Equipment
Additional equipment including surveillance equipment, office equipment, computers,
hand tools, binoculars, video cameras, etc. will be purchased by the task force fund and
provided to members from task force inventory. Situations requiring air support, unique
vehicles, or covert assets, will require cooperative scheduling and assistance from
participating agencies.
The use of covert identities to support or enhance undercover operations is essential.
This may require detectives/investigators to possess undercover driver's licenses, and/or
other sources of identification.
The procurement, utilization, and control of these documents will rest with the
participating agencies. Detectives/investigators will be expected to bring covert
documents with them at the time of assignment.
Task force operations, which result in the potential for either State or Federal asset
seizures, shall be brought to the attention of the Executive Committee. The Committee
will assess whether or not an application for asset forfeiture sharing will be made
pursuant to appropriate State or Federal law. Any forfeited funds paid to the task force
shall be retained by the task force to pay for operational expenses.
A. The task force coordinator will be responsible for implementing a reporting
system, which tracks team activities, statistics, and accomplishments of task force
operations. This reporting system will serve as the basis for quarterly reports to
the Executive Committee and ensure accountability of resources, personnel and
B. The coordinator will submit an operational report to the Executive Committee on
a semi-annual or annual basis.
C. The annual report will be provided to the County Board of Supervisors, with
copies to each participating City Council.
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The Parties may amend any portion of this M.O.A., as long as such amendments are done
in writing and do not materially alter the obligations of the Parties hereunder.
This agreement shall commence on January 1, 2010, and remain in effect until the
termination of task force funding on the close of business, January 1, 2018, as set forth in
Vehicle Code Section 9250.14 amended by Assembly Bi11286. Participating agencies
may elect to terminate the agreement prior to its designated termination date. Any
agency desiring to terminate its participation in this agreement shall indicate such intent
in writing to the Executive Committee. The termination shall be deemed to take effect
not less than 30 days after receipt of the written communication or upon a date
established by mutual agreement.
The undersigned state they represent and have the authority to execute this agreement on
behalf of their respective agencies and, in signing this agreement, concur with and
support the Orange County Auto Theft Task Force, as set forth in this agreement and
for the period and purposes as stated herein.
Chair, Board of Supervisors
County of Orange
City of Brea
City of Buena Park Date
California Highway Patrol Date
OCATT - MOA. January 2010 Page 10 of 11
California Department of Insurance
California Department of Motor Vehicles Date
City of Fullerton Date
City of Huntington Beach Date
City of Laguna Beach Date
City of Newport Beach Date
Placentia Police Department Date
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Tustin Police D rtment Date
U. C. Irvine Date
,3y l / ~D uty
Date /0 /O
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