HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA 85-04 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 115 17 18 10 27 28 RDA RESOLUTION NO. 85-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN DETERMINING THE ADEQUACY OF THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR 85-1) AND PROPOSED AMENDMENT FOR THE SOUTH/CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT The Redevelopment Agency of the city of Tusttn hereby resolves as follows: I. The Redevelopment Agency hereby finds and determines the following: AJ A Preliminary Plan has been prepared and circulated for a proposed amendment to the South/Central Redevelopment Project. A proposed plan amendment to the South/Central Redevelopment Project has been prepared for consideration by the Planning Commission and Advisory Committee, based on the Preliminary Plan. Ce A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR 85-1) has been prepared by Phillips Brandt Reddick, following notice of preparation and staff review. Dm Draft EIR 85-1 adequately addressed environmental matters of concern as identified in the Initial Study and incorporates mitigating measures. II. The Redevelopment Agency hereby transmit~ the Environmental Impact Report and proposed South/Central Redevelopment Project Plan Amendment to the Planning Commission for public hearing, report and recommendations and authorizes circulation of Draft EIR 85-1 as prescribed by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Redevelopment Agency held on the 3rd day of June , 1985. ANKH. GREINKE, Chairman MARY WY?,~, Secret~t~y AIqEMDIqEIIT NO. 1 TO THE REDEYELOPIqE#T PLAN FOR THE SOUTH[CENTRAL REDEYELOPIqEIIT PROJECT SECTION 1. SECTION I (Sec.lO0) OF THE SOUTH/CENTRAL AREA REDEVELOP#ENT PROJECT PLAN IS AIqE#DED TO READ: I. ($ec.100) INTRODUCTION This is the Redevelopment Plan for the South/Central Redevelopment Project areas in the City of Tustin {the "City"), County of Orange, State of California, and consists of the Text and the Redevelopment Plan Map ("Map"). This Redevelopment Plan was prepared by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tusttn {the "Agency") pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California (Health & Safety Code, Section 33000, [et.seq.]), the California Constitution, and all applicable local laws and ordinances. This Redevelopment Plan provides the Agency with powers, duties, and obligations to implement and further the program generally formulated in this Redevelopment Plan for the redevelopment, rehabilitation, revitalization and maintenance of the areas within the boundaries shown on the Map. This Redevelopment Plan does not present a specific plan nor establish specific projects for the redevelopment, rehabilitation and revitalization of any area within the South/Central Redevelopment Project area boundaries. This Redevelopment Plan does not present specific proposals in an attempt to solve or alleviate the multitude of concerns and problems of the community and the citizenry relating to any such areas. Instead, this Redevelopment Plan presents a process and a basic framework within which specific plans will be presented, specific projects will be established, and specific solutions will be proposed, and by which tools are provided to the Agency to fashion, develop, and proceed with such specific plans, projects and solutions. It is the intention of this plan to encourage private enterprise to engage in as much of the redevelopment activities as possible. The exception to this being those duties or improvements which normally fall within activities of the public sector or require participation or assistance in order to expedite the project activities. An environmental assessment of the general nature of the project is included in Section XII of this plan. A specific and focused Environmental Impact Report pertaining to the extension of Newport Avenue to Edinger and possible grade separation at Red Hill and Edtnger has been prepared by LSA, Inc. A copy of the focused EIR is on file with the City Engineer and in the Tusttn Branch of the Orange County Library for public review and comment. This plan is separate and distinct from the Redevelopment Plan for the Town Center Area Redevelopment Project. RDA Amendment page two Amendment No. I to the South/Central Redevelopment Project is an addendum to the Redevelopment Plan for the purpose of expanding the project boundaries to accommodate necessary public improvements and to provide a circulation system to serve the area. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR 85-2) has been prepared in conjunction with this amendment and copies are on file with the Community Development Department of the City of Tustin and the Tustin Branch of the Orange County Library. Except as specifically herein amended, the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan for the South/Central Redevelopment Project, adopted August 1, 1983, shall apply to the entire project area including the territory added by this amendment. The finding of blight in the area of amendment and justification for the expansion of the project boundaries are contained within the Report to the City Council. SECTION 2. SECTION II (Sec. 200) OF THE SOUTH/CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN IS AMENDED TO REAO: II. (Sec. 200) PROJECT AREA BOUNDARIES The boundaries of the project areas are illustrated by the maps shown as Exhibit 1 and further described by the following legal descriptions for the South and Central areas. The South area is generally described as the area southerly of the I-5 freeway bounded by the Costa Mesa Freeway on the west, Newport Avenue on the east and Edinger on the south. The Central area is generally described as the area southerly of Main and Bryan Streets bounded by Newport Avenue on the west, a line along C.C. Lambert School on the east and Bonita Street on the south. The boundaries of the amended area are illustated by the map shown as Exhibit A and further described by the attached legal description. The amendment area is generally described as the 137.7 acres bounded by Edinger Street, Red Hill Avenue, Valencia Avenue, and the Costa Mesa Freeway (SR 55). SECTION 3. SECTION III. A. (Sec. 301) OF THE SOUTH/CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN IS AMENDED TO READ: Ae (Sec. 301) Land Use Limitations Limitations on the use of land within the project area are governed by the General Plan for the City, the City Zoning Ordinance, specific plans for territory within a project area, and the City Municipal Code. ^M~'NDh4~NT IN ~ITY O~ TtJ~TIN -VAb6H, ;h ,¢ I Ils b~6~HO: page three LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE AMENDMENT TO TH E SOUTH-CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN That portion of Lots 65, 66, 67, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82'and 83 in Block 10 of the Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Page 88, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, and that portion of Section 16, Township 5 South, Range 9 West, San Bernardino Meridian, all being in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southerly corner of the existing boundary of the South-Central Redevelopment Project Area adopted by the City of Tustin per Resolution No. 81-13 on December 7, 1981, said Southerly corner being the intersection of the Southwesterly prolongation of the Southeasterly line of Red Hill Avenue (60 feot half-street) and the Southeasterly prolongation of the Southwesterly line of Edinger Avenue (formerly Moulton Parkway, 40 foot bali-street); Thence leaving said existing South-Central Redevelopment Project Area boundary along said Southeasterly line of Red Hill Avenue and its Southwesterly prolongation, South 39053' 23" West 890.57 feet to an angle point in said Southeasterly line; Thence continuin~ along said Southeasterly line of Red Hill Avenue North 50u06' 07" West to an angle point on said South- easterly line of Red Hill Avenue. (50 foot half-street); Thence continuing along said Southeasterly line of Red Hill Avenue and its Southwesterly prolongation South 39053'23'' West 1360.95 feet to a point on the Southeasterly prolongation of the Southwesterly line of Valencia Avenue (40 foot half-street); Thence along said Southwesterly line and said Southeasterly prolongation of Valencia Avenue North 5~05' 12" West 2660.97 feet to a point on the existing City of Tustin Boundary created by the Warner-Sycamore Annexation adopted as Ordinance No. 245, dated December 2, 1963 and the Irvine-Myford Annexation No. 81 adopted as Ordinance No. 716, dated April 4, 1977, said City of Tustin Boundary also being the Southeasterly line of Old Newport Avenue (30 foot half-street); Thence along said existing City of Tustin Boundary through the following courses and distances: North 39053'38'' East 2230.81 feet more or less, North 50006'22'' West 60.00 feet, North 39°5~'38"'East 20.00 feet to a point on said existing boundary of the South-Central Redevelopment Project Area, also being on the Northwesterly prolongation of the previously said Southwesterly line of Edinger Street (40 foot half-street); Thence along said existing boundary of the South-Central Redevelopment Project Area South 50006'07" East 2730.77 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. The above described land contains 137.746 acres, more or less. page four RDA Amendment page five SECT[ON 4. SECT[ON I¥. D. (Sec. 404) OF THE SOUTH/CENTRAL REDEYELOP#ENT PROJECT PLAN IS ANE#DED TO READ: D. (Sec. 404) Project Area Committee The City Council on January 4, 1982 by Resolution No. 82-1 created a project area committee. The composition of the committee was amended by Resolution No. 83-8, adopted on February 7, 1983 to consist of the following: Chamber of Commerce - Mr. Jeff McElderry Tusttn Unified School District - Mr. Larry Sutherland Residential Owner Occupants - Ms. Betty Truit, Mr. Jori Harrison Residential Tenants - Mr. Elmo Anderson, Ms. Ann Durkee Community Representatives - (as appointed by the Council) Pursuant to Section 33385.5 of the Community Redevelopment Law, Mr. Jeffrey K. Gwin, Regional Director of the Santa Fe Pacific Realty Corp. (a major land owner within the project area) was appointed to the Project Area Committee on March 4, 1985. On March 18, 1985, the Redevelopment Agency appointed Mary Lilly as a member of the Project Area Committee. Pursuant to Article 6.5, Chapter 4, California Redevelopment Law, this plan was reviewed by the Project Area Committee during its preparation. SECT[ON 5. SECT[ON IV. K. (Sec. 411.9) IS ADDED TO THE SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROdECT PLAN TO READ: 9. (Sec. 411.9) Improvements in Amended Area Potential transportation improvements are shown by Figure 1, and cost estimates for the project area are shown by Table IV-2, extracted from the Austtn-Foust Associates Inc., Circulation Study, dated January 9, 1985. The projects are more fully described in the Austin-Foust Study and consist of the following: (1) Newport Avenue Southerly Extension Newport Avenue is proposed for southerly extension by grade separation over the Santa Ana (F-lO) Flood Control Channel, ATSF Railroad mainline, and Edinger Street to interconnect with Valencia. · Railroad \ \ . overcrossing ....... _~.~..~ ...~~~ ........... ~-:..-.-~?_.:~--~u~' ............. . , ' ~o~.~ II '~ '~ C---' ' '~-": ...... ~i~ I ", :%" N~ AUSTIN- I~OUST AIIOCIATII, INC. Figure -1 PROPCSED CIRCLrf~TION PLAN V-2 page six 1. ~ewporz Avenue Extension iOT..AL Table IV-2 SLZ~IARY OF COST ESTT~TES ....................... AL/ERNAIIVE 1 2 3a 3b 2,500,000 3,700,000 3,300,000 3,300,000 5_~O, ~O9 6a.125..~ 000 ~3._50 ,'30._~0 6. 350?)00 8,000,000 9,825,000 9,650,990 9,650,000 South 5'ewport Avevue Construct Bight-of-Way 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,300,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,300,000 ~. V~iencia Freeway ~amps Con$~Jct~on 600,000 600,000 600,600 600,0~) ~. fd/~ger improvements Co~structl.Tn 500,990 500,000 500,000 500,000 5. Red Hill Im~¥rcvement$ Construction 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Construction Right-of~Way IOTa/. 4,100,000 5,300,000 4,900,000 %900,000 10,600,000 13,i25,000 12,950,000 13,250,000 page seven IV- 14 ............... RDA Amendment page et ght SECTION 6. Ae (2) Relocation of Costa Mesa Freeway (SR-55) Ramps The northbound off-ramp to Edinger Avenue would be deleted and replaced by northbound on/off-ramps at Valencia. (3) Internal Circulation Improvements Circulation improvements southerly of Edinger will vary depending upon the alternative design that is selected. All alternatives will require a connection to the Valencia freeway ramp. Among the alternatives are a new roadway parallel to Del Amo and the realignment of a section of Edinger Street. (4) Edtnger Street Improvement Edinger will be widened to full six-lane arterial from Red Hill to SR-55 with public improvements consisting of street lights, fire hydrants, sidewalks, median and parkway landscaping. (5) Red Hill Avenue Improvements Red Hill Avenue will be widened to full six-lane arterial within the project limits. (6) Traffic Signals Traffic signals will be replaced at Red Hill intersection with Edtnger and Valencia and a new signal will be required at Red Hill and Industrial Drive. Flood control and storm drain facilities are proposed to carry storm water from the interior of the project area to the Red Hill Storm Drain (FOg-P15) and on to the Barranca Channel (F-O9). The cost of drainage improvements is estimated at $1.4 million. SECTION V. A. (Sec. 501) OF Tile SOUlll CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN IS AMENDED TO READ: (Sec. 501) General Description of the Proposed Financing Method The Agency is authorized to finance this project with financial assistance from the City, State of California, tax increment funds, interest income, agency bonds, or any other available source, public or private. Advances and loans for survey and planning and for the operating capital for nominal administration of this project have been and are to be provided by the City until adequate tax increment or other funds are available, or sufficiently assured, to repay the advances and loans and to permit RDA Amendment page ni ne borrowing adequate working capital from sources other than the City. The City as it is able, may also supply additional assistance through City loans and grants for various public facilities. As available, gas tax funds from the State of California and the County of Orange may be used for the street system. Some revenue will also accrue to the Project from interest earned on investment of Agency funds. Also, all or a portion of the parking required pursuant to this Plan may be installed through a parking authority or otherwise. The Agency is authorized to issue bonds from time-to-time if it deems appropriate to do so and within the limits expressed in Chapter 6, Article 5 of the Redevelopment Law. SECTION 7. In addition to the revenue sources as described above, supplemental funds will be required to finance the public improvements. Alternative supplemental revenues can be derived from one-time development fees and/or assessment district. An assessment district could include territory outside of the project area, on the premise that benefits would accrue to other properties along the Red Hill Corridor. The regional benefits of the grade separation of Newport Avenue and the costs of the project justify financial contributions from other governmental agencies. SECTION VII (Sec. 700) OF THE SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN IS AMENDED TO READ: VII. (Sec. 700) LIMITATION ON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS The South/Central Redevelopment Project may not exceed fifteen million of outstanding bonded indebtedness of which not more than ten million may be financed through tax increment funds. Any increase in the amount of bonded indebtedness shall require an amendment to the Redevelopment Plan. SECTION 8. SECTION XII. A. (Sec. 1201.8) IS ADDED TO THE SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN, TO READ: 8. (Sec. 1201.8) Impact of Amended Project Area An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been prepared by Phillip Brandt Reddtck to evaluate the adverse impacts of the project within the area of amendment. The EIR is an element of the project report submitted by the agency to the City Council. Copies of the EIR have been furnished to all taxing entities. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and Secretary Clerk of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole num- ber of the members of the City Council as the Community Redevelopment Agency is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. RDA 85-4 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council as the Community Redevelopment Agency held on the 3rd day of JuNe, 1985, by the following vote: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: COUNCILPERSONS: COUNCILPERSONS: COUNCILPERSONS: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli None None MARY E[ WY.N~, City Cl~)'k/Secretary Clerk City of Tu~Jin, California