HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA 81-041 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 81-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE TUSTIN CO-MUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING A NEW CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, RESOLVES as follows: 1. That the new Conflict of Interest Code, a copy of which is attached hereto, be approved and adopted. 2. That a copy of this resolution and attached Conflict of Interest Code be transmitted to the City Council of the City of Tustin, as the Code -Reviewing Body, for approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency of the City Tustin, California, this __ 18th_ day of _Mav , 1981. ATTEST: SECRETAR �- CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE OF THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (Government Code Sections 87300-87302) ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1.1 Purpose. Pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Sections 87300 et seq., the Governing Body of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency hereby adopts the following Conflict of Interest Code. Nothing contained herein is intended to modify or abridge the provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974. (Government Code Sections 81000 et seq.) Incorporation by reference of the terms of this regulation along with the designation of employees and ti:e formulation of disclosure cate- gories in the Appendix referred to below constitute the adoption and promulgation of a Conflict of Interest Code within the :Weaning of Government Code Section 87300. Such procedures will require the reporting of reportable items in a manner substantially ::Iuivaient to the re,luirements of Article 2 of Chapter 7 of the Political Reform Act. The requirements of a Conflict of Interest Code are in addition to other requirements of the Political Reform Act, such as the general ��rohibition against con-licts of interest contained in Government ;:ode Section 87100, and to other state or local laws pertaining to cornTl_i_cts of interest. Section 1.2 Seve-rability. If any article, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Code is for any reason held to be invalid, unconstitutional or unenforceable, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Code. It is declared that each -1- rC': �' in? articl'., section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, clt];:__ and phrase of this Code 4ould have been adopted irce ::ective o- _ =? fact that .,ny one or more of s.1ch portions of ti]i3 _:ode be (3ec_ar:.-.i invalid, unconstitutional and unenforceable. section 1.3 Effective Date. This Code shall take effect ten ;'_0) days after approval by the City Council of the City of Tustin, acting as the Code Reviewing Body, pursuant to Government Code ;Section 87303. The previous Conflict of Interest Code, adooted pursuant to Resolution No. RDA 80-5, shall be repealed concurrently wit*-. tte effective date of this Code. =-ction 1.4. Definitions. As used in this Code, unless the context ot_:er".<isc clearly implies, the following words and terns stay_ 1 ":..: _^e .-eaninys set forth herein. Age_nc, : 11r1gency" :::cans the Tustin Redevelopment Age^C_ , which r:az creat:�.3 pUr ;s:ant to tl'le C07:.71urlity Redevelopment La,,-: c:):-m-encing a_ =:ealth and Safety Code Section 33000, et sect., and are CUt('�h'.':'.1nUUS Wlt:'i t'.r1e C)U:-1'?d.%1r1eS of the City r=jStir.. !6) ;3u _- 'ntity: "Business; emit,"" means any organization for p "J� t not limited to a t_ lt, inClJ,alrl_1 li_ t -fir-, partner:sr'-AP, business trust, joint venture, S';,n- _4 c,ate, co Y_ tion or ass—.)ciation. c) Secret rv: "Secretary" mean.s the Clerk of the Agency. { J, Cons]_ __.^t: "ConSLlltant" means a :�ositlon established by contract wit:'. -::e Agency pursuant to which contract information, a ivice-, recom-ic—. : ]tion or counsel is provide to the Agency; -2- provided, however, that "consultant" shall not include a position in which the person providing such information, advice, recommendation or counsel: (1) conducts research and arrives at conclusions with respect to his or her rendition of information, advice, recommendation or counsel independent of the control and direction of the Agency or of any Agency official, other than normal contract monitoring; and (2) possesses no authority with respect to any Agency decision beyond the rendition of information, advice, recommendation or counsel. (e) County: "County" means the County of Orange. (f) Designated Employee: "Designated employee" means any official of the Agency whose position is designated in Appendix "A" of this Code. Appendix "A" sets forth those positions which ra} is decisions which may en a -L the rna _i ng or par_ici�� _i�l z L -t foreseeably have a material, financial effect on any financial interests of the c:esignated employee, but does not include any unsalaried mem:D--r of any 3oard or Commission whic}1 serves a solely advisory function. (g) D1S i05';re Statements* "Disclo ure statements" means statements disclosing reportable interests required, by Section 2.2, to be filed by designated employees. (h) Family: "Family" means the souse and dependent children of the designated employee. -3- (i) Jurisdiction: "jurisdiction" mean; within the boundaries of the Agency. (_j) Official: "Official" :Weans any natural person who is a ..'mher or alt-ernatec' o x.10 c]oVerning body, or is an of[lc,-'r, employee .,r consu. .;:i:•.. o._ the Agency. (k) Reportable Interests: "Reportable interests" means investments, interests in real ;property and income rc--quired to be disclosed by designated employees. "Reportable interests" as to any particular designated e �loyee means those categories of suc1: interests assigned, by F:n_,,endix "A" attached hereto, to the designated position held v sach employee. "Reportable interests" as to any particular e:nrlolyee are deemed ::y said _'.:;slgnment to be ffected for--:a.(--ably and materially by any decision made carparticipa ter'. i :, :�y the cie�ignated e..._�lol,ee by virtue of his or her position. (1) Except ot-hc-rwi s - indicated, the def ini = c)ns contained in the Political Reform Act of i97/4 (Government Code Sections 810,5-0 et seq. ) anti _•,gulatio-._, adopted purs,]ant them _o are incorporated into t --,'-.is Confii.ct of Interest Code. .,, - ..=i_I...i�F. I Section 2.1. Desic-snate:i vm.olovees. The persons Holding posl'..ionf3 lis, -o-11 i., .:�;�nr.j].X �__� -are designated It Ila`, been that these o' icer::; and e,,n.)Ioyee- .":ake or- participate rK)aY"tiClate in t1':C "?? k.l.?C? of :c'C'i..io[?S%111C11 IT1aV foreseeably have, a material c `ect on f is?anti 1 interests. Section 2.2 '-`isc.losure ;,'-=t c'.ories. T]is Cod_ does not establish any disclosure o1bligation for those designated employees -4- w h c a r o a s (? c i f i e i n Goverm-ent Code Section 87200 if they r i q 'a e j.. 4 L C a cl c� in that s a : T capa c i t y or. if the 1D 111ca, ion of th is ;.gency i, the same as or is L L­'�.. L 4 i n c t e on. inwhich t1r3 L persoms -; %.i a rl t- to A r t i c 1. f% 2 o E i t e r t -s pi r., L Cl a-; ter 7 o4: the :Po 1 i t ica 1 Reform ,\ct , Goverrim.ent Code Sections 87200, et seq. Such nrersons arc covered by this Code for disqualification pjrposes only. 'V'V-ith respect to all other the di!SCIOSUre cate-ories set forth in C'..,,.ec 1 fy which kinds .D,' f inanCial interests are r c! r t,..i %) 1 e, . S-.:c'�- a :J�,si,7inated shall disclo-se in his or -F i n an r- i a interests he State:tienz- ...con-omic In�:ere.�,4 t h os e 1 11111: �P�-Scribrd in th(.., d isc Losu re :.1e has ar:-� of he cat-:1-lories to or ,,he is --.ir=signed in Ar,)pendix "A". it tc f .i:.-.::": 1. t', i e n i c i a n t. (.:. r e!-. L F;et forth in a --closure are il-l-, '!-,inds of ..D (A i f 1`.u'1C.1 1. i at r ich 1-.f, or sh(-., foresf'cabl`J c, n affect I.-. _-1 1 :a .1y L conduct. o h i s or ol I'. co -2 C' S L`" who are require:', to Eile Statements of any -igenc­., C.onf I i ct of- T..nt t or. unir­ '1rt i cle, Tl of th(-.) Political 'Zeform Act for a dif -Lerent ;,.i&,y --xpalrrl their Stat,:2.-ient of Rconomic L L1tC-r(_2,,St.S, i:1 60thl UriSdictions, ::.ill tl-As ex0anded citat(-�.ment %,iith both entities in 1 i e I f f i illi'': and distinct statemu-mts, provided that each c0py oi: s_ -c!-. :_-.xpanded stat-e­.).ent EilCIJI ill T)lace of an original j.:z -;i:p-1e-! by the designated as, if it were .7 D r-. rn.Tient- :"odr2 Section 8100,1. 5 Section_2.3 Place of Filing_ The Code Reviewing Body shall instruct all designated cfiployees required to file Statements of Econo_-,ic Interests pursuant to t_lis ;;onFlict Uf Interest Code to file in accord&ncc• ;:it!: on..:, of tt:c Coli . -)wing procedures: (a) All designates) en-.:.)loyees shall file Statements of Economic Interests with the Agency. Upon receipt of the statements of economic interests of the head of the Agency and members of boards or commissions not under a department of state or local government, the Agency shall -Hake and retain a copy of each and forward the originals of these statements to the Code Reviewing Bode, which shall be the filing officer with respect to these statements. Seel: statement; shall be forwarded to the Code Revie::ing So,'!_, Tdit:,in five (5) clays after the filing, deadline or f4 e (7) days att:_'r receipt in the case of statements flied late. (b) All lesignated e^:i:;_ovees shall. file Statements of c�nD!nic Inti r_c-.�� s :pith the Agency, which: shall ,mace and retain a co,1 ani for�•;ar:: t":e originals to ti?e Code Reviewing Body, which S'c._ii be the iii-, officer. (c) 1-.11 des ignatea eirployces shall file Statements of rcor.o:ric with the Coder Revic— i.ng Body. (See Governrr.F,:t -Code Seection 810 L0 and 2 CaI.Adir•.. Code Section 1811.= for the duties of fi Linc; o[f i cors and persons in areflCl^`i who�..,.. d.^.(.i rntc:l. l C(7')LS Or sr,atr' lentS and f_or:card the original_, to ti -.e riling officer. ) Section 2.4 Time of Filing. (a) Ini'.ial Statements: Each person already in a position wLe=n it is designates: by an-1.iend,nent to this Code shall -file an initial. stat—nent within thirty ( 30 ) days after th -0 effective date of the OEfice Fta.te7erits: AIL persons assuming 1. Z 1 .0 s a c e -,c- ivc- date of t- Code shal 1 fi e F.; t 3shin t In v 3 GO days aIter as S LI: -Z in :2 the designated ;;os i t or, to con[ i rmat. ion , thirty ( 30 days after nominated or appointed. (c) Annual Statements: All designated employees shall file 1 of each year Ll, -,)r a period covering the -prev io-u s ca r ending on F)ecem I-, --, r 31. (d) vi-:-, 011"ic-2 All persons I -ave des icjnat e -I.. 1 _-3:?:j a 1 7 t'Ej -.�.Ij withi.n t'i,.irtv (30) j.'j . - i - - ients S e c t i o n D- -C a t eq o r --l- of Rep o r t a b 1 e T n r e s t, s ReporL.,?ble intnrc-.;ts into R a 1 1' r I n t ^ re s t.: Ln to which ti.F: -..),,rtains r r irl or �q (2) i,,-J.Les oF of the d 2 n i I )cate� uut,;;_:_ ti,.e b(-)-andaries -c, 'urisdiction or by f e n c y ; a n d (2) the Fair .,iarket value o= the interest owned directly, indirectly or beneficially by the des.ignated employee or :-.is or her family is -eato- than One '1hOU: s'.n-O Dollars (J1,000.00) i and ( i) the interest is eit.her: (A) a leasehold which does not expire within ten (10) years from the first day of the period covered by the statement, beneficial or ownersIr:ip interest held by the designated employee or his or her Family; or (B) an option held by the designated employee or his or her far.: to c, ;ire such urn interest; or (C an inters:: or O;)E_` )m rel': 5% a baseness entity Or trust i:. '. hici? ti -:e designated e:nplovec, or his or her fa':ily owns directl%-, 1."::]i�c:•i.':-. Or" 0, n:, a. ten t)erl:?nt. (10�) lntcr.est or treater; : rovided, however, t' a`_. in t::^ e'.'ent ti': at tn.c, o•.mership interest o= ti:e (:e, ignited e:z:,;.loyeo or his or h::r fr-,::-.ily in s.ich business entity or trust EiSS t:. a:' C1 rty t (.70';i) I -he for th.c. :)•-zrpose of :'_:ragraph (2) , re:: I i)r.operty int(_r_rsst or option rc 1. ' )) to the va' -,,e o' the nro rata share (')!: t(_' Cif"i.ignate.J e.m1ployee Or 'nis or her Eam:ily in the real orover*v interest or -a- option by the business entity or trust; and provided, further, that in the o-anershi,) interest of the de c7 i ,,,n::-' -_ c2c, ­ployoe or his or 'Iner family in suf.; ','),..IS I ress entity or trust is fifty percent (50%) or more, the value, for the purpose of Paragraph (2), of the real Prooer"Ev interest or option relates to the entire value of the real property interest or outi()n ^eld by the business entity or trust. An interest in real property does not include filer.. Cai01 11 - Inve, invest:ientS in busine�;s t cs arc' o r t a b 1. e if: 1' :;?.­I'[Atv, including parr?nt corporations, ­sJ(!;L.-iry Cr t i e relatcA .5 or other�;is A. I 7 i 2 IQ ri r. Z_ v I o c a t. ed in oart )r n whole within thE' boundaries of t'he .ithin (2) miles -,.)r .-:ith,j!i two (2) of land 0 n c -r the or 2. s i n e s F, a. n t -o u w In _'10 or. 'n a s cionr] L is i ne-L., s w i th _J n th-e J 'u-risdiction at ;env ti. c;uriny the two (2 ) years prior to t--'L,,..e ti-liaL the discloser' statement OF (-,esiqrat('j V -.3 riled; and -9- (2 ) t! -.-e Eair marker: value of the investment of the c:-Isignated employee or his or her £a,nily is than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00); an:l (3; ti -.,e invest:,�QnL either: (A) is owned directly, indirectly or beneficially by the designated employee or his or her family and constitutes a financial interest in, or security issued by, the business entity, including but not limited to common stock, preferred stock, rights, warrants, option::,, debt instruments and any partnersi.ip or other o-Inership interest; or ; ) is held by any business entity or trust in whici, t :: designated e:,iploy(-,e or his or E -.y owns, directly, indirectly or beneficially, a ten percent (10-x) interest oc grta'L.� r, anti cc)r::-stitutes a financial interest in, or security issued by, a b, Sinc�S"- entity qualifying under Paragraph (2) abo:--e; provided, however, that in the event that the ownership inters- t of the designated employee or his or her family in such business entity or trust is less than fifty percent (50%), the value, for the purpose of: Paragraph (2), of the invest:;:,_�nt relater to the value of the pro rata share of the designated employee or -10- his or !;er in the investment held b-,.isiness entity or trust; t--Urlher, that in the event t1--6 r c);- Lhe diesignat-el or his oc herin such L .. bisiness entity or trust is fifty percent (50%) or more, the value, for the purpose of Paragrap'Li (2), of the invest! --tent relates to thf... t!ni-Are vaL i(.- of the irvest.--ent. held ny thrl '.-�)--i-Iness entity or trust. An is not reporta.L.,.-.' if it Con- -.)r deposit in a fiiancial 4 i 1 o n a t u n i.:., -C ,. :,% c, In c; ., rar. c r= 0�-her .,Iebt inst--.i;i,,en-.- i s.:--, j L. c V 'I,?- a :-,- I 7 C.1 Q 1 .2 .1 CC 0 f (C) ncc.)7 J. e n t Inca L r . "'J .7 1 fl.ia .'I :3" El n n Ji I r e i (: 1 L C, j t h r 7 r i. n c1 `-3 1 E, S S :I c W j. 4 jUr� . -i n (II of J n co e c y i -I ID, t o, i 1 oy e c r 1l or her fai from t! -ie source during the period covered by the disclosure statement was Two Hluncired Fifty Dollars ($250.00) or more in value; or (B If the income were a ,gift received by the designated employee or his or her family from the source during the period covered by the disclosure statement, the value of the gift was Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.00) or more; and (3) the income was either received by: (A) the designated employee or his or her family; or (L) received by any business entity or trust in which the designated e:'7ialoyee or his or her family owns, directly, indirectly, or beneficially, a ten percent (10%) interest or greater.; provided, however, that in the event that the i,ico:ae is received by a business entity described in this Paragraph (B), the value, for U -e purpose of. Paragraph (2) , of the income relates Lo they pro rata share -o the desigr,ateQ F -._:ploy-ee or his or her fa:rily in the income of the business entity or trust. 'IN,21AI'DIES, except to the extent excluded by this :.3::.Z.:�1401, income of any nature fro:r, any source .located i' -.in th.o Jurisdiction, including but not limited to _ -12- any salary, wage, a-:vance, payment, dividend, interest, Y"erlt, capital , - jain, ret�Lirn of capital, gi;f t (including 1 o;:l n , F o r(I v e n e s s C) r a'1: ;_`t of. L "ood (_)r e r a y e ) , :' of discount in the ,,rice of any- ValIP LVIle"SS dlir';C()Unt iS.- a.vai I. -able to ­- r-:-' - I -ficial status, ..._Oers o�- t,e pub'Lic .iithout ruq,,ard to of- reb-ate, reiinbursement of expenses, per diem, or con- tribu?_--ion to an insurance or pension program paid by '-.1._rson other tha- an employer, i-ind including any --v propert: rest in inc( ie r). s 1.) 0 U s e T ri c o e 11 al;') inc idie an ou ts tI--"".'­d i. nrl_oars. Income 1 3 n c 1 u d e rata share of an-.' income of ru- t -,h '_:.-IJi"7idLIa1 r.". in vhi( o;:ns, , d i r -, -.---Iv, indr ­ iirectly, ),ne-icially, gent 1% L 0 _.... ,rest o r (2a t, A:1 NOT :i Lq r coln t r t i ons u r t.,) r t ed co.., ­f­ itle 9 Govern:t'ent C o (J ' L.1 C. 2) s a. r v nd ..I r (-2. . nt exuens,­.:! -)r oer dic,:Tl r.':'ceived frc,_:. 5r_ -ate or L(.)c,,.L gover.-_;'.c.:!nt a(.-ancy r C, 4 c) r t: r a -,, i'' s r them C A CI: -I i c "C . 1Ca':,.'Lr_-' an i x a 1 -On -1 ',i;- I- r - r i i.�i t; ` i as b o ok s .3 t s f i n f 0 f 7..! t n, -1 F; caleriJars d i ca I c"' iSed] -,Znj w`.:ch, t'­.i.rty (30) to "ne donor or a -cc, delivered to a charitable organization without being claimed as a charitable contribution for IL -ax pur)oses; (5) ,i is or lojans --rom an individUal.'s s:)ouse, chile, parent, grandparent, gr.andc ild, brcther, sister, .parent -in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, or first cousin or the spouse of any such person; provided that a gift from a^y such person shall be considered income if t" -!e d3nor is acting as an agent or intermediary for any :person not covered by this Paragra:.h (5); (6) any devise or in-heritance; ( interest, livid-nds, or on a time or de;nand deposi`- In a Financial l�sti.=', t].on, shares in a credit union or af.-•r ins::rance :-.-)1i.cy, payment.. --eceived under any insurance, policy, or any bond or other debt instrument i s .:e:a any govern-r:cr.t cr government agency; ( 'I divider.; s, interest or any other re—_:rn on a sec:_lrit:v which is reaisterec wit^ t: -.e Securities an- Exchange 'o-r_=:ission of t e .lit .states Go rn,cent:; ;)t ion o.. 1 zn, ; OC Chi! (11 :l;' Loan or loan`i from co:...lerclEli lf_';'ding 1n-;L.l'.:tion whicn ars_ made in ti56'' 1'---nd.'rls regu- is u.s ess i') ♦ ��• _i 1. r: �:<,�,arse of .., _..� i n�:� , ;�:) t.._ uv — _ 'able to ,e2;:.). r -s of the ;-)uh1.ic wi}noat recur:i to official -14- status if: LI S t c, i as e t h e rp r i n c i p a I r e s etri c e :);il—.,....... owed doe�i not- excr.ed Ten Thousand a­iy inklebtedneis crezitcd as part of a retail in- stallment or ci:E-,I;it card trant.-,action iL' made in the lender's re^Lilar course of bLI.SinCSS on terms available to fy, e.e..ers of the public ..,ithout regard r. - of f7ficial stat,ls, so long as Lhe nalance owed to e c ced it -r-)r s dr>_ s not exceed 'Peri TIT" )usand Dlol 1 a rs e - UI,.- ) . . . a eii-.-t, income fro„ ;.:my ,-..,ource 4',ie JurisdUction and n,-.)'- do4n- e s , �L L L ; bu s in F —in t- .'-.:a-ri.­,:.;Lction, not r 1. a n n r.7 to do LI 1C L; s is ,_JLjI.j%.;cjjC-tir)!j, :Jot '-.in the Juriscil',_,Lion durin-, tht% Lhe L L,i n )ir y (2 C !L2 :,> � -.—LI,er action iS r (30 LI i r e dl I,.' c - by this ' od nc( � c whi&, is, a for.,ier employer -xitic ror'. c all h ,Lo:n the emAover ,,. .?;,F) receiv-ed v or a r u .2,d .?e' de c; i q n a tr., d e ino lov e r e p ior ted e -co-) he she became a loyee, inco-:.e ,_­ceive-d in the norrIal course of :e proviois c..' '_,-D-j",icnt, and t�,iere ...,as no expec- -j io,FAt the time lie Li by t".Le -;�7�­Loinated e -ITI 1) 1 7 L� r, sine, a:;S'J']lf'O ne de,,_;iqnated position of renewed for.,er (-,,niployc2r. (15) Payments rec il'f.d under a defined benef it pension o.L._;n %3u; l l f _ .. ?C]er int, ?:"'1S 1 Z�.'1E?nu COdf? Section ?:01(x). (d) Cate•;ory IV - Su _Ul]YCE'si.ior' includes ln':'cstments included in Catec:c II ir, busin`:'ss entities described therein, and income include(` i-1 Category III fro,-: business entities described therein, if such bu�i;-:ess entities :Manufacture or sell supplies, machinery or equipment of the type utilized by the Agency. (e) Category V - Contrci::)rs: Category V includes invest- ments included In Category II business ent:itie:i dE_scribed therein, ami income include(: in Category II frc)::. business entities described therE.>in; if: SUCil enti.ties ar(. contractors or SUbC:Oni.C,ACtOr:S :inga,,je:i in ti'.°. _' fUCIT1uf?C:E? Oi :701: Or CiC:ry ic(''i of ti,e t;' )e Ut11' -7 ed the Ag -r - . (f) Category' VI - Fin....,_. .:3 Instituti':,, .:i: ate(;;)rVI .. C=.tegory TL in ;S].':'':.i i entitles desCri)ed ti'.F_' -: i'1, and inco!r..'' in Cate—go; I i i from busim_sis ent i lii� . ...herein, i i)us i!.,_':i i entities constitute 1('.)=1 f1 ci`i:i':,.._....1nvest— intent compani":=, title c:r:.mpani.,:_=', financial consul tants or data processing Section 2.6 ---ContEent c-- _. IU�iUr%_ :itc:t=?""C_�_ ; CateUry I • i)1 ClOSI _'f.' St: C-......:'lt:. I- E'](s O be f L.1i'Ci mor re?:,or=able interests `i1)�' )Lf ie:., l.n-(?_i;')r'j I ''=i::a11 C:....:.i91,i t'..-. `_Oi10'r; ... _ ?for`lation: car ot;.... : ecis�� l oc_:t ion of the real property; Of t::'.'1 r -._t ire of ti'Le intf,?rost— in the real property; (C) A snazo7wnt of whether the fair zarket value of the interest excnOno i �Wiari 1,100.00) hot door not exceed Ton 7�n;vaqi Dollifs V__hear it exceeds W4 Thousand IWArs but does no: exceed One Hundrel Thousand Dollars or whether it exceeds One Hundred Thousand collars (S100,A0.Q0); and (d) In the case of an interest in real property wholly or partially acquiral diring tho qnfiod covered by an annial diEclosure sLatement, the Aa:e of acqAisitian and, if such interest in such property was disw;3ed W darinq sAch period, the date of disposition. (a) Faf nar;ises A disw;iare under this mectLon, "interest in rLal propurny" tons n,7 Enclu": the principal resldpnce of the fiWr. Section 2.7 Content of Disclosure StatemenLs; Cateclory Il Dnd-!.ejatee Camegsrieq. hisclun.- _ statements CCC, zLrod to be Cor reportablo i27irustq spowiMol in Catojory 11 and invest�unts .p"cifici in "n n, 5n' :1 shall contain tno tollouin.g iWar:ation: !a, T�v ns -w in& n1drogs W the husinasq entity in which eacn in7estnenz in Mid; 10 A gaqnrol description ot the hisiness activity in which. We nr-�i; is enjann�,- W; A Foato-ont of thn naitre of the investment; (0) A 4oatoinnt of w4vzter the fair market value of the invcstnent wxcWe ThousanJ M.bars (0,000.00) but does not nzco"': 7-n 7:%.:,nnw Dollars P13,001.00). whowher it uxceeds Ten AwaSind D011ari '310,OnO.00) bUL does not exceed One Hundre,, -17- Thousanci Doli=rs ( S100,000.00), or w1hether it exceeds One Hundred Tilousan:-: Doll= _ .. ( S100,000.00); :.e case oF an _fl'.�::�t'fi'.'tlt �oiich constituteg fifty I-ercent oL' the ot•:n�;rshir) interest in a ousiness entity, disc _,re of the lnvest�:ents an:l interests In real property of t-- ':isiness entity; (f) In t .c. case of investments wholly or partially acquired during tine period covered by an annual disclosure statement, the date of ac::_:i iti.on and, if such interest in suc . property was dis:)osed f--'jrincl such period, the date of disposition; and " j .'Jr �-JOses Uf Jisc1''1 are liC]C�t?r this article, "interest In rea1 P, r.0es no:. 1 r1.nc1pa1 resi aence o ti. , f. iler. Sect-ior _Unt.en o�-M.LScJ'o­,,re Statei;ient;_Category III anci CO c: i1 initial('71ST:lUSure state - men t- for whit . _s3ources n ot be retort _ i s c 1 o s u r e St. It E7, r _ _-. _.,, _.0 Ci=.' r11'.... : 'i:- .­`•C)rCaL71e Fi specified In Cate Tory r_. :.n.a income sources specified in ..ate -orles TV, V and VT shall ,...,..fain the foLl.-)wi:^': in )rT�F_lUt1: (�) '.�: and c aC7r'_: C eac. . sourc=_' of: lncolne aggregating Two rlunarecf is D-Joilars or more in Value, or Twenty i'1�ie Dt)11?r._ .)li) or '?U L" 1:1 ':';1i1C_' Lr the1I'?cO:^ riav a gift; ( C)) _r_ni (1escr iz ..i(..).. oL C`1 e c)usine:3 s aCtiVit:y, if any, of eac (c:) ag:;re(l ate.. val.le o= income from C.'ciC;rl so'_:rCe, - --'.e case r)-- lU• n, `he hli,jhe :; t c:".Uurit owed to eaCil SUU=" '_, iii cat 10-a5t ilun,,Irecd Fifty Dollar:., ($250.00) -13- 'K "MC.. Moliars ($1,000.00), whether it . I L. 1) t a s 0 n x c C I rs ($1,000.00) lu w - n t S10,000.00), or- w,.­ther it TLhousand ($10,000.00); -r'-)Lion of the consideration, for which J es c - L i f a n t' -E: incomie was received; (e) In Cie case of income constituting a (1 Li't, the amount - and the date on the gift was received; L L- C'.1,;e Of a loan, the annual interest rate and the . .ven -orth-n. ,-.? lo. .n. n case of incorro, of a business entity, in which gn ,jr- his or 'ner family ownr; percent Of e a n (3 a d d r e .- s a n d a y e n (? r .-A L 7-::'2 S C r 1) t i o n. '0 `1 s entity; ncrzivil�y of ti; )r nerson from -ata t i ::lei 1v P r r. from Such ­erson was zznare -.)f gross e c e i1r.) t s -'_-'jual to c)c jreater than Ten Thousand Dollars - �i:j a c a C I t 71)0:�itic)n ;)i:clo�;UrE.1. -41hen man'7.3emient posi- a desi,,-,nat-ed shall renor ss of, ��acr. en n,.., a (k 1 t v if, "ah.1C.1 he or ic.­c, trustee, omp or in o -v f r1i e cr C1 7.-.. c, n i �iotion tAo.-I j_�' i -Lia I L v i. t v 1`'t w t- h e b u s i r (--. 5; s e n t i is e nc aged , T; lcrv­ c. I s ?.),o i ion w i th the bus i.'i ?cis C, n t i tv. x19 i Acquisition or Disposal DUrinq Reporting Period. In case of an annual orOffice statement, an `nvest- I k- - I OC 1"if-_er-e s n real rty was pa rt i al. ly or who I 1� acquired or of 6irinq the p('ri-oJ covered by the statement, the -­.r--.--ent shall contain the date of. acquisition or disposal. Section 2.9 Form of Disclosure Statements. Disclosure state- ments required to be filed hereunder for any category of reportable interests shall be on the forms prescribed by the Fair Political Pi:-.,,--ticL,s Cor..-ission, which scall be as shown on Schedules A -H nclusive of Form 730, attacned 'Lhereto as Appendix "B". DI Sr,) --.'AL, IF I 'CAT I ON -:e-tion 3.1 General R -le. Desianated employees have a con- flic'_ oc interest-. and shall disqualify the: selves Erom making or 1: c i p a t i n',- in the any governl7iental decision ,.then it iSz rn,­sona;)!,., foresocablp Lir th CteciSiwil I 11;_IVC a S1.qriiEicant 0.. ._._ct on a fi­.ancial intel-u-st of the desi-na'..od (--- in p 1 o y ee A a_,;1 a, t e, I C. i,, -'1-o L -2 r e c,,:.i i r ed, i::) d i s clu a I i m s c- L f 4 -eL-,,,)ect t,-, any matter w' -,:ch Coi'll not be leg 1 v acted upon L I - decided wi his part-ici;'.ation. TL�­Ie fact that the vote of a es i -3nal--ed employee who is on a voting body is needed to break lier.'onot- rrak� his or t)articipation legally required for e c t i i 3.2 Go,:ernmental -DeCi s ions; Actions Included. ij n L makes governmental decision within the mean- F --n he or she, ac,-inq within the authority of t�i!F3 Acle, whic Jr h (, r no -20- on a ;-,iatter; T.:)!-,c)inl_-s a !),,�rson; (c) ig.t-es or i t s, t^E Agency to any cot, rse of action; (d •;InL::c-:-z into on behalf of the C C) r (e) DrUter,-,%line.,; not to a�:t, within the meaning of subsections through (d), un1-....,-,_9 such determination is made because of '-As or her financial interest. 1 n:.� '_- 1 not t0 j! C t (DC C U r S 0.- c a. u se of h i s c.r her 1_inari:--i:0L int:erest:, t...." -iignatr!d emplovee's determination b: .3:�%cl­­,,.rof the Fin-ancial. interest made t r t. .2 C. "I :I I i r d s , o made in writincj to the, -;i- n,,, allipol nt ing powQ as appropriate. i, c. - in n Dec i s ions ct i n s I n c 1. U Sectio: 3 . 3 A t OyC�t. C., i r -1 tilr,. in., I o� a rovern Men :.I] -len or she, acting t h C, 1r. t i c I c I C 10!'. n (a) bates ;i 1-hou: n i E icant SLI I,)s tarit i ve review With i '_ .",,rson r-,2, 3n- decision; r i,, en t ori - .-, , -:. .. '_ jard- .1 vision -maker, b) Adivis'es or make,,; to th!.. 'i(i. dirc-c-_11, -.)r W-1 c or n %7 (7- 'L ...) which require `_.he part. of the desig- M,11 thO Of Wl'iCh iF, to iri: *_..,. or (2) preparing or presenting any report, analysis or opinion, orally or i:1 writing, which requires the exercise of ]ud g,!-2-.1` on the part of a desig- nated t::_:• --ir_pose of which is to influence tk;(' .:'_-cis%ion. Section 3.4 Making or Participating in Decisions; Actions FXCluded. Making or participating in the making of a governmental decision as used in this Article shall not include: (a) Actions of a designate) emp.lcvee which are solely ministerial, secretarial, manual, or clerical; (b) Appearances by a deli• nated e--:-.)lovee as a member of the general public before an agency in the curse of its prescribed C��`leT"nifl(':1tal function to r'.: present, hi' sE. _f or herself on matters related solely to his or iter personal interests; or, (c) Act ions by a •!des i:jne` ^mplovee relat.in( to the comoensa- tion or the t.'?_.::s or conditio-1 ; i)is h:'r employm nt or. C,. T1 :C t. _.CCt1C:i 3.''1tE'rla- ___mac of Fi-.aricial int—gest. A designated :?:..1fDLL-ee has a fir:.,^c:ial int( rest in a decision if it is reasonahly foreseeable that t.: -.e dr_ci-_or, will be significant Witilin ti'lf' o`" the (7E:1''.eC"al st:;nJc._..aS set fort'. in Section 3. 1 above. Corsidleration shall be ,gi've'r. to the folio-.;ing factors: (a) t..:•'r, in tc a s a bU- n e s S entity in which the a:).tic official hold, direct '.)r in(:lirlect investment of One i .111d 0011 rs l , i, . •..00) or .:.:) "e or in the case of a business �_•r.�.i r..� in ..''t:i�:. tf:(� 1;�1. is OL"i :i�l is 3i rector, o icer, partner, E'.f?.;?1��'_ E t , tr lS`_E:E' UC" f:'") ::> `l';' `.)sitlon of management, ('f foci O' t!,e decision wi !L . Lo i:1CrEtaS(? or decrease: -L2- (1) The annualized groes revenues by the lesser of: (A) One Hundrul TWusand Dollars (5100,000.00); or (3) One PorcaM ?Q) if it is One Tkousand Dollars (91,130.00) or more; or (2) Annual net incone by the lesser of: (A) Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00); or (B) One -Half (1/2) of one percent (11) H it is One Thnasand DoLLars (SL,000.00) or more; or (3) Current asnoW on liabilities by thn lesser M: (A) One HunJru6 Thousand Dollars (SL00,000.00); or (B) One -bat( (L/2) of one percent (11) H it is On, Thnisand Dollars (51,000.00) or more. Current assets are den7V to he decreased by the amount as a result A i qovernmantaL decision. (b) WhezVor, in the case of a direct or indirect interest i2 foal property of One Thousand Sollars ()1,000.00) or more heM. Ky a public oEficial, the KfocL OE the decision will be to in:ranse or decrease: (1) The income-producing potential of the property by th- Wiser of: (A) One Thousand Dollars (SI,000.00) per month; C ) _L (B) Five percent (51) per month if it is Fifty -23- Dollars ($50.00) or more per month; or (2) The fair Marr:E�t value of the property by the lesser. of:: (.r+ ) Ton Dollars ($10,000.00); or (3) One-half (1-/2) of one percent (1%) if it is One i,ousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or more. (c) Whether, in the case of a source of income, as defined in Government Code Section 87103(c), of Two hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) or more received by or :promised to a public official within twelve (12) months _prior to the time the decision is ;Wade: (1) The effect of t;:e decision i•:ill be to directly increase or d_crease the amount of income (other than rents) to received by the official by One Hundrer7 F)c1 l ar.s ( $100.00) or more; or (2 Phere is a nCY;lf; betder—i thE.• cov-ernmental decision anA the 1>ar.l�c;:;._ For which t, -.e oEilcial receives 1:1�U:Ile; or ( 3) In the case o` a. source of: i:,co;r:e which is a business entity, the ous .nes s entity will be ;.::,(.r. cle..,.._1::_a in stilisection (1) abo%,e; or ( E) If. t'r,e s„):: -._.- inc():",'.� P3 not ._ business entity, L1:11. Uc'cls1Un ?: ] i 'L :1dve a fila nli icant effect on _:� any :)'::. r circ)°, is ion contained in this SE_ction 3.5, t:—.e maI-,inq or. .,.. r:ic4:.,:tion in the making of a governmental decision by a c )r:t.'r -::ct cons.11tznt or by a person -24- re ta i n e1i Lo provide, in Co t ion, a ice, r_(.!C1()M,1l('!11f3 a t- i oil or cou rise hz­ matc�ri a I f inaric i a 1 0.-1 a bUriine.,;s entity or SOUrCe- I r. C n w!'1 i c SUCK C-0 L -,i o r per:zon r tained i:3 a, lo )r p i ZI r tner, if the on1v C A-! IL Q I LE e C :73 C. c o- e tite i,,-) i c a t i o n , r e r t u a - r t i o! i c i: re n, -- 0, v., af 1 L c o n r- a c u r) r retairl-2r agreement anti/ or t o,_­)ortunitv to A')i' on a project or contract. Section 3.6 Notice of iLction Taken. A '.-or--ice orL Action Taken: If a ef", d e.; n ate d e,I m�.ovoe c;F.,L[ or herseLf F -o -E, tle ')r 4-_!;:L: :z t i n,q n a c](2-CLS1on, upo! c a r L v c .. . 1. ". L.S 'C 1 r S a u o c n t i n i tc% co, i E.: c r e t a rI s 1-,;a I I o c; t -a c e J_ A c t -i o n T ak en las s oon pr: c t i c a L) 1. n - co: -?m =''.e.^.511a.. e rid 1 x L'. L.a:l c t i a 11 J n C) r M 01: E n rc, r. n e 1nco,_,j0 t. J-1 (a r e 4 n a na 1. L b e C A. u u -,; A A-- oil e-- -1E_aL7 door 0:: the r'!rjular plac- of the �overn.ing bod-,: 7 of" 7',,gency. C 7 n El 'L7 V P F; t 4 1 Not. icp of Ac'. ion: Cr V�j n z -.cat y c o; m 1: it --A-:! to a definite course f „n c nd, n,, i saual i F ical­ ion h a-; ar (Ev., cc L e e c r, to P'Ost on at t`ir, i-e and i)lace F -.,--t .o- in subsec _.L J n -.ii -A SL1i`.-",(.1Ct1on. c of Piling; Elf-lect -.....'u1: c t T n 7 that l :o ice has been oos ted '.J1":, t to , . L 01 !1 1.; f a r i t t r(''(fuer3t for reconsic3errtior. or :3is:1pproval of any AgE?ncy com:;�itment on the ground of existence of a coni -.Pict of interest of a designated E?nUl(Dye,' shall :-)e filed with the Secret-ary within thirty (30) days of the r)os:ina of said Notice. In the event that such a request is not Li.leci, said co:n!nitmer.t an',` decisions made with regard thereto s:,all be final and conclusive. (d) Reconsideration Upon Filing of Request Therefor: In the event that a request is filed with the Agency pursuant to subsection (c) hereof, the Secretary scall direct said request to the Agency governing body, officer or e7...;1oyee responsible for t's:-, Agency cc)-.,:it:nc:r.t in question an,.-, body, ofEicer or sh : _ i caUS'':• said C(,-)Ill:n i t!r.ent Lo .)e recor'. =11dered. ART [i. `1,.. T 1.1 I S C E.iceLA_..:'Oi_i Section 01p-,. (a) :n`.-esign-ted employee w::O i. uncert.:.:-1 of any obii ,,ati on -Ari inca under the Provision,; of- this.- ::ode or the Pol?ticaL L",ct of 1974 ':Ocie? :.,:tion £31000 et se -..i.) , recxue =t a form, --al uoinior. or letter of advice from tt:cr rair PcIL:`_ic 1 :)Tactic :,, ;om!nissicr. !".arsuant to Government C.)dQ Secti.o:', 83114, or an opinion fro --r. t: -e attor^-_r for the in this Section the at-or.ney to issue (h) the (!mul ov;?c' t r-..Athtul l_ Ji sc-loses all an ,..i1.I1].C)Cl 0r ..Ir .tt^n r)rC: ld^_d by tLlf2 Coal �i;ssi)r, c )feet , Cie desic.irlated e,,,.c)ic,-ee fro..,. achr.1nistrative, civil an).. . ri -'.i;lal _:c iaLtics 1-O the ext nt provi led for in liC)'i'_rCl'E:::`.: :' C'i:tlOC1 8.;1 1�k. 'T: the C:E"'signat•^J e.-Mihas -26- t -1--J .-" .' L I y (I J. - c 1,)s (, (I a 1. L ma L -I-.. r.- i :., 1. L a c t- s to t h e attorney f o r t h e an(I ;%.-I jrr) , I 1');%t t w attorney stating in 4 x hbclsed, c(.)--.-.)Iiance C "IS a n a ...' %.': ic " the opinion is be C-vidlence of I n� I cyj �r ji SCE, s u;-- 7" t J1 i i i ni 1 dino brCu3, 17 L; L _i:1 V to c Political i"i c: t- Gover.mr;,ent Code Sect --ion 81000 et se(.. In am';ition, the ;csi,-mated, employee's good laith com.pliance with the opinion of the attorney for the Agency shall act as a se ''!n` 7jsc1plina. r',j action the Aqc-ncy may 11- inq cin. `r. C;overri ('?nt c,)'— c;ection 91003.5. C- J. Q, by t1he Zit.torriev .:)r the + C.(') -— = s:.zill. be Jelivi.-,!-.-] 'C'he J. e. I 19 na t e d to tl,'io Fair 'P-'.)Ii.ticaI Practices n s' -I -I I he 1. n el j I Fl I th e A e. n c c. o n n :,-.a,,, k t , 11 ! " Z� 0,-j j. 4 b y r e, I s 0 J v n it !non ..'.I I-; L L I e f (2,,-- t ani) i 1! 1 t ak e e ec t I c" "I i V ;I L'! e ri e s' i 1 a t 0 d e."1. o e. is ha�'; Forc(-� .2 o Ix.—I -4.,.j n 31 z"d em-) s violati.nrl any provision 0 4 Str t i v (3 e n a 1 a n 1-1 C i V - .1 C,: e =oT: ACC., v e I: 'D !-.I -L r- c o-" Statuccl of Limitations. No Judicial proceedings j ..10;I of this CoJe shall be "ode ':;(2.ction 910103(b) to retain -27- the-) eM.'C'Ution or to set aside oLfficial c-.Iction of the Agency unless con:-,ence!,-] ninety (90) days folloviing official action or decision. LS!.-: 4/17/3._ -28- L X A De i n a t e d !, C, 4 1 S, Categories -­ onsultarits* 1, 11, 111 ."he Word is in Section 1.5(b). A position is- a the Agency is riot a desi,,,-nated c,osttioll inition is satisl-i(_'.d. C 4 r.,,z e r i n c f)ris u 1 t zi n t arid a bc) n J q 11 not be e. conSUlti111L 'herein. _ t(_' f 1-i T. a e F) Dy the gavel-ninq oc):;-,- 0 thaL the :rv-Lco c; a`7 r o c' to c o, i F, i I t- a n t s i- ta i n c a [A A APPENDIX "B" FORM 730 Statement of Economic Interests For Designated Employees (Instructions attached on Page 13) Please type or print In ink STATE DEPARTMENT AND UN'T OR LOCAL AGENCY NAILING ADDRESS Check the appropriate box(es): 17 INITIAL STATEMENT: The Conflict of Interest Code for your agency becomes effective on You must file a Statement within thirty days after this date disclosing your reportable interests held on this date. You are not required to disclose income, gifts or loans on this Statement. ❑ ASSUMING OFFICE STATEMENT: You have assumed office on U Position subject to State Senate confirmation — file thirty days after appointment or nomination 0 All other positions - file thirty days after assuming office. You must disclose all reportable interests, other than income, gifts and loans, held on the date you assumed your position. ANNUAL STATEMENT: You are required to file a Statement no later than disclosing all reportable interests held or received during the period from January 1, 1980, December 31, 1980. through �1 LEAVING OFFICE STATEMENT: You are leaving or have left your position on and must file a Statement within thirty days of that date. You must disclose all reportable interests held or received during the period from January 1, 1980, through the date you left office. ❑CANDIDATE STATEMENT: You are a candidate for elective office. You must disclose all reportable interests, other than income, gifts, and loans, held on the date you filed nomination papers. You must file this Statement within five days after the final date for filing nomination papers. NOTICE TO ALL FILERS: In the event you are given an assignment which may affect your financial interests you should consult your agency's Conflict of interest Code for guidance concerning discualification. FILING OQFICER I TELEPHONE NUMBER * it this is your first annual Statement, see the instructions attached to this form for directions on modifying the period covered by this Statement. STD 730 19/80) THE FOLI VING SUbMURY MUST BE COMPLF D BY ALL FILERS rSCHEDULE A -Investments t I Schedule not applicable to my Schedule completed & attached ❑ No reportable interests ❑ disclosure category SCHEDULE B - Interests in Real Property 71 Scnedule completed & attached ❑ No reportable interests ❑Schedule not applicable to my disclosure category C -Investments and Interests in Real Property Held by Business Entities or Trusts ❑ Scnedule completed & attached rrS--C��`!ECULE L! Schedule completed &attached ❑ No reportable interests 1:1 Schedule not applicable to my disclosure category SCHEDULE D - Income (other than Gifts and Loans) ❑ Scnedule completed & attached ❑ No reportable interests ❑ Schedule not applicable to this type of Statement or to my disclosure category . SCHEDULE E - Loans Schedule completed & attached ❑ No reportable interests ❑ Schedule not applicable to this type of Statement or to my disclosure category SCHIE7 cGifts L'7—;Scnedule completsc & attached ❑ No reportable interests C1 not applicable to this type of Statement or to my disclosure category Statement SCHEDULE G - Income to Business Entities r^ I Scnedule comDlered & attached ❑ No reportaole interests ❑ Schedule not applicable to this type of Statement or to my disclosure category SCHEDULE H - Business Positions Scnedule completed & attached ❑ No reportable interests ❑Schedule not applicable to my disclosure category IMPORTANT: if 1,oxes are checked fcr all schedules above to indicate "No reportable interests" or "Schedule not apoiicable..." you should detach the schedules and file only pages 1 and 2. If you need more space on any schedule, obtain a supplemental schedule from your filing officer. VERIFICATION 1 declare under penalty of perjury that [ have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this Statement and to ,he best of my knowledge it is true and complete. Executed on , 19 , at SIGNATURE All of the information required by this form is mandatory, is required by the provisions of the Political Reform Act, Government Code Section 81000 et seq., and will be available to any member of the public upon request. This information is to be used to reveal to public scrutiny certain financial interests of public officials and employees in order to disclose potential conflicts of interests and to aid in the prevention of actual conflicts of interests. aa;e 2 ST: 730 �918W NAME SCHEDULE A - RWESTMENTS Investments (of the type described in your disclosure category) owned by the filer, spouse and dependent children aggregating S1,000 or more in value. STREET ADDRESS OR PtECISZ LOCATION OF PROPERTY STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION OF PROPERTY CHECK ONE NAME OF ENTITY CHECK ONS NATURE OF INTEREST, E.G.. EOUITY. OPTION IE] VALUE aVALUE DOES NOT EXCEED 510.000 ❑VALUE EXCEEDS $10,000 our NATURE OF INTERESTS, E.G., COMMON STOCK, PARTNERSHIP INTEREST. ETC. DOES NOT EXCEED $100,000 QACOYIR ED 1 DATE 1 a VALUE EXCEEDS 510,000 OUT EXCEEDS 510,000 BUT STREET ADORESS OR PRECISE LOCATION OF PROPERTY CHECK ONE DOES NOT EXCEED 3100,000 I ❑ VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED $10.000 DESCRIPTION OF ■USINESB ACTIVITY GENERAL8ACQUIRED I DATE I VALUE EXCEEDS $loom BUT • E DOCS NOT XCEED 0 DISPOSED I IEl VALUE EXCEEDS $100.000 1 DISPOSED 1 i MAMt OF ENTITY _ _ I CHECK ONE VALUE EXCEEDS 51o0.000 7 VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED 510,000 NATURE OF INTERESTS. E.G., COMMON STOCK, PARTNERSHIP INTEREST, ETC. • ❑VALUE EXCEEDS $10.000 BYT DOES NOT EXCEED S IOO,000 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY Q ACQUIRED 1 DATE ' DISPOSEO I f VALUE EXCEEDS 5100,000 NAME OF ENTITY CHECK ONE VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED S10,000 NATURE OF INTERESTS. E.G., COMMON STOCK, PARTNERSHIP INTEREST, ETC. i VALUE EXCEED{ 10,000 BUT ❑ DOES NOT EXCEED 5100,000 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY a ACQUIRED I DATE I ❑ DISPOSED I I n VALUE EXCEEDS 5100,000 NAME OF ENTITY i 1 CHECK _ ONE i ❑ VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED 510.000 NATURE OF INTERESTS, E.G., COMMON STOCK, PARTNERSHIP INTEREST, ETC. ' VALUE CXCEEDS SIO,000 BUT DOCS NOT CXCXED SIoo,000 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF MUSI14CSS ACTIVITY I ACQUIRED I DATE LL���7JJ 1 1 DISPOBED ! �1 I' I VALUE EXCEEDS 5100.000 SCHEDULE B - INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY Interests in Real Property (of the type described in your disclosure category) in which the filer, spouse and dependent children have an aggregate interest of 51,000 or more in value. STREET ADDRESS OR PtECISZ LOCATION OF PROPERTY STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION OF PROPERTY CHECK ONE VALUE DOES NOT EXCEEDS10.000 NATURE OF INTEREST, E.G.. EOUITY. OPTION IE] VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED $10.000 ❑VALUE EXCEEDS $10,000 our i DOES NOT EXCEED $100,000 QACOYIR ED 1 DATE 1 Q DISPOSRD 1 VALUE EXCEEDS $100.000 ' EXCEEDS 510,000 BUT STREET ADORESS OR PRECISE LOCATION OF PROPERTY CHECK ONE U I ❑ VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED $10.000 EXCEED S100,000 MATURE OF INTEREST, E.G.. EQUITY, OPTION I VALUE EXCEEDS $loom BUT I E DOCS NOT XCEED 0 ACQUIRED i DATE' I 1 DISPOSED 1 i I VALUE EXCEEDS 5100.000 See explanations on reverse side Page 3 STO 730 ,9 '901 STREET ADDRESS OR PtECISZ LOCATION OF PROPERTY I CHECK ONE IE] VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED $10.000 NATURE OF INTEREST, E.G., EQUITY, OPTION i 1 VALUE EXCEEDS 510,000 BUT U DOES NOT EXCEED S100,000 � ACQUIRED DATE C 1 DISPOSED 1 _ _ _ 0 VALUE EXCEEDS 51o0.000 See explanations on reverse side Page 3 STO 730 ,9 '901 Schedule A INVESTMENTS "Investments" are any ownership interest in business entities. The most common kinds are stocks in a corporation, partnerships and sole proprietorships. Reportable investments do not include bank accounts, insurance policies, government bonds, interests in a diversified mutual fund registered with the S.E.C. under the Investment Act of 1940 or a common trust fund created pursuant to Section 1564 of the Financial Code. If you are a beneficiary or maker of a trust, consult the detailed Instruction Manual or your agency's legal counsel or filing officer. Schedule B INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY "Interests in real property" include ownership interests, options to purchase, and leasehold interests if ten years or more remain on the lease. The value of a leasehold interest is the total amount of rent owed by you during the period covered by the Statement. An interest in real property is not reportable if it is your principal place of residence. However, if your principal place of residence also is a place of business, e.g., a family farm or retail business, you are required to disclose that portion of the property which is used in connection with your business activities. Page 4 STO 730 .9i'90) NAME SCHEDULE C — INVEM.- LENTS & INTERESTS IN REAL. PROPERTY HELD BY BUSINESS ENTITIES OR TRUSTS Investments and Interests in Real Property (of the type described in your disclosure -category) held by business entities or trusts in which the filer, spouse and dependent children have an aggregate interest of 1010 or greater. NAMM OF ■USINUS5 ENTITY OR TRUST INVESTMENTS HELD BY BGSIXESS ENTITY OR TRUST INTERESTS LV REAL PROPERTY HELD B Y B USINESS EIVTIT Y OR TR UST STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION OF PROPERTY NAME OF ENTITY CHUCK ONE ❑ VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED 510.000 NATURE OF INTEREST, E.G.. EQUITY, OPTION ❑ VALUE DOE! Nov EXCEED $10.000 VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED S10.000 i NATURE OF INTEREST, E. G.. EQUITY. OPTION NATURE OF INVESTMENT. E.G.. COMMON STOCK. PARTNERSHIP INTEREST, ETC. OATS G ACQUIRED I EXCEEDS $10,000 BUT I DISPOSED aVALUE ❑VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED 5100.000 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY u ACQUIRED DATE DOES NOT EXCEED SIOO.000 1 DATE Q ACQUIRED DISPOSED VALUE EXCEEDS 5100.000 NAME OF ENTITY CHECK ONE (� VALUE KXcEEo! S10.000 ■UT aVALUE DOES NOT EXCEED $10.000 NATURE OF INVESTMKNT.E.G., COMMON STOCK. PARTNERSHIP INTEREST. ETC. DOCS NOT EXCEED $100.000 ❑ VALUE EXCEEDS S I0.000 BUT ' DOES NOT EXCEED $100,000 ' GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY � ACQUIRED OATS DISPOSED ! VALUE EXCEEDS 3100,000 NAME OF ENTITY CHECK ONE i ❑ VALUE QOKS NOT EXCEED S10.000 - NATURE OF INVESTMENT. K.G., COMMON STOCK, PARTNERSHIP INTEREST, ETC. i VALUE EXCEEDS 510.000 BUT __ ❑ DOKS NOT EXCEED $ 100,000 1 1KNERAL DESCRIPTION OF OUNINESS ACTIVITY ra ACQUIRED 1 DATE i 1 ^ I DISPOSED i I VALUE EXCEEDS $100,000 INTERESTS LV REAL PROPERTY HELD B Y B USINESS EIVTIT Y OR TR UST STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION OF PROPERTY CHECK ONE I CHECK ONE ❑ VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED 510.000 NATURE OF INTEREST, E.G.. EQUITY, OPTION I{ D VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED S10.000 i NATURE OF INTEREST, E. G.. EQUITY. OPTION a DOES NOT EXCEED $ 100.000 OATS G ACQUIRED I I DISPOSED aVALUE EXCEEDS 510.000 OUT STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION OF PROPERTY CHECK ONE DOES NOT EXCEED SIOO.000 1 DATE Q ACQUIRED NATURE OF INTEREST, E.G.. EQUITY, OPTION DISPOSED (� VALUE KXcEEo! S10.000 ■UT VALUK EXCEEDS S100.000 1 STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISK LOCATION OF PROPERTY CHECK ONE ❑ VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED 510.000 NATURE OF INTEREST, E.G.. EQUITY, OPTION VALUE EXCEEDS $10,000 BUT 1 a DOES NOT EXCEED $ 100.000 OATS G ACQUIRED I I DISPOSED VAL UE 6XCt KOf $100,000 STREET ADDRESS OR PRECISE LOCATION OF PROPERTY CHECK ONE J VALUE DOES NOT EXCEED $10.000 NATURE OF INTEREST, E.G.. EQUITY, OPTION (� VALUE KXcEEo! S10.000 ■UT DOCS NOT EXCEED $100.000 Q ACQUIRED DATE I n ouPolKa VALUK EXCEEDS S10O.000 !_L_ See explarwPons on reverse side Page 5 STC 710 19i 901 Schedule C INVESTMENTS AND INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY HELD BY BUSINESS ENTITIES OR TRUSTS If you, your spouse and dependent children collectively own more than 10% of a business entity, you must report your pro rata share, if worth 31,000 or more, of any investments or interests in real prcoerty which are held by the business entity. You must provide the same information that is required for any other investment or interest in real property. If you are a beneficiary or maker of a trust, consult the detailed Instruction Manual or your agency's legal counsel or filing officer. Page STD 730 9/301 NAME SCHEDULE D — INCOME (OTHER THAN GIFTS AND LOANS) Income aggregating S250 or more from reportable sources of income (of the type described in your disclosure Category). YAM It Or SOURCE Or INCOME CHECK ONS 1 ❑ AMOUNT OR VALUE RECXIVED DOEs NOT EXCEED 31.000 Or SOURCE Or INCOMS AMOUNT OR VALUE RECSIVED EXCEEDS 111.000 (ADDRESS I F7 OUT DOSS NOT EXCZED 51D.000 iEUSINE32 ACTIVITT Or SOURCE Or INCOME. Ir ANT OR VALVE RECEIVED EXCilOS I C1AMOUNT sla,000 �79 3CRIrT10N Or THE CONSIDERATION FOR WHICH INCOMZ WAS RECEIVED -NAME OF SOURCE OF INCOME 1 i ,ACONASS Or we e. I ■USINESS ACTIVITY OF SOURC OESCRIFTION OF THE CONSIDI I ;NAMZ Or SOURCE OF INCOME 1AD12RKXS OF SOURCE OF INCC ■USINESS ACTIVITY or SOURC DESCRIPTION OF TMS CONSIDI :NAME Or SOURCE OF INCOME I ADDRESS Or SOURCE OF INCC 'BU SIBZSS ACTIVITY OF SOURC I •OilGRI►TION Or THE CONSIDI w WHICH INCOME WAS RXCSIVSD a See explanations on reverse side AMOUNT OR VALUE RECEIVED DOES NOT EXCEED $1.000 1—� AMOUNT OR VALUE RECEIVED EXCXXOR 31.000 OUT Doss NOT EXCEED 310,000 AMOUNT OR VALUE RECEIVED ZXCZZOS 3-10.000 -24ECK ons AMOUNT OR VALUE Rl CZIVED DOSS NOT EXCEED {l�,l 51.000 AMOUNT OR VALUE RECEIVED EXCZZDS 31.000 OUT DOES NOT uxcxxD 310.000 a AMOUNT OR VALUE RECEIVED EXCEEDS 310..300 C:NECX ONE AMOUNT OR VALUE RECEIVED DOSS NOT EXCEED u S1,000 I AMOUNT OR VALUE RECEIVED EXCEEDS 31.000 UBUT DOES ROT EXCEED 31L,000 AMOUNT OR VALUE RECZIVED EXCEEDS ` 310,000 ED - aAMOUNT OR VALUE RECEIVED DOES NOT ZxCZZD $1.000 AMOUNT OR VALUE RECEIVED EXCEEDS 31.000 BUT DOES No? Exczxn 310.000 a AMOUNT OR VALUE RECZIVBD ZXCZZ.7S 310,000 Page 7 STD 730 ;9/901 Schedule D INCOME (OTHER THAN GIFTS AND LOANS) The most common forms of income include salary, :vages, interest, and the proceeds from sales, including sale of yourhouse or car. Your income includes your community property shareof your spouse's income. Reportable incomedoes not include salary and reimbursement for expenses or per diem received from a state, local or federal government agency: dividends, interestor other return on a security registered with the S.E.C.: payments under an insurance policy: interest on bank accounts or bonds: income of dependent children: alimony orchild support payments; redemp- tion of a mutual fund: any beouest or inheritance: or any payments received underadefined benefit pension planqualifiedunder Internal Revenue Code Section (401 (a). If you or your spouse is a beneficiary or maker of a :rust, consult the detailed Instruction Manual or your agency's legal counsel or filing officer concerning the reporting of income to the trust. Page d S'. C 730 9. 90 NAME SCHEDULE E - LOANS Outstanding loans and loans received aggregating 5250 or more from any reportable source of income (of the type described in your disclosure category). 1 -NAME OW __NCER _ _ ADDRESS OP DONOR VALUE OF GIFT(S) I "' -CK ONc I DESCRIPTION OF SIFT(S) I NAME OF DONOR ) DATES) OF GIFTS!) (ADDRESS F7AMOUNT OWED DOES NOT EXCEED 5I,C00 OF LENDER AMOUNT ONED EXCEEDS S1,000 BUT IDOES NOT EXCEED 510,000 BUSINESS ACTIVITY Ow -ENDER AMOUNT OWED EXCEEDS 516,_00 SECURITY EOR LOAN a NONE ENTIRE -CAN r ,'N7EREST RATE 1= NONE RE�uC �JJ1 :^+AME OF LENDER ONc AMOUNT OWED DDOE! NOT EXCEED SI.000 OF LENDER JADDRESS j� AMO::NT OWED EXCEEDS SI,OCO BUT J DOES NOT EXCEEC SIO,:OC I BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF LENDER AMOUNT OWE: EXCEEDS I 510.000 ISEC'JRITY FOR LDAN i ENTIRE LOAN �1 1 ;NTEFt EST RATE � 1 NONE � NONE -EPA 1D l.� NAME OF LENDER -;.ECK •%•"- AMOUNT OWED DOES NOT EXCEED $LOCO AMOUNT OWED EXCEEDS 51,:00 SUT I i AJCRESS OF LENDER L_J DOES NOT EXCEED SIC,000 - BUSINESS AC`IVIT , F _ENDER I AMOUNT CWEC EXCEEDS i, I NONE ENTIRE _J4N •�` I IN 7E CIES RA 7E j I NONE I acp 41D I SCHEDULE F - GIFTS Gifts aggregating S2_5 or more from any reportable source of income (o( the type described )nyour disclosure clategorv). ?LAME OF DONOR DATE SI OF ,:Ir SI ADDRESS OP DONOR VALUE OF GIFT(S) I ■UlIN E!! ACTIVITY OF DONOR, IF ANY I DESCRIPTION OF SIFT(S) I NAME OF DONOR ) DATES) OF GIFTS!) I ADDRESS OF DONOR BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF DONOR. IF ANY VALUE OF OIFTt3) DESCRIPTION OF GIFTS NAME OF DONOR 1 I DATE(S) OF GIFT(3) ( 1 1 ADDRESS OF DONOR VALUE OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF DONOR. IF ANY I DESCRIPTION OF GIFTS) 1 See explanations On reverse side Page D STO 730 (91801 Schedule E LOANS You must reDort all outstanding loans and loans received.at the highest amount owed by you during :ne reoorting period. Reportable loans do not include loans from commercial lenders mace in their ordinary course of business on terms available to the public without regard to official status if the loans: i.1 j :'fere used :o purchase your principal place of residence: or (2) aggregate less than S10,000 from any one lender, including indebtedness arising from retail installment or credit transactions. Repor:at:ie ioans also co not include loans from family members. Schedule F GIFTS ReooraD;e gifts do not include food, drink or lodging provided in another individual's home: gifts aoorcximately equal in value exchanged between you and an individual, other than a lobbyist, on hclic2,.s, birthdays, or similar occasions; gifts of informational materials, not including travel: gifts from family members; gifts which are not used and which within thirty days are returned :o 'he donor or delivered to a charitable organization without being claimed as a charit- able contr;bu'ion for tax Purposes: or any bequest or inheritance. ?age 10 STO 730 .9: 9C Name SCHEDULE G — INCOME TO BUSINESS ENTITIES Income from clients and customers (of the type described in your disclosure category) to a business entity in which the filer and the filer' spouse have an aggreg ate interest of 10"0' or more. NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY I AODRE55 OF B'JS-Nh:SS ENTITY N OF BUSINESS AC -.1 /17� OF BUSINESS ENT! -. � M NAME 0� EN"'Y GENERAL 7ESCRIF-:0N OF BUS1NE?S AC -:VI -V NAME OF EN T.7+ GENERAL nESCiip r,cN z B.l S:r_55 aC -'VI T" NAME OF EN .7'7Y GENERAL DESCRID T'CN OF BU 31N ESS ACC'1YI 7Y SCHEDULE H BUSINESS POSITIONS _ORESS :F EN' T :—R :OB T OR CU -0a - '_c A=C -i ESS EN T- -Y .'JR ;0S - 1 T -E See explanations on reverse side Page I, STD 730 9 '801 Schedule G INCOME TO BUSINESS ENTITIES If you and your spouse collectively own 10% or more of a business entity, you must report the names of 'hose clients and customers who provide so much in gross receipts to the business en- tity that ,your pro rata share (including your community property interest in your spouse's share) is S10,000 or more. No information is required to be reported about these clients and customers other than heir names. If you b?'.-oye that your client's names are privileged under California law, you may request from the Fair Political Practices Commission an exemption from disclosure of their names. Schedule H BUSINESS POSITIONS You ,mus: report the recuired information with respect to any business entity for which you are a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee or hold any position of management if such infor- mation is required by your disclosure category. Page 12 ST 730 !9,'9C. Please detach these instructions from the form prior to Filing. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF THE FORM 730 STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTEREST GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Your agency has adopted a document called a "Conflict of Interest Code." People covered by the Code are called "designated employees" and must disclose certain of their personal finances. The types of finances which you must disclose are described in the part of the Code called the "disclosure category." Before you go any further, make sure that your filing officer has given you a copy of your disclosure category. If you have questions about reporting which are not answered in these instructions or those contained on the reverse side of each scnedule, consult your agency's filing officer or legal counsel who have been provided with a more detailed manual by the Fair Political Practices Commission. ORGANIZATION OF FORM The Political Reform ,pct provides that four general types of interests may be made re- portable in conflict of interest codes: Investments, interests in real property, income, and business positions .'4-4nich include being an employee). With respect to the first three of these, the reporting requirement extends not only to your oersonal interests but also to interests held by business entities or trusts of which you and your immediate family own 10% or more. The schedules separate personal and business -owned interests as follows: Investments Interests in Real Property income Loans Gifts ' Business Positions PERSONAL BUSINESS -OWNED Schedule A Scnedule C Schedule B Schedule C Schedule D Schedule G Schedule E not apo!icable Schedule F not applicable Schedule H not applicable 'Loans and gifts must be reported when your disclosure category requires income to be re- ported. They are reported on separate schedules because there is a lower reporting threshold for gifts than for other kinds of income and because different information must be reported for both loans and gifts than for other kinds of income. Pace 13 STD 730 :9:'501 HOW TO FILL OI.IT THE FORM 730 Step 1: Complete the first page. If you left office after December 31, 1980, but before your annual filing date and you want to file a consolidate leaving office and annual Statement, check the boxes for both kinds of Statements, fill in the space for the gate you left office, and disclose all reportable interests held or received at any time between January 1, 1980 and the date you left office. If the filing deadline for the leaving office Statement is later than the annual f:iing care, you must inform the filing officer in writing before the annual deaaline that you intend to'olfow this procedure. The period covered by 'he Statement is printed on the form. If you are filing your first annual Statement and fall into the situations �escribed below, you should modify the period covered printed on the form as indicated. 1. If you assumed office after January 1, 1980 draw a line through "January 1" and write in the date you assumed office. 2. If your agency's Conflict of Interest Code became effective after January 1, 1980, =raw a line through "January 1" and :vrlte in the date the Code became effective. 3. If you filed an initial or assuming office Statement before January 1, 1980, and have not filed a Statement since. -you should craw a line through "January 1, 1980" and write In the date your agency's Code became effective (if your !ast Statement was an initial Statement) or the date you assumed office (if your last Statement was an assuming office Statement). Step 2: If you are filing an initial or assuming office Statement, turn to the summary page (back of 1st page) and check the box "Schedule not applicable to this type of Statement or to my disclosure category" for Schedules D, E, F and G. Step 3: Consult your disclosure category. If it does not require the reporting of any of the general <inds of interests covered 3y :he form, turn :o the summary page and for the schedule for that kind of interest, check the box marked "Schedule not applica-we :o my disclosure category." For example, if your disclosure category does not require you to re -,or: business ccs;tions, mark the box entitled "Not applicable to mydisclosure category" for Schedule H. Stec If you have not already decked Schedules C and G "not applicable" and if you, your spouse and dependent children ::o not collect::eiv own 10% or more of a business entity or trust, check the pox on the summary page marked "No -eoortabie •r,.er=sts" for Schedules C and G. Steo 5: 'Kith respect to the remaining schedules, determine if you have any interests of the kind described in your dis- closure ca:eaory. If ict. -neck the box on the summary page marked "No reportaole interests." NOTE —at You must reecrt r,vestments and interests in real propertyneld at any time during the period covered by this Statement regardless Of whether :!'ey are still held at the time of filing. b) You must report investments and interests in real prop=..^.y held by yc;.r socuse and dependent children and your community property share in your spouse's income. :1 You ,'gust redo'rt only investments in business entities, sources of income (other than gifts) and real property :•.n+ch are '.ocaT.e- :n or doing business or planning to do business in the geographical area subject to your agency's authority. Feal property is deemed to be located within the geograpnical area subject to the agency's authority :f S Within two miles of the area subject to the agency's authority or any :and owned or used by :-:e agency. Steo 5: If you have reportable Interests, you must complete the appropriate schedules. !f there is no change in the informatics on a previou°s;y filed schedule, you may make a copy of that Schedule and attach it to your Statement instead cf filling out a :mole new schedule. For each schedule containing reportable Interests, mark the box on the summary page entit:eo ''Schedule completed and attached." Step 7: Sign the verification, and fill in the date and the city where you did so. SPECIAL REPORTING PROBLEMIS 1. Reporting Rental Prooerty: if you own an interest in rental property directly (i.e., not through a business entity such as a partnership, corporation, joint venture, etc.) you should as a general rule, report the prop- erty on Schedule D, the total amount of rents as income on Schedule D and any tenants who pay rents of which your pro rata snare is S10,000 or more on Schedule G. On the other hand, if you own 10% or more of a business entitywnich owns rental property, you should report the business entity or. Schedule A, the property on Schedule C, the total amount of rents as income on Schedule D. and tenants who pay rents of which your pro rata share is more than 510,000 on Schedule G. Finally, if you own less than 1025 of a business entity which owns rental property, you should report your interest in the business entity on Schedule A and any income from the business entity on Schedule D. You need not report either the property or the tenants. 2. Interest in a Trust: If you have set up a trust for others or if you are a beneficiary of a trust, including a blinC trust, see your agency's filing officer or regal officer for reporting instructions. Page 's -_y -30 .9/801 APPENDIX -C NOTICE OF ACTION TAKEN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Agency has committed itself to the following course of action: NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event that any person desires the Agency to reconsider, or disapprove of, said com- mitment on the grounds of the existence of a conflict of interest of a Agency officer, employee or consultant, a request for said reconsideration or disapproval shall be submitted to the City Clerk of the Agency within thirty (30) days of the date hereof. Dated: By City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and Secretary Clerk of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole num- ber of the members of the City Council as the Community Redevelopment Agency is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. RDA 81-4 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council as the Community Redevelopment Agency held on the 18th day of May, 1981 by the following vote: AYES COUNCILPERSONS: Saltarelli, Edgar, Hoesterey, Sharp, Kennedy NOES COUNCILPERSONS: None ABSENT: COUNCILPERSONS: None MARY E. WYNN, Cit lerk City of Tustin, Ca ifornia