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27 !'
WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution No. 81-106 created a survey area
and the Planning Agency by Resolution No. 2007 recommnded the
adoption of a prrelimtnary plan for the South/Central
Redevelopment Project pursuant to Division 24, Part 1, Chapter
4 of the California Health and Safety Code; and
WHEREAS, a preliminary plan has been prepared pursuant to Section 33324
of the above referenced statute:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City
of Tusttn does hereby find and determine that;
A. The South/Central Redevelopment Project Preliminary Plan ~s
recoanended by the Planning Agency for the area described by the map and
boundary description as appendtxed hereto and a part hereof as Exhibit
i s approved.
B. A plan for the redevelopment of the area is being prepared.
C. The Agency proposes to use the 1981-1982 equalized
assessment roll as the base year for the allocation of taxes within the
O. The map and boundaries of the area as shown on Exhibit 1
also indicates the property within 300 feet from the boundaries of the
project area.
E. The Secretary of the Redevel.o~ment Agency is directed to
transatt a certified copy of the Resolution to the Auditor, Assessor,
and Tax Collector of Orange County and to the State Board of
Equal izati on.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of
the City of Tustin held on the 7th day of December 1981.
Mary E. Wy)~, Secr-eta~y
That portion of the Irvine Subdivision in the City of Tustin, County of
Orange, State of California, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, page 88 of
Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County, described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the existing boundary of the Town Center Area
Redevelopment Project in the City of Tustin as approved by the Council of said
City per Ordinance No. 701, said point being the centerline intersection of
Bryan Avenue (73.00 feet wide) and Main Street (80.00 feet wide) as established
by Tract No. 5390, as per map recorded in Book 202, pages 8 and 9 inclusive,
of Miscellaneous Maps, records ~f said County;
Thence along said existing boundary through tile following bearings and
distances: South 89°59'11'' West 1217.52 feet; South 39°57'46" West 359.69
feet; South 50001'32'' East 130.00 feet; South 39o57'46'. West 150.00 feet;
North 50°01'32'' West 50.00 Feet; South 39°57'46'' West 680.00 feet; North
50°01'32'' West 50.00 feet; South 39°57'46" West 250.00 feet; South 50001'32''
East 640.00 feet to an angle point in said existing boundary; said point
lying in the Southeasterly line of Orange Street (50.00 fe~;t wide) and being
an angle point in the City of Tustin boundary as established by tile High
School Annexation per Resolution adopted by the Board of Supervis,)rs of said
County dated June 19, 1957;
Thence leaving said existing Redevelopment boundary North 39::57'46" East
870.00 feet along said Southeasterly line of Orange Street to a point in the
Southwesterly line of San Juan Street (60.00 feet wide);
· ~treet South 50'~01'32"
Thence along said Southwesterly line of Sa~ ,luau," '
East 642.77 feet Lo a point of intersection with the Southwesterly
prolongation of the most Northwesterly line of Tract No. 8760, as per map
recorded in Book 362, pages 15 and 16 of Miscellaneous M:~ps, Records of said
Thence alon9 said Northwest line and its prglongation ~Iorth 39':'55'55"
Fast 360.51 Feet to the most Northerly Northwest corner ~}f snid Tr~,ct No. 8760;
Ther,ce along the Northeasterly boundary of said Tract No. 8/60 South
50°01'16" East 10.00 feet to the Southwesterly corner of' Tract No. 4334 as
per map recorded in book 153, pages 13 to 15 inclusive of Miscellan. eous Maps,
Records of saiJ County;
Thence along the Northwest line of said Tract No. 4334 North 39~'55'55''
East 688.52 feet to an angle point in the boundary of said tract; thence
continuing along said boundary South 50000'30'' East ?00.00 feet to an angle
joint in said boundary; thence continuing along said boundary North 39055'55''
East 303.00 feet to the most Easterly Northeast corner of said Tract No. 4334,
said corner being a point in the centc, rline of I~ryan Av~:nue (~!1.{)/) feet wide);
Thence leaving said tract along said centerline Nsrth 51)"'00'31" West
589.(]5 feet to the POINT Oi' BEGINNING.
The above described land contains 45.490 acre:; more or l~!ss and is
contiguous with the existi~g City of Tustin Redevc. lopment boundaries.
Pa~e 3 of 5
That portion of Lots 65 and 66 in Block l0 and Lots 33, 48, 49, 63, and 64 all
in Block ll of the Irvine Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book l,
Page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, that portion of
Stafford and Tustin Tract as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, Pa§es 15 and
16 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, that portion of Tustin
City as shown on a map recorded in Book l, Pages 52, 53 and 128 of Miscellaneous
Records of Los Angeles County, that portion of Newport Avenue Tract as shown
on a map recorded in Book 4, Page 76 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange
County, that portion of Ballar~s Addition as shown on a map recorded in B~ok l,
Page 48 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, that portion of Section
16, 17, 20 and 21 in Township 5 South, Range 9 West, San Bernardino Meridian,
all being in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California described
as follows:
BEGINNING at the West corner of Lot 16 as shown on a map of Tract No. 4527
recorded in Book 163, Page 38 and 39 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange
County, said point also being the Northerly corner of the land described in a
deed to Tustin School District of Orange County, recorded October 22, 1968 in
Book 8762, Page 508, in Official Records of Orange County;
Thence along the Westerly line of said land to Tustin School District of Orange
County, South 39°54'46'' West 95.02 feet to the beginnin§ of a curve concaved
Northerly having a radius of 75.00 feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve
through a central angle of 89o59'07'' a distance of 117.79 feet; thence North
50o06'07'' West 48.30 feet; thence South 39°55'51'' West 310.00 feet to a point
in the Northeasterly line of the land described in the deed to the Orange County
F~ood Control District recorded August 6, 1963 in Book 662, Pa~e 445 of Official
Records, Orange County;
Thence Southeasterly along the Nol'Lheasterly line of said land to Orange County
Flood Control District and its Southeasterly prolongation South 50o06'07'' East
1600.18 feet to the most Westerly Northwest corner of Lot 204, as shown on a
map of Tract No. 6647, recorded in Book 251, Pages 4 through 7, inclusive,
M~scellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, said point also being on the
Southeasterly line of Redhill Avenue (llO.O0 feet wide) as shown on said map
of Tract No. 6447;
Thence along the Southeasterly line of said Redhill Avenue and its Southwesterly
prolongation, South 39°56'54'' West 545.00 feet to a point in the Southeasterly
prolongation of the Southwesterly line of Edinger Avenue (formerly Moulton
Parkway) as described in a deed to the County of Orange, recorded September 7,
1960 in Book 5406, Page 473, in Official Records of Orange County;
Thence North 50o06'07'' West along said Southwesterly line of [dinger Avenue and
its prolongation, 2730.77 feet to a point in tile Northwest line of Newport Avenue
(60.00 feet wide) as shown on a map entitled "PARC. EL D, IRVINE-MYFORD ANNEXATION
NO. 81 (AMENDED)" to the City of Tustin, as adopted hy Ordinance No. 716 dated
April 4, 1977 by the City £ouncil of said City;
Thence along the existing City of Tustin boundary per said Parcel "D", IRVINE-
MYFORD ANNEXATION NO. 81 and the South Tustin Avenuc Annexation No. 2, per
Ordinance No. 146 adopted February 6, 1961, through the followi..U courses: North
39053'38'' East 187.08 feet, North 0o24'28" East 64.27 t'eet, South ~9'~56'36'' West
111.63 feet, North 50006'22'' West 43.06 feet, North 19~:42'14'' East 255.71 feet,
North 39053'38'' East 50.00 feet, South 50016'22'' East 36.70 feet to a point in
the West line of Old Tustin Ave~ue as shown on a map en~itled "Newport Freeway
Right of Way Map, Road 7-0RA-55" per File No. 9638 in the Offic(? of the County
Surveyor of Orange County;
Thence along the Easterly line of the Newport Freeway as shown on said Right of
~ay Map through the following courses: North 0°23'56'' East 168.87 feet, North
11°24'09'' East 667.27 feet, North 49°54'11'' East 261.24 feet, North 84°~0'18''
East 216.58 feet, South 65040'30'' East 403.19 feet to the most Easterly corner
of Lot 12 as shown on a map of Tract No. 5469 recorded in Book 19~l, Pages 30 and
31, of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County;
Thence North 37o40'28'' East 150.58 feet to the South corner of Lot 8 as shown on
a map of Tract No. 5468, recorded in Book 206, Page ~l and 32 of Miscellaneous
Maps, Records of Orange County, California, said point also being on the right
of way l in~.~ of said Newport Freeway;
F. XHIBIT - 1, Page 4 of 5
Thence along said Newport Freeway right of way line through the following
courses: North 65°10'04'' West 405.80 feet, North 64°55'47'' West 143.05 feet,
North 65o40'52'' West 215.45 feet, North 39°52'28'' West 286.23 feet, North 1°54'57''
West 765.03 feet, North 5°48'19'' East 175.93 feet, North 0°03'54'' West 746.79
feet, North 2°51 '29" East 450.99 feet, North 0003'54'' West 553.26 feet, North
44°02'41'' East 424.87 feet, North 74°12'50'' East 141.35 feet, South 74°59'20''
East 248.64 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way line of the Santa Ana
Freeway as shown on a map entitled "Santa Ana Freeway Right of Way Map F-1982"
per plan No. 7731 on file in the Office of the County Surveyor, Orange County;
Thence along said South line of said Santa Ana Freeway and the existing City of
Tustin boundary as established by the Bolyard Annexation per Resolution No. 970
adopted Novc~ber 18, 1968 and tl~e Nisson - "B" S~reet Annexation No. ll (R. evised)
along the following courses: South 67035'47'' East 285.50 feet, North 0°03'13''
East lO.O0 feet, South 67o35'47'' East 101.74 feet, South 67043'04'' East 1226.00
feet, more or less, South 60°11'22'' East 76.53 feet, South 66°09'30'' East 734.87
feet to a point on the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line of E1 Camino
Real (Formerly "D" Street) (60.00 feet wide);
Thence along said Southerly prolongation of the West line of said E1 Camino
Real South O°12'lO'' East 72.98 feet to a point in the Westerly prolongation
of the Southerly line of Nisson Street (50.00 feet wide) said Southerly line
of Nisson Street being the Southerly line of the Frontage Road as shown on said
Right of Way Map of the Santa Ana Freeway;
Thence along said Westerly prolongation of said Southerly line of Nisson Street
South 70059'20'' East 119.85 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concaved
Southeasterly having a radius of 25.00 feet; thence Westerly and Southwesterly
along said curve through a central angle of 69007'02'' a distance of 39.16 feet
to a point on the Southeasterly line of Newport Avenue (100.00 feet wide);
Thence along said Southeasterly line of Newport Avenue South 39°53'38'' West
1928.45 feet to an angle point in said Southeasterly line ~nd its Southwesterly
prolongation said angle point being in the centerline of Walnut Avenue (90.00
feet wide); thence continuing along said Southeast line of Newport Avenue
and its Southwesterly prolongation South 39055'20'' West 1270.53 feet to a point;
thence North 50004'40'' West lO.O0 feet to a point on the Northeasterly prolongation
of the Southeasterly line of said Newport Avenue /80.20 feet v~ide) as shown on
a map recorded in Book 70, Page 30, of Records of Surveys, County of Orange;
Thence along said Northeasterly prolongation of said Sout. heasterly line of
Newport Avenue South 39o53'38'' West 775.61 fe~t to a point in the Southwesterly
line of the land shown on said Record of Survey;
Thence South 50o06'07'' East along said Southwesterly line and the Southwesterly
line of Tract Ilo. 4664 as shown on a map recorded in Book 163, Page 40 and 41 of
Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, and said Tr'~ct No. 4527 a distance
of 1174.10 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
The above described land contains 214.667 acres, more or less.
Page 5 of 5
MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and Secretary Clerk of the Community Redevelopment
Agency of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole num-
ber of the members of the City Council as the Community Redevelopment Agency is
five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. RDA 81-13 was duly and
regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council
as the Community Redevelopment Agency held on the 7th day of December, 1981 by the
following vote:
Saltarelli, Edgar, Hoesterey, Sharp, Kennedy
MARY E. WYNN, City_ ~erk
City of Tustin, California