HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 04 IV WATER CAP IMP 03-18-02AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: MARCH 18. 2002 400-10 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CiTY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/WATER DIVISION AUTHORIZATION FOR PHASE IV OF THE WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY The original contract for Water Capital Improvement Management Program Services executed between the City and Tetra Tech, Inc. (formerly ASL Consulting Engineers) in 1996 was structured in five phases with the stipulation that the City Council would authorize each phase prior to any work proceeding on that phase. Phases I and II have been completed and the Phase III projects are now in construction, To avoid delays in the completion of future projects, it is appropriate to authorize Tetra Tech, Inc. to proceed with the tasks associated with Phase IV of their existing contract. The Phase IV authorization in the amount of $276,290 will provide for program management, design review, and construction management services. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council authorize Tetra Tech, Inc. to proceed with Phase IV of their existing contract to provide Water Capital Improvement Program Management Services subject to approval of the Annual Capital Improvement Program Budget associated with each particular project. FISCAL IMPACT All of the proposed projects within Task IV are currently listed in the FY 01/02 CaPital Improvement Program Budget and funds have been appropriated for those project expenses that will be incurred this fiscal year. BACKGROUND In October of 1990, Daniel Boyle Engineering, Inc., completed a Water System Storage Evaluation Study. The Study determined that there were deficiencies in the system in both quantity of storage and structural condition of existing reservoirs. It was determined that approximately $40 million worth of improvements to the storage and distribution system were necessary. Subsequently, in 1992, the City Council reviewed and approved a funding plan to support a development program to construct the recommended water system improvements. Although significant progress had been made as of 1995, the total program was behind schedule. In an effort to expedite the program, Tetra Tech, Inc., was retained through a competitive proposal process to provide program management services for the Water Capital Improvement Program. These services include the preparation of requests for proposals, selection of consultants, negotiation of contracts, management of consultants, plan checking, coordination, preparation of CEQA documents, meetings and reports. The program management was structured in five phases, with each phase requiring separate approval by the City Council. Authorization for Phase IV of the Water Capital Improvement Management Program March 18, 2002 Page 2 DISCUSSION Phase I and Phase II of the Program Management Contract were authorized by City Council in 1996 and have been completed. Phase III was authorized by Council in 1998 and the majority of tasks have been completed. The remaining tasks involve construction management services for the construction of the Main Street Reservoir and the replacement of the Simon Ranch Booster Station. Authorization of Phase IV will allow the following tasks to begin and avoid delaying the completion of the Capital Improvement Program. Task Capital Improvement Project Number 1. Simon Reservoir Design 2. Construction Management for Foothill Reservoir Repairs 3. Water Main Replacement Design (Combine with Task 5) 4. Program Management Reports/Meeting 5. Prospect Avenue Water Main Replacement 6. John Lyttle Reservoir Improvements Design (Combine with Task 7) 7. Newport Avenue Reservoir Improvement Design 8. Construction Management for Pasadena Well 9. Tustin Avenue Well Design (Combine with 10) 10. Ponderosa Avenue Water Main Replacement TOTAL AUTHORIZATION 6114 $ 18,200 6113 $ 75,OOO 6106 6134 6151 6148 6149 6130 6150 6416 $ 32,500 $ 6,240 $ 7,8OO $120,040 $ 16,510 $276,290 The cost associated with Phase IV has been rewsed from the $245,290 budgeted in the original contract awarded in 1996 to $276,290. This is due to slight increase in hourly fees and the addition of the following projects based on the Water Master Plan completed in 2000. · Water Main Replacement Designs for Ponderosa Avenue and Prospect Avenue. · John Lyttle and Newport Reservoir Improvements Evaluation and Design. · Tustin AvenueWell Design. Authorization for Phase IV of the Water Capital Improvement Management Program March 18, 2002 Page 3 Phase IV in the original contract only inclUded Tasks One through Task Four: However, the completion of the Master Plan along with studies performed during Phases I through I~l revealed that some of our wells and pipelines are reaching the e'nd of their useful life and need to be replaced or rehabilitated. It is estimated that the tasks in Phase IV will take from 14 to 20 months to complete. All of the current projects are budgeted in the current fiscal year. However, many of the projects are multi-year and funding will be adjusted as necessary during the annual budget process. To date Tetra Tech, Inc., has provided substantial assistance to the City staff. Specialized expertise and additional manpower provided by them has helped to keep the overall CIP program moving towards completion. The consultant contract terms will remain the same and the consultant has increased hourly rates only slightly from the 1996 level. In addition, the contract will continue to be paid only upon completion of milestones. Staff has been very pleased with the performance of Tetra Tech, Inc. and recommends that the City Council continue the contract by authorizing Phase IV. Tim D. Se'~et Director of Public Works/City Engineer TDS;ceg: Phase IF WCIP mgmt Prog. doc Attachments: Program Management Construction Summary Program Status Odginal Contract Phases I to IV Proposed Phase IV. CiTY OF TUSTIN WATER DMSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT MILESTONES PHASEI Task # Description Milestol~es for Pa},.,~& Cost 1 Develop 7-year Program and Completion $8,800 Budget 2 Fin~_~e Main Street Site Plan Completion $11,100 3 Viain Sb'eet Reservoir Site Completion : $5,000 Acquisition 4 Prepare Raw~ngs Zone Il BPS Completion $8,500 Site Plan 5 Structural Analysis of Foothill, Selection of Consultant Simon, and Rawlings Reservoirs Completion of Report $4,500 $7,100 6 Prepare Site Plans for Simon Completion of Site Plan $8,500 ~anch BPS 7 ' ! Design Water Main Replacement Completion of ?_nd chec~ by City - 50% $29,500- projects 600123 and 600124 Presentation of Final Plans and Specifications for Signature - 50% ~2.9,50q $59,000 8 Design Water Main Replacemen~ Completion of 2nd. check by C~ - 50% $34,000 projects 600125, 600126, and Presentation of Final Plans and 600128 Speci~cations for Signature - 50% ,' $58,000 9 Reports and Meetings Monthly oo a Time and Materials Basis i $16,000 SUBTOTAL PHASE I I $190,000 11 CITY OF TUSTIN WATER DMSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT MILESTONES PHASE II Task # Descfi~on Milestones for Payment I Cost I Main Street Reservoir Design Selection of Design Consultant ~2.600 Comple§on of CEQA Docume.~l;on $3,500 Completion of Prelirr~nary Design Report $2,000 Presentation of Final Plans and Spec~ca§ons for Signature $11,000 ' 2 Main' Street Wel~ ~ Design Selec~on of Design Consultant Completion o.f Preliminary Design Report $2,000 Presentation of Final Plans and Specifications for Signature $6,500 3 Rawlings Zon~ I1 BPS Design Completion of Right-of-Way Acquisition $5,000 Selec~on of Design Consuttant $:2,600 Completion of CEQA Desume,,:~,':on $:3.500 Completion of Preliminary Design Report $7,500 Presentation of Finat Plans and Spocifica~oes for Signature $6,500 $20,100 4 Design Simon Ranch BPS Completion of Right-of-Way Acquisition $5,000 Selec~on of Design Consultant $2,600 Completion of CEQA DocumentaGon $:3,500 Completion of Preliminary Design Report $2,500 Presentation of Final Plans and Specifications for Signature $6,500 " $20,100 5 Water Main Replacement Design Selection of Design Consultant $2,600 Presentation of Final Plans and Specifications for Signature · $7,$00 I Reports and Meetings Monthiy on a Time and Matedats Basis $2.1,000 6 SUBTOTAL PHASE Il I $98,7'00 12 CITY OF TUSTIN WATER' DIVISION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT MILESTONES PHASE III Task # Desc~pfion Miles{ones for Payment I Cost I Foothill Reservoir DeSign Seiscfion of E]R Consultant $2,600 Completion of EIR $8,{3a0 Selec~on of Design Consultant $2.600 Completion of Preliminary Design Repe~t $3,500 Presentation of Final Plans Specifications ~or Signature $9~500 ~24,200 2 Construction Management for Monthly on a Time and Materials Be. sla $210,000 Main Street Reservoir and Well J" Nb. 2. 3 C0nstmction Management for J Monthly' on a Time and Matefiats Basis $146,a0o Ravings Zone II and Simon Bo~ster Pump Stations 4 Water Main Replacement Design Selection of Design Consultant Prese.l~llon of F'mal Plans and Specifiqatians for Signature $4,7ao $7,300 5 Reports and Meetings Monthly on a Time and Materials Basis SUBTOTAL PHASE III .$408,500 13 CITY OF 'JUSTIN wATER DMSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES COMPENSATION AND ~PAYMENT MILESTONES PHASE Task # Description i Milestones for Payment Cost 1 Simon Resewoir Design ~election of Design Consultant $2.600 Completion of CEQA Documentation $2,500 Compielion of Preliminary Des'~3n Report PresentMion of Final Plans Specifications for Signature ~ $18,100 2 Construction Management for Monthly on a 'l'~me ~nd Matedats Bas~s $199,500 Foothill Reservoir 3 Water Main Replacement Design Selec~on of Design consultant · $2.;600 Presentation of Final Plans and Specifications for Signature - $~4,700 $7,300 4 Reports and Meetings Monthly on a Time and.Matedala Basis $2.1,000 SUBTOTAL PHASE IV $245,~00 October 18, 2001 Mr. Tim D. Serle~ Director, Public Works/City Engineer City of Tustin Public Works/Water Service Division 300 Centennial Way Tustin. CA 92780 Reference: Water Capital Improvement Project Program Management Services .: Phase IV Dear Mr. Serler: The majority of the Phase III Water Capital Improvement Proiects are now either completed or are entering the construction phase. We are now ready to proceed with Phase IV of the project. As requested, attached is our Scope of Services, Fee, and Payment Schedule for this phase of the project. We have made revisions m reflect the :hanges in the project to date. These include: Adding services for managine the Water Main Replacement Designs for Ponderosa Avenue and Prospect Avenue. Adding services for managing the John Lyttle and Newport Reservoir Improvements Evaluation and Design. Adding services for managing the Tustin Avenue Well Design. Increasing slightly the fee for :onsultant selection, meetings and reports. Services will be provided using the revised hourly rates and conditions outlined provided herein. We have raised our hourly rates slightly from the rates we ha~e used since our conlract was signed in January 1996. If you have any questions regarding our Phase IV services please feel free to contact us. We look for~ard to continuing-our Program Management Services to the City of Tustin. Sincerely, .. Senior Vice President SDT/cg J:~3291 \0016\1069rwc.doc Attachments 16241 Laguna Canyon Road, Suite 200, Irvine, CA 92618 Tel 949.727.7099 Fax 949.727.7097 TETRATECH, INC. CiTY OF TUSTIN Water Division Capital Improvement Program Management Services SCOPE OF SERVICES Tetra Tech, Inc. will provide the following detailed scope of services as parr of our program management services contract. ' . · . These services have been d~wded into separate tasks to correspond with the various assignments and projects which are a part of the overall program. PHASE IV Task 1 - Simon Reservoir Design (CIP No. 6114) Tetra Tech, Inc., will review the finalized site plan and wilI provide the following services durin~ the design phase: ~ a. Prepare request for proposal (RFP). issue RFp, rewew proposals received, recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. b. Assist in filing °f CEQA d°cumentation (assuming Negative Declaration only is required). c. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittaI ar the preliminary design stage. d. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staffand review design submittal ar the 50% design stage. e. Provide coordination with design consultant and Cky staffand review design submittal at the 90% design stage. f. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal ar the 100% design stage. Task 2 - Construction Management for Foothill Reservoir Repairs (ClP No. 6113) Tetra Tech, Inc. will provide one (1) construction inspector on a part-time basis for a period of six monthS,)rovided:Who will be assisted as needed by a construction manager. The following services will be Technical Assistance during bidding andadvertisemem period Provide Community Relations Program Process shop drav~ings with design consultants Issue requests for information Provide consmaction observation Coordinate consmaction staking, geotechnical and materials testing Review change order requests Review progress schedules Review contractors record ~.rawings J53291 \0016\1069rwc.cloc Page 1 TETRATECH, INC. Infrastructure Services Group Task 3 - Water Main Replacement Design [ClP No. 6106) Task 5 - Prospect Avenue Water Main Replacement Design (CIP No. 6151) We propose that Tasks 3 and 5 be combined into one Water Main Replacement contract. Terra Tech, Inc. will provide the following services during the design phase of the combined project: a. Prepare request for proposal (RFP), issue RFP, review proposals received, recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. b. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the preliminary design stage. c. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review ~iesign submittal at the 50% design stage. d. Provide C6¢rdination with design consultant and City staffand review design submittal at the 90% design stage. e. Provide coordination with design consultam and City staff and review design submittal at the 100% design stage. Task 4 - Reports and Meetings for Phase IV (6134} Tetra Tech. Inc., will attend the following meetings and provide the following reports throughout Phase IV: Monthly schedule and oudget repons Weekly status of project delays Staff reports to Council as required Attendance ar City Council meetings as required Public presentations Biweekly meetings with City staff Biweekly meetings with consultants and construction conrramors Task 6 - John Lyttle Reservoir Improvements Design [ClP No. 6148) Task 7 - Newport Avenue Reservoir Improvements Design (CIP No. 6149) We propose that Tasks 6 and 7 be combined into one Reservoir Improvement (Repair) project. Separate proposals and contracts will be prepared for the evaluation and design phases of the project. Tetra Tech, Inc., will provide the following services during the evaluation and design phases of the combined project: ' a. Prepare requests for proposaI (RFP), issue RFP,s, review proposals received, recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. ?r°vide coordination with evaluation consultant and City staff and review the recommendations for reservoir repairs and improvements. c. Provide Coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 50% design stage. d. ?r°vide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 90% design stage. e. ?r°vide Coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittai at the 100% design stage. · - .~ ~ J:X3291\0016\1069rwc.doc Page 2 TETRATECH, INC. infrastructure Services Group Task 8 - Construction Management for Pasadena Well (tip No. 6130) Tetra Tech, Inc., will provide one (l) construction inspector on a part-time basis for a period of six months during facility construction. The inspector will be assisted as needed by a construction manager, who will be involved with the project throughout its duration. The following services will be provided: Technical Assistance during bidding and advertisement period Provide Community Relations Pros, Tm · Process shop drawings with design consultanus · Issue requests for information · Provide consumction observation · Coordinate construction staking, geotechnical and materials testing · Review e}fange order requests · Review profess schedules · Keview contractors record drawings Task 9 - Tustln Avenue Well (ClP No. 6150) Task 10 ~ Ponderosa Avenue Water Main Replacement Design (CIP No. 6146) Tetra Tech, Inc., will review the finalized site plan and will provide the following s~rvines during the design phase: a. Prepare request for proposal (RFP), issue RFp, review proposals received, /'or selection and negotiate contract, recommend consultant b. Assist in filing °f CEQA documentatinn (assuming Negative Declaration only ~s required). c. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the prelimina~ design stage. d.designPr°videstage.:°°rdinad°n with design consultant and City staffand review design subrrfittal at the 50% e.designPr°videstage.C°°rdinati°n with design consultant and City staffand review design subndittal at the 90% £designPr°videstage.C°°rdinati°n with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 100~ moreWe havethanasSUmed14 months.that the Phase IV tasks listed above will be completed within a total duration of nm -T:~3291 \0016\I069rwc.doc Page 3 TETRA TECH, INC. Infrastructure Services Grouu CITY OF TUSTIN Water Capital Improvement Program Program Management Services, Phase IV Task/Project Activity I, Simon Reservoir Design (6114) Selection of'Design Consultant Complete and File CEQA Documents Completion of Preliminary Design Report Presentation o£final plans & specs Staff Hours Rate Total Contract Duration 6 ,months 2 - Construction Management for Foothill Reservoir Repairs (6113) Monthly on a Time and Materials Basis Construction Manager Program Manager Project Engineer Constraction Inspector Word Processor Program Manager 23 130 $2.990 Program Manager 20 I30 $2,600 Program Manager 27 I30 $3,510 Program Manager 70 t30 $9,100 Task Subtotal $-18.200 3 - Water Main Replacement Design (6106) 5 - Prospect Avenue Water Main Replacement Design (6151) Services for combined Water Main Replacement Project Selecuon of Design Consultant Program Manager Presentatior, of final plans & specs Program Manager 4 - Reports and Meetings (CIP Management 6134) Monthly on a Time and Materials Basis Program Manager 6 - John Lyttle Reservoir Improvements Design (6148) 7 - Newport Avenue Reservoir Improvements Design (6149) Services for combined Reservoir Improvement Project Selection of Evaluation Consultant Presentation of Project Recommendations Selection of Design Consultam Presentation of final plans & specs 8 - Construction Management for Pasadena Well (6130) Monthly on a Time and Materials Basis Program Manager Program Manager Program Manager Program Manager Construction Manager Program Manager Project Engineer Construction Inspector Word Processor Contract Duration 10 toonths total 4 months well developmem 6 months facility construction 9 ~ Tusun Avenue Well (6150) 10 - Ponderosa Avenue Water Main Replacement Design (6146) Selection of Design Consultant Complete and File C='~- ~' Program Manager ~,4,~ ~Jocuments ' Program Manager Completion of Preliminary Design Report Program Manager Presentation of final plans & specs Program Manager *'J:~291.00Si 3 ~/069 fe~.xls 240 95 $22,800 72 130 $9,360 72 95 $6,840 400 72 528,800 100 50 $5,000 Reproduction $2,000 Mileage $200 Task Subtotal $75.000 16 I30 $2,080 32 130 $4,160 Task Subtotal $6,240 250 I30 S32,500 Task Subtotal $32.500 8 130 $1,040 12 130 $I,560 16 130 52,080 24 I30 $3,120 Task Subtotal $7,800 400 95 $38,000 84 130 $10.920 84 95 $7.980 720 72 $51,840 160 5O $8.000 Reproduction $3,000 Mileage $300 Task Subtotal $120,040 23 130 $2,990 27 130 $3,510 27 130 $3,510 50 130 $6,500 Task Subtotal $16,510 TOTAL PHASE IV $27~290  TETRA TECH, INC. Infrastructure Services Group HOURLY RATES CITY OF TUSTIN Water Division Capital Improvement Program Management Services Classification H~ourlv Rate Principal ......................................................................................................................... $140 Program Manager ............................................................................................................ Construction Manager ................. 13095 Project En~,lneer ............................................................ Resident Engineer .............................................................. 95 Design Engineer ............................................................ 72 Construction Inspector ................................................................. Draftsperson ...... 72 Word Processor ............................ ' .......................................................................... 60 J:L3291 \0016\1069mvc.doe Page