HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA 77-17 1 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 77-1'7 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING THE AGENCY BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING REVENUE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1977-78 W~ERE,%S, the [~t¥' ,dmJnistrator has: prepared and ?ubmitted to ~ke Redevelopment ..%genc:.' a proposed annual budqet for the 1977-78 fi~,.~cal 5'ear, beqinn[nq ,~ul¥ 1, 197'?, and WIIER'.:'~S, the RedeYelopment Agency has re¥ie,ved thJ~. proposed budget; and WHi.:RE.'~S, the Rede',,elopment .Aqenc.. has determ~nc~d tkat it Js neces,~,ar%' for the efficJent management oi' the '~gcnc¥ t?:at terra.in ~ums of reYenue of the '~qenc'~' be approprkated to the Yarious act-~,.ities of the %(~ e. nc'/: NOW, TI[ERi~I.'OR!~, [.he Redevelop. nent ,\gcncy of the City o~. Tustin doe~.; hereby renol%.e, deter~r~ine and order as follows: ~E~,T1ON ]: Redevc..lopment Agency revenues are est.imated to be $35.',),000 ['rom property tax incremen[al sources. The proceeds are to be u.~:ed as fol]o.vs: Repay loan from General 3'und in prior finical '/ear Operational Expense~ Capital 'Improvement% $ 7,000 26,000 317,000 $350,000 Section 2: The Rede~elopmen~ Igency ,~J].l accept a $300,000 loan from the CJtv Genera] Fund (~.ffectiYe July 1, 1977, in order to commence ils ~arious progra:r.,~: and project: whit?: shall be ~epaid gith seven (7) oerccnt ~nterest us tax increment £und.~! are re(;ei,,.ed by the ',gency. Th(; Agent'/ '..:ill. completely repay the loan prior to %he end of the [i.~cal year on dune 3.,'), 197[~. P."~SSED ..%~K) ADOPTEr) at a regular meet~..ng of tile Tustin RedeYelop- ment Aqenc¥' ho].d on the 18th day of July, 1977. ATTEST: C~AIRMAN F C.~Y CLI.'.RK 1 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2S 24 25 26 27 28 29 SO Z2 STATE 0[" CALI: IA) COUNTY OF O~'~NG~.~ ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN) RIJTH C. POll, C.it'..' C].erk and Secretary Clerk of the Community Redeuelopment Agency of the CJt of Tustin does hereb, certify that the w~.o]e numbers of the member,,: of the City Counc]l as the Com.mun~[~.v R(:development Aqonc~, is fJ\.'e; ~hat the abo%e and foregoing Resolution No. RDA 77-17 v;as duly and reqularly introduced, read, pas?ed and adopted b', the City Council as the Community ~,edaYelopmen? \gency held on t~.ie 18th day of ;uly , ]977. by the following vote: AY I';S: ?,{embers: SHARP, WELSH, ?.DGAR, S.:'~LTARELL1 NOES: Mem'oer~:: NONE \BSENT: Member::: SCHUSTER ABSTAINED: Members: '> Rutk C. Poe, CJt,f Y~erk and Secretary/Clerk Of the~i%~deYelopment A~ency