HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 2010 JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG)AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item 3 Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: JUNE 1, 2010 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: SCOTT M. JORDAN, CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: 2010 JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) SUMMARY: Congress established the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program in the 2005 Omnibus Appropriations Package. The JAG program blends the previous Edward Byrne Formula Grant (Byrne) and the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) programs into one program, which is intended to provide agencies with the flexibility to prioritize and place justice funds where they are most needed. The Police Department proposes to use the 2010 JAG funds to provide supplemental funding to the Proactive Methamphetamine Task Force (PROACT) and to purchase a digital audio/video recording and storage system for police interview rooms. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Open and close a public hearing, 2. Authorize the Police Department to apply for JAG funding through the County of Orange, and use the funds as recommended. 3. Authorize the Chief of Police to sign any grant-related paperwork on behalf of the City, including the Transfer Agreement authorizing reimbursement from the County of Orange to the City of Tustin. FISCAL IMPACT: The grant award for the City of Tustin is $14,559. After a 10% PROACT contribution and a 9% County of Orange administration fee, the City will retain $11,793. The County of Orange will serve as the applicant/fiscal agent and will reimburse the City portion upon verification that the funds have been spent in accordance with grant procedures. 2010 Justice Assistance Grant June 1, 2010 Page 2 of 2 BACKGROUND: In the late 1990's, the Proactive Methamphetamine Task Force (PROACT) was formed and is comprised of personnel from several municipal police agencies, agents from the State Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement, the Orange County Sheriffs Department, the Orange County Probation Department and the Orange County District Attorney's Office. This task force was funded by the Byrne grant funds and allowed for reimbursement of an officer's time, equipment and the clean-up of methamphetamine labs. These labs have extremely hazardous materials and require special handling not only for clean-up, but for prosecution of those responsible for operating the lab. Orange County Police Chiefs have agreed that the continued operation of the PROACT task force is a high priority that benefits all Orange County cities. The Orange County cities that receive JAG grant funding routinely designate 10% of their funding for the PROACT task force. For Tustin, this represents a commitment of $1,456 of the total JAG funds available. This is a worthwhile expenditure to insure that methamphetamine labs in Orange County continue to be investigated and cleaned up at minimal costs to each city. The Police Department supports the commitment of these funds to the PROACT task force. After application of a 9% administrative handling fee to the County of Orange, totaling $1,310, the Police Department recommends the balance of the funds, in the amount of $11,793, be used toward the purchase of digital audio/video recording equipment for three interview rooms within the police department, where suspects and arrestees are routinely interviewed. Over the past twelve months, Tustin Police Department has been notified by the Court that suspect interviews recorded with our current old-technology VCR style system are no longer compatible with courtroom digital media equipment. Suspect interviews are essential in the pursuit of prosecution and this upgrade is now a necessity. The makers of our mobile digital audio/video police unit recorders, DATA 911, will be able to incorporate this audio/video upgrade using the same storage as the digital media obtained from police vehicles. This provides a secure and cost-effective "one stop digital media solution" for this project. Equipping all three interview rooms will result in a cost of $14,046.41. Matching funds in the amount of $2,253,41 will be needed to complete this project, and are available in the MAVS/MDC equipment replacement fund. SCOTT M. JOR N CHRISTINE SCHWA T Chief of Police Support Services Division Manager 2010 JAG Expenditure Form City: The City of Tustin proposes to use the 2010 Justice Assistance Grant funding as follows: Project Obiectives: Include type of programs to be funded and the need for the programs for the four year grant period: Digital audio and video recording of suspect interviews is now mandatory for court use in prosecution of suspects. Tustin PD's current system is an antiquated VCR type recording system. The stated project objective is to install a digital audio/video recording system in two non-secure interview rooms to meet court mandates for recording compatibility. Goals of the project: Project goal is to be able to meet court mandates to supply suspect interviews in digital format. Strategies to be used for proiect: Strategy intended for most cost-effective solution would be to utilize an extension system of current digital media solution used for Mobile Audio/Video in police units, designed to accomplish a "one stop shopping" storage solution for digital media. Budget Narrative: Include breakdown for Personnel, travel, equipment, supplies, consultants/contracts, other costs, etc. Equipment Costs: Total $14,046.41 - requires a Tustin match of $2,256.41 for completion. Timeline and/or proiect plan: Identify when the goals and objectives will be completed This project will proceed immediately upon approval of expenditure. Funding: Total Allocation: $14,559 PROACT Contribution: (undetermined %) $1,456 Administrative Fee (9%): $1,310 Funds Retained by City/County: $11,793 Signature of Autli rized Recipient Official Date Edward Bvrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Memorandum of Understanding We, the Orange County Executive Officer and the city managers of the cities that are eligible to receive the 2010 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant funding in Orange County, or their designees, do hereby indicate our understanding that the County of Orange will serve as the applicant/fiscal agent for the 2010 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant funds for which our agencies maybe eligible. Print Name and Title Signature Orange County - $21,240 Print Name and Title Signature Anaheim City - $154,633 Print Name and Title Signature Buena Park City - $30,970 Print Name and Title Signature Costa Mesa City - $33,185 Print Name and Title Signature Cypress City - $10,202 JAG Memorandum of Understanding (continued) Print Name and Title Fountain Valley City - $11,292 Signature Print Name and Title Signature Fullerton City - $48,870 Print Name and Title Signature Garden Grove City - $70,763 Print Name and Title Signature Huntington Beach City - $42,516 Print Name and Title Signature Irvine City - $14,450 Print Name and Title Signature La Habra City - $20,623 Print Name and Title Signature Lake Forest City - $10,820 JAG Memorandum of Understanding (continued) Print Name and Title Newport Beach City - $16,447 Signature Print Name and Title Orange City - $28,465 Signature Print Name and Title Placentia City - $11,001 Print Name and Title Santa Ana City - $205,899 Print Name and Title Stanton City - $17,573 5 ~~7T/~~T ~dr?~ Print Name and Title Tustin City - $14,559 Print Name and Title Westminster City - $32,931 Signature Signature Signature Signature Signature