HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 05-27-97MINUTES
MAY 27, 1997
7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Pontious
Tustin Police Chaplain,
Rev. Lee Lescano
Lou Bone, Chairman
David Vandaveer
Steve Kozak
Howard Mitzman
Leslie Pontious
Rita Westfield, Assistant Director,
Community Development Department
Doug Anderson, Transportation Engineer
Lois Bobak, Deputy City Attorney
Scott Reekstin, Associate Planner
Barbara Reyes, Recording Secretary
(Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not
on the agenda.)
No Public Concerns were expressed.
1. Minutes of the May 12, 1997 Planninq Commission Meetinq.
Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Pontious seconded, approval of the
Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0.
No Public Hearinqs Scheduled
2. The Mills Act Report
Presentation: Scott Reekstin, Associate Planner
Chairman Bone asked the dollar a~ount impact to the City as a
result of implementation of the Mills Act.
Staff stated the amount would be small. Other cities similar in
size to Tustin with a similar number of properties have realized a
three to five thousand dollar impact after the program has been in
place for five years. The City Council has the ability to stop the
program at any time if the impact becomes too great.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 27, 1997
Page 2
Commissioner Pontious stated that as properties are improved rates
for sales around them would increase and offset property tax
Commissioner Kozak asked how many properties in Tustin were
eligible for contract under the Mills Act and what percentage of
participation might the City expect and for what date the public
workshop was scheduled.
Staff stated there was a total of 271 properties listed in the
survey in the A,B,C and D categories however, participation is
anticipated to be small. The public workshop could be scheduled
within two months of the Council's adoption of the resolution.
Commissioner Pontious asked if there were extra copies of the
survey and if the Commission could have updates to the survey.
Staff will be glad to provide a copy of the survey to any of the
Commissioners and updates as significant events occur.
Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Pontious seconded, to receive and
file this report. Motion carried 5-0.
3. UCLA Extension Workshop Report
Presentation: Rita Westfield, Assistant Director
Commissioner Pontious asked if the Assistant Director would give a
presentation to a joint meeting of the Economic Development
Council/Business Attraction and Retention committees.
The Assistant Director stated she would look into it and see if it
would be possible.
Commissioner Vandaveer asked if anyone from the downtown Merchants
Association had attended the workshop and if not would the
Assistant Director make the report available for the Merchants
The Assistant Director stated that the group was small and none of
the merchants had attended but she will provide copies of the
report for the members of the association.
Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Pontious seconded, to receive and
file this report. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Report on Planninq Area 10/Union Foods; City of Irvine
Presentation: Rita Westfield, Assistant Director
Douq Anderson, Transportation Engineer, stated that Tustin has
recently received the street improvement plans from the City of
Irvine. As part of Planning Area 10 Specific Plan EIR, the Irvine
Company was to improve Myford and Walnut and signalize both Walnut
and Myford and Myford and Michelle intersections. Currently Myford
is totally within the City of Tustin. The easterly side of Myford
will become the new centerline of the street with half of the
street being in the City of Irvine. The City has also received the
first mitigation from the Irvine Company in the form of a check for
$195,000 to be used for other traffic improvements within that area
once development commences.
Chairman Bone stated that there had been concerns from Peppertree
and Laurelwood residents about the pollution which may be generated
from Union Foods.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 27, 1997
Page 3
Doug Anderson stated that Union Foods would have to comply with
South Coast Air Quality Management District requirements including
the installation of air scrubbers on any type of food processing
equipment as well as restaurants in the area.
Chairman Bone asked if the Transportation Corridor was installing
an underground facility.
Douq Anderson stated that there is no direct connection to the I-5
freeway for the west leg of the corridor although it does go under
the freeway. The east leg will connect to the I-5 freeway at Sand
Canyon in the City of Irvine. In the City of Tustin the corridor
will overlay Jamboree just south of Walnut.
Chairman Bone asked if Walnut was to be widened.
Douq Anderson stated that Walnut will be widened to three lanes in
each direction east of Myford.
Commissioner Kozak asked when the channel work would be completed
and road construction begun.
Douq Anderson stated he has not seen the schedule for the
completion of the channel but the traffic management plan is being
finalized currently.
Chairman Bone asked if Walnut would be closed for a period of time.
Doug Anderson stated that the first plan has Walnut closed for
about three days with traffic detoured to Michelle. Afterwards
Michelle would be closed for about ten days with traffic diverted
to Walnut. The City of Tustin has strongly opposed closing both of
the streets but negotiation continues.
Commissioner Pontious moved, Vandaveer seconded, to receive and
file this report. Motion carried 5-0.
Code Amendment to Article 5 of the Tustin City Code, Public
Safety To Require The Paintinq of Materials and Securinq
Devices of Vacant, Boarded-Up Buildinqs
Presentation: Rita Westfield, Assistant Director
Commissioner Vandaveer asked the penalty for violation of the
proposed code amendment.
The Assistant Director stated that code enforcement would send up
to two letters. If, after the second letter, they refused to
comply, a Notice of Violation would be issued and a shorter
compliance time given. Following continued refusal to comply a
citation would be issued.
Commissioner Vandaveer questioned the enforcement ability of this
Lois Bobak, Deputy City Attorney, stated that a property
maintenance issue is considered an on-going violation, and with a
filed complaint a separate fine can be imposed for each violation,
plus additional fees for court costs.
The Assistant Director stated that as a general rule Code
Enforcement has a good success rate for compliance.
Chairman Bone suggested that the language be broadened to include
all building openings.
Commissioner Kozak asked what the scope of the problem was.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 27, 1997
Page 4
The Assistant Director stated she was aware of two violations at
present. A gas station at First and Prospect and the old Cal Fed
building at Red Hill south of the I-5 freeway.
Commissioner Kozak asked if the code amendment would be an
effective tool for staff.
Lois Bobak stated that as a general rule property maintenance
regulations can be applied retroactively to address a situation
that currently exists. The City Attorney has not made a ruling as
to nhat application in this circumstance.
Commissioner Kozak requested that the matter of retroactive
enforcement be addressed when the issue goes before City Council..
Lois Bobak stated she would inform the City Attorney of this
The Planning Commission reviewed the report and suggested language
to include covering of all building openings. A report reflecting
Commission input will be prepared by staff for presentation to the
City Council for public hearing at the June 16, 1997 meeting.
Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Pontious seconded, to receive and
file this report. Motion carried 5-0.
Report on Actions taken at the May 19, 1997 City Council
Presentation: Rita Westfield, Assistant Director
The Assistant Director reported on the subject agenda.
Commissioner Kozak
Thanked staff for the reports submitted to the Commission
and inquired if a verbal report would be presented on the
Irvine Boulevard street widening.
The Assistant Director stated the memo distributed to the
Commission concerning street widening east of Red Hill Avenue
was not intended to be agendized but she or Doug Anderson
would answer any questions the Commission had.
The Commission had no questions.
Commissioner Mitzman
Inquired as to what was being re-built on the north side
of the Tustin Market Place which required tearing up the
parking lot over this past holiday weekend.
Staff is not aware of this activity but will investigate.
- Asked about the blue tarps on the roofs at Sycamore Glen.
Staff stated that there was a suit against the builder which
necessitated that the roofs remain untouched. Letters have
recently been forwarded to the Homeowners Association from the
Building Official requesting removal of the tarps due to the
extended period of time the tarps have been used.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 27, 1997
Page 5
Inquired if the homeowners could be requested to install
tarp that is the same color as the roof.
Commissioner Vandaveer
Stated that upon exiting the freeway at Newport and
Nisson it did not look good to see two closed businesses.
He suggested the lots be consolidated.
Inquired as to how late trucks could load and unload in
a commercial zone which backs up to a residential area.
He has had complaints from the residents on Sixth Street
concerning this activity at the printing company.
The Assistant Director stated there were no restrictions under
zoning but the matter might come under the jurisdiction of the
noise ordinance. She asked Commissioner Vandaveer to provide
the business name. Staff will investigate the matter and send
Code Enforcement to speak to the business operator.
Commissioner Pontious
Stated that the street widening report was good and
accurately described the current status.
Noticed that the gas station building at Newport and
Nisson had been torn down with work on a new project in
progress. She inquired as to what the project was.
Inquired the status of the gas station at Nisson and Red
Hill where the tanks have been removed.
Staff will provide information to the Commission on both of
these sites and report back at the next meeting.
Proposed that the City contact the property owners of the
two lots at Nisson and Newport recommending consolidation
as mentioned by Commissioner Vandaveer. She suggested
that an inquiry may spark interest in consolidation and
result in a business more profitable for the property
owners and better for the City.
Commissioner Bone
- Reported that there is a proliferation of City banners on
the fence at the entrance to the Sports Park.
The Assistant Director will forward the information to Mike
Henley, Director of Community Services.
- Inquired if the City was still working on the recycle
bins at the Red Hill and Walnut Ralphs Market.
Staff affirmed.
- Reported that the State of the City Luncheon will be held
on June 6, 1997 and reservations should be made with the
Chamber of Commerce.
Planning Commission Minutes
May 27, 1997
Page 6
Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Pontious seconded, to adjourn the
meeting at 7:55 p.m. Motion carried 5-0.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission is
on June 9, 1997 beginning at 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 300
Centennial Way, Tustin.
Recording Secretary