HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 CDD WebpageITEM #3
DATE: JUNE 22, 2010
This report is to apprise the Tustin Planning Commission of a number of recent and
planned improvements to the Community Development Department's web page
That the Planning Commission receive and file this report.
Web sites are one of the most professional, effective, easiest and least expensive
methods of providing information to the public, elected and appointed officials, public
agencies and others. Technological and societal changes have opened Internet access
to our workplace, schools, libraries, airports, coffee shops, etc. With a satellite access
card and laptop or handheld device, web access is available virtually anywhere on the
planet. At the same time technology has continued to expand, larger and larger
quantities of excellent information can now be found and shared over the World Wide
Web in a matter of seconds.
The City of Tustin has created a web site at http:/1www.tustinca.org/ intended to provide
information to the community about the City's services and programs. Over the past
several months, the Community Development Department and the City's excellent IT
staff have worked to improve its web page to share enhanced and expanded planning
and building related information and resources to the benefit of the community:
Various reports, forms, documents, maps, etc. are now accessible at no cost 24
hours a day, 365 days a year. This information was previously available only by
visiting City Hall and paying for paper copies at reproduction costs.
Community engagement is now much easier as information about upcoming
events, public hearings, public notices, Planning Commission and City Council
agendas, etc. are instantly accessible and reviewable. No longer must the City
rely solely upon newspaper notices, wooden signs posted on a property, or land
based mail delivery.
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Community Development Web Site
June 22, 1010
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• Citizens can engage in open and direct communication and public participation
through a-mail or phone links to elected and appointed decision makers,
responsible staff, the appropriate city department, and county, state and federal
agency resources.
• Community governance is provided enhanced transparency through the
availability of video links to every Planning Commission and City Council meeting
and workshop.
• Customer service is enhanced as citizen needs are more rapidly addressed.
The recently improved Community Development Department web page contains the
following features:
• Planning and Building office hours are clearly identified.
• Direct linkages are provided to customers seeking Planning and Zoning
information including full color electronic copies of the Tustin General Plan, the
Historic Resources Survey, the Zoning Code, various specific plans including
those developed for East Tustin and MCAS Tustin, the Tustin Zoning Map, Tustin
Sign Code, Housing Element update, and other important documents.
• Information pertaining to the City's Community Development Block Grant
• Recently adopted Codes and Ordinances, such as the Parking Ordinance,
Shopping Cart Ordinance, Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, Old Town
Restaurant and Outdoor Seating Ordinance, etc.
• Electronic copies of various planning and building division flyers, handouts, and
forms (applications, etc.).
• Direct linkages to the Building Division, permit forms, information about the plan
check procedure, a building inspection request link (usually accomplished in 24
hours), electronic copies of codes, alerts, handouts, and general information
regarding issues such as earthquake preparedness.
• Direct linkages to the Code Enforcement Division, allowing online filing of
complaints and reporting of graffiti, providing useful answers and phone
numbers, and allowing online payment of administrative citations.
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Community Development Web Site
June 22, 1010
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A link has been provided to the Planning Commission web page where general
information about the Commission can be found, and specific information about
the next Planning Commission agenda can be obtained or downloaded.
Projects in Progress
The Community Development Department has recently enhanced its web page with a
"Projects in Progress" page. Previously, information about projects under review was
not readily available to citizens and elected and appointed decision makers. Similarly,
project status information was not readily available after project approval. In addition,
information was sometimes lacking regarding larger, complex projects which may have
either been delayed because of the economy or other reasons.
The new page link provides interested parties the opportunity to find and view
information about any current planning project by selecting either its map location or by
locating it on a table located below the map (newest to oldest submitted).
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The web page view above is a screen shot showing the Community Development
Department's "Projects in Progress" web page with a Google Map depicting a street
view of the area. Four clickable boxes at the top right corner of the Google map provide
the web page visitor with options to view the map and project site as 1) a street map
(Default Map), as an oblique aerial (Earth) or perpendicular aerial view (Sat -satellite),
Planning Commission Report
Community Development Web Site
June 22, 1010
Page 4
or a terrain (Ter) view showing area topography. A hand appears when you move the
cursor over the map which you can use to move the map by left-clicking and dragging or
you can use the arrow keys at the top left corner of the map. The + and -sign buttons
also located at the top left corner of the map allow the visitor to zoom in or out from the
project site. A web page visitor may either click a green "push pin" on the Google Map
or scroll down to the blue project title/summary description row (below).
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Clicking anywhere within a blue project title/summary description row (above) opens an
accordion view (see screen shot on next page) revealing specific information about the
project, including identifying direct staff contact information (e-mail address and phone
number), the type of application submitted, the status of application review (i.e.
incomplete, complete, approved, denied, under construction, etc.). This view also links
the visitor to available project related documents related to the application (i.e. public
notices, staff reports, environmental documents, color elevations, photographs of the
site, photo simulations of the project on the site, etc.).
The development process can sometimes be a lengthy process, especially with the
economic downturn. Previously, the interested public had no alternative but to call staff
repeatedly for an update. Staff believes that the "Projects in Process" page is an
exciting step forward in community engagement and transparency by providing the
Planning Commission Report
Community Development Web Site
June 22, 1010
Page 5
public a place they can go to make themselves aware of the status of development
projects in the community. Staff believes that the web site design invites repeat
viewings as interested parties track a particular project's progress through the process
of review, approval and construction, as well as facilitating first time visitors with an
interest in new projects that are proposed in their neighborhoods. The new page
provides a status update and copies of important documents without asking and
eliminates repetitive phone inquiries to staff.
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Staff will continue to keep the Planning Commission apprised as additional web page
enhancements are added in the future. Planned enhancements currently include new
interactive, on-line development application forms, continued development of the City's
Geographical Information System (GIS), possible use of public surveys utilizing "keypad
Staff invites the Planning Commission and interested parties to view the web page prior
to the June 22, 2010 meeting.
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Dana L. Ogdon Elizabeth A. Binsack
Assistant Director Community Development Director
S:1Cdd1PCREPORl120101web page.doc