HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07-22-96MINUTES TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING J~LY 22, 1996 CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Absent: Staff Present: 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers - Commissioner Vandaveer - Commissioner Bone Marjorie Kasalek, Chairwoman Lou Bone, Vice Chairman Howard Mitzman Dave Vandaveer Nanette Lunn Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director Lois Bobak, Deputy City Attorney Sara Pashalides, Associate Planner Greg Gubman, Associate Planner Barbara Reyes, Planning Commission Recording Secretary PUBLIC CONCERNS: No one from the audience addressed the Commission. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Minutes of the July 8, 1996 Planninq Commission Meetinq. Commissioner Bone moved, Vandaveer seconded, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 3-0. Commissioner Mitzman abstained due to his absence at the previous Planninq Commission meetinq. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Conditional Use Permit 96-007 and Desiqn Review 96-016 APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: THE PLANNING CENTER 1300 DOVE STREET, SUITE 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 ATTN: RICK BISHOP PACIFIC BELL 2955 RED HILL AVENUE, SUITE 100 COSTA MESA, CA 92676 ATTN: MIKE FLYNN 1452 EDINGER AVENUE OFFICE CENTER PACIFIC CENTER EAST SPECIFIC PLAN Planning Commission Minutes July 22, 1996 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS PROVISIONS OF SECTION 15303 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. REQUEST: AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH A MAJOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY. DETERMINED TO BE 3) PURSUANT TO THE OF THE CALIFORNIA Recommendation - Pleasure of the Commission Commissioner Bone, abstained due to conflict of interest. Presentation, Greg Gubman, Associate Planner The Public Hearing opened at 7:15 p.m. Rick Bishop, representing the applicant, stated he appreciated the opportunity to address the Commission. Concerning the facility on Campus Drive, recently built by Pacific Bell Mobile Services (PBMS), which was mentioned in the staff report, he noted that the Planning Center has commented to PBMS that they need to redesign that facility. He emphasized that correspondence from the Planning Center on the background and technology of wireless communication and a map indicating the four proposed sites being pursued within the City of Tustin were provided for the Commission. He stated that the major objective in developing the Pacific Bell network is that sites have to be technically feasible. At this location, the technical data requires a 60 foot high facility and the building is approximately 50 feet high. The panels of the antenna are only 8" wide and the Planning Center does not feel that screening is necessary. A new photo board was prepared from the video with 10 photo simulations showing view analysis from eight different prominent locations. The Planning Center thinks this is a very good location, since there are industrial uses on all sides and the 20 acre site is buffered with vegetation along Red Hill and Edinger Avenues. Commissioner Mitzman asked if the photos were hand drawn or computer generated based on scale. Rick Bishop stated that the photo board was made by scanning the photos through the computer. Commissioner Kasalek asked how tall the poles are at the Campus Drive site. She noted it was only a two story building and the poles look huge. Rick Bishop stated he believed the poles to be 8-10 feet in height and that they were painted white, which makes them stand out even more. Commissioner Vandaveer inquired how wide the panels were at the Campus location. Rick Bishop stated that panels were 8" wide and 4~ feet long. The pole and antenna would be a little more than 9 feet. Lois Bobak, Deputy City Attorney, suggested that for the purpose of public record the video should be shown and also a copy of the materials that the Planning Commission received in the mail from Pacific Bell should also be included for the record. Greq Gubman ran and narrated the video which was taken to show the location of the antennas at the site. The Public Hearing closed at 7:30 p.m. Planning Commission Minutes July 22, 1996 Page 3 Commissioner Mitzman stated he was generally in favor of what the applicant is proposing and not as concerned because it is in an industrial area. With the right color on the antennae and the natural screening, this building and this location does not seem very intrusive. He stated however, that if it were in a residential area he would not be in favor of the request. Commissioner Vandaveer stated of the request that if the antenna was screened it would stand out more, and he does not object to this location for the antennae. Commissioner Kasalek stated she had driven to the Newport Beach site and there is no vegetation there at all but at this building because of its size and the size of the lot, she does not think anyone will even notice the antennas. She emphasized that the reason the Commission was pointing out these things was because approval was specifically for this location. Lois Bobak suggested that staff be directed to bring back a resolution of approval for final action at the next Planning Commission meeting. The Director stated that staff has less concern now after viewing the photo board and video than when at first observing the facility at Campus Drive. Staff will prepare a resolution with findings and conditions of approval that implement the requirements of the City's Wireless Communication Ordinance. Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Mitzman seconded, to continue this item to the Consent Calendar of the August 12, 1996 Pl&nning Commission meeting for adoption of an approval resolution. Motion carried 3-0. Commissioner Bone abstained. 3. Conditional Use Permit 96-014 APPLICANT: OWNER: AGENT: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: CHRIST OUR REDEEMER AME CHURCH 4180 MARLTON AVENUE, #33 LOS ANGELES, CA 90066 DONALD GOODELL 16571 CHANNEL LANE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 TOM JACKSON LEE & ASSOCIATES 3991 MAC ARTHUR BLVD. SUITE 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 220 EL CAMINO REAL CENTRAL COMMERCIAL PARKING OVERLAY (C2-P) THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN DETERMINED TO BE CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 3, NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF SMALL STRUCTURES) PURSUANT TO PROVISION OF SECTION 15303 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH A CHURCH Recommendation That the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit 96-014 by adopting Resolution No. 3460. Presentation: Sara Pashalides, Associate Planner Commissioner Bone stated that Tiller Days will not affect the location but he was concerned about the affects of the Chili Cookoff. He stated he did not have a problem with parking at the site but with noise which would be generated from the Chili Cookoff. He wanted to make sure the applicant was aware of the noise. Planning Commission Minutes July 22, 1996 Page 4 Sara Pashalides stated that the Community Service Department gives notification in advance of the event and that street closure will not affect the site since they will have access to the property. Commissioner Bone asked if the distances noted in the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance would be affected if in trying to develop the downtown area a restaurant serving alcoholic beverages was proposed to be located next to the church. The Director stated that the distance requirement in the Ordinance is for off-premises sales, (i.e., a liquor store) and would not affect on-site consumption in conjunction with a restaurant. The Public Hearing opened at 7:40 p.m. Tom Jackson, real estate broker with Lee and Associates, comple- mented staff for the outstanding job done on this project. He stated that the addition of a church would perform a great function for the City. He stated that Don Goodell, the property owner of location, now owns two buildings in Tustin and he appreciated Mr. Goodells' cooperation and interest in the City. The Public Hearing closed at 7:45 p.m. Commissioner Vandaveer stated that parking was not an issue for him. Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Bone seconded, to approve Conditional Use Permit 96-014 by adopting Resolution No. 3460. Motion carried 4-0. 4. Tentative Parcel Map 94-154 APPLICANT/ OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: MATTHEW AND LINDA BOVEE 1100 QUAIL STREET, SUITE 108 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 174 AND 180 EAST MAIN STREET CENTRAL COMMERCIAL-PARKING OVERLAY (C2-P) THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN DETERMINED TO BE CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 15) PURSUANT TO SECTION 15315 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA). TO SUBDIVIDE AN EXISTING ONE ACRE COMMERCIAL/OFFICE PARCEL INTO TWO NUMBERED PARCELS Recommendation - That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3459 recommending that the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map 94-154. Presentation: Sara Pashalides, Associate Planner Commissioner Vandaveer abstained due to conflict of interest. Commissioner Bone stated he had counted only nine parking spaces and asked what the gravel and dirt driveway was which was located to the east of the site. He also asked if this location which was once a restaurant would revert back to restaurant use. Sara Pashalides Stated that there were nine parking spaces located on the map noted at Parcel 1, but that there were also four spaces on the south side so that there was a total of 13 parking spaces. She stated that the dirt driveway was an access easement to a vacant property to the south. Concerning restaurant use, the owner would have to be consulted about that but should the site revert to restaurant use, parking is acceptable for 39 seats. The Public Hearing opened at 7:50 p.m. Planning Commission Minutes July 22, 1996 Page 5 Matthew Bovee, applicant, stated he planned to split the two lots and that they were already separately metered for water and utilities, as well as for separate trash, landscaping and phone service. The purpose of his request as to ease financing and insurance coverage. The Public Hearing closed at 7:51 p.m. Co---issioner Bone moved, Mitzman seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 3459 recommending that the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map 94-154. Motion carried 3-0. Co~missioner Vandaveer abstained. REGULAR BUSINESS: 5. Status Reports Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Mitzman seconded, to receive and file the Status Reports. Motion carried 4-0. STAFF CONCERNS: Report on Actions taken at .the July 15, 1996 City Council Meetinq. Staff reported on the subject agenda. The Director reminded the panel that the City Council will be appointing new Commissioners who will be seated at the August 12, 1996 meeting. A reception will be scheduled prior to this Planning Commission Meeting. COMMISSION CONCERNS: Commissioner Vandaveer - Congratulated Barbara Reyes on her election as Employee of the Year. Commissioner Bone - Expressed congratulations to the Employee of the Year. - Congratulated Commissioner Vandaveer for the nice article concerning him which appeared in the Tustin Weekly. Commissioner Mitzman - Inquired about the concept he previously brought up of placing 4' x 8' signs on properties for public hearing notices. The Director stated it was a good idea and does not know why it has not been instituted. Inquired if it were practical to incorporate the type of video used this evening in presenting other cases to the Commission in the future. The Director stated staff could use their discretion on which cases to video tape the sites and surrounding areas. Planning Commission Minutes July 22, 1996 Page 6 Commissioner Kasalek Congratulated Barbara Reyes for her Employee of the Year award and expressed appreciation for the work done on behalf of the Planning Commission in her capacity as Recording Secretary. Inquired of Commissioner Bone about the Angels in Tustin project held on Saturday. Commissioner Bone stated that 40 people volunteered to help with painting and landscaping on two homes, 525 Main Street and 325 6th Street and that most of the work had been completed so far. He stated that contributions would be appreciated and donations can be forwarded to the Tustin Community Foundation. ADJOURNMENT: Co~m~issioner Vandaveer moved, Mitzman seconded to adjourn to a reception at 6:00 p.m. on August 12, 1996 followed by a regularly scheduled Planning Commission Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Motion carried 4-0. PLANNING COMMISSION RECORDING SECRETARY ~" /. ,:": .,,/ ...... / MARJORIE }(ASALEK Cha i rwoma n