HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 790 (1980) 1
5 The City Council of the Citv of Tustin, California does ordain as follows:
6 I. The Tustin City Code is hereby amended by the amendment of subsection
? b of Section 922t~ to read as follov,s:
i! "b. Conditionally Permitted Uses
9 H Any use permitted in any "R" District is permitted in a Planned Develop-
l0 ii merit District (P-D), sub)ect to a use perFnit. Any application for a
ji use in this disr. rict shall be accompanied by compiete development plans
!l ~! and architectural sketches showing site used for planned development;
' the "&arac.:er and use of adjoining land, the design and charactdr, general
i~ size, location and use of all buildings and structures to be placed on
!Z ,, ._
I, the site and the location and dimensions of streets, parking areas. open
i! '
i 3 i, areas and other uses. -
ill !~ I. Condominiums as defined in Section 1350 of the Civil Code.
15 !! 2. Community apartment project as defined in Section 1100t~
i~ of ~-he Business and Professions Code.
I~ 3. Stock cooperatives as defined in Section 11003.2 of the Business
17 and Professions Code.
18 t4. Bungalow courts.
19 5. Apartment houses.
20 6. One permanent resident manager's office devoted so!ely to
the rental of the dwelling units on the same parcel, provided said
21 office and surrounding grounds retain a residential character.
'22 7. Accessory buildings.
23 8. All uses that are subject to a Conditions[ Use Permit in the
R- 1 District.
9. Senior Citizen developments, rest homes and homes for the
25 aged, provided all provisions set forth for this District are com-
plied with.
10. Home Occupations in accordance with this Chapter.
1 I. Day Nursery. --
The foregoing uses are subject to the following minimum and maximum limitations:
(a) Maximum Height: 30 feet
5 (b) Minimum Building Site: 10,000 square feet
(c) Minimum Lot width at property line: lO0 feet
4 (d) Minimum Front yard setback: as required for primary uses
in the district.
5 ~e) Minimum Side yard setback: as required for primary uses
in the district.
--- '6 (f) Minimum Rear yard setback: as required for primary uses
in the district.
~ 11 (g) Off-street parking: One (1) space for each staff member
I! plus one (1) space for each staff member plus one (1) loading
8 !] space for each eight (g) children. Loading spaces shall be
~ located for easy circulation and shall not interfere with
9 ![ other required parking.
:.~ (h) Building requirements and indoor and outdoor space required
!0 :' per child are established by the City of Tustin Uniform Build-
" ing Code and by the State Department of Social Welfare.
ZZ ~" (i) Outdoor play areas shall be screened from surrounding 'prop-
,~ erties by a 6'8" high solid wall or fence, except when play
Z2 :~ areas abut public park or playfield.
;: :~,. Structures proposed for use as a day nursery or a nursery
~ = :' school shall be inspected and approved by the Fire Depart-
': ment prior to occupancy.
'-'5 i: 2. The T-stLn City Code is hereby amended by ~he amendment of Item t~ to
subsecz-Lcn ~. of 5ection 922t+ to read as follows:
2. Minimum Gross Floor Area
"~ t~ (a) The following uses shall be subject to the following minimum
!9 ]! square feet of gross floor area per unit exclusive of garages,
~ carports and unenclosed porches and patios
20 ~i ' Bachelor Units: 450 square feet
One bedroom Units: 650 square feet
Two bedroom Units: g0O square feet
(b) For each additional bedroom in excess of two bedrooms in
a unit, there shall be an additional I00 square feet of gross
floor area.
3. The Tustin City Code is hereby amended by the amendment of Item 1 to
26 subsection b of Section 9226 to read as follows:.
1. Condominiums as defined in Section 1350 of the Civil Code, com-
28 munity apartment projects as defined in Section 1100t~ of the Business
and Prolessions Code, or stock cooperatives as defined in SecHon I I'003.2
of the Business and Professions Code; and when developed or to be de-
veloped, pursuant to the criteria of the Planned Development District.
tL The Tustin City Code is hereby amended by thg addition thereto of a defi-
nition of the word "unit" in Section 9297 to read as follows:
"Unit" means any building designed or used for the shelter or housing
of one or more persons, and shall include apartments.
5. The Tustin City Code is hereby amended by the amendment o~ the deft-
nition o~ "subdivision" contained in Section 93t 3 to read as ~ollows:
"Subdivision" means the division o~ any improved or unimproved land,
shown on the latest equalized county assessment roll as a unit or as
contiguous units, ~or the purpose o~ sale, lease or financing, whether
immediate or ~umre. Property shall be considered as continuous units,
ever, i~ it is seoarated by roads, services, utility easement or railroad
rights-o~-way. Subdivision includes a condominium project, as dellned
in q~tion !350 of the Civil Code, or a stock cooperative, as defined
in Section 11003.2 o~ the Business and Pro~essions Code, or a community
a~a~ment project, as defined in Section I I00~ o~ the Business and Pro-
~essions Code. The conveyance of land to a governmental agency, public
entzzy or public u~ility could not be considered a division of land for
purposes of computing ~he number of parcels.
6. The Tustin City Code is hereby amended by the amendment to Section
,.=. to ~ follows:
<a, A tentative and final map shall be required for all subdivisions creat-
ing iive or more parcels, five or more condominiums, as defined in Section
783 o~ the Civil Code, or a community apartment project, as defined
in Section 1100~ of the Business and Professions Code, containing five
or more parcels, or a stock cooperative as dellned in Section 11003.2
of the Business and Prolessions Code, containing Hve or more parcels,
except where:
(l.) The land belore division contains less than five acres, each parcel
created by the division abuts upon a maintained public street or
highway and no dedications or improvements are required by the
City Council, or
(2) Each parcel created by the division has a gross area of twenty
(20) acres or more and has an improved access to a maintained
public street or highway, or
(3) The land consists of a Parcel or parcels of land having approved
access to a public street or highway which comprises part of the
tract of land zoned Ior industrial or commercial development~
and which has the approval o~ the City Council as to street align-
ments and widths, or
(4) Each parcel created by the division has a gross area of forty (t~0)
acres or more.
(b) A parcel map shall be required for Those subdivisions described in
subparagraphs (a) (I), (2), (3) and (/$) above.
7. The Tustin City Code is hereby amended by the amendment of Section
9322 to read as follows:
(a) A tentative and final map shall be required for a condominium project,
community apartment project and stock cooperative project, and fees
shah be imposed on the basis of ~he parcel or lots o~ the surface of land
shown thereon as included in a project, including those parcels or lots
s~own in common ownership.
~.~ Tentative and iinal maps ior initial construction or conversion ol
lhe exi. sting structures or residential occupancy shalI conform to the
. .
cr:ter~a ~f the Zoning Ordinance for ~he Residential Plan Development
(RPD~ District.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of T~s:in ~e!d on 20th day of February , 1979.
RU~H C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council
of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the
whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Tustin
is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No.
was duly and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting
of the City Council held on the 5~b day of F~h~rv ·
1979 and was given its second re'a~i~g and duly pa~se~ '~ndL adopted
at a regular meeting held on the ~.~h ._day of Fehr~ar~
1979, by the following vote:
City Cle~City of Tustin, Cali~rnia
Publish Tustin News
March 1, 19 79